Notoriously Sentence Examples
To decorations and official recognitions he was notoriously indifferent.
Yet they would not have accused him of defects from which he was notoriously free.
They saw in him a pious man, an esteemed professor, who had done nothing but propose a discussion on the notoriously intricate subject of Indulgences, peremptorily ordered to recant and to remain silent.
The coast, fully exposed to the open ocean, abounds in fine cliff scenery, including numerous caves and natural arches, but is notoriously dangerous to shipping.
Tiberias is notoriously dirty and proverbial for its fleas, whose king is said by the Arabs to hold his court here.
Pensioners must be British subjects, poor, and not ex-criminals or of notoriously bad character.
It is notoriously unhealthy; yellow fever is endemic. Little Bassam, renamed by the French Port Bouet, possesses an advantage over the other ports on the coast, as at this point there is no bar.
Perceptions regarding the "me" are notoriously highly charged with "feeling," and the conflict occasions the feeling insufficiently described as "giddiness."
The decline has been greatest where the standard of comfort is notoriously high, as in the United States, England and Australasia; also in France, where the general wellbeing reaches probably a lower depth in the community than in any other part of Europe.
All criticism of this is inconsequent; " fighting gear " was notoriously the only effective asset of Missourians in Kansas, every Southern band in Kansas was militarily organized and armed, and the free-state men armed only under necessity.
AdvertisementThis condition of thought is demonstrated to be, and to have been, universal among savages, and it may notoriously be observed among children.
Districts which had been notoriously deadly to Europeans were rendered comparatively healthy after the discovery, in 1899, of the species of mosquito which propagates malarial fever, and the measures thereafter taken for its destruction and the filling up of swamps.
The characters shown by such specimens, however, when, as is usually the case, they are in the barren state, are notoriously unstable, or of small taxonomic value, among recent plants.
The victims were nearly all clergy or citizens; the king shrank from touching the Lollards of higher rank, and even employed in his service some who were notoriously tainted with heresy.
The cardinal bore the blame, because he and Buckingham had notoriously disliked each other; but the deed had really been of the kings own contriving.
AdvertisementBut while the king now put forward a minister notoriously able and competent to the task, his opponents put forward a man whose only claim to office was the possession of large estates.
Louis Philippe, with the aid of the queen-mother, succeeded in forcing Isabella to accept the hand of Don Francisco dArsisi, her cousin, who was notoriously incapable of having heirs; and on the same day the younger sister was married to the duke of Montpensier.
King Leopold was personally a man of considerable attainments and much strength of character, but he was a notoriously dissolute monarch, who even to the last offended decent opinion by his indulgences at Paris and on the Riviera.
Owing to certain circumstances in its past history, Geneva was notoriously immoral.
Moreau was notoriously lethargic in civil affairs.
AdvertisementSteel-grinding was notoriously unhealthy, and manufacturing processes generally were less favourable to life than agricultural.
Boat maintenance is notoriously expensive.
It 's a truism that the music industry is notoriously male-dominated.
While healthy babies are notoriously good at sending out alarms when they're hungry and stopping eating when they are full, it is still a good idea to keep a close eye on newborn babies' growth rates.
He does not seem to have had much luck in his marriage; his wife Janey was notoriously unfaithful.
AdvertisementOf course, the trade of writing is notoriously unprofitable for those new to it.
Nor would joining the euro promote greater stability when it has been so notoriously volatile so far.
Quite fast, you catch the eye of one of the notoriously rude waiters, who will look you up and down and snap.
As the city has always been notoriously unhealthful, the United States, on undertaking the construction of the Panama Canal, became interested in preventing its becoming a centre of infection for the Canal Zone, and by the treaty of November 1903 secured complete jurisdiction in the city and harbour over all matters relating to sanitation and quarantine, and engaged to construct a system of waterworks and sewers in the municipality, which had been practically completed in 1907.
Now the later dramas are often notoriously awkward and redundant; while the removal of those convenient operatic devices which symbolize situations instead of developing them, does not readily appear to be compensated for by any superior artistic resource.
That of 1900 was notoriously inaccurate in many instances.
Marlborough itself, however, is mentioned by Clarendon as "the most notoriously disaffected [town] in Wiltshire," and was captured by the royal forces in 1642, and partly burnt.
On the other hand, the ambiguity may be quite unintentional, for the Hebrew writers were notoriously lacking in the true historical sense, which shows itself in a full appreciation of the value of chronology.
With a wet, undrained subsoil and a large population of Indians and half-breeds living in crowded quarters, the death-rate has been notoriously high, though the completion of the Valley drainage works in 1900, supplemented by underground sewers in the better parts of the city, and by better sanitation, have recently improved matters.
Shrews are notoriously small, ( the pygmy white-toothed shrew is the smallest extant mammal weighing a mere 2-3 grams at adult weight).
Balancing research and teaching is notoriously difficult, and I also see this as a valuable check on that particular tightrope act.
This doubles the number of ascents of the notoriously tricky route (a Ken Palmer job from about 10 years ago).
While teenage boys are a notoriously difficult breed to satisfy, pleasing your teenager is easier once you have a sense of the brand names and styles.
Over the years our readers have asked, "Where Can I Buy an Inexpensive Macintosh Computer" since Macs are notoriously expensive because of their connection with the Apple line of products.
When you give your cat her own bed, you regain a little of your own territory, but as most cat owners have already observed, felines do not play by our rules, and are notoriously finicky.
These consolidation loans have notoriously low interest rates when compared to other consolidation products.
Since most kids have a notoriously short attention span, it's essential that you work quickly and efficiently to get a frame worthy shot.
Laptops are a popular choice because they are portable and won’t take up a lot of space in the notoriously small dorm room.
Barbra Streisand is known in some circles as a notoriously bad tipper.
Reports read that there were no signs of forced entry at Hudson's mom's home in Chicago's notoriously violent south side.
Since necklines were notoriously high during this time period, girls ornamented the bodice of their dresses with buttons, ribbons and pins to give their tops interesting lines and ornamentation.
African children's dresses are as intriguing as they are notoriously difficult to find online.
Art degrees are notoriously hard to find online, however as times change, more are appearing.
This will help you decide if you are really cut out for a career in animal care, and it also looks good on applications for veterinary schools, which are notoriously choosy about who they admit.
Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to house train, but they also aren't very messy even when they do have an accident in the house.
Aphids are notoriously resilient and plentiful, because they can reproduce very quickly.
Part of bluegrass' charm lies in the instrumental solos which are improvisational and notoriously difficult to play.
One of the reasons why kitchens can be notoriously difficult to price out is due to the many variable components.
Earrings are notoriously difficult to keep safely stored.
It is commonly worn with a tuxedo and is known for being notoriously challenging to tie.
Food at all amusement parks is notoriously expensive, and eating outside the park can help trim the fat from a food budget.
Disney tickets are notoriously expensive, and high demand means Disney isn't usually in the business of giving many discounts.
On the other hand, it notoriously opens the door for a "smoke and mirrors" trailer treatment.
SkyFire and Opera Mobile are sustainable alternatives to the notoriously slow Pocket Internet Explorer.
Because children are notoriously bad at hand washing, parents want to be particularly vigilant to make sure that careful hand washing is followed, especially if someone in the home is actually ill with salmonella food poisoning.
Recovery from substance use is notoriously difficult, even with exceptional treatment resources.
Some people believe the ancient Egyptians first created towel origami projects as way to amuse Cleopatra during her notoriously long baths.
Nicole's been notoriously tight-lipped with the media, so it's unlikely fans will learn many details about the newest addition to her family.
The prices are affordable, and the restaurant has long been one of the notoriously picky San Francisco food critic Michael Bauer's favorite spots for Dim Sum.
Men are notoriously hard to buy for-they seem to want expensive or obscure items-or none at all!
While this group can be notoriously difficult to buy for, the task is easier when you remember that anything high-tech is guaranteed to be a hit.
She has had made notoriously bad choices with men (liars, scammers...) in the past.
The old saying, "when all else fails, read the manual," came into existence because manuals are notoriously poorly written.
That's a great part of the beauty of labels like Dior, whose prestige and high quality make them notoriously reliable - and that's saying nothing of the immensely fashionable designs available.
As everyone knows, although it is more widely available, everything Blu-Ray is notoriously expensive.
Yet customers often find out that the trials for free magazines for men or free magazines of home décor are notoriously hard to cancel.
Like free magazine trial subscriptions and other trial offers found online, background check service trials could be notoriously difficult to cancel at the end of the promotional period.
Pairing a tennis dress with flats or sneakers keeps the dress length in decent territory as tennis dresses are notoriously short!
Kids shoes are notoriously difficult to fit.
The old-school sneakers with a modern twist have even attracted fashionistas who are notoriously selective about their footwear.
Grey's Anatomy spoilers are notoriously hard to come by.
Creator and head writer Shonda Rhimes was notoriously opposed to spoilers.
These, sadly, are notoriously knocked-off as they also have quite a reputation among vintage military watch collectors.
The popular window coverings are notoriously tricky to clean, so what works well for you may not be the best technique for someone else.
Computer monitors are notoriously unreliable when it comes to giving you the correct color, and you don't get to touch things, smell them, or otherwise use your senses to determine if the thing you think you want is really what you want.
Did you know that fast foods are notoriously high in sodium?
Canned fruits and vegetables are dead and they are notoriously filled with sodium and preservatives.
The abdominal region is a notoriously difficult area to flatten.
Rental car companies make a lot of money selling insurance policies because they are notoriously overpriced.
It's no secret that items made in China are notoriously less expensive than those made in the United States.
That's unlike the nylon back in the day when synthetic fibers, especially nylon or polyester, were known for begin notoriously uncomfortable.
For example, a pretty three piece bra, panty and garter belt set is around $15 and notoriously expensive corsets will only cost you around $20.
The relationship between brothers Liam and Noel was notoriously unstable, and often affected the progression of the band.
Federline, the notoriously disliked man who left his pregnant girlfriend behind to jet off to Europe on tour with Spears, soon became Mr. Britney Spears, to the shock and horror of many of her fans.
She is notoriously protective of her private life but nevertheless has a reputation for being open and approachable to her fans.
Because she is notoriously private, a Dolly Parton biography won't reveal all kinds of personal details.
Pages can be customized, but only using the available backgrounds, which cannot be altered one selected.It is notoriously difficult to find people on Hi5 unless you know their e-mail address.
While there were many ways to find and share information via ARPANET and the successive networks, searches were notoriously slow and inefficient.
Gowen (1836-1889), president of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, sent James McParlan, an Irish Catholic and a Pinkerton detective (who some thirty years later attracted attention in the investigation of the assassination of Governor Steunenberg of Idaho), to the mining region in 1873; he joined the order, lived among the "Molly Maguires" for more than two years, and even became secretary of the Shenandoah division, one of the most notoriously criminal lodges of the order.
Though by birth belonging to the middle class in a country of hide-bound aristocracy, he lived to move on equal terms in the society of princes and statesmen; which would never have been the case had he been notoriously "bought and sold."
To force a crisis, abstention of elected members from the council was resorted to, together with the election of notoriously unfit candidates.
Henry's elder brother Arthur, a notoriously sickly youth of scarce fifteen, had been married to Catherine, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, but had died less than five VIII.
Like all lowland Cilicia, it has a notoriously bad summer climate, and all inhabitants, who can do so, migrate to stations on the lower slopes of Taurus.
Burr was unscrupulous, insincere and notoriously immoral, but he was pleasing in his manners, generous to a fault, and was intensely devoted to his wife and daughter.
The nickname cartridge-prince (Kartdtschenprinz) bestowed upon him during the troubles of 48 was undeserved; but he was notoriously opposed to Liberalism and, had he followed his own instincts, he would have modified the constitution in a reactionary sense.
The decision of Germany would theoretically have to depend on the question which party was the aggressora question which notoriously is hardly ever capable of an answer.
The inhabitants were turbulent, fickle and notoriously dissolute.
Henry was notoriously treacherous; to kidnap was his ideal in diplomacy.
Americans supposed that Great Britain wished to exchange Mexican bonds for California; France also was thought to be watching for an opening for gratifying supposed ambitions; and all parties saw that even without overt act by the United States the progress of American settlement seemed likely to gain them the province, whose connexion with Mexico had long been a notoriously loose one.
Some places, such as Bidi in Sarawak, for instance, are notoriously unhealthy; but from the statistics of the Dutch government, and the records of Sarawak and British North Borneo, it would appear that the European in Borneo has in general not appreciably more to fear than his fellow in Java, or in the Federated Malay States of the Malayan Peninsula.
Moreover, even after discounting the bias of his enemies, there is evidence to prove that his championship of the Church was not the outcome of his zeal for Christianity; for he was notoriously drunken, unchaste, avaricious and almost insanely ambitious.
In the Biographia he avows that the writings of Kant "more than any other work, at once invigorated and disciplined my understanding"; yet the gist of his estimate there is that Kant left his system undeveloped, as regards his idea of the Noumenon, for fear of orthodox persecution - a judgment hardly compatible with any assumption of Kant's Christian orthodoxy, which was notoriously inadequate.
Toland, the inventor of the name of pantheism, was notoriously, for a great part of his life, in some sort a pantheist.
Upon the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, Lord Palmerston acknowledged that it was the duty of the British government to stand aloof from the fray; but his own opinion led him rather to desire than to avert the rupture of the Union, which might have been the result of a refusal on the part of England and France to recognize a blockade of the Southern ports, which was notoriously imperfect, and extremely prejudicial to the interests of Europe.
Barras and Rewbell were notoriously corrupt themselves and screened corruption in others.
As lawyers are aware, reasonableness is a notoriously elusive concept.
The notoriously cramped foyer has been replaced with an airy atrium.
Private firms contracted to local councils have been notoriously corrupt, but the arms sector is equally notorious for overcharging the government.
I'm sure that Waring, a notoriously reclusive figure, would have thoroughly disapproved of this.
In order to succeed, this notoriously risk-averse institution must learn to embrace experimentation.
Working conditions in the tourism industry are notoriously exploitative.
Memories are notoriously fallible on material facts, vulnerable to suggestion, to rewriting, to complete erasure.
Winter in Scotland is notoriously fickle at the best of times.
Wind farms are notoriously inefficient, unsightly monstrosities whose damage outweighs their utility.
The FDA has been notoriously lax in dealing with the misuse of drugs in the dairy industry.
He should persuade the notoriously monolingual British to learn a language.
Sprouts are notoriously difficult to grow organically in conventional farming they are perpetually sprayed from all sides and must be very noxious.
Design Surfers are notoriously picky about the sites that they visit.
Ringing compositions are notoriously prone to subtle transcription errors, and over a quarter of the submissions we receive contain errors of some sort.
Unperturbed by this notoriously rough ride in the TV milieu, Lynch made Mulholland Drive for ABC as the pilot for a new series.
Secret in a bottle Notoriously secretive soft drinks giant Coca-Cola has finally let the press into the heart of its European R&D operation.
Unlike mobile ring tones, which now have their own Top 20 hits chart, mobile video statistics are notoriously slippery.
The Pinot Noir grape produces some of the most exotic, sensuous red wines yet is notoriously temperamental.
This doubles the number of ascents of the notoriously tricky route (a Ken Palmer job from about 10 years ago ).
This isn't always the case, of course, as there are some notoriously bad tippers among the stars.
Dark under eye circles are notoriously difficult to get rid of completely.
Over the members of these orders their superiors have jurisdiction and not the bishop. Otherwise if they live out of their monastery, or even within that enclosure so notoriously offend as to cause scandal.
The cultivators, on the other hand, may not plant tobacco without permits from the regie, although the power of refusing a permit, except to known smugglers or persons of notoriously bad conduct, seems to be doubtful; nor may they sell to any purchaser, unless for export, except to the regie, while they are bound to deposit the whole of the tobacco crops which they raise in any one year in the entrepots of the regie before the month of August of the year following, [[Table A]].-Showing Revenues ceded to Ottoman Public Debt Administration at Various Periods to 1907-1908.
North of the cemetery is the prison, a building which replaces a notoriously insanitary gaol used during the republican regime.
As one of the Seven Churches of Asia, it was addressed by the author of the Apocalypse in terms which seem to imply that its population was notoriously soft and fainthearted.
He was notoriously no friend to the Loevenstein party then prevalent in Holland, and was displaced, his place being taken by Cornelius de Witt and Michiel Adriaanzoon de Ruyter.
It is notoriously false as a matter of experience.