Nudibranchs Sentence Examples
Yellowtail barracuda feed on silver baitfish and teeny-striped nudibranchs live on the rocks.
The occasional sandy bays are home to nudibranchs, flatworms, shrimp gobies and other macro critters.
Among the kelp forests and the rock lobsters and the nudibranchs, spectral hulks cast eerie shadows.
There were many blue ribbon eels, octopus, cuttlefish, loads of nudibranchs luxurious diving in calm, warm water !
The genital duct is now trifurcated or triaulic, a condition which is confined to certain Nudibranchs, viz.
The Eolid-like Nudibranchs, amongst other specialities of structure, possess (in some cases at any rate) apertures at the apices of the " cerata " or dorsal papillae, which lead from the exterior into the hepatic caeca.