Nous Sentence Examples
The nous is indivisible; the soul may preserve its unity and remain in the nous, but at the same time it has the power of uniting with the corporeal world and thus being disintegrated.
Thought cannot attain to this, for thought reaches only to the nous, and is itself a kind of motion.
That is the office of the purifying virtues, by which the soul is freed from sensuality and led back to itself, and thence to the nous.
From this contact came Ialdabaoth the Demiurgos, who in turn produced six powers and with them created the seven heavens and from the dregs of matter the Nous of serpent form, from whom are spirit and soul, evil and death.
Beginning with the contemplation of corporeal things in their multiplicity and harmony, it then retires upon itself and withdraws into the depths of its own being, rising thence to the nous, the world of ideas.
The nous is a sort of second god, the X6yoc which are wrapped up in it are gods, the stars are gods, and so on.
It is the corresponding term to the concept of nous as used in the Greek Neoplatonism of Plotinus (d. 270 ).
Does Eriksson have the tactical nous to fashion a winning team?
It's a template from which the band rarely deviate, but they've got the songwriting nous to pull it off effectively.
We only scored 28 tries last season despite having lots of possession but we lacked the nous sometimes to finish moves off.
AdvertisementThe firm's commercial nous proved particularly useful to clients in this sector, which includes the Eden Project.
Following the pop nous of ' Video Killed The Radio Star ' comes ' Kid Dynamo ' .
Now he had somebody who could provide the discipline and technical nous that he lacked.
The combination of the bass lines with the techno and pop nous, works very well indeed.
Does it annoy you that some are surprised or dismissive about your business nous?
AdvertisementSo, public policy is in favor of arranging circumstances so that letters of negotiation shall remain strictly entre nous.
A property manager with some real marketing nous can earn you thousands every year, just with an intelligent marketing campaign.
Paul discriminates between the Spirit which during these paroxysms both talks and prays to God and the nous or understanding which informs a believer's psalm, teaching, revelation or prophesy, and renders them intelligible, edifying and profitable to the assembly.
About the same time David of Dinant, in a book De tomis (rendered by Albertus De divisionibus), taught the identity of God with matter (or the indivisible principle of bodies) and nous (or the indivisible principle of intelligences) - an extreme Realism culminating in a materialistic pantheism.
About his paper, the incarnation of himself, the first thing to be said is that the man always meant what he said; no poverty, no misery or persecution, could keep him quiet; he was perpetually crying, "Nous sommes trahis."
AdvertisementMarat never ceased his denunciations of the "faction des hommes d'Etat," by which France was being betrayed to her ruin, and his parrot cry of "Nous sommes trahis 1" was re-echoed from group to group in the streets of Paris.
The original Being first of all throws out the nous, which is a perfect image of the One and the archetype of all existing things.
As image, the nous corresponds perfectly to the One, but as derived it is entirely different.
What Plotinus understands by the nous is the highest sphere accessible to the human mind (KOauor vonros), and, along with that, pure thought itself.
The image and product of the motionless nous is the soul, which, according to Plotinus, is, like the nous, immaterial.
AdvertisementIts relation to the nous is the same as that of the nous to the One.
It stands between the nous and the phenomenal world, is permeated and illuminated by the former, but is also in contact with the latter.
As a single soul (world-soul) it belongs in essence and destination to the intelligible world; but it also embraces innumerable individual souls; and these can either submit to be ruled by the nous, or turn aside to the sensual and lose themselves in the finite.
His name was the theme of the popular song of the moment - "C'est Boulanger qu'il nous faut"; the general and his black horse became the idol of the Parisian populace; and he was urged to play the part of a plebiscitary candidate for the presidency.
These processes are the work of Nous (vas) which governs and arranges.
But this Nous, or Mind, is not incorporeal; it is the thinnest of all things; its action on the particle is conceived materially.
His Nous was not a spiritual force; it was no omnipotent deity; it is not a pantheistic world-soul.
This was not the first time that approaches had been made to such a doctrine, and Diogenes of Apollonia in particular was led to oppose Anaxagoras, who distinguished Nous or Thought from every other agent within the cosmos which is its work by postulating as his first principle something which should be at once physical substratum and thinking being.
For the Love and Hate of Empedocles and the Nous (Intelligence) of Anaxagoras, Democritus substituted fixed and necessary laws (not chance; that is a misrepresentation due chiefly to Cicero).
It was his tactical nous, and his leadership that made him great, ask Conservative historian Andrew Roberts.
However, another way of looking at this is that Jimmy was using commendable nous in attempting to unsettle the players.
Coming to Italy during an epidemic of plague, he was very diligent in tending the sick in the public hospitals at Aquapendente, Cesena and Rome, and effected many miraculous cures by entre nous, a la vie, a la mort."
If they were diverse, he argued, there must exist above them some higher or common element or being, in which case this would be God, nous, or the original matter.