Novaya-zemlya Sentence Examples
The sea is all shallow, the deepest parts lying off Vaygach Island and the northern part of Novaya Zemlya.
With Vaygach Island, between it and the mainland, Novaya Zemlya forms a continuation of the Pae-Khoy hills.
Little is known of the interior of Novaya Zemlya.
Traces of Eocene deposits have not been discovered on Novaya Zemlya.
The interior of Novaya Zemlya shows hardly a trace of animal life, save here and there a vagrant bird, a few lemmings, an ice-fox, a brown or white bear, and at times immigrant reindeer.
Many of them wintered for years on Novaya Zemlya without great loss from scurvy.
Owing to the ice in the White Sea Russian hunters found Novaya Zemlya less easy of access than did the Norwegians.
These explorations led the way for the famous voyages of Baron Nordenskidld (1875-1878), which included investigations in Novaya Zemlya.
This significant but evanescent phenomenon, which represents the direct emissions of a low-lying solar envelope, was photographed by William Shackleton on the occasion of an eclipse in Novaya Zemlya on the 9th of August 1896; and it has since been abundantly registered by exposures made during the obscurations of 1898, 1900, 1901 and 1905.
It comprehends the islands of Novaya-Zemlya, Vaygach and Kolguev, and the peninsula of Kola.
AdvertisementThe government is divided into nine districts, the chief towns of which areAlexandrovsk or Kola (pop. 300), Archangel, Kem (1825), Kholmogory (1465), Mezen (2040), Novaya-Zemlya (island), Pechora, Pinega (1000) and Shenkursk (1308).
The Dutch emulated the British in the Arctic seas during this period, directing their efforts mainly towards the discovery of a north-east passage round the northern end of Novaya Zemlya; and William Barents or Barendsz (1594-1597) is the most famous name in this connexion, his boat voyage along the coast of Novaya Zemlya after losing his ship and wintering in a high latitude, being one of the most remarkable achievements in polar annals.