Novels Sentence Examples
In both novels I pointed out the dangers and pains of an ill-assorted marriage.
From novels of revolt and tendency novels George Sand turned at last to simple stories of rustic life, the genuine pastoral.
The language of her country novels is the genuine patois of middle France rendered in a literary form.
Her novels are mostly historical.
Her life was as strange and adventurous as any of her novels, which are for the most part idealized versions of the multifarious incidents of her life.
The motive of this and of the succeeding novels of what may be called her second period is free (not to be confounded with promiscuous) love.
Afterwards she vivisects it, stuffs it, and adds it to her collection of heroes for novels."
Antoine (1847) are all socialistic novels, though they are much more, and good in spite of the socialism.
His novels, for the most part published first in London, reflect his wild adventurous life, the best known being The Son of the Wolf (1900); The Call of the Wild (1903); Moon Face (1906); Martin Eden (1909); South Sea Tales (1912), and his last, The Little Lady of the Big House (1916).
He married Pauline Cassin, the authoress of the Peelle de Madeleine and other well-known novels.
AdvertisementAfter some time spent in travel and a successful lecturing tour in Norway and Sweden, he settled in Copenhagen, and produced a series of novels and collections of short stories, which placed him in the front rank of Scandinavian novelists.
Even as an undergraduate he had " commenced author " with Sir Quixote (1895), and he followed this with other tales and novels.
He wrote many short stories and novels, and has also contributed to the Figaro, Gaulois and Libre Parole.
The romantic character of the history of this family has been the subject of poems, dramas and novels.
All his novels treat of phases of American development, historical or social, and form a sort of chronological sequence.
AdvertisementHis son, Barton Boucher (1794-1865), rector of Fonthill Bishops, Wiltshire, in 1856, was well known as the author of religious tracts, hymns and novels.
Marryat brought ripe experience and unimpaired vivacity to his work when he began to write novels.
The novels of the sea captain at once won public favour.
His novels form an important link between Smollett and Fielding and Charles Dickens.
Some capital snatches of verse are scattered throughout his novels, the best being "Poll put her arms akimbo" in Snarleyyow, and the "Hunter and the Maid" in Poor Jack.
AdvertisementHe was evidently the prime mover in the various changes effected in the law by the novels of Justinian (Novellae constitutiones), which became much less frequent and less important after death had removed the great jurist.
Then succeeded the era of Scott's Marmion and The Lady of the Lake, followed by the Waverley novels and the foundation of Blackwood's Magazine and the Edinburgh Review.
His touch is heavy, and these novels show no dramatic power, which accounts for his failure as a playwright, but their influence was as great as their followers were many, and they still find readers.
Far from adopting the levity of style too often observable in French romances, the Magyar novels, although enlivened by touches of humour, have generally rather a serious historical or political bearing.
Of the novels produced by Baron Sigismond Kemeny the Gyulai Pal (1847), in 5 vols., is, from its historical character, the most important.
AdvertisementAmong Hungarian novels we may distinguish four dominant genres or tendencies.
She wrote a number of other novels, and some political tracts; but is.
The book ranks perhaps second only to the novels as showing the character, literary and personal, of Voltaire; and despite its form it is nearly as readable.
Pedro Paz Soldan was a classical scholar who published three volumes of poems. Carlos Augusto Salaverry is known as one of Peru's best lyrical poets, and Luis Benjamin Cisneros for his two novels, Julia and Edgardo.
The latter were often little more than historical novels founded on facts; and the former, though nominally intended to engraft the doctrines of Buddhism and Shinto upon the philosophy of China, were really of rationalistic tendency.
Bentley's Miscellany (1837-1868) was exclusively devoted to novels, light literature and travels.
St James's Magazine (1861), Belgravia (1866), St Paul's (1867-1874), London Society (1862), and Tinsley's (1867) were devoted chiefly to novels and light reading.
They are the presentment of all his ideas and scenes in the plainest and most direct language, the frequent employ ment of colloquial forms of speech, the constant insertion of little material details and illustrations, often of a more or less digressive form, and, in his historico-fictitious works, as well as in his novels, the most rigid attention to vivacity and consistency of character.
One of the most affecting things in his novels is the heroic constancy and fidelity of the maid Amy to her exemplary mistress Roxana.
The reprint (3 vols.) edited for the "Pulteney Library" by Hazlitt in 1840-1843 contains a good and full life mainly derived from Wilson, the whole of the novels (including the Serious Reflections now hardly ever published with Robinson Crusoe), Jure Divino, The Use and Abuse of Marriage, and many of the more important tracts and smaller works.
Scott had previously in 1809 edited for Ballantyne some of the novels, in twelve volumes.
Bohn's "British Classics" includes the novels (except the third part of Robinson Crusoe), The History of the Devil, The Storm, and a few political pamphlets, also the undoubtedly spurious Mother Ross.
Certain commercial interests of New York City favoured the Confederate cause, but MayorWood's suggestion that the city (with Long Island and Staten Island) secede and form a free-city received scant support, and after the san ' James Fenimore Cooper's novels Satanstoe (1845), The Chainbearer (1845) and The Redskins (1846) preach the anti-rent doctrine.
His poems, novels and comedies are full of wit and exuberant vitality.
But the books in which his humour is broadly displayed, the travels and the sketches, are not really so significant of his power as the three novels of the Mississippi, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and Pudd'nhead Wilson, wherein we have preserved a vanished civilization, peopled with typical figures, and presented with inexorable veracity.
He is not a dramatist - his work as such is insignificant - nor a novelist, for, though his two chief works except the Confessions are called novels, Emile is one only in name, and La Nouvelle Helotise is as a story diffuse, prosy and awkward to a degree.
Jirasek, the author of a vast series of novels and short stories, drawing their material from Bohemian history, unites the past with the present generation.
Hiw works constitute a library in themselves; they are chiefly historical and political novels, some or which treat of early times in Poland, and some of its condition under the Saxon kings.
Among the very numerous writers of romances may be mentioned Henry Rzewuski (1791-1866); Joseph Dzierzkowski wrote novels on aristocratic life, and Michael Czajkowski (1808-1876) romances of the Ukraine; Valerius Wieloglowski (1865) gave pictures of country life.
Her novels still enjoy great popularity in Poland.
Mention must also be made of Balucki (1837-1901), author of novels and comedies, and Narzymski (1839-1872), who was educated in France, but spent part of his short life in Cracow, author of some very popular tales.
Perhaps the most popular modern writer in Poland is Eliza Orszeszko, of whose novels a complete "Jubilee" edition has appeared.
Among the latest poets we may mention Wyspianski, Kisiliewski, Reymont, Mme Zapolska; the latter is the author of some powerful realistic novels and plays, and she has been called the Polish Zola.
A few of her voluminous writings, which include poems, plays, novels, short stories, essays, collections of aphorisms, &c., may be singled out for special mention.
Strindberg's mastery of the art of description is perhaps seen at its best in the novels of life in the Swedish archipelago, in Hemsoborna (" The Inhabitants of Hemsd, 1887), one of the best existing novels of popular Swedish life, and Skarkarlslif (" Life of an Island Lad," 1890).
Here he began to write plays and obscene novels.
His first conspicuous success was achieved in 1862 with David Elginbrod, the forerunner of a number of popular novels, which include Alec Forbes of Howglen (1865), Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood (1866), Robert Falconer (1868), Malcolm (1875), The Marquis of Lossie (1877), and Donal Grant (1883).
The religious tone of his novels is relieved by tolerance and a broad spirit of humour, and the simpler emotions of humble life are sympathetically treated.
James De Mille (1833-1880) Was The Author Of Some Thirty Novels, The Best Of Which Is Helena'S Household (1868), A Story Of Rome In The 1St Century.
He Has Made Admirable Use In Many Of His Novels Of The Inexhaustible Stores Of Romantic And Dramatic Material That Lie Buried In Forgotten Pages Of Canadian History.
Novels Are Not Yet Much In Vogue; Though Madame Conan'S L'Oublie (1902) Has Been Crowned By The Academy; While Dr Choquette'S Les Ribaud (1898) Is A Good Dramatic Story, And His Claude Paysan (1899) Is An Admirably Simple Idyllic Tale Of The Hopeless Love Of A Soil Bound Habitant, Told With Intense Natural Feeling And Fine Artistic Reserve.
The codices of Bosius (1535-1580) are just as imaginary as the "old plays" which appear as the source of so many of the quotations that head the chapters of the Waverley novels, and suspicion rests on Barth, Lambinus and others.
William Hamilton Maxwell (1792-1850), the Irish novelist, wrote, in addition to several novels, a Life of the Duke of Wellington (1839-1841 and again 1883), and a History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798 (1845 and 1891).
Porter wrote a Life of Commodore David Porter (1875), gossipy Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War (1885), a none too accurate History of the Navy during the War of the Rebellion (1887), two novels, Allan Dare and Robert le Diable (1885; dramatized, 1887) and Harry Marline (1886), and a short "Romance of Gettysburg," published in The Criterion in 1903.
In the most important of his writings, De la religion consideree dans sa source, ses formes, et ses developpements (5 vols., 1825-1831), he traces the successive transformations of the religious sentiment imperishable under its varying forms. Besides Adolphe, in its way as important as Chateaubriand's Rene, he left two other sketches of novels in MS., which are apparently lost.
No doubt these romances, taken alone, might give as unfair an idea as modern French novels give of Parisian morals, but we have abundant other evidence for placing the moral standard of the age of chivalry definitely below that of educated society in the present day.
German novels also exist on the subject, by Franz Horn, Oeklers, Laun and Schucking, tragedies by Klinemann, Haushofer and Zedlitz.
This play, based more or less on Lillo's Merchant of London, and influenced in its character-drawing by the novels of Richardson, is the first biirgerliches Trauerspiel, or "tragedy of common life" in German.
His novels, of which La Forge Roussel (1881) is a good example, were succeeded in 1902-1903 by two plays, Jericho and Fatigue de vivre.
In addition to his purely political writings, Arthur Ranc published political novels of the Second Empire, Sous l'empire (1872) and Le roman dune conspiration (1868).
While in this phase he wrote his novels Yeast and Alton Locke, in which, though he pointed out unsparingly the folly of extremes, he certainly sympathized not only with the poor, but with much that was done and said by the leaders in the Chartist movement.
Introduced by Andrew Kippis, he began to write in 1785 for the Annual Register and other periodicals, producing also three novels now forgotten.
It is one of the few novels of that time which may be said still to live.'
Among other of his works may be mentioned the short stories, Junge Liebe (1878), Salle Geschichten (1880), and the novels Moschko von Parma (1880), Ein Kampf ums Recht (1882), Der Prtisident (1884), Judith Trachtenberg (1890), Der W ahrheitsucher (5894).
He possessed, however, a strong and fluent genius, which eventually made itself heard in a multitude of volumes, poems, dramas and novels.
His mother, the Baroness Gyllembourg-Ehrensvard (q.v.; 1773-1856), wrote a large number of anonymous novels.
Other writers whose names connect the age of romanticism with a later period were Meyer Aron Goldschmidt (1819-1887), author of novels and tales; Herman Frederik Ewald (1821-1908), who wrote a long series of historical novels; Jens Christian Hostrup (1818-1892), a writer of exquisite comedies; and the miscellaneous writer Erik Biigh (1822-1899).
Bandello's novels are esteemed the best of those written in imitation of the Decameron, though Italian critics find fault with them for negligence and inelegance of style.
These ordinances are called, by way of distinction, new constitutions, Novellae constitutiones post codicem (veapai Star&Efs), Novels.
The three collections of the Novels which we possess are apparently private collections, nor do we even know how many such constitutions were promulgated.
Another, the so-called Epitome of Julian, contains 125 Novels in Latin; and the third, the Liber authenticarum or vulgata versio, has 134, also in Latin.
And, whereas Justinian's constitutions contained in the Codex were all issued in Latin, the rest of the book being in that tongue, these Novels were nearly all published in Greek, Latin translations being of course made for the use of the western provinces.
On Justinian's own laws, contained in the Codex and in his Novels, a somewhat less favourable judgment must be pronounced.
It is of course written in Greek, and consists of parts of the substance of the Codex and the Digest, thrown together and often altered in expression, together with some matter from the Novels and imperial ordinances posterior to Justinian.
After a childhood spent in an austerity which stigmatized as unholy even the novels of Sir Walter Scott, he began his college career at the age of fourteen at a time when Christopher North and Dr Ritchie were lecturing on Moral Philosophy and Logic. His first philosophical advance was stimulated by Thomas Brown's Cause and Effect, which introduced him to the problems which were to occupy his thought.
As was shown later, he imported into his view of politics a warm sentiment and an imaginative outlook; and he was an enthusiastic student of Lord Beaconsfield's political novels, more particularly of Sybil, after the heroine in which he named one of his daughters.
As early as 1730-1740, the great English public schools and universities began to attract the Scottish youths of the wealthier classes, and now good Scots is seldom heard in conversation and is not always written in popular Scottish novels.
Of these the most interesting is the Milinda, one of the earliest historical novels preserved to us.
He learnt to read very early, and by the time he was four years old was familiar with most of the Waverley novels.
He had begun to write novels, which did not immediately find their market.
The Irrational Knot, written in 1880, and Love among the Artists (written in 1881) first appeared as serials in Our Corner, a monthly edited by Mrs Annie Besant; Cashel Byron's Profession (reprinted in 1901 in the series of "Novels of his Nonage") and An Unsocial Socialist first appeared in a Socialist magazine To-day, which no longer exists.
He increased his scanty pittance by translation; in addition to some French novels, he rendered into German the Chaereas and Callirrhoe of Chariton, the Greek romance writer.
Tenney, was the author of several novels, and wrote a Life of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, Prince and Priest (1873).
The latter sometimes lapses into methods which are not usually thought compatible with prison discipline, such as the permission to play on musical instruments, the holding of concerts, the privilege of smoking and chewing tobacco, of receiving baskets of provisions, novels and newspapers from friends outside.
Crescent (1848-1849); afterwards he passed his time carpentering, building and selling small houses in Brooklyn (1851-1854) in the meanwhile writing for the magazines and reviews and turning out several novels, and finally revolving in his mind the scheme of his Leaves of Grass.
She became a contributor to various magazines and newspapers, and besides many miscellaneous works she wrote eight novels, the most successful of which were Debenham's Vow (1870) and Lord Brackenbury (1880).
These novels teach the moral of renunciation (Entsagung).
After devoting himself wholly to realism of the coarsest kind, he began in 1889 his series of mystico-pathological novels about life in the archipelago of Stockholm.
He started authorship with a book of verse in 1888, after which time he led a reaction against realism and pessimism, and has turned back to a rich romantic idealism in his novels of Endymion (1889) and Hans Alienus (1892), and in his stories (1897) of the time of Charles XII.
However, even if they had stage qualities, the very length of this and his other plays, the Ulisipo and the Aulegraphia, would prevent their performance, but in fact they are novels in dialogue containing a treasury of popular lore and wise and witty sayings with a moral object.
Of older writers Bozena Nemcova, whose Babicka has been translated into many languages, and Benes Tfebizky, author of many historical novels, should be named.
His epic poem entitled Vysehrad, which celebrates the ancient glory of the acropolis of Prague, has great value, and of his many novels Jan Maria Plojhar has had the greatest success.
The father seems to have been an energetic, visionary man, who, dying while his only son was a little lad, left to his family no better provision than a lawsuit against the municipality of the town of Aix It was at Aix, which figures as Plassans in so many of his novels, that the boy received the first part of his education.
The history of this family, the Rougon-Macquart, was to be told in a series of novels containing a scientific study of heredity - science was always Zola's ignis fatuus - and a picture of French life and society.
From the Fortune des Rougon to the Docteur Pascal (1893) there are some twenty novels in the Rougon-Macquart series, the second half of which includes the powerful novels Germinal (1885) and La Terre (1888).
Zola also wrote a series of three romances on cities, Lourdes, Rome, Paris (1894-98), novels on the "gospels" of population (Fecondite) and work (Travail), a volume of plays, and several volumes of criticism, .and other things.
These books are based on study and observation; the novels are crowded with characters.
Ducasse was the author of some slight novels, and from the practice of this form of literature he acquired that levity which appears even in his most serious historical publications.
Novels he seldom read.
She published Les Chants de l'exilee (1859) and some novels.
His most famous novels are Une Vieille Maitresse (1851), attacked at the time of its publication on the charge of immorality; L'Ensorcelee (1854), an episode of the royalist rising among the Norman peasants against the first republic; the Chevalier Destouches (1864); and a collection of extraordinary stories entitled Les Diaboliques (1874).
Among his later books his novels The Old Country (1906) and The New June (1909) attracted considerable attention.
He was a prolific writer and translator of dramas and novels from French and Italian, the latter appearing mostly in his periodical.
Alecsandri is less successful in his dramas, most of which are adaptations from French originals; the only merit of his novels is that amidst the phonetic and philological turmoil he kept to the purer language of the people.
Whatever the cause may be, while Rumanian poetry could well compare with that of any Western nation, in the domain of prose writing, and of novels in particular, one must look to the future to fill up the gap now existing.
In puritanical circles, from which plays and novels were strictly excluded, that effect was such as no work of genius, though it were superior to the Iliad, to Don Quixote or to Othello, can ever produce on a mind accustomed to indulge in literary luxury.
He did not pretend to any critical treatment of his materials, and most of his historical works are practically historical novels.
The novels revived the success he had with Vivian Grey, and restored him to his place among the brilliancies and powers of the time.
His speeches carry us but a little way beyond the mental range; his novels rather baffle than instruct.
These excellent novels were, however, succeeded by one very inferior, The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish (1829); by The Notions of a Travelling Bachelor (1828), an uninteresting book; and by The Waterwitch (1830), one of the poorest of his many sea-stories.
In point of conception, each of his three-and-thirty novels is either absolutely good or is possessed of a certain amount of merit; but hitches occur in all, so that every one of them is remarkable rather in its episodes than as a whole.
He wrote Recollections of Lord Byron (1824), and several novels, plays and miscellaneous works.
From a similar sense comes the phrase "bird's-eye maple," a speckled variety of maple-wood, or the "bird's-eye handkerchief" mentioned in Thackeray's novels.
Enjoying a liberal allowance, he now lived in Paris in comfort and independence, and he published his early novels, none of which is quite of sufficient value to retain the modern reader.
Both were reprinted from the Revue des deux mondes, where many of his later novels also appeared.
Among the too-numerous writings of Feuillet, the novels have lasted longer than the dramas; of the former three or four seem destined to retain their charm as classics.
There is little description in his novels, which sometimes seem to move on an almost bare and colourless stage, but, on the other hand, the analysis of motives, of emotions, and of "the fine shades" has rarely been carried further.
Etretat sprang into popularity during the latter half of the 19th century, largely owing to the frequent references to it in the novels of Alphonse Karr.
He took great delight in reading the Bible, and also the novels of Scott, then in course of publication.
He also wrote four novels, and Reflections on the Present State of Affairs at Home and Abroad in 1759.
He began by selling some of his numerous mystery novels on a book finder's web site, then expanded to garage sale scouring for items of dubious value.
Edith is, as them English novels say, 'in seclusion'—probably plotting how to wrap up Donald and take him home.
Her "novels for children" are certainly didactic, and they are certainly moral.
It was apparent that my characters were going to suffer vicissitudes even greater than those in my previous novels.
I do not use skimming as a strategy for reading newspaper articles, or novels for that matter.
Sir I am now availing myself of the Liberty you have frequently honored me with of dedicating one of my Novels to you.
Today Gone to earth stands with precious bane as the best-known and finest of Mary Webb's novels.
Oh no I'm such a air headed bimbo who reads too many Mills & Boon novels.
Who, either in Dickens ' novels or in Bleak House had a red birthmark?
But there, all novels are a heavy burthen while they are doing, and a sensible disappointment when they are done.
Your novels are without fussy, complicated plots, where nothing seems overly contrived.
He had had two novels published, with strong alcoholic themes, both of which had been lavishly praised by distinguished critics.
Did the novels and plays of the time realistically depict the ' new woman ' .
He wrote a number of other novels and a biography of the seventeenth-century diarist John Aubrey.
A man does not hear, as in the smart novels, these gems of verbal felicity dropped between diplomatists at dinner.
The frustration for fans lies with the fact that King writes these human foibles all too well in his novels.
What do you enjoy most, writing novels or teaching creative writing?
She has had six adult novels and seven teenage novels published.
The Jane Austen Book club features a reading group who only read novels by Jane Austen.
Synopsis Sarah Harrison became a household name in the 1980s with her internationally best-selling novels.
Among her own experiences she slips extracts from classic novels which illuminate the dilemma further.
I wrote four teenage fiction novels before I wrote Divine Endurance which was my first adult SF novel.
The war produced an outpouring of literature, poems, novels and plays.
It certainly has the right imagery to crop up in any number of Gothic novels based in English parsonages or turreted castles.
For example, John Jarrold bought only two unsolicited novels from the slush pile in the last 7 years.
She writes poems, novels and children's stories and has translated poets such as John Ashbery and Margaret Atwood into Finnish.
The reasons for her shift out of books for children, and their shared preoccupations with the adult novels are identified.
When I first read the three constituent novels (this was before Waugh undertook the recension) I found them wayward and puzzling.
The Swedish romanticists followed their German brothers in condemning the novels of their youth.
He wrote some of the most brilliant and bitingly satirical novels of his day.
The latter took in references to George Formby, the novels of LP Hartley and the Scandinavian sea lanes of the Kattegat.
Philippa's most recent novels have focused on the rich seam of intrigue from the Tudor period.
They were first serialized in b&w in Dark Horse's " Cheval Noir " comic, then published as graphic novels by NBM.
Opening an office 5 1 /2 time zones away was relatively straightforward, Novels says.
Crime and Punishment is unquestionably one of the world's great novels and a mammoth undertaking to present on stage.
Bitten is one of a series of supernatural novels by author Kelley Armstrong and has a young female werewolf at its core.
The science fiction writer, Frank Herbert, featured clones in many of his novels.
Each of his understated, finely wrought novels has been published to international acclaim.
An enumeration of George Sand's novels would constitute a Homeric catalogue, and it must suffice to note only the most typical and characteristic. She contracted with Buloz to supply him with a stated amount of copy for the modest retaining fee of 160 a year, and her editor testifies that the tale of script was furnished with the punctuality of a notary.
This unmethodical method produces in her longer and more ambitious novels, in Consuelo for instance and its continuation, a tangled wilderness, the clue to which is lost or forgotten; but in her novelettes, when there is no change of scenery and the characters are few and simple, it results in the perfection of artistic writing, " an art that nature makes."
Francois le champi and La Petite Fadette are of no less exquisite workmanship. Les Maitres sonneurs (1853) - the favourite novel of Sir Leslie Stephen - brings the series of village novels to a close, but as closely akin to them must be mentioned the Contes d'une grande-mere, delightful fairy tales of the Talking Oak, Wings of Courage and Queen Coax, told to her grandchildren in the last years of her life.
Undaunted by many failures, she dramatized several of her novels with moderate success - Francois le champi, played at the Odeon in 1849, and Les Beaux Messieurs de Bois-Dore (1862) were the best; Claudie, produced in 1851, is a charming pastoral play, and Le Marquis de Villemer (1864) (in which she was helped by Dumas fits) was a genuine triumph.
As a thinker George Eliot is vastly superior; her knowledge is more profound and her psychological analysis subtler and more scientific. But as an artist, in unity of design, in harmony of treatment, in purity and simplicity of language, so felicitous and yet so unstudied, in those qualities which make the best of George Sand's novels masterpieces of art, she is as much her inferior.
He produced various essays on the World War, and his latest novels include La Vermine du Monde (1916); Le Bonheur d'etre Riche (1917); Le Coeur et l'Absence (1917) and Dans la Lumiere (1919).
I devoured them like so many novels; and I swallowed with the same voracious appetite the descriptions of India and China, of Mexico and Peru."
The pioneer of this kind of literature is considered to have been Saikaku (1641I693), who wrote sketches of every-day life as he saw it, short tales of some merit and novels which deal with the most disreputable phases of human existence.
Neruda, a poet of bitter irony but of profound faith in and affection towards his nation, was also the author of novels, notable for their original realism, and numerous belletristic works of a high order.
So called because it contained a more complete collection and correcter translation of the Greek Novels than the Epitome of Julian.
His earliest publications were novels, some of which, such as A Fair Saxon (1873), Dear Lady Disdain (1875), Miss Misanthrope (1878), Donna Quixote (1879), attained considerable popularity.
But later in life he became even better known to the literary world by his novels, [[Joseph]] Vance (1906), Alice for Short (1907), Somehow Good (1908) and It Never Can Happen Again (1909), in which the influence of Dickens and of his own earlier family life were conspicuous.
Only after the public grew weary of this did printers go off in search of completely new books, called novels to mark their newness.
You know, Count, such knights as you are only found in Madame de Souza's novels.
To such customary routine belonged his conversations with the staff, the letters he wrote from Tarutino to Madame de Stael, the reading of novels, the distribution of awards, his correspondence with Petersburg, and so on.
The book is well written, in the same style as Paul 's two novels, with short punchy sentences and evocative language.
The Swedish Romanticists followed their German brothers in condemning the novels of their youth.
They are in the market for anything from short stories to full-length novels, and pay 37 per cent royalties.
Philippa 's most recent novels have focused on the rich seam of intrigue from the Tudor period.
They were first serialized in b&w in Dark Horse 's " Cheval Noir " comic, then published as graphic novels by NBM.
Among texts with similar themes are various novels and short stories by classic authors.
You love all things fluffy and lovely, and probably enjoy romantic novels and soppy poems.
I have written a goodly number of candidly speaking third-rate novels, which have been fairly remunerative here, and fairly read in America.
The first part of Red Shift 's Picture House triptych of productions adapted from novels that spawned major motion pictures.
Crime and Punishment is unquestionably one of the world 's great novels and a mammoth undertaking to present on stage.
From the start, it was apparent that my characters were going to suffer vicissitudes even greater than those in my previous novels.
So I 'm not the most well-read reader of novels.
It seems that young adult novels about teenagers with cancer has become a genre all it's own.
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Now there's nothing stopping you from downloading one of these old, wonderful classic novels, curling up under the warm glow of a lamp, and diving into an old classic that you never got around to reading before.
The Third Edition is expected to be an overhaul and will include other resources besides literary works like novels and plays.
Catholicism is one of the most portrayed religions throughout the media, whether it's movies, novels or on television.
You can obtain all kinds of knowledge on novels, poetry, non-fiction pieces about writing and biographies as well as download eBooks for various eReaders based on the Harvard Classics & Shelf of Fiction.
Also, have you ever considered writing romance novels?
Manga - Comics from Japan, originally released in a serialized format and collected in graphic novels.
Yes, It's the making of many great movies and novels.
Further establishing herself as a Hollywood superstar, Paquin took on the role of Sookie Stackhouse in the television show True Blood, based on the Southern Vampire novels by Charlaine Harris.
One thing I told myself never to do, though, whether writing for television, movies or novels, was to "dumb down" a storyline for a younger audience.
There is also a YA/women fiction thriller novel I am working on called Damaged, a 'tween/teen novel titled Wickers and a couple of women fiction/chick-lit novels too!
The Twilight series of movies, based on the vampire novels by Stephanie Meyer, have catapulted Kristen Stewart onto the world stage.
The plot of the series revolves around the vampires and how they exist and thrive in small town America and is based on the Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels written by Charlaine Harris.
The film rights to her novels have led to some of the largest-grossing films in history and a global brand that is recognized by children and parents alike.
It's not just vampires, although the sudden proliferation of them in books, graphic novels and TV shows has certainly made some men interested in the dark style.
Located not far from London where many of his novels were set, Dickens World can be found in Chatham, Kent.
Each game, four of which are directly analogous to the novels, feature Harry and his all-too-familiar wizarding world.
In a radical departure from the style of the other four games, Quidditch World Cup focused on the fictional game of Quidditch, leaving spell casting and the traditional stories from the novels behind.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and Return of the King) are mainly single-player, action/adventure style games based on J.R.R. Tolkien's novels and the blockbuster movies of the same names.
Horror - Generally based on horror novels.
Not surprisingly, several of these kinds of games have been translated into the world of comic books and graphic novels as well.
Yahoo's A Series of Unfortunate Events is basically a revamped version of Inspector Parker using characters from the Lemony Snicket novels.
The weapon and people tiles are all color coded and different enough from each other that it's easy to tell which is which, and fans of the novels will recognize all of their favorite villains.
Today, erotic comics can be found on websites as well as graphic novels and other printed materials.
You can find them in print in adult magazines, graphic novels or on various websites.
Other types of historical fiction novels feature an accurate historical setting and real characters and/or events.
Novels that address the question of what would have happened if major historical events had different outcomes fall into the genre of alternate history rather than historical fiction.
Novels that deal with magic or fantasy in historic settings are in the historical fantasy genre, and are not classified as historical fiction.
Novels with a fictional theme that were written many years ago.
Scroll through your favorite novels, flipping through pages just like how you would on a real book.
Freelance writers have local, national and web-based opportunities that range from short blog posts to full-length novels.
Whether you want to spend the day swimming or reading fun novels on the sand is more your style, a silver one-piece will definitely get you noticed.
This collective frenzy for Meyer's novels and subsequent big screen adaptations paved the way for a slew of Twilight-inspired paraphernalia, including t-shirts, jewelry, dolls and board games.
Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series of four vampire-based fantasy romance novels turned blockbuster movies has catapulted bloodsuckers to the top of the costume chain.
Although the werewolves are called shape shifters and exhibit a combination of skin walker and werewolf traits in the novels.
Bella Swan - The central heroine of the tale, the novels are told primarily from Bella's viewpoint.
In both the novels and the films, Alice favors clothing with poetry, flash and more than a little bit of individualism.
The themed story has gained enormous popularity in all forms of film, television and novels since it's 19th century debut.
Many read more like textbooks than novels, though some autobiographies are just as full of charming anecdotes and beautiful language as memoirs.
Specifically oriented towards creative writing, RoughDraft has different modes for novels, short stories, articles, screenplays, and plays.
Some novels have even been published in serial fashion - a chapter at a time - over the course of several installments.
Query letters are most often associated with freelance writing for magazines, although query letters can also be submitted for novels, screenplays, and other types of creative work.
Kids Book by You offers full-length novels for kids aged 6 to 12.
Some kids just love to read, and they look for opportunities to expand their reading through novels, nonfiction books, magazines, and websites.
Newsweek finds that the Twilight novels and film saga make for great bonding between mothers and daughters particularly because of the focus on romance, relationships and friendships.
Since Twilight, the first movie in the series, was released on November 21, 2008, the interest and popularity in the novels and the movie series has grown unabated.
Many early horror films are based on novels that were popular at the time, such as the 1922 vampire film, Nosferatu, which was based on Bram Stoker's Dracula.
They even read free online romance novels.
Of course, if you happen upon a fellow lover of westerns or romance novels, this may not be a problem.
Unlike the open-ended American soap opera, telenovelas are novels for television.
The series by Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) is based on the popular series of Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.
Nominated for multiple awards, Anna Paquin's star continues to rise with her casting in the pivotal role of heroine Sookie Stackhouse based on the Charlaine Harris novels.
That said, reading the novels will not spoil a viewer's enjoyment of the television series or vice versa.
Many notable differences between the novels and the series can be found in the journey of Jason Stackhouse.
Alan Ball discovered the novels by Charlaine Harris while waiting for a plane.
The stories in the novels are all told from Sookie's viewpoint.
In later novels, Sookie is revealed to be part fairy herself.
The series and the novels differ on many points.
The novels serve as an inspiration and a guide.
Unlike the novels, the television series is able to delve into the lives of all the residents in Bon Temps, to fill them out beyond just the aspects that Sookie sees and interacts with.
Will future seasons take their lead from Charlaine Harris' novels?
It was announced in July 2009 that at least three more Sookie Stackhouse novels would join the first nine.
After her return to The Young and the Restless, Davidson wrote two best selling novels featuring an actress on a soap opera that looks suspiciously like Young and the Restless who is suspected of murdering the show's head writer.
Smith's novels came more than a decade before the world heard of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series.
Telemundo novelas primarily follow the Mexican model of limited run programs presented as novels for television.
Novelas y Mas - Translated, the site means Novels and More.
Based on the novels of the same name, The Vampire Diaries full episodes began airing on the CW network during the 2009-2010 television season.
In 2008, the Sookie Stackhouse novels made the leap to television in the original HBO series True Blood and the Louisiana town of Bon Temps.
The town boasts a lineage of witches in the Bennett families and the novels predict that werewolves will make their own appearance.
Smith's novels to television, using the storyline from the original series as a guideline.
The artistic license taken in the series is similar to that of True Blood which has veered from the Sookie Stackhouse novels upon which it is based.
In Charlaine Harris' novels, the Maenad first arrives to attack Sookie as a way of sending a message to Eric Northman, the Sheriff of Area Five.
True Blood is a dramatic soap opera based upon a series of novels called The Southern Vampire Mysteries.
Pretty Little Liars is the ABC Family series based on the Sara Shepherd novels of the same name.
Whether you are indulging in the ABC Family series or the novels of the same name, the mystery of the girls' secret tormentor is the driving force behind the story.
While the series is based on the Sara Shepherd novels, the ABC Family version takes some liberties with the storytelling.
So fans of the series would be advised to avoid basing suppositions on A's identity from the novels.
Davidson remains a busy actress, in addition to her work on television, she has authored novels, helped her niece with a fashion line and contributes to charity events.
Although True Blood's blonde Viking is based on Charlaine Harris' novels, the television character has many noticeable differences from his literary counterpart.
For example, beyond his age and his origins, most of Eric's life as a Viking was not revealed until later novels.
In the novels, Eric's maker is a Roman, but the series names a different vampire, Godric, as his maker.
In the novels, Eric's family dies from fever whereas the HBO series blames the King of Mississippi, Russell Edgington, for murdering Eric's family and taking his father's Viking crown.
Sookie's fairy heritage is unknown for several of the novels, although True Blood delves into it much sooner.
He had an affair with Tara during the first season, but it was in the second season that Sam's story truly diverged from the novels.
In the novels, he transformed into Dean the Dog, a lion and more.
Many famous authors are known for using symbolic speech in their novels and stories.
Some novels and works of literature, such as the popular The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown spend an entire story explaining and relating to symbolic meaning.
Victor Hugo is perhaps best known for his epic novels, such as Notre Dame de Paris, but what you may not know is that he is also a very celebrated poet.
For Lucas, the most important thing was to get this story he was creating out, and so he turned to writer Alan Dean Foster with the idea of turning his ideas into novels instead of scripts.
He would then adapt the novels into scripts if there was a demand.
This incredibly successful film franchise has spawned four blockbuster films, a television show, comic books, graphic novels, and even amusement rides.
The movie has been wildly successful and has generated a wide range of associated merchandise and events, including television movie sequels, a feature film, concert tours, stage productions, novels, and more.
She is also an author, having written several non-fiction books and two novels.
Conrad has written two novels, which are very much autobiographical in nature.
Few remain in publication, but the authors who got their start in these publications went on to write novels that fed a growing appetite for speculative stories based on science.
The series continued in novels based on the show, including anthologies called Tales of the Slayer and a comic book that picked up where season seven left off.
The X Files is one of the few rare shows that for whatever reason, resonated with enough people to create a large and healthy 'cult' following in sci-fi fandom, spawning numerous novels, two films and multiple websites.
He wrote everything, science fiction short stories and novels, mysteries, and popular science articles - he had a fantastic ability to make the most difficult topics accessible - and even books on mythology and religion.
Most of his science fiction was written in the '50s and '60s; he is most famous for the The Foundation Trilogy and The Robot Novels and Short Stories, in which he articulated the Three Laws of Robotics.
Unlike her previous novels about the legendary boy wizard, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is not so much an adventure or mystery as it is a story of discovery.
Rowling's style carries over from the previous novels and creates a comfort zone in which the reader can curl up with the familiarity of Harry's world.
Much more emotionally complex than the past novels, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban marks another tick in the time line that Rowling has so skillfully plotted.
As with all of her novels thus far, J.K. Rowling maintains a light-hearted humor in her defined and well versed style.
When all is said and done and the words "the end" enter her mind, Rowling has left a trail of constellations between the covers of her novels.
As another tick in the time line is added to the life of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling begins the task of linking the elements of her previous novels to bring about the conclusion to her story.
While Rowling continues to decorate her settings, she leaves much to the imagination, banking on the fact that anyone who is reading this book has read her previous novels.
That is left for a series of novels to uncover.
Many of her novels are set in this kingdom and surrounding kingdoms, and detail the exploits of the kingdom's peace-keepers, the legendary Heralds.
Thus, you can either read the novels in order of publication (recommended) or in chronological order as they reveal the history of the kingdom of Valdemar.
Unlike creature feature classics like Dracula and Frankenstein, which were adapted from novels, King Kong is notable for being written specifically for film.
And perhaps more importantly, he is one of very few writers whose reputation is based more on their short fiction than on their novels.
For most of his career, Bradbury produced very few novels; Farenheit 451 being a notable early exception.
He recreates this time of his life for us perfectly in a trio of novels he wrote between 1985 and 2003; Death is a Lonely Business, A Graveyard for Lunatics, and Let's All Kill Constance.
In these novels, which are murder mysteries, the unnamed protagonist is a thirty-ish writer living in Venice, California in the early '50s.
In the 'fifties, Ray Bradbury published two novels and four collections of short stories that cemented his position in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.
Hungry for more magical action and the thrill of seeing their favorite boy wizard come alive on screen, fans of J.K. Rowling's best-selling novels made this film a blockbuster during the 2002 holiday season.
The story of Harry Potter is an intricately woven tapestry, carefully planned and brilliantly executed on the pages of J.K. Rowling's novels.
At this point I feel I must make it known to readers that the Harry Potter films always spark a very, very strong emotion in me because I am so in love with the novels and the story as a whole.
The novels give readers so much insight into all of the characters and focus on Harry's life within his magical world, but on the screen Harry shines brighter than the rest and stands as an icon of a true theatrical and literary hero.
While these novels are fascinating, they have never uncovered the origins of this magical system.
These two novels together are a short course in sci-fi world-building.
Daneel and Bailey reappeared in novels published in the 'eighties, and Daneel alone crosses over to Asimov's Foundation universe, tying together the Foundation series and Robot stories and novels.
Many of Niven's novels, short stories and novellas are set in this fictional universe, at various points along a timeline that controls how much humanity understands their universe.
Haunted houses are always good movie fare, and Shirley Jackson's 1959 novel, The Haunting of Hill House, is probably one of the scariest haunting novels.
Written as short stories and novellas in the '40s and '50s, the components were collected into three novels; Foundation in 1951, Foundation and Empire in 1952 and Second Foundation in 1953.
The basis of the novels is the theory that large groups of people can be mathematically modelled and their actions predicted, assuming you know everything about conditions under which they live.
In these novels, he ties his robot novels with his Galactic/First Foundation Empires universe.
One example of Quasi-Europe done rather well is Fiona Patton's Branion Realm novels, which begins with The Stone Prince.
It does matter, however noble an experiment this series of novels was.
Those novels that stick with us are the ones that transport us to other worlds.
From the author who never featured aliens in his novels until this point, the Grand Old Man jumps into the alien inventing market with a vengence.
Later novels suggest he even became Fleet Admiral.
Information in Star Trek novels seems to contradict this, however, and no canon information gives the true story.