Oats Sentence Examples
She scooped up some oats and fed each of the horses.
The barn smelled of fresh hay, oats and molasses.
Indian corn, quinoa, mandioca, possibly the potato, cotton and various fruits, including the strawberry, were already known to the aborigines, but with the conqueror came wheat, barley, oats, flax, many kinds of vegetables, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, grapes, figs, oranges and lemons, together with alfalfa and new grasses for the plains.
The largest cereal crop is oats, of which, in 1909, 2,608,000 bushels (valued at $1,304,000) were produced on 81,00o acres.
The island is of great fertility - wheat, oats, barley, olives, sesame and valonia being the principal products, in addition to a variety of fruits.
The production of oats was 2,156,000 bushels (grown on 98,000 acres).
Oats and barley are generally cultivated, the former more especially in the Parisian region, the latter in Mayenne and one or two of the neighboring departments.
The principal crops are potatoes, rye and oats, but wheat and barley are grown in the more fertile districts; tobacco, flax, hops and beetroot are also cultivated.
The same story of declining prices applies to oats.
Yes, but I have had a hundred and fifty-eight years to sow my wild oats.
AdvertisementOne by one Carmen brushed them with a curry comb while they munched a breakfast of oats.
Other important crops grown are - maize, 324,000 acres; oats, 493,000 acres; other grains, 160,000 acres; hay, 1,367,000 acres; potatoes, 119,000 acres; sugar-cane, 141,000 acres; vines, 65,000 acres; and other crops, 422,000 acres.
The chief agricultural products are barley, oats, wheat, and in the north-east flax is also grown, and exported to South Holland and Belgium.
Aube is an agricultural department; more than one-third of its surface consists of arable land of which the chief products are wheat and oats, and next to them rye, barley and potatoes; vegetables are extensively cultivated in the valleys of the Seine and the Aube.
Frank has claimed to have found oats, buckbeans, spurry, turnips, mustard, potatoes and Norway maples exercising it; Nobbe and others have imputed its possession to Elaeagnus.
AdvertisementThe soil in the valleys and plains of the department, especially in the Bresse, is fertile, producing large quantities of wheat, as well as oats, buckwheat and maize.
The principal crops in addition to wheat are oats, barley, maize, linseed and bird seed.
Crops, chiefly barley, rye, oats, turnips and green crops, are, however, grown on clearings in the forest, though the yield is poor.
When this happens there is great suffering from famine, for wheat is the crop upon which the people principally depend, though rye, buckwheat and oats are also cultivated.
Out of the total acreage under cereals 34% is generally sown with rye, 26% with wheat, 20% with oats and 102% with barley.
AdvertisementThe commodities which the United Kingdom principally takes are wheat, wool, barley, eggs, oats and flax.
The largest Indian-corn producing districts are nearly the same as those which produce the most cotton; oats and wheat are grown chiefly in the north-eastern quarter of the state, and rice in the south-western quarter.
In 1909 2,898,000 acres were planted to Indian corn, with a crop of 48,686,000 bushels; 570,000 acres to wheat, with a crop of 5,415,000 bushels; and 196,000 acres to oats, with a crop of 3,234,000 bushels.
Rye and wheat are the most important crops harvested in northern Caucasia, but oats, barley and maize are also cultivated, whereas in Transcaucasia the principal crops are maize, rice tobacco and cotton.
The export that comes next in value is silk, and after it may be named wheat, barley, manganese ore, maize, wool, oilcake, carpets, rye, oats, liquorice and timber.
AdvertisementAccording to early methods of cropping, which were destined to prevail for centuries, wheat, the chief article of food, was sown in one autumn, reaped the next August; the following spring, oats or barley were sown, and the year following the harvest was a period of fallow.
He mentions the different kinds of wheat, barley and oats; and after describing the method of harrowing "all maner of cornnes," we find the roller employed.
Being once sown, it will last five years; the land, when ploughed, will yield, three or four years together, rich crops of wheat, and after that a crop of oats, with which clover seed is to be sown again.
The ground in the valleys and plains bear very good corn, but especially bears barley or bigge, and oats, but rarely wheat and rye."
In this he lays it down as a rule that it is bad husbandry to take two crops of grain successively, which marks a considerable progress in the knowledge of modern husbandry; though he adds that in Scotland the best husbandmen after a fallow take a crop of wheat; after the wheat, peas; then barley, and then oats; and after that they fallow again.
At the beginning of the period the aggregate area under wheat, barley and oats was nearly 102 million acres; at the close it did not amount to 8 million acres.
This, however, was not the case, for a fairly uniform decrease in the barley area was accompanied by somewhat irregular fluctuations in the acreage of oats.
These prices are per imperial quarter, - that is, 480 lb of wheat, 400 lb of barley and 312 lb of oats, representing 60 lb, 50 lb and 39 lb per bushel respectively.
These show differences amounting to 2,106,470 acres for wheat, 1,059,504 acres for barley, and 529,699 acres for oats.
The acreage of wheat, therefore, fluctuated the most, and that of oats the least.
The comparative insignificance of Ireland in the case of the wheat and barley crops, represented by 2 and 8% respectively, receives some compensation when oats and potatoes are considered, about one-fourth of the area of the former and more than half that of the latter being claimed by Ireland.
A similar comparison for the several sections of Great Britain, as set forth in Table VI., shows that to England belong about 95% of the wheat area, over 80% of the barley area, over 60% of the oats area, and over 70% of the potato area, and these proportions do not vary much from year to year.
Scotland possesses nearly one-third of the area of oats and nearly one-fourth of that of potatoes.
The produce of barley, like that of oats, is less irregular than that of wheat, the extremes for barley being 80, 794,000 bushels (1890) and 62,453,000 bushels (1904), and those for oats 190,863,000 bushels (1894) and 161,17 5,000 bushels (1901).
The mean values at the foot of the table-they are not, strictly speaking, exact averages-indicate the average yields per acre in the United Kingdom to be about 31 bushels of wheat, 33 bushels of barley, 40 bushels of oats, 28 bushels of beans, 26 bushels of peas, 44 tons of potatoes, 134 tons of turnips and swedes, 184 tons of mangels, 32 cwt.
This, indeed, is the practice in Ireland, and in order to incorporate the Irish figures with those for Great Britain so as to obtain average values for the United Kingdom, the Irish yields are calculated into bushels at the rate of 60 lb to the bushel of wheat, of beans and of peas, 50 lb to the bushel of barley and 39 lb to the bushel of oats.
Experiments similar to the foregoing were carried on for many years in succession at Rothamsted upon oats, and gave results which were in general accordance with those on the other cereal crops.
The cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize); the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard); the solanaceous crops (potatoes); the chenopodiaceous crops (mangels, sugar-beets), and other non-leguminous crops have, so far as is known, no such power, and are therefore more or less benefited by the direct application of nitrogenous manures.
In times of scarcity the Norse peasant-farmer uses the sweetish inner bark, beaten in a mortar and ground in his primitive mill with oats or barley, to eke out a scanty supply of meal, the mixture yielding a tolerably palatable though somewhat resinous substitute for his ordinary flad-brod.
Wheat and oats are largely cultivated and almost all sub-tropical fruits flourish.
There is a great variety of produce, but the principal crops are Indian corn, wheat, oats, hay, potatoes, apples and tobacco.
In 1900 the acreage of cereals constituted 68.4% of the acreage of all crops, and the acreage of Indian corn, wheat and oats constituted 99.3% of the total acreage of cereals.
The principal crops are wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize, hemp, flax, potatoes, beetroot and tobacco.
The principal products are corn, oats, barley, potatoes, rye, beetroot, hemp, flax, hay and other fodder.
More than one-fourth of the value of its manufactures is in Quaker Oats and other food preparations; among those of less importance are lumber and planing-mill products, foundry and machineshop products, furniture, patent medicines, pumps, carriages and waggons, packed meats and agricultural implements.
Cereals occupy half the surface, wheat and oats being chiefly cultivated.
In central Alberta coarse grains - oats and barley - and some wheat are grown, in conjunction with mixed farming.
About one-sixth of the total area is under cultivation, oats and barley being the chief grain, and potatoes (introduced in 1730) and turnips (1807) the chief green crops.
The principal crops are rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, potatoes, though wheat, beetroot, flax, hemp and tobacco are also grown.
The total value of cereal products in 1899 was $ 1 4,49 1, 79 6, including Indian corn valued at $10,327,723 and rice valued at $4, 0 44,4 8 9; in 1907 it was more than $27,300,000, including Indian corn valued at $19,600,000, rice valued at $7,378,000 and oats valued at $223,000.
The surrounding district is mainly agricultural and pastoral, producing oats, maize, cotton, olive oil, cattle, sheep, skins, hides and butter.
Wheat, maize, oats, barley and rye are the chief agricultural products.
Wheat, oats, barley and other cereals are grown and exported, and owing to the abundance of pasture and forage, sheep and cattle-rearing are actively carried on.
Other important crops in the order of their value are oats, hay and forage, Indian corn, barley, flax-seed, potatoes, rye, grass seeds, wild grass, clover, beans, peas, and miscellaneous vegetables and orchard products.
In the lowland districts good crops of maize, wheat, barley, oats and rye, as well as of turnips and potatoes, are obtained.
While maize thrives in every part of the country, wheat, barley and oats - cultivated by the white farmers - flourish only in the midlands and uplands.
Straw (from strew, as being used for strewing), is the general term applied to the stalky residue of grain-plants (especially wheat, rye, oats, barley).
The crops raised in the country districts are principally vegetables and fruit, potatoes, hay, oats, rye and wheat.
Oats, barley and millet are largely grown for forage.
Oats are cut shortly before reaching maturity, when they are known as oat-hay.
The grain produce, consisting mainly of wheat, oats, rye and Indian corn, exceeds the consumption, and the vineyards yield an abundant supply of both white and red wines, those of Limoux and the Narbonnais being most highly esteemed.
Wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize, flax, hemp and tobacco are grown in large quantities, and the products of the vineyards are of a good quality.
Its chief agricultural products were oats and barley, from which the inhabitants brewed a kind of beer named sabaea.
The new warp is allowed to lie fallow during the winter after being laid out in four-yard " lands " and becomes dry enough to be sown with oats and grass and clover seeds in the following spring.
Oats, wheat and barley are the chief crops in the north.
In the sierra region, wheat, barley, oats, quinua (Chenopodium quinoa), alfalfa, Indian corn, oca (Oxalis tuberosa) and potatoes are the principal products.
Barley and oats are grown for forage, but for this purpose alfalfa has become the staple, and without it the mountain packtrains could not be maintained.
The total acreage of cereals (barley, buckwheat, Indian corn, oats, rye and wheat) decreased from acres in 1879 to 10,552 acres in 1899, and the total product of these crops decreased from 801,111 bu.
Agricultural products include rice and maize (the principal crops), wheat, barley and oats.
In the same year the chief crops were oats, barley, rye, wheat, potatoes and hay.
In the valleys the soil is particularly fertile, yielding luxuriant crops of wheat, maize, barley, spelt, beans, potatoes, flax, hemp, hops, beetroot and tobacco; and even in the more mountainous parts rye, wheat and oats are extensively cultivated.
The principal crops are oats and potatoes, but all grain crops are decreasing, and flax, formerly grown to a considerable extent, is now practically neglected.
Such is the effect of this combination of agricultural occupations with domestic manufactures that the farmers are more than competent to supply the resident population of the county with vegetable, though not with animal food; and some of the less crowded and less productive parts of Ulster receive from Armagh a considerable supply of oats, barley and flour.
Rice, wheat, barley, oats, Indian corn, various kinds of millet, pulses, oil-seeds, tobacco, cotton, indigo, opium, flax and hemp and sugar-cane, are the principal agricultural products of Bhagalpur district.
Other important manufactures are food preparations (especially of oats) and flour and grist mill products.
The principal agricultural products are wheat, kao-liang, oats, millet, maize, pulse and potatoes.
Wheat and oats are largely cultivated, while hemp, vegetables and various fruits are also produced.
The superior qualities of the soil, together with the usually warm and moist months of spring and summer, make Iowa one of the foremost states of the Union in agriculture and stock-raising, especially in the production of Indian corn, oats, hay and eggs, and in the raising of hogs, horses, dairy cows and poultry.
Iowa about equals Illinois in the production of both Indian corn and oats, nearly 10,000,000 acres or about onethird of its improved area usually being planted with Indian corn, with a yield varying from 227,908,850 bushels in 1901 (according to state reports) to 373,275,000 (the largest in the United States, with a crop value second only to that of Illinois) in 1906.
According to the Department of Agriculture in 1907 the acreage was 9,160,000 and the yield 270,220,000 bushels (considerably less than the Illinois crop); the yield of oats was 168,364,170 bushels (Twelfth U.S. Census) in 18 99, 12 4,73 8, 337 bushels (U.S. Department of Agriculture) in 1902, and in 1907 the acreage and crop (greater than those of any other state) were 4,500,000 acres and 108,900,000 bushels, valued at $41,382,000 - a valuation second only to that of Illinois.
Oats is the principal crop, but rye, potatoes and flax are also grown in considerable quantities.
The principal crops are rye, oats, barley, flax and potatoes, with some wheat, hemp and buckwheat.
The principal crops are rye, wheat, oats, barley and potatoes.
The wheat crop in 1909 was 35,780,000 bushels, valued at $33,275,000; oats, 9,898,000 bushels, valued at $4,751,000; barley, 7,189,000 bushels, valued at $4,601,000; rye, 84,000 bushels, valued at $79,000; Indian corn, 417,000 bushels, valued at $359,000.
The cereals chiefly grown are wheat, oats, barley and rye.
The chief crop is mealies, the staple food of the natives; wheat, oathay, Kaffir corn and oats coming next.
The same regions, together with the adjacent regions of Harrismith and Thaba'nchu, produce the most oats and oathay.
Of the total acreage of all crops in 18 99, 8 75,7 12 acres, or 76%, were hay and forage, and 254,231 acres, or 22.1%, were cereals; of the cereal acreage 52.7% was oats, 36.
The chief crop is rye, but oats are hardly second to it.
Wheat constituted 60.7% of the total for all cereals, Indian corn 21.1%, oats 11.9% and barley 5.8%.
Oats had an acreage of 1,450,000 and a product of 49,600,000 bush.
Corn grows throughout the western half of the state, and especially in the south-western parts, in Lincoln, Clay, Union, Yankton and Bonhommie counties, the largest crop in 1899 being that of Lincoln county, 3,914,840 bush., nearly one-eleventh of the state crop. Oats has a distribution similar to that of corn, the largest crop in 1899 being that of Minnehaha county, 1,666,110 bush., about one-nineteenth of the state crop. Barley grows principally in the eastern and southern parts of the state - Minnehaha, Moody, Lake and Brookings counties - the largest crop in 1899 being that of Minnehaha county, 932,860 bush., more than one-seventh of the state.
Oats and wheat are grown in almost equal quantities, barley being of rather less importance.
Other important crops are oats ($16,368,000 in 1906) barley ($8,913,000), hay, potatoes, rye and Indian corn.
Tillage is therefore, relatively to other counties, well advanced, and oats and potatoes are largely, though decreasingly, cultivated.
The chief agricultural products are potatoes and vegetables, beet-root and hops, wheat, rye, barley and oats.
Of the crops raised, wheat, barley and oats are the principal cereals.
The chief exports are sheep and oxen, most of which are raised in Morocco and Tunisia, and horses; animal products, such as wool and skins; wine, cereals (rye, barley, oats), vegetables, fruits (chiefly figs and grapes for the table) and seeds, esparto grass, oils and vegetable extracts (chiefly olive oil), iron ore, zinc, natural phosphates, timber, cork, crin vegetal and tobacco.
Wheat and oats are the predominant cereals.
Potatoes and turnips are the only root crops that succeed, and barley and oats are grown in some of the islands.
The chief crops are oats, barley, wheat and rye, but by far the most land is planted with potatoes.
Oats of fine quality are grown in large crops from Prince Edward Island on the Atlantic coast to Vancouver Island on the Pacific coast.
Over large areas the Canadian soil and climate are admirably adapted for producing oats of heavy weight per bushel.
In all the provinces of eastern Canada the acreage under oats greatly exceeds that under wheat.
As the total annual export of oats is now less than three million bushels the home consumption is large, and this is an advantage in maintaining the fertility of the soil.
In 1907 the area under oats in Ontario was 2,932,509 acres and yielded 83,524,301 bushels, the area being almost as large as that of the acreage under hay and larger than the combined total of the other principal cereals grown in the province.
Flour from wheat, meal from oats, and meal from Indian corn are preferred.
Throughout other parts bullocks are fed on pasture land, and also in stables on nourishing and succulent feed such as hay, Indian corn fodder, Indian corn silage, turnips, carrots, mangels, ground oats, barley, peas, Indian corn, rye, bran and linseed oil cake.
It was famous in the early 17th century for wheat and oats; hopgrowing began in 1597.
The climate in the higher districts is raw and the produce is mostly confined to hardy cereals, such as oats.
Practically the only grain crops that are cultivated are oats (which greatly predominate) and barley, while the favoured root crops are turnips (much the most extensively grown) and potatoes.
In recent years there has been a tendency to diversify crops, Indian corn, wheat and oats being raised extensively in the "Cereal Belt."
Payen gives only 7% of gluten in rice as compared with 22% in the finest wheat, 14 in oats and 12 in maize.
Oats and potatoes are the principal crops.
Hay, Indian corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, fruits, vegetables and tobacco are the principal crops.
The product of Indian corn was 48,800,000 bushels in 1909; of wheat 26,265,000 bushels; of oats 25,948,000 bushels; of barley 196,000 bushels; of rye 5,508,000 bushels; and of buckwheat 5,665,000 bushels.
Some of the larger oat-producing counties also are in the south-east, but most of the buckwheat, barley and oats are grown in the north and west counties.
The principal agricultural products are wheat, maize, rye, oats and fruit, namely olives, figs and melons.
The imports are principally iron, coal, salt and timber; the exports barley, oats, cattle, pigs and potatoes.
The level country, including both Lower Bavaria (extending northwards to the Danube) and the western and middle parts of Franconia, is productive of rye, oats, wheat, barley and millet, and also of hemp, flax, madder and fruit and vines.
The chief products of cultivation on the heavy clay soil are oats, barley and wheat, and on the sand-grounds rye, buckwheat and potatoes.
With the possible exception of oats, the cereals do not suffice for home consumption, and maize is imported in large quantities for cattle-feeding, and barley for the distilleries and breweries.
It is the rapid spread of these yeast-conidia in manure and soil waters which makes it so difficult to get rid of smuts, &c., in the fields, and they, like the ordinary conidia, readily infect the seedling wheat, oats, barley or other cereals.
Little except oats and potatoes can be raised on the high-lying plateaus in the south of the province, but the river-valleys and the northern lowlands are extremely fertile.
The yellowish sandy plains on its left will grow nothing except oats, buckwheat and some rye.
Altogether nearly 16 million acres of Russian Poland, or almost one-half of the total area, are under crops, principally rye, oats, wheat, barley, potatoes and hay, with some flax, hemp, peas, buckwheat and hops.
The inhabitants, an industrious Gaelic-speaking community (110 in 1851 and 77 in 1901), cultivate about 40 acres of land (potatoes, oats, barley), keep about 1000 sheep and a few head of cattle.
The chief crops are rye, oats, wheat, potatoes and hay.
There are a school of navigation, and tobacco and match factories, the produce of which, together with timber and oats, is exported.
Wheat, rye and oats are the chief cereals cultivated, the soil of Aveyron being naturally poor.
Of crops the vilayet produces wheat (which is indigenous), rice, barley (which takes the place of oats as food for horses), durra (a coarse, maize-like grain), sesame, cotton and tobacco; of fruits, the date, orange, lemon, fig, banana and pomegranate.
Wheat, rye, barley and oats are cultivated everywhere, but spelt only in the south and buckwheat in the north and north-west.
The same kinds of cereal crops are cultivated in all parts of the empire, but in the south and west wheat is predominant, and in the north and east rye, oats and barley.
Taking the average of the six years 1900-1905, the crop of wheat amounted to 3,550,033 tons (metric), rye to 9,296,616 tons, barley to 3,102,883 tons, and oats to 7,160,883 tons.
Wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes and other roots are staple crops, the average yield of wheat being about 20 bushels an acre; cattle are increasing in number and improving in quality, and all branches of dairy farming prosper.
The chief agricultural products are wheat, barley, millet, oats, maize, cotton, indigo and tobacco.
Potatoes, rye, oats, beans and peas are also largely cultivated.
The land under grain crops is not far short of one-half the remainder, the principal crops being oats, followed by barley and rye in about equal quantities, with wheat about one-sixth that of barley and hardly one-tenth that of oats.
About one-fourth only of the area of the county is under cultivation, and the chief crops grown are wheat and barley, but above all, turnips and oats.
A little coal is mined and some rye, wheat, oats, barley and vegetables are grown, although the period during which vegetation can grow averages less than ioo days.
Oats remain the staple grain crop, and barley, though fluctuating from year to year, is steadied by the demands of the distillers.
On the uplands, wheat, Indian corn, oats, barley, potatoes and vegetables of many kinds are successfully cultivated, but wholly for home consumption.
Indian corn and oats are the most valuable crops.
In 1879, in 1899 and in 1905 (when it produced 1 3 2, 779,7 62 bushels out of 953,216,197 from the entire country) it was first among the states producing oats, but it was surpassed by Iowa in 1889, 1906 and 1907; in 1907 the Illinois crop was 101,675,000 bushels.
Potatoes, barley and a little oats are grown, and the pasture being good the cattle are larger than most of the Hebridean breeds.
Barley and oats are grown.
The soil of Bukovina is fertile, and agriculture has made great progress, the principal products being wheat, maize, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, flax and hemp. Cattlerearing constitutes another important source of revenue.
The city is in a rich farming country, which produces Indian corn, oats and wheat; and is in the Indiana natural gas region, to which fact it owes its rapid growth as a manufacturing centre.
Other articles of commerce are rye, rye-flour, wheat, oats and buckwheat, which are sent partly up the Dnieper to Pinsk, partly by land to Odessa and Berislav, but principally to Ekaterinoslav, on light boats floated down during the spring floods.
The articles chiefly cultivated are rice, millet, beans, ginseng (at Songdo), cotton, hemp, oil-seeds, bearded wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, and sweet and Irish potatoes.
In 1900 the chief crops were oats, barley, rye, wheat, potatoes, hay, beet (for sugar), flax and oil-yielding plants.
The chief crops are oats and potatoes.
The principal cereal crop in 1909 was oats, the product of which was 3,503,000 bushels, grown on 100,000 acres and valued at $1,750,000.
The chief grain crops are rye, oats, barley and potatoes.
The production of Indian corn in 1909 was 47,328,000 bus., valued at $35,023,000; of wheat, 8,848,000 bus., valued at $10,175,000; of oats, 3,800,000 bus., valued at $2,052,000; of rye, 184,000 bus., valued at $155,000; of buckwheat, 378,000 bus., valued at $287,000; the hay crop was valued at $8,060,000 (606,000 tons).
The value of cereals ($4,700,271) - of which wheat and oats represent four-fifths - is much exceeded by that of hay and forage ($8,159,279 in 1899).
In 1906 the state produced 3,157,136 bushels of Indian corn, valued at $1,J78,568; 8,266,538 bushels of wheat, valued at $5,373, 2 5 0; 5,9 62, 394 bushels of oats, valued at $2,683,077; 759,77 1 bushels of barley, valued at $4 10, 2 7 6; 43,5 80 bushels of rye, valued at $24,405; and 1,596,542 tons of hay, valued at $15,167,149.
It does well to succeed oats or potatoes, as it requires the soil to be in fresh condition without being too rich.
The principal crops are rye, oats, barley and potatoes, with large quantities of vegetables.
The chief cereal cultivated is wheat; oats, colza, flax and beetroot are also grown.
Oats, rye, barley, mixed grain and wheat are the grain-crops in order of importance.
During the 19th century the percentage under wheat showed a general tendency to increase; that under oats increased much in the later decades as livestock farming became common, rye maintained a steady proportion, but barley, formerly the principal grain-crop, decreased greatly.
This last is the staple crop in Norrland, becoming the only grain-crop in the extreme north; in the richer agricultural lands of the midlands and south rye is predominant in the east, oats in the west.
The high agricultural development of the plains of Skane appears from the fact that although that province occupies only one-fortieth of the total area of Sweden, it produces 30% of the entire wheat crop, 33% of the barley, 18% of the rye and 13% of the oats.
The cereal most grown is maize (known in South Africa as mealies); kaffir corn, wheat, barley and oats are also largely cultivated.
Cattle and sheep are raised; oats, barley and potatoes are cultivated along the eastern shore, and there is some fishing.
The chief crops are rye, oats and potatoes, while flax is cultivated in the district of Ermeland, between the Passarge and the upper Alle.
Indian corn was cultivated in the temperate and warm regions long before the advent of Europeans, who introduced wheat, rye, oats, beans, pease and the fruits and vegetables of the Old World, for each of which a favourable soil and climate was easily found.
They showed that, when grown on sterilized sand with the addition of mineral salts, the Leguminosae were no more able to use the atmospheric nitrogen than other plants such as oats and barley.
The principal products are oats, rye, barley and wheat, but since the competition of Hungarian wheat large tracts of land have been converted to the cultivation of beetroot.
Of the total acreage in 1900 of all crops 58' 3% was in cereals and 28'8% in hay and forage; of the acreage of cereals 40' 8% was in wheat, 31 8% in Indian corn, 21 6% in oats and 3.7% in rye.
In 1907 the buckwheat crop was 852,000 bushels; rye, 545 2, 000 bushels; the hay crop, 3,246,000 tons; oats, 30,534,000 bushels; barley, 1,496,000 bushels; wheat 12,731,000 bushels; and Indian corn 57,190,000 bushels.
On an average, £3,000,000 to £4,000,000 worth of wheat, about £i,000,000 worth of rye, and over £1,500,000 worth of barley are exported annually, besides oats, flax, linseed, rape seed, oilcake, bran, flour, vegetable oils, raw wool and caviare.
Oats, in particular, are extensively exported to England from the central provinces.
Of the total acreage in cereals in 1907, 278,000 acres were in Indian corn; 108,000 in wheat; 78,000 in rye; and 60,000 in oats.
Its importance is largely due to these transportation facilities and to the resources of the surrounding country, which produces timber, lime, cotton, Indian corn, sugar-cane, wheat, oats, fruit, melons, hay and vegetables.
The grain crops grown in England consist almost Distribu- exclusively of wheat, barley and oats.
Riding of Yorkshire are especially productive in all crops these; the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire pro duce a notable quantity of barley and oats; and the oat-crops in the following counties deserve mention - Devonshire, Hampshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Cornwall, Cheshire and Sussex.
Nevada is a trading centre for the surrounding country, and a fine farming and stock-raising region, in which Indian corn, oats, wheat, clover, timothy and blue-grass are grown; coal is mined in the vicinity.
The principal cultivated varieties of plants in this section are wheat, rye, oats, barley, beans, millet and tobacco.
The principal cereal was wheat, the value of which was $1,575,064 (3,4 1 3,47 0 bu.) in 1899, and $5,481,000 (6,090,000 bu.) in 1909.1 The value and product of oats in 1899 was $553, 8 47 (1, 43 6, 22 5 bu.), and in 1909, $1,319,000 (2,536,000 bu.); of Indian corn, in 1899, $121,872 (250,020 bu.), and in 1909, $355, 000 (408,000 bu.); of barley, in 1899, $121,826 (252,140 bu.), and in 1909, $343,000 (520,000 bu.); of rye in 1899, $13,761 (28,630 bu.), and in 1909, $46,000 (66,000 bu.), .
Agriculture is the chief occupation, the principal crops being rye, barley, oats, wheat, flax and potatoes.
Within its borders or close about them are the centres of total and of improved farm acreage, of total farm values, of gross farm income, of the growth of Indian corn, of wheat, and of oats.
The principal cereal crops are wheat, with a yield of 1,701,000 bushels in 1904, oats, barley, rye, mealies (Indian corn) and Kaffir corn (a kind of millet).
Oats are grown over a wider area than any other crop, and next to mealies are the heaviest crop grown.
The principal crops are wheat, oats, hay, fruits, hops, potatoes and miscellaneous vegetables.
When drafted to an adjoining field they run in front of their mothers and get a little crushed oats and linseed cake meal, the ewes receiving kail or roots and hay to develop milk.
Oats, flax and hemp are cultivated.
The principal crops include Indian corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, buckwheat, rye and clover.
Other important staple crops are oats, rye and potatoes, of which the crops in 1907 were respectively 36,683,000 bushels, 961,000 bushels, and 7,3 08, 000 bushels.
The principal crops are rye, the chief cereal grown, wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, beets and hops.
Oats are the third great cereal crop, the yield being 24,780,000 bushels in 1906 and 27,185,000 in 1909.
In the production of the hardy cereals, barley, rye and buckwheat, Wisconsin ranks high among the states of the Union; but oats and Indian corn are the largest cereal crops in the state.
The crop of oats was 79,800,000 bushels (raised on 2,280,000 acres and valued at $31,122,000) in 1909; of Indian corn, 50,589,000 bushels (raised on 1,533,000 acres and valued at $3 0, 353, 000); of barley, 24,248,000 bushels (raised on 866,000 acres and valued at $13,579,000 - a crop exceeded only by that of California and that of Minnesota), of wheat, 3,484,000 bushels (raised on 179,000 acres and valued at $3,345, 000); of rye,4,727,000bushels (raised on290,000acresandvalued at $3,214,000 - a crop exceeded only by that of Pennsylvania and that of Michigan); and of buckwheat,221,000 bushels (grown on 18,000 acres and valued at $172,000).
Wheat and maize are exported to the Aegean islands and to Turkish ports on the mainland; barley, oats and linseed to Great Britain; canary seed chiefly to Australia; beans to France and Spain.
Rye and oats are cultivated at Kazalinsk and Kopal.
Here the first period of Disraeli's public life came to an end, a period of preliminaries and flourishes, and of what he himself called sowing his political wild oats.
The chief agricultural products are oats, spelt, rye, wheat, barley, hops.
When the planting is done the extra labourers are discharged again, and the regular ones are put to work on the corn, oats and millet, Labour.
A few years ago the wheat received from the north-west was very clean indeed, but since the new land has all been cultivated the fields are growing more weedy, with the result that the wheat brought in is becoming mixed with oats and seeds of weeds, requiring more careful separating and inspection.
There is a lively trade with St Petersburg, and the sea-borne exports, which consist chiefly of timber, flax, linseed, oats, flour, pitch, tar, skins and mats, amount in value to about 12 millions sterling annually (822% for timber), but the imports (mostly fish) are worth only about £ 200,000.
Indian corn, wheat, cotton, oats and hay are the principal crops, but the variety of farm and garden produce is great, and includes Kafir corn, broom corn, barley, rye, buckwheat, flax, tobacco, beans, castor beans, peanuts, pecans, sorghum cane, sugar cane, and nearly all the fruits and vegetables common to the temperate zone; stock-raising, too, is a very important industry.
Of the total acreage of all crops in 1900, 4,431,819 acres, or 68.64%, were of cereals; and of the cereal acreage 56.45% was of Indian corn, 34.45% was of wheat and 7.15% was of oats.
The acreage of oats increased from 317,076 acres to 550,000 acres, and the yield increased from 9,5 11, 34 0 bushels to 15,950,000 bushels.
Oats has always been the staple cereal crop in Ireland, but since 1847 its cultivation has declined by over 50%.
In that year 2,200,870 acres were under oats and in 1905 only i,066,806 acres.
Nearly one-half of the area under oats is to be found in Ulster; Leinster and Munster are fairly equal; and Connaught has something over ioo,000 acres under this crop. The area under barley and rye has also declined during the period under review by about one-half - from 345,070 acres in 1847 to 164,800 in 1905.
Oats was the chief corn crop, but wheat, barley and rye were also grown.
Indian corn heads the list of cereals, but wheat, oats, rye and barley are also cultivated, besides hemp, flax, tobacco and large quantities of potatoes.
The winters are here long and cold; the vine and maize are no longer cultivated,the principal crops being wheat, barley, oats, rye, hemp and flax.
Oats, rye, wheat and potatoes are the chief crops.
Currie was joined, however, by two' other men and they busied themselves in growing vegetables, wheat and oats, and in breeding pigs.
The principal products are barley, oats, rye, wheat, maize and leguminous plants.
Oats and rye are cultivated only in the higher parts of the mountains, the former as a substitute for barley in feeding horses and mules, the latter as a breadstuff.
No stable food for quick work surpasses a superior sample of fine-hulled whole oats like " Garton's Abundance " (120 lb per week), and Timothy hay harvested in dry weather.
The unbruised oats develop a spirit and courage in either a saddle or harness horse that no other food can.
A double handful of clean chaff, or of bran mixed with the oats in the manger, prevents a greedy horse from swallowing a considerable proportion whole.
Unchewed oats pass out in the faeces uninjured, so that they are capable of germination, and are of less than no value to a horse.
Horses doing slow or other than " upper ten " work may have oats crushed, not ground, and a variety of additions made to the oats which are usually the basis of the feed - for example, a few old crushed beans, a little linseed meal, ground linseed cake or about a wine-glassful of unboiled linseed oil.
In England red-clover hay, or, better still, crimson-clover or lucerne hay, is liberally fed to farm horses with about io lb per day of oats, while they usually run in open yards with shelter sheds.
Allowing for variations in " off years," but speaking with as much exactness as is possible, Nebraska has established her position since about 1900 in the third, fourth and fifth rank respectively among the states of the Union, in the production of Indian corn, wheat and oats.
Of these, Indian corn is by far the most important, representing normally about two-thirds of the total crop value; while wheat and oats each represented in 1906 about oneseventh of the total crop, and rye, barley, kafir-corn and buckwheat make up the small remainder.
Compared with adjoining states - Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri - none shows a greater, if indeed any shows so great an average value per acre in the yield of Indian corn, wheat, oats, barley and rye; and this despite the assumed handicap of the western half of the state.
The inhabitants raise potatoes, oats, cattle and horses, and these, with dairy produce, form the bulk of the trade.
But visions of gigantic piles of BB sized oats continued to plague his brain as he donned his coat and gloves to clear the steps and walk-ways of the overnight snow.
It would be at least four more weeks before the dairy would be in full production again, but each goat received a ration of oats and corn as well as a thorough examination.
They stood there holding each other, listening to the sound of the horses munching on hay and smelling the sweet aroma of oats and alfalfa.
The yard I used to work at used to feed oat balancer along with oats + garlic & honey.
If this doesn't generate more energy from your horse then it is possible to combine a low calorie balancer with oats.
English ale was made with malted barley or even oats, not hops.
That part of Gilmerton possessed by Mungo Short, are 4 bolls of barley, and 1 bolls of barley, and 1 boll of oats.
Whole grains include brown rice, millet, oats and wholegrain bread.
He would sow a bushel of oats, he tells me; it will take no more.
My complex carbs come from oats or sweet potatoes.
We have no whole oats, " the Steward replied, with much deference.
At the bottom of an old white dresser were two doors, behind which he kept his oats for making porridge.
For breakfast he'll normally have porridge oats made with soya milk and sweetened with a little maple syrup.
They grow their own cereals, and produce their own muesli and porridge oats.
Muesli and yogurt homemade muesli and yogurt homemade muesli made from oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit served with natural yogurt.
These three contexts were the only ones from the entire site to contain oats and hazel nutshell.
I could get drunk, sow a few wild oats " .
The bruiser is an old piece of farm machinery which was used to roll oats to feed horses.
The health benefits of eating oats are partly to thank for the hot cereal's revival, according to market analysts Mintel.
The Scottish climate is well suited to growing oats.
The soil in the enclosed land is generally light and gravelly, producing excellent oats and potatoes, with some wheat and barley.
Grain and grain impressions include oats and possibly barley.
Remove from the heat and stir in the flour, baking powder and rolled oats.
Take as pure organic oats for breakfast, made with soya, ordinary milk or water.
I have tried seaweed meal to provide the minerals they need, mixed with whole oats to tempt them to eat it.
Try soaking porridge oats overnight in full cream milk.
Now herons call And wrangle by their pool; and hooting owls Sail from the wood above pale stooks of oats.
The principal crops are oats and barley, a few pease, and sometimes a little wheat.
Soluble fiber from beans, oats, psyllium seed, and fruit pectin has lowered cholesterol levels in most trials.
Oats are also a good source, so if you include porridge in your diet, you should have zinc covered.
We had Quaker Oats and sometimes what they call hasty pudding.
In August 1884 winter oats were threshed and wheat ricks built.
Poor people ate rye or barley bread and porridge and soups made of barley and oats.
Then they take a choice sheaf of corn, generally oats, and fashion it into the form of a woman.
For example, I bathe in porridge oats because they make my skin relatively supple after a bath, ' he says.
Over a period of time, oats can act as a nerve tonic, reducing stress and aiding relaxation.
Hell, I've sown some wild oats around the planet!
Maize is the favourite grain for home consumption, but considerable quantities of this cereal, as well as, barley, rye and oats are exported.
The chief crops of the farmer are wheat (which from its flinty hardness and full kernel is the specialty of the Canadian north-west), oats, barley and pease.
The most important crops are wheat, barley, oats, millet, rice and potatoes.
He mentions the different kinds of wheat, barley and oats; and after describing the method of harrowing " all maner of cornnes," we find the roller employed.
Among the subjects deserving notice may be mentioned the practice of steeping and liming seed corn as a preventive of smut; changing every year the species of grain, and bringing seed corn from a distance; ploughing down green crops as manure; and feeding horses with broken oats and chaff.
Wheat, barley, oats, beans, clover and other leguminous plants, turnips, sugar beet, mange's, potatoes and grass crops have thus been experimented upon.
If there are, they are liable to be glass oats!
Yes, go to the yard and fetch a fowl, please, a cock, and you, Misha, bring me some oats.
Someone was snoring under them, and around them stood saddled horses munching their oats.
Moths found in Quaker Oats packs Boxes of Quaker Oats are pulled from the shelves because of the presence of moth pupae and larvae.
Crown rust of oats Crown rust was more widespread than in recent years.
Only a small amount of porridge was bought as only unrolled oats were available and nobody was sure exactly what to do with them.
Crown rust of oats Five virulence combinations were identified from the 1993 crown rust samples.
Hell, I 've sown some wild oats around the planet !
I get the essential oils at the all natural market, for example, we have two markets in Los Angeles - Whole Foods and Wild Oats - both have a wide selection of essential oils.
Foods containing Arginine include chocolate, nuts, wheat and oats.
Oats are able to reduce hypertension in many people if consumed regularly.
The mineral healing concealer, for example, contains skin-loving ingredients like neem (a natural antiseptic) and avena sativa (soothing oats).
In a large bowl, combine the oats, wheat germ, nuts, brown sugar, chocolate chips, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
For those looking to increase their fiber intake, while keeping their carbs low, oats are a great option.
In a large bowl, whisk the all-purpose flour, whole-wheat pastry flour, oats, baking soda, and salt.
Oats and whole wheat are readily available in many different forms.
If it's too wet, add more oats or some breadcrumbs to hold it together.
However, it's easy to add powder to farina, oats, or other hot cereals after cooking.
Whole grains in the form of oats and brown rice provide carbohydrates instead of fillers such as corn or wheat.
The whole grains of barley, brown rice and oats provide carbohydrates and fiber.
Ingredients include chicken, brown rice, oats and omega fatty acids.
You can find chicken broth, chicken, green beans, pasta, and turkey, rolled oats, carrots, zucchini, barley, chicken liver, garlic powder, dried kelp and soy sauce.
Feed your dog meats, vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as oats or brown rice.
Add wheat germ, oats, eggs, molasses and turkey to blender.
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, oats and wheat germ.
These coupons are also available at Whole Foods and Wild Oats stores.
The whole oat groats (minimally processed oats) are ground and then sifted.
If you live near a major health food chain, such as Whole Foods, Wild Oats or Pharmaca, you can just walk into the store and buy it whenever you want.
The bulk of the food is made up of organic free range chicken, brown rice and oats.
Quick organic oats, (not instant) with fruit.
Soluble fibers include pectin, flax, and gums; insoluble fibers include psyllium and brans from grains like wheat and oats.
Celiac disease occurs when the body reacts abnormally to gluten, a protein found in grains, including wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats.
Gluten is present in any product that contains wheat, rye, barley, or oats.
Gluten-A protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats.
Other calcium-rich foods are figs, broccoli, cabbage, oats, almonds and filberts, yogurt, and blackstrap molasses.
Oats, lentils, soybeans, peas, bananas, carrots, salmon, sardines, mushrooms, walnuts, and brown rice are all good sources of biotin, which can help prevent hair loss.
Low amounts of Vitamin K can be found in tomatoes, blueberries, apricots, sweet potatoes, egg yolks, tofu, navy beans, cantaloupe, peaches, grapes, apples, bananas, carrots, and oats.
Protein content has been assessed at about twenty percent, higher than most commonly consumed grains like corn, rice, wheat, and oats.
Like the other antioxidant nutrients, it helps prevent oxidative damage to the eye.Food sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, whole wheat, wheat germ, tuna, Swiss chard, and oats.
Whole grains include things like whole wheat, oats, bulgur, brown rice, whole cornmeal, and millet.
Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole grain cereals, ground oats, many vegetables and nuts.
One area not clearly defined yet is with the grain oats.
Most scientists state that there is no gluten in oats.
Due to this fact, the risk for contamination in oats is high and many doctors advise not to eat oats.
Many celiacs will be surprised to learn that gluten-free oats are not only a possibility, they are a dietary reality.
Oats are inherently gluten-free, so why do so many gluten-free diet regimes suggest the avoidance of this grain?
Oats, though naturally gluten free, can be a huge contamination risk.
Even the act of storing grains can provide contamination opportunities, hence, in general, oats are avoided by most celiacs.
The term "gluten-free oats" can result in more than one interesting option when it is typed into a search engine.
There is a company entitled Gluten Free Oats that specializes in the manufacturing of uncontaminated oats.
These oats are sold to a variety of stores and are promised to be safe for celiac consumption.
There is no question that a celiac's ability to consume oats can unveil a world of cooking and baking options.
Most importantly, oats are an integral ingredient in many comfort foods such as oatmeal cookies and oatmeal.
Quite frankly, millet and amaranth can't hold a candle to the chewy almost gel-like texture of cooked oats.
Purchasing oats that are certified gluten-free can restore the old grand tradition of oatmeal cookies and milk on a cold winter's night.
There is still mixed information regarding the question of whether or not a celiac can safely consume oats.
In fact, research suggests that most celiacs are not affected by oat consumption and can still recover from the disease's ill effects while maintaining a treatment diet that contains oats.
In conclusion, it is possible for many celiacs to treat their illness with a gluten-free diet while still incorporating oats into their regime.
This, however, does not mean that all celiacs will be able to tolerate oats.
In severe cases, oats will need to be avoided long-term.
Rice and corn are usually safe to eat, but what about oats?
While other grains seem to have clear-cut boundaries when it comes to gluten content, the jury is still inconclusive on whether oats are a safe option for a gluten-free lifestyle.
According to the Celiac Sprue Association (CSA), dieticians, doctors and gluten-intolerant consumers have debated the safety of oats for twenty years, and there are still no clearly defined guidelines.
Oats themselves may or may not contain storage proteins that trigger reactions in the gluten-sensitive, and the relative safety is related to individual sensitivity levels.
Even if oats are gluten-free, they are often housed in silos that have contained wheat at one time, or processed in facilities that also process wheat products.
Gluten-free instant oatmeal can be a good choice for some individuals if that oats have been carefully tracked throughout its lifecycle to ensure no cross-contamination.
The CSA maintains that, at this time, oats cannot be said to be a risk-free choice for the gluten intolerant, and should only be consumed with caution.
Do not attempt to consume oats until your gluten-related symptoms have stopped.