Notorious Sentence Examples
Her life was notorious for intrigue and perfidy.
As a port it was notorious for its smuggling and illicit trade.
Two other sons, Rocco and Cristoforo, both of them notorious rakes, were killed in brawls.
From the 17th century until modern times this was notorious as a home of crime and poverty.
He is notorious for his wilful exaggeration, both in narrative and numerical statements.
The popes themselves were notorious offenders.
He was appointed introducer of ambassadors on the 12th of October 1671, and it became notorious that whoever had a petition to present or a place to ask for must apply to him.
His Orphelin de la Chine, performed at Paris in 1755, was very well received; the notorious La Pucelle appeared in the same year.
Even the nuns of Geneva were notorious for their conduct."
Cesare was Alexander's favourite son, and it was for him that the pope's notorious nepotism was most extensively practised.
AdvertisementUntil the close of the 18th century Dalkey was notorious for the burlesque election of a "king," a mock ceremony which became invested with a certain political importance.
Some of them were notorious evillivers.
It is also notorious for its many witchcraft trials.
Oxygen is the most notorious free radical.
It is one of a small cluster named by the Portuguese "Ladrones" or Thieves, on account of the notorious habits of their old inhabitants.
AdvertisementMoreover, the idea of corporate responsibility and discipline was overshadowed by that of medicine for the individual soul, though public penance was still often exacted, especially in cases of notorious crime, as when Henry II.
This was due not so much to the notorious corruption of the representative system as to the fact that it represented social and economic conditions that were rapidly passing away.
His notorious sympathy with the peasantry further alienated the official classes and landed gentry, and his campaign against enclosures brought him into conflict with the strongest forces of the time.
An eminently safe and scholarly archbishop was found in Matthew Parker, who had not made himself notorious by resistance to authority even under Mary.
The king was generally loathed, not so much for his viceswhich would have been, in this case as in others, condoned in a more popular monarchbut for the notorious meanness and selfishness of his character.
AdvertisementHis first refuge was in Wei, a part of the present Ho-nan, the marquis of which received him kindly; but he was a weak man, ruled by his wife, a woman notorious for her accomplishments and wickedness.
This pope was notorious for nepotism, and was responsible for introducing his nephew, Rodrigo Borgia, afterwards Pope Alexander VI., to Rome.
By 1492 he had become sufficiently notorious to attract the attention of King Henry's government and of foreign sovereigns.
In this account nothing is said of confession; but it would appear that in early days the sins were made known to the congregation, and in notorious cases they would take the initiative and expel the offender.
His defence of the notorious edict of July 9, 1788, issued by the Prussian minister for ecclesiastical affairs, Johann Christoph von Wollner (1732-1800), the object of which was to enforce Lutheran orthodoxy, might with greater justice be cited as a sign of the decline of his powers and of an unfaithfulness to his principles.
AdvertisementThe Kurirs, a wandering and thieving tribe, the Kamais, professional burglars, and the Baruds, cattle-stealers and highwaymen, are notorious among the criminal classes.
Early in the 18th century the Scottish gipsies found a congenial home on the Roxburghshire side of the Cheviots; and at a later period the Scottish border became notorious for a hundred years as offering hospitality to runaway couples who were clandestinely married at Gretna Green, Coldstream or Lamberton.
As the preparations of the Jacobins had been notorious, some Rng of the isi fOth of measures of defence had been taken.
Many notorious bad characters had managed to creep into posts of influence and used their position to wreak personal vengeance or to enrich themselves at the expense of the public or the public treasury.
The Fijians were formerly notorious for cannibalism, which may have had its origin in religion, but long before the first contact with Europeans had degenerated into gluttony.
Maelmorda was restored to his kingdom, Sigtrygg received Brian's daughter in marriage, whilst Brian took to himself the Dublin king's mother, the notorious Gormflaith, who had already been divorced by Maelsechlainn.
The site of Harris's notorious mill and mill pond is beyond and partly below the Roman way flyover.
New York Post - The notorious Page Six gives all of the latest headlines, photos and celebrity sightings that hungry fans are looking for.
Cold weather is notorious for drying out the legs, feet, hands, and face, so you may need help for cracking skin during winter.
None came close to the successful track record of those tips identified as coming from the notorious Psychic Tipster.
A trader who is even suspected of dealing with such a victim of tyranny may be ruined by the mere imputation; his customers shun him from fear, and he is obliged to get a character from some notorious leaguer.
Mrs. Needham, for example, was a notorious bawd who died three days after being pilloried in 1731.
Once a meeting place of the notorious hellfire Club - now a great way to spend a day with the family.
The case was a notorious miscarriage of justice in Scotland.
Dr. Crippen Crippen is one of the most notorious murderers in the history of Scotland Yard.
There were many false starts, two of which were particularly notorious.
Wentworth beats him to the draw and leaves on his forehead the seal of The Spider, an already notorious killer of criminals.
Beside AMERY, another notorious British civilian renegade was directly involved in the BFC.
At the car park they swoop, carting away some of London's most notorious villains.
It is notorious that the Italians who emigrate to the United States largely return.
Part of a notorious Queens Park play area went up in smoke in the latest vandalism attack.
The stage is notorious for paling the skin with its glaring lights, and so a little blush goes a long way in the performing arts.
The venality of the electors became notorious.
This "Puttkammer regime" was intensely unpopular; it was attacked in the Reichstag not only by Radicals like Richter and Rickert, but by National Liberals like Bennigsen, and when the emperor Frederick III., whose Liberal tendencies were notorious, succeeded to the throne, it was clear that it could not last.
At this moment a notorious fraud was perpetrated on the Stock Exchange by an uncle of his and by other persons with whom he habitually acted in his speculations.
He gave new information about the continental career of the Young Pretender in Pickle the Spy (1897), an account of Alastair Ruadh Macdonell, whom he identified with Pickle, a notorious Hanoverian spy.
In the Transvaal the burghers of British origin were about equal in number with those of Dutch origin, and the fairly even balance of parties might be held to be a guarantee against retrogression; in the Orange River Colony it was notorious that the grant of selfgovernment meant handing over the control of the country not simply to the Boers, but to that section of them which since the war had exhibited the greatest racial bitterness.
The choice was a bold faced lie to the authorities or finding himself on Good Morning America and The Today Show as the notorious tipster.
While I expressed my disappointment, he reminded me our culprit had a notorious habit of frequently changing stolen plates.
The St. Barbe, on the homeward voyage, had been seized by the notorious pirate, and scuttled near the Nash Sands.
Black bears are notorious consumers of berries and may be foraging among the same bushes you want to visit.
Gwen Stefani is notorious for wearing red lipstick.
Probably one of the first and most notorious celebrity outings is that of the dashing Rock Hudson.
Companies such as Banana Republic and Ann Taylor are notorious for knocking off the cutting edge trends of higher runway names.
This slouchy and typically heavily embellished handbag is notorious amongst celebrities and up-and-coming starlets.
Kids are notorious for losing things; from jackets to gloves, children seem to have a knack for forgetting and losing their personal property.
The hospital also housed notorious and criminally insane patients, such as serial rapist Billy Mulligan.
It's no surprise that the Chupacabra in Texas has become notorious.
At least that's the cry every now and then when someone finds a strange animal carcass that seems to fit the description of the notorious "goat sucker".
For now, it seems that reports about the notorious "goat sucker" will continue to roll in.
These nightly and sprightly creatures love designers like Jeannie Nitro who are notorious for taking gothness to the next level of bizarre.
Children are notorious for changing their minds; you don't want to waste precious time finding another store if this were to happen.
According to the publisher, Tattoo Savage is a "nasty and notorious magazine" for people who like "parasitic flash art and piercing displays."
Car dealers are notorious for trying to link these two very separate transactions.
University of Alabama's football team is notorious as a team to beat and over the entire sports program, the University of Alabama has won sixteen division titles.
It was a notorious place for smuggling under the Embargo Acts of 1807 and 1808.
The delimitation (1903-1904) of the frontier between the Sudan and Abyssinia enabled order to be restored in a particularly lawless region, and slave-raiding on a large scale ended in that quarter with the capture and execution of a notorious offender in 1904.
The influence he gained at length aroused the anxiety of the authorities, and in May 1881 a certain Abu Saud, a notorious scoundrel, was sent to Abba Island to bring the sheikh to Khartum.
The town of Bougie was then the most notorious haunt of these "skimmers of the sea."
This port was so much the most formidable that the name of Algerine came to be used as synonymous with Barbary pirate, but the same trade was carried on, though with less energy, from Tripoli and Tunis - as also from towns in the empire of Morocco, of which the most notorious was Salli.
The notorious fondness of the Athenians for litigation increased his power; and the practice of "sycophancy" (raking up material for false charges; see Sycophant), enabled him to remove those who were likely to endanger his ascendancy.
The Catholic party, upheld by the empress, would not appoint an unfrocked seminarist, a notorious heretic, to a chair of Biblical exegesis.
It is only just to record that, although Malatesta's intrigue with Isotta had long been notorious to all, and he had never sought to conceal it, no one ever accused her of either direct or indirect complicity in her lover's crimes.
Black Shirts in the 1930s including the notorious headline ' Hurrah for the Blackshirts ' .
It supported Mosley's fascist Black Shirts in the 1930s including the notorious headline ' Hurrah for the Blackshirts ' .
It drops down to Eamont Bridge which was a notorious bottleneck in the early 60s.
In February 2005, actions to recover loss allegedly caused by the notorious vitamins cartel were settled out of court.
In this respect, the key role of the six county's notorious Special Branch will not inspire confidence outside of unionist quarters.
Private firms contracted to local councils have been notoriously corrupt, but the arms sector is equally notorious for overcharging the government.
Picked up by one of the more notorious pirate ships, Connor soon finds himself wielding a cutlass.
There are notorious examples of public art, such as those entered for the Turner prize, which cause derision or outrage.
Rubin seeks to go beyond a mere chronicle of the most notorious host desecration episodes.
Her son also became a brilliant painter - unfortunately, he was also one of Montmartre's most notorious drunkards.
The girls were shot dead - innocent victims caught up in a bloody feud between two notorious street gangs.
These men were notorious freebooters, famed for their cunning and bravery, and often for their generosity.
Only Monnie fails to get the point so Lizzie has to explain to her about Toni's husband Sean, a notorious gangster.
Such a notorious gunslinger as Blair didn't want to close off any options with a country he considers deadly and dangerous.
That event is well documented, and is certainly in the style of the Marquis, who was a notorious hooligan.
The US is notorious for the lack of protection afforded to animals incarcerated on factory farms.
I was thinking about purchasing my first jag and wanted to steer clear of models that are notorious for electrical problems.
In the USA the notorious antisemite Austin App and the right-wing libertarian Harry Elmer Barnes were publishing revisionist tracts.
It's an opportunity for 250 international arms companies to try and flog their wares to the notorious Indonesian military.
Pegg plays Don Chaney, a somewhat notorious mobster, and he brings this character alive well.
In his time, however, he was as notorious for his rampant nepotism and brutal Realpolitik.
Peter Singer is of course somewhat notorious in the bioethics field for his outspoken advocacy of euthanasia.
She sought to purify, beautify, and internationalize Taoyuan County, once notorious for problems of waste disposal and money politics.
Tubman's activities became so notorious that plantation owners offered a $ 40,000 reward for her capture.
Mr Allawi's new cabinet members became notorious for the amount of time they spent out of the country.
Newman portrays notorious outlaw Billy the Kid in director Arthur Penn's first feature, " The Left-Handed Gun " (1958 ).
Wintour is such a notorious fur pimp that she was presented with an award by the Fur Council of Canada.
In addition, the notorious prison at Kidal (a symbol of the years of repression) was closed in 1997.
The Crowby Crawler, a notorious serial rapist, is back on the streets with a mob of baying vigilantes at his heels.
It was the same notorious argument used by the Socialist Workers Party when it opposed republicanism being included in the policies of Respect.
He joined Drexel Burnham Lambert just months before the notorious junk bond scandals broke.
Sinbad (voiced by Brad Pitt) is the most daring and notorious rogue ever to sail the seven seas.
A sewerage system was built in the 1840s but notorious slums of the West Quarter remained until the 1930s.
These serious messages were enlivened by introductory shots of Progress crossing the Channel and closed with Chris Coburn sporting his now notorious yellow sou'wester!
Many people lost everything they owned, and the affair became one of the most notorious financial swindles in history.
This peculiar stroke which abruptly terminated his notorious debating career should give readers cause to ponder.
What would be thought of a tribunal which convicted a notorious thief of petty larceny on such evidence as this?
The Gold Cup - Raffles resolves to prove to everyone that he is not the notorious jewel thief.
Visual censuses unless undertaken in entirely open country are notorious for producing significant underestimates of the true population number.
The Kapitan Khlebnikov continues north into Baffin Bay, battling the notorious gyre (circular current) of ice that thwarted early whalers.
The shipbuilding yards of La Seyne have, however, been axed, closing the book on a centuries-old and at times notorious industry.
The exposed position of the bay, and the diversity of its currents, have rendered it notorious for its storms.
His sister Drusilla had broken the Law by her marriage with Felix; and his own notorious relations with his sister Berenice, and his coins which bore the images of the emperors, were an open affront to the conscience of Judaism.
The frequency with which even the most highly cultivated strains produce degenerate offspring is notorious, and is probably the reason for the profound belief in telegonic action asserted by most breeders.
The domestic problem, the problem of discontent in the island, had become acute by 1850, and from this time on to 1868 the years were full of conflict between liberal and reactionary sentiment in the colony, centreing about the asserted connivance of the captains-general in the illegal slave trade (declared illegal after 1820 by the treaties of 1817 and 1835 between Great Britain and Spain), the notorious immorality and prodigal wastefulness of the government, and the selfish exploitation of the colony by Spaniards and the Spanish government.
But no armed manifestation of revolt had taken place until the lawless and savage conduct of the Janissaries, who had made themselves masters of the country, assisted by the notorious governor of Vidin, Pasvan Oglu, 2 Text in Martens, Recueil, 2nd series, vol.
The most notorious of that school in England, Francis Anthony (1550-1623), never quotes Paracelsus, but relies upon Arnald de Villanova and Raimon Lull.
In 1743 he was elected heir to the throne of Sweden by the "Hat" faction in order that they might obtain better conditions of peace from the empress Elizabeth, whose fondness for the house of Holstein was notorious (see Sweden, History).
The removal of the papal court from Rome to Avignon, however, not only reduced its prestige but increased the pope's chronic financial embarrassments, by cutting off the income from his own dominions, which he could no longer control, while the unsuccessful wars waged by John XXII., the palace building and the notorious luxury of some of his successors, served enormously to augment the expenses.
The deficiencies in such returns are gross and notorious, but the census office feels obliged to seek for them and to report what it finds, however incomplete or incorrect the results may be.
If any one desires to appreciate the intellectual plane and the power - of this Ultramontane habit of thought, he will find ample material in the performances of the notorious swindler Leo Taxil under Leo XIII., and in the acceptance of his blasphemous effusions by the highest ranks of the clergy.
In 64 he made himself notorious for the orgies arranged by him in the Basin of Agrippa, and was suspected of incendiarism in connexion with the great fire, which, after having subsided, broke out afresh in his Aemilian gardens.
Their most notable representative was Robert Cooke, but they were more notorious for heretical views as to the Virgin Mary (see Anabaptists) than for their anti-paedobaptist position.
But indeed the whole of this intermediate period is full of dark subterranean plots and counterplots, still inexplicable, as, for instance, the hideous Fersen murder (June 20, 1 810) (see Fersen, Hans Axel Von) evidently intended to terrorize the Gustavians, whose loyalty to the ancient dynasty was notorious.
The father of this Vlad had himself been notorious for his ferocity, but his son, during his Turkish sojourn, had improved on his father's example.
The barbarous tortures and executions which rendered Khiva notorious in the East are no longer heard of; and the continual appeals of the khojas for "holy" war against their rivals find no response.
These serious messages were enlivened by introductory shots of Progress crossing the Channel and closed with Chris Coburn sporting his now notorious yellow sou'wester !
The Jewish sweatshops of the Leylands became notorious for their overcrowded houses, long hours of work and low pay.
At the car park they swoop, carting away some of London 's most notorious villains.
Toddlers are notorious for feeling fine one second and running a full-blown fever the next.
Toddlers are notorious for garnering the reputation of being difficult and temperamental.
Prices fluctuate between this period and are notorious for rising 7-14 days before the takeoff date.
Glocks, for example, are notorious for being reliable.
Styrofoam is notorious for filling up our landfills.
We nicknamed him the Phoenix, which is notorious for not only rising from ashes but also for taking down everyone and everything around them in flames.
The notorious licentiousness of the sect was the carrying out of their theory into practice.
He soon began to give proofs of the violence for which he afterwards became notorious; when in 1497 his brother Giovanni, duke of Gandia, was murdered, the deed was attributed, in all probability with reason, to Cesare.
At his death in 1786 he was succeeded by his son Charles, the notorious "Jockey of Norfolk," the big, coarse, generous, slovenly, hard-drinking Whig of whom all the memoirwriters of his age have their anecdotes.
But his predilections in favour of the revolutionists were notorious, and the mob seized the occasion to burn his chapel and sack his house at Fairhill.
A copy of the book was sent to the Prussian minister of education, Karl Albert Kamptz (1769-1849), the notorious hunter of democrats.
The disorders of his early years were notorious, and were a common subject of gossip. In the spring of 1767 he left Oxford and joined his father on the continent during a tour in France and Italy.
His brother, Sir John Lenthall, who, it was said, had too much influence with him, was notorious for his extortions as keeper of the King's Bench prison.
His successor succeeded in further aggrandizing the Bundela state, but he is represented to have been a notorious plunderer, and his character is further stained by the assassination of the celebrated Abul Fazl, the prime minister and historian of Akbar.
This ascendancy he abused by numerous acts of piracy which made him notorious throughout Greece; but his real purpose in building his navy was to become lord of all the islands of the archipelago and the mainland towns of Ionia.
He and his adherents were outlawed; no one was to print, sell or read any of his writings, " since they are foul, harmful, suspected, and come from a notorious and stiff-necked heretic."
This is true of the supreme crime of heresy, which in the notorious case of Servetus was only an expression of rules laid down over a thousand years earlier in the Theodosian Code.
South Dakota long bore a notorious reputation for the laxity of its divorce laws.
An act of 1907, ratified by popular vote in the election of 1908, raised the term of residence under which a person could apply for divorce from six months to one year, and provided that all cases should be tried openly at the regular term of court; and since the passage of this law Sioux Falls has ceased to be notorious for its divorce colony from other states.
Matters were soon ripe for foreign intervention, and the notorious Cyril of Alexandria, in whom the antagonism between the Alexandrian and Antiochene schools of theology,' as well as the jealousy between the patriarchate of St Mark and that of Constantinople, found a determined and unscrupulous exponent, did not fail to make use of the opportunity.
In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned.
By his will he founded the Boyle lectures, for proving the Christian religion against "notorious infidels, viz.
During the Reformation period Miihlhausen became notorious as one of the chief seats of the Anabaptists.
The class of traders who made a living by disreputable means and attempted to keep a monopoly of the island on which they settled, became notorious under the name of " beachcombers," and for each of the many dark chapters in Polynesian history there must have been many more unwritten.
Meanwhile the labour traffic, which had been initiated, so far as the, Pacific islands were concerned, by an unsuccessful attempt in 1847 to employ New Hebridean labourers on a settlement near the present township of Eden in New South Wales, had attained considerable proportions, had been improperly exploited and, as already indicated, had led the natives to retaliation, sometimes without discernment, a notorious example of this (as was generally considered) being the murder of Bishop Patteson in 1871.
Bryant's (or Bryan's) Station, near Lexington, was besieged in August 1782 by about 600 Indians under the notorious Simon Girty, who after raising the siege drew the defenders, numbering fewer than 200, into an ambush and in the battle of Blue Licks which ensued the Kentuckians lost about 67 killed .and 7 prisoners.
Gregory Nazianzen tells us that his father was a fuller, and that he himself soon became notorious as a parasite of so mean a type that he would "sell himself for a cake."
Of Pisindalis, her son and successor, little is known; but Lygdamis, who next attained to power, is notorious for having put to death the poet Panyasis and caused Herodotus, the greatest of Halicarnassians, to leave his native city (c. 457 B.C.).
Here his vicious practices became notorious, and in 1772 he was condemned to death at Aix for an unnatural offence, and for poisoning.
In applying to the total population of 1790 the rate of growth shown since 1790 by the white people of the South, this rate, for the purpose of the above compirtations, is taken in its entirety only up to 1870, and thereafterin view of the notorious lesser birth-rate since that year in the North and Westonly one half of the rate is used.
If Oscar did not actively assist the Opposition on this occasion, his disapprobation of his father's despotic behaviour was notorious, though he avoided an actual rupture.
The rest surrendered or were hunted down, the fate of Chitu, one of the most notorious, being to perish in a tiger's den.
This is the most bitterly criticized action in his career, but no one but the man on the spot can judge how it is necessary to handle a crowd; and in addition one of the princes, Abu Bukt, heir-apparent to the throne, had made himself notorious for cutting off the arms and legs of English children and pouring the blood into their mothers' mouths.
But his incapacity was so notorious that the conduct of affairs was entrusted to a council of state, consisting of Prince Metternich (q.v.) with other ministers, and two archdukes, Louis and Francis Charles.
The petty sultans who exercised authority were notorious slave traders.
On the death of the emperor the turbulent citizens of Rome renewed their outrages, and the pope himself was strangled by order of Crescentius, the son of the notorious Theodora, who replaced him by a deacon called Franco.
In 1580 he was removed to Wisbeach Castle, and there exercised such an influence of charity and peace among his fellow-prisoners that was remembered when, in after years, the notorious Wisbeach Stirs broke out under the Jesuit Weston.
His necessitous condition was so notorious that the clergy in convocation voted him a present of f5000.
The dean of faculty at this time, Lockhart, afterwards Lord Covington, a lawyer notorious for his harsh demeanour, in the autumn of 1757 assailed Wedderburn with more than ordinary insolence.
His reputation for sacrilege, increased five years later by the abolition of many monasteries, became notorious when the formation of the kingdom of Italy (1861) took away all the dominions of the pope except the patrimony of Peter, thereby reducing the papal provinces from twenty to five, and their population from over 3,000,000 to about 685,000.
The hatred openly avowed for her in England was due as much to her own activity in the interest of France as to her notorious rapacity.
That Peter both hated and dreaded her was notorious.
The Pontine Marshes (q.v.) included in the latter division, were drained, according to the plan of Bolognini, by Pius VI., who restored the ancient Via Appia to traffic; but though they have returned to pasture and cultivation, their insalubrity is still notorious.
It was not until the 4th of May 1877, when the peril from reactionary intrigues was notorious, and the clerical party had begun a campaign for the restoration of the temporal power of the pope, that he delivered his famous speech denouncing "clericalism" as "the enemy."
The notorious Jack Sheppard, wearied of Wild's exactions, at last refused to deal with him, whereupon Wild secured his arrest, and himself arrested Sheppard's confederate, "Blueskin."
Ali was angered by the refusal to surrender Parga and justly suspicious of the ambitions which this refusal implied; he could not feel himself secure with the Ionian Islands and the Dalmatian coast in the hands of a power whose plans in the East were notorious, and he was glad enough to avail himself of Napoleon's reverses in 1812 to help to rid himself of so dangerous a neighbor.
Apart from their control of public education, their power was enhanced by their efforts to better the position of women, and by their notorious leniency in the matter of punishments.
The name of Agnes Darer was for centuries used to point a moral, and among the unworthy wives of great men the wife of Darer became almost as notorious as the wife of Socrates.
A bishop and a deacon were sent to accuse the archbishop, and presented to him a list of charges, in which pride, inhospitality and Origenism were brought forward to procure the votes of those who hated him for his austerity, or were prejudiced against him as a suspected heretic. Four successive summonses were signified to Chrysostom, but he indignantly refused to appear until four of his notorious enemies were removed from the council.
The Moplahs of Malabar are notorious for repeated outbreaks of bloody fanaticism.
Paul Jones, the notorious buccaneer, served his apprenticeship at the port, which in 1778 he successfully raided, burning three vessels.
Such was the weakness of the caliph that a notorious robber, named Hamdi, obtained immunity for his depredations by a monthly payment of 25,000 dinars.
Its inhabitants, though unknown to Arab tradition, made themselves notorious in the adjacent Roman provinces.
Shebbeare (1709-1788), a violent party writer of the day, for a libel against the government contained in his notorious Letters to the People of England, which were published in the years 1756-1758.
The epidemic of 18 34183 5 was not less destructive than many of those notorious in history; but in1844-1845the disease disappeared.
Earthquakes are frequent all over the peninsula, but especially in the south-east and west, where the Maeander valley and the Gulf of Smyrna are notorious seismic foci.
She was notorious for her profligacy, avarice and ambition, and exercised a complete ascendancy over her weak-minded husband, with the help of his all-powerful freedmen.
His heterodoxy soon became notorious, and in 1710 he was deprived of his professorship and expelled from the university.
It is, in fact, as notorious an example of over-successful acclimatization as the rabbit, but in Hutton and Drummond's recent work on the New Zealand animals (London, 1905) it is not regarded in this light, considering that some very common exotic birds were needed to keep down the insects, which it certainly did.
After the insurrection of 1865, he created a special bulwark for his defence, and invented that secret police which grew into the notorious "Third Section" of the emperor's own chancery, and while it lasted, was the most dreaded power in the empire.
Many of these found their way to Crete, and becoming porters, &c. in Canea and Candia, were notorious for turbulence and fanaticism.
Among his friends was the notorious Andrew Bowes of Gibside, to the patronage of whose house the rise of the Scott family was largely owing.
The chancellorship was given to him professedly on account of his notorious anti-Catholic zeal.
In April 1806, for example, only one Republican deputy was returned, although it was notorious that the Republican party could command a majority in many constituencies.
After many years of notorious " boss " rule, the city in 1896 elected a reform mayor.
Putney Heath was formerly notorious as a resort of highwaymen and duellists.
Crowned in St Peter's on the 31st of August at the age of sixty-three, he entered upon the lonely path of the reformer_ His programme was to attack notorious abuses one by one; but in his attempt to improve the system of granting indulgences he was hampered by his cardinals; and reducing the number of matrimonial dispensations was impossible, for the income had.
His first case was the defence of a notorious robber and murderer.
He had nine children, six of whom, three sons and three daughters, survived him, amongst them the future emperor Gaius and the notorious Agrippina, the mother of Nero.
After 1897 he devoted himself to his law practice, being prominently associated with appeals in several notorious criminal trials.
Quinet's Parisian professorship was more notorious than fortunate, owing, it must be said, to his own fault.
Of his numerous mistresses the most notorious was Jane Shore.
A Persian force invited by the notorious Pheretima, mother of Arcesilaus III., in revenge for Barcan support of a rival faction, sacked it towards the close of the 6th century and deported a number of its inhabitants to Bactria.
An Early English crypt remains beneath the neighbouring parish church of St John, where the notorious deception of the "Cock Lane Ghost," in which Johnson took great interest, was exposed.
A prison erected here at this period gave place later to the House of Detention, notorious as the scene of a Fenian outrage in 1867, when it was sought to release certain prisoners by blowing up part of the building.
He is called in one book the most notorious of profligates; in another, the brand plucked from the burning.
It is notorious among engineers that retaining walls designed in accordance with the well-known theory of conjugate pressures in earth are unnecessarily strong, and this arises mainly from the assumption that the earth is merely a loose granular mass without any such adhesion.
In the beginning of the 14th century it was notorious for its piracies.
By 1640 the feebleness of the monarchy was so notorious that it began to fall to pieces.
The latter and a strong and influential body of Conservatives, chiefly young politicians, dissented from the easy-going views of Romero Robledo and of Canovas on the expediency of reforms to correct the notorious and old-standing abuses and corruption of the municipalities, especially of Madrid.
But, after delays which involved the loss of much precious time, the British government refused (13th of March) to sanction the appointment, because Zobeir had been a notorious slave-hunter.
Was a " double " killed instead of the notorious bandit John Dillinger outside a Chicago theater in 1934?
Too notorious to reclaim her own birthright, Boudica strives instead to return her daughters to their heritage.
In the latter we observe the malignity, the intriguing and revengeful disposition for which she was so notorious.
The only difficult case involved the now notorious Fr Brendan Smyth.
But most famous - or perhaps I should say notorious - of all was the Austin Allegro.
This major was notorious as "Robin the Devil," and his story is told in Scott's Rokeby.
His gluttony and drunkenness were notorious, and he was an athlete of great prowess.
The Danish rule had, during the centuries following the Reformation, gradually brought Iceland to the verge of economic ruin; the ancient Parliament of the island, which had degenerated to a mere shadow, had been abolished in 1800; all the revenue of Iceland went into the Danish treasury, and only very small sums were spent for the good of the island; but worst of all was the notorious monopoly which gave away the whole trade of Iceland to a single Danish trading company.
Both Kuragin and Dolokhov were at that time notorious among the rakes and scapegraces of Petersburg.
The area was home to some of the most notorious reiving families, including the Armstrongs and Elliots.
Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders are the most notorious poisonous spiders.
Stage lights are notorious for making individuals sweat.
Battery life-Olympus' line of waterproof cameras are notorious for having mediocre to poor battery life.
Of course, since children are notorious for their short attention spans, don't expect your child to spend hours creating the perfect layout.
Teen girls are notorious for talking about boys.
Bridesmaid dresses are notorious for their unattractiveness.
Tahiti and her Islands, located in the South pacific, are notorious for fostering romance.
But the notorious video vixen swears that their relationship is purely platonic; she's only being a friend in his time of need.
Comedian Jay Leno is one of the most notorious celebrity car collectors.
Besides doing something at the wrong time, celebrities are also notorious for saying the wrong things in front of photographers, fans and even the media.
Hefner, the notorious ladies man and editor of Playboy magazine, was well-known for his entourage of girlfriends.
Four people were stabbed at Sean Combs produced Notorious B.I.G. bio-pic Notorious premiere.
The Brooklyn stabbing wasn't the only violent incident related to the Notorious premiere.
Angelina Jolie is certainly famous for her acting roles, but she is almost notorious for her personal life.
He's also become a bit notorious for a video that surfaced on the Internet, featuring him drunk and attempting to eat a cheeseburger.
Biggie Smalls, also known as Notorious B.I.G., was also killed in a drive-by shooting.
Kanye West - Notorious for his acerbic tongue and shameless rants, this hip hop star has telephobia, a fear of phones.
The celebrities mentioned above are just the more notorious ones.
Toddlers are notorious for establishing their newly found independence, and you can help foster this in your child by letting him have some say in his new duds.
Toddler sizes are notorious for fitting differently depending upon the size.
Janie and Jack is notorious for its adorable preppy designs.
Popular stores like Kohl's, Target, JC Penney and Sears are notorious for making drastic markdowns during various times of the year.
However, party schools have a notorious reputation for allowing (and sometimes, even encouraging) gratuitous alcohol use among undergraduates, even those who are not of the legal drinking age.
Alaskan wedding cruises are notorious for their beautiful scenery, but choosing the right time of year to visit and the best cruise line is essential to make sure you have the best experience possible.
The most notorious musician associated with Bossa Nova is guitarist Antonio Carlos Jobim, and guitar is the instrument most typically associated with the style.
Many of us know of hemp from its notorious counterpart, marijuana, but there is a big difference between the two.
Sleeves are very important factors for many women and summer dresses are notorious for lacking adequate arm coverage.
Dior is notorious for huge lenses that dwarf quite a few others!
These are great for those notorious for breaking their glasses, or falling asleep with them on.
Anti-reflective coatings are notorious for becoming scratched and/or foggy.
Spyder is notorious for their ski gear and has been an innovative company for years.
Affordable Disney family vacations may seem like an oxymoron, as this particular theme park chain is notorious for both its big entertainment value and even bigger price tag.
Disney tickets, however, are more notorious for being pricey.
Puzzle games and simulation games are notorious for their addictive quality.
Your goal is to catch a notorious cat burglar in the act of her final job in Telgrad.
The primary goal on each level is to carve your way to the end, eliminating foes until you face off with some of the most notorious Dark Jedi in the Legoverse.
Def Jam Rapstar is a singing simulation game where you rap some of the genres biggest hits like "Hypnotize" from The Notorious B.I.G and "Gold Digger" by Kanye West.
Teenagers, especially boys, are notorious for being able to empty the refrigerator of food, usually without gaining excess weight.
However, the internet is notorious for being unreliable and full of misinformation.
You can find the music on the self-titled CD "Notorious Cherry Bombs."
This gives the sullen and put-off appearance that the emo look is notorious for.
Mothers with newborns are notorious for little sleep and trouble focusing--not the best time for a review.
Teens are notorious for being moody, and the mood swings are typically attributed to hormonal changes during puberty.
Alcatraz, or as it is less affectionately known, The Rock, is an island of notorious repute in the San Francisco Bay, just over a mile off of the City's touristy Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf.
Is this particular kennel notorious for overbooking, in turn leaving some dogs crated while others have more room to roam?
Victoria's Secret is notorious for its wide swimsuit selections, and within the tankini category you are sure to find one or two apron styles.
Juicy Couture is a notorious name in swimwear.
After all, it was those very same notorious, brow-raising fashions that defined the decade.
Runway style is notorious for its outward, brash and unforgettable looks.
Notorious for being an "intelligent" board game which requires a high level of word and spelling knowledge, many have been stumped and intimidated by it.
Although the Christmas shopping season is notorious for putting a strain on the pocketbook, getting a Christmas gift for him that is extra-special could be on your idea list.
Babies are notorious for their lack of patience.
Target is notorious for selling their Halloween costumes, supplies, and even candy for as much as fifty, seventy-five, and even ninety percent off.
Just don't expect them to be on time for your dates because Geminis are notorious for running late.
Taurus is notorious for his obstinate nature.
Toddlers and preschoolers are notorious for temper tantrums, ignoring the word "no" and whining or asking "Why?" on a regular basis.
Kids are notorious for losing small pieces that come with games, rendering the games useless and unplayable.
Kids are also notorious for eating, coloring with markers, and letting pets visit, all in their beds.
Kids are notorious for neglecting their four-legged friends after the "new" wears off.
Home schooling parents are notorious for seeing learning opportunities in everyday life.
Pink's Infamous Spoof Video is notorious in the way it stabs at video girls, pop goddesses and all the other sexist cheesiness of American pop culture.
Blood has a notorious reputation as being one of the most difficult stains to remove.In many ways this is true.
Kids are notorious for their short attention spans, so you don't want to have to stop the project to find glue or crayons.
Fire alarms are notorious for going off at the worst possible times.
No matter how well constructed, pantyhose is notorious for their snags and runs.
With the perks of the card, it'll make you feel almost like you are one of the notorious Victoria's Secret Angels.
Always a trendsetter, she is also notorious for her rigorous workout schedule.
The band infuses an interesting mix of Christian pop, rock, and alternative sounds and is notorious for its unique lyrics.
At the time there was a nice selection of new artists and artists that you may not have heard of, alongside of popular artists like Snoop Dog and Notorious Big.
Only You by 112 and Notorious Big is a nice ballad that rounds out the harder songs and the female singers.
The rapper known as Notorious B.I.G. is perhaps better known for his murder than for his music.
As a forerunner of the most violent type of "gangsta" rap, Christopher Wallace, who first became known as Biggie Smalls, then as Notorious B.I.G., became a symbol of the genre.
Forever tied together with Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G. was first friends with the West Coast rapper, then, following a falling out, a verbal enemy.
The first album, ironically titled Ready to Die, became a major hit, and led to the now renamed Notorious B.I.G. to be named Billboard's 1995 MC of the Year.
Following the release of Ready to Die, Notorious B.I.G. found himself again embroiled with problems with the police.
During Notorious B.I.G.'s heyday, he became friends with West Coast rapper Tupac Shakur of Death Row Records.
Notorious B.I.G., the man who proclaimed he was ready to die with the title of his first album, told friends he was in fear of his life.
Shakur reportedly told Wallace when they met again a year later that Shakur was saying all the public insults to Notorious B.I.G. just to sell his records.
Meanwhile, Notorious B.I.G. had recorded a double album to be called Life After Death.
For more information about Christopher Wallace and his rap career as Biggie Smalls and later, Notorious B.I.G., go to the Internet Movie Database website.
Released in 1994, Big Poppa is the signature hit of the late rap legend Notorious B.I.G.
College students are notorious for throwing a gathering together at the last minute.
Teenagers are notorious for automatically nixing their parents' ideas of a good time, but a well-planned party can result in a fun and safe time for your teen and his or her friends.
Teens are notorious for feeling a little footloose and fancy-free when they attend a party at someone else's home, so be clear about any expectations and limitations.
Richard Hatch is undoubtedly the most notorious Survivor winner.
The show also focuses on Jeff's notorious temper and his own home life.
The Girls Next Door viewers were able to get a glimpse at what life is like for one of the most notorious bachelors around while also seeing what it takes to make a group relationship survive.
He also played the German spy Ingrid Bergman married in order to spy on in Notorious.
Jabba the Hutt - Jabba the Hutt is a notorious crime lord in the Star Wars galaxy where he is head of the Black Sun Syndicate.
One of these is the common culprit Poison Ivy, a plant notorious for causing major skin irritation to those who encounter it.
In England this power was frequently employed during the 18th century and was confirmed by the Post Office Act of 1837; its most notorious use being, perhaps, the opening of Mazzini's letters in 1844.
The unrest in France in the years1795-1797resulted mainly from the harshness, incompetence and notorious corruption of the five Directors who, after the 13th of Vendemiaire 1795, practically governed France.
Some of the most daring spirits waged war on their conquerors from Clissa in Dalmatia, and afterwards from Zengg in maritime Croatia, where they formed the notorious pirate community of the Uskoks.
There is a legend that William Pitt the younger thought of her; the somewhat notorious lover of Mlle de Lespinasse, Guibert, a cold-hearted coxcomb of some talent, certainly paid her addresses.
His activity was so notorious that he was exiled from court, but was consoled by a canonry at Toledo.
A second protagonist of error, this time of Gentile philosophic criticism directed against fundamental Judaism, is Apion, the notorious anti-Jewish Alexandrine grammarian of Peter's day; while the role of upholder of astrological fatalism (Genesis) is played by Faustus, father of Clement, with whom Peter and Clement debate at Laodicea.
The civil dissensions of Egypt were notorious at the tilDe.
Hear about our legendary haunted vaults, home of the notorious, violent and misogynistic South Bridge Poltergeist.
Their leniency, which was notorious, alienated the king or probably furnished him with a pretext for breaking with them.
The " song " of the male cicads is notorious and the structures by which it is produced have already been described (see also Cicada).
Rostov was talking merrily to his two friends, one of whom was a dashing hussar and the other a notorious duelist and rake, and every now and then he glanced ironically at Pierre, whose preoccupied, absent-minded, and massive figure was a very noticeable one at the dinner.
Mood swings-Because toddlers are notorious for their mood swings, diagnosing autism on the basis of emotional behavior is often difficult to do.
He became specially notorious because of a curious controversy that arose concerning the amulets which Eybeschiitz was suspected of issuing.
It is notorious, however, on the coasts that a Malay gang on board a ship invariably gets the better of any fight which may arise between it and the Chinese crew.
Towards the close of his life, he had to fight against his own son, Thomas de Marie, who in 1115 succeeded him, subsequently becoming notorious for his deeds of violence in the struggles between the communes of Laon and Amiens.
Many parts of the state are wild and hilly, inhabited by a large Mina population, formerly notorious as a race of robbers.
The inhabitants are notorious for fanaticism and lawlessness, and Europeans are usually greeted with vile epithets.
He was the son of General Count Nicholas Muraviev (governor of Grodno), and grandson of the Count Michael Muraviev, who became notorious for his drastic measures in stamping out the st Polish insurrection of 1863 in the Lithuanian provinces.
In a fine Alfred Hitchcock movie called Notorious, the troubled character played by Ingrid Bergman gets very drunk at a party and asks Cary Grant to come for a drive.
To these seven groups, which are included under the general appellation of Malissori, or "highlanders," may be added the Malsia of Dibra, who extend to the west and north of that town, and form a large separate group; they are notorious for their fierce lawless character, and maintain themselves by plundering the Bulgarian peasants in their neighbourhood.
It should, however, in fairness be added that only notorious bloodsuckers, or obstinately resisting noblemen, were destroyed in this way.
In 1713 he had become somewhat notorious from his vigorous pamphleteering attack on the fashion of drinking healths, especially "to the glorious and immortal memory."