Obstacle Sentence Examples
It would remove the obstacle between you and your mate.
This friend had not considered it an obstacle to ordination.
There was no obstacle to the continued exercise of his firm and reasonable will.
The back of the greatest obstacle in the path of progress is broken.
The greatest obstacle to agriculture is lack of water.
The adoption issue that had been an obstacle for Carmen so long now appeared to be fair in her eyes.
Hopefully, hopefully, that would be the largest obstacle Evelyn faced in explaining the situation to her.
Despite being over six feet tall, Charles was no more of an obstacle than Jessi's small body.
You don't trash a marriage the first time an obstacle comes along.
Even Alex had to know that was a major obstacle.
AdvertisementOn the electromagnetic theory, the problem of diffraction becomes definite when the properties of the obstacle are laid down.
Some mysterious obstacle intervened.
It was obviously no obstacle, considering you've got your coffee and your bed is empty.
Evelyn removed the obstacle from the door and snagged the tarantula cat as it darted past her.
In Italy public opinion as a whole was favorable to the visit, especially as it was not considered an obstacle to the projected increase of the army and navy.
AdvertisementTo the south the rivulet of the Mance soon forms a formidable obstacle as its bed cuts its way through the sandstone.
The principal obstacle, however, was the incompatibility of the popes' Byzantine and Italian policies.
Their biggest obstacle is learning to appreciate their inner self as much as their outer shell.
The Po, however, forms somewhat of an obstacle, but is crossed by the main lines to Modena and Bologna near Mantua and Rovigo respectively.
Every obstacle was opposed to the collection of the taxes which had been voted to put the kingdom in a state of defence.
AdvertisementThe delay, together with the proposal of John Jay, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs and commissioner to negotiate a commercial treaty with the Spanish envoy, to surrender navigation rights on the lower Mississippi for twenty-five years in order to remove the one obstacle to the negotiations, aroused so much feeling that General James Wilkinson and a few other leaders began to intrigue not only for a separation from Virginia, but also from the United States, and for the formation of a close alliance with the Spanish at New Orleans.
This uncertainty in the wheat crop extends to the southern limits of the higher plateau, and is a serious obstacle to the increased production of this cereal.
With ordinary horses, however, it is a good general rule to ride at fences of all descriptions as slowly as the nature of the obstacle admits.
This evidently prevents substances not intended for food getting into the mouth, as when the animal is engaged in gnawing through an obstacle.
The lowlands of Britain, with their partly Romanized and partly scanty population and their easy physical features, presented no obstacle.
AdvertisementNot only was its very existence an obstacle to .the T he Parcy a n d the spread of their temporal power in the peninsula, Norman but it frequently acted in concert with the pope 's Kingdom enemies and thwarted the papal policy.
The obstacle due to lack of coal is offset by the splendid water powers 'afforded by the rapid streams in all parts of the province.
The great bulk of the code was an obstacle to the multiplication of copies of it, whilst the necessity for them was in a great degree superseded by the publication from time to time of synopses and encheiridia of its contents, composed by the most eminent jurists, of which a very full account will be found in the Histoire au droit byzantin, by the advocate Mortreuil, published in Paris in 1846.
The river was a serious obstacle; the Italian defence was sound; it was clear that prolonged and careful preparation was necessary.
Further, a number of statutes were passed with the object of putting every possible obstacle in the way of Catholics educating their children in their own creed, or of inheriting or buying land.
To meet this obstacle P. Manhes proposed elevated side tuyeres, which could be kept clear by punching through gates in a wind box.
The antiquated Riksdag, where the privileged estates predominated, while the cultivated middle class was practically unrepresented, had become an insuperable obstacle to all free development; but, though the Riksdag of 1840 itself raised the question, the king and the aristocracy refused to entertain it.
The higher plateau is devoted almost exclusively to cattleraising, once the principal industry of the state, though recurring seccas have been an insuperable obstacle to its profitable development.
With the elimination of the republics one great obstacle to federation was removed; while the establishment of self-government in the new colonies, promised (after a probationary period of " representative institutions") in No.
However, the younger Stoics endeavoured to meet the assaults of their persistent critic Carneades by suggesting various modes of testing a single presentation, to see whether it were consistent with others, especially such as occurred in groups, &c.; indeed, some went so far as to add to the definition " coming from a real object and exactly corresponding with it " the clause " provided it encounter no obstacle."
Cromwell's fall was the result, and the chief obstacle to the repudiation of his wife being thus removed, Henry declared the marriage had not been and could not be consummated; and did not scruple to cast doubts on his wife's honour.
In the earlier stages of approximation the obstacle thus arising may not be important; but when the thickness of the layer of air is reduced to the point at which the colours of thin plates are visible, the approximation must be sensibly resisted by the viscosity of the air which still remains to be got rid of.
The second obstacle is surmounted by the aid of the stroboscopic method of observation, the light being intermittent in the period of vibration, so that practically only one phase is seen.
The rapids, or porogs, form a serious obstacle to navigation; it is only for a few weeks when the river is in flood that they are passable, and even then the venture is not without risk and can only be undertaken with the assistance of special pilots.
Before the obstacle to his admission was overcome, he had received a remarkable accession to his private fortune.
The Salween cuts the British Shan States nearly in half, and is a very formidable natural obstacle.
The avowed object of the Free State was to develop the resources of the territory with the aid of the natives, but it early became apparent that the Arab slave-traders, who had established themselves in the country between Lake Tanganyika and Stanley Falls and on the upper river, opposed a serious obstacle to the realization of this programme.
The pass over the Karakoram (18,500 ft.) is the most formidable obstacle on the main trade route between Leh and Kashgar.
But the first obstacle to be dealt with was the presence of the enemy within the walls.
Besides this, the extreme unhealthiness of its most productive regions, the Choco and Barbacoas districts on the Pacific slope, has been a serious obstacle to foreign enterprise.
Civil wars have of course been a serious obstacle, but it was announced by President Reyes in 1907 that the revenues were increasing.
There is just one obstacle in the way of confederation, and that is the British flag.
The privileged position of the Cape native was seen to be an obstacle to the federation of South Africa.
She herself grew more cautious and conservative than ever, and was regarded as an obstacle by the hotheads in war and religion.
By the management of the princewho later in the reign was known as the prince consortthe great ladies of the household voluntarily tendered their resignations; and every obstacle to the formation of the new government was in this way removed.
Silver, lead and iron ores occur in several localities; but the want of fuel is an obstacle to their exploitation.
The new fiscal system taxed men according to their means and raised no obstacle to commerce within the national boundaries.
For thorough-going deter minism of the older type the dependence of morality upon freedom did not of necessity prove an obstacle.
The discovery, just one hundred years after the publication of Newton's Principia, of its dependence upon the slowly varying eccentricity of the earth's orbit signalized the removal of the last conspicuous obstacle to admitting the unqualified validity of the law of gravitation.
But although this band of free-lances was a menace to Mr Redmond's authority and to the solidarity of the " pledge-bound" Irish parliamentary party, the two sections did not differ in their desire to get rid of the " veto " of the House of Lords, which they recognized as the standing obstacle to Home Rule, and which it was the avowed policy of the government to abolish.
Robespierre, however, found him an obstacle to his religious schemes, and involved him in the fate of the Hebertists.
They are deeply separated by religious differences, and their mutual jealousies, their inordinate vanity, English Miles 0 5 io 20 30 40 50 Railways Capitals of Vilayets &c. C Longitude East 42 of Greenwich their versatility and their cosmopolitan character must always be an obstacle to the realization of the dreams of the nationalists.
From Khartum he proceeded up the White Nile to Gondokoro, where he arrived in twenty-four days, the sudd, which had proved such an obstacle to Baker, having been removed since the departure of the latter by the Egyptian governor-general.
Profiting by these reverses the elector then undertook a series of internal reforms, tending to strengthen the central authority, and to mitigate the constant lack of money, which was perhaps his chief obstacle to success; a work in which he was aided by George, count of Waldeck (1620-1692), who became his chief adviser about this time.
From all indications, they were people who went rabbit hunting with machine guns, blazing away at any obstacle in their path with total disregard for the subtleties of life, like seeking out records under assumed names and following their prey from afar.
The first obstacle was the climb up slimy mud to a higher level.
On the electric theory, now generally not small, the scattered ray depends upon the shape and not merely upon the volume of the small obstacle.
He had offered no obstacle in 1704 to a match proposed for Stella to Dr William Tisdall of Dublin, and, with his evident delight in the society of the dark-haired, brighteyed, witty beauty - a model, if we may take his word, of all that woman should be - it seemed unaccountable that he did not secure it to himself by the expedient of matrimony.
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."
He behaved with extraordinary skill, displaying in the heat of the conflict all the abilities of an experienced conspirator, knowing, "like the snail, how to draw in his horns as soon as he met with an obstacle" (Thiers), but supple, resourceful and unscrupulous as to the choice of men and means in his obstinate struggle for power.
Although some tax credits and rebates are available from both state and federal sources, many homeowners will still find the cost an insurmountable obstacle.
When it comes to geothermal energy, location can be an obstacle since there are very few areas where geothermal power can actually be harvested.
Wind turbine construction is subject to local building codes, which may present a major obstacle in some areas.
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to faux painting is overcoming the fear of creating perfection.
The first obstacle cruise travelers face is finding the port.
The only obstacle is choosing which ship is the best for your cruise travel expectations.
In this sport, both dog and owner work together as a team to complete an obstacle course in the shortest amount of time, and the pace can be downright frantic!
Agility - A high energy sport, Agility is an obstacle course competition that requires dog and owner to work together as a team.
The major obstacle is finding button fly pants in larger sizes.
However the good news is found in the wide variety of pharmaceutical and intellectual resources available to overcome such an obstacle in later life.
The lenses are polycarbonate, so they're unlikely to shatter, and the tinted, polarized lenses make glare less of an obstacle.
Many need vision correction and this can be an obstacle if you like to swim.
Of course, you'll encounter an obstacle or two as things blow up all around you (mostly your doing, though, I suppose).
Play dodgeball, a simple form of baseball, sliding Runt through obstacle courses; just little quick and easy games that will wile away some of your time.
Train your puppy to catch frisbees or run an obstacle course.
The creek is being blocked by some kind of obstacle.
The Golden Child is the only one who can remove this obstacle.
The best way to overcome an obstacle, especially in video games, is to practice.
Producing sufficient quantities of the vaccine to immunize all children against chickenpox has proven to be a major obstacle.
This is an obstacle for some young people who do not want their parents contacted, even though the shelter does not press them to return home.
If you have an obstacle in your room, such as a chair or couch, then the chi energy will stop right there and very little, if any, will flow through the rest of your home.
If you find that furniture is an obstacle to you being able to navigate through the room, then move the furniture to open up the pathway.
Coat desired area with a consistent layer of cream - thick enough to cover hair but not so thick to be an obstacle to the razor.
You have a certain number of seconds to get through an obstacle course you build.
Thoughtshot asks you to shoot the ball from inside the cannon obstacle into the funnel obstacle.
Five different games and an adjustable obstacle course allow you to move the ball in various ways, simply by the power of your thoughts and imagination.
With all the car's lively response features and hot-shot moves, the toy's creators also added obstacle avoidance sensors so you don't have to worry about crashing or running into things.
While there are lots of advantages to online dating, there is also the obstacle of not being able to meet face to face.
How your ex feels about you marrying a friend of hers can be another obstacle.
Another obstacle may be your desire for your children to like your new wife.
Brides-to-be frequently take their lifestyles into account when choosing a ring so that it does not become an obstacle to their lives and it stands less chance of being lost or damaged.
Aries can overcome any obstacle and yet lack logic in doing so.
It's just her nature; you'll either learn to live with it, or it will turn it into an insurmountable obstacle in your relationship.
This self-confidence can be an obstacle for some couples, but you can hold your own with this man if you're equally self-confident.
Young viewers are encouraged to help Dora overcome her obstacle and reach her goal.
Set up an obstacle course with any items you might have on hand, such as hay bales, wheelbarrows, garbage cans, tires, logs, hula goops, boxes to crawl through, etc… Have kids take turns going through the obstacle course.
For children over the age of nine or ten, they'll have a blast creating their own obstacle course using what is already in the backyard.
Teams can be established for a obstacle course relay by having a variety of obstacles that team members take turns tackling.
Posting your progress on a publicly-accessible website makes you accountable to others, which makes you less likely to give up on your goal when you face an obstacle.
Communication is a very difficult obstacle many autistic individuals face.
For example, if you are working toward establishing an advertising budget and one of the people you need to talk to is on vacation-that's an obstacle.
Another obstacle was the recommended amount of dairy.
The second obstacle was the amount of salad that is recommended with meals.
One obstacle many beginners face is willpower.
French long distance learning effectively removes this obstacle so that you can enroll in a course or achieve a degree; it makes all things possible!
When the customer lives in a rural setting, however, the biggest obstacle may be finding repair people who are willing to make the trek out to the house.
Set up an outdoor challenge game that resembles an obstacle course.
You can even rent an inflatable obstacle course and concession machines (popcorn, snow cone, cotton candy) to provide a snack time recharge in between bounces.
Even children who have never seen a single episode of the show can enjoy an afternoon of obstacle courses and relay races.
Any outdoor party game can be appropriate, including relay races, a balloon toss, obstacle courses, and more.
These phases usually involve an obstacle and some kind of surprise to keep the contestants on edge.
Fortunately for the Germans the Canal du Nord proved a sufficiently formidable obstacle to give pause to the First Army's progress.
A series of partial assaults by the various front-line divisions having had little result it became evident that a deliberate attack would be necessary to overcome this obstacle.
These outer defences consisted of two strongly fortified lines, the first of which had been the German outpost line in the spring of 1917 and the British main line of resistance before March 1918, and the second the British outpost line corresponding to this main line - a less formidable obstacle about a mile farther east.
In view of the fact that the First and Third British Armies were faced with strong positions in the Canal du Nord and the Scheldt canal, which it was advisable to carry prior to the general attack on the Hindenburg line behind the latter obstacle, it was decided that these two armies should open their operations a day earlier than the Fourth Army, so as to draw off the German reserves from the front of that army, which had to deliver the main attack and was faced with the most formidable defences.
The plan was to cross the obstacle here and then to expand the front of attack to a frontage of some 9 m.
Its importance lay in its strategic position near the head of the defile which presents the last serious obstacle to an invader in central Greece.
At the same time this difficulty is only one aspect of a wider difficulty which cannot be lightly passed over; Maxwell himself regarded it as the principal obstacle in the way of the full acceptance of the theory of which he was so largely the author.
Thereupon, feeling himself to be the obstacle to better conditions, Charles Albert abdicated in favour of his son Victor Emmanuel.
Along the front of his fortress was built a heavy detached wall, loop-holed for fire, and sufficiently high to be a most formidable obstacle.
By 1755 the obstacle to westward expansion had been thus reduced by half; outposts of the English colonists had penetrated the Allegheny and Cumberland plateaus, threatening French monopoly in the transmontane region, and a conflict became inevitable.
To its unification Austria was the chief obstacle; she owned Lombardo-Venetia; she controlled the three duchies, whose rulers were Austrian princes; and she upheld the autocracy of the king of Naples and that of the pope against all revolutionary movements.
In the heyday of his youth his high spirits and passion for adventure enabled him to surmount every obstacle with elan.
As Bruges was accessible by canal from Ostend, Ostend was to be blocked at the same time by the old cruisers" Brilliant "and" Sirius."The main obstacle to th3 enterprise lay in the powerful batteries.
The obstacle is that, owing to unavoidable irregularities in the blast-furnace process, the siliconand sulphur-content of the cast iron vary to a degree and with an abruptness which are inconvenient for any conversion process and intolerable for the Bessemer process.
Russia, regarding it as the main obstacle to the possession of the Black Sea littoral, besieged it in 1737, when it was captured by Marshal Miinnich, but in the following year it was abandoned, and in 1739 restored to Turkey.
They are also in all cases bordered by raised footways on both sides, paved in a similar manner; and for the convenience of foot-passengers, which was evidently a more important consideration than the obstacle which the arrangement presented to the passage of vehicles, which indeed were probably only allowed for goods traffic, these are connected from place to place by stepping-stones raised above the level of the carriage-way.
His father's second wife, Elizabeth Farnese, was a managing woman, who had no affection except for her own children, and who looked upon her stepson as an obstacle to their fortunes.
The absence of forests, which cover hardly 3% of the total area of the island, constitutes a serious obstacle to the prosperity of Sicilian pastoral and agrarian undertakings.
The system devised might have been justifiable as a check on a retrograde government, but was wholly inapplicable to a reforming government and a serious obstacle to the attainment of national prosperity.
These citizens were an obstacle to the town's admission to the New Haven Jurisdiction, which was formed in 1643, but in the following year a compromise was effected and Milford was admitted on condition that, in the future, suffrage should be granted only to church members and that none of the objectionable six should be elected to any office of the Jurisdiction.
A similar obstacle lies in the way of using a certain native form of active silica, viz.
Albert Hall Lord Rosebery advised them to concentrate upon the reform of the House of Lords, that assembly being, as he said, a foremost obstacle to the passing of legislation on the lines of the Newcastle programme; but he was unable to suggest in what direction it should be reformed.
Thiselton-Dyer has pointed out, what is called "specific stability" is a familiar obstacle to the producer of novelties, but one which he frequently succeeds in breaking down by cultural and other methods.
Bats also are very numerous, especially in the eastern forest region, where the vampire bat is a serious obstacle to permanent settlement.
The great poverty of the people has been a serious obstacle to the development of a larger commerce.
After the Phoenicians, Babylonians, and Arabs came the Persians; though they never aspired to command of the seas and are indeed not a maritime race, the Persian Gulf was no obstacle to them, and at one time or another they occupied Muscat and parts of Oman and Bahrein, and penetrated into the greater part of Arabia.
In many polygamous countries the practical obstacle of expense prevents men from taking advantage of their privileges.
Once on the enemy's side of the obstacle the bishop halted to wait for Edward, who was now following him, but his undisciplined barons, shouting "'Tis not for thee, bishop, to teach us war.
In May the king's minister, Count de Florida Blanca, intimated to him that the one obstacle to a treaty was the question of the free navigation of the Mississippi, and for months following this interview the policy of the court was clearly one of delay.
The whole line was covered by the river Spree, which served as an immediate defence for the left and centre, and an obstacle to any force moving to attack the right; moreover the interval between the river and the position on this side was covered with a network of ponds and watercourses.
This line is called the boundary of the geometrical shadow, and its construction is based on the assumption that light travels in straight lines (in homogeneous media) and suffers no deviation on meeting an obstacle.
The opportunity for this arose from a change in the situation at Constantinople, where the dismissal of Khusrev Pasha had, in Mehemet Ali's view, removed the main obstacle to his reconciliation with the sultan.
He believed that the South would share in the general industrial development, not having perceived as yet that slavery was an insuperable obstacle.
This is exploited in real-time visual docking and obstacle avoidance.
No such obstacle is present in the gamma-ray burst case, where no dominant model exists.
But, notwithstanding that obstacle, might he not, if he had seen fit, have found means to avert the calamity?
He is a highly conceptual, creative human being, whose ability to generate new ideas it NOT LIMITED by any mechnical obstacle.
Close support mobility tasks include deliberate countermine, gap crossing, complex obstacle breaching as well as route opening.
America was a strong force in helping to depose this indicted war criminal who was a major obstacle to progress.
The ground was treacherous underfoot, and the darkness turned even the smallest obstacle into a potential deathtrap.
After a major obstacle or event, a period out of the sport may be an appropriate way of revisiting the dream.
Many believe that if Iraq once again allows inspections it may create a substantial diplomatic obstacle between Bush administration hawks and an Iraqi invasion.
He finds himself facing a big obstacle in the shape of his prospective mother-in-law.
One recalls the speech in Dublin by a Tory politician who insisted that Irish neutrality was the greatest obstacle to Irish unity.
Phenomena of all kinds manifest themselves in the course of an analysis, which have the effect of posing an obstacle to the treatment.
Chicanes require road users to negotiate an obstacle, therefore encouraging them to slow down.
The rule of the bureaucracy remained an insurmountable obstacle, blocking the road toward socialism.
The legacy of Cyprus's divisive recent history, including bloody ethnic fighting, is a formidable obstacle.
Last night West Berkshire council gave planning consent to the project, removing the last bureaucratic obstacle to construction of the laser.
The issue of funding the action is still a major obstacle.
Third, I consider priestcraft and superstition the greatest obstacle to human improvement and happiness.
The first obstacle she came across was some different colored tarmac in the road.
Other aircraft should use the taxiways with extreme caution due to the reduced obstacle clearance.
Confidence was the main obstacle - and juggling workload and family.
Haydon in 1844, making good the route from Port Phillip to Gipps' Land with loaded drays, through a dense tangled scrub, which had been described by Strzelecki as his worst obstacle.
The arid nature of the trans-Caspian deserts has proved an insuperable obstacle to those rigorous methods of geodetic survey which distinguish Russian methods in Europe, so that Russian geography in central Asia is dependent on other means than that of direct measurement for the co-ordinate values in latitude and longitude for any given point.
Harbour improvements also are projected, but in Formosa, as in Japan proper, paucity of capital constitutes a fatal obstacle to rapid development.
Poisson brought forward as an objection to Fresnel's theory that it required at the centre of a circular shadow a point as bright as if no obstacle were intervening.
The results in the second case show that an increase of aperture up to that corresponding to an extreme aberration of half a period has no ill effect upon the central band (§ 3), but it increases unduly the intensity of one of the neighbouring lateral bands; and the practical conclusion is that the best results will be obtained from an aperture giving an extreme aberration of from a quarter to half a period, and that with an increased aperture aberration is not so much a direct cause of deterioration as an obstacle to the attainment of that improved definition which should accompany the increase of aperture.
Even then, however, the liquid nature of the substance, though advantageous in one or two directions, constituted a serious obstacle to its safe transport and storage and to its efficient employment; it was therefore not until Nobel produced plastic solid preparations by mixing the liquid with porous substances, such as gunpowder, or carbon and sulphur, and finally kieselguhr in a fine state of division, capable of absorbing and retaining considerable quantities of it, that it could be employed as a blasting agent (see Explosives, Dyna Mite, Cordite).
The events of the day indeed clearly indicated that the enemy's underwater devices were an even more serious obstacle to the forcing of the Dardanelles than were the Ottoman batteries.
As one obstacle after another was surmounted, as one grand division of the work after another became an accomplished fact, the effect upon Parkman's condition seems to have been bracing, and he acquired fresh impetus as he approached the goal.
In the progress of science and enlightenment it has no positive significance, except as a necessary transition which the race had to make in order to get rid of nature-religion, and that undervaluing of the spiritual life which formed an insuperable obstacle to the advance of human knowledge.
The conclusion from these therefore was that the ratio of circumference to diameter is 34 This is a most notable piece of work; the immature condition of arithmetic at the time was the only real obstacle preventing the evaluation of the ratio to any degree of accuracy whatever.5 No advance of any importance was made upon the achievement of Archimedes until after the revival of learning.
But two remedies were quickly offered, one by the skilful Swede, Goransson, who used a pig iron initially rich in manganese and stopped his blow before much oxygen had been taken up; and the other by a British steel maker, Robert Mushet, who proposed the use of the manganiferous cast iron called spiegeleisen, and thereby removed the only remaining serious obstacle to the rapid spread of the process.
Lutheranism began to run so strongly in Denmark as to threaten to whirl away every opposing obstacle.
His death removed the chief obstacle to an arrangement with Sparta, and in 421 the peace of Nicias was concluded (see Peloponnesian War).
I made no effort to teach her to speak, because I regarded her inability to watch the lips of others as an insurmountable obstacle.
The division of Korea into north and south is a great obstacle to the realization of permanent peace.
The renunciation texts, however, view wealth as an obstacle to the religious life.
This is considered to be the final obstacle to full migration to Ethernet in areas such as substation automation.
Use your superhuman powers to navigate your way through the obstacle course.
Thomas felt there was something missing in his life and wanted to have faith in a higher power, but his doubting continued to be an obstacle.
They need founders who refuse to give up, who won't let an obstacle stop them in their tracks.
Large organizations, of course, are filled with specialists in silos, adding another obstacle beyond the cultural aversion to chaos.
For some individuals, this may be enough of a financial obstacle to sway them against solar power.
To overcome this obstacle, consider hiring an amateur model with few inhibitions.
Carmen had assumed breast feeding would be a natural thing, but as Matthew lay fussing in her arms, it seemed a major obstacle.
She'd wondered why A'Ran's water supplies were located on the nearest moon, a logistical obstacle.
He listened to no adverse criticism and receded before no obstacle.
He was quite aware that the industrial wealth of the great Flemish communes was financially the mainstay of his power, but their very prosperity made them the chief obstacle to his schemes of unifying into a solid dominion the loose aggregate of states over which he was the ruler.
The Panislamic propaganda was encouraged; the privileges of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire - of ten an obstacle to government - were curtailed; the new railway to the Holy Places was pressed on, and emissaries were sent to distant countries preaching Islam and the caliph's supremacy.
New York protested against the Bennington grant in 1749, but the question did not become serious until the chief obstacle to settlement was removed by the conquest of Canada in 1760-61.
But vestals, hierodules, certain palace officials and slaves had no rights over their children and could raise no obstacle.
Suddenly on the 14th of January 1858 Napoleons life was attempted by Felice Orsini a Mazzinian Romagnol, who believed that Napoleon was the chief obstacle to the success of the revolution in Italy.
He saw Jews, Saracens, heretics and apostates roaming through Spain unmolested; and in this lax toleration of religious differences he thought he saw the main obstacle to the political union of the Spains, which was the necessity of the hour.
The Whitehall conference of 1655 marks a change in the status of the Jews in England itself, for though no definite results emerged it was clearly defined by the judges that there was no legal obstacle to the return of the Jews.
The legend of ritual murder (q.v.) has been revived, and every obstacle is placed in the way of the free intercourse of Jews with their Christian fellow-citizens.
From the Caspian to Karachi it is possible to pass without encountering any orographic obstacle greater than the divide which separates the valley of the Hari Rud from the Helmund hamun basin, which may be represented by an altitude of about 4000 ft.
The very small and irregular rainfall in Sind and along the Indus is to be accounted for by the want of any obstacle in the path of the vapour-bearing winds, which, therefore, carry the uncondensed rain up to the Punjab, where it falls on the outer ranges of the western Himalaya and of Afghanistan.
It was now proposed that he should be accredited as Bavarian ambassador in London; but the circumstance that he was a British subject presented an insurmountable obstacle.
One of the purposes of this restrictive provision was that of creating a national merchant marine, but the disinclination of Brazilians for maritime pursuits has been a serious obstacle to its realization.
Though the discord resulting between the states on account of this failure was subsequently allayed for a time by a treaty granting to Brazil the right to navigate the river, every obstacle was thrown in the way by the Paraguayan government, and indignities of all kinds were offered not only to Brazil but to the representatives of the Argentine and the United States.
His relative, noting the lad's passionate addiction to study, solemnly warned him, against indulging such a taste, as likely to prove a fatal obstacle to his success in commercial life.
At that critical hour it was at his own expense that Hunyadi fortified Belgrade, now the sole obstacle between Hungary and destruction, with the sole assistance of the Franciscan friar Giovanni da Capistrano, equipped the fleet and the army which relieved the beleaguered fortress and overthrew Mahommed II.
He saw in the Magyars the chief obstacle to the realization of his dream, and openly warned them that they were " an island in the Slav ocean," which one day might easily engulf them.
When light proceeding from a small source falls upon an opaque object, a shadow is cast upon a screen situated behind the obstacle, and this shadow is found to be bordered by alternations of brightness and darkness, known as " diffraction bands."
An interesting exception to the general rule that full brightness requires the existence of the first zone occurs when the obstacle assumes the form of a small circular disk parallel to the plane of the incident waves.
Following, unknown to himself, in the footsteps of Young, he deduced the principle of interference from the circumstance that the darkness of the interior bands requires the co-operation of light from both sides of the obstacle.
At first, too, he followed Young in the view that the exterior bands are the result of interference between the direct light and that reflected from the edge of the obstacle, but he soon discovered that the character of the edge - e.g.
We have hitherto supposed that the shadow of a diffracting obstacle is received upon a diffusing screen, or, which comes to nearly the same thing, is observed with an eye-piece.
The simplest supposition is that the material composing the obstacle is perfectly conducting, i.e.
This agitation was directed with particular virulence against the high commissioner, whose recall, it was asserted, would remove the chief obstacle to peace.
The first proposal for a free Rhine was mooted by the French at the congress of Rastatt (1797-1799), but Holland, commanding the mouth of the river, placed every obstacle in the way of the suggestion.
This was in part due to the character of the country, which was characterized as one vast military obstacle, and in part to the disorganization which had been steadily growing during the six years of King Thibaw's reign.
After the rebellion relief was accorded because the obstacle was removed, and it is evident that a broad-minded statesman, or a skilful diplomat, would have accomplished more for French Canada than the fiery eloquence and dubious methods of a leader who plunged his followers into the throes of war, and deserted them at the supreme moment.
In modern times many of the convents have been devoted to educational work especially for girls, which is an obstacle to the successful development of a public school system in the country.
Thus, the farther the four main columns penetrated into the French right wing, the wider would the gap become between Bagration and Kolowrat, and Liechtenstein's squadrons could not form a serious obstacle to a heavy attack of Napoleon's centre.
If in technical finesse he was surpassed by many of his predecessors and his subordinates, he had the most important qualities of a great captain, courage that rose higher with each obstacle, and the clear judgment to distinguish the essential from the minor issues in war.
Potent, however, as such a vehicle is for expressing thought, its ideographic script constitutes a great obstacle to general acquisition, and the Japanese soon applied themselves to minimizing the difficulty by substituting a phonetic system.
Thus far the great obstacle has been that pictures painted in accordance with Western canons are not suited to Japanese interiors and do not appeal to the taste of the most renowned Japanese connoisseurs.
The greatest obstacle to such a search for the fundamental medium is the illimitable complexity of matter, as contrasted with the theoretical simplicity and uniformity of the physical agencies which connect together its different parts.
Difference in religious belief, confession or language, constitute no obstacle to any citizen in regard to entry into the public services or offices, to the attainment to any promotion or dignity, or to the exercise of any trade or calling.
The great obstacle in the way of this, the only true solution of the difficulty, was the opposition of the Lithuanian magnates, who feared to lose the absolute dominancy they possessed in the grand-duchy if they were merged in the szlachta of the kingdom.
Restrictions upon the taxing power, and unwise classifications of property for taxation purposes, embodied without good understanding in state constitutions, have been a primary obstacle to the development of sound systems of taxation in the several states.
A great obstacle to the development of the port is the absence of modern mechanical appliances for loading and unloading vessels, and of quay space and dock accommodation.
The Polish Protestants hoped that he would take this course and thus bring about a breach with Rome at the very crisis of the confessional struggle in Poland, while the Habsburgs, who coveted the Polish throne, raised every obstacle to the childless king's remarriage.
At this point most commanders of the time would have decided not to fight, but to manoeuvre Mercy away from Freiburg; Enghien, however, was a fighting general, and Mercy's entrenched lines at Freiburg seemed to him a target rather than an obstacle.
In the secular contest, Germany and the imperialist pretensions of its leaders were invariably the principal obstacle.
Missions in Asia too have achieved sufficient success to prove that there exists no inherent obstacle either in the gospel or in the Asiatic mind.
The election of a plebeian to the office for the first time in 337 was certainly opposed by the consul who presided at the election, but there appears to have been no legal obstacle to it.
The misfortunes and poverty of the people have hindered their material development to a large extent, but another obstacle is to be found in their racial and social composition.
The liberal measures of the protector were repealed, and new treasons were enacted; Somerset himself, who had been released and restored to the council in 1550, became an obstacle in Warwicks path, and was removed by means of a bogus plot, being executed in January 1552; while Warwick had himself made duke of Northumberland, his friend Dorset duke of Suffolk, and Herbert earl of Pembroke.
If necessary, steer toward a snowdrift rather than a more solid obstacle.
Instead of providing a linear stage-to-stage obstacle course to follow, Super Mario 64 gave gamers a chance to make a few of their own decisions, emphasizing exploration and diversity.
With the growing popularity of Intel's Core Duo technology, we may be getting closer to overcoming this obstacle.
Testers are the last obstacle before a game gets approved to go to market.
But if the wandering molecule was originally close to the surface of the body, and if it also happens to start off in the right direction, it may escape from the body altogether and describe a free path in space until it is checked by meeting a second wandering molecule or other obstacle.
In fact, they were probably more an obstacle than the ordeal ahead of him.