Not Sentence Examples
Perhaps I don't understand things, but Austria never has wished, and does not wish, for war.
She is not a child.
I am not saying we live in a utopia.
Jonathan wants a little brother, not a little sister.
For a moment the boy did not know what he meant by this question.
Two other baby birds were there, that had not fallen out.
But I did not find out the secret for several years.
Is he not wonderful?
In the strict sense of the word I am not a Wizard, but only a humbug.
It is not a sin to want your child.
AdvertisementThe speech was not hard to learn, and Edward soon knew every word of it.
By the midpoint of the twentieth century, America's dreamers were preoccupied with the future—and not just any old future, but the great and glorious future that seemed inevitable.
Not only was Pierre's attempt to speak unsuccessful, but he was rudely interrupted, pushed aside, and people turned away from him as from a common enemy.
Not now implied later, but that didn't feel comfortable either.
It is not easy.
AdvertisementThese babies might not be in her womb, but they did belong to Alex.
Not that it was going to help.
Pierre stood rather far off and could not hear all that the Emperor said.
He did not act as if it was bothering him.
Father will not change his mind.
AdvertisementI'm not much of a social person I guess.
Pierre wished to reply, but could not get in a word.
He does not like the way father treats us - financially.
Since you arrived, she is not sure this is the way.
I do not need it.
AdvertisementHands clasped, she prayed fervently, asking God not to let Destiny suffer for what they had done.
No, I'm not bored and I don't have anything special to say.
Anything else she divulged should go to Howard, not Connie.
Oh, he's not mean.
Not that anyone cares what I do.
She could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit.
After reading my arguments, you may or may not believe the future I describe is inevitable, as I say it is.
But you're still not comfortable with the decision, are you?
He will see that the estate does not leave the family.
The architecture was fantastic, but not near as exciting as the ride on a ferry.
It's not like that at all.
It's just not my style.
Still, if Señor Medena adopted Dulce when she was a baby and raised her, then he was her father - blood relative or not.
And yet, this latest contention was about inheritance, not love.
The hardwood floor had not been stained.
Alex would never cheat - not on someone he respected and admired more than anyone he knew.
Although she had said the words "I love you," several times, he had not uttered them.
It was hard to say whether Alex was withholding facts so she couldn't contest his decisions or simply because he thought she did not need to know.
In any case, Alex might not be happy with her old-fashioned ideas.
It makes me feel small when you keep things from me - like you don't trust me, or you think I'm not mature enough to handle it.
Ultimately she would forgive him, so why not start now?
You think the boy might not be mine?
If it hadn't been for Katie, she might not have discovered that she was right.
I'm not an heir.
What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
If Sarah suspected that she already knew what was going on and looked the other way, why not welcome her into the family?
How could you not know, when he invited you to go see his parents?
Not because she did anything wrong, though.
The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting.
Why, it's a great deal for Uncle Hugson, but not for me.
Several squeals and grunts were instantly heard at his feet, but the Wizard could not discover a single piglet.
He picked it up, but could not see what he held.
But the Wizard was not so confident.
It had a bright blue cover, which he was careful not to soil.
Henry's composition was not in verse.
So you must be careful not to spend these foolishly.
But nowhere in it was there even a hint that it might not be possible.
The great cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, which was begun before your birth, would not be finished by your death.
And while it may not be perfect, life will be profoundly better for everyone on the planet.
I could not understand, and was vexed.
Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.
We were sadly in the way, but that did not interfere with our pleasure in the least.
I did not then know why Belle acted in this way; but I knew she was not doing as I wished.
The apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me, so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes.
I could not be induced to tell where the key was.
Some have asked what I got to eat; if I did not feel lonesome; if I was not afraid; and the like.
Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!
He pushed forward, feeling stirred, but not yet sure what stirred him or what he would say.
In the first place, I tell you we have no right to question the Emperor about that, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had that right, the Emperor could not answer such a question.
Millions will pour forth from there"--he pointed to the merchants' hall--"but our business is to supply men and not spare ourselves...
She smiled to herself - and not always because he rubbed her the wrong way.
This was a decision she had already made once - but not really.
In fact, he had given her strict orders not to lift anything.
The muscles on his chest and arms were not well defined.
This does not bother you?
I'm not asking you to punish the men.
This is not enough for Alex to support?
It is not for me to say how he spends his money.
I did not earn it.
I do not want all this.
One does not dress or act like a lady.
If he does not take the inheritance, we will not have a home.
Alex defies father now, but he will not win.
But the horse did not buck him off.
That better not be Dulce.
No, not too far, but the party is tonight, so we need to stay close.
I'm not angry with you.
Her figure was not as well developed as Alondra or Dulce, but she looked nice in the style and color.
They must have been close, and yet, to the best of her memory, Alex had not spoken of Gerald.
Carmen shrugged, not knowing what to say.
So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
I'm not ever going to know them if I never meet them, am I?
Possibly not, but that was the end result.
Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then.
I did not know Alex would drink it.
You did not tell him?
You will not tell him?
If we do not...
She would have thought Dulce adored her father, but obviously not.
She could believe that of Dulce, but not of Felipa.
They might not look alike?
I hope it's not that unpleasant.
She shoved the photo back into the envelope and closed the lip, willing herself not to think about the previous pregnancy and its tragic end.
Still, Alex had presented the issue as responsibility, not money.
Let's not think of unpleasant things right now.
It was Christmas morning and all was not well.
The atmosphere felt stiff and formal, as if this was not part of their routine.
I'm sorry, sweetheart, but at least for now, I think it's better that you're not involved.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all wish everyone would like us.
You are not late.
You are not impressed?
I did not mean to hurt you.
I do not tell him.
He would not have to pay stranger to have his baby.
He does not know what he want.
He needed her support, not her criticism.
Not that it mattered at this point.
They probably had a lot to discuss and most likely were not alone.
I hate to dispute you, but I'm not miserable.
Her savings and checking accounts combined had never exceeded $3,000 - not even before she paid the bills.
If not, why had he gone - left her alone for two weeks?
When they got married, there were no children to consider - not even the likelihood.
There was nothing she could do about it until he got home, so she might as well not think about it.
Well, not exactly hiding it.
Although the issue was not discussed, it was far from out of her mind.
But then, she admitted to loving him at one time, so it's not hard to believe she still felt something for him.
Maybe they had inherited or learned it from their mother, not his father.
Katie glanced up at Carmen, her attention still not complete.
You know how stubborn you are about not doing business with dishonest people.
He didn't act concerned when she told him she had looked at them - not until she questioned the source.
Carmen took her to the doctor, but he said there was no cure for the common cold and not to worry about it.
As if Destiny had not been through enough already, she was forced to stay inside the tent.
Alex said it might not have made any difference, and reminded her that she needed to think positive.
Sleep was not her friend during the day.
The sheetrock was up and mudded, but not painted.
Taking special care not to crimp the IV cord, she cuddled Destiny close.
I do not know.
He would not let me come alone.
More important, though, was the fact that he believed the child should not suffer for the sins of the parent.
I'd better not come up there, though.
He does not want my help.
He didn't bring it up again - not even when Jonathan was unable to get his short arm into a comfortable position to play the guitar.
It's wandering around in circles and it's not at all afraid of us.
He might not have heard what she said, but he must have heard her speak.
I want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you.
Certainly not that she knew about.
I wouldn't lie to you, Carmen - not intentionally, anyway.
Of course he would feel responsible for working it out and not troubling her with it.
I don't think it's a gender-based decision - not at this point, anyway.
We've already established that I'm not an heir.
Yes, you have not forgiven me.
Why do you not take my offer?
He had an idea of how his father felt, fearing he would have to watch his little boy grow and not being able to be the provider.
A house without children is not a home.
She does not respect others.
Still she does not obey.
Not like I wanted to take him away from the man who had been a Dad to him.
I did not take your Dad away.
It's not the same.
I would not have left them out of my will - I could not.
They do not want the hacienda.
Probably not, but she was born and raised here - and her parents are buried here.
Not if you judge by the car and their clothes.
It was like Mom not to ask for help.
The voice was not hers.
Through it she heard the mumbling of the reverend, but not the words.
I'm not very good at that anyway.
But you're not thinking right.
This is between you and me, not the entire neighborhood.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not going home until you talk to me.
She hadn't said anything to anyone, not even Connie.
Not even a path had existed here when she lived in the area five years ago.
Avoiding his eyes as she walked past him, she tried not to limp.
Not that it mattered.
I'd rather not talk about it.
He had volunteered his help, and now he was going make his offer good... whether he wanted to or not.
She rubbed her wrists, not fully appreciating his effort.
Not that she had any right to complain.
She hesitated, wanting to find a way home, but not wanting to ask any more favors of him.
Not that it would do her any good.
Probably not or he would have used it.
It only strengthened the idea that he was the caretaker, not the owner.
The last word ended on the upturn, as if it were a question, not a statement.
No, not his driving, but his mood was.
She had some money tucked away in a cookie jar in the kitchen and she intended to pay him something, whether he liked it or not.
Not more than four hours ago he was so mad at her that he could hardly speak.
Not that the idea didn't have some appeal.
Living in that house and using the pool would be like a summer vacation, not a job.
So why not go?
He has a daughter, but his wife must not live with him because he needs a sitter, she stammered.
His mother lives there with him, so it's not like we'd be all alone out there.
Lisa hesitated, not wanting to alarm her friend with the details.
She's a house guest, not a prisoner.
Lisa glanced at Connie; not at all sure she was making a wise decision.
See you this fall, if not before.
He was her boss now, not a date.
Anyway, she's my mother, not a sitter.
Not that she could deny a vivid imagination.
I'm not sure I have enough chores around here to keep her busy.
I'm not ready for the rocking chair yet.
I'll try not to get in the way, but everyone deserves a little time to themselves.
Not once did he look in their direction.
She ran a comb through her hair, deciding not to re-braid the top part.
Surely you're not trying to hide from me.
Am I not allowed visitors?
I'm sorry I was rude to you, and I know it's not your fault you look so good in that suit.
His kiss had been an act of aggression, not passion.
Tammy shrugged her tiny shoulders, the large blue eyes imploring her not to pry.
What other reason would there be for telling his daughter not to discuss his occupation?
I meant I'm not your boss.
I may be footing the bill, but you're working for Mom, not me.
It was meant as a threat, not a promise.
Lisa hesitated, not wanting to pry and not sure if the conversation was supposed to end there.
Still, if that were the case, she need not have brought up the telephone call at the table.
Something moved in the brush not far away and she froze.
I don't need to go to the doctor and I'm not an invalid.
There was some question that he might not be able to keep his own child?
There could be a number of reasons that Sarah would welcome her as a daughter-in-law, not the least of which was the goings-on down that path.
I promise not to plaster you with mud this time.
An armadillo stared at them from a rocky ledge as they passed, and a doe and her fawn darted across the trail not more than a hundred yards ahead, disappearing into the brush.
I've found old rock fences, and there's an old log cabin falling into ruins not too far from here.
I mean, not doing this.
I hope I'm not intruding.
No, I guess not.
His observance was not only dead-on, it was disturbing.
She needed to talk to him, but not here in front of the owner.
It's not too late to change your mind.
If Howard had not been able to find anything on Yancey, it was probably because there was nothing to tell.
Do you want to go or not?
He hadn't even considered that she might not want to go.
It looked cool and casual, but not provocative.
Why not dispense with all the formalities?
That's right, but not until Sunday.
Not until next month – and it's 26.
It would be best to contact Connie tomorrow and tell her not to send mail.
I wish Mr. Giddon had not.
Well I'm not sorry, and I don't know why you should be.
I don't want things to be professional – not for you here and not between us.
I know I'm mostly to blame for last night, but I'm not here to entertain you.
Fine, but that's not what I asked.
I'm not about to jeopardize my job by asking all kinds of questions.
No. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I don't remember.
You better not tell either of them just yet.
Not that she would know a drug lord from a prince.
But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns – unless the mood hit him.
I miss that and I'm not going to be held back simply because you're afraid to have me wandering around on my own.
It was a soft kiss, not demanding but more inquisitive.
Either he hadn't seen her or he preferred not to mention it.
I'm not the enemy.
Break every stick of furniture in the house, maybe, but not hit her.
I told you not to give my number to anyone.
Other than the brief conversation about seeing him with Allen, they had not discussed him.
Not that there was much likelihood.
How many times have I told you not to leave the house at night in your bare feet?
Not on you're life.
More likely it stemmed from the fact that she had not gone to the house yet.
Not until you talk.
You're not leaving here until I get the information I came for.
Maybe he was glad Allen had been exposed and he had not.
She did feel betrayed by Howard, but not by Yancey.
The only difference was that she wanted Yancey to kiss her, not Howard.
Any decision not to become involved with him at this point was posthumous.
Whether he had arranged things to work out this way or not, her resources had been cut seriously.
When she decided Yancey wasn't around, she started down the path, keeping close to the trees without breaking her promise not to wander in the woods.
She tucked the spot into her jeans, trying not to expose her tears.
He knew she was not in the chair, but he had no way of knowing she had been to the building.
She forced herself to walk, not run, back to the house.
I'm not afraid of you.
I don't know if he's angry or not.
I'm not so sure he's up to anything.
You're not interested in commitment.
But not enough to give up my business.
How could you not know?
I'm not sure, but I think it's going to be fun finding out.
I guess I'm not a good investigator.
When I'm not studying medicine, I'm practicing it at the hospital.
With her own bedroom came responsibilities – things like not waking up anyone else.
Anyway, if it's company you want, why not take Julia or Rachel?
I can understand you not wanting to invest the money for a car, but what's wrong with accepting a ride now and then?
Not that he'd been out much lately.
Let's not get into that again.
You're probably not used to eating like this, but when you're cooking for men...
Brandon nearly choked on his tea, and Mrs. Marsh stared at her plate, not completely hiding a smile.
And he won't run - not even if you flog him.
I'm not a pansy, you know.
But then, if you think it's not safe...
She couldn't see his facial expression in the dark, so it was hard to tell if he was teasing her or not.
We're not in the apartment, are we?
Not until after I graduated.
It's not like I'm asking you to run away with me.
What do you think I've been going through lately... wanting to tell you, wanting to hold you in my arms - not knowing if you felt the way I did.
Yes, I want to marry you, and no, not now.
Let's not just plunge into this.
We're not fooling around, you know.
They're not going to kick us out.
She had no intention of hopping into bed with Brandon before they were married - house rules or not.
In the second place, I'm not going to play doctor.
I'm not qualified, Brandon, and I'm not going to get this started, so forget it.
I'm not asking you to prove anything.
I'm the one who owes you an apology, not the other way around.
Adrienne shook her head, not trusting her voice.
He needs you right now, whether he knows it or not.
Julia and Rachel were out shopping, and she stood in his doorway, not sure what to say.
I'm not going to put it before Mom.
Sweetheart, let's not let this come between us.
Not that it wasn't true - simply unexpected.
He's not a plow boy, and he will finish his schooling.
So now I'm not compatible?
I'm not forcing you to make a choice between me and your mother.
Why go through all that pain again, when she had almost succeeded in putting him in the past - almost, but not quite.
Why not check it out?
Not that any of this indecision was necessary.
Are you trying to say that you're not happy with your success?
I'm not asking you to give up anything you want, Adrienne.
Not that she was likely to see him again - especially out here in the desert, hundreds of miles from their little Texas ranch.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
Not in so many words, but it says women shouldn't dress in men's clothing.
Maybe that's what it means, maybe not.
I'm not against a woman having a job, as long as she sticks to work meant for women.
She stared into her cup, not wanting to say anything that would add fuel to the torch she suspected he was carrying for her.
Not that it needed hashing out anyway.
The Hertz's had not been blessed with children and were adamant that they would love taking care of the twins.
Not all men were unfaithful lechers.
All eyes were on him, but he appeared not to notice.
Not even if I get your teams ready?
In fact, why not give them a little show?
Fritz and Royce were squatted close to the fire, probably not wanting to get far from the food.
Not that any of it actually mattered.
It's not what it looks like, Davis.
Bordeaux pushed to his feet and moved away from her, careful not to make any sudden movements that might be misinterpreted.
I hate him and I'm not going back!
I'm not going back and you can't make me.
She shrugged, not wanting to discuss the matter with him, but determined not to hurt his feelings.
I'm not in love with anyone.
I'm not going back to see him.
You're a mighty good cook - not to mention a good driver.
I'm not so sure.
Anyway, maybe he decided not to come back.
He's not the kind to leave at a time like this.
It's your money, not mine.
It's not your fault.
Could Bordeaux resist temptation - and if not, would he expect forgiveness from her?
Not far from the camp, they reached a rock outcropping.
Not a word said, and yet there it was.
Not if they don't come back this way.
She plodded on, willing herself to take each step, not thinking of the miles to go, but merely getting through one more painful step.
Cassie, I'm not leaving you, so you might as well try to go on.
If the Indians were renegades, surely they wouldn't want to take the time to track only two people - not with the cavalry on their trail.
What a wicked thought to have about the man who had risked his life to protect her - not once, but a number of times in the last few days - and with so little to gain.
It's not my blood.
They have a camp not far away.
Unless someone knew the area, they could pass within a hundred feet of it and not know it was there.
If they separated at Ashley, she might not ever see him again.
Bordeaux might not want to take them into their home.
Not the way you love Bordeaux?
She turned her head so that he would not see the tears burning her eyes.
She raced up the steps, wondering if men who could not be trusted would plague her entire life.
Bordeaux was a persuasive man with a tendency to move fast - apparently not only with women.
Were it not for the ranch, she might even feel happy for them.
I'm not changing my mind.
Darcie was there, but Cassie pretended not to see her.
By the time the stage arrived, she was packed, but not ready for the trip.
She tried not to think of Bordeaux, instead focusing her attention on the twins and what she was going to say to her father.
Why had it never occurred to her that the twins might not want to go with her?
I don't know why not.
I'm still not sure why they did - maybe because they had recently lost a lot of their own people.
I guess I'm not a very good judge of character.
Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you're not likely to give him the chance, I'll tell you.
I'm not trying to make excuses for his behavior.
You're not going to sleep a wink tonight.
I suppose I'm simply not very ambitious.
Anyway, I'm not pretty.
So you're not the least bit interested in him?
Apparently she found Mr. Cade not only attractive, but also irresistible.
He liked Cade, but not the situation.
The years had not been kind to him.
I'm not from around here.
No, I suppose not.
It's a subject I'd rather not discuss.
I'll try not to be so inquisitive.
Working for Cade might not be as dull as she had first thought.
Not the way things are.
He doesn't know - and I'm not going to tell him.
Because he doesn't want to get married and I'm not going to force him into it by making him feel guilty.
Not that I was having much luck, anyway.
You said marriage was for people who wanted to spend a lifetime together, not a few nights.
I'm not sure exactly when I started falling in love with you.
Anyway, I was doing my best not to let things get out of control.
For all of Quinn LeBlanc's intellectual abilities, I not sure Martha isn't the main bread winner while Quinn tinkers in the theoretical world of the intellectual elite.
I know; I'm not jelouss, but you and Martha have this thing between you that goes so far back I get dizzy thinking about it.
Only it's a different kind of love; not the sex kind.
His mother, Martha's Aunt Rose says he's not the same person.
It was either that or start from scratch but he's not even sure he's a catholic, much less committed to anything.
It must drive him nuts not knowing.
You'd think so and I guess he's curious about his past, but he's not as obsessed.
I try to resurrect my first impression of Howard Abbott not colored by Quinn's negative appraisal.
I will not be trapped this time.
Betsy was shocked, but not me.
Why should I remember a 'Get out of Jail Free' card and not recognize my own mother, or a picture of my father or sister; or this bratty cousin?
Now that I'm not, what do you have in mind?
Betsy, I'm not going to explain the facts of life to a guy pushing forty!
Just make sure he's not traumatized or something.
He appeared not to see me until I cleared my throat.
It's so nice not to listen to police sirens and taxies honking their horns but I'm afraid we might have woken Howie up earlier.
It's straight from the trees; not like that watered down grocery store junk.
I'll call it a dream for lack of another word but that's not what I experienced.
Not that either; it was much more intense.
It's not new equipment.
The hot chocolate did its job, but not until well after five o'clock.
Wireless Internet was not available at the cabin and our computer had no means for a telephone hook-up.
But I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other.
Martha handed her the phone and I could tell by the look that quickly appeared on her face, it was not good news.
While I preferred not to toss a wet blanket on her quest, I remained far more pragmatic.
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
He was not going very fast, but on his flanks specks of foam began to appear and at times he would tremble like a leaf.
But he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof.
There was not an ugly person in all the throng.
They did not smile nor did they frown, or show either fear or surprise or curiosity or friendliness.
That I am not prepared to say.
It is your affair, not mine.
Not that I ever hear of.
There were no stairs in their houses, because they did not need them, but on a level surface they generally walked just as we do.
But not a single person appeared to be in the room.
But this was not true.
These happy days did not last long.
We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking.
I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well.
We are Russians and will not grudge our blood in defense of our faith, the throne, and the Fatherland!
The assembled nobles all took off their uniforms and settled down again in their homes and clubs, and not without some groans gave orders to their stewards about the enrollment, feeling amazed themselves at what they had done.
In the end, he will not refuse.
It's not a decision or a wish any more.
Her sadness had nothing to do with not appreciating their fortune.
I know you're not going to be right 100% of the time.
I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you.
They have her in pull-ups now and she's not happy about that.
I guess the way I've acted... not telling you things - what else could you think?
The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet.
Nonsense, you're not putting us out, but you're more than welcome to use the phone... and please call me Sarah.
The braids not only held it out of her eyes, but thinned the bottom part down enough that it would lay loose across her shoulders and down her back without frizzing.
Not that Rachel had any reason to complain.
If your Dad is feeling bad enough to warrant medical attention, he needs to see a doctor, not a nurse.
Deep inside she did feel responsible, but not for Mr. Marsh's death.
Nothing she had ever experienced in her life was more painful than that moment, knowing his pain and not being able to say a thing to help.
Not surprising, since they made all the laws.
That's not as far out as you might think.
It's fine to have high ideals about not going too far, but the reality of it is, it can happen before you realize what is happening.
Maybe that's not too good an idea after all.
I guess they're not as tame as they look.
I'm not much of a fisherman.
Cade was her boss, and thinking such things was not only disrespectful of him, but job threatening as well - especially if he suspected the existence of such thoughts.
No, I simply think there is a proper way to do things, and humans have a habit of doing what pleases them at the moment, not what is best for the future.
The more she learned about the way he thought, the more she was convinced that people around him were the strange ones, not Cade.
Eventually her attempts to tame him paid off, and he allowed her to touch him - provided she was careful not to move too quickly.
I'd rather not make a fool out of myself.
Sometimes. Anyway, it's the paneling that makes the room so dark, not the curtains over the windows.
To make sure I'm not keeping up with the Jones', I suppose.
You don't need training - especially not from the people who come up with this fashionable cluttered look.
We're not talking over a thousand dollars, are we?
If there was anything going on in this house, it's not like your rooming upstairs would make it look any different.
Not when everything else was working out so well.
It's just that... well; it's not your responsibility.
I'm not a mechanic.
So, can you still tell me you're not romantically interested in him?
Let's not go through this again.
Well, maybe it does for some people, but not a hard hearted old witch like me.
And now it was gone, not even a trace lingering as he spoke.
I'm not bored, but it is getting late.
I want someone who can contribute intelligent conversation, not grovel at my feet.
Bandages are for humans, not animals - not for things like this, anyway.
I am the housekeeper, not his mistress.
At the moment, it was her honor at stake, not Cade's.
He's not my real brother.
He's not even a Cade.
Not that I blame her.
I'm not sure who started that story, but it floated around here for my last two years of high school.
Cynthia was careful not to flirt with Cade again, putting on a professional front when he was around.
You're not going to throw up again, are you?
I was raised on a farm, and being an only child, I learned not to depend on others for entertainment.
Whatever. I came out here to enjoy your company, not argue with you.
You're not going to lecture me about it?
Not only because she loved him, but also because she trusted him.
Cade still slept peacefully - not that he would have cared if she left at this point anyway.
She indicated a cultivated area not far from where she was working.
She jerked the kitchen door open, not realizing he was close until she heard his voice behind her.
If you're not fighting, why don't you go see her?
It was a statement, not a question.
The best thing to do was to calmly tell him she would rather not go.
No, I'm not in the mood.
Not working as hard as you, that's for sure.
You're not sour either.
People should get married because they want to spend the rest of their lives together, not because they've already shared a few nights.
Nothing is going to happen - not tonight or any other night.
I'm not opposed to technology, I simply enjoy the work.
I'm the guy with no past and I have this... earlier vision and it's not even my memory.