Nothing Sentence Examples
She tried to speak, but nothing came out.
Nothing. I was just thinking about technology.
There's nothing much to tell.
There was nothing he could do.
There was nothing illegal going on, simply mysterious.
I guess there's nothing we can do here.
Nothing is so necessary for a young man as the society of clever women.
There's nothing wrong with dreaming, Carmen.
Nothing is slowing down.
I have done nothing but select and cut.
AdvertisementShe searched around for a landmark that could be seen over the trees, but nothing was tall enough.
They did nothing that was beneath the dignity of princes.
With nothing more to do, she wandered in to watch him shave.
Nothing more was said about the tear session.
It is nothing but downside for them.
AdvertisementYou know nothing about it.
I told you there was nothing going on between us.
As for sitting around doing nothing, I'm going to do something about that.
As Alfred Einstein once observed, "Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war."
Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it.
AdvertisementIt is true that I have been asleep, but I know nothing about this money.
Even as she thought it, she knew her anger had nothing to do with their heritage.
I knew you'd be upset and there is nothing you can do... nothing I can do.
Nothing was truly resolved except possibly the hostility between them.
Nothing could be gained by remaining still.
AdvertisementHe shook the newspaper and said nothing more until Sarah announced that supper was ready.
The look she gave him revealed nothing but exasperation.
There was nothing suggestive about her attire, and it was too hot to wear jeans.
But that has nothing to do with the anonymous sharing of data.
First, this future farm I describe is nothing like what I go out of my way to avoid today.
I have nothing to complain of.
The battle is won, and there is nothing extraordinary in the capture of Murat.
There was nothing she could do about it until he got home, so she might as well not think about it.
Ahead was nothing but a narrow dirt road lined with mature Oak trees and brush.
Nothing existed around her during that time but numbness.
That is our common misfortune, and I shall grudge nothing to help you.
There's nothing wrong with that girl!
No. I had nothing to do with it.
I lay there, listening, but heard nothing.
He said nothing, his decision already made.
You will say nothing to anyone about what you see about me.
I'm nothing like you.
She wasn't able to make an official deal with Darkyn to save the kids, and she had nothing to offer him.
There's nothing more to do.
The longer he thought, the more he realized his frustration had nothing to do with his duties as Death.
Pushing himself away from the book that would reveal nothing he sought, he went to the small, square window overlooking the stone structure of the Sanctuary.
No tumor, nothing to stop them from working through whatever issues they had to make a life together.
The Oracle had given him nothing, and he didn't feel able to sit still and drink tea with Daniela, the headmistress of the order of nuns who managed this Sanctuary.
Is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?
If I could eat grass I would not need a conscience, for nothing could then tempt me to devour babies and lambs.
They could do nothing but give up all their goods and money.
They aren't responsible for the oil being in Alaska and do nothing to extract the oil from the earth.
She devoted herself to her dolls the first evening, and when it was bedtime she undressed very quietly, but when she felt me get into bed with her, she jumped out on the other side, and nothing that I could do would induce her to get in again.
Nothing is going to happen - not tonight or any other night.
Or is it because now I have nothing to lose?
When I finally stopped, she said nothing.
He looked at me but said nothing.
He'd never been afraid of anything in his life until that moment when all his power and control meant nothing.
She looked away, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
Dusty wanted nothing more than to order Darian back to Ohio to finish one mess before dragging them into another.
At first, there was nothing.
The vamp said nothing.
I just came back from a battery of tests that said nothing's wrong with me.
The words would mean nothing to her at that point.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Gabe said nothing, suspecting he knew where the death-dealer was hiding out.
But they heard him at the council of war and will hear him when he talks sense, but to temporize and wait for something now when Bonaparte fears nothing so much as a general battle is impossible.
There was nothing exotic about it; just a cluttered mess.
I held out my hand; nothing.
I'm stuck here over the weekend anyway... with nothing much to do.
Howie asked about my job and confessed he was spending far too much time doing nothing.
Martha said nothing during my discourse, not helping my confidence.
True to our verbal blackout, nothing specific was said but the tone of her conversation hinted at sensational news.
Surprisingly, Quinn said nothing.
Howie had difficulty locating the apartment and nothing untoward occurred before he was awoken by the sound of a horn, seventeen minutes later.
I have no desire to interfere with something about which I know nothing.
Nothing was learned from the brief visit that contradicted what the man had said to me.
Do nothing for the time being but perhaps consider instituting a little misdirection in the future.
While we were free to play with it, nothing was required of us.
The doctor would learn he or she was treating the so-called psychic tipster but nothing else about the person's identity.
They'll maintain a public web site you might peruse occasionally but they'll know nothing of your group or what you're doing.
While we presumed Daniel Brennan and Merrill Cooms had gleaned much about our group from our many conversations, we continued to volunteer nothing concrete.
I think it's worth publicizing it, especially if the license plate turns out to be stolen and we have nothing.
Nothing was said until we settled on a bench near the circular band stand, beneath the obligatory memorial statue.
If the Federal Government is continuing to dog us, they are doing so clandestinely, as we've heard nothing of their activities.
Other than catching sight of Howie, together with Julie and Molly entering church on Sunday morning, we saw nothing more of our associate's Boston visitors.
But with a bike there's nothing I can attach to.
It was unusual having nothing to do.
He's so generous; there's nothing he wouldn't do for us.
When I said nothing, he continued.
He can't stand to sit around and do nothing.
There's nothing that's going to scare you.
It's not a solution but it will help a lot more than doing nothing while this guy may be getting closer.
I peered closely, searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing.
There's nothing to keep him in Santa Barbara.
I moved to the want ads, speculating on what I'd be doing with my time in the future but nothing caught my eye.
Howie said nothing as I related in detail most, at least, of what I'd learned from Willard Humphries.
I stepped away as he conversed with his eastern counterpart but I was too hyper to stand idly by, doing nothing.
The detective gave me a look but said nothing as he led me down a long corridor to a darkened back room.
I knew he wanted to remain close to Julie so I said nothing further about trying to go back.
It killed me, knowing we might remain here, doing nothing, and not knowing what was happening to Betsy and Molly.
There was nothing more I could do here absent Howie so I rounded up patrolman Murphy and asked him to return me to the hospital.
I said nothing on the hour long trip in his van.
I resolved to remain calm for her sake and talked of nothing but positive certainty of our escape.
I mean nothing untoward by my demand but there are weapons at your disposal I haven't had time to remove.
I must assure myself you are carrying nothing on your person.
There's nothing there newer than the first month when we were testing.
Right now, nothing matters but finding Betsy and Molly.
She has nothing to do with it!
There's nothing here for you to see.
First it was enough for a hand, but nothing but dust was within reach.
Howie thinks he hears movement outside at one point but sees nothing.
He was her world, but she'd been nothing more than an afterthought, strung along with promises for years.
Still, a life of betrayal with Aaron was nothing compared to a life as Talon's slave!
He was dressed in black but not in SWAT gear, as if he knew nothing in this world could hurt him.
Similar to the bedroom, there was nothing on any of the flat surfaces, not even dust.
Whoever lived here had nothing personal to show, no pieces of his personality for her to dissect before she faced him.
He faced her when she said nothing in response and didn't leave his bedroom.
He hadn't thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human's face reminded him he'd been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while.
His thoughts went to the memory he wanted nothing more than to forget forever.
Bianca waited for Darian to say something more insightful, but nothing came.
He said nothing to Talon, gave no trace he knew something was wrong.
She breathed in nothing but water and panicked, clawing at the arm wrapped around her.
Nothing can get in or out.
Watch the kid, and make sure nothing-- and I mean nothing-- leaves that place alive!
If she kills you, nothing is lost.
He said nothing else and moved away.
With nothing but her troubled thoughts, the cold rain, and a lonely room in the bed and breakfast down the road, she didn't feel like leaving just yet.
You have nothing to fear.
He wasn't sure what he expected—maybe a cold, hard Medusa—but the young woman Sean indicated was nothing like that.
Running up the stairs to the main floor, she wanted nothing more than to return to the safety of her room.
Jule was nothing like the men her father warned her about.
Nothing more than a kid.
There was nothing remotely friendly or soft about Charles.
His senses tingled, and he dwelled on how his defensive powers almost seemed to work when nothing else did.
Nothing of what Jule told her made sense with what her father told her.
Jenn said nothing, aware the vamps in the interrogation room were listening.
Nothing was alive in here, either.
It might mean nothing, but I wanted to tell you.
The Watcher said nothing.
Creatures like you, whose hearts I would cut out with my nails if I had nothing else.
There was a pause, then Xander purred, "You know I do nothing for free."
Rourk did nothing wrong.
Xander seemed like nothing more than a bored guest.
Darian wants nothing to do with any woman after what he's been through.
Nothing bad will ever happen to you again, Yully, I swear this to you.
What do you mean there's nothing wrong?
Nothing more, she told herself.
As their king, Damian owed them nothing.
There was nothing familiar about her surroundings—nothing!
Several more men entered the library, all staring at her in nothing short of total surprise.
Nothing short of miraculous!
Every day he awoke wondering what happened to him, but he remembered nothing beyond waking up the day before.
This world … their world … was nothing like what she knew.
That Damian was capable of the same level of violence as these men reminded her that this world was nothing like hers.
He hacked him apart until there was nothing but pulp.
She said nothing, her heart somersaulting.
He kneaded her breasts, wanting nothing better than to suckle her until she cried out in ecstasy.
Always want women with huge boobs and nothing between their ears.
Dustin assessed her in silence for a few seconds, and she had the feeling his sharp gaze missed nothing.
Nothing happened, and they're both pissed at me.
Damian didn't care; Sofia liked Pierre, and he had a feeling Pierre's blunt dose of reality was soothing to her in a world where nothing else made sense.
She saw nothing but death and the darkness in every soul she ran across.
Jule had always said he inspired men to follow him, though he saw nothing different in what he did than what his deputies did.
She said nothing, realizing she'd told him something he didn't know.
He said nothing, and she saw the look that crossed his face, as if he wasn't sure what to make of it.
Tonight, you're nothing to me.
She opened her eyes when nothing happened, shaking from both cold and fear.
Compelled to him like nothing else in the world, she touched his face with a quivering hand.
When I'm ready to destroy the world, you waltz in like it's nothing.
Dusty said nothing but drew abreast of him.
There's nothing wrong with it.
Nothing here can get through me.
Her greeter motioned her to follow, and she obeyed, her mind on Damian and nothing else.
He knew nothing beyond the past twenty-four hours.
She kept the movies playing, focusing on nothing other than the brothers' time together.
In that moment, nothing else mattered to him.
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
He drove them through back roads and alleys to ensure no one followed before taking the highway and exiting into a direction that appeared to be nothing but desert.
A look around her bedchamber with its black, stone walls, ceiling and floor revealed nothing remotely edible.
Was what she felt for Gabriel nothing more than destiny and Immortal laws she knew nothing about?
He did nothing but hide the truth from you.
You know Past-Death will stop at nothing to get what she wants, Darkyn said.
His chilling smile did nothing to make his statement more tolerable.
There's nothing else between you and me, except you accepting it.
You have nothing to fear from me now.
I want nothing to do with you.
She traded me to him, Wynn, like I'm nothing.
I mean nothing to you, like I meant nothing to her?
It didn't make sense that nothing could save the girl, or that Darkyn was capable of trying to.
The children were all elementary age, their dismembered bodies nothing but carnage.
Nothing in the living room was hers.
There is nothing I will do to you that you cannot handle now that you're a demon.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
Because if it fails, it costs you nothing.
If it doesn't, you owe me nothing.
You'll have to trust I'm nothing like you, that what I eventually ask of you doesn't do to you what you did to me.
Nothing rest and therapy can't fix.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
She almost told him that – of the two of them – she was the one with nothing to fear from Darkyn.
It had nothing to do with you or how I felt.
He had nothing but ambition.
I saw how you were created from a seventeen-year-old boy who wanted nothing more than for your mistress to love you.
I figured I had nothing to lose now.
This time, there was nothing else standing between her and her destiny.
Nothing else mattered except that she was alive.
Martha said nothing but tears streaked her cheeks.
The young girl bowed her head but said nothing.
He said nothing of his visit to Martha's room and busied himself on the stoop taping a "Dean for Sheriff" poster to a wooden stake before adding it to a growing pile.
I didn't plan it or nothing.
When they still said nothing, she turned away.
And there was nothing funny about it.
I squirmed and screamed and begged and wailed my head off and told them I hated them but nothing helped.
It hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before and I was humiliated beyond belief.
Cynthia turned away, saying nothing but snuggling the white owl to her bosom.
Never mind there were only three hundred die-hard fans with nothing else to do in attendance for the end of the year outing of a last place team.
Big brother Joseph Dawkins, the smart one of the family, gritted his teeth and said nothing.
He beat Walter Johnson in a showdown, one to nothing.
It certainly does nothing to make the skeleton look more realistic.
Nothing. I so wanted something we could toss back in Fitzgerald's face.
Nope. He tried to locate Josh what's-his-name a couple of times—there were notes—but then nothing.
Look, I can sympathize with you, but there's nothing I can do, at least not yet.
You don't go fishing 'cause it's Friday and there's nothing for supper.
I couldn't find nothing on Josh without a last name, but Ed Plotke was in the phone book for six years between 1956 and 1962.
Nothing Paul and I did made sense to anyone but us.
Nothing. Maybe turn it over to some public trust so it remains unspoiled.
The old man was careful of privacy and territory and would take nothing without first asking.
He saw nothing, and the others cautiously emerged.
They climbed higher, circling the open area in front of the entrance, but still saw nothing.
Jennifer said nothing more for the remainder of the trip down the mountain until the Jeep finally rolled onto pavement and they entered the still busy town.
Dean could see nothing behind him, only the slope directly beneath his feet.
The old man said nothing but shook his hand.
There was nothing to tell.
They've seen everything and nothing fazes them anymore.
It was obvious to Dean that nothing in Ouray went unobserved.
Ten minutes later, Lydia Larkin answered her door dressed in very tight and very small white shorts with a red elastic thing that covered only her breasts and nothing of the acres of skin in the middle.
She set her jaw and said nothing for several minutes.
Nothing. We didn't discuss it.
Nothing. I said I answered the 911 call and you came along— down the mountain, not up from town like me—and we went down to the crash together.
He was nice enough to say I didn't belong locked up but this was Fitzgerald's jurisdiction and he couldn't do nothing about it.
Just to make sure nothing disturbed daddy's open arms, she offered me a hundred bucks for the picture!
By this time she was married to Bill Radisson and wanted nothing to do with Mulligan.
There was nothing they could say or do about Martha's situation except to keep their telephone nearby and pray for the best.
Then he added, on a more serious note, "I'll give you a hand if I can, but nothing official."
I was kind of scared they might shoot us or something, but nothing bad happened.
He wanted her, and nothing had ever made her happier in her life than when she saw the depth of his emotion in his eyes and lived through the consuming intensity with which he made love to her.
He was certain to take her to climax each time before seeking his own release, a practice she'd never participated, when she was a goddess who felt nothing.
He was nothing like the deities who didn't mind sacrificing a few humans to get what they wanted.
Nothing – not even Darkyn – could change that, even if the Immortal mating script changed again.
You did nothing wrong, Gabriel.
With nothing else to lose, all she could think about was what happened to the human she left in Hell.
Gabriel had seen human-Deidre but said nothing about what shape she was in.
Darkyn's mate said nothing but managed to shake her head.
Deidre said nothing, pensive.
Her mate said nothing.
Gabriel said nothing, anger barely contained.
Gabriel said nothing, troubled by the idea of either girl being unable to help herself.
There was nothing little about his lust.
After Tess broke their engagement - at the last minute - there had been no reason for him to hold his end of the bargain... nothing but integrity.
For her, the last fourteen months had been nothing short of heaven on earth.
The money and the farm meant nothing to Carmen.
Poor Destiny will be left with nothing.
I have a light schedule today anyway... nothing that can't wait.
Nothing more than usual.
Other than the situation with Lori and the fact that it was a busy day, nothing was different than any other day.
It was nothing but pure jealousy that guided her thoughts – and fear of losing him.
I loved you from the day we met, and it had nothing to do with guilt or pity.
Nothing about that has changed.
Lori, we had nothing to do with the making of the will.
All I know is that Carmen had nothing to do with this.
This was nothing to him.
Something she saw must have tipped her off, yet nothing looked out of place.
She could do nothing without endangering both Destiny and Jonathan.
Unfortunately, he has said nothing to me about you.
Nothing was wrong with his ability to do that.
There was nothing wrong with Katie's figure except that she was a little over weight.
Nothing felt right, so she decided to tuck her hands behind her back and simply lean against the wall.
His expression revealed nothing but shock.
Short of fighting him off as she would an attacker, there was nothing she could do but submit.
Nothing could explain the sadness she felt at that discovery.
Nothing was stopping her from talking to him – nothing but fear.
He would sit there looking at her as he had since he came home from the hospital, not talking and his expression revealing nothing.
I feel like you're using me – like it means nothing to you.
If nothing else, it would put them on equal ground.
He frowned and opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but when nothing came out, his expression became skeptical.
No, your morals have nothing to do with my reluctance to introduce him.
Nothing looked out of place or like they had been restless in the night.
He said nothing more and she didn't look to see the expression on his face before she left the house.
Being happy has nothing to do with where you are.
It's nothing to me where you hang your hat.
He would take them to see his father if they wished, but his father's life was nothing like theirs.
There was nothing she kept from him.
You have nothing to apologize for.
If nothing else, Wynn was going to make a terrific friend.
The room of the Sanctuary where he materialized consisted of nothing more than a lectern holding a massive book possessed by a long-dead Oracle.
There was nothing at all within a few feet of him, aside from knee-high wild flowers waving happily in the spring breeze.
They lived for nothing more.
If nothing else, he'd check out this Logan guy this evening and see whatever it was Rhyn wanted him to see.
It counted for something but did nothing to soothe her anger.
Nothing anyone else can see.
There's nothing else on the planet that forces you to really see and accept who you are as the day the doctor says you're dying.
Surprised at her body's eagerness, Deidre said nothing.
The cabbie said nothing.
There was no sign of the gentle man who made love to her last night, nothing but the cold, stony features of death.
Either I'm already dead, and nothing happens.
She stood and walked to the door, saying nothing more.
Nothing they said made sense.
Falling thirty stories onto the hard sand of the Sanctuary did nothing to help.
He could think of nothing more appealing than kicking his mate's ass, as much for leaping off the building as for making him feel what he did when he saw her jump.
He thought of nothing else but saving her.
He said nothing else.
Nothing could hurt her.
Terrified she'd find him in the tub, nothing more than a pile of bones, she pushed herself away from the wall and focused hard on calling a portal.
While she heard nothing, she smelled coffee.
Nothing did, except that she hurt Gabriel.
Nothing can get you here, which is why I'm not allowed to leave.
I came to Atlanta with nothing but the clothes on my back.
Entering the house, she heard nothing indicating he was home.
Really, Deidre, it's nothing.
Nothing I couldn't handle.
It was hard to remind herself she'd done absolutely nothing to earn it in this life.
He wanted nothing to do with her, and she rejected him.
The sense that nothing was real filled her again.
Nothing about this place looked like it was something Gabriel chose.
Rather than dread at what lie ahead of him, he felt nothing but anger.
A quick search yielded nothing, except similar worry to the first man.
I expect nothing less from you.
There's nothing else I'm willing to try.
She brought nothing but terror.
Speechless for a long moment, she did nothing but stare at him.
Nothing made sense to her numbed mind, aside from the fragrant ocean, the fine sand that slid through her fingers like silk, and the warm-cool sensations caused by a combination of afternoon sun and sea breeze.
He said nothing, even as the last finger of light faded from the horizon and starlight replaced the sun.
There was nothing Wynn could ever do to make things right.
Nothing yet in the Immortal world had been as easy as this bargain.
She registered nothing but darkness and cold for a while before the cold began to fade, and the night behind her eyelids lightened.
It took him almost two weeks, but he'd figured out that Deidre was nothing like his ex-lover.
There's nothing you can do to fool him.
You are nothing, past-Death shouted.
If nothing else, you know he's safe, and so are the little humans.
He said nothing, watching the scene.
Rhyn never expected to hear these words from the death dealer, who needed nothing from anyone.
He was distracted by the feel of both after so long with nothing but stone walls beneath his fingertips.
He said nothing, but the light disappeared and she heard him scrawling.
When nothing happened, she rang it again.
The driver said nothing the rest of the way and dropped them off in front of her apartment complex without asking for directions.
The paperwork otherwise had nothing to do with Toby or their accusation that she abandoned her kid on the Metro.
Gabriel said nothing but pinned him with a glare that had killed a few men outright.
Trust me, I can think of nothing else.
Got nothing to prove, big brother.
As far as he was concerned, he'd do nothing else, even if he learned how to counter it.
Kris said nothing, feeling at once foolish and like he was the child Andre used to chastise for failing to focus on his duties.
There was nothing he could say that would take away the pain he'd just caused.
Jade said nothing, pain spiraling through him.
There was nothing Sasha could ever say, nothing he could ever do in an hour.
It said nothing more but ducked its head and began to clean the human with its long tongue, shuddering at each lick.
She said nothing, the world too surreal for her, and turned her head away as he dipped his head.
He said nothing more, as if unwilling to say more until the identity verification was done.
He found some of his wired energy dissipating at the long walk and change of scenery despite knowing nothing good had ever come from a meeting with Sasha.
You've got nothing, Rhyn, but a place by my side.
They weren't water cubes; they tasted of nothing she could identify.
Nothing she could use to escape.
Fences that looked like nothing more than stacks of rock shingles edged each property.
She had nothing better to do, not with her source of alcohol gone and her bed in flames.
He said nothing, and she sensed his simmering anger.
He remembered little about how to deal with humans and nothing of how to deal with their women.
Nothing anyone can do about it.
Can you hear me? she called, feeling foolish when nothing happened.
At first, nothing happened, and she readied herself to run.
There was nothing left of her forearm but a mangled mess.
Rhyn said nothing, giving his brother a bitter smile.
Nothing had blown up or gone wrong since he'd returned from Hell.
He said nothing, and she offered her good wrist.
He said nothing and mirrored her position, leaning against the wall in what she knew was irritated mockery.
Other thoughts collided with her emotions, ones that reminded her that she was forever trapped with some otherworldly creature that viewed her as a food supply and nothing more.
You owe me this, if nothing else!
He said nothing, his tense frame never relaxing.
He said nothing, and she raised an eyebrow.
Nothing a blood monkey could understand.
She bristled, feeling as if she'd been sentenced to nothing more than a sewing circle for good little wives.
She said nothing, afraid to move, afraid to speak.
He said nothing, aware the thought had crossed his mind more than once lately.
This place had nothing to the castle in the Alps, though she never wanted to go back.
The svelte model wore towering boots and a one- piece cat suit that left nothing to the imagination.
Nothing else bad will happen to you.
Gabriel said nothing, and fury unfurled within Rhyn as his gaze went to the sleeping woman.
Rhyn said nothing, aware the penalty for an Ancient killing another Ancient was death-death and eternal Hell.
When nothing came, she mustered a smile and motioned down the hallway.
Hell had taught him this, if nothing else.
Even the sound of the door shutting did nothing to jar him.
He had nothing, no castles or gold like his brothers.
Rhyn said nothing and followed her out of the study.
She ran hard and left the sounds of the battle behind her, her thoughts on Rhyn and nothing else.
Nothing safer than hanging out with someone who can.t be killed.
She stopped at the edge, where the trail was nothing but mud.
You have nothing to offer her.
One human is nothing to him in his version of the big picture, Sasha continued.
She said nothing, and he met her gaze once more, genuinely surprised.
Her words did nothing to quell the anger boiling within him.
She knew nothing about him, except he.d been a friend to Rhyn.
It has many Immortal comforts we care nothing for.
I care nothing for this either, Jade thought.
At the dangerous note in his voice, she said nothing else.
Following him was Kris, dressed in nothing but judo pants, as if Ully had dragged him straight out of bed.
Katie could think of nothing she wanted less, but she nodded.
Mercifully, he said nothing, only stood close to her and stared into the same sky.
Nothing. I just realized I can.t be with someone I can.t rely on, Rhyn.
Hannah saw nothing but the gilded world around her; she had no idea about the dark underside to the Immortal world.
There.s nothing you say I.d ever trust.
That may mean nothing to you Immortals—
You have nothing I want.
Jade said nothing, conflicted.
If nothing else, the father of the Council would never again be found.
When she heard nothing in the hallway, she eased out of the safety of his room.
Soon enough, nothing would matter, not when Gabriel came for her.
With nothing left to occupy him, he strode to the familiar room where they.d shared the fateful night weeks before.
Nothing. Just pissing people off today.
Kris knew the opposite to be true but said nothing, enjoying the moment of peace.
Darkyn had said nothing of this to him!
She.d brought him nothing but pain, and now her family had taken Kris from him.
You were nothing alike. got nothing to offer him.
She said nothing to dissuade him.
She wanted nothing to do with anything from Hell, especially this creature.
Rhyn thought nothing of it until Kris opened the door.
She left the sounds of the battle behind her, her thoughts on Rhyn and nothing else.
He saw nothing but a distant beach and the ocean.
Rhyn said nothing more, aware it was all he might ever have to remind him of the mortal intended to be his mate.
There was nothing else to fear.
He felt nothing like this when he looked at the three women.
The Council wants nothing to do with them and views the presence of your father's betrayer and your people on the planet as a sign the Yirkin are willing to share your planet rather than take it over.
He could do nothing but continue to fight.
She expected real space to look closer if nothing else.
Evelyn was the queen of handling crowds, but Kiera could think of nothing more than ducking into a safe corner and staying there with her back to the wall.
Embarrassed, she didn't notice her right foot reaching nothing but air until she toppled backwards.
She held the hand of the man before her, walking on a dead planet of nothing but rocky hills, dried streams, and cracked earth.
She wanted nothing to do with this world or its inhabitants, despite that unexpected, intimate connection with the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.
The next few days will be nothing but feasts and parties in celebration of our marriage!
She didn't want to stay even a few days, not if it meant she was viewed as nothing more than a short-and-fat foreigner!
She'd keep an eye on her friend to make sure nothing else happened.
He said nothing but let his eyes do as they pleased.
He said nothing but continued at a quick pace.
He can do nothing.
He owed them nothing after his mission, which cleared a path for him to do what he must to regain his throne.
She was impatient, anxious, emotional… nothing like the women he knew, which both interested him and warned him.
Kiera sensed his anger on the topic and said nothing.
Offended once again, she said nothing as he rose and returned the translator to Talal.
She imagined the conversation was nothing short of torture for a warrior.
There was nothing else she could want.
A'Ran said nothing, though he clenched the arms of his chair hard enough for his knuckles to turn white.
His size might have an impression on her in person, but over the viewer, it meant nothing.
At the moment he wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, and he was uncertain whether he wanted more to kiss those perfect lips or shake some sense into her.
He was silent in surprise once more, unable to understand how she might consider his battle plans nothing more than a complex game.
Piercing eyes leveled on her, but she could read nothing in them, especially not what he thought of her.
It took nothing else to send all five of them scurrying away.
He said nothing but dropped into a fighting stance.
He said nothing but let her strike several times before shifting to the offensive.
Worse, she could think of nothing to say in response that wouldn't get her in more trouble.
The training had been nothing but politely professional, as if she were another student.
I find nothing alarming in what we will discuss.
She said nothing as he disappeared into the house, wondering what surprises he had in store for her.
A'Ran said nothing, aware his forefathers had never made a threat they didn't intend to execute.
Jetr said nothing but offered a small bow of his head.
With there being no current battle, there was nothing to test her.
I feel nothing, nishani.
She couldn't imagine spending her life with a man who viewed her as nothing more than a duty.
No, I mean, I'm nothing like you!
She said nothing and turned to watch them jog back to the house.
She understands nothing of our traditions.
At the age of fourteen sun-cycles, before he reached manhood, he had lost all but his sisters, been proclaimed dhjan of a planet he couldn't even visit, and made battle commander of a war he knew nothing of.
Surprised, she said nothing.
Since meeting you, I've felt you were nothing but a curse.
She said nothing and trotted to keep up with his long stride.
It was a planet, dusty red, as if it were nothing but dry desert.
There was nothing on the red planet, no signs of buildings, no life.
At least, nothing she could make out as she spun faster and faster.
Her body hurt, her head pulsed, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up on a warm rock outside and go to sleep.
That has nothing to do with you, nishani.
He's known nothing else in all these years.
She had nothing to fear from these people, especially not Mansr, a blood relative of A'Ran and his sisters.
When nothing else happened, she retrieved the dagger and replaced it.
The pictographs said nothing of an earthquake!
She said nothing to him but returned to her small room and closed the door.
He said nothing but withdrew a communications device and began issuing calm commands to his men.
She said nothing, scared yet unsure what else she felt.
I want my planet back, Jetr, and the Council has done nothing in all these sun-cycles but impede me.
There was nothing but a gaping chasm where the temple had been.
None of their words registered, nothing but the sick feeling at the pit of his stomach.
And now she had … nothing.
To date, nothing Evelyn had done was for anyone else's benefit but Evelyn's, a realization she'd come to when she'd stopped crying a few days ago.
Kiera said nothing, trying to think the best of her friend while anger stirred.
Evelyn looked at her hard again but said nothing.
By the end of the space journey, she was convinced he'd want nothing to do with her and desperate to see him.
Kiera said nothing, her mind racing.
There is nothing new in your offer, Jetr.
The correspondence was stiff and formal and said little, certainly nothing about the town of Ouray and was totally absent any tidbits of historical nature.
Nothing unusual about that.
There was nothing unusual in the final epistle to indicate why the correspondence abruptly ended.
However, she said nothing in deference to Edith Shipton's son who remained engrossed with his puzzle.
There's nothing to prove the practice notebook is even in her writing.
No. There's nothing to be done.