Nutrient Sentence Examples
The yeast-conidia, which bud off from the conidia or their resulting mycelium when sown in nutrient solutions, are developed in successive crops by budding exactly as in the yeast plant, but they cannot ferment sugar solutions.
The spore-cell multiplies by division, while the enveloping cell is nutrient and protective.
Sensors can constantly monitor moisture levels in the soil, the size and color of the plants, air quality, nutrient levels in the soil, amount of sunlight, and hundreds of other variables.
They were verbal descriptors of the nutrient content of foods.
Besides the aphids, other insects, such as scale insects (Coccidae), caterpillars of blue butterflies (Lycaenidae), and numerous beetles, furnish the ants with nutrient secretions.
The response to the addition of nutrient broth, however, declined with the length of the starvation period.
Algae also thrive in nutrient rich water.
In Argentina, intensive soybean cultivation has led to massive soil nutrient depletion.
The loss of nutrient fluid caused by the presence of intestinal Cestodes is probably slight, indeed, the sharper appetite that accompanies their presence may be the means of fully compensating for it.
Nutrient loss can be accelerated by bleeding, diarrhea, abnormally high blood sugar levels (glycosuria), kidney disease, malabsorption disorders, and other factors.
AdvertisementIt will then be raked to remove any nutrient rich herbage.
These pure lecithin granules are a natural source of phosphatidyl serine (PS) an important nutrient for brain health.
Technicians ' information Assuming 15 working groups Preparation consists of preparing sufficient nutrient agar plates and sterile swabs.
Maintaining a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5 contributes to optimal nutrient uptake.
But they may also have specific nutrient deficiencies such as iron deficiency anemia or low plasma zinc levels.
AdvertisementAs the various portions of the food undergo digestion, they ate allowed to pass through the proventriculus into the stomach, where the nutrient substances are absorbed.
The function of alimentation is closely associated with that of locomotion, somewhat as in the burrowing earthworm; in the excavation of its burrows the sand is passed through the body, and any nutrient matter that may adhere to it is extracted during its passage through the intestine, the exhausted sand being finally ejected through the vent at the orifice of the burrow and appearing at low tide as a worm casting.
So definite is this that, despite a great increase in the force of the contractions and despite experimental proof that the heart does more work in a given time under the influence of digitalis, the organ subsequently displays all the signs of having rested, its improved vigour being really due to its obtaining a larger supply of the nutrient blood.
It is a fantastic way of turning compostable kitchen waste into a nutrient rich soil improver.
There are currently two schemes in the UK which provide definitions of verbal descriptors of the nutrient content of foods.
AdvertisementIn fact, all vegetables taste better when fresh and have higher nutrient values.
Taurine has to be added to cat food because most homemade food will not have enough of this nutrient in it to keep your cat healthy.
Taurine, which is an important nutrient for cats, is added through natural meat sources such as organ and muscle meats.
They also need Taurine, a nutrient that is found in the organs of their prey.It can be difficult to decide on a food.
If your cat's food is heavily plant-based, there is a risk that it may be deficient in this essential nutrient if the product is not fortified with it.
AdvertisementThe best dry cat food will meet the specific nutrient requirements of your cat.
Serious illnesses can develop due to a deficiency of a single nutrient.
When the nervous system suffers from a nutrient deficiency, the body's involuntary and voluntary mechanisms may suffer in both humans and animals.
There is a great deal of science that goes into commercial preparations in order to ensure a proper nutrient balance.
People who are cautious about their feline's nutrient balance can simply supplement their cat's diet with the occasional serving of raw or parboiled organic meats and poultry.
Fillers are then added to increase the bulk of the food, but not the actual protein and nutrient content.
Blood may also be drawn to ensure that your cat isn't suffering from specific nutrient deficiencies that can lead to cardiac failure.
Human waste can serve as a valuable nutrient and soil additive when it is properly composted.
The higher nutrient content of organically produced food and meats helps your body become more resistant to disease as these foods help strengthen your immune system.
Vitamin A is an important nutrient for the health and reproduction of epithelial tissue.
As simple as cinnamon may seem, it is a healthy nutrient to add to diets.
The alpha-linolenic acid found in flaxseed oil is said to be highly concentrated in the brain, making it a significant nutrient for brain and behavioral health and an essential for normal growth and development.
Be advised, however, some manufacturing methods can destroy the nutrient value of flaxseed oils by exposing them to heat, air, or light.
That way he or she can give advice on any vitamin supplements that can help for maintaining optimal health before a nutrient deficiency occurs.
There are many different foods containing vitamin K and this helps to ensure that people eating a well balanced diet receive an adequate amount of the important nutrient.
Protein is an essential nutrient and is important for good health.
The one nutrient of concern is vitamin-B12.
It automatically calculates the nutrient amounts, too, so you can see how much protein you're actually eating in a given day.
The nibs have the same nutrient value as the beans and the added convenience of a pre-shelled product.
Pro Plan Puppy is enhanced with DHA, a nutrient that supports a puppy's developing brain functions.
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) - A constant flow of liquid nutrient solution is pumped through a tray which holds the plants and is higher on one end, so the water flows easily from one end of the tray to the other.
In other words, obese children grow more, though for a shorter time period, because of their elevated caloric and nutrient intake.
Iron is also important, since people who are deficient in this nutrient absorb more lead.
This will keep the nutrient level in the water high enough to keep the plant healthy, but low enough to where it isn't going to encourage algae growth.
The company's nutrient rich daily conditioner and protein enriched shampoo can both help give hair the strength it needs to withstand styling and ultimately prevent hair loss.
Certain nutrient and vitamin deficiencies can result in a variety of maladies, which may account for B12's efficiency in helping reverse the problem.
Light or moderate hair loss can be a sign that an important nutrient or vitamin is lacking.
Understanding how your diet can affect your hair is the first step toward overcoming hair loss due to nutrient deficiencies, and adding a B12 hair loss vitamin to your daily intake may be the second step toward thick, glossy hair.
Make sure your diet for healthy hair is chock-full of nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, and you're one step closer to fabulous locks.
Aside from the body's natural production of vitamin D, food sources provide another important supply of this essential nutrient.
You most frequently hear about the B-complex vitamin in relation to pregnancy, but folate is an essential nutrient best obtained by eating foods rich in folic acid.
Celiac patients with normal blood nutrient levels may also present neurological symptoms because slow cellular starvation is only one element of the disease.
Villi line the walls of your small intestine and are the site of nutrient absorption.
Almond flour boasts an impressive nutrient content as does coconut, but both will involve different baking methods than the rice or corn flour varieties.
Eat low-fat, nutrient dense foods so your body has the right fuel for your workouts while still burning fat effectively.
The recall of a nutrient deficient cat food brand should prompt pet owners to investigate the nutritional content and processing of their pet's food.
Why should consumers be concerned regarding something as simple as a single nutrient deficiency?
B vitamins are not the only essential nutrient found in cat foods.
This is why nutrient fortification with thiamine, amongst other vitamins, is very important.
It takes time for a nutrient deficiency to emerge in its worst form, but after an extended period of consumption, a cat that is not receiving ample levels of thiamine will begin to display some highly concerning symptoms.
Even obese dogs still need the ideal balance of nutrients, and healthy fats are essential for nutrient absorption and cell repair.
The approved labels read formulated to meet AAFCO's nutrient requirements.
The pH of your ground has a strong impact on the chemistry and nutrient content.
You may want to get your soil tested to check its pH or nutrient levels.
While hydrangeas need more water than most shrubs, they also do not like to sit in soggy soil, so be sure to add compost prior to planting to give them the nutrient boost they need as well as improve drainage naturally.
In this form of garden growing, a nutrient rich solution is used to feed the plants all the nutrients it needs while the roots are in a material such as gravel or perlite, or the roots directly placed in the water solution.
You will need to purchase other materials, such as the nutrient solutions from the garden center as well.
Nutrient absorption is most often used when one of the plants needs a larger amount of nitrogen.
Instead, plants are grown in a medium such as clay pellets or gravel and a liquid nutrient solution is circulated through the roots of the plants, providing the root system with all the moisture, nutrients and oxygen needed to survive.
Reservoir - The storage container that holds the liquid nutrient solution, these are usually made from 5 gallon buckets or plastic storage bins.
Water pump - Used to deliver the liquid nutrient solution to the plant's root system.
Air pump - An aquarium air pump is used with the deep water culture or reservoir method of hydroponic growing, where the plant roots actually sit in the liquid nutrient solution.
Deep Water Culture (Reservoir Method) - One of the easiest growing systems, individual plant containers with holes in the bottom sit in a reservoir that contains a couple of inches of liquid nutrient solution.
Flood and Drain (Ebb and Flow) - The plant containers sit above the nutrient reservoir.
A water pump, which is regulated by a timer, floods the plant's root system with the nutrient solution.
Drip System - The liquid nutrient solution is pumped through small tubes which feed the plants from the top.
Wick System - Absorbent material, such as nylon rope, extends from the individual plant containers down into the nutrient reservoir.
The nutrient solution is pulled upward through the absorbent material into the growing medium.
Aeroponics - Plants sit in the top of a large container that holds several gallons of liquid nutrient solution.
No growing medium is used, instead, the root systems hang down inside the container and a high-pressure pump sprays a fine mist of the nutrient solution onto the roots.
Another important nutrient found in alfalfa sprouts is saponins.Saponins are known to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and fat in the body but they do not lower the good HDL cholesterol.
This, in turn, not only raises the nutrient levels in your soil but also increases water penetration and aeration.
Increased nutrient levels- Certain types of rice are modified to be higher in B vitamins and iron.
Excess nutrient salts can cause fertilizer burn on leaves and roots.
The quick release of nutrients associated with chemical fertilizers can also increase nutrient loss during raining or watering.
For optimum plant health and, if you are growing food crops, optimum nutritional value, a complete nutrient profile is preferable.
Nutrient leaching is a significant source of water pollution.
Organic fertilizers such as well-rotted manure, compost, or other solid organic matter are less prone to nutrient loss than chemical fertilizers.
Compost, animal manure, grass clippings or raked leaves are just a few of the many free soil amendments you can add to your garden soil to increase nutrient content and water retention.
Many organic fertilizers address specific nutrient needs.
These products have a well-balanced nutrient profile and organic matter content similar to home compost, are immediately available, and can be brought home in the trunk of your car.
You will need a nutrient rich soil for your container garden.
Like container gardening, square foot gardening relies on nutrient dense compost and enriched soils to grow a variety of vegetables and other plants.
It can also be useful to buy a soil test kit so you can eliminate any nutrient problems before you plant.
Soil amendments are nutrient additions which compensate for deficiencies in the nutrient profile.
If you are concerned about your nutrient intake, you may consider taking liquid Organic Life vitamins to make up for any deficiencies in your diet.
Some individuals may benefit from taking a vitamin because of diet or health conditions which may impact nutrient absorption.
The lack of these in this formula may be a drawback if you are looking for a more complete nutrient solution.
Liquid Organic Life Vitamins provide nutritional support for people with dietary deficiencies or health conditions which affect nutrient uptake.
The NOP rule also provides specific guidance regarding how crops are managed for nutrient needs, relying specifically on methods such as organic compost and animal manure rather than fertilizers.
Superfoods bars are perfect for a meal or snack on the go, so it's a great idea to keep one in your desk drawer or purse for those moments when hunger strikes and you're in need of a nutrient pick me up.
At this point, add the pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient.
Vitamin K is an important nutrient needed to regulate normal blood clotting.
Deficiency in one nutrient occurs less often than deficiency in several nutrients.
Malnutrition begins with changes in nutrient levels in blood and tissues.
Researchers state that no single nutrient is the key to good health, but that optimum nutrition is derived from eating a diverse diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Nutrient loss can be accelerated by diarrhea, excessive sweating, heavy bleeding (hemorrhage), or kidney failure.
Nutrient intake can be restricted by age-related illnesses and conditions, excessive dieting, severe injury, serious illness, a lengthy hospitalization, or substance abuse.
Zinc is another nutrient essential to immune system functioning.
Early in the infection, the blood is far more likely to positively show a presence of the salmonella bacterium when a sample is grown on a nutrient substance (culture) for identification purposes.
The most common reason for poor growth is inadequate caloric or nutrient intake.
To help control migraines, the child should eat three balanced meals at regular intervals, take a multi-vitamin supplement to maintain adequate nutrient needs, and drink four to eight glasses of non-caffeinated fluids per day.
The type of fluid and nutrient replacement depends on whether oral feedings can be taken and on the severity of fluid losses.
Nutrient replacement also plays a role in preventing and treating episodes of diarrhea.
A separate RDA value exists for each nutrient.
The RDA values refer to the amount of nutrient expected to maintain good health in people.
The actual levels of each inorganic nutrient required by any given individual is likely to be less than that stated by the RDA.
Proper feeding can be achieved through infant formulas that are adjusted to meet the child's specific nutrient needs.
Less common in the United States than folic acid anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is another type of megaloblastic anemia that develops when the body does not absorb enough of this nutrient.
Carbohydrate intolerance is the inability of the small intestine to completely process the nutrient carbohydrate (a classification that includes sugars and starches) into a source of energy for the body.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for good health, and knowing about foods high in Vitamin K can help individuals plan diets to accommodate their nutritional needs.
This is a rich source of the nutrient, but some individuals do not manufacture sufficient amounts especially if their intestines are damaged.
The nutrient is also instrumental in keeping blood vessels flexible and healthy as well as regulating proper bone development.
Exactly how much of the nutrient is present in each serving depends on the exact type of vegetable and how it is prepared.
Because livestock also feed on a diet rich in leafy greens, beef and pork liver are rich sources of the nutrient, though one of the least popular.
With such a wide range of foods offering varying amounts of Vitamin K, it is easy to create a diet rich in this essential nutrient.
To enjoy Vitamin K rich foods, create healthy salads from dark, leafy greens, and top the salad with other foods that also contain moderate or small amounts of the nutrient.
Because the body cannot store Vitamin K for long periods of time or in large doses, the best way to ensure a proper dosage of the nutrient is through a balanced, healthy diet that includes foods high in Vitamin K at each meal.
Many foods are rich sources of Vitamin K, making this essential nutrient easy to obtain through a healthy, balanced diet.
Vitamin D is a unique nutrient among all essential nutrients, in that it can be obtained both from exposure to sunlight as well as from natural vitamin D food sources and supplements.
A "supplement" can be interpreted as just a capsule or a "functional food," ie. a food product extremely high in the desired nutrient.
If you want to know which foods will help you round out your diet or if you need a specific nutrient for a health related issue, you will find the information you need at LoveToKnow Vitamins.
Vitamin A, although needed in small amounts, is a nutrient that is essential for a healthy functioning body.
An essential nutrient, vitamin E plays an important part in maintaining a healthy body while helping to protect it from the mental and physical signs of aging.
The process removed the outer brown layers of the rice along with the essential nutrient vitamin B1.
Steaming or micro waving them reduces nutrient loss.
If you're just looking for a general, catchall kind of insurance against falling short of some vital nutrient, go for something with close to 100 percent of RDA of everything.
On the other hand, there is no dispute among experts as to the fact that chia is a wholesome, nutrient dense food.
They require special manufacturing and care in production to insure color, texture, sweetness, overall taste and nutrient value are obtained.
The more you understand about this important nutrient, the more you will realize how essential it is your health.
Vitamin C is essential for optimal immune function, and eating a diet high in this nutrient can help avoid conditions such as the common cold.
Here's a look at the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, so you can tell if you may be missing this vital nutrient.
Most of us will not have a severe deficiency of vitamin D, however the majority of us will be lacking this vital nutrient.
Amazingly though, many people are deficient in this nutrient.
The following vitamin mineral guide lists each vitamin or mineral and other names for the nutrient, food sources of the nutrient and what processes that nutrient is responsible for in the body.
Its nutrient profile of phytochemicals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids can certainly be a healthy addition to your diet.
Its nutrient profile of phytochemicals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids can be a healthy addition to your diet.
As one of the eight essential amino acids, tryptophan is an important nutrient in your system.
Vitamin A, or retinol, is a very important nutrient for your eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
This article will outline why vitamin D is necessary, and provide you with a list of foods that can help you get your recommended daily allowance of this important nutrient.
Why would you want to get more of this super nutrient?
There are many situations that can leave you at risk for becoming deficient in this nutrient.
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient essential to good health, and if you have wondered 'what is B12 good for', you will learn the answers here.
Vitamin B12 is a surprisingly important nutrient.
Anyone who has concerns about their diet and whether they are deficient in a particular nutrient should visit a professional nutritionist or dietitian.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient responsible for your body's ability to absorb and use calcium and phosphorus.
Niacin, an essential nutrient, is often referred to as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid.
Zinc is an essential nutrient your body must have to function properly.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient which helps your body function properly.
For this reason, it is best to try to get your daily allowance of this nutrient from foods rich in vitamin A rather than through supplementation.
Supplementation can help increase your intake of vitamin A, but in most cases it isn't necessary as long as you eat an adequate amount of foods rich in this nutrient.
In this way, you can ensure optimal nutrient intake that will leave you healthy and full of energy.
A discussion all about vitamins and their benefits would not be complete without touching on this vital nutrient.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient, which means it is stored in the body, primarily in your liver.
Since the nutrient appears in many different foods, deficiencies of vitamin A sometimes arise solely from the fact that the nutrient is fat soluble.
The nutrient helps fight off viral infections and protects parts of the body where viruses can enter.
The nutrient maintains the health of external and mucosal tissues throughout the digestive tract, respiratory system and skin.
The nutrient helps the immune system by fostering growth of the thymus gland and keeping it from shrinking due to stress.
The nutrient also operates in this same capacity within the respiratory system, digestive tract and skin.
Recipes rich in the nutrient range from lasagna to pumpkin pie.
The benefits of the B vitamins vary by the particular nutrient.
The manufacturer boasts that the body can absorb 98% of the nutrient content in this potion, which makes it a longevity booster.
While whole foods will always provide the most available and healthful source of nutrients, these all-in-one formulations can be a good option to top up your daily nutrient intake.
One of the more interesting aspects of learning all about vitamins is discovering each nutrient's function in different body processes.
In this way, you can find a doctor who is current on the latest research on this vital nutrient.
The living nutrient also reduces free radicals, which are digestive byproducts that contribute to signs of aging in the body.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient, which means it is stored in your body - primarily in the liver.
You can get vitamin A in one of two forms, depending upon the nutrient source.
However, juicing allows most people to maximize their nutrient intake because it allows you to consume larger amounts of vegetables you may not normally get enough of such as beets and dark leafy greens.
It is an essential nutrient that confers vital health benefits to your body.
Many shampoos contain wheat germ or some other form of vitamin E because its topical application can stimulate circulation to the scalp and enhance nutrient absorption into the hair follicles, which encourages hair growth.
Selenium is a mineral, and it is an antioxidant nutrient that plays an important role in good vision.
Given that there are only two dozen or so vitamins and minerals, each nutrient is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of individual bodily processes.
However, due to working indoors and a decrease of sun exposure during the colder months, many people need to find other sources of this important nutrient.
In recent years, many parents have been so afraid of sunburns that they slather their children with sunscreen, which blocks access to this important nutrient.
You only need to take supplemental vitamin C if you aren't eating the recommended daily allowance of this nutrient.
Though many vitamin supplements claim to contain a certain amount of a nutrient, not all of these vitamin supplements are actually usable by the body.
Hence, the goal of LivOn Laboratories' researchers is to create vitamin supplements that not only contain a certain dosage of a nutrient, but also provide optimal bioavailability of such nutrients.
While other animals can make vitamin C biologically, human beings must obtain this essential nutrient from the foods they eat or through supplementation.
It is unlikely that you will overdose on vitamin C by eating foods that contain this nutrient.
Are you getting enough of this important nutrient?
Vitamin C is commonly known as a citrus vitamin; however, it is an essential nutrient found in a number of non-citrus foods, such as strawberries, spinach and papaya.
As a crucial nutrient to sustain human life, vitamin C can be found naturally in many of the foods you already eat and some that you may want to add.
Cofactors are also often necessary for the proper absorption of a nutrient.
Pharmaceutical grade vitamins must include any cofactors necessary for the adequate delivery of a nutrient.
Each food was assigned a 'serving' value of a major nutrient.
Dieters would dutifully check off each box on their little paper chart to ensure they met the day's quota for each macro nutrient.
On any given day, there seems to be a hot new food or nutrient we are told to consume in moundfuls.
Indeed, nutrient values are similar despite the varying fertilizers utilized in the growing process.
Factors that do alter nutrient values include soil conditions, climate, genetics, and ripeness or maturity at harvest time (for produce).
The belief that nutrient cycling is closely tied to metabolism has been around for decades, even though it hasn't caught on among the general population to the extent of other, more mainstream approaches to dieting.
If you decide to try this diet, you'll follow a prescribed plan of calorie and nutrient cycling for 11 days at a time, followed by three days of eating whatever you want.
The Slim Fast diet plan advocates the use of meal replacement products along with consuming fruits, vegetables, and other foods which are low in calories while being nutrient dense.
To effect this some of the nutrient gelatin containing yeast cells is placed on the under-surface of the cover-glass of the moist chamber.
In these classes most of the bacteria you see will be grown either on nutrient agar or on blood agar.
More likely he would have received something containing choline, a nutrient found in liver and eggs.
Animations are used to illustrate the procedures in measuring cation exchange properties of soil colloids, in the Nutrient Cycling chapter of Oz Soils.
With the exception of certain cations, changes in available mineral nutrient levels appeared erratic.
The nutrient composition of Suma shows it especially high in the trace element germanium, very important for proper immune system function.
Usually yeasts are grown on yeast glucose agar, other fungi on malt agar and bacteria on nutrient agar.
But in the field, nothing much happened beyond wishful thinking, contaminant dilution and perhaps inadvertent nutrient addition.
Different feeding strategies are employed within the industry to control the nutrient intake of breeder flocks.
Outline the fundamentals of nutrient balance, including macronutrients and selected micro-nutrients.
You are just not going to get much magnesium from drinking even the most nutrient rich mineral water.
It is also believed that HIV infection itself may cause nutrient malabsorption.
In addition, specialized products have been produced for patients with specialized nutrient requirements eg malabsorption, renal failure, cancer cachexia.
It provides the micronutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrient potassium and only supplies a limited amount of nitrogen.
How do phosphate ions in nutrient solutions affect mitosis in root tips?
Is milk the only source of some obscure essential nutrient?
Take " C " and See -- Truly the body's master water-soluble nutrient, vitamin C is involved in virtually every cellular function.
It provides the micronutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrients for plant growth, but is lacking in the macro nutrient potassium and only supplies a limited amount of nitrogen.
Potash is an essential nutrient for all crops and for grassland and livestock nutrition.
The unit will help treat the wastewater produced by 19,000 people every day to an even higher standard by removing the nutrient phosphate.
It contains potash, which is valuable garden nutrient.
Sustainable nutrient management All systems of production should maintain an adequate supply of available potash to the plant.
Flower beds - is there is a good nutrient balance in your soil to grow rhododendrons?
Agricultural runoff contributes to nutrient levels leading to eutrophication.
The very large sauropods could not eat enough to have sustained endothermic metabolism, given likely estimates of bite size and nutrient values.
A number of flasks containing a nutrient medium were each inoculated with one drop of this mixture; it was found that some remained sterile, and Lister assumed that the remaining flasks each contained a pure culture.
He introduced bacteria into liquid sterile nutrient gelatin.
The first two methods are the easiest but the blanching method may be worth the extra time, allowing you to store fresh herbs in the freezer without compromising flavor or nutrient quality.
Coming in at only 3 calories each, escargot is low in carbohydrate grams and nutrient dense.
Carl's Jr., McDonalds, Wendy's and the In-N-Out hamburger all offer moderate nutrient levels and are not very high in sodium, either.
The actual amounts of each nutrient required to maintain good health in specific individuals differ from person to person.
Spirulina-A genus of blue-green algae that is sometimes added to food to increase its nutrient value.
Deficiencies in one nutrient do occur, however, such as in populations living in iodine-poor regions, and in iron deficient persons who lose excess iron by abnormal bleeding.
Children at particular risk for secondary PEM are those who have diseases that involve diarrhea or that otherwise interfere with nutrient absorption.
This does not make their diet unhealthy, but it does make it harder to manage nutrient intake.
A good prenatal vitamin can solve many of the nutrient issues that a vegan mom faces.
Some of these defects affect the way an infant processes protein, a major nutrient needed for cell growth.
When boiling the vegetables, the nutrient will leech into the water.
It's very important to get enough of this vital nutrient in our system to prevent chronic illness.
Nutrition bars, shakes and packaged meals are convenient and often provide appropriate calorie and nutrient amounts.
Sticking with just a few foods may limit your nutrient intake and lead to deficiencies.
Nutrient Cycling - Follow all program guidelines for rotating between protein and carbohydrate rich meals.
While sodium is an essential nutrient for several body functions, too much sodium can cause health difficulties.
The diet was designed for overweight participants, and it's based on a specific nutrient ratio of 43% protein, 22.5% fat, and 34.5% carbohydrates.
This guideline helps the dieter meet calorie and nutrient needs without having to consume large quantities of food.
Add in your choice of other ingredients to improve flavor or give an additional nutrient boost, and the possible variations of smoothies are endless.
Almonds are very nutrient dense, which means they have a lot to offer in such a tiny package.
Grows on malt, yeast malt and glucose nutrient agar but laboratory cultures may not be needed.
A major liver protecting nutrient is vitamin E. E is generally recognized as the major lipid fat-soluble antioxidant in human tissue.
This will include the use of bovine material in nutrient broths, fetal calf serum and the use of bovine serum albumin.
The cell body, or cytoplasm, is apparently composed of a fine reticulum or network, containing within the meshes a soft viscid, transparent substance, the cell-sap, or hyaloplasm, which is probably a nutrient material to the living cell.
In the female, each ovary consists of a large number of ovarian tubes, in which swollen chambers containing the egg-cells alternate with smaller chambers enclosing nutrient material.
The remains then change to buff colour, afterwards turning brown, when decomposition sets in, and as the bacilli present in the dead larvae increase and the nutrient matter is consumed, the mass in some cases becomes sticky and ropy in character, making its removal impossible by the bees.