Observing Sentence Examples
She suspected he was observing what happened.
I have been observing Helen's little cousin lately.
He leaned back in his chair, observing Alex over the rim.
I enjoy observing each little nuance of the changing of the seasons.
Delisle is chiefly remembered as the author of a method for observing the transits of Venus and Mercury by instants of contacts.
In 1727 he gained the prize given by the Academie des Sciences for his paper "On the best manner of forming and distributing the masts of ships"; and two other prizes, one for his dissertation "On the best method of observing the altitude of stars at sea," the other for his paper "On the best method of observing the variation of the compass at sea."
C. Janssen, a spectroscopic method for observing the solar prominences in daylight, and the names of both astronomers appear on a medal which was struck by the French government in 1872 to commemorate the discovery.
Meridian observations of the moon have been heretofore made by observing the transit of its illuminated limb.
With the growth of the Oxford Movement in the English Church, the practice of observing Lent was revived; and, though no rules for fasting are authoritatively laid down, the duty of abstinence is now very generally inculcated by bishops and clergy, either as a discipline or as an exercise in self-denial.
Eight British government expeditions for observing total solar eclipses were conducted by him between 1870 and 1905.
AdvertisementIn a minor degree this conclusion is strengthened by observing the satellites.
These mountains are perfect destinations for hiking and observing nature.
After successfully observing the transit from the island of Tahiti, or Otaheite, as Cook wrote it, the " Endeavour's " head was turned south, and then north-west, beating about the Pacific in search of the eastern coast of the great continent whose western shores had been so long known to the Dutch.
From 1879 to 1888 he was engaged on difficult experimental investigations, which began with an inquiry into the corrections required, owing to the great pressures to which the instruments had been subjected, in the readings of the thermometers employed by the "Challenger" expedition for observing deep-sea temperatures, and which were extended to include the compressibility of water, glass and mercury.
The great voyage of Captain James Cook, in 1769-1770, was primarily undertaken for the purposes of observing the transit.
AdvertisementNaïve materialism is due to a cause which still, perhaps, has no small power, the natural difficulty which persons who have had no philosophic training experience in observing and appreciating the importance of the immaterial facts of consciousness.
Further, as confederates of the senate and people of Rome, the Jews had received accession of territory, including the port of Joppa and, with other material privileges, the right of observing their religious customs not only in Palestine but also in Alexandria and elsewhere.
St Polycarp, the disciple of St John the Evangelist and bishop of Smyrna, visited Rome in 159 to confer with Anicetus, the bishop of that see, on the subject; and urged the tradition, which he had received from the apostle, of observing the fourteenth day.
In 1767 he sailed for Tahiti, with the object of observing the transit of Venus, accompanied Captain ' '.
Exclusive of the garrison of Bayonne and other places, the available field force of Soult numbered about 41,000, while that of the Allies, deducting Hope's force observing Bayonne, was of much the same strength.
AdvertisementAt the great Indian eclipse of 1868 he demonstrated the gaseous nature of the red prominences, and devised a method of observing them under ordinary daylight conditions.
The induction of the magnetization may be measured by observing the force required to draw apart the two portions of a divided rod or ring when held together by their mutual attraction.
This took place in 1738, when the latter wrote the preface to the volume for that year, observing that the magazine had " given rise to almost twenty imitations of it, which are either all dead or very little regarded."
The value of the angular coefficient d(pv)/dp is evidently (b - c), which expresses the defect of the actual volume v from the ideal volume Re/p. Differentiating equation (17) at constant pressure to find dv/do, and observing that dcldO= - nc/O, we find by substitution in (is) the following simple expression for the cooling effect do/dp in terms of c and b, Sdo/dp= (n+I)c - b..
The value of A is determined by observing the value of Do at some known pressure po, e.g.
AdvertisementHe stayed some time at Treves studying and observing, and it was there that he first began to think seriously upon sacred things.
They went through Thrace, visiting Athens, Bithynia, Galatia, Pontus, Cappadocia and Cilicia, to Antioch, Jerome observing and making notes as they went.
He was too much absorbed in observing the famous man's personality.
They're all several hours after the fact and come from an unusual viewpoint; not where there would naturally be someone observing.
He describes some entertaining peep-show arrangements, possibly similar to Alberti's, and indicates how the dark chamber with a concave speculum can be used for observing eclipses.
He was the first to describe an instrument fitted with a sight and paper screen for observing the diameters of the sun and moon in a dark room.
In 1609 the telescope came into use, and the danger of observing the sun with it was soon discovered.
He had these records at his command; and he had the opportunity of observing the system of training and the treatment of injuries in the gymnasia.
Observing that F is a function of the co-ordinates expressing the state of the substance, we obtain for the variation of S with pressure at constant temperature, dS/dp (0 const) '=' 2 F/dedp =-0d 2 v/d0 2 (p const) (12) If the heat supplied to a substance which is expanding reversibly and doing external work, pdv, is equal to the external work done, the intrinsic energy, E, remains constant.
The value of the co-aggregation volume, c, at any temperature, assuming equation (17), may be found by observing the deviations from Boyle's law and by experiments on the Joule-Thomson effect.
The value of B is determined by observing the latent heat, Lo = F"o - F'0, which gives B =B" - B' =L0+(s' - So)00+(n+r)copo - bpo+dho (45) This constant may be called the absolute latent heat, as it expresses the thermal value of the change of state in a manner independent of temperature.
It had no knowledge of the state of affairs on the battlefield, or in the direction of Bruville, though Prussian cavalry had been observing the approach of Ladmirault's corps for some hours.
Observing this, Burgundy resolved to throw forward his right towards Oudenarde to engage and hold the main body of the Allies before their line of battle could be formed.
The important part played by the residual air in the globe had also been deduced by Osborne Reynolds from observing that on turning off the light, the vanes came to rest very much sooner than the friction of the pivot alone would account for; in fact, the rapid subsidence is an illustration of Maxwell's great theoretical discovery that viscosity in a gas (as also diffusion both of heat and of the gas itself) is sensibly independent of the density.
Returning home in 1809 he passed through the United States, where, for the first time, he had an opportunity of observing the working of free institutions; and soon after his arrival in Venezuela he appears to have identified himself with the cause of independence which had already agitated the Spanish colonies for some years.
The correspondence is extant and gives us the means of observing the principles and tendencies of the emperor as a civil governor.
In the course, of investigating this special problem great improvements were made in the methods of observing in the deep sea, and also in the representation and discussion of the data obtained, and a powerful stimulus was given to the study of oceanography in all the countries of Europe.
There is no difficulty in observing the temperature of the surface of the sea on board ship, the only precautions required being to draw the water in a bucket which has not been heated in the sun in summer or exposed to frost in winter, to draw it well forward of any discharge pipes of the steamer, to place it in the shade on deck, insert the thermometer immediately and make the reading without delay.
While observing all due formalities towards his overlord, there can be little doubt that Odainath aimed at independent empire; but during his lifetime no breach with Rome occurred.
The sovereign, Phra Paramendr Maha Mongkut, was a very accomplished man, an enlightened reformer and devoted to science; his death, indeed, was caused by fatigue and exposure while observing an eclipse.
Before 1868 Maxwell conducted the experiment by sending light from the illuminated cross-wires of an observing telescope forward through the object-glass, and through a train of prisms, and then reflecting it back along the same path; any influence of convection would conspire in altering both refractions, but yet no displacement of the image depending on the earth's motion was detected.
Ferdinand was one of the first sovereigns to enter into diplomatic relations with the French republic (1793); and although, a few months later, he was compelled by England and Russia to join the coalition against France, he concluded peace with that power in 1795, and by observing a strict neutrality saved his dominions from invasion by the French, except for a temporary occupation of Livorno, till 1799, when he was compelled to vacate his throne, and a provisional Republican government was established at Florence.
He also vigorously criticized the official arrangements for observing the transits of Venus of 1874 and 1882.
Finally, by comparing the results of this criticism as a whole, we have to determine, by observing its growth and comparing it with others, the essential character of the religion of Israel.
Father Simon in his Histoire critique du Vieux Testament (1682) also argues that the Pentateuch is the work of more than one author, and makes an important advance towards a systematic analysis of the separate elements by observing that the style varies, being sometimes very curt and sometimes very copious " although the variety of the matter does not require it."
It will be evident even from this rapid sketch, necessarily confined to a few of the most cardinal points, that Hebrew prophecy is not a thing that can be defined and reduced to a formula, but was a living institution which can only be understood by studying its growth and observing its connexion with the historical movements with which its various manifestations were bound up. Throughout the great age of prophecy the most obvious formal character that distinguished it was that the 1 One might say from the days of Habakkuk.
Whether the will of the gods is determined through the inspection of the liver of the sacrificial animal, through observing the action of oil bubbles in a basin of water or through the observation of the movements of the heavenly bodies, it is Shamash and Adad who, in the ritual connected with divination, are invariably invoked.
Observing for himself (1794-1800) the stratigraphic value of fossils, he began to distinguish the great Mesozoic formations of England (1801).
The herb rue is potent against them, as in British folk-lore, and a man long captive among the Jan escaped from them by observing their avoidance of rue, and by plucking two handfuls thereof.
Sometimes a misunderstanding has arisen from not observing that this regulation is to be construed according to the tabular full moon as determined from the epact, and not by the true full moon, which, in general, occurs one or two days earlier.
The Moslem Calendar May Evidently Be Carried On Indefinitely By Successive Addition, Observing Only To Allow For The Additional Day That Occurs In The Bissextile And Intercalary Years; But For Any Remote Date The Computation According To The Preceding Rules Will Be Most Efficient, And Such Computation May Be Usefully Employed As A Check On The Accuracy Of Any Considerable Extension Of The Calendar By Induction Alone.
Platinum is employed in oxidizing processes, and in the fusion of substances with fluxes; also in observing the colouring effect of substances on the blowpipe flame (which effect is apt to be somewhat masked by charcoal).
The French, who naturally looked to German methods for inspiration, have come to apply them more particularly in the development of their cavalry and artillery, especially in that of the former, which has taken in the French army an ever higher place as its observing and thinking organ.
The limitation of power is introduced as in all optical instruments, by the finiteness of the length of a wave of light which causes the image of an indefinitely narrow slit to spread out over a finite width in the focal plane of the observing telescope.
The observing telescope is of the ordinary terrestrial form.
Rutherfurd devised one made of flint glass with two crown glass compensating prisms; whilst Thallon employed a hollow prism containing carbon bisulphide also compensated by flint glass prisms. In direct vision spectroscopes the refracting prisms and slit are in the observing telescope.
By suitably replacing the ocular of the observing telescope in an angular vision spectroscope by a photographic camera, it is possible to photograph spectra; such instruments are termed spectrographs.
In grating spectroscopes both plane and concave gratings are employed in connexion with a collimator and observing telescope.
Thus no alteration in the focus of the telescope is necessary whether we are observing the magnet, a distant fixed mark, or the sun.
The above method of determining the geographical meridian has the serious objection that it is necessary to know the error of the chronometer with very considerable accuracy, a matter of some difficulty when observing at any distance from a fixed observatory.
If, however, a theodolite, fitted with a telescope which can rotate about a horizontal axis and having an altitude circle, is employed, so that when observing a transit the altitude of the sun or star can be read off, then the time need only be known to within a minute or so.
Hence in more recent patterns of magnetometer it is usual to do away with the transit mirror method of observing and either to use a separate theodolite to observe the azimuth of some distant object, which will then act as a fixed mark when making the declination observations, or to attach to the magnetometer an altitude telescope and circle for use when determining the geographical meridian.
The method of measuring the horizontal component which is almost exclusively used, both in fixed observatories and in the field, consists in observing the period of a freely suspended magnet, and then obtaining the angle through which an auxiliary suspended magnet is deflected by the magnet used in the first part of the experiment.
Instead of observing the deviation solely for the purposes of correcting the indications of the compass when disturbed by the iron of the ship, the practice is to subject all deviations to mathematical analysis with a view to their mechanical correction.
Hence, however carefully a compass may be placed and subsequently compensated, the mariner has no safety without constantly observing the bearings of the sun, stars or distant terrestrial objects, to ascertain its deviation.
These men were specially Service trained at Dehra Dun in the work of surveying, and entered Tibet with a strong wooden box with a specially concealed secret drawer for holding observing instruments, .a prayer wheel with rolls of blank paper instead of prayers in the barrel on which observations might be noted, and lamaic rosaries by the beads of which each hundred paces might be counted.
The British government, in view of the apparent intention of China to establish effective suzerainty in Tibet, drew the attention of the government at Peking to the necessity of strictly observing its treaty obligations, and especially pointing out that the integrity of the frontier states of Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim must be respected.
When Catherine found herself opposed by the policy of France and England, and threatened by the jealousy of Prussia and Austria, she dropped the Greek design, observing to Voltaire that the descendants of the Spartans were much degenerated.
The use of reflecting mirrors for the purpose of observing from cover is no novelty, and during the trench warfare of the Crimean War 1854-5 a device was patented which scarcely differs from the simple mirror periscope of the World War.
This periscope is considerably larger than any others, and was designed for observing over obstacles of between 9 and 26 metres in height.
At once observing the reduction of the chloride, he realized the importance of his discovery and immediately began to study the commercial production of the metal.
Deville first selected the chloride as his raw material, but observing it to be volatile and extremely deliquescent, he soon substituted in its place a double chloride of aluminium and sodium.
Swainson, who had opportunities of observing both, the alleged resemblance in their habits has no existence.
In its simplest form it consists of a direct-vision spectroscope, having an adjustable slit (called "camera slit"), instead of an eyepiece, in the focal plane of the observing telescope.
The first observing savage who noticed it among his ashes might easily infer that it resulted from the action of burning wood on certain extremely heavy stones.
It may be regarded as certain that among Jewish Christians it almost imperceptibly grew out of the old habit of annually celebrating the Passover on the 14th of Nisan, and of observing the "days of unleavened bread" from the 15th to the 21st of that month.
With regard to the character of the lion, those who have had opportunities of observing it in its native haunts differ greatly.
The heat transmitted was measured by observing the difference of temperature between the inflow and the outflow, and the weight of water which passed in a given time.
The heat-flow through the central column amounted to about 7.5 calories in 54 seconds, and was measured by continuing the tube through the iron plate into the bulb of a Bunsen ice calorimeter, and observing with a chronometer to a fifth of a second the time taken by the mercury to contract through a given number of divisions.
The diffusivity can be deduced from observations at different depths x' and x", by observing the ratio of the amplitudes, which is (x '- x ") for a simple-harmonic wave.
Angstrom's Method consists in observing the propagation of heat waves in a bar, and is probably the most accurate method for 4 4 thehi 's ' 'so ' d 60 measuring the diffusivity of a metal, since the conditions may be widely varied and the correction for external loss of heat can be made comparatively small.
Some of these results have been widely quoted, but they are far from consistent, and it may be doubted whether the difficulties of observing rapidly varying temperatures have been duly appreciated in many cases.
Heights have been calculated in various less direct ways, by observing for instance the angular altitude of the summit of an arc and the angular interval between its extremities, and then making some assumption such as that the portion visible to an observer may be treated as a circle whose centre lies over the so-called auroral pole.
He first proposed to establish his paper at Washington, in the midst of slavery, but on returning to New England and observing the state of public opinion there, he came to the conclusion that little could be done at the South while the non-slaveholding North was lending her influence, through political, commercial, religious and social channels, for the sustenance of slavery.
After a reference to their descent from Abraham and their sojourn in Egypt, Aristides praises them for their worship of the one God, the Almighty Creator; but blames them as worshipping angels, and observing "sabbaths and new moons, and the unleavened bread, and the great fast, and circumcision, and cleanness of meats."
Besides those who were ready to go the whole length and accept circumcision, numbers adopted particular Jewish practices, observing the Sabbath, for instance, or turned from polytheism to the doctrine of the One God.
If after a heavy earthquake we find bodies that have been projected or overturned, then by observing the distance of projection, and the height through which they have fallen, or their dimensions, we can 5.
Mahmud also was already planning reforms borrowed from the West, and Mehemet Ali, who had had plenty of opportunity of observing the superiority of European.
By placing ingots in a furnace and observing which one melted a fair idea of the temperature was obtained.
In other respects, too, the United States departed from its old individualistic tendencies, as in instituting the draft, regulating food, raising huge loans, observing meatless days and sending an army of 2,000,000 to fight in Europe.
It should be noticed that clocks, on which Tycho Brahe depended very little, were used at Cassel for finding the difference of right ascension between Venus and the sun before sunset; Tycho preferred observing the angular distance between the sun and Venus when the latter was visible in the daytime.
The series into which we can arrange the results of observing phenomena of complex causation, whether exhibited by living organisms or not, have certain properties in common, which are dealt with by the theory of chance.
And again, when they challenged His disciples for not observing the regular fasts, He gently reminded them that they themselves relaxed the discipline of fasting for a bridegroom's friends.
By a skilful division of labour, and by the erection of numerous observing stations, the mapping out of the whole coast proceeded simultaneously under the eye of the general director, and in addition a vast mass of magnetic and meteorological observations was collected.
These platforms are capable of easy motion so that the astronomer may be conveniently situated for observing an object at any azimuth or altitude to which the telescope may be directed.
The chief defect in equatorial mountings of type C is that in general they are not capable of continued observing much past the meridian without reversal.
In Lassell's instrument (a reflector of the Newtonian type) the observer is mounted in the open air on a supplementary tower capable of motion in any azimuth about the centre of motion of the telescope, whilst an observing platform can be raised and lowered on the side of the tower.
Equatorials of types A, B, C and D have the advantage of avoiding interposed reflecting surfaces, but they involve inconveniences from the continual motion of the eye-piece and the consequent necessity for providing elaborate observing stages or rising floors.
Within the focus of the object-glass is a right-angled prism of total reflection, which diverts the converging rays from the object-glass at right angles to the axis of the telescope, and permits the observing micrometer n to be mounted in the very convenient position shown in the figure.
The value of "one revolution of the screw in seconds of arc" can be determined either by observing at transit the difference of zenith distance of two stars of known declination in terms of the micrometer screw, the instrument remaining at rest between their transits; or by measuring at known instants in terms of the screw, the change of zenith distance of a standard star of small polar distance near the time of its greatest elongation.
The Method of Mixture consists in imparting the quantity of heat to be measured to a known mass of water, or some other standard substance, contained in a vessel or calorimeter of known thermal capacity, and in observing the rise of temperature produced, from which data the quantity of heat may be found as explained in all elementary text-books.
This can be roughly estimated by observing the rate of change of temperature before and after the experiment, and assuming that the loss of heat is directly proportional to the duration of the experiment and to the average excess of temperature.
A common example of this method is the determination of the specific heat of a liquid by filling a small calorimeter with the liquid, raising it to a convenient temperature, and then setting it to cool in an enclosure at a steady temperature, and observing the time taken to fall through a given range when the conditions have become fairly steady.
This difficulty was overcome by the invention of the Bunsen calorimeter, in which the quantity of ice melted is measured by observing the diminution of volume, but the successful employment of this instrument requires considerable skill in manipulation.
This can be determined by a direct calibration, by inserting a known quantity of water at a known temperature and observing the contraction, or weighing the mercury drawn into the apparatus.
But in many cases it is more readily determined by observing the rise of the boiling-point or the depression of the freezing-point of the solution.
The simplest method of measuring the specific heat appears to be that of supplying heat electrically to a steady current of vapour in a vacuum-jacket calorimeter, and observing the rise of temperature produced.
Observing that this rate of diminution is approximately as the square of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, we see that the almost equally simple formula log p=A+B/0 represents a much closer approximation to experiment.
Mehemet Ali received the news with his accustomed sang-froid, observing to the consuls of the four powers, who had come to notify their own removal, that "such denunciations were nothing new to him; that this was the fourth, and that he hoped to get over it as well as he had done the other three, with the help of God and the Prophet."
He seems continually anxious to reconcile the Jewish Christians to himself by personally observing the law of Moses.
Indeed its founder, Ramananda, who probably flourished in the latter part of the 14th century, according to the traditional account, was originally a SriVaishnava monk, and, having come under the suspicion of laxity in observing the strict rules of food during his peregrinations, and been ordered by his superior (Mahant) to take his meals apart from his brethren, left the monastery in a huff and set up a schismatic math of his own at Benares.
His followers, the Kabir Panthis (" those following Kabir's path "), though neither worshipping the gods of the pantheon, nor observing the rites and ceremonial of the Hindus, are nevertheless in close touch with the Vaishnava sects, especially the Ramavats, and generally worship Rama as the supreme deity, when they do not rather address their homage, in hymns and otherwise, to the founder of their creed himself.
Later, observing the bitter feelings that had been evoked by the distribution of land among the veterans of Caesar, Antonius and Fulvia changed their attitude, and stood forward as the defenders of those who had suffered from its operation.
If this distance is varied until the attracted disk comes into a definite sighted position as seen by observing the end of the index through the lens, then since the force f is constant, being due to the torque applied by the wire for a definite angle of twist, it follows that the difference of potential of the two plates varies as their distance.
The birds flap their wings on rising from the ground, but after attaining a moderate elevation they seem to sail on the air, Charles Darwin having watched them for half an hour without once observing a flap of their wings.
His method was that of observing the form of a large drop standing on a plane surface.
In this case a general reaction is stimulated by the vaccine which may aid in the destruction of the invading organisms. In regulating the administration of such vaccines he has introduced the method of observing the opsonic index, to which reference is made below.
At this time, as Cardinal-Archbishop of Bologna, he delivered a remarkable address on the attitude and duty of the Church during the war, and strongly emphasized the paramount importance of the Holy See observing strict neutrality, not of indifference, but of impartiality, while leaving nothing undone to restore peace and good-will and to mitigate suffering.
After spending a year and a half in England, during which time, besides his book on the Amazon, he published a small volume on the Palm Trees of the Amazon, he started for the Malay Archipelago, exploring, observing and collecting from 1854 to 1862.
His first memoir on the theory of magnetism, Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata, was published in 1833, and he shortly afterwards proceeded, in conjunction with Wilhelm Weber, to invent new apparatus for observing the earth's magnetism and its changes; the instruments devised by them were the declination instrument and the bifilar magnetometer.
The zodiac of Denderah; the Savoyards who carved their pine-forests into toys; the naked Derar, horsed on an idea, charging a troop of Roman cavalry; the long, austere Pythagorean lustrum of silence; Napoleon on the deck of the "Bellerophon," observing the drill of the English soldiers; the Egyptian doctrine that every man has two pairs of eyes; Empedocles and his shoe; the horizontal stratification of the earth; a soft mushroom pushing its way through the hard ground, - all these allusions and a thousand more are found in the same volume.
Another phase in the myth of Dionysus originated in observing the decay of vegetation in winter, to suit which he was supposed to be slain and to join the deities of the lower world.
Livingstone was no hurried traveller; he did his journeying leisurely, carefully observing and recording all that was worthy of note, with rare geographical instinct and the eye of a trained scientific observer, studying the ways of the people, eating their food, living in their huts, and sympathizing with their joys and sorrows.
By judiciously watching all stages of the process, by observing the draught, the strength of the acid produced, the temperature, and especially by frequent analyses of the gases, the yield of acid has been brought up to 98% of the theoretical maximum, with a loss of nitre sometimes as low as two parts to loo of sulphur burned.
One special feature was the importance attributed to the respiratory arrangements as a source of expression, and it was shown how the physician and surgeon might derive information regarding the nature and extent of important diseases by observing the expression of bodily suffering.
He also invented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and the fixed stars, - the same in every essential as the instrument which is still in everyday use at sea under the name of Hadley's quadrant.
But by observing the distance through which a body would fall in one second of time at the earth's surface, and by calculating from that on the supposition of the force diminishing in the ratio of the inverse square of the distance, he found that the earth's attraction at the distance of the moon would draw a body through 15 ft.
On the other hand, it was significant that both the United States and Spain, who were not parties to the Declaration of Paris, found themselves, in a war confined to them, under the necessity of observing provisions which the majority of civilized states have agreed to respect.
It is perhaps worth observing that it maintained the machinery of a ballot, but reserved it only in case experience; should prove that it was necessary.
The time for observing auspices was, as a rule, between midnight and dawn of the day fixed for any proposed undertaking.
While we have no reason to doubt that He observed the one great national fast prescribed in the written law of Moses, we have express notice that neither He nor His disciples were in the habit of observing the other fasts which custom and tradition had established.
In that treatise (c. 15) he approves indeed of the church practice of not fasting on Saturdays and Sundays (as elsewhere, De corona, c. 3, he had expressed his concurrence in the other practice of observing the entire period between Easter and Pentecost as a season of joy); but otherwise he evinces great dissatisfaction with the indifference of the church as to the number, duration and severity of her fasts.'
As matter of fact, the Reformed churches in no case gave up the custom of observing fast days, though by some churches the number of such days was greatly reduced.
Above all things he loved order; and he had got the way of observing it in everything with wonderful exactness.
Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau and the Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris give the impressions of foreigners with peculiar advantages for observing.
It was important, no doubt, to express the need of observing due measure and proportion, in order to attain good results in human life no less than in artistic products; but the observation of this need was no new thing in Greek literature; indeed, it had already led the Pythagoreans and Plato to find the ultimate essence of the ordered universe in number.
Love of God in the former holds the same absolute and unique position as the sole element of moral worth in human action, which, as we have seen, was occupied by knowledge of Good in the latter; and we may carry the parallel further by observing that in neither case is this severity in the abstract estimate of goodness necessarily connected with extreme rigidity in practical precepts.
In the Thirty Years' War Strassburg escaped without molestation by observing a prudent neutrality.
This temperature may be and commonly is somewhat different from that of the observing room, which, again, is commonly higher than the temperature of the air outside.
Halley in 1716; they were later insisted upon by Lalande; an enthusiasm for co-operation was evoked, and the globe, from Siberia to Otaheite, was studded with observing parties.
It further suggested, to Lockyer and P. Janssen separately, the spectroscopic method of observing these objects in daylight.
He remained with his master for seven years, and must have had ample opportunity for observing the conditions, and learning the language, of the people around him; and such knowledge would have been indispensable to the Christian bishop in view of the peculiar state of Irish society (see Patrick, St).
To please the god, the victim must be without spot or blemish, and the practice of observing whether the entrails presented any abnormal appearance, and thence deducing the will of heaven, was also very important in Greek religion.
But during the atrocious holocausts formidable states had grown up around France, observing her and threatening her; and on the other hand, as on the morrow of the Hundred Years War, the lassitude of the country, the lack of political feeling on the part of the upper classes and their selfishness, led to a fresh abdication of the nations rights.
Conceiving that the simplest principle is the most likely to be true, he assumed as a postulate that bodies falling freely towards the earth descend with a uniformly accelerated motion, and deduced thence that the velocities acquired are in the direct, and the spaces traversed in the duplicate ratio of the times, counted from the beginning of motion; finally, he proved, by observing the times of descent of bodies falling down inclined planes, that the postulated law was the true law.
It would be theoretically possible to measure the absolute value in some metal by observing with an electrometer the P.D.
But the only well-authenticated observations we have of this kind show anomalies which have never been cleared up. This is especially the case with those of Chaplain George Jones, who spent eight months at Quito, Peru, at an elevation of more than woo ft., for the express purpose of observing the phenomenon in question.
Since the exit pupil moves in observing the whole field, the entrance pupil also moves.
Although in the case of the spatial comprehension of a perspective representation experience plays a large part, in observing through a microscope it does not count, or only a little, for the object is presumably quite unknown.
In observing with strong systems it is therefore necessary cautiously to distinguish between spectral and real marks.
With the .orthogonal arrangement for illuminating and observing the beam of light traverses an extremely fine slit through a well-corrected system, whose optic axis is perpendicular to the axis of the microscope; the system reduces the dimensions of the beam to about 2 to 4 in the focal plane of the objective.
Care must here be taken, by using suitable dark-field screens, that no direct rays enter the observing system.
Too much light is useless for observing delicately coloured or colourless preparations, whose parts only become visible as a result of slight differences of diffraction.
When observing only the other half of the objective is used.
On account of the slight depth definition, short focused systems of wide aperture are not at all specially suitable for stereoscopic observation, because the possibility of observing objects taking up a good deal of space is too limited when such systems are used.
The possibility already suggested of using both eyes for observing without having a stereoscopic impression, is often regarded as a great advantage.
When observing with such an eyepiece, care must be taken that the real image of the object lies in the plane of the crossthreads, i.e.
When the fluctuation in the position of the pole was fully confirmed, its importance in astronomy and geodesy led the International Geodetic Association to establish a series of stations round the globe, as nearly as possible on the same parallel of latitude, for the purpose of observing the fluctuation with a greater degree of precision than could be attained by the miscellaneous observations before available.
Hence opportunities of observing it fall to the lot of few, and most persons know it only as a curtailed captive in a wicker cage, where its vivacity and natural beauty are lessened or wholly lost.
It was impossible to know what was going on in Señor Medena's mind by observing his expression.
SeaWiFS New earth observing system developed by NASA providing data on the marine biosphere and much more.
Spend two full days with excellent local guides observing wildlife on the rainforest trails and from dug-out canoes on the lake.
By observing the general rules, the pet chinchilla can live on average for 10 to 15 years.
All apart from my friend who just stood observing the apparent comings and goings of Joe Public.
An introduction for a long tradition of observing the solar corona especially in the X-ray wavelength band is given in this work.
Students generally use the gas Emission program after observing the spectra emitted by gas discharge tubes.
Great for those who enjoy walking and hiking, observing flora, fauna and bird life.
But I cannot forbear observing, that I should be more obliged to them for the delivery of more facts from which to reason.
Putting a nesting box in the garden will provide endless days of pleasure observing the goings-on in the box.
Observing users using the GUI it seems to work well and is pretty intuitive.
Observing the passionate love affair between light and atmosphere became the motive and the subject or this collection of works.
But it should be sufficient to determine, for example, whether a particular night's observing will be affected by moonlight.
The dame was exceedingly quick in observing their love, which she seemed to consider quite natural.
Observing British ness and British culture and customs is of ongoing interest.
We address these objectives by producing albedo maps, and reflection and emission spectra, and observing stellar occultations.
However, observing a pion moving at relative speed v the quarks would be seen orbiting at speed v orb.
It was in observing cosmic rays that Anderson discovered the positron in 1932.
Administration is by subcutaneous injection preferably in the loose skin on the side of the neck, observing aseptic precautions.
Further evidence comes from astronomical observation - astronomers look into the past when they look into space and have been measuring and observing quasars.
Observing Uranus A drawing of Uranus as seen through the Royal Observatory's 28-inch refractor.
This experience is typical of observing nature in the wild, you have to keep vigilant at all times even behind you!
They spend a lot of time observing, and because they are not yet mobile they become people watchers.
In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.
Defant (52), Observing In December, Found Q Largest From I To 2 P.M.
At Karasjok, observing several times throughout the day for a good many months, Simpson (10) obtained a mean of 93 and a maximum of 432.
Observing on the pier at Swinemtinde in August and September 1904, Ltideling (40) obtained a mean value of J4.
Elster and Geitel (58), having found air drawn from the soil highly radioactive, regard ground air as the source of the emanation in the atmosphere, and in this way account for the low values they obtained for A when observing on or near the sea.
C. McLennan (59) observing near the foot of Niagara found A only about one-sixth as large as at Toronto.
Naïve materialism is due to a cause which still, perhaps, has no small power, the natural difficulty which persons who have had no philosophic training experience in observing and appreciating the importance of the immaterial facts of consciousness.
The instrumental equipment of that observatory was somewhat antiquated, his largest telescope being a small refractor of 73 lines aperture, but he selected a line of work to suit the instruments at his disposal, observing nebulae and variable stars and keeping a watch on comets and new planets.
Each wire was to be used for the transmission of one letter only, and the message was to be sent by charging the proper wires in succession, and received by observing the 1 From correspondence found among Sir David Brewster's papers after his death it seems highly probable that the writer of this letter, which was signed " C. M.," was Charles Morrison, a surgeon and a native of Greenock, but at that time resident in Renfrew.
Its employment in this sense depends on the fact that a piece of wood attached to a line was thrown overboard to lie like a log in a fixed position, motionless, the vessel's speed being calculated by observing what length of line ran out in a given time ("common log"); and the word has been retained for the modern "patent" or "continuous" log, though it works in an entirely different manner.
Winckler, whose works depart from the somewhat narrow limits of purely " Israelite " histories, emphasize the necessity of observing the characteristics of Oriental thought and policy, and are invaluable for discriminating students.
It is not to be supposed that there are any actual bonds of union between the atoms; graphic formulae such as these merely express the hypothesis that certain of the atoms in a compound come directly within the sphere of attraction of certain other atoms, and only indirectly within the sphere of attraction of others, - an hypothesis to which chemists are led by observing that it is often possible to separate a group of elements from a compound, and to displace it by other elements or groups of elements.
On the 26th of August, however, he learnt that 10o,000 Russians were about to enter Bohemia thence to unite with an Austrian army of 80,000 near the junction of the Inn and Danube, and this information compelled him to alter the general direction of his advance so as to traverse the defiles of the Black Forest north of the Neckar, cavalry only observing the passes to the south.
The direct method consists in observing the times of some momentary or rapidly varying celestial phenomenon, as it appears when seen from opposite points of the earth's orbit.
There may first be mentioned the zealots such as the Akalis, who, though generally quite illiterate, aim at observing the injunctions of Sikhism Guru Govind Singh; secondly, the true Sikhs or Singhs who observe his ordinances, such as the prohibi tions of cutting the hair and the use of tobacco; and, thirdly, those Sikhs who while professing devotion to the tenets of the gurus are almost indistinguishable from ordinary Hindus.
Torricelli, observing that in a jet where the water rushed through a small ajutage it rose to nearly the same height with the reservoir from which it was supplied, imagined that it ought to move with the same velocity as if it had fallen through that height by the force of gravity, and hence he deduced the proposition that the velocities of liquids are as the square root of the head, apart from the resistance of the air and the friction of the orifice.
They agreed with Byzantines in observing Lent, Christmas and Epiphany, but differed from them in the observance of all other feasts and fasts.
Thus he proceeds in all his decorative work, avoiding studiously the exact repetition of any lines and spaces, and all diametrical divisions, or, if these be forced upon him by the shape of the object, exercising the utmost ingenuity to disguise the fact, and train away the eye from observing the weak point, as nature does in like circumstances.
In 1654, observing that the admeasurement and division of the lands forfeited in 1641 and granted to the soldiers had been "most inefficiently and absurdly managed," he entered into a contract to execute a fresh survey, which he completed in thirteen months.'
But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind.
Hence the importance of observing the length of the tube in strong systems. If the sine-condition is not fulfilled but the spherical aberrations in the axis have been removed, then the image shown in fig.
Not to speak of the fact that no description of the collective activity of men can do without the conception of power, the existence of power is proved both by history and by observing contemporary events.
Observing Uranus A drawing of Uranus as seen through the Royal Observatory 's 28-inch refractor.
David Glasspool We are now observing the single-track branch from an over bridge.
But the loving behavior that I enjoy observing has more than a transitory impact.
In essence, the advice in this section is about observing basic grammatical conventions that typify an academic writing style.
Last month it congratulated itself on observing no activity among Global Warming scaremongers during the big freeze, thereby grossly underestimating human ingenuity.
This experience is typical of observing nature in the wild, you have to keep vigilant at all times even behind you !
After observing much hypocritical behavior at her church, Laura become apostate.
After observing how the man and woman treated each other, she made an inference that they were married.
Observing that the poor dotard was struggling to find his way, I pointed him in the right direction.
We are closely observing both the biological and the abiological effects of this method.
Towel quality is usually easy to judge by simply touching the fabric and observing the weave.
Usually you will see where these spots are from observing your dog's behavior.
Observing of the makers at a party is the best demonstration you can get.
There are some necessities you should consider purchasing to make your observing more enjoyable.
The crouching and growling you're observing in your older cat isn't necessarily fear, but he is communicating with the new cat.
The body is a good starting point for observing the different symptoms of stress.
You can find the current fashion trends by scouring the latest teen magazines, or just by observing what your peers are wearing.
We would also recommend observing your reaction to various foods to see if you have any allergies.
She was to be standing in the doorway observing the ceremony on the lawn outside.
For one thing, spending time outside and observing nature can be very calming.
No, but observing pups from the same litter can be advantageous because you can get a sense of how well they already get along.
If you're not sure whether or not the area you're considering for your vegetable garden receives this much sunlight, try observing the location for a few days.
Always wear protective goggles when working on, or observing a science experiment or activity that involves possible danger to your eyes.
Many people assume that observing the symptoms of dementia in seniors automatically means Alzheimer's disease.
Those involved in administering, observing and evaluating the study are professionals.
Observing dreams take a unique perspective, as you may not play the role of yourself.
Make note of how quickly elevation changes by observing the topography lines on the map.
A casual approach involves eliminating, one at a time, foods from the diet suspected of causing allergic reactions and observing the person to see if there is a reduction in symptoms in the absence of particular foods.
When the actual choking incident is not observed, choking can be diagnosed by observing the above symptoms.
A child may respond to the death of a grandmother, who used to make cupcakes for her, by observing that there will be no more cupcakes for dessert.
The diagnosis of Tourette syndrome is made by observing and interviewing the child, looking at the family's medical history, and talking to the child's family and sometimes to other caregivers.
Diagnosis is also made more difficult because often individuals attempt to control tics in public, and, therefore, the healthcare professional may have difficulty observing the symptoms firsthand.
After reviewing the child's medical and family history, physical condition, and observing the child's behavior, a specialist in birth defects may identify Williams syndrome.
In a developmental assessment, the physical therapist assesses the ability and quality of the child's use of legs, arms, and complete body by observing the display of specific gross motor skills as well as observing the child in play.
Within the first 24 hours after birth, a healthcare provider evaluates an infant's neurological functioning and development by testing and observing these reflexes.
Parents observing some or all of these warning signs need professional help to both clarify diagnosis and plan treatment.
Doctors use the Glasgow Coma Scale to evaluate the extent of brain damage based on observing a person's ability to open his or her eyes, respond verbally, and respond to stimulation by moving (motor response).
People whose eyes have refractive errors do not see clearly without glasses, because the light emitted from the objects they are observing does not come into focus on their retinas.
Autism is diagnosed by observing the child's behavior, communication skills, and social interactions.
Parents and teachers who spend time observing and understanding childhood behaviors may want to report to the child's therapist what they see the child do.
By observing and filming infants and young children, and analyzing their functioning by studying the films frame by frame, Gesell delineated 10 normal stages of early childhood development.
Developmental assessment-The ongoing process of testing, observing, and analyzing a child's skills.
Initial diagnosis of bronchitis is based on observing the child's symptoms and health history.
A drug allergy or sensitivity most often is diagnosed by discontinuing the drug and observing whether the symptoms disappear.
Diagnosis can be made simply by observing the characteristic burrows of the mites causing scabies.
Observing which hand the child consistently uses for various activities-or whether the child switches hands when repeating the activity-can help the teacher make this determination.
Colds are diagnosed by observing a child's symptoms.
Observing the dress of the instructor, as well as the students, can also give you insight into how professional the establishment is.
Pay attention to what's going on in your bedroom and use your experience decorating as a tool for observing how you communicate and make decisions together.
Observing nature in your own backyard or at a nearby park or pond helps kids draw conclusions about how the world works.
Employees may be observing you as enter the building.
Observing healthy sperm is a clue that the surgery may be successful.
You can also try observing changes in your cervical mucus or monitoring your body temperature, to look for changes which signal your most fertile days.
For many couples trying to conceive, the action of timing and observing activity throughout the menstrual cycle can become a vocation.
Approaches include observing physical changes, tracking cycles, measuring basal body temperature and gauging hormone levels.
After observing the changes for a few months, you may be able to find consistencies from one month to the next that make pinpointing ovulation possible.
Observing the styles and practicality of Japanese children's apparel, Cannon returned to the United States, and began her international enterprise in kids' wear.
Actually talking with him will give you more information about who he is, then just observing him.
The real meaning comes when you combine your knowledge and observations with the spoken word of the person you are observing to determine the correct meaning.
When observing behavior changes in your significant other, try to figure out what reason she has to make the sudden changes.
If after observing her behavior, you are pretty sure she is exhibiting many of the signs of a woman's infidelity, you need to decide how you will react.
Observing a certain set of rules can prevent unintentional misunderstandings.
Chinese astronomers learned that by observing and charting the stars and planets they could predict changes on earth, such as the seasons and tides.
She based her approach from observing children and noting that they teach themselves.
Some students choose to do projects that require observing plants over a period of months or building complicated contraptions.
If your children are still on the younger side, keep things simple so that they can truly be a part of making breakfast rather than simply observing.
In 1967, a psychologist named Diana Baumrind studied 100 children and their parents, conducting interviews and observing interactions in natural settings.
The Romans eventually conquered the territory where the Celts lived, and the tradition of observing Samhain was eventually combined with two Roman celebrations.
She exposes her patients to what terrifies them the most while observing them through a one way mirror.
However, observing a cupboard opening and closing, or a candle moving across a table is just as important as capturing an actual ghost on tape.
A common report is a sensation of hovering above their physical bodies or observing from the corner of a room.
They were able to repeat the observation with seven terminally ill patients by recording and closely observing the brainwave activity of those patients through the moment of death.
Follow your breath, just observing it flowing in and out of your body.
Every apprenticeship is unique, but in most cases you'll have to work your way up the ladder - starting with unpaid grunt work around the studio, learning safety and sterilization techniques, and observing your mentor in action.
The Uniform Time Act required a uniform method of observing DST in the U.S. While time change was not mandatory, any state that chose to participate in DST had to change the time during designated periods in the spring and fall.
In between these requirements, students have extensive reading to do, and will also spend time in an apprentice program with Cathy, observing her classes and assisting in teaching them.
You can start by observing children's yoga classes at local yoga studios or purchasing a few yoga DVDs that have children as their target audience, which are full of kids' yoga poses.
Premium yoga clothing helps you attain your goals, whether you're into Hot Yoga and need good wicking fabrics, or you want organic material because you're following a more spiritual path of yoga and closely observing the eight limbs.
This is done by observing symptoms of the condition.
The American Diabetes association recommends that those observing an American diabetic diet utilize its Diabetes Food Pyramid, which differs from the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, as a guideline for planning meals.
In addition to observing the rules, to adhere to the Idiot Proof Diet, you'll need access to the online diet generator available only to those who pay to subscribe to Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.
This can be done by observing someone speaking in French, or studying French videos.
In addition to knowing the most important phrases to say, an absolute must is observing some of the French social customs in your seech.
Reality shows have revolutionized the way we watch television, as America has shown a much stronger interest in observing real life struggles and conflicts, as opposed to the sitcom series format popular in the 1970s and 1980s.
Today, blogging journalists continue gaining credibility while the public starts observing corporate funded mainstream media with a somewhat more critical eye.
I certainly was there observing everything.
A'Ran waited, observing the tiny man with white eyes.
He tilted his head to the side, observing her with a faint smile.
She was oblivious to him observing her with unmitigated admiration.
Jared into action by his words, she launched into her narration about the safari animals they were observing.
According to one story, Archimedes was puzzled till one day, as he was stepping into a bath and observed the water running over, it occurred to him that the excess of bulk occasioned by the introduction of alloy could be measured by putting the crown and an equal weight of gold separately into a vessel filled with water, and observing the difference of overflow.
Combustion calorimeters are employed for observing the heat generated by the brisk interaction of substances, one of which at least is gaseous.
His application of the pendulum to regulate the movement of clocks sprang from his experience of the need for an exact measure of time in observing the heavens.
The fifth method consists in observing the displacement in the direction of the sun, or of one of the nearer planets, due to the motion of the earth round the common centre of gravity of the earth and moon.
Let AoBo be a plane wave-surface of the light before it falls upon the prisms, AB the corresponding wave-surface for a particular part of the spectrum after the light has passed the prisms, or after it has passed the eye-piece of the observing telescope.
Observing through a telescope with light perpendicularly incident, he showed that the position of any ray was dependent only upon the grating interval, viz.
In observing the bands he received them at first upon a screen of finely ground glass, upon which a magnifying lens was focused; but it soon appeared that the ground glass could be dispensed with, the diffraction pattern being viewed in the same way as the image formed by the object-glass of a telescope is viewed through the eye-piece.
After a stay in Hail, where he had every opportunity of observing the character of the country and its inhabitants, and the hospitality and patriarchal, if sometimes stern, justice of its chief, he travelled on to Medina and Mecca, and returned thence to Cairo to report to his patron.
In order to see how nearly I could guess, with this experience, at the deepest point in a pond, by observing the outlines of a surface and the character of its shores alone, I made a plan of White Pond, which contains about forty-one acres, and, like this, has no island in it, nor any visible inlet or outlet; and as the line of greatest breadth fell very near the line of least breadth, where two opposite capes approached each other and two opposite bays receded, I ventured to mark a point a short distance from the latter line, but still on the line of greatest length, as the deepest.
He lit it and, distracted by observing those around him, began crossing himself with the hand that held the taper.
It was impossible to know what was going on in Señor Medena's mind by observing his expression.
But during the whole of this active life, many details of which are very interesting as illustrative of the life and manners of the time, he never lost sight of a design which he had formed at a very early period, of writing the history of those civil wars in France in which he had borne a part, and during which he had had so many opportunities of closely observing the leading personages and events.
This extract from one of Miss Sullivan's letters is added because it contains interesting casual opinions stimulated by observing the methods of others.
Unconsciously she immediately invented a reason for going down, and then, testing her strength, ran upstairs again, observing the result.
She jerked at his voice and twisted to face him, observing him coolly before turning away.
The legend that Athena, observing in the water the distortion of her features caused by playing that instrument, flung it away, probably indicates that the Boeotians whom the Athenians regarded with contempt, used the flute in their worship of the Boeotian Athena.
Palafox (20,000) was near Saragossa and observing Sanguessa; Castanos with the victors of Baylen" In this account of the war the losses and numbers engaged in different battles are given approximately only; and the former include killed, wounded and missing.
He must sense you're limited to observing what happens.