Obstructed Sentence Examples
This portion is obstructed by rapids.
The attempt made by the British Euphrates expedition in 1841 to connect Aleppo with the sea by steamer through the nearest point on the Euphrates, Meskine, failed owing to the obstructed state of the stream and the insecurity of the riparian districts.
Port Shepstone is situated at the mouth of the river, which, like that of all others in Natal, is obstructed by a bar.
Until now, the Council has obstructed his efforts, but that is no longer true.
The northern part of the Gran Chaco is partly wooded and swampy, and as the slope eastward is very gentle and the rivers much obstructed by sand bars, floating trees and vegetation, large areas are regularly flooded during rainy seasons.
Grimsby was an important seaport, but the haven became obstructed by sand and mud deposited by the Humber, and so the access of large vessels was prevented.
Passages obstructed by landslips.
The terminal branches of the arteries supplying these organs are usually described as not anastomosing but many, if not all, of Cohnheim's end-arteries have minute collateral channels; which, however, are usually insufficient to completely compensate for the blocking that may occur in these arteries, therefore, when one of them is obstructed, the area irrigated by it dies from malnutrition.
The road was so obstructed with carts that it was impossible to get by in a carriage.
Its course is very tortuous, the current rapid, and the channel much obstructed by snags.
AdvertisementThe lesser of these lies towards the east, and its entrance is obstructed by a barrier of rocks, so as to admit the entrance of but one ship at a time.
Presented to parliament in November 1898, the bill was read a second time in the following spring, but its third reading was violently obstructed by the Socialists, Radicals and Republicans of the Extreme Left.
Both in England and in America this process of consolidation has been obstructed by all known legislative devices, because of the widespread belief that competition in the field of transportation was necessary if fair prices were to be charged for the service.
These streams are navigable for short distances, but are obstructed by sand-bars at their mouths, that of Cotinguiba being especially dangerous.
Most of the rivers flowing into the Gulf are obstructed by sand-bars and navigable only during high-water from January to April.
AdvertisementIt issues from the south-west corner of Lake Ladoga in two channels, which are obstructed by sandstone reefs, so that the better of the two has a depth of only 7 to 16 ft.
The coastal plain consists in great part of sandy beaches, detritus formations, and partially submerged areas caused by uplifted beaches and obstructed river channels.
The various channels of its delta are also obstructed with sand-banks in the dry season.
These Chaco rivers are obstructed by sand bars and snags, which could be removed only by an expenditure of money unwarranted by the present population and traffic. In the southern pampa.
It is often very desirable to have the quay space as little obstructed by the cranes as possible, so as not to interfere with railway traffic; this has led to the introduction of cranes mounted on high trucks or gantries, sometimes also called " portal " cranes.
AdvertisementIsabella had been for many years prepared, and she and Ferdinand, now that the proposal for this new tribunal came before them, saw in it a means of overcoming the independence of the nobility and clergy by which the royal power had been obstructed.
One consequence of this is that the bed of the river just below Hamburg is obstructed by a bar, and still lower down is choked with sandbanks, so that navigation is confined to a relatively narrow channel down the middle of the stream.
The central part of the obstructed area very soon undergoes degenerative changes, and rapidly becomes decolourized.
The mouth of the main stream is obstructed by a bar of its own formation; the current is sluggish; there are many side channels, and the appearance of the lake gives no hint that a great river has joined its waters.
The king obstructed the river so that the enemy could not bring up their ships, and they therefore abandoned them.
AdvertisementThe lake never freezes over, and is less obstructed by ice than the other lakes, but the harbours are closed by ice from about the middle of December to the middle of April.
But this governor was obstructed and misrepresented by local politicians as vehemently as his predecessors and his successors.
When the war broke out it was her troops who first received hostile fire in Baltimore, and turning their mechanical training to account opened the obstructed railroad to Washington.
The harbour entrance is somewhat obstructed by sand bars, so that extensive government work has been necessary to open and maintain a channel for large draft ocean vessels.
Ban Jellacic, though loyal to the Emperor, had given expression to their aspirations towards unity as early as 1848; but Francis Joseph handed over the Croats and Serbs to Magyar domination (1867), and Dalmatia, the territory of the Austrian Croats, had been neglected by Vienna for years past; thus it was not till the years immediately preceding the war that it was rapidly developed by the construction of ports and railways and the encouragement of tourist traffic. The Slovenes, who inhabited Carinthia and Carniola, had less grounds for discontent, for the barren Karst had been afforested at the expense of the state; but though they were at the very gate of Serbia, they suffered from a shortage of meat, for Hungary obstructed the traffic in livestock in the interests of her great territorial magnates, and Austria bore the brunt of this.
The harbour of Tetuan is obstructed by a bar, over which only small vessels can pass, and the roadstead, sheltered to the N., N.W.
The river-mouths are obstructed by sand bars and admit small vessels only.
Eberhard stated the arguments for the broader view with dignity, acuteness and learning, but the liberality of the reasoning gave great offence to the strictly orthodox divines, and is believed to have obstructed his preferment in the church.
Nearly all the Gulf coast rivers, however, are obstructed by bars owing to the quantity of silt brought down from the sierras and the prevailing winds and currents on the coast.
This coast has no bays of importance, its rivers are obstructed by sandbars, and it has only one natural harbour - that of Carmen and the Laguna de Terminos, which has sufficient depth for the larger classes of vessels and is sheltered by the islands of Carmen and Puerto Real.
Of the principal ports on this coast, Matamoros, Tampico, Tuxpan, Coatzacoalcos and Frontera are on rivers, which are obstructed by bars.
The island thus divides the seaward approach to St Petersburg into two channels; that on the northern side is obstructed by shoals which extend across it from Kotlin to Lisynos on the Finnish mainland, and is only passable by vessels drawing less than 15 ft.
The harbour-mouth is obstructed by a bar, and there is a pier for large vessels at Ring, a mile below the town.
Though a few Unionists transferred their allegiance, notably Mr. Winston Churchill, and by-elections went badly, Mr Balfour still commanded a considerable though a dwindling majority, and the various contrivances of the opposition for combining all free-traders against the government were obstructed by the fact that anything tantamount to a vote of censure would not be supported by the "wobblers" in the ministerial party, while the government could always manage to draft some "safe" amendment acceptable to most of them.
The former has recently been explored by Andre, who found it greatly obstructed by falls and rapids; the latter is about Boo m.
In the dry season, however, it is obstructed by reefs, sandbanks, shallows, snags, trees and floating timber from the "Apostadero" up, so that even canoes find its ascent difficult, while savage hordes along its banks add to the dangers to be encountered.
Between the Guaviare and the Meta the Orinoco is obstructed by the famous Maipures cataract, where, in several channels, it breaks.
In its natural condition there were bars in the Delaware river below Philadelphia which obstructed the navigation of vessels drawing more than 17-20 ft.
The navigation of the stream is considerably obstructed by sandbanks, but vessels of 200 tons can unload at the quays, which, with the town and Friarton harbours, lie below the South Inch.
All the outlet channels of the river are obstructed by bars built up by the strong current along the Atlantic coast, and only vessels of light draught can enter.
Two main barriers still obstructed the realization of his ambition,which now embraced Greece arid Thessaly, as well as Albania, and the establishment in the Mediterranean of a sea-power which should rival that of the dey of Algiers.
The bays on this coast are commonly broad indentations, and the rivers discharging into them are generally obstructed by bars.
As the mouth of the river is obstructed by a bar and its current is swift, the anchorage is outside in an open roadstead, only slightly protected on the south.
The passage north of Puna Island is known as the Morro channel, but its entrance is obstructed by shoals and it is considered dangerous for shipping.
Many of the rivers, especially those of the west coast, are obstructed by bars at their mouths that render them difficult of access.
The port consists of an outer harbour, the so-called "rade" (roadstead) and the port proper, and occupies the course of the Adour from its mouth, which is obstructed by a shifting bar, to the Pont St Esprit, and the course of the Nive as far as the Pont Mayou.
There are some small harbours for coasting vessels of light draught along the coast of central Chile, usually at the partially obstructed mouths of the larger rivers, as San Antonio near the mouth of the Maipo, Constitucion at the mouth of the Maule, and Llico on the outlet of Lake Vichuquen, but there is no harbour of importance until Concepcion (or Talcahuano) Bay is reached.
Many of the socalled ports are only landing-places on an open coast, others are on shallow bays and obstructed river-mouths, and some are little-known harbours among the channels and islands of the south.
The eastern branch, called the Furo, is the one used by boats, as the main channel is obstructed by rapids.
It flows through a nearly level country with so sluggish a current that its channels are greatly obstructed.
Near the Paraguay there are several of these lakes, partly caused by obstructed outlets, such as Bahia Negra, Caceres, Mandiore, Gaiba and Uberaba, some of them of sufficient depth to be navigable by small craft.
When the British had gained possession of Philadelphia, in September 1777, their communication between that city and the ocean through the Lower Delaware was obstructed on the New Jersey side by Fort Mercer, commanded by Colonel Christopher Greene, at Red Bank; three battalions of Hessians under Colonel Karl Emil Kurt von Donop attacked the fort on the 22nd of October, but they were repulsed with heavy loss.
The entrance to the harbour was obstructed by a formidable sand bar, but as the result of dredging operations there is now a minimum depth of water at the opening of the channel into the bay of over 30 ft., with a maximum depth of over 33 ft.
The discovery of the gold-mines on the Rand greatly increased the importance of the port, and renewed efforts were made to remove the bar which obstructed the entrance to the bay.
The Missouri river is often closed by ice, and the Mississippi at St Louis, partly because it is obstructed by bridges, sometimes freezes over so that for weeks together horses and wagons can cross on the ice.
In almost every instance the mouths of the rivers are obstructed by sand bars.
In laying off receiving drains it is essential to give hedgerows and trees a good offing, lest the conduit be obstructed by the roots.
Between the latter and the confluence with the Araguay, the Tocantins is occasionally obstructed by rocky barriers which cross it almost at a right angle.
In the dry season it has shallows, and is obstructed by sandbanks, a few rapids and granite rocks.
Although the Terni is somewhat obstructed, it is believed that it could easily be made navigable for small craft.
It is here obstructed by a sand-bar over which there is 12-14 ft.
The object of this sympathetic resentment, impelling us to punish, is what we call injustice; and thus the remarkable stringency of the obligation to act justly is explained, since the recognition of any action as unjust involves the admission that it may be forcibly obstructed or punished.
The draining of the Donau-moos between Neuburg and Ingolstadt, commenced in 1791, was successfully completed about 1835; and in 1853 the removal of the rocks which obstructed the river below Grein was finally achieved; while at Vienna itself the whole mass of the Danube was conducted nearer the town for a distance of nearly 2 m.
The rivers of Africa are generally obstructed either by bars at their mouths or by cataracts at no great distance up-stream.
The harbour is well protected from the winds, and the tide, which rises and falls here about 25 ft., prevents it from being obstructed with ice.
Furthermore, submucosal fibroids can increase the chances of postpartum hemorrhage, obstructed labor, stalled labor and cesarean section.
The route was illegally obstructed and overgrown with brambles and other vegetation.
However, the neck of the bladder may be obstructed by a large prostate, causing difficulty in urine flow.
Their loading bay was often obstructed by builders skips and other debris, forcing large articulated trucks to park on the busy roadside.
The mortality associated with an acutely obstructed volvulus may be up to 50% .
How would you like it if the access to your drive at home was obstructed by someone else's vehicle?
The mortality associated with an acutely obstructed volvulus may be up to 50 %.
If the urinary tract is obstructed, coma and death can occur within 24 hours.
Furniture was one of those since he felt too much furniture obstructed and cluttered the design of a room.
Keep all centerpieces short enough that people can converse freely across the table without having their vision obstructed.
Neither the portholes nor the windows can usually be opened, and some ocean view cabins have obstructed views from lifeboats, deck supports, or other features.
Like ocean view cabins, balconies may also be partially obstructed.
If the beam is obstructed, the door will not close.
Loud snoring can be especially disruptive to the snorer's spouse, and may require medical attention if the snoring person's breathing is actually obstructed.
An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists can help patients who may require surgery for structural problems that lead to obstructed breathing during sleep.
These types of pillows elevate the head to help create a clear passageway so breathing doesn't become obstructed, which can result in snoring.
When airflow in the nose or throat is obstructed, snoring results.
Some lifestyle choices can cause a person's airway to become obstructed, which results in snoring.
As far as style is concerned, try choosing a wrap style with thin legs so that the lenses offer a snug fit but your peripheral vision isn't obstructed.
Make sure the child is in a comfortable posture, lying on his or her side, so the airway does not become obstructed by drool or mucus.
Continued problems often develop because there are also obstructed ducts within the liver that cannot be surgically treated.
Called the Kasai procedure or hepatoportoenterostomy, the obstructed ducts are replaced with sections from the infant's intestines.
In rare cases of mononucleosis, breathing may be obstructed because of swollen tonsils, adenoids, and lymph glands.
Whenever flow is obstructed in the body-urine, bile, mucus, or any other liquid-infection follows.
Ureters can be obstructed anywhere along their course, though the ureterovesical valve is the most common place.
A score of 4, 5, or 6 requires immediate intervention, usually in the form of oxygen and respiratory assistance or in the form of suctioning if breathing has been obstructed by mucus.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, in which the blood flow through the left side of the heart is obstructed, is the most common congenital heart defect that is a candidate for prenatal surgery.
When capillaries become obstructed, a life-threatening condition called sickle cell crisis is likely to occur.
The obstructed area is removed and part of the bowel is cut away (bowel resection).
Children develop otitis media because the eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear with the back of the mouth and equalize air pressure and drain fluid are small and easily obstructed.
This defect is thought to be a result of an obstructed lymphatic system compressing the aorta during fetal development.
Sometimes when airways are obstructed, the patient is given a bronchodilator, and the test is performed again.
When this happens, the intestines cannot function properly and are said to be obstructed.
When the ventricles are obstructed, the CSF cannot circulate and be absorbed.
The most common malformation is a narrowed, obstructed duodenum (the part of the intestine into which the stomach empties).
If you have the window obstructed with a large piece of furniture, you are not only blocking out valuable natural light, but you are preventing the positive chi energy from entering your home.
Especially if you are going trick or treating, you don't want your child's view of the world to be obstructed, so just leave this part of the costume off.
When you get to the seat you want (there is no bad seat as there are no blind spots or obstructed views) sit back and relax.
Practice standing meditation to release obstructed areas of the body.
Then, glancing at the obstructed road before them, she added nervously, "Do you think we're on the right track?"
The Trengganu river is obstructed by impassable rapids at a distance of about 30 m.
Although the northern and southern extremities of Goyaz lie within two great river systems - the Tocantins and Parana - the upper courses of which are navigable, both of them are obstructed by falls.
The Public Safety Bill for the reform of the police laws, taken over by him from the Rudini cabinet, and eventually promulgated by royal decree, was fiercely obstructed by the Socialist party, which, with the Left and Extreme Left, succeeded in forcing General Pelloux to dissolve the Chamber in May 1900, and to resign office after the general election in June.
In ordinary circumstances, where the artery is obstructed by an agent free from such organismal contamination, the part becomes first red.
The first named, the longest river in the colony, though obstructed by a bar like all western, - and most eastern, - New Zealand rivers, is navigable for some 70 m.
The Potoccy, whose possessions in south Poland and the Ukraine covered thousands of square miles, the Radziwillowie, who were omnipotent in Lithuania and included half a dozen millionaires`' amongst them, the Lubomirscy and their fellows, hated the Czartoryscy because they were too eminent, and successfully obstructed all their well-meant efforts.
One of the most remarkable features of this province is seen in the temporary course taken by the Columbia river across the plains, while its canyon was obstructed by Pleistocene glaciers that came from the Cascade Mountains on the north-west.
The most frequented port on this part of the coast is that of Bahia de Caraquez, at the mouth of the Caraquez, or Caracas river, which is also obstructed by a bar.
The infantry passing before him came to a halt without any command being given, apparently obstructed by something in front.