Not-quite Sentence Examples
It is not quite certain whether a true pepsin exists in plants, but many trypsins have been discovered, and one form of erepsin, at least, is very widespread.
Their function is not quite clear.
The birds of Liberia are not quite so peculiar as the mammals.
The amount of iron and steel produced in the Urals is not quite 20% of the total in all European Russia and Poland.
He adds, what is not quite clear from one who so frankly acknowledges his limited acquaintance with the science, that he had reason to congratulate himself that he knew no more.
But the destruction of Jerusalem is not quite unique, and somewhat later we meet with indirect evidence for at least one similar disaster upon which the records are silent.
But the exact meaning which he attaches to such expressions is not quite clear; and they occur, moreover, only incidentally and with the air of current phrases mechanically repeated.
It is not quite certain whether these are to be regarded as the remnant of an earlier excretory system, replaced among the Oligochaeta by the subsequently developed paired structures, or whether these "head kidneys" are the first pair of nephridia precociously developed.
The annual average value maybe put at not quite £2,000,000, machinery and tin-plate being a long way the most important items. There is further a small transit trade through Transcaucasia from Persia to the value of less than half a million sterling annually, and chiefly in carpets, cocoons and silk, wool, rice and boxwood; and further a sea-borne trade between Persia and Caucasian.
He thus set up a formal theory of allegorical exegesis, which is not quite extinct in the churches even yet, but in his own system was of fundamental importance.
AdvertisementOther European countries, though not quite so prolific as Germany, bore some ornithological fruit at this period; but.
His exploits in the conflict have been sympathetically related by his brother, who, if he was not quite an impartial witness, was one of the best military critics of the time.
It is probable, though not quite certain, that the first suggestions as to this marriage alliance emanated secretly from the Austrian chancellor, Metternich.
In 922, when they were converted to Islam, Ibn Foslan found them not quite nomadic, and already having some permanent settlements and houses in wood.
Even though the hill hachures on the older one-inch maps are not quite satisfactory, this deficiency is in a large measure compensated for by the presence of absolutely trustworthy contours.
AdvertisementHe had not quite the distinguished bearing looked for in an emperor.
But even this did not quite complete the distance, and the line was carried on for still another kilometre and there stopped, " with its pair of rails gauntly projecting from the permanent way " (Fraser, The Short Cut to India, 1909).
Along the west coast of Greenland the mountains are generally not quite so high, but even here peaks of 5000 and 6000 ft.
Those parts of it which run through Russian territory (in Transbaikalia 230 m.; in the neighbourhood of Vladivostok 67 m.) were opened in 1902, and also the trans-Manchurian line (moo m.), although not quite completed.
When carbon dioxide is passed into this solution the whole of the added oxide, and even part of the oxide of the normal salt, is precipitated as a basic carbonate chemically similar, but not quite equivalent as a pigment, to white lead.
AdvertisementBy means of a simple arrangement, which will be described farther on, this process can be carried out in a few seconds, and the metal can be brought as often as desired to a definite condition, which, if not quite identical with the virgin state, at least closely approximates to it.
A large sand bar obstructs the entrance to the river, which is not quite 1 m.
Of the exports of 1905, 36% were of this class, while those of the pastoral and mining industries combined were not quite 61%.
What is not quite so generally known is the fact that Leopold slackened at once and would have been quite content with the results of these earlier victories had not the pope stiffened his resistance by forming a Holy League between the Emperor, Poland, Venice, Muscovy and the papacy, with the avowed object of dealing the Turk the coup de grace (March 5, 1684).
Yet it can scarcely be denied that several of the " foreign " novelists have contributed a wholesome, if not quite Magyar, element of form or thought to literary narrative style in Hungary.
AdvertisementUnfortunately the exact nature of these men's performances is not quite clear, for it is said to have been connected with " harps set to the sheminith," or according to another interpretation, with " harps over the tenors."
It is not found in a wild state and the auffalo (bos caffer) is almost if not quite extinct in the Transvaal.
Ammonia is also active, but not quite in the same manner as the alkali hydroxides.
So various are the conditions of selfregulation in various animals, both in respect of their peculiar and several modes of assimilating different foods, and of protecting themselves against particular dangers from without, that, as we might have expected, the bloods taken from different species, or even perhaps from different individuals, are found to be so divergent that the healthy serum of one species may be, and often is, poisonous to another; not so much in respect of adventitious substances, as because the phases of physiological change in different species do not harmonize; each by its peculiar needs has been modified until, in their several conditions of life, they vary so much about the mean as to have become almost if not quite alien one to another.
An analysis shows that not quite two in every thousand Burmese profess Christianity, and there are about the same number of Mahommedans among them.
It varied much during the World War, being £2,100,000 in 1915, not quite £5,000,000 in 1916, £3,200,000 in 1917 and £3,500,000 in 1918.
The actual formation of this salt is not quite clear; but it is certainly conditioned by the simultaneous contact of decaying nitrogenous matter, alkalies, air and moisture.
The renunciation was not quite thorough, one party adhering to the Roman Church as Romo-Syrians, the others reverting wholly to Syrian usages and forming to-day about three-fourths of the whole community.
Its political position between 64 and 41 B.C., when Mark Antony became master of the East, is not quite certain.
The pieces do not quite reach the level of Chinese monochrome porcelains, but their inferiority is not marked.
Although, since his infancy, he had only visited England once (in 1851, when he came to see the Great Exhibition), he was not quite unknown in the cultured and artistic world of London, as he had made many friends during a residence in Rome of some two years or more after he left Frankfort in 1852.
Some fragments came from Arretium, others, not quite so good, were of local work, but of the same style.
This does not quite defray the interest on the cost of their construction and equipment, inasmuch as it barely comes to 31% thereon, but rates and fares are deliberately kept low to encourage settlement and communication.
At the instant that the original wave reaches F the wave from E has travelled to a circle of radius very nearly equal to EF-not quite, as S is not quite in the plane of the rails.
If the fork has slightly greater frequency, then a white line will not quite reach the next place while the fork is making its swing ip and out, and the waves will travel against the motion of the cylinder.
E flat as key-note introduces another flat, and so on, each flat not quite coinciding with a sharp but at a very small interval from it.
Further, the greater the dissipation of energy the less is the prominence of the amplitude of vibration for exact coincidence over the amplitude when the periods are not quite the same, though it is still the greatest for coincidence.
When two notes are not quite in unison the resulting sound is found to alternate between a maximum and minimum of loudness recurring periodically.
The Saxons, however, were not quite subdued; risings took place from time to time, and the opponents of Henry IV.
Though each girder has been made continuous over the four spans it has not quite the proportions over the piers which a continuous girder should have, FIG.
It follows from Quesnay's theoretic views that the one thing deserving the solicitude of the practical economist and the statesman is the increase of the net product; and he infers also what Smith afterwards affirmed, on not quite the same ground, that the interest of the landowner is "strictly and indissolubly connected with the general interest of the society."
Trains of waves nearly but not quite homogeneous as regards wave-length will as usual be propagated as wave-groups travelling with the slightly different velocity d(VX-1)/dX-', the value of K occurring in V being a function of X determined by the law of optical dispersion of the medium.
The feeding of carnivores is on the whole the most easy; the chief pitfall being the extreme liability of all except the larger forms to fatal digestive disturbances from food that is not quite fresh.
Although, however, the historical books generally are constructed upon similar principles, the method on which these principles have been applied is not quite the same in all cases.
Somewhat later than " J," another writer, commonly referred to as " E," from his preference for the name Elohim (" God ") rather than " Jehovah," living apparently in the northern kingdom, wrote down the traditions of the past as they were current in northern Israel, in a style resembling generally that of " J," but not quite as bright and vivid, and marked by small differences of expression and representation.
The various calculations are not quite easy to harmonize, but the extent of choice for the year of Herod's death is limited to the years 4 and 3 B.C., with a very great preponderance of probability in favour of the former.
The origin of this title is not quite clear.
He could not quite carry out this intention, but a great part of his reign was occupied with his Indian campaigns.
The most obvious distinctions between Totaninae and Tringinae may be said to lie in the acute or blunt form of the tip of the bill (with which is associated a less or greater development of the sensitive nerves running almost if not quite to its extremity, and therefore greatly influencing the mode of feeding) and in the style of plumage - the Tringinae, with blunt and flexible bills, mostly assuming a summer-dress in which some tint of chestnut or reddish-brown 1 These are Phalaropus fulicarius and P. (or Lobipes) hyperboreus, and were thought by some of the older writers to be allied to the Coots (q.v.).
Nevertheless, being a man, he did not quite succeed.
The sultan Mahommed, however, set at liberty his eldest son Malik Shah, who reigned for some time, until he was treacherously murdered (it is not quite certain by whom), being succeeded by his brother Masud, who established himself at Konia (Iconium), from that time the residence of the Seljuks of Ram.
These two operations are not quite equivalent, since a weight added to the interior does not affect the volume of liquid displaced when the instrument is immersed up to a given division of the scale, while the addition of weights to the exterior increases the displacement.
In the above table for Sikes's hydrometer two densities are given corresponding to each of the degrees 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90, indicating that the successive weights belonging to the particular instrument for which the table has been calculated do not quite agree.
When not quite six months old he lost his sight by smallpox, and his career is largely interesting as that of one who achieved what he did in spite of blindness.
I am not quite sure that this method of weighting was not first used by the throwsters, as sugar is known to have been used for adulterating and loading gum silk for a very long time, and then the idea was afterwards applied to silk after the dyeing operations.
There were four chief gates, not quite symmetrically placed.
They had accepted the teaching of Paul of Samosata, though at a later period the name of Paul was believed to be that of the Apostle; and they were not quite free from the Dualistic principle of the Gnostics, at a later period too much identified with the teaching of Mani.
The quaint characteristics of the hilly site of the old town have largely been destroyed by modern improvements, which began in 1836 and were not quite completed in 1910.
These two words, which are nearly but not quite synonymous, designate a single subject of inquiry, which presents itself under three different although connected and in a measure intermingled aspects.
Wherever the soil is not quite suitable, but is capable of being made so, it is best to remedy the defect at the outset by trenching it all over to a depth of 2 or 3 ft., incorporating plenty of manure with it.
Just below the places where the aprons terminate, the glass is embraced by two insulated metal forks having the sharp points projecting towards the glass, but not quite touching it.
This displacement has been going on ever since, and it is not quite complete even to-day.
The sulphate and chloride are similar, but they are not quite so unstable as the nitrate.
In 1831 the population of Belgium was 3,785,814, so that in 75 years it had not quite doubled.
The evidence as to the date of his death is a little fuller, but not quite satisfactory.
The geographical limits of the German language thus do not quite coincide with the German frontiers.
The meaningof this claim is not quite clear, as there is some obscurity concerning the origin of the name Germani.
The total German population was not quite a third of the whole.
The influence by which his policy was directed is not quite clear, but the Czechs had been of recent years less easy to deal with, and Taaffe had never really shown any wish to alter the constitution; his policy always was to destroy the influence of parliament by playing off one party against the other, and so to win a clear field for the government.
It must be owned that the first perusal leaves on a European an impression of chaotic confusion - not that the book is so very extensive, for it is not quite as large as the New Testament.
With regard to their complexions, the same remarks apply to them as to the men, with only this difference, that their faces, being generally veiled when they go abroad, are not quite so much tanned as those of the men.
The date at which these conceptions became general is not quite certain, but it can hardly be later than the Middle Kingdom, when the dead man has the epithet justified appended to his name in the inscriptions of his tomb.
What happened next is not quite clear.
The details are not quite clear, but it seems tolerably certain that the prince and the bishop, anxious to retain their power, sought to induce Henry IV.
The effort to fuse the masses of raw material into a well-proportioned whole is perhaps not quite successful; and Carlyle had not the full sympathy with Frederick which had given interest to the Cromwell.
The blocks are often not quite rectangular, and the courses sometimes change; but the general tendency is horizontal and the walls are not of remote antiquity, the irregularities in them being rather due to the hardness of the material employed, the rock of the hill itself.
He has been called ambitious, turbulent, crafty, abject, vindictive, bloodthirsty and a good many other things besides, not quite in keeping with each other; in addition to which it is roundly asserted by Bishop Burnet that he was despised alike by Henry and by Mary, both of whom made use of him as a tool.
This is such a practical drawback that the separation is generally 4ths or $ths of the theoretical, and then the primary image viewed by the eye piece may be rather outside the field-lens, which is a great practical advantage, especially when a reticule has to be mounted in the primary focal plane, although the edge of the field is not quite achromatic under these conditions.
Other letters of Cicero, especially those written to persons with whom he was not quite at his ease or those meant for circulation, are composed in his elaborate style with long periods, parentheses and other devices for obscuring thought.
There was scope for diversity of view and there was diversity of view, according as the vital issue of the formula was held to lie in the relation of intellectual function to organic function or in the not quite equivalent relation of thinking to being.
Those cities, on the other hand, where the mercantile community remained in power, like Nuremberg and the seaboard towns, on the whole followed a more enlightened policy, although even they could not quite keep clear of the ever-growing.
He was one of the first, if not quite the first, to propound the conception of periodicity among the chemical elements.
A magnificent, magnanimous man; holding the reins of the world, not quite in the imaginary sense; scourging anarchy down, and urging noble effort up, really on a grand scale.
The white port is grown in vineyards which are not quite so favoured as regards position as the red port growths.
But while he went cordially with the king in domestic affairs, he was not quite in harmony with him on questions of foreign policy.
In 1904 mineral products made up fully seven-eighths of the exports, while agricultural and pastoral products did not quite reach one-eighth.
In twenty-two years (1792-1814) there were seventeen changes in the governorship. After that date changes, although not quite so rapid, were still frequent.
By a partition, the motive of which is not quite certain, the districts south of the Forth and Clyde were erected into an earldom for Alexander's younger brother, David.
Although few large salaries were paid, the perquisites attached to official positions were enormous; at the beginning of the 17th century, for example, the captain of Malacca received not quite boo yearly as his pay, but his annual profits from other sources were estimated at 20,000.
The addition of even three parts of copper to one of silver does not quite obliterate the whiteness of the noble metal.
This duty was formerly enforceable by indictment of the inhabitants of the parish, but it is not quite clear whether this procedure is applicable, now that the liability to repair is transferred to a council representing a wider area.
What the idea of a protectorate excludes, and the idea of annexation, on the other hand, would include, is that absolute ownership which was signified by the word dominium in Roman law, and which, though not quite satisfactorily, is sometimes described as ` territorial sovereignty.'
The accusation of heresy has usually been dismissed as a slander; but recent investigations make it probable, though not quite certain, that Boniface privately held certain Averroistic tenets, such as the denial of the immortality of the soul.
When Leonardo, having received a commission for a picture, was found distilling for himself a new medium of oils and herbs before he had begun the design, the pope was convinced, not quite unreasonably, that nothing serious would come of it.
The ultimate payer in these cases is no doubt reached without delay or many steps, but the process is not quite direct.
Such dues, in the nature of customs, are very common in continental cities, and yield large revenue to the local authorities, although they have been very generally, if not quite universally, abolished in the United Kingdom.
Hence bromide of potassium - or bromide of sodium, which is possibly somewhat safer still though not quite so certain in its action - is used as a hypnotic, as the standard anaphrodisiac, as a sedative in mania and all forms of morbid mental excitement, and in hyperaesthesia of all kinds.
The formula of the acid is not quite definite.
They are hardy and prolific, but do not quite equal the Cotswolds in size.
The reign of the Tories was unquestioned, Yet it was not quite what the reign of the Cavaliers had been in 1660.
The middle ages did their best in this grouping; only here and there a rare spirit like Roger Bacon did something more, something altogether superior to his age, in showing that the faculty of independent scientific inquiry was not quite extinct.
He stopped short of the catastrophe of the king's execution, and it seems likely that his subservience to Cromwell was not quite voluntary.
The Stoics were not quite agreed as to the immutability of virtue, but they were agreed that, when once possessed, it could only be lost through the loss of reason itself.
He is convinced that virtue (where it is more than a mere pretence) is purely artificial; but not quite certain whether it is a useless trammel of appetites and passions that are advantageous to society, or a device creditable to the politicians who introduced it by playing upon the " pride and vanity " of the " silly creature man."
If we ask what actual motive we have for virtuous conduct, Hume's answer is not quite clear.
The cruelty has not quite died out, but it is much rarer than formerly; and, generally speaking, the worst agrarianism has of late years been seen in the districts which retain most of the old features.
Thus constructed, the ' prism produces no lateral shift of the transmitted pencil; a conical pencil, incident directly, has nearly constant polarization over its extent, and consequently the error in determining the polarization of a parallel pencil, incident not quite normally, is a minimum.
If we suppose that s is not quite constant, but increases or diminishes slightly with change of temperature according to a linear formula s=50-1-2cT (in which so represents the constant part of s, and c may have either sign), we obtain a more general formula which is evidently the sum of the two previous solutions and may be made to cover a greater variety of cases.
It is not quite so deep in the lower as in the upper teeth.
It is not quite so thick as a goosequill when distended, and nearly a foot in length.
The Clydesdale, the Scottish breed named from the valley of the Clyde, is not quite so large as the Shire, the average height of stallions being about 16 hands 2 in.
Wet compression theoretically is not quite so efficient as dry compression, but it possesses practical advantages in keeping the working parts of the compressor cool, and it also greatly facilitates the regulation of the liquid, and ensures the full duty of the machine being continuously performed.
The Cretaceous deposits just described are followed by a series of Tertiary formations, but in Europe the continuity between Cretaceous and Tertiary is not quite complete.
I does not quite correspond to anything in Westcott and Hort's system, but has points of contact with their " Western " text.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
He seemed uncomfortable without the usual casket before him but was quite skillful in referring to Jeffrey Byrne's present status in sufficiently ambiguous terms as to not quite acknowledge Byrne was dead.
They are all technically proficient, so I am not quite sure what the point actually is.
So a propensity for some material to sound akin to the Hollies is not quite so surprising.
I do not quite like politics; I am too aristocratic, I fear, for that.
Europeans are not quite so blithe on these matters, having seen the continent decimated twice in the past century by war.
One might argue that Vimalakirti, the great householder bodhisattva, does not quite belong in this august company.
The smell indoors was not quite the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
Mr Kebede appreciates that Addis Ababa, does not quite carry the same design cachet of Milan or Paris.
This chest is almost the same height as the Deep 5 drawer chest but is narrower and not quite as deep.
First attempts to create a closed coupe on the MGB base did not quite capture the right aspect.
It's not quite the great white hope for iPod in-car entertainment that I thought it would be.
Great game and reminiscent of In Memoriam, tho not quite so fiendish, but a shared thread of the Sol Invictus.
The godless rich man is indeed contemptible, but not quite so contemptible as the godless rich man is indeed contemptible, but not quite so contemptible as the godless poor.
On the main island there is another spa which is less expensive but not quite so idyllic.
These are not quite as powerful as they should be, but one or two are very incisive.
The child was not quite insensible, tho nearly so.
Well you know, that was not quite intentional.
And we are not quite so invincible as we always imagined.
But that is not quite true when it comes to my own modus operandi.
But he had not quite so much fun when the vehicle started slowing and the engine started sounding rather off-key.
The prairie marmot and the burrowing owl come into neighborly contact with the rattlesnake, but the acquaintance does not quite amount to friendship.
Whilst the village parson would often engage in illicit smuggling, other smugglers too were not quite what they seemed.
A south porch which has not quite its par in the country.
By the time we are half way there I'm not quite sick just decidedly queasy.
He made some requisitions on others that Mrs. Harker could not quite hear or understand.
The Institute of Organ Building, however, is not quite so sanguine about the outcome but awaits the June meeting.
I am better now, but not quite serene.
When the input configuration is almost but not quite singular, the computation will be prone to rounding errors.
Even aristocracy, I think, was not quite so stoical in the days when it was really strong.
I had to leave half the steak as it was not quite up to par and rather stringy around the edges.
Sarah could not quite believe what she had seen and did not want to say anything that might sound stupid.
Strong verbs in English are not quite good examples of total suppletion.
There were changes too - although not quite so sweeping - among the professional staff.
Here the violinist occasionally seems tentative, not quite the match of the gutsy pianist.
It's not quite a vanity project, but it is the second movie by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe.
Altogether I am not quite the pompous windbag that I used to be.
The chronology of these years down to 449 is not quite certain.
One of the most obvious defects of this school is excessive attachment to polysyllabic terms. Lydgate is not quite so great a sinner in this respect as are some of his successors, but his tendency cannot be mistaken, and John Metham is amply justified in his censure Eke John Lydgate, sometime monk of Bury, His books indited with terms of rhetoric And half-changed Latin, with conceits of poetry.
Mechanism and Function of StomataIt is not quite exact to speak of either the gaseous interchanges or the transpiration as taking place through the stomata.
In 1784 he proceeded for the study of medicine to Edinburgh, where he participated to the full in the intellectual ferment, but did not quite neglect his medical studies, and took his degree in 1787.
This explanation of the vision is separated from the description by an animated dialogue, not quite clear in its expression, in which it is said that the mountain of obstacles shall disappear before Zerubbabel, and that, having begun the building of the temple, he shall also bring it to an end in spite of those who now mock at the day of small beginnings.
Incomplete as was his career - he was not quite thirty-two - his life was cut short in a crescendo of all its nobler elements.
But if the forks be not quite in tune then the length of the image will be found to fluctuate between a maximum and a minimum, thus making the beats sensible to the eye.
He finished his Confessions, wrote his Dialogues (the interest of which is not quite equal to the promise of their curious sub-title, Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques), and began his Reveries du promeneur solitaire, intended as a sequel and complement to the Confessions, and one of the best of all his books.
Christian Fortitude is essentially firmness in withstanding the seductions of good and evil fortune, resoluteness in the conflict perpetually waged against wickedness without carnal weapons - though Ambrose, with the Old Testament in his hand, will not quite relinquish the ordinary martial application of the term.
The reign of Amen-hotep III., however, was not quite so tranquil for the Asiatic province.
Well, here we are, not quite halfway through our list of ways the Internet, technology, and civilization will come together to end war.
I could not quite convince myself that there was much world left, for I regarded Boston as the beginning and the end of creation.
But I soon discovered that college was not quite the romantic lyceum I had imagined.
This is like the effect of the slow dwelling on long words, not quite well managed, that one notices in a child who is telling a solemn story.
This heap, made in the winter of '46-7 and estimated to contain ten thousand tons, was finally covered with hay and boards; and though it was unroofed the following July, and a part of it carried off, the rest remaining exposed to the sun, it stood over that summer and the next winter, and was not quite melted till September, 1848.
After the first blush of sin comes its indifference; and from immoral it becomes, as it were, unmoral, and not quite unnecessary to that life which we have made.
His plate seemed to him not quite clean, and pointing to a spot he flung it away.
It was plain that he did not quite grasp where he was.
The Emperor, frowning slightly, bent his ear forward as if he had not quite heard.
You were not right, not quite in the right, you were impetuous...
Buxhowden is commander-in-chief by seniority, but General Bennigsen does not quite see it; more particularly as it is he and his corps who are within sight of the enemy and he wishes to profit by the opportunity to fight a battle 'on his own hand' as the Germans say.
Had Speranski sprung from the same class as himself and possessed the same breeding and traditions, Bolkonski would soon have discovered his weak, human, unheroic sides; but as it was, Speranski's strange and logical turn of mind inspired him with respect all the more because he did not quite understand him.
Only not quite my taste--he is so narrow, like the dining-room clock....
It always seemed to him that there was something not quite right about this intended marriage.
Sonya, as always, did not quite keep pace with them, though they shared the same reminiscences.
Natasha is not quite well; she's in her room and would like to see you.
Princess Mary could not quite make out what he had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender caressing word such as he had never used to her before.
But only what was really good in him was reflected in his wife, all that was not quite good was rejected.
By the time we are half way there I 'm not quite sick just decidedly queasy.
If Moore was not quite a burned-out case, his once refulgent light flickered only dimly in his sad last years.
Tho SB not quite herself the last few days and was a bit reticent to join in as much as she normally does.
Serious smokers can be seen rummaging through rubbish and peering in gutters looking for discarded, but not quite spent, Bic lighters.
Doubtlessly this is massively symbolic of something, but it 's not quite clear what.
From this report 's findings, it appears that long term gain is not quite tantalizing enough to outweigh short term necessity.
They give off some faint light, but they are not quite big enough to start shining through thermonuclear fusion.
It 's not quite a vanity project, but it is the second movie by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe.
Not quite a comedy, not quite a true-life story, not quite a thriller, Alien Autopsy manages a bit of everything.
Notice the picture where the boat is not quite righted and you can see water pouring out of the wheelhouse door.
Once you've delivered your baby, you're not quite finished!
Try not to buy a dress that is not quite 'right' when you buy it, whatever the reason.
This can significantly add to a purchase price and make a great deal not quite so good in reality.
I'm not quite sure how to handle this situation.
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If you're looking for something a little different, here are some frozen mixed drink recipes that are not quite as common.
Because they are perched on the keen edge of adulthood but have not quite taken the plunge, they may experience many of the same problems adults going through divorce suffer.
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They're certainly not babies any more, but they're not quite adults yet either.
Think you like Country French style but not quite sure what you need to pull the look together?
The scent is sweet, but not quite the fizzy, bubbling, frothy type of sweetness that peach granita and champagne mimosa suggest it will be.
The note is not quite the straight rose aroma one might find in, for example, Tea Rose by Perfumer's Workshop or even Stella by Stella McCartney, but it is certainly pronounced.
While some experts maintain that the quality of MAC's mini brushes are not quite as good as the full sized versions, the brush sets still offer a good value at a great price.
Fortunately for fans of instant photography, land cameras by Polaroid are not quite finished.
Although similar, cajun and creole are not quite the same food.
The dough blade looks similar to the Sabatier blade though it is made of plastic and not quite as prominently curves.
Land that is not quite up to standards but is working towards them is given a transitional label.
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It is not quite as stiff as the RT STI R racing boot, but definitely made for those who are more aggressive skiers.
They need to be a high heel, but not quite as high as the pumps.
These are children who are not quite teens but are too old for nursery rhymes and cartoons.
If you're not quite daring enough to buy that super short dress or your parents firmly say no, then you can always add some interesting accessories to make your outfit stand out.
You have a job, and you have money, However, it's just not quite enough to cover all the things you want.
A flower girl who is not quite old enough to be considered a junior bridesmaid.
Inappropriate emotions and impulsive reactions to situations can be another tip off that something is not quite right.
The look is still sophisticated and beautiful but not quite as bold as black and white.
If you are interested but are not quite sure how to work red into your existing bedroom set-up, consider adding little accent pieces instead.
While one towel alone is not quite meaningful, a set of creatively packaged towels can make a wonderful gift for any number of occasions.
Kenny Chesney signed with BMI in 1992, but he was not quite an overnight success.
Celebrity bulges can refer to a couple of different things, such as weight gain or pregnancy, as well as the not quite so innocent male version.
If you're not quite sure what to pair with your toddler's new skinny jeans, just take a look around at some of the older girls' fashions; one of these is bound to offer inspiration.
Certainly, these will not be everyday expenditures for most families, but Biscotti dresses are not quite up there with the ranks of Dior.
The buffet selections were both adventuresome and delicious, while the deli and pizzeria both provided adequate, if not quite outstanding, fare.
Dogs have been known to choke on their kibble and get intestinal blockages from eating animal bones, so it's not quite so surprising that chew treats also pose some potential health hazards.
However, this morning her tummy is not quite as big and it is very soft.
However, if she begins to act sick or you just sense there's something not quite right about her, don't hesitate to ask your vet to take a look.
As an added bonus, the Welsh is not quite as feisty or territorial and tends to get along well with other dogs in the home.
There is a variegated form, but not quite so hardy as the species.
Caryopteris - C. mastacanthus is a small shrub with greyish foliage, distinct in habit, and with purple flowers, not quite hardy perhaps in all soils, but pretty on warm banks and in warm gardens.
It is not quite double, but is very fine in form and brilliant in color, though it flowers somewhat sparsely.
Though not quite a biennial, it is better in general cultivation to treat it as such, as from seedling plants, well grown on during the first year, the finest stems arise.
It is possibly not quite so hardy as some forms of Laurustinus, and should have a sheltered sunny spot.
Suitable for the margins of borders and the rougher parts of the rock garden, but, I fear, not quite hardy.
L. crenulata is similar, but not quite so hardy, though it succeeds in the mildest localities, as will also the Chili L. chilensis, a tree Fern of noble growth.
Among other kinds, A.Wiersbecki and A. olympicum are not quite so good as the common kind.
The Japanese Maples are beautiful, but not quite robust, except in favoured districts.
Rock Mallow (Malvastrum) - These are in flower like Mallows, but dwarfer, not quite hardy, being natives of the warmer parts of America.
Abronias flower in summer and autumn, but are not quite happy in our climate.
Behr Paint is not quite as old as DuPont or Benjamin Moore, but it does have a long history.
Long oval hoop earrings therefore can look extremely elegant and stylish, perhaps not quite as showy as the round alternative.
Gift certificates are also available and these can make a perfect present for those occasions when you are not quite sure what to buy.
This is so that a birthstone necklace can be returned or exchanged if it is not quite right.
If the box is to be a surprise, check with the store as to whether the box can be returned if it is not quite right.
If so, why not cover up that not quite a six pack ab set you've got goin' on and give women a little something good to talk about?
If, after you've gone home and tried the knot several times and are not quite managing it, don't feel awkward about returning to the shop and asking for another lesson.
If you are still not quite sure that these are the jeans for you, take a look at the Customer Review section.
In many cases, it's a step down from what you'd normally wear, something still well thought out and professional, but not quite as formal as most days.
However, some men would rather have the quality at not quite the retail prices, and the Internet also has many discount sites such as the Raffaello Network.
If you need something lightweight and not quite as warm, you'll be glad to find jackets that fit the bill while making you look almost as cool and intimidating as John Wayne--and ready for anything.
While these tactics might not quite make your organic grocery bill lower than if you'd bought conventional food, at least you can take some of the sting out of the cost of organics.
Adversely, cotton is not quite as racy or sexy as other fabrics.
It's not quite the little black dress, but it's almost just as versatile.
It's light enough for wearing during those days when it's not quite time to pull out the wool peacoat (or when someone forgot to tell the person in charge of the thermostat at work that, hey, it's time for the air conditioner to be off).
Tracking down polka dot plus size bras is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack - perhaps not quite so difficult, but also not as simple as, say, finding a simple neutral bra or a sexy push-up bra for a glamorous evening out.
Bendable readers are not quite the same as folding reading glasses, which shrink down for easier storage and portability but do not bend all over.
Part of the fun is tossing obstacles into your co-players dance routines and disrupting their rhythm, which is almost but not quite as satisfying as pelting friends with obstacles in Mario Kart.
It is not quite as robust as an Apple iPod, but it gets the job done.
If you're not quite ready to make the purchase, that's okay too.
Some video games can be clearly defined as racing games or action games, but it is not quite as easily to classify Spore.
Backgammon, although not quite as ubiquitous as say checkers or chess, has been around for age.
While the Balance Board mode can be a lot of fun, it's not quite responsive enough to get pass the more difficult and challenging parts of the game.
It's not quite a "twitch" style game wherein you can just run into the middle of the field with guns a-blazing, but it's nowhere near as technical as something like Rainbow Six or Splinter Cell.
However, because these two consoles are not quite as powerful as the PS3 and Xbox 360, a different version had to be created.
Not surprisingly, the graphics in the popular action game are not quite as impressive as they are on the Xbox 360 and PS3, but they do offer some slightly different experiences.
It's not quite the same as getting the full games through the Wii Virtual Console, but you can access some short trial versions using the following Super Smash Bros.
It's not quite the same feeling as tearing open that shrinkwrap, but you do own the game.
However, more recently additional studies accounted for video games that were developmentally appropriate and discovered that the effects of video games on a child's brain are not quite so cut and dry.
It's not quite the same as an official Star Wars game, but the Swordplay event is the next best thing.
Does not quite have the finesse of some of the other Turley Zins, but wonderful all the same.
By researching the wineries that are in Temecula, you can get an idea of which wineries you want to visit and which ones are not quite what you're looking for.
Using not quite enough could mean a burst pipe or worse.
Unfortunately, the answer is not quite as diverse as some other phones on some other carriers.
These videos are used to filter novices from advanced dancers, so directors are able to discern who is qualified for what they are planning, and who will not quite fit in with the current choreography or curriculum.
Though it is not quite as easy to wield for curl and wave techniques as its three-quarter inch companion, the one-inch plate can style all types of hair and may be preferable for consumers with more broad styling needs.
Since male body waxing is not quite as popular as female body waxing, it is crucial that you call around first to verify that an operator will be available to service your pelvic body waxing needs.
This lender also has knowledgeable staff available to assist buyers who are not quite sure which product is best for their situation.
While traditional origami does not involve cutting the paper to form a three-dimensional object, Kirigami is not quite as strict.
While early pregnancy tests claim to be more than 99 percent accurate on the day you miss your period, according to the National Women's Health Information Center, most tests are not quite that accurate so early.
If you're not quite ready for lovemaking, take a nap together while the baby naps.
No approach is as effective as abstinence and many natural forms of birth control are not quite as reliable as hormones or mechanical devices.
It's not quite as much fun as being able to talk to people in person, but it is a good way to help keep your spirits up during this difficult time.
However, that's not quite the end of the history of Alcatraz Prison.
Crew. Not quite satisfied with the accessories field, she decided to launch her own swim line, the Crystal Jin collection.
You can find one at The Gap, although it's a bit sexier and not quite as fun.
And yet, some women were still not quite satisfied and wished for even smaller bikinis that could give them the maximum exposure they so desperately sought.
If you're not quite ready for total transparency, you might try a semi-opaque suit, or one that will change color when wet.
Not quite a thong, yet not quite your standard string bikini, the string tanga is a good way to blend in with Europeans, fit in on the beaches of South America and even on the beaches like Miami, Florida and Malibu.
When a rash guard stretches, it loses its ability to provide you complete UPF protection, so if it was not quite someone's size, it won't be as sturdy.
It was preferred for parties when it was still considered not quite acceptable for a shirtless man to be associating with a group of women.
Is your family not quite sold on adopting a dog or cat, but your little girl is passionate about wanting a pet to love?
Some beauty experts swear by brewer's yeast supplementation, although the scientific backing is not quite established.
Will your favorite actress hit a style home run or will she not quite score fashion points?
If you're not quite sure which body type you are, there are books, magazine articles and website resources that will help you determine what your primary body shape is.
A sweater coat has its own purpose, and is better suited to wear on those days when it's pretty cold, but not quite enough to warrant wearing that heavy winter coat.
Cropped tops, though not quite as exaggerated as they once were, are equally comfortable to wear during present-day summer seasons.
Though not quite an aspect of history normally studied in school, the German takeover did have an impact on American fashion designers, who were heavily inspired by French couture prior to World War II.
However, the bread still needed to be monitored to avoid burning as the cooking process was not quite perfected.
Let's say you've done everything right from the aspect of safety and when you burn your candle it's still not quite what you wanted.
While they still produced an off-putting smell when burned, the odor was not quite as strong as that from tallow candles.
Since solar lights are not quite as popular as traditional lighting options, they're not yet widely available in discount and department stores.
A mermaid may not quite be a fish, but it may be a fun option for your daughter.
Trust your instincts that something is not quite right.
This is perfect for the bride-to-be who has seen rings in jewelry stores that are not quite perfect, when perhaps all that is required is for a slightly different stone or setting to be used in order for the ring to be absolutely perfect.
In some cases, promise rings precede engagement rings if the couple is ready to make a commitment but not quite ready for marriage.
If you have your heart set on an 18 carat gold wedding ring and yet your budget will not quite stretch to one, consider buying a second hand or used wedding ring.
Over the years, the engagement ring remained relatively ornate but moved toward functional jewelry that was wearable and not quite as impractical as the Renaissance era.
Some women may prefer a ring that is not quite so ostentatious, so it is important to take stock of your future fiancée's preferences before you purchase one of these rings.
So you're not quite stodgy enough for the signature line, but the simple color scheme of the traditional Soho leather leaves you uninspired?
These organizer bags are a bit bigger than a wallet, but not quite a "man-purse".
Although he is usually not quite as deep as the average Scorpio, the typical Pisces is extremely introspective.
If you're not quite ready to allow them to take part in the carnage of a game like Half Life quite yet, however, you may try plying their interests with titles like Lego Racers and X-Scooter.
It's not quite a physical education class, but it does get the kids on their feet.
They're not quite as popular as bunk beds, but they are a good choice for kids' rooms that have low ceilings or for younger children.
Bratz Kidz - Not quite Bratz, but older than the Babyz, these young girls are hip and cool.
While not quite a game, maps, atlases and globes are wonderful learning tools that can help her relate to the world by visualizing their placement on the planet.
The phenomenon is not quite at the place where Anime Movies were ten years ago, but trends seem to show that they're getting there. - is not quite as fancy or professional as IMDB, but it is still filled with plenty of info for movie fans.
However, it's not quite that easy to declare that an occurrence is paranormal.
If you're not quite to the level of mastering frugality just yet, don't get discouraged.
You might be in the market for a pair of Timberlands, but perhaps you're not quite as excited about spending an arm and a leg on your new footwear.
They are not quite a shoe but not a full boot either.
Though they're made by one of the world's most beloved fashion designers, Vera Wang slippers are not quite so easy to find.
They were not quite planned, nor were they completely by chance, either.
For example, Finola Hughes (In Style Network host and Anna Devane of General Hospital) would not quite be the same if her hair were any shorter.
Are you intrigued by butterfly eye tats, but still not quite convinced they're a bit too much for everyday wear?
Although not quite as common as tattooing, scarification does have advocates for the ancient art.
While not quite as common as their male counterparts, the popularity of fully tattooed women is on the rise.
The Royal Three-Bedroom Suite is not quite as expensive as other suites, but it still costs travelers over $5,000 per night.
The cost of delivery can add quite significantly to the purchase price, making what may appear to be an unmissable deal not quite as attractive as it first seemed.
In his practice, Iyengar focused on proper posture alignment and modifications for a student not quite at the level of a master.
There are not quite as many price research resources available to Canadians as there are for Americans.
If you're wondering what to add to a cheer that seems to have the right words but not quite enough for the crowd, try adding some stomping or clapping.
Men, while not quite as overly affectionate as women, still like to be reminded that they are loved and appreciated.
Fast forward 15 years and 30 lbs, and it's not quite as hot when your midlife crisis pulls you back into the gym for a comeback.
Conversely, if you're not quite there yet strength-wise, kneel on the floor or place your thighs on a medicine ball.
Now, what is effective for a beginner is probably not quite enough for a veteran lifter, while the efficient weightlifting technique for the veteran almost certainly isn't safe for the beginner.
As you can see, we're alternating between a three-split where each muscle group gets focused training one time per week and a general circuit training routine where each muscle group gets trained twice in a week, except not quite as hard.
If your driving record is not quite so pristine, you may be able to take a defensive driving course to reduce costs as much as 15 percent or more.
Obviously, in most cases, the state legal minimum is not quite enough.
Black satin panties, though not quite as versatile as their nude counterparts (don't wear them under white pants!), complement just about anything in your lingerie wardrobe.
Calvin Klein offers a few other wider strapped bras, with straps that are a bit more narrow than the Perfectly Fit Wide Strap bra, but not quite as narrow as his other lines.
If you're looking for a warm nightgown but you're not quite willing to go so far as to don a traditional flannel nightgown, consider a brushed satin or cotton lined satin nightgown.
If you are not quite sure on how you feel about boxers or briefs, then this might be another viable undergarment option for you.
The same can happen with an air-filled bra and, while it's not quite as thoroughly exposing, you're still lopsided.
If it turns out that the ten sizes they offer do not quite work for you, the company will design a custom bra to your measurements.
Are you now finding out that the lowest of your low rise panties are still not quite low enough to hide completely?
Here, the Chiffon Open Cup Babydoll and Thong is not quite as sheer as the Peep Show look, and further, the color is solid purple, not a mix of purple and black.
This is another black babydoll, which is de rigueur for this style, but what is not quite as common is the way in which this open cup style appears.
This type of bra can be a sexy option if you're not quite ready for the more revealing shelf bra, but do want to spice things up a bit, one little step at a time.
With careful consideration, brassieres of lower-level brands can be kept for almost as long as an upscale bra--they're just often not quite as pretty!
Are you the romantic satin and lace, the sexy bustier and garter type, the dare-to-bare but not quite the naughty thong and g-string girl, or are you the full on naughty fantasy lingerie, crotchless body suit type?
Men's lingerie is varied, not quite as much as women's, but close.
Sometimes the video you get might not quite be the video you have in mind.
Think of her old band the Sugarcubes, or maybe a little Goldfrapp, and you're in the neighborhood, but not quite at the right house.
It is punky and poppy, folky and thoughtful, and at times funny and full of passion that is clearly driven by something that does not quite feel like sadness and that is not quite hardcore enough to be called rage.
Raul was not quite the style Sa Sanctuary was needing, but being a great drummer and friend, he got the job.
If you're not quite sure what you're after, the site can suggest some new tunes for you based on your past downloading habits.
If you're applying for a brand new reality TV show and the casting call is not quite forthcoming with many details about the series, don't automatically assume that it's shady.
Sadly, it looks like Heidi Montag is not quite through with the plastic surgery procedures.
Only it's not quite 'our' Oxford, but a parallel one.
An interesting fact to note is that in the 1999 film, Okawara brought the monster's size back down to 267 feet - not quite back to the original height from the 1950s, but at least true to the 1980s version of the beast.
If you're not quite ready to make your vacation trip all about The Lord of the Rings, you can enjoy the beaches, fishing, hiking and more as well as making time for a visit to some of the filming locations.
Again, this amps up the color factor quite a bit, so even if it's not quite as noticeable as a Valentine-themed nail, it's certainly sure to turn heads!
Part of the Not-So-Basic collection, the Intelligence lineup is designed for skin that is not quite yet ready for anti-aging products.
While this polish is not quite as thick and glossy as other OPI nail polishes, Nic's Sticks are designed for the gal on the go.
However, the real magic lies after you have selected a layout that is close but not quite what you had in mind.
These graphics get extremely complex, even animated, but they have not quite caught on to the extent that the simple ? has.
While they are probably the easiest services to use in terms of interface, they also are not quite as secure or controllable as the more robust blogging platforms listed above.
While they are not quite as complex as the ones that are featured on Cool Chaser, sometimes simplicity is better.
However, they are not quite as professional, and unless your blog really stands out, it is less likely to be found through a Google search.
It is not quite as aesthetically pleasing as some of the other editors, but in terms of functionality, layout, and value, CoffeeCup is at the top.
While not quite as feature rich as Gallery2, it is also much easier to configure and set up.
While that's not quite true on the web, it is true that very rarely are things completely free.
While it's not quite the same for the DIY culture of the internet, it's worth remembering that the science of SEO is a complicated one, and the "free" fee you have by doing it yourself might be worth what you paid for it.
Why go through all that pain again, when she had almost succeeded in putting him in the past - almost, but not quite.
While this Greenbriar Road property is not quite so inviting, a spring lock on a back door was no serious test.
Cynthia sighed, not quite sure how to answer.
The world faded into shadow and light then into an uncomfortable darkness, not quite sleep but not consciousness either.
There were clothes in the dresser, not quite her size but not too far off.
Corday rose, and asked, not quite casually enough.
I'm not quite sure what to do with that information, but thanks, I guess.
He's not quite thirty.
All was not quite as it seemed in the peaceful compound.
Inside, a white-jacketed attendant, who looked like a highschooler, casually checked Dean's credentials while Cynthia waited, not quite out of ear shot.
In the case of the original Repsold plan without clockwork the description is not quite exact, because both the process of following the object and correcting the aim are simultaneously performed; whilst, if the clockwork runs uniformly and the friction-disk is set to the proper distance from the apex of the cone, the star will appear almost perfectly at rest, and the observer has only to apply delicate corrections by differential gear - a condition which is exactly analogous to that of training a modern gun-sight upon a fixed object.
It is not quite easy to see why he abandoned this successful policy in order to hasten on a war with Sparta, and neither the Corcyrean alliance nor the Megarian decree seems justified by the facts as known to us, though commercial motives may have played a part which we cannot now gauge.
Surrounding the green is a space called a ditch, which is nearly but not quite on a level with the green and slopes gently away from it, the side next the turf being lined with boarding, the ditch itself bottomed with wooden spars resting on the foundation.
Strasburg was French territory in 1713, but Silbermann's organ is not quite a whole tone below.
Briggs also used decimals, but in a form not quite so convenient as Napier.
Tail not quite so long as the body, and covered with short hairs.
These springs are so adjusted that they are not quite able to release the armature.
The magnetic and electric forces are directed alternately in one direction and the other, and at distances which are called multiples of a wave length the force is in the same direction at the same time, but in the case of damped waves not quite the same intensity.
The box was filled nearly, but not quite full, of granulated hard carbon.
Realist make him almost if not quite intuitionalist; while there is also an idealist reading possible.