Nowhere Sentence Examples
The blue truck was nowhere in sight.
I have nowhere else to go.
But when she came into the kitchen he was nowhere in sight.
He came out of nowhere and grabbed me again.
The soul radar takes me to you, if nowhere else.
They talked for several hours and when Mary left, Cade was nowhere in sight.
She was nowhere in sight.
It was Delaware, in the middle of nowhere and I watched the house for hours before I took my prize.
She was in Hell, because there was nowhere else for her lost soul to go.
She'd spent five days with him, silently fighting him, only to realize there was nowhere else to go.
AdvertisementI could see I was getting nowhere on my own.
I need Wynn, but he's nowhere to be found this morning.
Howie was nowhere in sight.
Nowhere to hunt with your dogs?
Before she could take another drink, Rhyn appeared out of nowhere and snatched the bottle from her.
AdvertisementThe other assassins go nowhere without my permission.
Brutus came running out of nowhere, his tail curled in its alert position and his big tongue hanging out.
History is full of radical breaks with the past that only seem to have come out of nowhere but were, in fact, predictable.
This conversation is going nowhere you don't want it to go.
Our abductor was nowhere in sight.
AdvertisementIt's ten miles from nowhere, in every direction.
If a demon nowhere near his size was able to hurt her, what could Gabriel do, if he was upset at her for any reason?
Jonathan was watching a movie and Alex was nowhere in sight.
It was more blood than from a razor cut but nowhere near enough to justify a full skeleton in her bathtub.
There was nowhere else for her to go, no more friends for her to run to.
AdvertisementThere's nowhere you can go where I can't find you.
He had nowhere else to go.
I meant living out here in the middle of nowhere with questionable transportation and no way to get help.
I was in tenth grade, but certainly nowhere near the top of my class.
It's out in the middle of nowhere, just off the interstate.
Damian was nowhere to be seen.
The male voice came from nowhere and everywhere and disturbed the two naked forms on the dark grey bed.
Mrs. Watson … I have nowhere else to go.
The ghost of Jeffrey Byrne, who had spent his final hours in the same dining room, was nowhere in evidence.
Elsewhere local surface currents are developed, either drifts due to the direct action of the winds, or streams produced by wind action heaping water up against the land; but these nowhere rise to the dignity of a distinct current system, although they are often sufficient to obliterate the feeble tidal action characteristic of the Mediterranean.
How can you live in Moscow and go nowhere?
When she came through the living room the fire was roaring, but Cade was nowhere in sight.
You threw me out with nowhere to go after the man who was meant to be my husband was killed.
Though he possessed nowhere near the level of power he used to, he was still able to sense the figure cowering in a corner.
There were no other buildings, nowhere else to hide that might withstand an angry Gabriel.
You go nowhere without my permission.
There was nowhere she could run from Gabriel, who had orders to bring her and the life within her to Death.
Just remember, there.s nowhere you can run where we can.t eventually find you.
It was nowhere near as large as their true home but was comfortable and well-maintained, an adequate place for him, his sisters, and now his lifemate.
By the time I skied down, the guy was nowhere to be seen.
The paper work on Martha was nowhere near as simple as clothing the child.
Fortunately, Alex was nowhere in sight when she entered the house.
By the time he was out the door and down the stairs, Cynthia was nowhere in sight.
He had already stopped for lunch and was rolling toward mile 47 when a sudden thought from nowhere hit him between the eyes.
The buffalo and longhorns were nowhere in sight, so there was no need to be concerned about their safety.
It is decidedly less at Perpignan and Lisbon than at Potsdam, Kew and Greenwich, but nowhere is the seasonal difference more conspicuous than at Tokyo, which is south of Lisbon.
The lake is nowhere of great depth, and about midway numerous mud-banks, marshes, islands and dense growths of aqueous plants stretch across its surface.
Instead of these it has moundmaking turkeys, honey-suckers, cockatoos and brush-tongued lories, all of which are found nowhere else in the world.
They nowhere built permanent dwellings, but contented themselves with mere hovels for temporary shelter.
It may be said that exploration on a large scale is now at an end; there remain only the spaces, nowhere very extensive, between the tracks of the old explorers yet to be examined, and these are chiefly in the Northern Territory and in Western Australia north of the tropic of Capricorn.
Nowhere, perhaps, does the flora of West Africa attain a more wonderful development than in the republic of Liberia and in the adjoining regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast.
As regards the latter consideration, it is enough to say that nowhere has productive industry developed itself in the form of voluntary effort; in every country of which we have any knowledge it was imposed by the strong upon the weak, and was wrought into the habits of the people only by the stern discipline of constraint.
By them the demonstration of Harvey that the circulation of the blood is in large part a mechanical process, and nowhere independent of mechanical laws, was considerably enlarged and extended.
Opposite its mouth it forms large sand-banks in the Caspian, and is nowhere navigable.
There is nowhere a real defining line between the two (many New Caledonians having black skins and woolly hair with Polynesian superiority of limb), but the Polynesian type is generally found among the chiefs and their kindred.
Quite close to the sea, all along the coast from Hammamet to Sfax, there are great fertility and much cultivation; but a little distance inland the country has a rather wild and desolate aspect, though it is nowhere a desert until the latitude of Sfax has been passed.
It is nowhere disturbed by volcanic eruptions, except at the very edge of the formation near Lake Titicaca, and in this respect it differs essentially from the Maritime Cordillera.
When the founding of the Round Table is ascribed to Merlin it is generally in close connexion with the Grail legend, forming the last of a series of three, founded in honour of the Trinity - the first being the table of the Last Supper, the second that of the Grail, established by Joseph of Arimathea, The number of knights whom the table will seat varies; it might seat twelve or fifty or a hundred and fifty; nowhere, save in Layamon, do we find a practically unlimited power of accommodation.
He is nowhere original, and nowhere profound, but his strong reasoning power, his faculty of clear arrangement and forcible statement, place him in the first rank of expositors and advocates.
This family gathering seemed humiliating to Natasha--as if there were nowhere else for the family to talk but here at the ball.
Ermolov was nowhere to be found and no one knew where he was.
And nowhere more so than when we think about who works in the public services.
I 've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
Nowhere in the Bible does the word Trinity appear.
A cruise to nowhere can be a fun, quick getaway for cruise enthusiasts who aren't concerned about different cruise destinations but who still want to enjoy all the luxury and amenities available on board.
Suddenly, out of nowhere (well the sky, I would guess), UFOs surround the castle and open fire!
Sure, the graphics were nowhere near as good as they are today, but it was a great sports game.
Button mashing will get you nowhere my friend.
Having nowhere else to turn, Yamauchi went to Shigeru.
From creepy third-party horror games like D to in-house developed racers like Daytona USA, the Sega Saturn had a reasonable selection of games, but nowhere close to the huge library found on the Sony PlayStation.
First of all, Heihachi is nowhere as well known (or cool) as Spawn or Link.
At the time of its release, video game graphics were nowhere near as realistic or impressive as they are today.
Interestingly, the free web version is nowhere to be found.
Wineries were running out of wine to sell, restaurants were packed and there was nowhere to stay.
The Droid X has the Android Market and, while it is making progress, it is nowhere near as large and robust as the App Store.
As one leading dance website states, you will want to remember that "front is where your nose is, back is where your nose isn't, left is where your right used to be and right is nowhere to be found."
You'll have things come at you out of nowhere, experiencing feelings of ambush or back stabbing.
Perfect for recreating that beachy look (even if you're nowhere near the water), this spray lightly conditions the hair while creating texture and volume.
You also want to make sure the words "balloon payment" are nowhere in the documents, since a balloon payment should be avoided if at all possible.
But, so far, a pregnant Beyonce is nowhere to be seen.
It's very durable, and although it warms up a bit, it's nowhere near as hot as plastic.
This type of dress is downright sexy, nowhere near innocently flirty.
While of course its look is important, it is nowhere near as difficult as a bikini or one-piece in achieving perfect fit.
While this is nowhere near the maximum amount of vitamin C that a person can absorb in a day, this is the minimum amount required to ward off diseases such as scurvy.
Nowhere was this more evident than in party dresses, some of which echoed little girls' dresses of several previous eras, what with the short and poufy skirts and elaborate shoulders.
You'd be happier taking care of a rambling old house in the middle of nowhere?
The thought came from nowhere, and Jule thought again of the vamp from his fever dream.
We talked to half the state of Colorado and got nowhere.
Janet and Ouray were but a stop on the bumpy road to nowhere.
Me and DeLeo interviewed half their sleazy friends and got nowhere.
Everyone else's life seemed to have some force in it, a force that was driving it forward, something much stronger than his life that was plodding along like a Sunday walk to nowhere.
The truck was in the garage, but Alex was nowhere to be found.
There was nowhere else she ever wanted to be!
A wave of anger came out of nowhere, surging through her veins and washing the resentment to the surface of her consciousness.
You come out here from California all alone and rent you a place in the middle of nowhere.
Keaton's car was parked in the drive when she arrived, but he was nowhere in sight.
One minute they seemed to be driving in the middle of nowhere, and then they would come into a little town.
He appeared out of nowhere.
Many of them, however, are of considerable architectural importance and the revival of the Renaissance style is perhaps illustrated nowhere better than in Stuttgart.
The western Mediterranean is cut off by a bank crossing the narrow strait between Sicily and Cape Bon, usually known as the Adventure Bank, on which the depth is nowhere 200 fathoms. The mean depth of the western basin is estimated at 881 fathoms, and the deepest sounding recorded is 2040 fathoms. In the eastern Mediterranean the mean depth is nearly the same as in the western basin.
During his three years of office as resident he was able to render not a few valuable services to the Company; but it is more important to observe that his name nowhere occurs in the official lists of those who derived pecuniary profit from the necessities and weakness of the native court.
It is nowhere else recorded that Napier suffered from the gout.
Nowhere was the call responded to with greater zeal than in the Netherlands, and nowhere had the spirit of adventure and the stimulus to enterprise, which was one of the chief fruits of the crusades, more permanent effects for good.
Flourishing communities were likewise to be found in Hainault, Namur, Cambrai and the other southern districts of the Netherlands, but nowhere else the vigorous independence of Ghent, Bruges and Ypres, nor the splendour of their civic life.
The mean depth over this ridge is about 250 fathoms, and the maximum depth nowhere reaches 500 fathoms. The main basin of the Atlantic is thus cut off from the Arctic basin, with which the area north of the ridge has complete deep-water communication.
This coast strip is nowhere more than 2 m.
In every mature period of art it will be found that, however much the technical rules may be collected in one special category, every artistic category has a perfect interaction with all the others; and this is nowhere more perfectly shown than when the art is in its simplest possible form of maturity.
The whole number of this race is 620,229, and nowhere do they form a majority of the whole population in a state; but they are strongest, numerically, in the northern states and in Udaipur.
But the peninsula of Italy, which forms the the largest portion of the country, nowhere exceeds 150 m.
But nowhere are these contrasts so striking as in Calabria.
The jewellers art received large encouragement in a country which had so many independent courts; but nowhere has it attained a fuller development than at Rome.
If there were such a thing as a triangle contained by absolutely straight lines, its three angles would no doubt measure what Euclid says; but straight lines and true triangles nowhere exist in reruns natura.
He nowhere formally argues for the truth of theism.
All the existing Ratitae (with the exception of the ostriches of Africa and South America, belonging to the genera Struthio and Rhea, and comprising at most but five species) are found in Austrogaea and nowhere else.
This is a state of things which exists nowhere else; for except in Australia, where a few indigenous and peculiar low non-Oscines are found, and in the Nearctic country, whither one family of Clamatores, viz.
In Ireland the Norman was more purely a conqueror than anywhere else; but in Ireland his power of adaptation caused him to sink in a way in which he sank nowhere else.
Nowhere else did nobility so distinctly rise out of wealth, and that wealth gained nobility.
The writer nowhere finds consolation in any Christian belief, and Christ is never named in the work.
A large number of beetles inhabit the deep limestone caves of Europe and North America, while many genera and some whole families are at home nowhere but in ants' nests.
On the whole, February and March continue to be cold, and their average temperatures rise above zero nowhere except on the Black Sea coast.
This quality is nowhere better exemplified than in his letters to Gaspar Baertz (Barzaeus), the Flemish Jesuit whom he sent to Hormuz, or in his suggestions for the establishment of a Portuguese staple in Japan.
Nowhere, however, has there been much religious organization in connexion with it, and the force of the movement seems to have declined rather than increased.
Our data are nowhere so full as for India; where they are comparatively abundant they refer either to a civilized or semicivilized people, or to an area, like West Africa, where the influence of Islam has introduced a disturbing element.
Nowhere in the Old Testament does the doctrine taught by Amos of Yahweh's universal power and sovereignty 1 Viz.
It was well established in Portugal before the middle of the 17th century, and has since been cultivated generally in the south of Europe, but is nowhere believed to be indigenous.
The Vicksburg formation lies next in order south-west, in a narrow strip of fairly regular width which alone of the Tertiary formations runs as far west as the Mississippi River; it is probably nowhere more than 110 ft.
In this tract the rainfall is nowhere sufficient for the purposes of agriculture, which is only possible by help of irrigation; and the fixed population (which contains a non-Turkish element) is comparatively small, and restricted to the towns and the districts near the rivers.
On the east coast the fall is far less, nowhere rising to 50 in., and towards the southern apex of the peninsula being reduced to 25 or 30 in.
The transcendental deduction, or proof from the possibility of experience in general, which forms the vital centre of the Kantian scheme, is wanting in Reid; or, at all events, if the spirit of the proof is occasionally present, it is nowhere adequately developed.
Nowhere is he treated with anything approaching the importance assigned to him in the prose versions.
Here we must distinguish between the Lancelot proper and the LancelotGuenevere versions; so far as the latter are concerned, we cannot get behind the version of Chretien, - nowhere, prior to the composition of the Chevalier de la Charrette is there any evidence of the existence of such a story.
The agriculture of Great Britain, as a whole, advanced with rapid strides during this period; hint nowhere was the change so great as in Scotland.
Their works frequently contain information given nowhere else, and throw much light on the state of opinion in the age in which they wrote.
Trade unions, so far from disappearing, were legalized, gathered strength from the changes in industrial organization, and nowhere became so powerful as in the most progressive industries; while other forms of combination appeared, incomparably stronger, for good or evil, than those of earlier times.
This naive temper of the middle ages is nowhere more conspicuously displayed than in the Feast of the Ass, which under various forms was celebrated in a large number of churches throughout the West.
But the appeal to the verbally inspired Bible was stronger than that to a church hopelessly divided; the Bible, and not the consent of the universal church, became the touchstone of the reformed orthodoxy; in the nomenclature of the time, " evangelical " arose in contradistinction to " Catholic," while, in popular parlance, the " protest " of the Reformers against the " corruptions of Rome " led to the invention of the term " Protestant," which, though nowhere assumed in the official titles of the older reformed churches, was early used as a generic term to include them all.
These hills nowhere exceed an elevation of 1185 ft.
Nowhere in the discourses of Jesus is there a hint of a limited duration of the Messianic kingdom.
Nevertheless, before the rise of the Quakers, these views were nowhere found in conjunction as held by any one set of people; still less were they regarded as the outcome of any one central belief or principle.
He is nowhere mentioned in the cuneiform inscriptions of the Achaemenidae, although Darius and his successors were without doubt devoted adherents of Zoroastrianism.
His death is, for reasons easily intelligible, nowhere mentioned in the Avesta; in the Shah-Nama he is said to have been murdered at the altar by the Turanians in the storming of Balkh.
A more or less continuous band of serpentine belonging to this series forms the principal watershed, although it nowhere rises to any great height.
The bridle road up the mountain leaves Glen Nevis at Achintee; it has a gradient nowhere exceeding 1 in 5, and the ascent is commonly effected in two to three hours.
The Welsh form of the name, Caerdydd (pronounced Caerdeeth, with the accent on the second syllable) suggests that the name means "the fort of (Aulus ?) Didius," rather than Caer Daf ("the fortress on the Taff"), which is nowhere found (except in Leland), though Caer Dyv once existed as a variant.
In the first place, the peach as we now know it has been nowhere recognized in the wild state.
But nowhere is any light thrown upon its fate.
The upper reaches are nowhere fordable between Tadum and Lhasa, but there is a ferry at Likche (opposite Tadum on the southern bank), where wooden boats covered with hide effect the necessary connexion between the two banks and ensure the passage of the Nepal trade.
The northern division of the range, which nowhere exceeds 3320 ft.
Nowhere, however, were the keenness and clearness of his intellect more conspicuous than in this brilliant effort, which, if it failed in its immediate object, was highly effective in secondary results.
The individual consists of an assemblage of such forms; and it is individual because nowhere else is exactly such an assemblage to be met with.
Laplace nowhere displayed the massiveness of his genius more conspicuously than in the theory of probabilities.
In general, we may say that aberration is unimportant when it nowhere (or at any rate over a relatively small area only) exceeds a small fraction of the wavelength (X).
Thus in estimating the intensity at a focal point, where, in the absence of aberration, all the secondary waves would have exactly the same phase, we see that an aberration nowhere exceeding 4X can have but little effect.
The Nerbudda is nowhere utilized for irrigation, and navigation is confined to the lower section.
The other statements are nowhere echoed.
Nowhere, perhaps, except when he is dealing with religion, are Voltaire's defects felt more than here.
Probably nowhere can the actual historical progress from the primitive use of animal sacrifices to the later refinement of burning incense be more clearly traced than in the pages of the Old Testament, where no mention of the latter rite occurs before the period of the Mosaic legislation; but in the monuments of ancient Egypt the authentic traces of the use of incense that still exist carry us back to a much earlier date.
The Thames follows a devious course through London, and the fine embankments on its north side, nowhere continuing uninterruptedly for more than 2 m., do not form important thoroughfares, with the exception of the Victoria Embankment.
The Indus, which is nowhere bridged within the district, is navigable by native boats.
At first the Ghazal flows north with lagoon-like expansions having great breadth and little depth - nowhere more than 13 ft.
Diagonal bracing or strutting is nowhere to be found, and in many cases mortises and other joints are such as very materially to weaken the timbers at their points of connection.
Creation out of nothing is nowhere thought of, for this is not at all a simple idea.
Like his father, he was nowhere happier than in the family circle, and he was particularly attached to his -sister, the grand-duchess Xenia, who was seven years younger than himself.
They are nowhere covered by perpetual snow, and glaciers do not exist, so that the Carpathians, even in their highest altitude, recall the middle region of the Alps, with which, however, they have many points in common as regards appearance, structure and flora.
To-day such a thing can hardly be done within the United States, for nowhere does the primitive wilderness exist save here and there in shreds and patches.
Nowhere can we find a better illustration of the French critic's definition of a great life - a thought conceived in youth, and realized in later years.
The Indus, which is nowhere bridged within the district, is navigable for native boats throughout its course of 76 m.
Agriculture and cattle-rearing are the main resources of the inhabitants in both parts of the principality, but the soil is nowhere very fertile.
As the institute spread to other lands nunneries arose on all sides, and nowhere were the Benedictine nuns more numerous or more remarkable than in England, from Saxon times to the Reformation.
Cleveland's independence was nowhere more strikingly shown during his second term than in his action in regard to the tariff legislation of his party in Congress.
Nowhere in California is plant life more varied and beautiful; in the vicinity are walnut, olive, lemon and orange groves.
The book has an outer protective shell of acutely polemical and exclusive moods and insistences, whilst certain splendid Synoptic breadths and reconciliations are nowhere reached; but this is primarily because it is fighting, more consciously than they, for that inalienable ideal of all deepest religion, unity, even external and corporate, amongst all believers.
Papias of Hierapolis, in his Exposition of the Lord's Sayings (145-160) appears nowhere to have mentioned it, and clearly distinguishes between " what Andrew, Peter,.
The original work nowhere identifies this disciple with any particular historic figure.
The attribution of the book to an eye-witness nowhere resolves, it everywhere increases, the real difficulties; and by insisting upon having history in the same degree and way in John as in the Synoptists, we cease to get it sufficiently anywhere at all.
His strong opposition to "dissenting churches" was nowhere so clearly shown as in a pamphlet published in 1816 to dissuade all Episcopalians from joining the American Bible Society, which he thought the Protestant Episcopal Church had not the numerical or the financial strength to control.
The Old Testament nowhere explains why this importance is attached to the blood, but the passage is often held to mean that the life of the victim represented the forfeited life of the offerer.
The arrangement would have been correct about 2300 B.C.; it would scarcely have been possible after 1800 B.C. 3 We find nowhere else a well-authenticated zodiacal sequence corresponding to so early a date.
Nowhere perhaps does his style appear to more advantage than in his four series of essays entitled Short Studies on Great Subjects(1867-1882), for it is seen there unfettered by the obligations of narrative.
The culminating summits of the ranges generally present the appearance of a flat, rounded swelling, and when they are crowned with glaciers, as many of them are, these shape themselves into what may be described as a mantle, a breastplate, or a flat cap, from which lappets and fringes project at intervals; nowhere do there exist any of the long, narrow, winding glacier tongues which are so characteristic of the Alps of Europe.
A large portion of the county is hilly, especially in the east, where the highest elevations are attained, though these are nowhere great.
Nowhere were the nations Christian, but the Christian faith was everywhere accepted by a not insignificant minority.
And this work must have been well done, for, though the general corruption of society at the beginning of the Assyrian period was nowhere more conspicuous than at the sanctuaries and among the priesthood, the invective of Hos.
Presently reformers of every shade of opinion, even those who were tolerated nowhere else, poured into Poland, which speedily became the battle-ground of all the sects of Europe.
It is related that Zobeideh, the wife of Harun-al-Rashid, founded the town in 791 after recovering there from fever, but the earlier chronicles give no support to this statement, and it is nowhere recorded that Zobeideh ever visited Azerbaijan, and the name Tabriz was known many centuries before her time.
On the other hand he nowhere succeeds in attaining to a complete scientific system.
The confusion already alluded to between "pure" and "rational" hedonism is nowhere more clearly exemplified than in the misconceptions which have arisen as to the doctrine of the Epicureans.
The Miocene of the Atlantic and Gulf regions nowhere attains great thickness.
For nowhere could he have had a better means of consulting the works of historians, geographers and astronomers, such as Eratosthenes, Posidonius, Hipparchus and Apollodorus.
So far from coming first, Logic comes nowhere in his classification of science.
On the other hand, the -co- suffix, which is nowhere frequent, is practically confined to the central areas.
Thirdly, nowhere very clear on the surface and as yet detected only at a few points, there are the remains of the " turf wall," constructed of sods laid in regular courses, with a ditch in front.
The nature of the distinction between the gesi&und and ceorlisc classes is nowhere clearly explained; but it was certainly hereditary and probably of considerable antiquity.
Gunpowder, the compass, the Arabic numerals and paper, are nowhere spoken of as discoveries, and yet they must have wrought a total change in war, in navigation, in science, and in education.
The uplands yield fairly under cultivation, while the woodlands, which nowhere form true forests, contain much excellent sandalwood.
In spite of the silence of our records, Dr Stubbs thinks that kings so well acquainted with foreign usages as Ethelred, Canute and Edward the Confessor could hardly have failed to introduce into England the institution of chivalry then springing up in every country of Europe; and he is supported in this opinion by the circumstance that it is nowhere mentioned as a Norman innovation.
Along with this, there is a great deal of superfluous verbiage; and nowhere do we find a steady advance in the narration.
In the oriental quarters of the city the curious shops, the markets of different trades (the shops of each trade being generally congregated in one street or district), the easy merchant sitting before his shop, the musical and quaint street-cries of the picturesque vendors of fruit, sherbet, water, &c., with the ever-changing and many-coloured throng of passengers, all render the streets a delightful study for the lover of Arab life, nowhere else to be seen in such perfection, or with so fine a background of magnificent buildings.
The lam separating them from the Mediterranean is nowhere more than 10 meters wide.
Nowhere is the conservatism of the Egyptians more clearly displayed than in the tenacity with which they clung to the old forms of the theology, such as -we have essayed to describe.
Six miles to the south is the large Benedictine monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, founded in 1320, famous for the frescoes by Luca Signorelli (1497-1498) and Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma (1505), in the cloister, illustrating scenes from the legend of St Benedict; the latter master's work is perhaps nowhere better represented than here.
Denmark, however, is nowhere low in the sense in which Holland is; the country is pleasantly diversified, and rises a little at the coast even though it remains flat inland.
The coast is nowhere, however, very high, except at one or two points in Jutland, and at the eastern extremity of Moen, where limestone cliffs occur.
In the book of Exodus the words written on the tables of stone are nowhere expressly identified with the ten commandments of chap. xx.
Probably the act of fertilization in plants has nowhere been observed in such detail as in Fucaceae.
It is nowhere found in compact masses except in north-eastern Bulgaria and the region between Adrianople, .the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora.
Strictly they have no country of their own, and nowhere form the whole of the population, though nearly always the dominant native race.
How this takes place is nowhere explained.
It nowhere rises into peaks, and only a few of its rounded summits reach 3000 ft.; the successive hills form a continuous comb; the north-west slopes are precipitous and seamed with winding gorges.
In the Commonweal appeared News from Nowhere, published in book form in 1891, describing an England in which the principles of communism have been realized.
Nowhere in the world can there be found another such assemblage of snow-clad peaks, several of which are active volcanoes.
While polygamy was the rule in biblical days among the ancient Jews, and was permitted and even enjoined in certain cases by the Mosaic law, the Christian Church, though it is nowhere forbidden, except for "bishops," in the New Testament, has always set its face against it.
The land is nowhere cultivated.
It is spoken nowhere else, though, as has been said, place-names in the Canary Islands and other remains of the aboriginal language there prove it to have been the native tongue.
Nowhere is crime committed on such trifling grounds, or with such general impunity, though when it is punished the punishment is atrocious.
Copper ore from various parts of Afghanistan has been seen, but it is nowhere worked.
This wild region is in many parts impenetrable to man, and nowhere yields a passage for a modern army.
In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.
At the present time the Dutch flag flies nowhere on the mainland of India, though the quaint houses and regular canals at Chinsura, Negapatam, Jaffna, and many petty ports on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts remind the traveller of familiar scenes in the Netherlands.
It can be shown that, if the density of distribution of the stars through infinite space is nowhere less than a certain limit (which may be as small as we please), the total amount of light received from them (assuming that there is no absorption of light in space) would be infinitely great, so that the background of the sky would shine with a dazzling brilliancy.
It lies in a basin among granite hills, nowhere exceeding 2627 ft., remarkable for their denudation and their abrupt black crags and pinnacles.
Formal logic of the extremest rigour is nowhere to be found more adequately expressed in all its strength, and it must be added in all its weakness, than in the writings of Mansel.
But it is' to be noted that, though there is much talk of God in such systems, the known universe - the world that now is - is nowhere transcended; God is really no more than the principle of unity immanent in the whole.
He was a eunuch, but we are nowhere distinctly informed that he was of servile origin.
There is nowhere any considerable young growth from seed, although this mode of reproduction is not (as often stated) unknown; the tree will reproduce itself more than once from the stump (hence its name).
These gilds would, where they existed, no doubt also influence the management of town affairs; but nowhere has the Rat, as used to be thought, developed out of a gild, nor has the latter anywhere in Germany played a part at all similar in importance to that of the English gild merchant, the only exception being for a time the Richerzeche, or Gild of the Rich of Cologne, from early times by far the largest, the richest, and the most important trading centre among German cities, and therefore provided with an administration more complex, and in some respects more primitive, than any other.
It is often declared that in these teachings there is nothing new, and indeed analogies can be found for many sayings; yet nowhere else do we gain so strong an impression of H 'silty.'
The summits of the main cordillera seem nowhere to exceed 7000 ft.
The sign x was kept in the western group for the guttural spirant in E, which was written X*; but, as this spirant occurred nowhere else, the combination was often abbreviated, and X was used for X precisely as in the Italic alphabets we shall find that F =f develops out of a combination FH.
With regard to Great Britain, a few ship-borne cases have been dealt with at different ports from time to time since 1896, but except at Glasgow the disease has nowhere obtained a footing on land.
Probably the doctrine that the divinity (5ait.cwv) passes from element to element, nowhere finding a home, is a mystical way of teaching the continued identity of the principles which are at the bottom of every phase of development from inorganic nature to man.
This statement holds good for the Gulf of Suez, in which the water is much salter than in the open;sea; but in the Gulf of Akaba the distribution is exceedingly uniform, nowhere differing much from an average of 40.6 per mille.
Nowhere is the timber large or dense.
In the successions of material states there can nowhere be an absolute first.
The territory of Eure, which nowhere exceeds Boo ft.
Nowhere more abundant than in the Scandinavian peninsula, this tree is the true fir (fur, fura) of the old Norsemen, and still retains the name among their descendants in Britain, though botanically now classed as a pine.
In Norway the tree, growing in dense forests, is generally of but moderate girth, and probably this pine nowhere reaches a greater size than in the Scottish woods; a plank from Glenmore forest measured nearly 51 ft.
In England the use of tiles has been tried on various occasions, in Cornwall on the river Fal, at Hayling Island and in Essex, but has nowhere become permanently established.
Gnostic. For he ascribed salvation, not to " knowledge " but to faith "; he appealed openly to the whole Christian world; and he nowhere consciously added foreign elements to the revelation given through Christ.
It is nowhere said that these various imports all came from one place; and the voyages must have been somewhat analogous to those of modern " coasting tramps," which would necessarily consume a considerable time over comparatively short journeys.
Nowhere in Asia could money be more safely bestowed, and both kings and private persons placed their treasures under the guardianship of the goddess.
Such spiritualistic theories were nowhere really maintained after Aristotle and outside the circle of his immediate followers.
The bleak and desolate heights of the Serra da Estrella and the ranges of the northern frontier are almost alpine in character, although they nowhere reach the limit of perpetual snow.
Nowhere was the ancient crusading spirit so active a political force.
It was no doubt as a protection against such dangers that the earliest league of twelve Achaean cities arose, though we are nowhere explicitly informed of its functions other than the common worship of Zeus Amarius at Aegium and an occasional arbitration between Greek belligerents.
But perhaps some of these duties concerned the dicastae and gerousia, whose functions are nowhere described.
His explanation, however, of the rise of a liquid in a tube is based on the assumption of the constancy of the angle ofjcontact for the same solid and fluid, and of this he has nowhere given a satisfactory proof.
We shall not err in supposing that we have here (what we find nowhere else) an authentic expression of the feeling entertained by a majority of the Roman senate concerning Stilicho.
These ranges nowhere exceed 1150 ft.
Nowhere has the taste for marvellous legends been kept so green as in Brittany; and an entire folkliterature still flourishes there, as is manifested by the large number of folk-tales and folk-songs which have been collected of late years.
And, though we are nowhere told that Livy undertook his history at the emperor's suggestion, it is certain that Augustus read parts of it with pleasure, and even honoured the writer with his assistance and friendship.
The expression is nowhere found in his writings.
The hills skirting the bays of the Baltic coast are generally pleasantly wooded, but the forests are nowhere of great extent except in Lauenburg.
The tableland varies greatly in elevation, but nowhere does it fall below 1500 ft., and in places it reaches an average of 5000 ft.
Nowhere else could the youth of genius who was destined to impress a cosmopolitan stamp on medieval culture and to begin the modern era have grown up under conditions more favourable to his task.
Nowhere is there a more solemn and impressive group of trees than that which surrounds the temples and tombs at Nikko where they rise to a height of ioo to 125 ft.; it is a stately tree with no rival except in the sequoias of California."
The coasts are nowhere washed directly by the ocean, except in the extreme south-west; the south coast faces the English Channel, which is bounded on the southern side by the coast of France, the two shores converging from loo m.
Except along the centre of the Irish Sea, at one point off the Tweed and one between Devon and Normandy, the depth of water between England and the nearest land nowhere exceeds 50 fathoms.
Still, it is noteworthy that the Severn and Trent nowhere form continuous county boundaries.
But in Palestine there are very few, and in the rest of the world, in which he wished to spread his own glory, his name is nowhere mentioned.
It might be called "English Traits and American Confessions," for nowhere does Emerson's Americanism come out more strongly.
But this Pamir is situated nowhere near the sources of the Zarafshan or Raskam river, which it borders, and possesses little in common with the Pamirs of the west.
In spite of his friendliness towards the Roman church Manuel was refused the title of "Augustus" by Alexander, and he nowhere succeeded in attaching the Italians permanently to his interests.
While the various ethnical elements have been merged in the composite Abyssinian nation, the primitive and more advanced religious ideas have nowhere been fused in a uniform Christian system.
The surface nowhere rises more than 700 ft.
There is no sign of marine action over four-fifths of the islands, which nowhere exhibit any trace of volcanic action, recent or remote.
Nowhere has the theatre played a more important role in the history of civilization than in Walachia and Moldavia, more in the former than in the latter.
The years of John's boyhood were those during which the Puritan spirit was in the highest vigour all over England; and nowhere had that spirit more influence than in Bedfordshire.
This great range of hills, sometimes overhanging the ocean, and generally running parallel to it at a distance nowhere exceeding 50 m., with an average elevation of about 1800 ft., contains individual peaks rising to more than double that height.
Large tracts are covered with sal jungle, which nowhere, however, attains to any great height.
These are flat-topped, nowhere higher than 2000 ft.
Again the pure being of Hegel is a mere abstraction, - a hypothesis illegitimately assumed, which he has nowhere sought to vindicate.
The rigorously authentic character of these laws, relating to, and dealing with, the actual realities of life, and with institutions and a state of society nowhere else revealed to the same extent, the extreme antiquity both of the provisions and of the language, and the meagreness of continental material illustrative of the same things, endow them with exceptional archaic, archaeological and philological interest.
Nowhere else have the principles of organized charities in the administration of public outdoor relief been applied to an entire state.
But there were also side-branches leading nowhere, and therefore placed in separate orders - Aporita and Carpoidea.
At the same time, it is admitted by all that he was nowhere more than a pioneer.
It is extensively distributed in the tropical parts of South and Central America, frequenting low swampy savannas, along the banks of rivers, and the depths of the humid forests, but is nowhere abundant.
The Roman Catholic Church, even when recognized as the state religion, is nowhere "established" in the sense of being identified with the state, but is rather an imperium in imperio which negotiates on equal terms with the state, the results being embodied in concordats (q.v.) between the state and the pope as head of the Church.
In America these rodents inhabit forest, pasture, cultivated fields or swamps, but are nowhere numerous.
The wheat plant is nowhere found in a wild condition.
Nowhere was he better appreciated, and most of his books were first issued in English.
He pointed out that the principle of the greatest happiness of the greatest number is a principle without any definite meaning, since men are nowhere unanimous in their standard of happiness, but regard the conception of happiness rather as a problem to be solved than a test to be applied.
We may safely assert, however, that nowhere need "this law" mean the whole book.
Kohl (Austria and the Danube, London, 1844) and others that, in consequence of the Danube having been in constant use as the line of passage of migratory hostile tribes, it nowhere forms the boundary between two states from Orsova upwards, and thus it traverses as a central artery Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Hungary, while on the other hand various tributaries both north and south, which formed serious obstacles to the march of armies, have become lines of separation between different states.
When bent on a dangerous expedition, the men will seek help from this clumsy creature, but in what way his opinions are made known is nowhere recorded."
Nowhere else in the Greek world was the pleasure of the individual so thoroughly subordinated to the interest of the state.
Fortunately it is found nowhere outside Africa.
Nowhere was his blind faith more plainly shown, combined as it was with total ignorance of the formidable migrations that were convulsing Asia, and of the complicated game of politics just then.
Besides the date-palm the dwarf-palm grows spontaneously in some parts of the south, but it nowhere makes up a large element of the vegetation.
In September the parliament, by a large majority, threw out the budget, and the king, having nowhere else to turn for help, at Roon's advice summoned Bismarck to Berlin and appointed him minister-president and foreign minister.
When called upon to declare, he uttered the exclamation, which the event justified, " Eclipse first, and the rest nowhere."
Finally, the tracheae, though not characteristic of all the classes of the Arthropoda, are found nowhere outside that group, and constitute a very important additional reason for uniting Peripatus with it.
The Gregorians were scattered over the empire, and, except in a few small districts, were nowhere in a majority.
North of the peninsula the lake has a maximum depth of 1278 ft.; south of it the water is nowhere more than 1 2 ft., and in some places only 3 ft.
The boundaries of the old ecclesiastical parish were nowhere recorded, and the descriptions in the titles of private properties which appear to lie in the parish have sometimes to be taken as evidence, and sometimes the fact that the inhabitants attended a particular church or made payments in favour of a par - ticular minister.
Mammals are few in species, but remarkable, especially Macacus niger, an ape found nowhere else but in Bachian; Anoa depressicornis, a small ox-like quadruped which inhabits the mountainous districts; and the babirusa or pig-deer of the Malays.
She had to act as if she were returning from a long walk... nowhere near his pick-up point.
He doesn't even notice anymore when I disappear for a day or so, because he knows there's nowhere for me to go.
With the jury trial continuing into the coming week—far longer than originally expected—the Dawkins clan was going nowhere, thus causing a log jam of customers in the river of incoming lodgers.
His ubiquitous grocery cart was nowhere in sight.
Katie walked through the shadow place and through the portal, wondering how she.d explain to her sister how she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and expecting a lecture about disappearing three weeks ago.
You.ll go nowhere near my blood monkey, and if any of our demon brethren attack her, you.ll defend her.
The other guests were nowhere about—the children off playing hide and seek, Edith still closed in her room and Gladys dreaming of far off galaxies.
Mrs. Watson … I have nowhere else to go.
Rhyn gripped and released the dagger, struggling between the tiny voice that reminded him of his promise to Katie and the vision before him. If he took back his mate and child, there would be nowhere safe for them to go. But he didn't want to live eternity without her.
And in Spring, the verges of the lanes are high in wild angelica, its vivid light green found nowhere else in nature.
Nowhere else on planet earth can you find such a dazzling array of choices for a theme wedding.
Her first job is to check the bona fides of a man who has appeared from nowhere claiming to be a girl's father.
Make sure you do brunch at least one day of your stay as I swear nowhere in the UK does brunch like Sydney does.
The only bird we saw here but nowhere else was a single jackal buzzard.
Trained volunteer counselors comfort, advise and protect children and young people who may feel they have nowhere else to turn.
Clinton had so confounded his political rivals that they had nowhere to go.
Only two of the men are mentioned elsewhere in Scripture (Stephen and Philip ), but they are nowhere called deacons.
Got dumped in some village in the middle of nowhere, that reminded us of a scene from the film deliverance.
It gives a continuous curve which is of infinite length and nowhere differentiable.
It was seen as very elitist and there was nowhere for it to go.
If that supplier chose not to supply him, then he would have nowhere else to go.
Fredericks Foundation Aim to help those people with nowhere else to turn to realize their potential.
Clamping the rubber gaiters to the new stainless steel seal holders was easy, however there was nowhere to clamp the top end to.
This plan only works so long as we are nowhere near the pressure on resignation and no Tory gets yellow goo on their hands.
Nowhere is this truer than in the small, egalitarian, formerly ethnically homogeneous states of Sweden and Denmark.
Of all the worldâs tropical idylls, nowhere conjures up images quite so romantic as the South Pacific.
It looks quite incongruous out here in the middle of nowhere.
Where, then, is there evidence of British-led liberal internationalism - nowhere.
The amazingly intricate unity seems to arise from nowhere.
However, Robbie Neilson came out of nowhere to make arguably the best ever last-ditch tackle at the National Stadium.
Nowhere is this idea more true than for Sanskrit mantra.
Nowhere else can you compare the latest models from these two infamous Italian car marques on the fastest race circuit in the UK.
Nowhere it seems is too far for her to travel to work, or too menial a task for her to perform.
A big minus in the summer is that there is nowhere to go to enjoy sunshine.
Being picked at in school, You've been called a nerd, Nowhere left to turn.
Nowhere in the country has been faster to grasp the biotech nettle than Dundee.
They were completely potty; they were nowhere, " Freud admitted.
Nowhere in Britain do snowdrops grow in such profusion.
Oddly enough, he is nowhere near so hard on them for their efforts to enforce prohibition.