Not-on Sentence Examples
It's not on my head.
Alex would never cheat - not on someone he respected and admired more than anyone he knew.
Maybe not on your own for a few years but you'd be welcomed to help with her while I do my house work.
I'm surprised you're not on a team.
Dean speculated that they might be concentrating too much on Fitzgerald and the Dawkinses, and not on others who had access to the Deans' quarters.
His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him … She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.
A competent, methodical assassin, she didn't make the mistake of trying to collect from someone not on the list.
You're not on my list tonight.
We're not on good terms right now.
The drowning happened right there in Pinkville, Virginia, not on some far off canoeing trip, like Edith said!
AdvertisementThe questioning continued throughout the day but Dean's mind was not on it.
Few men would turn their back to him, and normally, when there was a woman in bed, he was not on the floor.
He was wary but not on guard, his stance relaxed and eyes narrowed.
I do believe you're right about that, although I hope not on this place.
His account of the notion of external existence, as derived, not from pure sensation, but from the experience of action on the one hand and resistance on the other, may be compared with the account of Bain and later psychologists.
AdvertisementThe varnish to fix the webs is applied, not on the surface T as is usual, but on a bevel for the purpose,' the position of the webs depending on their tension to keep them in their furrows.
These bodies have separated solely on matters of Church government and not on points of doctrine.
The Court of Cassation does not give the ultimate decision on a case; it pronounces, not on the question of fact, but on the legal principle at issue, or the competence of the court giving the original decision.
However intelligible may be the notion of a tribe reserved for priestly service, the fact that it does not apply to early biblical history is apparent from the heterogeneous details of the Levitical divisions.
The first successes were however to be not on land, but on the Bee Sea= Beggars.
AdvertisementWilful desertion by, or exile of, the husband dissolved the marriage, and if he came back he had no claim on her property; possibly not on his own.
If the current is interrupted or alternating, and if a telephone receiver has its terminals connected to a separate metallic circuit joined by earth plates at two other places to the earth, not on the same equipotential surface of the first circuit, sounds will be heard in the telephone due to a current passing through it.
If we answer " Yes " to that question, we pass on from intuitionalism to idealism - an idealism not on the lines of Berkeley (matter does not exist) but of Plato (things A obey an ascertainable rational necessity).
Lithophytes.These are plants which grow on true rock, it not on the loose soil covering rock, even though this may W
It is sometimes said that lime acts as a poison on some plants and not on others, and sometimes that it is the physiological dryness of calcareous soils that is the important factor.
AdvertisementWith the Brethren, however, the chief stress was laid, not on doctrine, but on conduct.
Luther at one period (in his treatise De captivitate Babylonica) maintained, though not on historical grounds, that the offering of the oblations of the people was the real origin of the conception of the sacrifice of the mass; but he directed all the force of his vehement polemic against the idea that any other sacrifice could be efficacious besides the sacrifice of Christ.
Wheat has been produced in some localities, but not on a paying basis, and experiments have also been made with tea.
Confucianism is an ethical rather than a religious system, and hence was able to co-exist, though not on very friendly terms, with Buddhism, which reached China about the 1st century A.D.
The average man is pessimist or optimist not on theoretical grounds, but owing to the circumstances of his life, his material prosperity, his bodily health, his general temperament.
He differs from Schopenhauer in making salvation by the "negation of the Will-to-live" depend on a collective social effort and not on individualistic asceticism.
The divine agency is recognized as combining and controlling, but not as producing, in the teleological notion of miracles.
Thus he based Judaism on love, not on knowledge; love was the bond between God and man, and man's fundamental duty was love as expressed in obedience to God's will.
This rejuvenation of the notion of radicals rapidly gained favour; and the complete fusion of the radical theory with the theory of types was not long delayed.
The faults make analysis exceptionally difficult, for they are no longer commonplace; indeed, the gravest dangers of modern Wagnerism arise from the fact that there is hardly any non-musical aspect in which Wagner's later work is not important enough to produce a school of essentially non-musical critics who have no notion how far Wagner's mature music transcends the rest of his thought, nor how often it rises where his philosophy falls.
He had a vision of a political economy based not on selfishness but on love, not on desire but on self-denial.
It laid stress, not on external authority, as did the Jewish law, but on individual experience and inward meditation.
Partial relief was sought in the continual issue of debased currency (beshlik, altilik and their subdivisions), of which the excess of nominal value over intrinsic value ranged between 33 and 97%, and finally paper money (kaime) which was first issued in 1839, bearing an interest of 8%, reduced in 1842 to 6%, such interest being paid on notes of 500 piastres, but not on notes of 20 or 10 piastres, which were issued simultaneously.
This, however, is not a real decrease, salaries of functionaries not on the active list having been removed to the region of supplementary credits, as are those of civil departments.
The abundant documents in the hands of her descendants, the families of Broglie and Haussonville, have indeed furnished material for books and papers, but these are almost wholly on the social aspect of Mme de Stael, not on her literary merit.
All the stress now fell on the disposition, not on the outward act.
It was not on legal technicalities, however, but on the broad principle of religious equality, that Campbell supported the abolition of church rates, in which he included the Edinburgh annuity-tax.
By these distinctions Abelard hoped to escape the consequences of extreme Nominalism, from which, as a matter of history, his doctrine has been distinguished under the name of Conceptualism, seeing that it lays stress not on the word as such but on the thought which the word is intended to convey.
Although he broke off the Magyar tribal system, encouraged the private ownership of land, and even made grants of land on condition of military service... he based his new principle of government, not on feudalism, but on the organization of the Frankish empire, which he adapted.
By the introduction of a method of classification which was due to the superficial Pliny - depending, not on structure, but on the medium inhabited by an animal, whether earth, air or waterWotton is led to associate Fishes and Whales as aquatic animals.
Contemporaneous with these were various schemes of classification which were based, not on a consideration of the entire structure of each animal, but on the variations of a single organ, or on the really non-significant fact of the structure of the egg.
In this connexion verse 10 is particularly appropriate as addressed to an Egyptian princess whose forefathers, though their rule had not on the whole been tyrannical, had been regarded by the Jews as heathen oppressors.
What we have called plasticity must not be confused with the notion of "softness," which means the degree of facility with which the plasticity of a metal can be discounted.
Some crystallizers are made entirely cylindrical, and are connected to the condenser of the vacuum pan; in order to maintain a partial vacuum in them, some are fitted with cold-water pipes to cool them and with steam pipes to heat them, and some are left open to the atmosphere at the top. But the efficiency of all depends on the process of almost imperceptible yet continuous evaporation and the methodical addition of syrup, and not on the idiosyncrasies of the experts who manage them; and there is no doubt that in large commercial processes of manufacture the simpler the apparatus used for obtaining a desired result, and the more easily it is understood, the better it will be for the manufacturer.
But we must not forget that the origin of the vassal relationship, as an institution, is to be found on Roman and not on German soil.
The priests are to possess neither wealth nor material power; they are not to command, but to counsel; their authorityisto rest on persuasion, not on force.
The charm of these methods is that certain parts of the decorative design seem to float, not on the surface of the metal, but actually within it, an admirable effect of depth and atmosphere being thus produced.
They were not on this account chargeable with heresy.
Apply a ligature above, not on the top of, the situation of the bite, twist the string tightly with a stick.
It follows from the first law that the intrinsic energy of a substance in a given state must always be the same, or that the change of E in any transformation must depend only on the initial and final states, and not on the path or process.
The loose aggregation of agricultural households gives place t o the organized community with new needs and new g y ideals, and at the same time in religious thought the old vague notion of the numen is almost universally superseded by the more definite conception of the dens - not even now quite anthropomorphic, but with a much more clearly realized personality.
That whatever he did was done for the service of God, that success or failure depended on the inscrutable will of the Almighty and not on himself, were his guiding convictions, which he transmitted to his successors.
To these things used to y listen at the time, through the mercy of God vouchsafed to me, noting them down, not on paper but in my heart, and constantly by the grace of God brood over my accurate recollections."These are priceless words, for they establish a chain of tradition (John-Polycarp-Irenaeus) which is without a parallel in early church history.
Opponents of a second war with Great Britain had revived the Federalist organization, and Federalists from eleven states met in New York and agreed to support Clinton, not on account of his war views, which were not in accord with their own, but as a protest against the policy of Madison.
They were not charged by the Imperialists at this moment, for Pappenheim had not yet arrived, and the usual cavalry tactics of the day were founded on the pistol and not on the sword and the charging horse.
In other lands things did not on the whole go so well, and many causes at work during the later middle ages tended to bring about relaxation in the Benedictine houses; above all the vicious system of commendatory abbots, rife everywhere except in England.
In Natal, indeed, where the first independent census was taken in 1891, the Kaffir population was not on that occasion enumerated at all.
For some years after the war political contests in New York state as in the rest of the country were not on party lines.
The Fourth Gospel is the noblest instance of this kind of literature, of which the truth depends not on the factual accuracy of the symbolizing appearances but on the truth of the ideas and experiences thus symbolized.
As sound arises in general from vibrating bodies, as it takes time to travel, and as the medium which carries it does not on the whole travel forward, but subsides into its original position when the sound has passed, we are forced to conclude that the disturbance is of the wave kind, We can at once gather some idea of the nature of sound waves in air by considering how they are produced by a bell.
A common designation of Knox was " the atheist," although it was to him " matter of satisfaction that our most holy religion is founded on faith, not on reason."
There are well-kept high-roads connecting all the towns,and a government service of mail carts to places not on the railway.
But the admiral was not on board.
His record in the war for efficiency and personal gallantry no doubt contributed largely to his nomination and election as governor of the state of New York; but he attained the governorship not on this ground alone.
For a time he was not on speaking terms with the pope; and Napoleon recalled him from Rome.
His notion of duty - at once a loyal and chivalrous one was that he was obliged to give the queen the best of his advice, but that the final decision in any course lay with her, and that once she had decided, he was bound, whatever might be his own opinion, to stand up for her decision in public. The queen, not unnaturally, came to trust Disraeli implicitly, and she frequently showed her friendship for him.
But this failure was not on the same footing as that of Minden, and in spite of virulent party attacks, King George III., on the resignation of the North ministry, offered him a peerage.
The idea that presbyters and bishops are priests and the successors of the Old Testament priesthood first appears in full force in the writings of Cyprian, and here it is not the notion of priestly mediation but that of priestly power which is insisted on.
For, indeed, scepticism with regard to the senses is considered in the Inquiry .to be sufficiently justified by the fact that they lead us to suppose " an external universe which depends not on our perception," whereas " this universal and primary opinion of all men is soon destroyed by the slightest philosophy."
But the Federal armaments were not on such a scale as to enable the government to cope with a "nation in arms," and the first call for volunteers was followed by more and more, until in the end the Federals had more than a million men under arms. At first the troops on both sides were voluntarily enlisted, but the South quickly, the North later, put in force conscription acts.
Yahweh's kingdom cannot perish even for a time; nay, Isaiah argues that it must remain visible, and visible not merely in the circle of the like-minded whom he had gathered round him and who formed the first germ of the notion of the church, but in the political form of a kingdom also.
Tongue long and bifid, with papillae or folds, with osteoderms on the head but not on the body.
Livery in law was made not on but in sight of this land, the feoffor saying to the feoffee, "I give you that land; enter and take possession."
The texts of the older authors which have come down to us were written for the most part not on stone but on papyrus, parchment or other perishable material.
At the end of the year 1864 Ruskin delivered at Manchester a new series of lectures - not on art, but on reading, education, woman's work and social morals - the expansion of his earlier treatises on economic sophisms. This afterwards was included with a Dublin lecture of 1868 under the fantastic title of Sesame and Lilies (perhaps the most popular of his social essays), of which 44,000 copies were issued down to 1900.
Hitherto he had maintained a large establishment, not on the princely scale of Wolsey, but in the patriarchal fashion of having all his sons-in-law, with their families, under his roof.
This, however, is a consideration altogether alien to the Christian spirit, the aspiration of which is to lay up treasures not on earth but in heaven.
It has its centre not on earth but in heavenly places, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God."5 (c) Thirdly, there is no question that the Lord intended the one fellowship of his saints to be a visible fellowship. The idea of an invisible church has only commended itself in dark hours when men despaired of unity even as an ideal.
He finally arrived at the conclusion that Condillac's notion of passive receptivity as the one source of conscious experience was not only an error in fact but an error of method - in short, that the mechanical mode of viewing consciousness as formed by external influence was fallacious and deceptive.
Nevertheless he believes that, when we can apply measures to the combination of empirical appearances, then we can apply the logical principle as causal law to this combination, and say that one appearance is the cause of another, thus adding a notion of causality not contained in the actual observations, but specializing the general notion of causality.
He quotes as an instance that Newton in this way added to the planetary appearances contained in Kepler's laws the gravitation of the planets to the sun, as a notion of causality not contained in the appearances, and thus discovered that gravitation is the cause of the appearances.
Thirdly, on the grounds that logical thinking adds the notion of substance, as substrate, to experience of the physical, but not of the psychical, and that the most proper being of mind is will, he concludes that wills are not active substances, but substance-generating activities (" nicht thatige Substanzen sondern substanzerzeugende Thdtigkeiten," System, 429) What kind of metaphysics, then, follows from this compound of psychology and epistemology?
He is not a systematic thinker, but is too much affected by the eclectic notion of reconciling all philosophies.
Descartes helped to generalize and establish the notion of the fundamental character of uniform motion in a straight line, but otherwise his speculations did not point in the direc tion of sound progress in dynamics; and the next substantial advance that was made in the principles of the subject was due to Huygens (1629-1695).
All the original records of the order until after 1416 have perished, and consequently the question depends for its settlement not on direct testimony but on inference from circumstances.
But, though it rises in a number of lofty peaks, such as the Mont Velan (12,353 ft.), the Matterhorn (14,782 ft.), the Lyskamm (14,889 ft.), the Nord End of Monte Rosa (15,132 ft.), and the Weissmies (13,226 ft.), yet many of the highest points of the region, such as the Grand Combin (14,164 ft.), the Dent Blanche (14,318 ft.), the Weisshorn (14,804 ft.), the true summit or Dufourspitze (15,217 ft.) of Monte Rosa itself, and the Dom (14,942 ft.), all rise on its northern slope and not on the main watershed.
The year 1639, which had begun with abortive negotiations, and in which the activity of the stadholder had been much hampered by ill-health, was not to end, however, without a signal triumph of the Dutch arms, but it was to be on sea and not on land.
The first named will grow on rye and barley but not on wheat or oat.
The form Tritici is the least sharply marked and will grow on wheat, barley, rye and oat but not on the other grasses.
The form Avenae will grow on oat and many grasses but not on the other three cereals mentioned.
On account of this difficulty the moulds formerly stood, not on cars, but directly on the floor of a casting pit while receiving the molten steel.
But it is to be recollected that, according to Hume, an idea is actually a representation or individual picture, not a notion or even a schema, and that he never claims to be able to extract the predicate of a geometrical judgment by analysis of the subject.
He saw all the mechanical difficulties that had to be overcome in mining; he learned the nature and succession of rocks, the physical properties of minerals, ores and metals; he got a notion of mineral waters; he was an eyewitness of the accidents which befel the miners, and studied the diseases which attacked them; he had proof that positive knowledge of nature was not to be got in schools and universities, but only by going to nature herself, and to those who were constantly engaged with her.
The consequence was that, when not spending himself in vain attempts to solve the impossible problems that have always waylaid the fancy of self-sufficient beginners, he took an interest only in the elements of geometry, and never had any notion of the full scope of mathematical science, undergoing as it then was (and not least at the hands of Wallis) the extraordinary development which made it before the end of the century the potent instrument of physical discovery which it became in the hands of Newton.
But these gods have not on their shoulders the burden of upholding and governing the world, They are themselves the products of the order of nature - a higher species than humanity, but not the rulers of man, neither the makers nor the upholders of the world.
There also existed in Germany a curious compound of jealousy and contempt, natural in a nation the whole institutions of which centred round the army and compulsory service, for a nation whose institutions were based not on military, but on parliamentary and legal institutions.
The early English ancestors, the breed of which is not on record in America, were most probably of Lincoln origin.
Sicilian history began again when the wandering of the nations planted new powers, not on the frontier of the empire, but at its heart.
Not much can be said in praise of the complete translations into the German language, neither of that of Ullmann, which has appeared in several editions, nor of that of Henning (Leipzig) and Grigull (Halle), all of them shallow amateurs who have no notion of the difficulties to be met with in the task, and are almost entirely dependent on Sale.
Properly a "duty" differs from a "tax" in being levied on specific commodities, transactions, estates, &c., and not on individuals; thus it is right to talk of import-duties, excise-duties, deathor succession-duties, &c., but of income-tax as being levied on a person in proportion to his income.
And so the promise attached to the fifth commandment was probably not on the tables, and the tenth commandment may have simply been, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house," which includes all that is expressed in the following clauses.
Owing to the fact that the particular group that in India worked its way to the top, based its claims on religious grounds, not on political power, nor on wealth, the system has, no doubt, lasted longer in India than in Europe.
Its eruptions are not on a grand scale, but small outbursts of lava and explosions of steam occur at frequent intervals, and at longer intervals more violent explosions in which the molten rock is thrown 2000 ft.
In a memoir presented to the Academy in 1777, but not published till 1782, he assigned to dephlogisticated air the name oxygen, or "acidproducer," on the supposition that all acids were formed by its union with a simple, usually non-metallic, body; and having verified this notion for phosphorus, sulphur, charcoal, &c., and even extended it to the vegetable acids, he naturally asked himself what was formed by the combustion of "inflammable air" (hydrogen).
Then follow grave warnings - generous towards others, you must be strict with yourselves; only the good can truly do good; hearers of these words must be doers also, if they would build on the rock and not on the sand.
It appeared characteristically enough on the practical and not on the speculative side of theology in a sermon on Indulgences preached in July 1516.
The annexation of the province of Oudh was justifiable on the ground of morals, though not on that of policy.
Both France and Great Britain protested against the general principle laid down in this instrument; but neither of them approved of the Neapolitan revolution, and neither of them was opposed to an intervention in Naples, provided this were carried out, not on the ground of a supposed right of Europe to interfere, but by Austria for Austrian ends.
The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical.
During the remaining twenty years of his life, James was much concerned in warring with the Moors in Murcia, not on his own account, but on behalf of his son-in-law Alphonso the Wise of Castile.
Large thin spear-heads; scrapers with edge not on the side but on the end; flint knives and saws, but all still chipped, not ground or polished; long spear-points, with tang and shoulder on one side only, are also characteristic implements of this epoch.
But there were numbers of cases when the discussion as to servile status turned not on these formal points but on an examination of the services performed by the person claimed as a villein or challenged as holding in villenage.
It is not syllogism because it is based on the disjunctive, not on the hypothetical relation, and so extends horizontally where syllogism strikes vertically downward.
Bare or indeterminate being, for instance, the first of the determinations of Hegel's logic, as the being of that which is not anything determinate, of Kant's thing-in-itself, for example, positively understood, implicated at once the notion of not-being, which negates it, and is one with it, yet with a difference, so that we have the transition to determinate being, the transition being baptized as becoming.
Regarding evil simply as privation, Eckhart does not make it the pivot of his thought, as was afterwards done by Boehme; but his notion of the Godhead as a dark and formless essence is a favourite thesis of theosophy.
Here the cosmological element is and though naturally this self-assertion seemed blasphemous to those who did not accept him, yet as he had transformed the traditional notion of the kingdom, so did he the current thought of the Messiah.
Japan itself has had a certain amount of imported plague, but not on a large scale.
It was generally understood that his name was not on the list of officers submitted by Gen.
In the epics considerable merit is attached to a life of seclusion and ascetic practices by means of which man is considered capable of acquiring supernatural powers equal or even superior to those of the gods - a notion perhaps not unnaturally springing from the pantheistic conception.
Whilst the Saiva philosophers do not approve of the notion of incarnations, as being derogatory to the dignity of the deity, the Brahmans have nevertheless thought fit to adopt it as apparently a convenient expedient for bringing certain tendencies of popular worship within the pale of their system, and probably also for counteracting the Buddhist doctrines; and for this purpose Vishnu would obviously offer himself as the most attractive figure in the Brahmanical trinity.
In honour of the former, the Durga-puja is celebrated ' This notion not improbably took its origin in the mystic cos - mogonic hymn, Rigv.
In the Vaishnava camp, on the other hand, the cult of Krishna, and more especially that of the youthful Krishna, can scarcely fail to exert an influence which, if of a subtler and more insinuating, is not on that account of a less demoralizing kind.
For, just as the Roman Church as a whole preserves in the spiritual sphere the spirit and much of the organization of the Roman Empire, so the administration of the Curia carries on the tradition of Roman government, with its reverence for precedent and its practice of deciding questions, not on their supposed abstract merits, but in accordance with the rules of law as defined in the codes or by previous decisions.
Practically all the best vineyards (which are grown on flat terraces on the slopes, and not on the slopes themselves) face south-west and so get the full benefit of the sun's rays.
A double subsidy was granted, which was expressly stated to be " not on any consideration or condition for or concerning the Palatinate."
His justification has been set aside by modern critics, not on the ground that the evidence demonstrates its falsity, 6 but because it is inconceivable or unnatural that any man should receive a present from another, and not suffer his judgment to be swayed thereby.
Veii was not on a high road, but was reached by branch roads from the Via Clodia.
It was not on the west coast only that Germany made efforts to secure a footing in South Africa.
Butler's moral theory, like those of his English contemporaries and successors, is defective from not perceiving that the notion of duty can have real significance only when connected with the will or practical reason, and that only in reason which wills itself have we a principle capable of development into an ethical system.
Subsequent inquiries have, however, proved that the treachery towards the British was not on the part of Mehrab Khan, but on that of his vizier, Mahommed Hussein, and certain chiefs with whom he was in league, and at whose instigation the British convoys were plundered in their passage through Kach Gandava and in the Bolan Pass.
On the other hand, this corporeal thing is veritably and identically reason, mind, and ruling principle (X6-yos, vas, iiyE,uovtKOv); in virtue of its divine origin Cleanthes can say to Zeus, " We too are thy offspring," and a Seneca can calmly insist that, if man and God are not on perfect equality, the superiority rests rather on our side.
He has not failed to observe that Church and State act and react upon each other; but he has no notion how the relation ought to be conceived.
In like manner we may by experiment ascertain the general fact that the surface of a liquid is in a state of tension similar to that of a membrane stretched equally in all directions, and prove that this tension depends only on the nature and temperature of the liquid and not on its form, and from this as a secondary physical principle we may deduce all the phenomena of capillary action.
He had evidently during his long and studious sojourn in the cloister (a sojourn which was certainly not less than five-andtwenty years, while it may have been five-and-thirty, and of which the studiousness rests not on legend but on documentary evidence) acquired a vast stock of learning.
In both ranges, too, some of the highest summits stand on spurs of the main range, not on the main range itself; as Mont Perdu and Maladetta lie south of the main backbone of the Pyrenees, so Mount Elbruz and Kasbek, Dykh-tau, Koshtan-tau, Janga-tau and Shkara - all amongst the loftiest peaks of the Caucasus - stand on a subsidiary range north of the principal range or on spurs connecting the two.
The examination of his literary labours does not on the whole increase our appreciation of him.
Unity was the crying need; and men began to fasten upon him the responsibility of the hateful schism, not on the score of insincerity - which would have been very unjust, - but by reason of his obstinate persistence in the course he had chosen.
And that the right or wrong of choice depends not on the cause of choice but on its nature, he illustrates by the example of Christ, whose acts were necessarily holy, yet truly virtuous, praiseworthy and rewardable.
His History of the Four Last Years of the Reign of Queen Anne is not on a level with his other political writings.
A leaf-trace, as it passes through the cortex, has a collateral structure, the protoxylem being situated at the inner edge of the xylem; when it reaches the leaf-base the position of the spiral tracheids is gradually altered, and the endarch arrangement (protoxylem internal) gives place to a mesarch structure (protoxylem more or less central and not on the edge of the xylem strand).
In the Araucarian type of wood (Araucaria and Agathis) the bordered pits, which occur in two or three rows on the radial walls of the tracheids, are in mutual contact and polygonal in shape, the pits of the different rows are alternate and not on the same level; in this type of wood the annual rings are often much less distinct than in Cupressus, Pinus and other genera.
Again, the death duties are in a distinct category, these duties falling each year not on a particular class of the community, or a particular kind of property, but on a few individuals only, who are in some cases treated severely, while others may have no cause of complaint.
No doubt, in theory, this duty, being levied on the import only and not on the home production of corn, took from the tax-payer a shilling on every quarter of grain produced at home which did not go into the exchequer.
Frederick Slare noticed that the luminosity increased when the air was rarefied, an observation confirmed by Hawksbee and Homberg, and which was possibly the basis of Berzelius's theory that the luminosity depended on the volatility of the element and not on the presence of oxygen.
The social fabric was built up not on the towns, but on the great landlords; and when the centre of gravity began to move, first of all in Italy, to the towns, and crowded populations began to be massed together in them, the parochial systems broke down under the weight of the new conditions, and the people were in a state of spiritual and moral no less than physical destitution.
Bratianu and other leaders of the opposition, openly threatened that if the ministers were not removed before the general election, the responsibility would be thrown, " not on those who served the crown, but on him who bore it "; and the name of Prince George Bibescu had been openly mentioned as a possible successor.
Soon after, if not on the very day when his followers had left him, he wandered out towards the banks of the Neranjara, receiving his morning meal from the hands of Sujata, the daughter of a neighbouring villager, and set himself down to eat it under the shade of a large tree (a Ficus religiosa), to be known from that time as the sacred Bo tree or tree of wisdom.
But the present differences were not on the old lines, but on the extent to which the policy of Tariff Reform should be carried.
Such analyses and experiments are not on that account the less important and useful.
Although he was imprisoned in the Luxembourg during the Terror, he took no part of any importance in the Revolution, but profited by it to amass a little fortune by land speculation - not on any selfish account, however, as he said, but to facilitate his future projects.
Jacobi, accepting the law of reason and consequent as the fundamental rule of demonstrative reasoning, and as the rule explicitly followed by Spinoza, points out that, if we proceed by applying this principle so as to recede from particular and qualified facts to the more general and abstract conditions, we land ourselves, not in the notion of an active, intelligent creator of the system of things, but in the notion of an all-comprehensive, indeterminate Nature, devoid of will or intelligence.
Each process may arise out of either of two distinct operations; but the terminology is based on the processes, not on the operations to which they belong, and the latter are not always clearly understood.
As reason has apprehended these two simultaneous phenomena, attention and sensation, and led us The immediately to conceive the two sorts of distinct they are related, so, from the notion of this limitation, we find it impossible under the same guide not to conceive a supreme cause, absolute and infinite, itself the first and last cause of all.
The answer to this is that in the case of contradictory statements - A and not A - the latter is a mere negation of the former, and posits nothing; and the negation of a notion with positive attributes, as the finite, does not extend beyond abolishing the given attributes as an object of thought.
If self is actually so given, we do not need the principle of causality to infer it; if it is not so given, causality could never give us either the notion or the fact of self as a cause or force, far less as an ultimate one.
Causality might tell us that a cause there is of sensation somewhere and of some sort; but that this cause is a force or sum of forces, existing in space, independently of us, and corresponding to our sensations, it could never tell us, for the simple reason that such a notion is not supposed to exist in our consciousness.
Presumably their homesteads were not on this land and were not subject to Gabhailcine.
If then we place these groups in a single class, it is not on account of a few anomalous genera, but because the characters set forth above sharply distinguish them from all other echinoderms, and because we have good reason to believe that the ophiurans did not arise independently but have descended from primitive starfish.
We may trace back some small beginnings of a constitution to the time of Henry 11.himself an absentee though not on the scale of his son.
Arundel was backed by Thomas duke of Clarence, the kings second son, who was an enemy of the Beauforts, and not on the best terms with his own elder brother, the prince of Wales.
Despite the needs of civil war, it was not on castles that the builders energy was spent; the government discouraged fortresses in private hands, and the dwellings of the new nobility of Edward IV.
The political struggle virtually turned not on measures, but on men.
It is possible, and (not so much for any application thereof as in order to more fully establish the analogy between the two kinds of co-ordinates) important, to give independent quantitative definitions of the two kinds of co-ordinates; but we may also derive the notion of line-co-ordinates from that of point-coordinates; viz.
But although we thus arrive by projection at the notion of a circuit, it is not necessary to go out of the plane, and we may (with Zeuthen, using the shorter term circuit for his complete branch) define a circuit as any portion (of a curve) capable of description by the continuous motion of a point, it being understood that a passage through infinity is permitted.
Newton he entertained a confident belief in Providence, founded not on any tenuous inference, but on personal feeling.
They may be separated in a similar way by concentrated sulphuric acid, which has the same absorbent effect on the one class, and not on the other.
The king of Sweden did not on this account cease to testify his goodwill towards Pufendorf, and in 1694 he created him a baron.
His influence was considerable, and he has left a profound impression on thought, and not on that of Germany alone.
These two books, the Vindication, published in 1835, and his speeches up to this time and a little beyond, are quite enough to show what Disraeli's Tory democracy meant, how truly national was its aim, and how exclusive of partisanship for the "landed interest"; though he did believe the stability and prosperity of the agricultural class a national interest of the first order, not on economic grounds alone or even chiefly.
The Convention as a whole was Republican, if not on principle, from the feeling that no other form of government could be established.
True or scientific knowledge then must be general knowledge, relating, not to individuals primarily, but to the general facts or qualities which individuals exemplify; in fact, our notion of an individual, when examined, is found to be an aggregate of such general qualities.
Even when the notion of " good performance of function " was thus widened, and when it had further taken in the pleasure that is inseparably connected with such functioning, it did not yet correspond to the whole of what a Greek commonly understood as " human well-being."
Though common sense will admit that virtues are the best of goods, it still undoubtedly conceives practical wisdom as chiefly exercised in providing those inferior goods which Aristotle, after recognizing the need or use of them for the realization of human well-being, has dropped out of sight; and the result is that, in trying to make clear his conception of practical wisdom, we find ourselves fluctuating continually between the common notion, which he does not distinctly reject, and the notion required as the keystone of his ethical system.
Here, however, we especially notice the double significance of " natural," as applied to (I) what actually exists everywhere or for the most part, and (2) what would exist if the original plan of man's life were fully carried out; and we find that the Stoics have not clearly harmonized the two elements of the notion.
Practically, however, this revolutionary aspect of the notion was kept for the most part in the background; the rational law of an ideal community was not distinguished from the positive ordinances and customs of actual society; and the " natural " ties that actually bound each man to family, kinsmen, fatherland, and to unwise humanity generally, supplied the outline on which the external manifestation of justice was delineated.
The fundamental differences between pagan and Christian ethics depend not on any difference in the value set on rightness of heart, but on different views of the essential form or conditions of this inward rightness.
This latter is never Pleasure simply, but always Preservation - though on occasion he enlarges the notion of " preservation " into " preservation of life so as not to be weary of it."
It is, however, important to notice that in his " good " is included not merely happiness but " perfection "; and he does not even define perfection so as to exclude from it the notion of absolute moral perfection and save his theory from an obvious logical circle.
A notion so vague could not possibly be used with any precision for determining the subordinate rules of morality; but in fact Cumberland does not attempt this; his supreme principle is designed not to rectify, but merely to support and systematize, common morality.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
Professor Huxley maintained, for example, in a famous lecture that " the ethical progress of society depends not on imitating the cosmic process, still less in running away from it, but in combating it " (Romanes Lecture, ad fin.).
Similarly the notion of Conscience as a special faculty giving its pronouncements immediately and without reflection cannot be maintained in the face of modern psychological analysis and is untrue to the nature of moral judgment itself.
Further, the serum of a patient affected with one of the types has a marked agglutinative power on the variety with which he is infected and not on the other.
Subsequent epidemics have not been attended by anything like this mortality, but there has, however, been a steady decrease, principally among young children, owing to whooping-cough, tuberculosis and croup. Every Fijian child seems to contract yaws at some time in its life, a mistaken notion existing on the part of the parents that it strengthens the child's physique.
The Mantuan peasant was grieved at the notion of his harvest being gathered by barbarian soldiers, and the Irishman could not be better pleased to see his destroyed.
The former should be regarded as asserting that the whole is, not temporally, but logically, subsequent to the part, and that therefore there is an infinite regress in the notion of a whole which is infinitely divisible - a view which at any rate demands a serious refutation.
The wars in the first decade of the 19th century were not on the whole unfavourable to the commerce of Leipzig, but in 1813 and 1814, owing to the presence of enormous armies in the neighbourhood, it suffered greatly.
But Max Muller's system is based on scientific philology, not on conjecture, and is supported by a theory of the various processes in the evolution of myths out of language.
But first we must analyse this notion of reality itself, to which our scepticism had already led us, for, though we could doubt whether "the given" is what it appears, we cannot doubt that it is something; the conception of the real thus consists of the two conceptions of being and quality.
This compromise did not satisfy Henry, so the matter dropped; Henry's subsequent title to Ireland rested on conquest, not on papal concession, and was therefore absolute.
Time was not on his side at his age, and if he had to be beaten at one election he was anxious to get rid of the other issues which would encumber the popular vote, and to press on to a second when he would be on the attacking side.
He was for several years called Young Childers,-it being generally supposed that he was a younger brother of his Flying namesake, but his date of birth is not on record,-and subsequently Bartlett's Childers.
The size of these circles depends, in the case of equal tube lengths, only on the type of the objective, and not on the focal length, exact execution being assumed.
The roots (formerly described as a separate genus, Astromyelon) were borne directly on the nodes, not on short lateral branches as in Equisetum.
Any success in the attempt is due only to the fact that Berkeley introduces alongside of his individualist notion a totally new conception, that of mind itself as not in the same way one of the matters of conscious experience, but as capable of reflection upon the whole of experience and of reference to the supreme mind as the ground of all reality.
The notion of contingency arises, according to Kant, from the fact that understanding and sense are distinct, that understanding does not determine the particular of sense, and, consequently, that the principle of the adaptation of the particular to our understanding is merely supplied by reason on account of the peculiarity or limited character of understanding.
His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him … She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.
Donnie, while not demonstrating textbook form, was managing nicely to remain on his skis, and not on his butt.
Try to keep Jonny focused on his vamps and not on dragging me to his bed.
I for one did not actually expect to find the Tower of London infiltrated by anyone, however benevolent; the notion seemed far-fetched.
When not on ceremonial duty, many of the Oxford Waits kept alehouses which were great centers for popular music-making.
Finely being court up in London's electrical blackout, fortunately we were not on the tube.
If an on-course bookmaker accepts bets which are not on course bets he must keep a betting duty account.
The Madding Crowd's collective bosom was not on display.
If the product you require is not on our website please call or email for a price!
They were not esthetic in nature nor premised on the notion of political centrality to the American tradition.
For example, features such as clouds and jet contrails may appear on one image and not on the other.
The FM radio is a bit baffling... Is it just not on there or do we have to download some firmware?
Claims can only be made for the cost of business calls, not on the line rental and other fixed charges.
The attempts to prevent forgery from a skilled engraver were certainly not on the scale of today's complex designs.
Now, after hard knocks and trials, their legacy rests not on music but on the infamy of a tabloid frenzy.
Work, of sorts, is good but I am not on a crusade to find the Holy Grail.
Sadly, I was not on the set for Hush, because it was just beautifully shot and just masterful from everyone involved.
However, he errs when arguing that new nationalism is based on cultural divergence and not on cultural superiority.
Yes glad in office not on floor, too noisy, people go deaf, have to shout.
Mr Square, a sensible sort, did not believe in the absurd notion of the third dimension.
Disease was observed in almost all plum orchards in the region on leaves but not on fruit or twigs.
The chef is also happy to prepare any dish not on the menu or adapt a dish to suit a particular palate.
The drought had led to a pest population explosion on Bt cotton, but not on other cotton varieties.
Women should not attempt to absolve themselves of any responsibility for war by hiding behind a notion of male psychopathology.
Artaud's criterion of spectacle is sensory violence, not sensory enchantment; beauty is a notion he never entertains.
But they're just not good showbiz, so they're not on TV overmuch, so they're not considered important.
But one suspects that their looted statue of the Athenian tyrannicides was not on public view at Susa.
City comedy tho is predicated not on a nostalgic yearning for past ideal states but on the ' reality ' of urban life.
The trade-licence tax (impt des patentes) is imposed on every person carrying on any business whatever; it affects professional men, bankers and manufacturers, as well as wholesale and retail traders, and consists of (I) a fixed duty levied not on actual profits but with reference to the extent of a business or calling as indicated by number of employbs, population of the locality and other considerations.
For example, the notion of conflict (7r6Xeµos) as the father of all things and of harmony as arising out of a union of discords, and again of an endeavour by individual things to maintain themselves in permanence against the universal process of destruction and renovation, cannot but remind one of certain fundamental ideas in Darwin's theory of evolution.
Accordingly, when he denies the reality of Being, and declares Becoming, or eternal flux and change, to be the sole actuality, Heraclitus must be understood to enunciate not only the unreality of the abstract notion of being, except as the correlative of that of not-being, but also the physical doctrine that all phenomena are in a state of continuous transition from non-existence to existence, and vice versa, without either distinguishing these propositions or qualifying them by any reference to the relation of thought to experience.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
It is sufficient here to remark that the author, even then a man of great erudition, must have been aware of the turn which taxonomy was taking; but, not being able to divest himself of the older notion that external characters were superior to those furnished by the study of internal structure, and that Comparative Anatomy, instead of being a part of zoology, was something distinct from it, he seems to have endeavoured to form a scheme which, while not running wholly counter to the teachings of Comparative Anatomists, should yet rest ostensibly on external characters.
They often lived on terms of intimacy either with the head of the house or its younger members; but it is to be feared that too often this intimacy was founded, not on mutual respect, as in the heroic example of Ulysses and Eumaeus, but on insolent self-assertion on the one side and a spirit of unworthy compliance on the other, the latter having its raison d'être in degrading services rendered by the slave.
The Bourbons, when again restored, could not reintroduce the slave trade; the notion of conquering the island had to be given up; and its independence was formally recognized in 1825 (see Haiti).
Petersburg, and he worked a good deal behind the scenes, inciting to violence, advising a boycott of the Duma, hostility to the Cadets, etc. But he did not play any part in the Soviet of workmen, and disappeared as soon as it became clear, after the crushing of the outbreak in Moscow, that the troops and the people were not on the side of the revolutionaries.
Although he broke off the Magyar tribal system, encouraged the private ownership of land, and even made grants of land on condition of military service - in order to secure an armed force independent of the national levy - he based his new principle of government, not on feudalism, but on the organization of the Frankish empire, which he adapted to suit the peculiar exigencies of his realm.
There is no notion that may not deceive us; it is impossible to distinguish between false and true impressions; therefore the Stoic 4avravia KaTaMprrud7 (see Stoics) must be given up. There is no criterion of truth.
The substantially Pauline character of the epistle, for all practical purposes, is to be granted upon either hypothesis, for the author or the editor strove not unsuccessfully, upon the whole, to reproduce the Pauline spirit and traditions The older notion that the personal data in Titus, or in the rest of the pastorals, were invented to lend verisimilitude to the writing must be given up. They are too circumstantial and artless to be the work of a writer idealizing or creating a situation.
The commercial value appears to depend on the essential oil and aroma, not on the amount of caffeine, tannin or extract.
And when he heaps suspicion, not on Christian dogmas, but on beliefs of which the resemblance to Christian tenets is sufficiently patent, the real aim is so transparent that his method seems to partake rather of the nature of literary eccentricity than of polemical artifice; yet by this disingenuous indirectness he gave his argument that savour of duplicity which ever after clung to the popular conception of deism.
For this he was violently attacked in the German parliament by the extreme Radicals; but on this and other occasions (he had himself been elected to the parliament) he defended moderate and constitutional principles, all the more effectively because he depended not on eloquence but on a recognition of what has been called the "irony of facts"- to which the parliament as a whole was so blind.
You are amazed at all the things you know which are not on the examination paper.
The whole French army, and even Napoleon himself with his staff, were not on the far side of the streams and hollows of Sokolnitz and Schlappanitz beyond which we intended to take up our position and begin the action, but were on this side, so close to our own forces that Napoleon with the naked eye could distinguish a mounted man from one on foot.
He cannot endure the notion that Buonaparte is negotiating on equal terms with all the sovereigns of Europe and particularly with our own, the grandson of the Great Catherine!
The pack on leash rushed downhill in full cry after the hare, and from all sides the borzois that were not on leash darted after the hounds and the hare.
Had he not told her, yes, told her to make a list, and not to admit anyone who was not on that list?
The success of a military action depends not on them, but on the man in the ranks who shouts, 'We are lost!' or who shouts, 'Hurrah!'
Prince Andrew replied that he was not on his Serene Highness' staff but was himself a new arrival.
The crowd consisted of a few Russians and many of Napoleon's soldiers who were not on duty--Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, in a variety of uniforms.
But when not on duty they will only wear a red ribbon round the left arm.
It 's just not on to remake a classic.
Sir Ronald is not on the remuneration committee which approved the scheme.
Miss XXX ceased employment because she resigned voluntarily, and not on ill-health grounds.
Artaud 's criterion of spectacle is sensory violence, not sensory enchantment; beauty is a notion he never entertains.
I think the notion that there is not sexism against men and that it is general issue is comical.
But they 're just not good showbiz, so they 're not on TV overmuch, so they 're not considered important.
It does not preach tolerance for gays; instead, it stands for the destruction of the very notion that heterosexuality is the norm.
However, this notion does not seem to hold true when we examine the actual tombstones of the soldiers themselves.
This is not a vague liberal notion about letting people have what they want.
Of course the attacks of the democracy on the vanquished foe did not on that account cease.
When people are not on the phone, it seems, they are on a bus, or whizzing around town on a moped.
If you have a gas leak, if the pistons don't quite fit, if the bolts aren't tightened, or if the wheels are not on properly you're likely to crash when you get up to speed.
Another great way to get guest into the action is to have them bring a gift that's not on the registry.
You're welcome to review baby items not on this list.
If you've used another great diaper rash product not on this list, please let our readers know by writing to us in the comments section of this article.
The idea behind this potty training method is that your child won't like it if he urinates while naked and not on the toilet.
This is true even if you purchase something that is not on the registry, as doing so will make it easier for the couple to exchange the item if necessary.
If you have some old programs that are not on CDs, or if you use other computers that use floppy disks and you may need to transfer files between them, consider getting a floppy drive as well.
Make sure that when you are not on the seat but you're standing straddling the bike frame, you clear the tubes.
A guide to buying an air mattress can help you purchase one with the right knowledge and not on a whim.
What happens if your favorite store has the item you want, but not on sale and you find it cheaper at another store?
This suggestion may seem a little worrisome to you considering the recent wet cat food recall, but you should be able to find a brand that is not on the list.
Anyone can try to sell you on the notion that a particular type of cat is non allergenic, but in the end, only you can decide whether or not these claims are true.
Applicants should be reviewed solely on the basis of their creditworthiness, and not on their race, gender, or other factors that are not directly related to their ability to repay a debt.
You also want to be sure it is not on medical forms or other unnecessary locations whenever possible.
Their focus is on the day of the wedding and not on all the days which will follow.
Make it clear that your child deserves to have two parents whose attentions are on her and not on each other.
St. John's Wort is generally used for those with mild depression who are not on any other antidepressant medications.
If patience or time is not on your side, you may want to use the oven method.
Emphasis is placed on the simple architecture, not on the interior design.
An esthetician works alone in a small room one on one with a client, not on a big set with hundreds of people working on one project together.
If, by chance, the shade you're searching for is not on the list, this means that Avon does not have a recommended replacement product for it.
In other words, apply the liner under the lashes, not on "top" of them.
In addition, the site tends to focus on career-oriented jobs in the administrative and computing sectors and not on part-time or unusual jobs.
For some reason, you won't see this portion unless you click on something as it's not on the initial web page.
He has the dubious distinction of being the only character not on the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, as well as the only human character on the show.
If she calls, remain calm, promising to talk over the situation when everyone is sober and calm, not on the night you bring her home.
Normal weight should be based on how you feel, how well your body performs, and your physical health, not on outward appearance.
Ask the server if the chef can prepare a special dish that's not on the menu.
But I will tell you about the cute Asian girl that was selling purses, but not on the street.
If a registry is too small, couples may receive everything on their list but they could end up with many duplicate items or gifts that were not on their registry.
The key to choosing an appropriate and hopefully beloved gift is to remember the couple's tastes and choose items based on what they want, not on what you want to give.
However, sometimes those items are the first purchased or a guest wants to give a gift that is not on the registry.
If the wedding will physically take place on the beach, as opposed to near the beach but not on the sand, a tea length dress works well.As with all weddings held outside, you must consider the weather when making your dress decision.
Ironically, Jessica was not considered quite sexy enough for mainstream pop success and her sound was not on par with that of Aguilera.
With this series, Depp was now considered a teen idol, a notion that did not sit well with him.
Word has it that cameras were there and rolling, just not on Heidi and Lauren.
Then, tells the world that businessmen should learn from him, because, you know, he manages all of his money, brands, investments and what not on a day to day basis.
Vanna White - The popular Wheel of Fortune letter-turner is not on Facebook, though there is a profile in her name with her photos.
The downside is that not all brands represent the same level of quality, and those unfamiliar with labels may find themselves shopping based on price alone and not on true worth.
Some scholarships are based not on applications and essays, but on contests or specialized quizzes, while others may demand portfolios or post-award participation in conferences or workshops.
The average college tuition can be even higher for part-time students or those not on a degree course.
Unlike far larger ships, Celebrity vessels focus not on packing guests into staterooms, but packing luxury into the guests' experiences.
You can take an American Hawaiian cruise any time of the year, just not on the cruise line that bears its name.
Overnight accommodations are provided for, but not on the Twilight.
Color - Choose a color that will be visible even when the collar's light is not on.
So if you are not on high alert, you and your dog may just find yourselves in trouble.
Gibson and Giant George aside, Great Danes are not typically the tallest dogs in the world, at least not on average.
Once this is removed, you will want to make sure that ground is not on a negative grade, meaning that it is not sloping toward the house.
Fireplace inserts are specifically designed with openings on the sides and bottom of the insert and not on the back.
If you need lighting in nearby areas not on this track, your options are limited to recessing some nearby lights, or running parallel or criss-crossing tracks.
If, however, a trip to the beach is not on the cards for a while, take a look online.
He probably prefers to wear standard hunting gear when in action, but when he's not on the prowl, he'll love these shirts.
Not everyone understands that the real focus of organic gardening is not on the plants but on soil health.
A v-shape belt worn right above the hipline focuses the eye in the center of your body and not on the width of your hips.
Ask yourself if you would purchase a dress size 16 on sale if it were not on sale.
If possible, plan your driving so that you are not on the road close to dusk, when it's most difficult to see cyclists and pedestrians.
The probate fees are calculated based on the gross value of the estate, not on the net value after any debts are paid.
Many older adults were raised with the notion that work is a means to an end, and it should not be fun or fulfilling.
Hydroreflective lenses don't, however, disrupt your vision when you're not on the water.
Semi-rimless (visible frame on top but not on bottom) styles will also create a sense of balance on the face.
If your provider is not on the list, you may be eligible for a 25 percent discount on frames and lenses.
The hangman games tend to be easy and get progressively harder, but not on a curve that is impossible.
In this way, the attributes were not on a true 100 point scale.
If you are not on the initial screen with your nickname and gender, then click the very first icon in the upper left corner.
One from the game Guitar Hero seems to work on the Xbox 360 version, but not on the PlayStation 3 version.
There is little background music, so when you're not on a particular task all is quiet except ambient noises and Spiderman's footsteps.
If you bought a bottle of Pinot Noir for $50 off a mailing list and could turn around and sell it to someone who was not on the mailing list, they will pay you handsomely for it.
Don't bother to cellar this Excelsior; drink it now, time is not on its side.
They are not on short supply of tasting options.
Most cell phones designed for use in the United States (or other countries) are probably not on the same sort of cell phone network, and will not work correctly - or at all - in a foreign country.
The notion of "Not my son or daughter!" can actually hinder treatment and recovery for a child.