Nurses Sentence Examples
The number of nurses supported by each branch varies.
Following the nurses instruction, she gently stroked his cheek.
Nurses came into the room off and on all night to check on Destiny, but she continued to sleep.
Previously a certain amount of regular instruction had no doubt been given here and there by individual physicians and surgeons; lectures to nurses were delivered in the New York Hospital as early as 1790.
The earliest forerunner of the great sisterhood of nurses of whom we have any record was Fabiola, a patrician Roman lady, who in A.D.
Its distinctive feature was the systematic training of nurses for their vocation.
Such skill as nurses possessed was picked up in the wards.
The most noteworthy of the associations is Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses.
At some the nurses receive all their own earnings, minus a percentage deducted for the maintenance of the institute; at others they are paid a fixed salary, as a rule from £25 to £30 a year, plus a varying percentage on their earnings or a periodical bonus according to length of service.
For special cases - infectious, massage, mental and maternity - nurses on a fixed salary usually, receive extra pay.
AdvertisementThe discrepancy between the fees paid by patients and the salaries received by nurses, especially in London, has occasionally excited unfavourable comment, but it is to be remembered that the nurses are maintained when out of work or ill, and have other advantages; many institutions either provide pensions or assist the members of their staff to join the Royal National Pension Fund.
In addition to the Queen's nurses, of whom details have been given above, many local associations train their own nurses for this work.
Two or three associations in London supply male nurses (fees 2 to 4 guineas a week), but there appears to be only one institution, apart from the military and naval services, at which they are systematically trained - namely, the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic.
Nurses are eligible for a pension after 10 years' service, the amount increasing up to the age of 55 when retirement is compulsory.
The fees charged for trained nurses run from $12 to $25 a week, and even more for special cases.
AdvertisementIn late March 2005, the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation hosted two one-day workshops for Ontario nurses on the topic of knowledge brokering.
Fayetteville has two hospitals (each with a training school for nurses), and is the seat of a state coloured normal school and of the Donaldson military school.
It is true that state training schools for male nurses had previously existed in Prussia, the oldest having been founded at Magdeburg in 1799; but the employment of men in hospital wards is a feature of the German system which has not been copied by other advanced countries, and seems to be in process of abandonment in Germany.
There were three classes - (1) sisters, (2) probationers, (3) nurses.
In the same year the first district nurse began work in Liverpool; and in 1865 the reform of the much-neglected workhouse nursing was inaugurated by Miss Agnes Jones and twelve nurses from St Thomas's, who took up the work in Liverpool.
AdvertisementIn Great Britain nearly all the general and special hospitals and many of the poor-law infirmaries offer systematic professional training to nurses.
At the end of it they are granted certificates and may serve as staff nurses.
In Great Britain trained and certificated nurses generally belong to a society or association.
With regard to the earnings of nurses in general, the salaries paid in hospitals have already been mentioned; for private work the scales in force at different institutions vary considerably, according to the other advantages and benefits provided.
At the Johns Hopkins School at Baltimore twelve scholarships of $roo and $120 each are awarded annually; graduate nurses are paid $360 (£72) a year.
AdvertisementThis may be taken to indicate the possible earnings of trained nurses working independently, as they usually do in America.
Male nurses are trained at the Bellevue Hospital, New York, the Grace Hospital, Detroit, and elsewhere.
In the American schools more attention is paid to the preparation of nurses for private work than in the British (Burdett), and a directory or registry of them is kept in most large towns.
At San Remo and Rome institutions have been established for providing English trained nurses to private cases.
For full details on the large subject of the duties and qualifications of nurses the reader is referred to the numerous text-books and other technical authorities.
In the South African War of1899-1902it was even suggested that female nurses should replace orderlies at the front.
The only valid reason for preferring women to attend men rather than members of their own sex is the difficulty of obtaining a supply of equally well qualified and satisfactory male nurses.
The original aim of the institution was to train nurses for hospital work, but its scope was afterwards extended and it trained its members for teaching and parish work as well.
Women are in excess in the occupations of boarding and lodging house keepers, housekeepers, launderers, nurses and midwives, and servants and waiters.
Nurses' training schools are connected with most of these.
This pride in their land, race and history they preserve even when, as often happens, they emigrate to other parts of the country or to South America, and earn their living as servants, water-carriers, or, in the case of the women, as nurses.
The city's charitable institutions consist of two general hospitals, each of which has a training school for nurses; a municipal hospital, an orphan asylum, a home for the friendless, two old folks' homes, and a bureau of charities; here, also, on a bluff, within a large enclosure and overlooking both lake and city, is the state soldiers' and sailors' home, and near by is a monument erected to the memory of General Anthony Wayne, who died here on the 15th of December 1796.
When he was diseased in body and in mind, she was the most tender of nurses.
She set out on the 24th October with a staff of thirty-seven nurses, partly volunteers, partly professionals trained in hospitals.
With the 50,000 raised in recognition of her services she founded the Nightingale Home for training nurses at St Thomas's and King's College Hospitals.
The benevolent institutions include the general hospital, founded in 1817, removed to the present site in 1867, extended by the addition of two wings in 1878 and of an eye department in 1890; a convalescent home for twenty patients from the hospital only (1903); the Royal Cambrian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, established in 1847 at Aberystwyth, removed to Swansea in 1850, and several times enlarged, so as to have at present accommodation for ninety-eight pupils; the Swansea and South Wales Institution for the Blind, established in 1865 and now under the Board of Education; the Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute (1873), providing a home for nurses in the intervals of their employment; a nursing institution (1902) for nursing the sick poor in their own homes, affiliated with the Queen's Jubilee Institute of London; the Sailors' Home (1864); a Sailors' Rest (1885); and a Mission to Seamen's Institute (1904).
A belief in the spectre-hound still lingers in the wild parts of the north country of England, and in Nidderdale, Yorkshire, nurses frighten children with its name.
The female brings forth a single young one, which she nurses most carefully.
Some reckless enthusiasts for truth set four trustworthy hospital nurses to watch her; the Celtic obstinacy of the parents was roused, and in defence of their imposture they allowed death to take place in eight days.
Their trial and conviction for manslaughter may be found in the daily periodicals of the date; but, strange to say, the experimental physiologists and nurses escaped scot-free.
In the Crimean War the superior and other sisters went out as nurses with Florence Nightingale.
Boys were brought by their nurses to the temple of Artemis KopvBaXia (= Kovporp60os) and there consecrated to her; at the Apaturia, on the day called KovpEWTts, boys cut off and dedicated their hair to her.
For many years (1862-1896), all medical aid to the sick, the formation of hospitals and dispensaries, the training of native doctors, midwives and nurses, and the production of medical literature was entirely due to the Protestant missionaries, viz.
Immediately north of Poughkeepsie is the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane (1871); in the city are the Vassar Brothers' Hospital (1878), with which a nurses' training school is connected; the Vassar Brothers' Home (1881) for aged and infirm men; the Poughkeepsie Orphan House and Home for the Friendless (1847); the Old Ladies' Home (1870); the Pringle Memorial Home (1899), for aged and indigent men, and the Adriance Memorial Library (45,000 volumes in 1909).
In Topeka are the state insane asylum, Christ's Hospital (1894), the Jane C. Stormont Hospital and Training School for nurses (1895), the Santa Fe Railway Hospital, the Bethesda Hospital (1906) and the St Francis Hospital (1909).
The nurses were in a gazillion times last night to check on her.
The nurses held the torches over the patient's abdomen in shifts to prevent their arms becoming stiff.
In addition, the project funded a program in which senior nurses from Rangoon trained fifteen local students to act as nurses aides.
After administering an antidote, two nurses tried to figure out what had gone wrong.
It is especially suitable for eye care professionals, ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic assistants, ophthalmic nurses, and project managers.
Both nurses are trained to give Travel immunisations and tetanus boosters.
If doctors and nurses need to close wards to clean up the super bug they should be free to do so.
Nurses and midwives are pretty canny about the needs for eHealth in their practice!
They can remain on the district nurses caseload for protracted periods of time.
Nurses apply chiropody felt when it is required and let us all become part of the true multidisciplinary team.
Practice nurses also run specialist clinics within their GP practice, for example diabetes or asthma clinics.
They have been skilled up by working in the practice alongside practice nurses within diabetic clinic.
Colleagues (and particularly clinical nurse specialists and link nurses) were found to be more useful and accessible.
As posts develop to meet need, the group now includes colorectal, Macmillan, stoma care, surgical and theater nurses.
The nurses told us that she had bad concussion.
Abby nurses him, and he becomes devoted to her.
Teachers, nurses, trainee doctors, police officers and IT workers are just a few of the professions from which purchasers are coming.
Nurses who wear rubber gloves are at risk from contact eczema to either to rubber latex, or to glove chemicals.
We need support and training to truly empower nurses to help them manage change effectively.
Many of the Nurse Specialists utilize the area including the endocrinology, Dermatology and Allergy nurses.
The members include ethicists from an academic institution, clinicians (doctors and nurses ), a psychologist, solicitor and a cleric.
Children went through a natural progression in their process of education, and there was a point when nurses became expendable.
Practice nurses are prescribing more items from the extended formulary than Primary Care Trust nurses.
These nurses will continue to prescribe from a limited formulary.
Respondents answered discipline-specific questions to investigate the knowledge that they had regarding products in the proposed nurses ' formulary.
They cut the number of doctors in training and they imposed a freeze on nurses ' pay.
Across the UK, there are reports that newly-qualified nurses are struggling to find Band 5 posts because trusts have imposed recruitment freezes.
The stakeholders included three general practitioners, a practice manager, two nurses, six clerical staff and the change agent.
Also the much heralded pay rise for nurses under Thatcher was a major con.
The hippopotamus gives birth underwater and nurses its young in the river, but the young hippos must come up periodically for air.
This author concludes that nurses should ensure that prescribing is adopted as a tool allowing nurses to provide holistic, patient-centred care.
The Tidal Model promotes nurses ' self-confidence, fosters interaction, and increases inter-disciplinary team work.
These nurses will help to reduce the current backlog of the waiting list for beta interferon.
Otherwise, we should never have had sufficient nurses to man the hospitals - if I may use an Irishism.
The consensus opinion appeared to be that nurses want the RCN to campaign for a decent living wage for everyone.
Return to Practice courses for nurses became mandatory on 1st April 2000.
Ending the national claim fragmented the unity and undermined the morale of the nursery nurses to a limited extent.
Mothers and nurses both administer narcotics; the former, however, principally with the view to obtaining an undisturbed night's rest.
Newly qualified nurses may choose to take up posts in the community.
Most of the other staff on the ward are children's trained nurses called staff nurses.
Needlesticks, nurses, and organization 2 Clinical bottom line Nurse staffing and organization are key determinants of needlestick risk.
It is modeled on the multi-disciplinary team approach used by the specialist diabetes nurses.
To assist nurses to increase their knowledge and to enhance their contribution to pediatric nursing.
District Nurses in New Zealand have made similar observations.
The educational outreach was provided by trained link nurses.
Whilst as district nurses we use the word palliative, many patients are unaware of its meaning.
The PCT says community paramedics would be mobile throughout the day and will assist doctors and nurses around the area.
Should RCVS seek power to regulate the conduct of veterinary nurses and other paraprofessionals who may from time to time become recognized?
If all the Drs and nurses had wireless PDA links to the care records, no public board would be needed.
Liverpool pioneered the use of trained nurses in workhouses through an experiment in 1865 funded by local philanthropist William Rathbone.
News, 30 April 2003 British nurses are calling for tighter regulations on how the abortifacient morning-after pill is handed out by pharmacists.
They would have to pull together to try to attract to the nursing profession very many more nurses.
The nurses also offer good help with scalp psoriasis for people with thick heads of hair.
The team comprises psychiatrists, psychologists and care co-ordinators (who are trained nurses, occupational therapists and approved social workers ).
They include child and adolescent psychiatrists, child psychologists, child psychotherapists, social workers and nurses.
January 2002 Can nurses working in remote units accurately request and interpret radiographs?
It is staffed by registered nurses with certificates in counseling who are compliant with the Nursing & Midwifery Council's Code of Professional Conduct.
Two years ago we were importing nurses from India, the Philipines or Baltic republics due to a nursing shortage!
We have excellent specialist rheumatology nurses and have Nurse led monitoring clinics, rapid access and biologic clinics.
Nurses completed more than 90% of the forms and the vast majority of incidents recorded had no serious sequelae for patients.
Helping healthcare assistants to gain higher qualifications could alleviate the serious shortage of nurses in Britain.
An air raid siren at the Nurses Home on Westgate Road was sounded.
Community nurses work closely with GPs, local social services and hospitals.
This would not include staff specific to a Department, e.g. nurses or teachers.
There is a specific lack of the children's nurses required to maintain standards in acute children's services.
Now nursery nurses have voted by four to one for an all-out strike in an attempt to show how frustrated nursery nurses are.
To persist in the view that nurses are always subservient to doctors is to do the profession a disservice.
Some specialist nurses have been able to use supplementary prescribing in chronic illness clinics and sometimes in a hospital environment.
He had mood swings, some days he was a model patient joking with the nurses.
Admission to the UK Register of Nurses from overseas has roughly trebled from 5,000 in 1997/98 to 15,000 in 2003/4.
Other front line nurses were trained to perform triage to the Emergency Nurse Practitioner or doctor.
Nurses undertake most of the repatriations single-handedly traveling by commercial airline occasionally by air taxi (often in small turboprop single pilot aircraft ).
There is mass exodus of nurses from the NHS, already severely understaffed.
The skill mix that is required these days and the increasing demands made on nurses makes a review urgent.
The principles of administering flu vaccinations are the same for all nurses, regardless of titles.
Sick and injured pets are more normally cared for by qualified vets and nurses.
Ask your vet, or the vet nurses who they use.
The College not only trains veterinary surgeons but also veterinary scientists, nurses and physiotherapists.
We need an outreach worker speaking to nurses and doctors in clinics and getting people used to the idea of coming to a group.
The charitable institutions include Moorhead's hospital (1753) for reduced householders; the Dumfriesshire and Galloway royal infirmary, dating from 1778, but now housed in a fine edifice in the northern Italian style; the Crichton royal institution for the insane, founded by Dr James Crichton of Friars Carse, and supplemented in 1848 by the Southern Counties asylum; the new infirmary, a handsome building; the contagious diseases hospital, the industrial home for orphan and destitute girls and a nurses' home.
In all these cases the nurses receive in addition board and lodging, laundry and uniform, or an equivalent allowance.
The tutors came, and the nurses, and Dmitri, and several acquaintances, and the countess reread the letter each time with fresh pleasure and each time discovered in it fresh proofs of Nikolenka's virtues.
Prince Andrew spent half his time at Bald Hills with his father and his son, who was still in the care of nurses.
To the one camp belonged the old prince, Mademoiselle Bourienne, and the architect; to the other Princess Mary, Dessalles, little Nicholas, and all the old nurses and maids.
She had learned to knit stockings since Prince Andrew had casually mentioned that no one nursed the sick so well as old nurses who knit stockings, and that there is something soothing in the knitting of stockings.
Forty-one, mostly health visitors and district nurses, were qualified as nurse prescribers.
Direct quotations from a document should be in quotation marks e.g. The education of professional nurses must meet quality standards.
It is staffed by registered nurses with certificates in counseling who are compliant with the Nursing & Midwifery Council 's Code of Professional Conduct.
Two years ago we were importing nurses from India, the Philipines or Baltic republics due to a nursing shortage !
In these situations, medical prescribing is effectively rubber-stamping the nurses ' decisions.
Nurses working in prisons and nursing homes, for example, need to be aware of the possibility of scabies infection.
Nurses are spearheading an initiative to promote the use of arts in healthcare.
The course is tailored to meet the academic needs of nurses from all clinical specialities.
Showing three pupil nurses standing in front of the hospital entrance.
Nursery nurses never wanted to take this all-out action.
Initially 10 nurses produced a tourniquet effect, five produced insufficient ankle pressure and two produced excessive ankle pressure.
Nurses undertake most of the repatriations single-handedly traveling by commercial airline occasionally by air taxi (often in small turboprop single pilot aircraft).
Leg ulcer care is more likely to be provided by district nurses than practice nurses.
A ward of experienced urology nurses does its best to ease me into the job.
The nurses in the ambulatory center in the nursing home allow the patients to walk around without assistance.
Unless your baby is very active or hates to be covered up, you can always drape a blanket or shawl over him while he nurses.
It also fits around a woman's waist, giving her a place to rest her arms as she nurses her infant.
Many hospitals welcome quilts as gifts as well, and nurses commonly place these over incubators to protect babies' eyes from the bright lights.
If breastfeeding, the mom will face frustrations in the early days, but help is on hand from nurses and midwives to ensure that a good technique is adopted before going home.
Critical care nurses and parents who have already fought this battle often have strong opinions on the best diaper rash product for the NICU.
Talk to the pediatric nurses and ask them for advice on the best product to use on your baby's bottom.
The doctor and nurses keep detailed information on the status of his physical growth.
For this reason, many moms of preemies can't wait to go shopping once they get the green light from nurses.
Nurses will want to be able to work around any clothing, so baby can be cozy, parents will have great photo ops, and most importantly, your baby's care can be properly maintained.
If you don't want to ruin exceptionally cute outfits with permanent marker, don't bring them to the hospital - nurses will usually label anything that isn't already labeled.
Swaddling-The nurses at the hospital where your infant was delivered probably swaddled your baby before bringing her to your bedside.
Many maternity ward nurses will insist on putting the baby in the car seat and fastening it in so they know that they have done everything in their power to get the baby home safely.
Free books for chronically ill kids can help to brighten a day that is often filled with doctors, nurses, needles, and medicine.
Reach Out and Read-This program teams up with doctors and nurses to provide books to needy children from six months of age to five years old.
There, she nurses him back to health and names him Rontu.
She befriends a pair of birds, nurses an otter back to health and helps mend a seagull's leg.
Nurses and qualified anesthesiologists supervise the entire procedure.
Doctors, nurses, and other professionals in the healthcare field have unique needs when it comes to substance abuse.
Some patients may require prescription medications, which must be administered by doctors and nurses, during the detox phase.
At hospitals you see plenty of doctors and nurses smoking outside on their breaks, so the dangers of smoking and the correlation with cancer may well be unproven.
The steps above are what doctors and nurses consider good treatment goals for alcohol abuse - and it's smart that someone trying to quit know them as well.
Attempts by doctors and nurses to resuscitate him proved futile.
The demand for nurses is expected to grow by 2% to 3% every year.
More nurses are needed to meet demand than the current rate of annual graduates.
A 2006 survey indicates that 55% of surveyed nurses plan to retire between 2011 and 2020.
The nurse shortage is expected to expand to over a million nurses by 2020.
A number of public and private organizations have recognized this critical nationwide shortage of registered nurses.
The following organizations are offering significant nursing scholarships to future nurses.
The AACN offers $1,500, every year, for registered nurses who are seeking a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing.
The Nurses Educational Funds is actually a privately funded institute that offers a number of scholarships.
The focus of this organization is to assist nurses in obtaining a Master's degree.
Scholarships for nursing include those for military, Native Americans, holistic nurses, midwives, men in nursing, and much more.
Iowa Central serves students, budding entrepreneurs, and lifelong learners in addition to preparing future doctors, nurses, mechanics, and firemen.
There are many people that are currently providing medical services as nurses and doctors but who have decided to incorporate a more holistic healing approach to the treatments that are provided.
There are some professionals, such as nurses, that will be very prepared for an advanced natural health care degree because of their medical experience.
Shipboard Medical - These are needs for nurse practitioners, nurses, and doctors to care for the ship's crew and passengers.
For example, nurses, firefighters, police chiefs and chefs are the popular Halloween costumes.
Typically, these are the same costumes you find in the regular lines - superheroes, nurses, cheerleaders, etc. - but the costumes are more fitted.
Typically performed by licensed professionals, such as nurses, nurse aides, and therapists, a home health care plan is directed by the patient's physician.
Home health care employs skilled nurses and health aides to assist with various physical and psychological therapies; possibly in addition to standard in-home care.
Others host visiting nurses during times of staff need.
The primary difference between the two is that a skilled nursing facility provides on-duty nurses round-the-clock.
For example, hiring traveling nurses that spend a day stopping at many homes within a group community network.
The senior's physician structures a plan that is administered by trained medical professionals such as therapists, nurses' aides, and nurses.
There may be a mobile unit from a hospital with nurses on hand to test blood glucose and cholesterol levels, check blood pressure, and administer flu shots.
Doctors and nurses specialize in areas of health.
Find out the ratio of licensed registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nursing aides to the number of residents.
The center will have a central monitoring area where nurses and technicians monitor the person's sleep behavior.
This twice-monthly publication aims at doctors and nurses specializing in sleep medicine, as well as sleep technicians and managers of sleep centers.
Skyscape Medical Resources offers access to medical information for nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians and physician assistants.
Peanut oil, known by doctors and nurses as arachis oil, is found in baby lotion and creams, especially those used to treat diaper rash, eczema, and dry skin.
Even in the twenty-first century, most young children develop stereotypes regarding gender roles, associating nurses, teachers, and secretaries as females and police officers, firefighters, and construction workers as males.
Physicians and nurses observe the intensity of these behaviors and calculate a pain severity score ranging from 0 to 7.
She can ask what his/her rate is and verify it by checking with the labor and delivery nurses at the hospital or with a childbirth educator.
All traction requires careful observation and adjustment by doctors and nurses to maintain proper balance and alignment of the traction with free suspension of the weights.
More than 30 states have screening programs in schools for adolescent scoliosis, usually conducted by trained school nurses or physical education teachers.
Therapy or counseling may be administered by social workers, nurses, licensed counselors and therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists.
Prior to the use of EFMs, nurses and doctors periodically monitored the baby's heartbeat manually by placing a stethoscope on the mother's abdomen.
Nurses visit high-risk families beginning during a pregnancy and continuing through the child's second birthday.
Equally important are the people who care for children outside the home such as, nurses on neonatal intensive care units (NICU) that work with premature babies and those who work with the disabled.
This team usually includes law enforcement officers, physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, victim advocates, and/or prosecutors.
The treatment team for these children often includes neurologists, surgeons, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, educators, and social workers, all coordinated by the primary physician.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the National Association of School Nurses recommend their elimination, although many healthcare professionals disagree.
This method involves regularly scheduled visits with specially trained nurses to help the patient and family learn how to anticipate and improve the management of asthma symptoms.
Children's units in many hospitals are staffed by at least some nurses who specialize in caring for infants and children and understand their special needs.
A variety of physicians, specialists, nurses, and teachers may make up the child's health care team.
Registered nurses-Specially trained nurses who provide care during the patient's hospital stay.
Registered nurses provide health care, administer medications, monitor the patient's condition, and educate the patient.
This may first be noticed by pediatric nurses as they care for the infant.
In 1938, a was monument dedicated to U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force nurses.
Cross Country TravCorps is a leading staffing service for travel nurses.
TravCorps was the first staffing agency for travel nurses and has introduced a unique way for healthcare providers to meet their unique staffing needs.
In addition to placing registered nurses and licensed practical nurses in travel nurse assignments, TravCorps also places allied health professionals, such as physical and occupational therapists, in travel positions.
Cross Country TravCorps focuses on meeting its organizational mission by providing highly skilled travel nurses and allied health professionals to accommodate thousands of top hospitals throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean.
The company takes pride in working with well-educated, highly qualified registered nurses who want to provide outstanding clinical care while enjoying the benefits of a travel nursing career.
Cross Country TravCorps places travel nurses in prestigious hospitals in many different locations.
The company also reimburses nurses for the expenses associated with traveling to and from their assignments.
Health insurance providers contribute to pressure the medical industry for more preventive care and earlier diagnostics that together are driving the demand for nurses, assistants and technicians.
Hospitals employ people 24 hours a day, every single day, so night shifts are not uncommon for both nurses and doctors alike.
Nurses and medical assistants have been called the most "recession-resistant" jobs in health care, and both of them can be obtained with two-year associate degrees.
If you're thinking about becoming a nurse, the many different types of nursing careers speak to the high demand for skilled nurses in every possible type of career.
In all fifty states, the District of Columbia and United States territories, nurses must also pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) to receive their nursing license.
Most people think of nurses are working in hospitals, but there's a wide range of services nurses perform in today's work.
Nurses may work in schools, institutions, and corporate America.
Surgical nurses assist during surgery, and trauma nurses work with patients in emergency rooms and trauma centers.
Nurses can be educators too, working at colleges and universities to train the next generation of nursing professionals., a career site for nurses, reports numerous specialty areas for nurses, representing the many career opportunities for this profession.
Nurses working for insurance company may assess information to process claims.
Nurses working for drug and surgical supply companies may demonstrate equipment and educate physicians on the latest products made by the companies.
These occupations represent just a handful of the many possible career paths open to nurses.
Legal nurse consulting jobs provide nurses with an engaging, interesting and lucrative side job or a full time career.
Legal nurses provide expert testimony and analysis of cases for attorneys and insurance companies.
Many continue to work full time as nurses, professors or nursing, or directors at large institutions and offer legal nurse consulting on the side for an hourly fee.
Many nurses enter the nursing field because they want to help people and enjoy the interaction with patients.
This type of job can be a rewarding experience for qualified nurses, especially those you want to have an opportunity to see more of Canada without committing long-term to one town or city.
Canadian Travel Nurses is a comprehensive job placement service that can place qualified nurses in permanent or part-time jobs.
Even though they help nurses find traveling jobs in Australia, they also perform the same services if you are looking for a nurse job in Canada.
Applicants are required to apply to the Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia since the company focused on Vancouver nursing vacancies.
However, the company will accept any nurses from anywhere in Canada.
American Mobile travel nursing is a company that specializes in placing nurses into positions at hospitals, clinics and companies that need medical personnel across the United States.
The company currently places nurses in facilities in all 50 states.
They are licensed nurses who have extensive medical experience.
The American Academy of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC) offers a Legal Nurse Consulting Online Course that can help nurses prepare for this speciality.
Some nurses are independent consultants while others are hired for ongoing work within a certain organization.
Certification is available through the AALNC for nurses who have experience as legal consultants.
With few additional educational requirements and many opportunities, becoming a nursing consultant may be an excellent option for nurses interested in law.
Those interested in becoming pediatric nurses can explore nursing education programs.
The vocational nursing programs take about one year to complete and LPNs work under the direction of registered nurses (RNs) and doctors.
The Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN) is a great resource for anyone interested in entering this medical field, but it does require membership fees.
The SPN members include nurses, educators, researchers and practitioners specializing in pediatrics.
There are a number of English-speaking countries that need nurses, and you can always limit your international travel nursing career to those locales.
Nurses make up the largest workforce within the medical field.
Nurses have entered a field that has many different facets to explore.
Pediatric nurses work with children from infancy to age 18.
Geriatric nurses specialize in working with the elderly, and nurses in this area may be in great demand as the elderly population is rising.
The above positions represents just a sampling of the many different areas nurses can enter.
Nurses work in many different environments, and considering which is best for you is a very important aspect of deciding which path to take.
Some nurses provide services in different settings, traveling to homes, schools and community centers.
Demand for hospital nurses may not be as high as in years past because the length of patient stays has been greatly reduced.
Many complex procedures are now being done in physician's offices or on an outpatient basis, resulting in a greater demand for nurses to work in those environments.
Advanced practice nurses may work independently, or in collaboration with a physician. offers information about hourly pay rates for nurses, as well as a list of cities with the highest hourly rates for nurses.
Most summer camps hire nurses to work during the months of June, July and August.
These types of opportunities are ideal for nurses who enjoy working with children and want a nontraditional work experience.
Some summer camps look specifically for experienced pediatric nurses, while others give recent nursing school graduates the opportunity.
Summer camp nurses often have the same responsibilities found in traditional nursing job descriptions.
During summer camp, sick children generally do not go home to their parents, making it a unique work environment for nurses.
Camp nurses must be empathetic and often need to console unhappy or ill campers.
Most summer camp nurses work eight to 10-hour shifts and are required to be on call several evenings a week.
Some nurses live in private quarters, while others must share living space with other summer camp staff.
Depending on the camp, nurses may or may not have air-conditioned work and living environments.
Many camps have at least a few nurses, along with one or more doctors, requiring nurses in these positions to work as a team.
Nurses can generally expect compensation comparable to other nursing positions that do not require advanced practice degrees or significant experience.
Some camps allow nurses to bring their children to camp free, and many camps compensate their nursing staff by covering all travel expenses to and from the camp.
Additionally, most nurses are allowed to take advantage of camp amenities like swimming, boating and hiking.
There are several websites that feature summer camp nurse openings, such as the Association of Camp Nurses and
Summer camp nurses often go through several interviews and must pass thorough criminal background checks.
Your local hospital probably offers economical classes taught by nurses or birthing instructors.
These babies may require assistance from nurses and neonatal doctors after birth.
Our expert editors - including certified midwives and nurses - review our content to make sure that the information we give you is accurate and dependable.
She sat up, looked around, and saw the nurses who were supposed to be monitoring her playing cards!
In most hospitals, the monitor is also hooked up to screens in the nurses' station.
With nurses and family members encouraging the mother to "Breathe!" and "Push!", medical machines clicking or beeping, and a TV in the background, an American birth can be pretty noisy.
Contributors to I'll Never Have Sex with You Again! include mothers, fathers, nurses, doctors, and friends and family of the expectant couple.
You may have other items that you'd like to include, such as a photo of your other children, your favorite book or magazines, chocolates for the nurses, small gifts for visitors, and a journal for personal reflection.
Doctors and nurses have been able to pinpoint many similarities in the process of labor so they can tell what stage of labor you are experiencing.
During stage three you are relaxing, possibly holding your baby in your arms, while the doctors and nurses are massaging your abdomen so the uterus will expel the placenta.
From realistic baby sounds in the nursery to store employees dressed as nurses, the store is dedicated to providing a unique doll adoption experience.
Some children want to dress up as doctors, pirates, nurses, firemen, policemen, astronauts, and the like.
Teachers, counselors, social workers, nurses etc. are all mandated reports.
If you are a technical writer in the medical industry, you may be writing documents for hospital staff such as doctors and nurses.
Tandem nursing is when each twin nurses on one breast simultaneously.
Kids can participate in a variety of activities, and an on-site infirmary is staffed by nurses and a doctor.
The death was ruled an accident with the prevailing theory that Margaret locked herself into the room to hide from nurses.
Nurses, doctors, factory workers, wait staff, clerks and other people in professions that demand a lot of standing and walking time will benefit from these shoes.
It followed the careers, relationships and trials of a group of emergency room doctors and nurses.
The cast grew gradually, always radiating out from the seventh floor with doctors, nurses and their partners and children allowing viewers to invest in their lives.
The last portion of the Vietnam Memorial to be added, the Vietnam Women's Memorial commemorates the over 265,000 women who served in Vietnam, most of them nurses.
Nurses even love them to hang from their badges so they don't have to wear watches but can always count a heartbeat!
Personalized nurse watches make great gifts for nurses and others in the medical profession.
Watches for nurses typically fall into two groups.
People in other professions, such as dancers, nurses, and police officers, emphasize that using Yoga Toes relieves the pain associated with the constant stress on their feet.
Even nurses, who must complete specific clinical education requirements in order to receive nursing licenses, often need business degrees to move into Nurse Manager or Practice Administrator positions.
With several nurse resume samples available, Resume Resource offers a nurse resume sample for registered nurses who have medical, staffing and health care experience.
Resume Help provides a variety of resume examples and samples, along with cover letters, templates and formats for nurses.
Much more than a pretty face and cute figure, these gals serve vital roles in Philadelphia society, from OR nurses to teachers.
You will find actresses, company CEOs, doctors, nurses and lawyers among the ranks of former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
You'll find teachers, company executives, nurses and students.
The plan states that it is supervised by expert medical teams of licensed physicians and registered nurses.
There are many doctors, psychologists, nurses, psychiatrists, and social workers who also specialize in hypno-therapy.
Doctors aren't the only medical professionals who are at risk for malpractice suits and other legal action; nurses must also protect themselves from expensive litigation.
State regulations, hospital or clinic regulations, and the requirements of professional nursing organizations may state a certain amount of liability insurance coverage to be carried by affiliated nurses.
Nurses can purchase additional liability insurance riders to cover any non-medical nursing-related work which applies to activities which do not directly involve helping patients.
Discuss the amount of coverage carried by other nurses within your same organization.
Several reputable insurance companies provide quality professional liability insurance to nurses.
I authorize all licensed physicians, dentists, technicians, nurses and other medical staff to perform any diagnostic, treatment or x-ray procedures to the aforementioned minor.
The paramedics, doctors and nurses treating the child also need as much information as possible about the young person's general health in order to provide him or her with quality care.
Just in case anyone got injured during that four alarm blaze you created, the nurses' costume will have you tending to the injured in no time!
Shaped into a white, short (ok, very short) halter dress, with plunging neckline, this forgiving nurses' outfit allows everyone to look good.
She had planned to go to college and pursue nursing, since she comes from a family of nurses . Marisa has also considered becoming a sportscaster.
Though nurses were meant to be watching her constantly, it was a member of her own security staff who noticed her trauma and went to get a doctor.
Released in 1933, King Kong powerfully effected studio audiences, primed to feel fear by the clever gimmick of having nurses standing by in theaters where it was showing.
Angel spends some time in hell and when he returns, Buffy cares for him and nurses him back to health.
Eowyn nurses a longing for Aragorn, but when he is committed to Arwen, she moves on.
The original nursing uniform of a white dress and cap is based on the habits of nuns, once the first and only people allowed as nurses.
From the white pantsuits of the 70's, the all white nurse's uniform for the most part, has been decommissioned and most nurses in the United States wear scrubs.
As those who have one of the most demanding professions in the world, professional nurses ask more from uniform catalogs.
While affordability is still a large consideration, catalogs know that nurses still want to be seen as professionals.
The demand for professional recognition is once again a consideration, as nurses browse the pages of any nurse uniform catalog for the look, style, and level of comfort to allow them to perform their job.
Nurses, doctors, x-ray technician and lab assistants are some fields that make wearing a lab coat a necessity.
Nurses, technicians and assistants are some examples of fields where scrubs are a requirement.
Many companies that sell scrubs, lab coats, and other types of apparel and accessories worn by nurses market their product lines via printed and online catalogs.
It was not that long ago when all nurses, male and female, wore all white uniforms.
Scrub sets in assorted colors and patterns become a popular choice for nurses in hospitals, medical offices and other medical institutions.
Just like their female counterparts, male nurses have a variety of uniform styles, colors and designs available to them.
In addition to unisex scrub sets and separates, there are many uniform options for male nurses.
Many male nurses prefer to wear zip fly pants.
Uniforms for male nurses are available from many uniform retailers online.
When some people think of scrub hats, they think of doctors and nurses wearing them while they are at work in the operating room.
Hardly any uniform is as instantaneously and universally recognizable as uniform dresses for nurses.
It originally came from the nuns' habits, since before there were nurses nuns traditionally cared for the sick in hospitals and during wartime.
Aside from making it easy to differentiate from other personnel, white uniforms also allowed the nurses themselves to better know whether their uniforms had been contaminated.
It maintains a professional and modest appearance for the nurses while at the same time giving freedom of motion for the arms (with short sleeves) and the legs (the skirt allowing the legs full range of motion).
The skirt also helps keep the nurse cooler, since nylons and a skirt are cooler than slacks, and for overworked nurses that is a welcome relief.
Traditionally hospitals would contract with uniform suppliers such as Dickies or with local uniform supply shops to supply the dresses for the nurses.
However, while nurses could then go in and try on the dresses first, it limited the choices available to the in-stock pieces.
With the advent of the Internet, the choices available as well as the suppliers' ability to meet the individual needs of nurses have become far greater.
The company creates lines of scrubs, uniforms worn by doctors and nurses, which follow new trends in clothing design.
Another designer offering uniforms for nurses and doctors is Doc's Duds.
While Martha would be sorely missed, nurses came and went frequently.
The nurses here are fantastic!
Sure, the nurses tell me you're not eating much of anything.
The nurses chased them from the room so they would have room to work and then someone gave her a shot.
Vernon (opened 1909); an institution for crippled and deformed children (authorized in 1907); a soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home at Xenia (organized in 1869 by the Grand Army of the Republic); a home for soldiers, sailors, marines, their wives, mothers and widows, and army nurses at Madison (established by the National Women's Relief Corps; taken over by the state, 1904); and soldiers' and sailors' homes at Sandusky (opened 1888), supported by the state, and at Dayton, supported by the United States.
Bishop Memorial Training School for nurses, the Berkshire Home for aged women, the Berkshire Athenaeum, containing the public library, the Crane Art Museum and a Young Men's Christian Association.
Women's settlements probably are more general in the United States than in Great Britain; but in both countries they carry out a great variety of useful work, providing medical mission dispensaries, district nurses, workrooms for needle-women, hospitals for women and children, &c.
In 1857 the nurses attached to it numbered ninety.
The despatch of Florence Nightingale with a staff of trained nurses, to superintend the administration of the military hospitals was the direct result of the publicity given to the details of the Crimean War by The Times, and it formed a new departure which riveted the eyes of the civilized world.
They live in a home attached to the institution, under a matron, and in the most modern establishments each nurse has a separate bedroom, with common dining and recreation rooms. Private nursing staffs are attached to several of the hospitals; they are recruited from the staff nurses and probationers on completion of their course, and supply nurses to private patients.
At the Boston City Hospital graduate nurses receive $ 4 20 (£84) a year, and at the Indianapolis City Hospital those on private duty are paid $72 a month, which is equivalent to £172 a year, with board, lodging, laundry and uniform.
It is impossible, therefore, for nurses to be over-educated in the fullest sense of the word; but it is possible for them to be inappropriately educated, and perhaps that is sometimes the case now.
On the 20th one of the nurses, and on the 21st Dr Muller, fell ill.
The maggots are tended by these nurses with the greatest care, and carried to those parts of the nest most favourable for their health and growth.
Nurses were provided by the male and female monastic orders, an arrangement which still continues in most Roman Catholic countries, though it is gradually being abandoned through the increasing demands of medical science, which have led the hospitals to establish training schools of their own.