Nymphaea Sentence Examples
Amongst hardy species of Nymphaea now much grown are candida, nitida, odorata, pygmaea and tuberosa, all with white, more or less sweet-scented flowers; flava, yellow, and sphaerocarpa, rose-carmine.
With these might be associated the gigantic lily of Queensland (Nymphaea gigantea), the leaves of which float on water, and are quite 18 in.
The nymphaea of the Roman period were borrowed from the constructions of the Hellenistic east.
Such nymphaea existed at Corinth, Antioch and Constantinople; the remains of some twenty have been found at Rome and of many in Africa.
At Baiae itself there exist three large and lofty domed buildings, two octagonal, one circular, and all circular in the interior, of opus reticulatum and brick, which, though popularly called temples, are remains of baths or nymphaea.
Thus, the Lent lily is Narcissus Pseudonarcissus; the African lily is Agapanthus umbellatus; the Belladonna lily is Amaryllis Belladonna (q.v.); the Jacobaea lily is Sprekelia formosissima; the Mariposa lily is Calochortus; the lily of the Incas is Alstroemeria pelegrina; St Bernard's lily is Anthericum Liliago; St Bruno's lily is Anthericum (or Paradisia) Liliastrum; the water lily is Nymphaea alba; the Arum lily is Richardia africana; and there are many others.
In Nymphaea micrantha buds appear at the upper part of the petiole.
In plants, as Nymphaea alba, where a spiral arrangement of the floral leaves occurs, it is not easy to say where the calyx ends and the corolla begins, as these two whorls pass insensibly into each other.
Water-lilies of the genera Nymphaea and Nelumbium occur.
The species of Nymphaea are found in every quarter of the globe.
AdvertisementNymphaea alba (Castalia alba) is common in some parts of Britain, as is also the yellow Nuphar luteum (Nymphaea lutea).
Many beautiful Nymphaea hybrids have been raised between the tender and hardy varieties of different colours, and there are now in commerce lovely forms having not only white, but also yellow, rose, pink and carmine flowers.
Under the general head of water-lily are included the lotus of Egypt, Nymphaea Lotus, and the sacred lotus of India and China, Nelumbium speciosum, formerly a native of the Nile, as shown by Egyptian sculptures and other evidence, but no longer found in that river.
Hemi-hydrophytes (swamp plants, marsh plants, &c.).Plants riose vegetative organs are partly submerged and partly aerial; lucheria terrestris, Philonotis fontana, Sca pan-ia undulata, Maria spp., Salvinia ivatans, Azolla spp., Equisetum limosum, Typha rgustifolia, Phragmites communis, Scirpus lacustris, Nymphaea tea, Oenanthe fistulosa, Bidens cernua.
Heterophylly is rather common among aquatic plants, and is well seen in several aquatic species of Ranunculus, many species of Potamogelon, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Scir pus lacusiris, Castalia (Nymphaea) alba, Hippuris vulgaris, Callitriche spp., Sium latifolium.
AdvertisementNymphaea Alba Odorata Rosacea--A - od form coming near exquisita but more vigorous, with bright rosy flowers about 4 inches across, paling to salmon-yellow towards the crown of golden stamens; petals narrow and pointed.
The whiite water lily (Nymphaea Alba) is found in many parts of England and throughout Europe to Siberia.
Nymphaea Alba Andreana - Bears cup-shaped flowers of brick-red color shaded with orange, and held well above the water.
Nymphaea Alba Arc-En-Ciel - A distinct hybrid with blending shades of pale salmon streaked with rose, and crimson spotted sepals.
Nymphaea Alba Arethusa - A plant of strong growth and very free, coming near Laydekeri fulgens in its bright crimson color, but larger in flower and more robust.
AdvertisementNymphaea Alba Atropurpurea - One of the darkest of all, with very large flowers of deep port-wine color, with pale yellow stamens and petals incurved at the tips.
Nymphaea Alba Aurora - So named from its changing tints, which vary from a pale rosy-yellow on opening, to orange or reddish tones on the third day, different plants showing much variation in depth of color.
Nymphaea Alba Carrisbrooki - A new kind raised in California, and described as bearing flowers of bright flesh pink, and fragrant.
Nymphaea Alba Chrysantha - A handsome kind of medium growth, and deep yellow flowers passing to orange-red, with a cluster of bright red stamens; leaves edged and marbled with bronze.
Nymphaea Alba Colossea - Very large in leaf and flower, blooming with the earliest and lasting well into the autumn.
AdvertisementNymphaea Alba Froebeli - An improved form of the Swedish Water-Lily raised at Zurich, and of deeper color and stronger growth.
Nymphaea Alba Fulva - Bears medium-sized star-shaped flowers, curiously incurved at the tips of the petals, and sweetly scented.
Nymphaea Alba James Brydon - A distinct sort with flowers of 4 to 6 inches wide, of a soft rose-crimson; petals finely rounded and curving inwards, with a paler, silvery sheen beneath, and stamens of bright orange.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Fulgens - A flower of fine color and cupped, the rounded petals of crimson-purple showing paler within and enclosing a cluster of vivid red stamens.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Lilacea - Very free in its small flowers of soft rosy-lilac tipped with clear pink, their color deepening to rosy-crimson on the third day.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Purpurata - A telling flower, larger than others in this group, and very shapely with its long pointed petals.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Rosea - One of the most useful of hardy Water-Lilies, with fragrant, pale pink flowers, passing through several shades to deep rose as they fade away.
Nymphaea Alba Lucida - With massive flowers opening starwise and rosy-vermilion in color, paling towards the edges and the tips of the petals and deepening towards the cluster of orange stamens.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Caroliniana - The leaves are green above and red beneath, and though nearly a foot across when fully grown, the plant is only of moderate growth and not too vigorous for a tank.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Exquisita - Finely-shaped rosy-carmine flowers of medium size, with narrow, pointed petals and golden stamens; they are the darkest of this group, and stand well out of the water.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Rosea - The Cape Cod Water-Lily-a plant of moderate vigour, with petals of a uniform bright rose color with yellow stamens, and fragrant.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Sulphurea - A beautiful plant, distinct from all other kinds in the cactus-shape of its flowers.
Nymphaea Alba Robinsoni - A star-like flower of distinct color, a reddish-purple deepening towards the centre, which shows traces of an orange ground, paling again towards the tips of the petals.
Nymphaea Alba Seignoureti - One of the older hybrids, its color being indistinct.
Nymphaea Alba Tuberosa - The vigorous Water-Lily of the United States, thriving in deep water, lifting its flowers high out of the water, and spreading rapidly by long tuberous offsets.
Nymphaea Alba William Doogue - An American hybrid with large flowers of soft pink, very broad in petal, much cupped, and evenly colored throughout.
Nymphaea Alba William Falconer - A flower of striking color, one of the best dark Water-Lilies.