Observe Sentence Examples
I find it interesting to observe Molly.
Let them run in the fields, learn about animals, and observe real things.
A Cossack patrol would have sufficed to observe the enemy.
Seeing the bet, he decided he wanted to stick around long enough to observe a few more events in the women's futures.
Here it is enough to observe that the highly advanced doctrines of the distinctive character of Yahweh, as ascribed to the 8th century B.C., presuppose a foundation and development.
I deem it my duty to report to Your Majesty the condition of the various corps I have had occasion to observe during different stages of the last two or three days' march.
In general, one may often observe that freedom which is characteristic of early and unscientific historians.
Then it is beautiful to observe with what patience, sweetness, and perseverance Helen endeavours to bring the unruly fingers of her little friend into proper position.
I went there frequently to observe their habits.
The astronomers forever comment on and observe them.
AdvertisementBut one has only to observe that hive to realize that there is no longer any life in it.
Few are found to observe the law concerning the Five Hours of Prayer, and many fail to put in an appearance at the Friday congregational services in the mosques.
Step back and observe what you've drawn.
It is instructive to observe in Egypt the form which old traditions have taken in Manetho (Maspero, Rec. de travaux, xxvii., 1905, 1.22 seq.); cf.
Beyond Shamshevo, Dolokhov was to observe the road in the same way, to find out at what distance there were other French troops.
AdvertisementA roll, it is said, was found in the Temple, its contents struck terror into the hearts of the priests and king, and it led to a solemn covenant before Yahweh to observe the provisions of the law-book which had been so opportunely recovered.
A further motive for their attitude was that Francis Joseph, unlike his predecessor, had not taken the oath to observe the Hungarian constitution, which it was the avowed object of Schwarzenberg to overthrow.
We may also observe here that, like Epictetus, he is by no means so decided on the subject of suicide as the older Stoics.
It is interesting to observe, as will be shown later, that during the Mesozoic era there was a land-mass in the north of Asia and another in the south, and between them lay the sea in which ordinary marine sediments were deposited.
It is interesting to observe that a later development of transport between Manchester and Liverpool, namely, the Manchester Cotton landed at the Port of Manchester since the Canal was opened.
AdvertisementIt is usual to observe with this cover on, but some observers, e.g.
It is important to observe that in resting the fame of Pheidias upon the sculptures of the Parthenon we proceed with little evidence.
While making these reservations, it is at thesame time right to observe that certain Italian communities were more advanced upon the path of independence than others.
When we recollect the empiricist starting-point of science, it is curious to observe with what vehemence the average man of science now rejects free will.
Addressing the gathering, Langton referred to the laws of Edward the Confessor as "good laws," which the king ought to observe, and then mentioned the charter granted by Henry I.
AdvertisementI also observe that some external links should be allowed, particularly to Wikipedia, but understand the need to keep spammers at bay.
Mounds of bones marked his road, witnesses of devastations which other historians record in detail; Christian prisoners, from Germany, he found in the heart of "Tartary" (at Talas); the ceremony of passing between two fires he was compelled to observe, as a bringer of gifts to a dead khan, gifts which were of course treated by the Mongols as evidence of submission.
But when he renounced his promise to observe the constitutions his conduct was reprobated by the other bishops, although approved by the pope.
Sixth, I did not come to Washington to idly observe the squandering of the public's airwaves.
Used by His Majesty King George III to observe the 1769 transit of Venus.
Boris, coolly looking at Helene's dazzling bare shoulders which emerged from a dark, gold-embroidered, gauze gown, talked to her of old acquaintances and at the same time, unaware of it himself and unnoticed by others, never for an instant ceased to observe the Emperor who was in the same room.
During his three years of office as resident he was able to render not a few valuable services to the Company; but it is more important to observe that his name nowhere occurs in the official lists of those who derived pecuniary profit from the necessities and weakness of the native court.
It is important to observe that the risk is in no way obviated by the increasing slack paid out, except in so far as the amount of sliding which the strength of the cable is able to produce at the points of contact with the ground may be thereby increased.
A law was passed by the Hungarian diet regularizing the libdication of Ferdinand; at the beginning of June Francis Joseph signed the inaugural diploma and took the oath in Magyar to observe the constitution; on the 8th he was solemnly crowned king of Hungary.
In optics he was the first, in 1802, to observe the dark lines in the solar spectrum.
This law applies to every body that is set in motion upon the surface of the rotating earth, but usually the duration of the motion of any body due to a single impulse is so brief, and there are so many frictional disturbances, that it is not easy to observe the results of this deflecting force.
Stopped at a feeding station to observe Asian Rosy Finches and Eurasian Tree sparrows.
Work up some saliva and drop a spittle on top of the water and observe.
Ideal for those wanting to observe wildlife at close quarters.
We here observe a great advance in the vocation of the prophet.
If men would steadily observe realities only, and not allow themselves to be deluded, life, to compare it with such things as we know, would be like a fairy tale and the Arabian Nights' Entertainments.
With regard to military matters, Napoleon immediately on his entry into Moscow gave General Sabastiani strict orders to observe the movements of the Russian army, sent army corps out along the different roads, and charged Murat to find Kutuzov.
Elisabeth drove home, so Jackson had the opportunity to observe.
The only other occasions on which he was out of the Netherlands were in 1630, when he made a flying visit to England to observe for himself some alleged magnetic phenomena, and in 16 3 4, when he took an excursion to Denmark.
They might not sustain it, but if the parties did not dispute it, they were free to observe it.
It is more important to observe that under Joseph and his ministers or advisers, including the Frenchmen Roederer, Dumas, Miot de Melito and the Corsican Saliceti, great progress was made in abolishing feudal laws and customs, in reforming the judicial procedure and criminal laws on the model of the Code Napoleon, and in attempting the beginnings of elementary education.
We may be helped in assigning him his proper place if we observe that, almost invariably, he accepts certain beliefs which he forbears to press.
On the 12th of April 1769 the British expedition to observe the transit of Venus, under the naval command of James Cook, arrived at Tahiti.
It is interesting to observe that though deduced exclusively from the study of flowering plants, they are in substantial agreement with those now generally adopted by zoologists, and may therefore be presumed to be on the whole natural.
The first Christians continued to observe the Jewish festivals, though in a new spirit, as commemorations of events which those festivals had foreshadowed.
And in regard to Reid's favourite proof of the principles in question by reference to "the consent of ages and nations, of the learned and unlearned," it is only fair to observe that this argument assumes a much more scientific form in the Essays, where it is almost identified with an appeal to "the structure and grammar of all languages."
A clause provided that, within five days after the passing of the law, every senator should take an oath to observe it, under penalty of being expelled from the senate and heavily fined.
The latter at once assumed the role of advanced guard cavalry and was ordered to observe the enemy at Friedland, Ney following in close support.
We observe, however, that this kind of problem was not new.
These new structures would rest uncomfortably upon eroded formations and this, Wayland Vaughan points out, is what we actually observe in the case of living and fossil coral reefs.
He was twice banished for attempting to overthrow the oligarchical party in Syracuse; in 317 he returned with an army of mercenaries under a solemn oath to observe the democratic constitution which was then set up. Having banished or murdered some Io,000 citizens, and thus made himself master of Syracuse, he created a strong army and fleet and subdued the greater part of Sicily.
That the Pharaoh's skirt, sometimes decorated with a pleated golden material, should become an honorific garment, the right of wearing which was proudly recorded among the bearer's titles, is quite intelligible, but many difficulties arise when one attempts to identify the individuals represented, or to trace the evolution of ideas.2 The well-known conservatism of religious practice manifests itself in ceremonial festivals (where there is a tendency for the original religious meaning to be obscured) and among cere= the priests, and it is interesting to observe that despite the great changes in Egyptian costume in the New Kingdom the priests still kept to the simple linen skirt of earlier days (Erman, 206).
It was the concepts derived from the experimental methods of Harvey, Lavoisier, Liebig, Claude Bernard, Helmholtz, Darwin, Pasteur, Lister and others which, directly or indirectly, trained the eyes of clinicians to observe more closely and accurately; and not of clinicians only, but also of pathologists, such as Matthew Baillie, Cruveilhier, Rokitansky, Bright, Virchowto name but a few of those who, with (as must be admitted) new facilities for necropsies, began to pile upon us discoveries in morbid anatomy and histology.
Mrs Pepys went on one occasion specially to observe the fashions of the ladies because she was then "making some clothes."
If we begin with a blue glass, we may observe the gradually increasing obliquity of the direction of maximum polarization; and then by exchanging the blue glass for a red one, we may revert to the original condition of things, and observe the transition from perpendicularity to obliquity over again.
Observe that the basal segment of 3 appendage III does not meet its fellow 4 in the middle line.
And here we have first to observe that in the Hebrew text the Psalter is divided into five books, each of which closes with a doxology.
Nor can the relation of master and pupil be certainly inferred from the superscription quoted (observe the omission of any article), which really asserts no more than that Hero re-edited an earlier treatise by Ctesibius, and implies nothing about his being an immediate predecessor.
In the Eulerian method the attention is fixed on a particular point of space, and the change is observed there of pressure, density and velocity, which takes place during the motion; but in the Lagrangian method we follow up a particle of fluid and observe how it changes.
There is a body of Seventh Day Adventists who observe the old Sabbath (Saturday) rather than the Christian Sunday.
A formal treaty was then concluded, which the Slavonians swore to observe in the names of their gods Perun and Volos.
In 1611 Johann Fabricius published his observations of sun-spots and describes how he and his father fell back upon the old method of projecting the sun's image in a darkened room, finding that they could observe the spots just as well as with the telescope.
It seems therefore consonant alike with prudence and reverence to refrain from attempting to combine afresh into a single picture the materials derivable from the various documents, and to endeavour instead to describe the main contents of the sources from which our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as an historical personage is ultimately drawn, and to observe the picture of Him which each writer in turn has offered to us.
Therefore, to observe stars of a different declination it will be necessary either to shift the direction of the fixed telescope, keeping its axis still pointed to the coelostat mirror, or to employ a second mirror to reflect the rays from the coelostat mirror along the axis of a fixed telescope.
Observe the prototype in line 4 where the second variable has an ampersand in front of the variable name.
Evening option to observe the caiman around the lake.
While here you may also observe oyster catchers, geese and the endemic steamer duck along the rocky shores.
For example, they hope to observe the structural changes accompanying the activation of ion channels in living cells.
Tephra analysis was carried out in order to observe possible isochrones, which were then used to form a relative chronology.
Compare and contrast the two areas of the report we've highlighted here, not often you observe such a glaring contradiction.
We observe a different scenario with the gentile converts.
I am looking for equine dentists who would consider allowing me to observe them over the summer whilst they are working.
To observe the earthlings in their natural environment and gently poke fun at them.
Trainees ought to endeavor to observe proper etiquette at all times.
The October 26th flyby marked the first time Cassini's imaging radar was used to observe Titan.
Some of their findings are illustrated in Figure 4. For how many female pied flycatchers did they observe mate choice decisions in the field?
Members decided to observe the formality of reappointing the current auditor in order to meet its statutory mandate.
Observe the abundance of marine life that inhabit these tropical waters and marvel at the brilliant display of colorful coral formations.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by Antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
We chose to observe NGC 253, which at a distance of 10 million light years is the nearest starburst spiral galaxy.
The second day provided us with an opportunity to observe the altitudinal vegetation gradient on a south to north transect, ending in Pucon.
If you have a toy gyroscope at home, you can easily observe this effect yourself.
Agencies failing to observe the rules could be left with a nasty legal hangover once the festivities are over.
Now I have chosen some rather extreme examples to make the point that we do not observe all biblical injunctions.
In July 1943 a Soviet military mission visited the station to observe our methods of fighter interception at night.
For example observe the tone of your voice, including intonation, timbre, softness, harshness.
Dandie's sister, sitting by the side of Clem in her new Glasgow finery, chose that moment to observe the young laird.
I am sorry to observe that " Dealer in foreign spirituous liquors " is by far the most frequent.
Unless studying contemporary lore, folklorists cannot observe the behavior of the people they are studying.
In the latter we observe the malignity, the intriguing and revengeful disposition for which she was so notorious.
You alone observe that the senior management never back me up.
This makes it possible to observe the skeletal manifestations of such anomalies.
He took care also to observe the moment when it passed the meridian below the pole, which would simplify the operation.
At CDF there is a unique opportunity to observe this mixing in Bs mesons.
Larry Stammer of the Los Angeles Times reports that Bishop Jon Bruno has said he will observe a personal moratorium on blessing same-sex unions.
You may be fortunate enough to observe the many gray mullet that are in this part of the river feeding.
The 150mm aperture enables you to observe bright nebulas in the depth of space.
Please observe the copyright notice by reading the link below.
Up until then astronomers have been able only to observe and study astronomical objects from a distance without in any way disturbing them.
When you are driving, always wear a safety belt, strictly observe speed limits, traffic lights and signs.
During the experience, the researcher observed each participant and was able to simultaneously observe what he was viewing in the HMD.
Over 100 cameras were used to observe the lift-off to check for any falling debris that could damage the orbiter.
We do, however, need to observe these ordinances to show to the world our obedience.
Stanza creates participatory digital artworks that invite viewers to guide data flows or to simply observe self-generating compositions.
Connect a suitable power supply being sure to observe correct polarity.
You also observe that the participants reflected a ' widening class polarization in the community ' .
The supersymmetric theories postulate that every particle we observe has a massive " shadow " particle partner.
Finally we may simply observe the system as a " black box " where we compute the probability of failure from past experience.
Then there are dark-field stops, and colored filters for optical staining of the transparent protists I like to observe.
The Italian pulsar group is looking forward to use this facility to observe radio pulsars.
If you can, please take the time in autumn to observe the salmon run to their spawning redds.
Observe the effect on CVP, blood pressure, pulse, urine output and capillary refill.
Whilst working in Sri Lanka she was able to observe rites and ceremonies among women to which men would not have been allowed access.
We also observe that word-final schwas are deleted first.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
A farrowing sow will build her nest of straw freely where she pleases and we observe the birthing process.
It is sometimes suggested that speciation occurs too rarely or too slowly for any single person to observe a speciation event during their life-time.
Smith, 438), and one is tempted to compare the use of masks elsewhere in animal worship. Next, one may observe upon old Babylonian seals, eagle-headed deities with short feathered skirts attended by human beings similarly arrayed (Ball, 151) or figures draped in a fish skin (Menant, Rev. de l'hist.
There may first be mentioned the zealots such as the Akalis, who, though generally quite illiterate, aim at observing the injunctions of Sikhism Guru Govind Singh; secondly, the true Sikhs or Singhs who observe his ordinances, such as the prohibi tions of cutting the hair and the use of tobacco; and, thirdly, those Sikhs who while professing devotion to the tenets of the gurus are almost indistinguishable from ordinary Hindus.
He can simply observe, analyse and experiment upon the phenomena attending the action of the drug, and classify it with other agents analogous in character."
It is often impossible to observe the pressure-coefficient dp/de directly, but it may be deduced from the isothermal compressibility by means of the geometrically obvious relation, BE = (BEÆC) XEC. The ratio BEÆC of the diminution of pressure to the increase of volume at constant temperature, or - dp/dv, is readily observed.
The experience of hypnagogic illusions also seems far more rare than ordinary dreaming in sleep. Unfortunately, while these phenomena have been carefully studied by officially scientific characters, in England orthodox savants have disdained to observe crystalgazing, while in France psychologists have too commonly experimented with subjects professionally hysterical and quite untrustworthy.
After the Imperial Diet of Spires in 1526 had decreed that all states of the empire should observe the Edict of Worms (1521), banning Luther and his adherents, in such a manner that they should not be afraid to answer it before God and the emperor, the reform movement had received such an access of strength that the Catholic party felt itself menaced in earnest, and in 1529 again passed a resolution at Spires, deigned not merely to preclude any further expansion of the Reformation, but even to prevent it from maintaining the ground already won.
He was able now to observe those intricate intrigues which culminated in Cesare's murder of his disaffected captains.
They preserved their own laws, customs, fueros (see Basques), which the Spanish kings swore to observe and maintain.
Such diverse organisms as brachiopods, ammonites, horses and rhinoceroses absolutely conform to this law in all those rare localities where we have been able to observe closely sequent stages.
Beginners are advised to practise riding with and without stirrups; thus, let the pupil who has ridden half an hour in a saddle with stirrups have a cloth substituted for the saddle for about ten minutes, care being taken to observe the rules already laid down for the position of the legs; in this way the proper seat will be strengthened.
But inasmuch as there are many persons, including most makers of school editions, who prudently and modestly desire a better road to truth than their own investigations can discover and think thus to find it, it will not be amiss to observe on the one hand that the concurrence of a succession of editors in a reading is no proof and often no presumption either that their agreement is independent or that their reading is right; and on the other that, though independence may generally be granted to coinciding emendations of different scholars, yet from the general constitution of the human mind it is likely that not a few of these will be coincidences in error rather than in truth.
In social intercourse the Egyptians observe many forms of salu tation and much etiquette; they are very affable, and readily enter into conversation with strangers.
Indeed, since the Samaritans subsequently accepted the Pentateuch, and claimed to inherit the ancestral traditions of the Israelite tribes, it is of no little value in the study of Palestinian history to observe the manner in which this people of singularly mixed origin so thoroughly assimilated itself to the land and at first was virtually a Jewish sect.
The gold-leaf electroscope invented by Abraham Bennet (see Electroscope) can in like manner, by the addition of a scale to observe the divergence of the gold-leaves, be made a repulsion electrometer.
After reiterating commands to abstain from idolatry and to observe the Sabbath, vv.
Even the Apaches after being whipped by relentless war into temporary submission have been bound by treaties which the gifts, vices and virtues of the reservation system have tempted them to observe.
The task was a great one, and the fame to be won by it uncertain, yet it would be something to have made the attempt, and the labour itself would bring a welcome relief from the contemplation of present evils; for his readers, too, this record will, he says, be full of instruction; they are invited to note especially the moral lessons taught by the story of Rome, to observe how Rome rose to greatness by the simple virtues and unselfish devotion of her citizens, and how on the decay of these qualities followed degeneracy and decline.
The most surprising part of the Great Charter to modern eyes is its sixty-first paragraph, that which openly statesdoubts as to the kings intention to abide by his promise, and appoints a committee of twenty-five guardians of the charter (twenty-four barons and the mayor of London), who are to coerce their master, by force of arms if necessary, to observe every one of its clauses.
That the members of this " city of Zeus " should observe their contracts, abstain from mutual harm, combine to protect each other from injury, were obvious points of natural law; while again, it was clearly necessary to the preservation of human society that its members should form sexual unions, produce children, and bestow care on their rearing and training.
Lastly, we must observe that, in proportion as the legal conception of morality as a code of which the violation deserves, supernatural punishment predominated over the philosophic view of ethics as the method for attaining natural felicity, the question of man's freedom of will to obey the law necessarily became prominent.
We observe cats and dogs acquiring the same second nature.
To understand, observe, and draw conclusions, man must first of all be conscious of himself as living.
You must be able to observe his/her attitudes as well as behaviors.
It is material to observe, that as the Olympic years and periods begin with the 1st of July, the first six months of a year of our era correspond to one Olympic year, and the last six months to another.
We observe the contemporaneous and largely independent radiations of the hoofed animals in South America, in Africa and in the great ancient continent comprising Europe, Asia and North America; we observe the Cretaceous radiation of hoofed animals in the northern hemisphere, followed by a second radiation of hoofed animals in the same region, in some cases one surviving spur of an old radiation becoming the centre of a new one.
He was careful to observe a "correct" attitude towards Alexius, and when he arrived at Constantinople in April 1097 he did homage to the emperor.
Hence in more recent patterns of magnetometer it is usual to do away with the transit mirror method of observing and either to use a separate theodolite to observe the azimuth of some distant object, which will then act as a fixed mark when making the declination observations, or to attach to the magnetometer an altitude telescope and circle for use when determining the geographical meridian.
Attached to the cross-arm which carries the microscopes used to observe the ends of the dipping needle is a clamp, which will hold the needle b in such a way that its plane is parallel to the vertical circle and its axis is at right angles to the line joining the two microscopes.
The custom, which is ultimately based on the penance of "sackcloth and ashes" spoken of by the prophets of the Old Testament, has been dropped in those of the reformed Churches which still observe the fast; but it is retained in the Roman Catholic Church, the day being known as dies cinerum (day of ashes) or dies cineris et cilicii (day of ash and sackcloth).
They had been taught to observe the sacraments and naturally desired that provision should be made for their administration in their own chapels.
In 1294, and again in 1303, they laid themselves under an obligation, previously to the election, to subscribe to the political engagements which each promised rigorously to observe in the event of his becoming pope.
Ray's translation of that work (p. 334), stating that it is "a Sea-fowl, which fishermen observe to resort to their vessels in some numbers, swimming 1 swiftly to and fro, backward, forward and about them, and doth as it were radere aquam, shear the water, from whence perhaps it had its name."
A desire to observe the phenomenon from a nearer point of view, and also to rescue some of his friends, from their perilous position on the shore of the Bay of Naples, led to his launching his galleys and crossing the bay to Stabiae (Castellamare), where he perished, in the fifty-sixth year of his age.
In connexion with their use as food we may observe that of recent years in Scandinavia and Russia an alcoholic spirit has been distilled from Cladonia rangiferina and extensively consumed, especially in seasons when potatoes were scarce and dear.
Within the Alps, when normally developed, we may trace the individual folds for long distances and observe how they arise, increase and die out, to be replaced by others of similar direction.
We must observe, as regards the plants of the lower alpine region, that it is the actual presence of a forest vegetation, rather than the theoretical treelimit, which affects their vertical distribution; so that, e.g.
All the plants just named, we may observe, are " cushion-plants."
Side by side with the northern element (which in some respects, we may observe to point the contrast, would be better named the tundra-element) we find a group of species usually spoken of as the xerothermic or meridional element.
He fitted up in 1864 a private observatory at Cambridge, Mass.; but undertook in 1868, on behalf of the Argentine republic, to organize a national observatory at Cordoba; began to observe there with four assistants in 1870, and completed in 1874 his Uranometria Argentina (published 1879) for which he received in 1883 the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.
The main point to observe in this connexion is that large tracts of land in many parts of the world were at a critical level as regards the sea, a condition highly favourable to frequent extensive incursions of marine waters over the low-lying areas in a period of extreme crustal instability.
In spite of the bulk of the evidence being in favour of geniality of climate, it is necessary to observe that certain deposits have been recognized as glacial; in the culm of the Frankenwald, in the coal basins of central France, and in central England, certain conglomeratic beds have been assigned, somewhat doubtfully, to this origin.
But it may be well in this place to observe that his successors continued his work by giving Pausanias, Strabo, Aeschylus, Galen, Hippocrates and Longinus to the world in first editions.
Although he really directed the policy of the various ministries, he evidently thought that the time was not ripe for asserting openly his own claims to direct the policy of the Republic, and seemed inclined to observe a neutral attitude as far as possible; but events hurried him on, and early in 1881 he placed himself at the head of a movement for restoring scrutin de lisle, or the system by which deputies are returned by the entire department which they represent, so that each elector votes for several representatives at once, in place of scrutin d'arrondissement, the system of small constituencies, giving one member to each district and one vote to each elector.
In relation to their production on the stem we may observe that when they are small they are always produced in great number, and as they increase in size their number diminishes correspondingly.
No definite conclusion can be drawn from the fact that the language stands in marked contrast to that of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, &c., since writings presumably more or less contemporary did not necessarily share the same characteristics (observe, for example, the prose parts of Job).
This gives an average value of the conductivity over the range, but it is better to observe the temperatures at three distances, and to assume k to be a linear function of the temperature, in which case the solution of the equation is still very simple, namely, 0+Ze6 2 =a log r+b, (3) where e is the temperature-coefficient of the conductivity.
This is one of the simplest of all methods in practice, but it involves the measurement of several different quantities, some of which are difficult to observe accurately.
In connection with suicides, it is interesting to observe that the highest rates prevail in some of the smaller and more prosperous states of the empire for example, in Saxe-Weimar, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and SaxeAltenhurg (on a three years average of figures), while the Roman Catholic country Bavaria, and the impoverished Prussian province of Posen show the most favorable statistics.
Either state pledged itself to observe benevolent neutrality in case the other were attacked uss a.
Here we observe that (I) the extract agrees this time with Recognitions, not with Homilies; (2) its framework is that of the Clementine romance found in both; (3) the tenth and last book of Recognitions is here parallel to book xiv.
This has generally been regarded as Plato's own work; but the certainty of this conclusion will be doubted by those who observe (I) the elaborate preparations made in the dialogue for a recital of the EpwrcKOS which shall be verbally exact, and (2) the closeness of the criticism made upon it.
In the earliest existing monument of the Hellenic genius, the Homeric poems, one may already observe that regulative sense of form and proportion, which shaped the later achievements of the race in the intellectual and artistic spheres.
India, the sceptical observe, has yielded no Greek inscription, except, of course, on the coins of the Greek kings and their Scythian rivals and successors.
It is enough then here to observe that Iran and Babylonia do, as a matter of fact, continually yield the explorer objects of workmanship either Greek or influenced by Greek models, belonging to the age after Alexander, and that we may hence infer at any rate such an influence of Hellenism upon the tastes of the richer classes as would create a demand for these things.
And yet even here one must observe qualifications.
Even in the separate narrations we may observe how readily the Koran passes from one subject to another, how little care is taken to express all the transitions of thought, and.
In Medina it called forth the admiration of the Faithful to observe how often God gave them the answer to a question whose settlement was urgently required at the moment.
The poorer classes cannot fully observe the harem system, but the women are in general carefully veiled.
In social intercourse the Egyptians observe many forms of salutation and much etiquette; they are very affable, and readily enter into conversation with strangers.
The period of the hot winds, called the khamsin, that is, the fifties, is calculated from the day after the Coptic Easter, and terminates on the day of Pentecost, and the Moslems observe the Wednesday preceding this period, called Jobs Wednesday, as well as its first day, when many go into the country from Cairo, to smell the air.
The Ulema observe the same custom on the first three days of the spring quarter.
On the 17th of October the charter, which the king had sworn to observe twelve years before, was solemnly handed back to him at the palace, Frederick III.
It is highly important to observe that the official doses of the various pharmacopoeias may with safety be greatly exceeded in practice.
Alfred, 893(894), took up a position whence he could observe both forces.
There was also the sort of unofficial censorship, undefined by law but real, which communities exercised against those who had been pro-German or who were now less ready than their neighbours thought fitting to subscribe for loans and the Red Cross, and to observe food regulations.
Senn, pursuing the methods described by Klebs, has confirmed Chodat's observation of the passage of Raphidium into a Dactylococcus-stage, although he was unable to observe further metamorphosis.
It is in such localities that we can best observe the last relics of the glaciers that once overspread the country.
We have followed it long enough to see its directness and simplicity, to observe the naturalness with which one incident succeeds another, and to watch the gradual manifestation of a personality at once strong and sympathetic, wielding extraordinary powers, which are placed wholly at the service of others, and refusing to be hindered from helping men by the ordinary restrictions of social or religious custom.
Moreover, in one case Jesus is described as groaning before He spoke; in the other the cure was at first incomplete; and both of the men were strictly charged to observe silence afterwards.
Next, we see that wherever we are able to observe its method of relating an incident, as in the case of the healing of the centurion's servant, we have the same characteristics of brevity and simplicity which we admired in St Mark.
In these opening words we are invited to study the life of Christ from a new point of view, to observe His selfmanifestation and its issue.
On the whole, there was everywhere a common foundation of culture and thought, with local, tribal and national developments; and it is useful to observe the striking similarity of religious phraseology throughout the Semitic sources, and its similarity with the ideas in the Egyptian texts.
But as this reaction is reversible, we must observe the conditions necessary for directing it in the right sense.
The Berber's village is his state, and the government is vested in an assembly, the Jemda, formed of all males old enough to observe the fast of Ramadan.
The Berbers, though Mahommedans, do not often observe the prescribed ablutions; they break their fast at Ramadan; and eat wild boar's flesh and drink fig brandy.
Although in his sixty-fourth year, he undertook to observe the moon through an entire revolution of her nodes (eighteen years), and actually carried out his purpose.
In India the Sunnis greatly preponderate, but they usually share with the Shiahs their veneration for Hasan and Husain and strictly observe the Mohurrum.
It is curious to observe how repeatedly this arsenal was drawn upon in the discussions in America about the "Imperialistic" developments of Igloo.
The almucantar was therefore used only to observe the vertical transits of stars in different azimuths over fixed horizontal webs, without touching the telescope.
They observe the 10th of Muharram, the day of `Ashura, as a day of public mourning.
Each of the parties concerned swore to observe faithfully every part of this deed, which the caliph caused to be hung up in the Ka`ba, imagining that it would be thus guaranteed against all violation on the part of men, a precaution which was to be rendered vain by the perfidy of Amin.
Notwithstanding the rigour of the season, Harlan retraced his steps, and Nicephorus was compelled to observe his engagements.
We may observe that the equation (51) is accurately true for an ideal vapour, for which pv = (S-s)0, provided that the total heat is defined as equal to the change of the function (E+pv) between the given limits.
He proceeds to calculate from this expression the difference of vapour-pressures of ice and water in the immediate neighbourhood of the melting-point, but does not observe that the vapour-pressures themselves may be more accurately calculated for a considerable interval of temperature by means of formula (23), by substituting the appropriate values of the latent heats and specific heats.
If we proceed instead by the method of integrating the equation H -h =6(v-w)dp/d6, we observe that the expression above given results from the integration of the terms -dh/R0 2 +w(dp/d9)/R9, which were omitted in (25).
In a lunar eclipse, on the other hand, the earth is the shadow-casting body, and the moon is the screen, and we observe things according to our first point of view.
It remains to observe the overthrow or supersession of the serpent in Christian lands.
There is ample material for purely comparative purposes and for an estimate both of the general fundamental ideas and of the artificially-developed secondary speculations; but for any scientific research it is necessary to observe the social, religious and historical conditions of the provenance and period of the evidence, and for this the material is often insufficient.
This Intelligence alone would have produced the orderly arrangement which we observe in Nature, and is the basis of human thought by the physical process of inhalation.
The manner of writing up and down instead of backwards and forwards across the stone is obviously appropriate to a surface which is of considerable length, but comparatively narrow, a connected sense being thus much easier to observe than in writing across a narrow surface where, as in the gravestones of Melos, three lines are required for a single word.
It will be enough to observe that in the earliest elegiac poets, such as Archilochus, Tyrtaeus and Theognis, reminiscences of Homeric language and thought meet us on every page.
At the same time, many of the deities themselves are of quite recent origin, and it is easy to observe a deity in making even at the present day."
The first point to observe is the predominance throughout India of the influence of the traditional system of four original castes.
Simultaneously Wladislaus contracted an offensive and defensive alliance with Venice against the Porte, a treaty directly contrary indeed to the pacta conventa he had sworn to observe, but excusable in the desperate circumstances.
But we have to observe that the last great phenomenon of the Spanish Renaissance was Ignatius Loyola, who organized the militia by means of which the church worked her Counter-Reformation.
Here we have the origin of the Catholic rule of fasting, seldom understood by those who observe it.
And if it be larger and wider, we must observe whether, by indicating to us new particulars, it confirm that wideness and largeness as by a collateral security, that we may not either stick fast in things already known, or loosely grasp at shadows and abstract forms, not at things solid and realized in matter."
When Rome quarrelled with Spain, and France, on behalf of the pope, took up arms, England could no longer observe neutrality.
In the numberless transitions that, whilst connecting, separate the spell and the prayer we observe as the accompaniment of every mood from extreme imperiousness to extreme humility an abiding will and desire to help the action out.
Towards the close of the Franco-Prussian War he made an admirable defence of Brest, and his organization of the French expedition to the island of St Paul to observe the transit of Venus in 1874 obtained his election to the Academy of Sciences and his promotion as commander of the Legion of Honour.
It is interesting to observe that the old law of debt was not really abolished until the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, who practically adopted the legislation of Solon more than five centuries before; but it was too late then to save the middle class.
Henceforth we observe a determination on his part to rule without a parliament; a passage, cautious and gradual, yet unflinching, from semi-constitutionalism to semi-absolutism.
In this connexion it is very interesting to observe that Messrs Sutton of Reading find that the seedlings of many of the varieties of potato that occur spontaneously in different parts of America come quite true to type from seed.
He has not failed to observe that Church and State act and react upon each other; but he has no notion how the relation ought to be conceived.
All that we have to observe at present is that, in the cases in which the fluids do not mix of themselves, the potential energy of the system must be greater when the fluids are mixed than when they are separate.
We may, however, observe that our book points to the period already past - of stress and persecution that preceded the recovery of national independence under the Maccabees, and presupposes as its historical background the most flourishing period of the Maccabean hegemony.
At the same time it is necessary to observe that it is by no means certain that the mesoderm found in various groups of Metazoa is a similar or homologous formation in all cases.
By the same article the parties agreed to observe these rules as between themselves in future, and to bring them to the knowledge of other maritime powers.
Yet traces of a pre-deistic and animistic period survived here and there; for instance, in Arcadia we find the thunder itself called Zeus (ZEUs Kepavvos) in a Mantinean inscription, 2 and the stone near Gythium in Laconia on which Orestes sat and was cured of his madness, evidently a thunder-stone, was named itself Zeus Kainreoras, which must be interpreted as " Zeus that fell from heaven "; 3 we here observe that the personal God does not yet seem to have emerged from the divine thing or divine phenomenon.
Torrington, to whom the general direction of the allied fleet belonged, was much disturbed by the enemy's superiority in number, and on the 26th had written to the Council of Regency suggesting that he ought to retire to the Gunfleet at the mouth of the Thames, and observe the enemy from a distance till he could be reinforced.
If any one watches the horizontal or upward flight of a large bird he will observe that the posterior or flexible margin of the wing never rises during the down stroke to a perceptible extent, so that the under surface of the wing, as a whole, never looks backwards.
It is important to observe, however, that an action does not lie against a district council in respect of the failure to repair a highway even at the suit of a person who has thereby been injured.
Now, when naturalists observe a close agreement in numerous small details of habits, tastes and dispositions between two or more domestic races, or between nearly allied natural forms, they use this fact as an argument that all are descended from a common progenitor who was thus endowed; and, consequently, that all should be classed under the same species.
The peremptory action of the British admiral commanding in the Mediterranean at the approach of the War Of the Austrian Succession, who forced him to promise to observe neutrality under a threat to bombard Naples, made a deep impression on his mind.
So far as the writer has been able to observe or ascertain, there are very few masonry dams in Europe or America which have not been cracked transversely in their higher parts.
The species of colour, and degree of Refrangibility proper to any particular sort of Rays, is not mutable by Refraction, nor by Reflection from natural bodies, nor by any other cause, that I could yet observe.
Tradition relates that Parmenides framed laws for the Eleates, who each year took an oath to observe them.
The failure to observe the distinction between an identity and an equality often leads to loose reasoning; and in order to prevent this it is important that definite meanings should be attached to all symbols of operation, and especially to those which represent elementary operations.
Declaring John deposed because he had broken his oath to observe the charter, they Offered the crown to Louis of France, the son of King Philip, because he had married Johns niece Blanche of Castile and could assert in her right a claim to the throne.
He generally gave way when pressed, without attempting an appeal to arms; he would then swear an oath to observe the Great Charter, and be detected in violating it again within a few months.
The inevitable oath to observe honestly all the conditions of the Great Charter of 1215 was, as usual, extorted from him with special formalities.
He had given his realm good and strong governance; according to his lights he had striven to keep faith and to observe his coronation oath.
Observe that the distinctive feature is in the exclusive use of such determination of a curve by means of its equation.
In proof of that, I observe - I. The truth of God requires the punishment of sin.
Our small groups have the chance to observe and record some of Britain 's rarest birds !
Practitioners must be able to observe and respond appropriately to children, informed by a knowledge of how children develop and learn.
Valarien was delighted to observe the admirable restraint which the two piss artists were showing.
Can one observe any borrowings or ' translations ' of the previous rhetoric into the new reality?
Some are compacted into little balls so that only the strings poke out into the four space-time dimensions we observe.
Stopped at a feeding station to observe Asian Rosy Finches and Eurasian Tree Sparrows.
Cool Steel Visitors squirt water onto a hot plate to observe some very dramatic effects.
Here, we'll also hope to observe oyster catchers, geese and the endemic steamer duck along the rocky shores.
Observe the seals sunbathing on the rocks and the dolphins leaping !
I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfill my duties and obligations as a British overseas territories citizen.
Observe 5 different types of undercarriage designs among the aircraft in the museum and make a collection of sketches highlighting the differences.
A clear failure to observe such proportionality will vitiate the resultant exercise of discretion whether to make either such order.
I usually make weeklong trips, in areas where I am likely able to observe marine life.
Video Monitors-Video baby monitors allow you to not only listen to your baby but also observe him as he sleeps.
Place the bed away from drafts and hot spots nor directly upon heating vents and out of high traffic areas but in locatisn where your pooch can still observe other pack-people members.
However, if you know about your trip months in advance, you might do well to sit tight for at least a few more weeks and observe the prices.
Ask the golf club pro or salesperson (who should know about clubs) to observe the speed of you swing.
The second way to determine if you have hard water is to observe the reaction of soap or shampoo.
Always observe your local laws and avoid making your own fireworks, as they can cause serious injuries if you use them incorrectly.
Observe the animal, and notice if there are any changes in its behavior, eating or litter box habits.
As stated previously, when a cat is elevated to the highest point in the house, its perspective allows it to safely observe all the ongoing activity in the room.
You have only to observe a cat stalking a bird or mouse to see the hunter's instinct shine through.
Observe all of the safety notations on your bunk bed building plans, and always use good judgment and common sense when constructing furniture or toys for your children.
No matter what type of modern design you wish to replicate, there are a few basic theories of modern design that you should observe.
Some websites will let you observe or even play for free, but usually require you to create a login.
It may be best to sit back and observe the interactions for a few days before jumping into the discussion so you can get a feel for the group.
Sit back and observe the first few bursts, then aim at the sky.
You may want to go through the steps with him first and then observe him to make sure he is good on his own.
If you observe skiers after they have completed a day on the slopes, you will notice that they are probably paying meticulous attention to the bases of their skis.
Observe the student/teacher interaction and how the curriculum is taught.
They were featured in In Style magazine and are sure to inspire gasps of delight when your guests observe the craftsmanship.
Many couples then also observe a more elaborate church wedding sometime during the following week.
His family was Jewish when he was growing up, but it's been only recently that Hoffman has started to observe his faith.
You can hike, observe wildlife, kayak, and more-all within a single cruise package.
Royal Caribbean loves to celebrate special occasions, but realizes that some guests prefer to observe their anniversaries without a lot of pomp and circumstance.
Most establishments will allow you to observe a training session before signing up, so you can decide if this the route you want to take before you pay any fees.
Be sure to ask if you can observe a training session for free before you commit to signing up.
Take a moment to observe the pets and the way the staff interacts with them, as this can tell you a lot about how well your dog may adjust to the situation.
Spend a little time talking to the receptionist as you observe how the vet interacts with the staff, pets and customers.
When we got to the vet, they did a full physical on Charley, full blood panel, and asked to keep him the rest of the day to observe him.
If all goes well at this first get together, then have a second meeting at your place, and observe how the animals get along now that the new dog is in your own pets' territory.
A good trainer can discern a confused pet from a dangerous one, and many are willing to come to your home to observe your dog in his own habitat.
The evaluator will observe your dog with another dog, or several dogs, and handler in the test area.
Here the evaluator will observe how your dog reacts when you leave with a stranger holding your dog on a leash.
The idea being to find a very safe enclosed outdoor area where you and your dog may sit for several hours or as long as you can sit, and just quietly observe your dog at play.
It is very important, not only in today's times while the economy is very tight and we are all stressed, but at all times when owning a dog, that people acquire the habit of learning to observe their dogs and understand their behavior.
I will break this down for you into four easy steps on how to observe and go over your dog's body.
Most people are not allowed inside a mill to observe conditions.
Pick a day when you're home and can observe the garden.
If your area is under a drought watch, observe local ordinances dictating when you can water and for how long.
Observe what type of jewelry your daughter and her friends normally wear.
Just because it's no longer commonplace to tip your hat to a lady, you should still observe this basic etiquette rule, even if you're overdue for a haircut and you don't want anyone to know.
Another way to find out what is appropriate at work is to observe what others are wearing.
After you have chosen a site, observe it for a couple of days before planting.
Not everyone wants to be the object of funny pranks, and you should be respectful of those who would prefer to simply observe or not participate at all.
A personal visit will also help you observe the cleanliness of the facility, mobility hazards, and the interaction between the staff and residents, otherwise known as the "warmth index."
When buying a hat, make sure you try it on and observe yourself in the store's mirrors.
If your interests center around water activities or you just want a place on the water to watch the sunset and observe the wildlife, here are some of the best options for affordability.
Sometimes it is necessary to observe a patient as he sleeps in order to determine the cause of sleeplessness.
Parents who observe what they believe to be a seizure while their baby is asleep should try to wake the infant gently.
The attendants and medical assistants will hook you up, observe your sleeping patterns, record your data and put together a report for the doctor to review in the morning.
As a sleep study participant, you may be hooked up to a few different machines that monitor your sleep while technicians who are working at the sleep study center observe you.
Furthermore, there are many people who use them to observe wildlife in the dark for viewing purposes or for hunting.
You can easily observe the terrain with them on, even in very dim moonlight or without any source of light at all.
Let them observe the ride and decide whether or not to ride when they are ready.
Interested guests should note that height requirements vary on different slides; observe all posted safety regulations and guidelines to ensure a happy and risk-free visit.
Animal Kingdom Villas and Lodge - Ideal for animal lovers, this resort is designed to resemble an African lodge nestled among an enormous wildlife reserve where guests can observe numerous exotic animals.
Logically, this would be common sense as the game largely depends on your skill, but I can't help but feel something's not right when I try to plant a bomb and find myself stabbed in the back while my teammates stand by and calmy observe.
Guests are advised to observe fire safety precautions at all times.
Do not leave the child alone-constantly observe the child.
Parents should observe the behavior of adolescents and teens who may be purposely overdosing on these drugs.
Children may observe much routine dishonesty in the home, school and surrounding culture.
Physicians and nurses observe the intensity of these behaviors and calculate a pain severity score ranging from 0 to 7.
Parents should contact their pediatrician if they observe any A-T signs or symptoms in their child.
Images are often sent to a video monitor where the doctors and technicians observe the behavior of the upper digestive tract and snap still images from the monitor.
The doctor may even observe the sputum microscopically for the presence of bacteria and white blood cells.
Children or adolescents diagnosed with Wilson's disease must observe the dietary limitations described earlier.
These recommendations are considered to be the minimum standards a daycare center should observe.
Mindfulness training, which is a form of meditation, has been used to teach self-mutilators to observe and identify their feelings in order to have some control over them.
Play therapy refers to the use of play as communication; therapists who are trained in these techniques observe and participate in play activities with the child and interpret the child's actions as a form of subconscious communication.
This will give the treatment team an opportunity to also observe the caregiver's interactions with the child.
The doctor may not be able to observe the tic(s) during the child's first office visit, often because the child has learned to suppress or mask them.
These specialists evaluate laboratory medical tests, neurological tests, and psychological tests; interview parents and children; and observe and assess behaviors.
The most accurate way of determining the gestational age of an infant in utero is calculating from a known date of conception or using ultrasound imaging to observe development.
Some pediatricians suggest that parents maintain a sleep diary and observe the child throughout several night terror episodes, noting the amount of time following sleep when the night terror begins.
The physician may want to observe development if possible.
Parents or caregivers may observe the child swallowing the object, or the child may report doing so.
Parents should observe the patient carefully for signs of liver damage, including headache, unpleasant breath odor, and black tarry stools.
The best way to prevent traumatic amputation is to observe precautions such as using seat belts and obeying speed limits and other traffic regulations.
Following the NST, an US is done to observe the amount of amniotic fluid present in four quadrants, which are divided along the umbilicus midline and perpendicular to the midline.
They can see and hear adequately, but they have difficulty distinguishing between different visual cues and auditory signals, and may have problems understanding spatial relationships and sequencing the sights and sounds they observe.
Skin testing involves placing a small amount of liquid containing a specific allergen on the skin and then either poking, scratching, or injecting it into the skin surface to observe whether redness and swelling occurs.
The decision to observe or treat is based on the child's age, the certainty of the diagnosis, and the severity of the illness.
To observe a child without initial antibacterial therapy, it is important that the parent or caregiver has a ready means of communicating with the doctor.
The tests usually begin with prick tests or patch tests that expose the skin to small amounts of allergen to observe the response.
Lastly, parents should be permitted to observe a class time.
Many studios do not allow parents to stay in the room during sessions; however they should always be permitted to observe once when choosing a studio.
This gives you a chance to observe the instructor's teaching style, evaluate the interaction with other children in the group, and to be involved in your child's life.
If this is not in your program's set up, consider having a casual open house where loved ones can observe a final session.
The best way to start learning MJ's dancing style is to observe it closely.
Use your years among the amateurs to not only develop your dance skills, but to observe dancers, makeup artists, costuming, and how judging works.
In addition to your observations in the amateur circuit, observe the pros in competition videos such as this Cha Cha of Oxana Lebedew and Franco Formica or this waltz of Arunas and Katyusha.
Observe how other people are dancing, i.e. are they drawing attention to themselves with fancy footwork or are they simply swaying a bit and moving their arms at certain points?
If you want to use some of these moves yourself, watch MTV for a few days and observe the dancing in the most popular current videos.
Chinese scholars created it in an effort to observe the placement of the sun and better understand how the universe works.
Possibly the oldest book in the world, legend tells how Fu Hsi inspired by the patterns on a tortoise shell began to observe and understand the patterns found in nature.
Decide if your skin is warm, cool, or neutral, and then observe if the celebrity hair color in question, will match your tone.
Watch the style created at a salon, preferably on someone else so you can observe from all angles.
Be sure to observe everything the stylist does and don't be afraid to ask questions such as what tools and products they are using on your hair.
Look through hair style magazines to find face shapes similar to yours and observe what makes those bobs work.
When reading or listening to the Campbell's Homeschool Habitat materials, you will be given a chance to observe the implementation of relaxed homeschooling methods in a family's life.
Call the Human Resources department and ask them what the dress code is or go to the office for another reason on an earlier day to observe for yourself what the employees are wearing.
The trainer should observe the worker's actions carefully while he or she is performing the assigned tasks.
The eggs and sperm are kept in an incubator and the doctor uses a microscope to observe whether fertilization occurs.
Some women report that they are able to observe their own pre-ovulation symptoms, such as ovarian pain and changes in body temperature and cervical mucus.
It's also a good idea to observe a swim club meeting if you can, so that you can decide for yourself whether the club seems like a good fit.
Starting with big, bulky digital cameras and camcorders (perfect for capturing everything outdoors), kids can observe, record and revisit nature repeatedly.
Catholics observe the holiday by attending midnight masses held in Chinese, English, or both languages.
Besides Catholic Mass, most other Christian churches in Italy celebrate Christmas Eve with religious services to observe Christ's birthday, just as they do in the United States.
The site also offers adults a safe play space to indulge or to observe and learn about the lifestyle.
Take her to the mall and observe carefully the items she is interested in.
Take a step back from your insecurity and observe his involvement with his ex.
Before asking your wife if she is cheating, see if you can observe one or more of the signs.
What may be more prudent to observe is if her sexual actions are changing.
They are special and they observe what he or she wants, enjoys, needs or loves.
Being in sync is a good way to observe where you stand in the relationship and when it is the right time to be candid.
Look at the gestures and movements that are normal, and then when you see a deviation from the norm, you can observe connections between emotional state and behavior.
Complimenting her on the earrings, however, validates the time she spent trying to accessorize well - and many women will appreciate that you took the time to observe and really see them.
It is best to stay calm and observe your girlfriend or wife's behavior for a period of time until you are sure that she may be stepping out on you.
It takes him a while to observe his potential partner, to assure himself that this is a suitable venture.
Preschool-aged children love to see how the world works; they love to experiment and to observe.
Preschoolers will be able to observe and discuss the results of this simple experiment.
One of the most important things you can observe while visiting a daycare center is the children that are already there.
Finally, parents need to observe their children's progress and learning style to determine if a child is learning and thriving in a particular school setting.
One of the best ways to do this is to help them observe nature and biology.
Teach him or her to water it and observe it as it grows.
Take her to the school a few days before she begins so that she can meet her teacher and observe the kids.
As a parent, part of your job is to observe your child closely.
You cannot do a project that requires you to observe a Venus Fly Trap if you can't get your hands on one!
The idea though is that everything is in one place so that you can look back on what you did and re-create it or simply observe changes over time.
You can "feed" it a fly or a little piece of raw hamburger every so often and observe what it does.
The next time you are in a public area, feel free to watch a small child and observe how long it takes for the average parent to respond to their general comments, whether those be complaints or inquisitive questions.
Components from all three were combined to form part of the history of Halloween, and we still observe similar traditions today.
The test is simply to observe whether or not any of the predictions do not come true.
On the flipside, many out of body experiencers cannot only master the process of creating and repeating the experience, but also in many cases, they can visit and observe remote locations and events.
If you plan to watch these videos, set aside about an hour and observe how credible and lucid the interviewees are when they recount their experiences.
It must then struggle to break free from its self-imposed prison to become the free and beautiful creature that the world stands still to observe and admire.
Remember to observe French cultural customs such as including polite greetings when you enter or leave a shop, and always using the formal vous form of speech instead of tu.
In fact, some places do not observe daylight saving time and therefore do not change the time.
A number of countries around the world such as the U.S., Canada, U.K., Chile and Russia observe some form of DST.
Many countries observe some form of DST but time change schedules vary by country.
Many countries that observe a form of DST only change the time in the summer.
Like the regular Classique, the de Lune is housed inside distortion-free glass and gilded brass, inviting onlookers to observe its contents.
Talk with the instructor in advance, and understand that you're there to observe and flow with the movements as best you can.
If there's a studio or fitness center that offers kid's yoga, ask to observe a session or two before committing to a regular class.
You should observe all your child's developmental milestones, as well as know what to look for if you are concerned.
A social worker may visit your home to observe your child in a familiar setting and to interview you and the other members of your household.
If a client indicates he or she would like more information, there are certain proprieties to observe that differ from postal direct mail.
Lectures are recorded within a classroom environment, allowing you to observe class interaction, and either distributed by mail to the students, or available online to view at any time.
The first and most basic rule of dressing appropriately for your job is to observe your organization's dress code.
Graspr is an "instructional video network" where you can observe training videos on driving a stick shift.
Make sure to observe all traffic lights, properly yield to the right vehicles and avoid hitting any pedestrians, and you'll do just fine.
Parents and other students are usually not allowed to observe.
Take a walk around your house and look in all the rooms, including the closets and under the beds Make a spring-cleaning checklist based on what you observe.
Visit your local zoo and take the time to observe your favorite animals.
Children can create their own hummingbird feeder and observe the energetic behavior of these tiny birds.
Only you observe weight changes, so if being accountable to another person, such as a Weight Watchers leader, encourages you to stick with the program, online "attendance" may disappoint you.
Observe traffic rules when cycling outdoors to stay safe.
This doesn't come naturally for most, so practice squatting without weights standing next to a mirror with your side turned, so you can observe whether you start rounding your back or not.
The front double bicep is the first pose that the competition judges will observe.
While the feat marked a milestone in aviation history, the true benefit was that the aerodynamics lab on the first floor was able to test and observe how the wings functioned during flight.
Furthermore, a deeply spiritual card may be inappropriate if sent to someone who is not Jewish or who does not observe Chanukah as devoutly.
More than 18 million people around the world observe Kwanzaa, and enjoy this time of focusing on traditional values.
First Stacy and Clinton observe the applicant and then soon surprise them.
During the course of each season, the celebs get out and about in the real world to meet with fans, observe the other cast members as they engage in publicity outings and take trips to experience a wide variety of adventures.
They should read, research, and ask any questions and observe all safety tips about the practical use of each site.
Since blog posts can be archived, they allow you to look at posts you wrote a year ago, and observe your personal growth.
Observe what other people are doing in the niche to get ideas.
Then listen, observe, get a feel for what people want.
Most of the trends that we observe die quickly in an hour, but a few persist for long durations.
I use to observe how his Art Directors and Designers developed award-winning concepts and campaigns and tried to learn from them.
Sleuthing mostly, but it didn't take me long to realize that most people give a lot away if you listen and observe profoundly.
Before he leaves the jack to play, he must observe the situation of the bowls of both sides.
The older records utilized by the Deuteronomic and later compilers indicate some common tradition which has found expression in these varying forms. Different religious standpoints are represented in the biblical writings, and it is now important to observe that the prophecies of Hosea unmistakably show another attitude to the Israelite priesthood.
The steps by which the practice of resting from labour on the Lord's day instead of on the Sabbath was established in Christendom and received civil as well as ecclesiastical sanction are dealt with under Sunday; it is enough to observe here that this practice is naturally and even necessarily connected with the religious observance of the Lord's day as a day of worship and religious gladness, and is in full accordance with the principles laid down by Jesus in His criticism of the Sabbath of the Scribes.
This different treatment shows the feeling of the poet - the feeling for which he seeks to evoke our inmost sympathy - to oscillate between the belief that an awful crime brings with it its awful punishment (and it is sickening to observe how the argument by which the Friar persuades Annabella to forsake her evil courses mainly appeals to the physical terrors of retribution), and the notion that there is something fatal, something irresistible, and therefore in a sense self-justified, in so dominant a passion.
Five hundred years later - about r600 B.C. - we observe that certain striking changes have taken place.
The difference between the highest and lowest price, we may observe, is a very imperfect indication of the range of movement (though, taken in conjunction with the standard deviation, it is the best at our disposal), because either of the extreme prices might be accidental and quite out of relation to all others.
The members took no vows and were free to leave when they chose; but so long as they remained they were bound to observe chastity, to practise personal poverty, putting all their money and earnings into the common fund, to obey the rules of the house and the commands of the rector, and to exercise themselves in self-denial, humility and piety.
Their own code of manners is minute and strict, and they observe its provisions faithfully.
The student of English constitutional history will observe the success with which Friends have, by the mere force of passive resistance, obtained, from the legislature and the courts, indulgence for all their scruples and a legal recognition of their customs. In American history they occupy an important place because of the very prominent part which they played in the colonization of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Eugenius IV., however much he may have wished to keep on good terms with the fathers of Basel, was neither able nor willing to accept or observe all their decrees.
In 1781 he writes," I cannot but observe that these were the first rudiments of the Methodist societies."In the presence of such facts we can understand the significance of the mission to Georgia.
As regards the first of these, it is curious to observe that the budget decree of 1880 stringently limited the peace strength of the Ottoman army to 100,000 men, " including officers and generals," in order to put a stop to the rapidly increasing military expenditure; but this was merely the expression of a pious wish, at a time when European financial good will was indispensable, that expenditure might be kept down.
No real attempt has ever been made to observe the decree, and indeed observance has been impossible seeing the dangers which never cease to menace the empire.
We find in them the same beauties and the same defects that we observe in the production of the Iranian authors.
Then, leaving Davout to observe the archduke's retreat, the emperor himself rode after Massena, who with the major portion of the French army was following the Austrian weaker wing under Hiller.
Sebastiani, commanding the advanced guard, overtook the Russians in the act of evacuating Moscow, and agreed with the latter to observe a seven hours' armistice to allow the Russians to clear the town, for experience had shown the French that street fighting in wooden Russian townships always meant fire and the consequent destruction of much-needed shelter and provisions.
At length becoming impatient he advanced a portion of his army towards Blucher, who fell back to draw him into a trap. Then the news reached him that Schwarzenberg was pressing down the valley of the Elbe, and, leaving Macdonald to observe Blucher, he hurried back to Bautzen to dispose his troops to cross the Bohemian mountains in the general direction of KOnigstein, a blow which must have had decisive results.
At nightfall the fighting ceased and the emperor retired to Lesmont, and thence to Troyes, Marmont being left to observe the enemy.
Cavalry can only observe, it cannot hold.
Observe the month of Abib and keep the Passover because in that month God brought out the Israelites from Egypt.
At any rate the Samaritans have, throughout their history, observed the Passover with all its Pentateuchal ceremonial and still observe it down to the present day.
We shall then observe the following phenomena.
It is necessary to observe that the condition for change in a system is that the total available energy of the whole system should be decreased by the change.
Observe the notation, which is that introduced by Cayley into the theory of matrices which he himself created.
In the a x = aixi+a2x2, observe that a a = a2, ab = aibi +a2b2.
Had the internal contacts alone been used, which many astronomers would have considered the proper course, the result would have been 8.776" In 1877 Sir David Gill organized an expedition to the island of Ascension to observe the parallax of Mars with the heliometer.
Lay the compass upon the cardboard, and observe the rate at which its needle vibrates after being displaced from its position of equilibrium; this will vary greatly in different regions.
But as he did not long observe his oath he was deposed at a synod held in St Peter's, after Otto had compelled the Romans to swear they would elect no pope without the imperial consent; and a nominee of the emperor, who took the name of Leo VIII., was chosen in his stead.
That one of the earlier dates is correct seems probable from the fact that the Falashas know nothing of either the Babylonian or Jerusalem Talmud, make no use of phylacteries (tefillin), and observe neither the feast of Purim nor the dedication of the temple.
Professions, such as the law or medicine, observe a code of etiquette, which the members must observe as protecting the dignity of the profession and preventing injury to its members.
A simple method for condenser comparison is to charge the two condensers to the same voltage by a battery and then discharge them successively through a ballistic galvanometer and observe the respective " throws " or deflections of the coil or needle.
It is often impossible to observe the pressure-coefficient dp/de directly, but it may be deduced from the isothermal compressibility by means of the geometrically obvious relation, BE = (BEÆC) XEC. The ratio BEÆC of the diminution of pressure to the increase of volume at constant temperature, or - dp/dv, is readily observed.
The most natural method of procedure is to observe the deviations from Boyle's law by measuring the changes of pv at various constant temperatures.
Joule failed to observe any change of temperature in his apparatus, and was therefore justified in assuming that the increase of intrinsic energy of a gas in isothermal expansion was very small, and that the absorption of heat observed in a similar experiment in which the gas was allowed to do external work by expanding against the atmospheric pressure was equivalent to the external work done.
The values of the corresponding functions for the liquid or solid cannot be accurately expressed, as the theoretical variation of the specific heat is unknown, but if we take the specific heat at constant pressure s to be approximately constant, and observe the small residual variation dh of the total heat, we may write F'=s'D+dh+B'.
The duke then ordered Cutts to observe the enemy in Blenheim, and concentrated all his attention on the centre.
He continued quietly to observe the course of events during the disastrous years r 8r 2-13; and even at the beginning of the Moscow campaign he summed up the situation in the words, "It is the beginning of the end."
On hearing of this, Henry, although he had sworn to observe this will, had himself released from his oath by the pope, and hurriedly marched against his brother, from whom in the beginning of 1156 he succeeded in taking Chinon and Mirebeau; and in July he forced Geoffrey to give up even his three fortresses in return for an annual pension.
It is surprising to observe how early the Christian Church assumed the form of a state, and how speedily upon entering into its momentous alliance with the Roman imperial government under Constantine it acquired the chief of the and rerc prerogatives it v'as so long to retain.
He was astonished to observe the wide circulation of the theses both in the Latin and German versions.
In this they claimed that the majority had no right to abrogate the stipulations of the former diet of Spires, which permitted each prince to determine religious matters provisionally for himself, for all had unanimously pledged themselves to observe that agreement.
For four years Charles, backed by the Spanish troops, made efforts to force the Protestant towns to observe the Interim, but with little success.
The bishop, or count, on whose lands the peace was violated was vested with judicial power, and was directed, in case he was himself unable to execute sentence, to summon to his assistance the laymen and even the clerics of the diocese, all of whom were required to take a solemn oath to observe and enforce the peace.
It is, moreover, interesting to observe how slight an amount of variation has taken place in forms isolated during such an enormous time.
In point of doctrine they acknowledged the seven sacraments, but gave them a symbolical meaning; they prayed to the Virgin and saints, and admitted auricular confession, but they denied purgatory and the sacrifice of the mass, and did not observe fasts or festivals.
In view, however, of the unpreparedness of the Swedish army and the difficulties of the situation, Charles was forced to observe a strict neutrality.
It was occupied from October 1874 to February 1875 by the expeditions sent from England, Germany and the United States to observe the transit of Venus.
Released on an undertaking not to go to Yorkshire, a promise which he did not observe, the archbishop was enthroned in York Minster in June 1642.
A resolution was passed by the volksraad on the 27th of September" declaring that the state would observe its obligations to the Transvaal whatever might happen.
In warfare carried on in such a country as Greece, sea-girt and with a coast deeply indented, inland without roads and intersected with rugged mountains, victory - as Wellington was quick to observe - must rest with the side that has command of the sea.
The reason of this will appear more clearly in the sequel; it is enough to observe at present that, before our English word was formed, the original idea of a presbyter had been overlaid with others derived from pre-Christian priesthoods, so that it is from these and not from the etymological force of the word that we must start in considering historically what a priest is.
And it is instructive to observe that when the plebeians extorted their full share of political power they also demanded and obtained admission to every priestly college of political importance, to those, namely, of the pontiffs, the augurs, and the XV viri sacrorum.
For further details as to the development of the priestly caste and wisdom in India the reader must refer to Brahminism; here it is enough to observe that among a religious people a priesthood which forms a close and still more an hereditary corporation, and the assistance of which is indispensable in all religious acts, must rise to practical supremacy in society except under the strongest form of despotism, where the sovereign is head of the Church as well as of the state.
It is instructive to observe how differently the prophets of the 8th century speak of the judicial or " teaching " functions of the priests and of the ritual of the great sanctuaries.
Should the king fail to observe any one of these articles, the nation was ipso facto absolved from its allegiance.
He goes on to observe also that in this area are found many of the most remarkable forms - all the red Lories, the great cockatoos, the pigmy Nasiternae and other singularities.
Knowledge of the habits of animals and experience are the best guides to the nature of food to be supplied, but the keepers should be required to observe the droppings of their charges and to judge from these of the extent to which any particular substances are being digested.
Passing to the more indirect influence of Laud on his times, we can observe a narrowness of mind and aim which separates him from a man of such high imagination and idealism as Strafford, however closely identified their policies may have been for the moment.
We observe that the Pastorals are omitted.
Other early writers, however, do not observe these distinctions, and neither in language nor in custom do we find evidence of any appreciable differences between the two former groups, though in custom Kent presents most remarkable contrasts with the other kingdoms. Still more curious is the fact that West Saxon writers regularly speak of their own nation as a part of the Angelcyn and of their language as Englisc, while the West Saxon royal family claimed to be of the same stock as that of Bernicia.
To illustrate how easy it is to go astray in this line, observe the continual reference in modern handbooks to the cubic foot as 1000 oz.
Thus we observe persistent organs and persistent types of animals, analogous organs and analogous types of animals, and this analogy applies still further to the rival and more or less contradictory hypotheses of the sudden as distinguished from the gradual appearance of new parts or organs of animals, and the sudden appearance of new types of animals.
Such decline is by no means a universal law of life, however, because among many of the continental vertebrates at least we observe extinctions repeatedly occurring during the expression of maximum variability.
And it is interesting to observe how, e.g., St Augustine, though desperately combating the dualism of the Manichaeans, yet afterwards introduced a number of dualistic ideas into Christianity, which are distinguishable from those of Manichaeism only by a very keen eye, and even then with difficulty.
Refusing to observe the ecclesiastical regulations of Archbishop Laud, he was brought before the court of high commission in 1629, and again in 1634, when, for opposing the placing of a rail around the communion table, he was suspended and imprisoned.
Having been provided, in August 1610, by Ernest, archbishop of Cologne, with one of the new Galilean instruments, Kepler began, with unspeakable delight, to observe the wonders revealed by it.
The many hands of Zeus Sabazios turned up in ancient excavations observe a similar gesture.
To collate a manuscript is to observe and record everything in it which may be of use towards determining what stood in the source or the sources from which it is derived.
The early printed books are often called by old scholars codices impressi (typis), " printed manuscripts," a phrase which at first seems curious to us but becomes perfectly intelligible when we examine these codices impressi and observe how closely they follow the codices scripti.
For Example, If We Observe The Line B In Table Iii., We Shall See That It Contains Both The Epacts Twenty Four And Twenty Five, So That If These Correspond To The Same Day Of The Month, Two New Moons Would Be Indicated As Happening On That Day Within Nineteen Years.
The Dominical Letter Of The Year, And Observe In The Calendar The First Day, After The Fourteenth Of The Moon, Which Corresponds To The Dominical Letter; This Will Be Easter Sunday.
The value of all such evidence will naturally depend largely upon the estimate formed of the biblical narratives, but it is necessary to observe that these have not yet found Egyptian testimony to support them.