Occiput Sentence Examples
Ears of moderate size, oval, erect, prominent, placed near the occiput.
The quadrato-mandibular joint is placed in a level far behind the occiput.
The skull is elongated, with an overhanging occiput, complete bony rims to the orbits, and the premaxillae separated from the arched and rather long nasals.
The position is usually ' Left occiput anterior ' or LOA - occasionally the baby may be Right Occiput Anterior or ROA.
Do you think that Freya was in the occiput posterior position, which would explain why your labor didn't progress faster?
Place one black tourmaline on the base chakra and tape another to where the spine meets the back of the skull at the occiput.
Generally the pain originates in the back area of the head just above the neck, in an area known as the occiput.
The comparison of cranial indexes is rendered difficult by intentional flattening of the forehead and undesigned flattening of the occiput by the hard cradle-board.
The giraffes (Giraffa) are now an exclusively African genus, and have long legs and neck, and three horns - a single one in front and a pair behind - supplemented in some instances with a rudimentary pair on the occiput.
To these is attached the powerful elastic ligament (ligamentum nuchae, or " paxwax ") which, passing forwards in the middle line of the neck above the neural arches of the cervical vertebrae - to which it is also connected - is attached to the occiput and supports the weight of the head.
AdvertisementThe skull is rather large and high in the dome, with a prominent occiput and a gradual stop.
No importance can be attached to the presence of horns as an indication of affinity between Arsinoitherium and the Amblypoda; and there are important differences in the structure of the skulls of the two, notably in the external auditory meatus, the occiput, the premaxill.ae, the palatal foramina and the lower jaw.
Originally nomads (hunters and fishers), all the Finnic people except the Lapps and Ostyaks have long yielded to the influence of civilization, and now everywhere lead settled lives as herdsmen, agriculturists, traders, &c. Physically the Finns (here to be distinguished from the Swedish-speaking population, who retain their Scandinavian qualities) are a strong, hardy race, of low stature, with almost round head, low forehead, flat features, prominent cheek bones, eyes mostly grey and oblique (inclining inwards), short and flat nose, protruding mouth, thick lips, neck very full and strong, so that the occiput seems flat and almost in a straight line with the nape; beard weak and sparse, hair no doubt originally black, but, owing to mixture with other races, now brown, red and even fair; complexion also somewhat brown.