North-carolina Sentence Examples
Furthermore, in North Carolina the governor has no veto power.
Salem was founded in 1766 by Friedrich Wilhelm von Marschall (1721-1802), a friend of Zinzendorf, and the financial manager of the board controlling the Moravian purchase made in North Carolina in 1753, consisting of 100,000 acres, and called Wachovia.
Graduating at the university of North Carolina in 1816, he studied law in the famous Litchfield (Connecticut) law school, and in 1819 was admitted to practice in Southampton county, Virginia.
All of the species of pine and of magnolia, and nearly all of the species of oak, of hickory and of spruce, indigenous to the United States, are found in North Carolina.
In North Carolina five of the seven life-zones into which North America has been divided are represented, but more of its area belongs to the upper-austral than to any other zone.
During the first half of the 19th century North Carolina was a mining state of the first importance; in 1804 it was the only state in the United States from which gold was obtained.
It was along the coast of North Carolina that Europeans in 1585 made the first discovery of iron ore within the present limits of the United States.
The population 1 of North Carolina increased from 1,399,750 in 1880 to 1, 61 7,949 in 1890, or 15.6%; to 1,893,810 in 1900, a further increase of 17.1%; and to 2,206,287 in 1910, an increase of 16.5% since 1900.
Until nearly a century after the founding of the Carolinas there was not a town in North Carolina that had a population of 1000, and the urban population of the state was exceptionally small at the beginning of the rapid rise of the manufacturing industries about 1880.
The North Carolina State Hospital (for the insane) at Raleigh was opened in 1856 as a result of the labours of Miss Dorothea Lynde Dix (1805-1887); in connexion with it there is an epileptic colony.
AdvertisementThe state owned, in 1909, 30,002 shares of stock in the North Carolina Railroad Company,' with a market value (1907) of $5,580,372 (the stock being quoted at 186), and an annual income of $210,014 and 12,666 shares of stock in the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, from which the annual income is $31,665.
Another state could do so, however, and in 1904, certain creditors having given ten of their bonds to South Dakota, the case of South Dakota versus North Carolina came before the Supreme Court.
Although the state of North Carolina owns 70.3% of the stock (besides this Craven county holds 7.7%; Lenoir, 2.8%; and Pamlico county, 1.13%), the state casts only 35 o votes to the 700 of the private stockholders.
The northern section was first called Albemarle, then " that part of our province of Carolina that lies north and east of Cape Fear," and about 1689 North Carolina.
The first steps were taken in that direction just after the close of the proprietary period in 1729, but the work was not completed until 1815.1 The first permanent English colony in North Carolina was established at Albemarle on the Chowan river about 1660 by people from Virginia.
AdvertisementSo that while the king was governmental head of the whole of North Carolina from 1729 to 1776 he was, after 1744, territorial lord of only the southern half.
The boundary between North Carolina and Tennessee was surveyed in 1 799 and 1821.
As for the " Declaration," the original records of the transactions of Mecklenburg county were destroyed by fire in 1800, but it is claimed that a copy of the " Declaration " was made from memory in the same year, and when, in 1819, a controversy had arisen as to where the movement for independence originated, this copy was published, first in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Gazette and then in many other newspapers.
The territory now comprising the state of Tennessee belonged to Carolina under the charters of 1663 and 1665, and fell to North Carolina when the original province was divided.
The inhabitants of the district, however, objected to the cession, especially to the terms, which, they contended, threatened them with two years of anarchy; declared their independence of North Carolina and organized for themselves the state of Franklin.
AdvertisementBy reason of this rejection the relations of North Carolina with the other states were severed upon the dissolution of the Confederation, and it took no part in the first election or in the organization of the new government.
The fundamental points of difference between North Carolina and South Carolina were exemplified in the slavery conflict.
Thompson, From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill, a Study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina (New York, 1906), contains some interesting observations on the changes in social conditions resulting from the growth of the cotton-manufacturing industry.
Cornelia P. Spencer, First Steps in North Carolina History (6th ed., Raleigh, 1893), is a brief elementary book written for use in the public schools.
Bassett, Constitutional Beginnings of North Carolina (Baltimore, 1894); The Regulators of North Carolina (Washington, 1894); and Slavery in the State of North Carolina (Baltimore, 1899), are all trustworthy.
AdvertisementWeeks deals with the religious history in his Religious Development in the Province of North Carolina (Baltimore, 1892), Church and State in North Carolina (Baltimore, 1893) and Southern Quakers and Slavery (Baltimore, 1896); he is anti-Anglican, but judicial.
Sikes, The Transition of North Carolina from Colony to Commonwealth (Baltimore, 1898), based on the public records, is accurate, though dull.
Cooke (ed.), Revolutionary History of North Carolina (Raleigh and New York, 1853), containing a defence of the Regulators.
In 1727 he was appointed one of the commission (of which William Fitzwilliams and William Dandridge were the other members) to mark the boundary between North Carolina and Virginia, concerning which undertaking he wrote (probably in 1737) The History of the Dividing Line.
It may not begin until September ro in Piedmont, North Carolina.
Levi Coffin (1798-1877), a native of North Carolina (whose cousin, Vestal Coffin, had established before 1819 a "station" of the Underground near what is now Guilford College, North Carolina), in 1826 settled in Wayne County, Ohio; his home at New Garden (now Fountain City) was the meeting point of three "lines" from Kentucky; and in 1847 he removed to Cincinnati, where his labours in bringing slaves out of the South were even more successful.
The general assembly of the state met at Fayetteville in 1787, 1788 and 1789 (Newbern, Tarboro, Hillsboro and Fayetteville all being rivals at this time for the honour of becoming the permanent capital); and in 1789 the Federal constitution was here ratified for North Carolina.
In 1806 Friends from North Carolina and Pennsylvania settled near here, and Richmond was platted in 1816.
The original seceders in Virginia and North Carolina bore for a time the name "Republican Methodists," and then called themselves simply "Christians," a designation which with the pronunciation "Christ-yans" is still of ten applied to them.
Soon after the engagement began a large part of the Americans, mostly North Carolina and Virginia militia, fled precipitately, carrying Gates with them; but Baron De Kalb and the Maryland troops fought bravely until overwhelmed by numbers, De Kalb himself being mortally wounded.
This place guarded the approaches to Wilmington, North Carolina.
In March 1 775 Richard Henderson and some North Carolina land speculators met about 1200 Cherokee Indians in council on the Watauga river and concluded a treaty with them for the purchase of all the territory south of the Ohio river and between the Kentucky and Cumberland rivers.
The prestige thus won by the British in the south in 1779 was immensely increased in the following year, when they victoriously swept up through South and North Carolina.
In June Clinton returned to New York, leaving Cornwallis in command, with instructions to reduce North Carolina also.
The dashing rider, Colonel Banastre Tarleton, cut to pieces (April 14, 1780) a detachment of Lincoln's cavalry, and followed it up by practically destroying Buford's Virginia regiment near the North Carolina border.
By the month of August 1780, with the main British force encamped near the North Carolina line, the field seemed clear for the next advance.
Two thousand men, mainly the Maryland line, were hurried down from Washington's camp under Johann de Kalb; Virginia and North Carolina put new men into the field, and the entire force was placed under command of General Gates.
C., near the North Carolina line, by bands of riflemen under Colonels Isaac Shelby, James Williams, William Campbell and others, and after a desperate fight on the wooded and rocky slopes, surrendered.
It is a peculiar feature of the drainage in North Carolina that the headwaters lie to the east of the highest mountains, and that the chief rivers flow north-westward through the mountains to the broad valley lowland of the stratified belt and then through the plateau, as the members of the Mississippi system.
A section of the coastal plain, from North Carolina to southern New Jersey, resembles the plain farther south in general form and quality of soils, but besides being narrower, it is further characterized by several embayments or arms of the sea, caused by a slight depression of the land after mature valleys had been eroded in the plain.
Dismal Swamp, on the border of North Carolina and Virginia, is the largest example.
The Hudsonian zone covers the upper slopes of the higher mountains of New England, New York and North Carolina and larger areas on the elevated slopes of the Rocky and Cascade Mountains; and on the western mountains it is the home of the mountain goat, mountain sheep, Alpine flying-squirrel, nutcracker, evening grosbeak and Townsends solitaire.
During the democratizing period from 1820 to 1860 the system of popular election was extended, especially in the new states, and at present this system prevails in thirty-six states, including practically all of the new states and five of the original statesNew York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina and Georgia.
Coarse sapphire is found in many parts of the United States, and the mineral occurs of gem quality in North Carolina and Montana.
The acreage and product of tobacco and peanuts increased from 1890 to 1900 respectively 188% and 319.2%, and 92.6% and 129.9%, and in the production of sweet potatoes Georgia was in 1899 surpassed only by North Carolina.
On the 12th of October 1864 he assumed command of the North Atlantic blockading squadron, then about to engage in a combined military and naval expedition against Fort Fisher, North Carolina.
Burnside took possession of Roanoke island on the North Carolina coast (7th February).
Sherman, commanding the bulk of the Union forces in the Mississippi Valley, swept in a victorious march through the heart of the Confederacy to Savannah on the coast, and thence northward to North Carolina.
Slocum, and in 1865 received a captain's brevet for "efficient services during the campaigns in North Carolina and Georgia."
In 1788, having been appointed prosecuting attorney of the western district of North Carolina (now the state of Tennessee),he removed to Nashville, the seat of justice of the district.
Tungsten trioxide, W0 31 occurs in nature as wolframine, a yellow mineral found in Cumberland, Limoges, Connecticut and in North Carolina.
In 1852 the college was empowered to grant degrees; in 1856 it became the property of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; in 1859 it received its present name; and in 1892 it was removed to a park near Durham, included in 1901 in the corporate limits of the city.
The North Carolina Journal of Education and the Papers of the Trinity College Historical Society also are edited by members of the college faculty.
Tobacco was an important crop in the earlier history of the colony, and Virginia continued to be the leading tobacco-producing state of the Union (reporting in 1850 28.4% of the total crop) until after the Civil War, which, with the division of the state, caused it to fall into second place, Kentucky taking the lead; and in 1900 the crop of North Carolina also was larger.
From 1583 to 1588 attempts had been made by Sir Walter Raleigh and others to establish colonies on the coast of what is now North Carolina.
The great majority of whites were small farmers whose condition was anything but desirable and who constantly encroached upon the Indian lands in the Rappahannock region or penetrated the forests south of the James, several thousand having reached North Carolina.
He graduated from the university of North Carolina in 1818, studied law in the office of Felix Grundy (1777-1840) at Nashville in 1819-1820, was admitted to the bar in 1820, and began to practise in Columbia, the county-seat of Maury county.
By 1727 they had invaded North Carolina and a church was constituted there.
From North Carolina as a centre "Separate" Baptist influence permeated Virginia and extended into Kentucky and Tennessee.
In 1585 or 1586, potato tubers were brought from what is now North Carolina to Ireland on the return of the colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh, and were first cultivated on Sir Walter's estate near Cork.
He studied at the college of New Jersey (now Princeton University) from 1774 to 1776, when the institution was closed on account of the outbreak of the War of Independence; served for a short time in a New Jersey militia company; studied law at Bute Court-house, North Carolina, in 1 7771 7 80, at the same time managing his tobacco plantation; was a member of a Warren county militia company in 1780-1782, and served in the North Carolina Senate in 1781-1785.
He was president of the North Carolina constitutional convention in 1835, and was an elector on the Van Buren ticket in 1836.
He was printer for the state of North Carolina from 1887 to 1893, and then for two years, under President Cleveland's administration, was chief clerk of the Department of the Interior.
In every state the opposition to the Constitution was strong, and in two - North Carolina and Rhode Island - it prevented ratification until the definite establishment of the new government practically forced their adhesion.
This line, at which the south-east flowing rivers fall from higher levels in the crystalline rocks of the Piedmont Plateau down to somewhat lower levels in the softer rocks of the Coastal Plain, passes in a general south-west direction from the North Carolina border north-east of Cheraw through Camden and Columbia to the Savannah river opposite Augusta, Georgia.
The highest point in the state is Sassafras Mountain (3548 ft.) in the Blue Ridge and on the North Carolina state line.
In the middle section the Santee river is formed by the confluence of the Wateree, which is known in North Carolina as the Catawba, and the Congaree, which is in turn formed by the Broad and the Saluda, and the basin of this system embraces about one-half the area of the state.
In the north-east the Great Pedee and its tributaries - the Little Pedee, Waccamaw and Lynches - are wholly within the Coastal Plain, but the main stream is a continuation below the Fall Line of the Yadkin river, which rises in the mountains of North Carolina.
Theoretically South Carolina and North Carolina constituted a single province, but, as the settlements were far apart, there were always separate local governments.
He was a member of the continental congress in1783-1784and again in 1786-1787, of the constitutional convention at Philadelphia in 1787, and of the state convention which ratified the Federal constitution for North Carolina in 1789.
From 1790 until 1796 he was, by President Washington's appointment, governor of the "Territory South of the Ohio River," created out of land ceded to the national government by North Carolina in 1789.
Its highest point and great escarpment are in North Carolina.
Perhaps the most unique provision of the Nebraska constitution is that 2 An almost identical clause was inserted in the Ohio constitution of 1802, and one in exactly the same language appears in the present (1851) constitution of that state; it appears also in the Kansas constitutions of 1855, 1858 and 18J9 (present), in the Nebraska constitution of 1866, in the North Carolina and South Carolina constitutions of 1868, and was retained in the present constitution of North Carolina as amended in 1876.
The University of Nashville is a non-sectarian institution embracing a college department, a medical department, a preparatory department, and the George Peabody College for Teachers; it was incorporated under the laws of North Carolina as Davidson Academy in 1785 and under the laws of Tennessee as Cumberland College in 1806, and the present name was adopted in 1826.
When first settled it was named Nashborough in honour of Abner Nash (1716-1786), who was at the time governor of North Carolina, or more probably in honour of the Revolutionary general, Francis Nash (1720-1777), a brother of Abner, killed at Germantown; but when, in 1784, it was incorporated as a town by the North Carolina legislature the present name was substituted.
In the latter year he was appointed to the chair of chemistry, mineralogy and geology in the university of North Carolina.
His first publication (1824-1825) was the Report of his geological survey of the state of North Carolina.
After the failure of the Regulator insurrection in North Carolina in 1771, hundreds of the Regulators made their way into the wilderness.
Courts were held, but any conflict of jurisdiction with Virginia or North Carolina was avoided.
With the approach of the War of Independence, the dream of becoming a separate colony with a royal governor was abandoned, and on petition of the inhabitants the territory was annexed to North Carolina in 1776 as the Washington District, which in 1777 became Washington county, with the Mississippi river as the western boundary.
After the War of Independence the legislature of North Carolina in 1784 offered to cede her western territory to the general government, provided the cession should be accepted within two years.
Meanwhile North Carolina repealed the act of cession and created the western counties into a new judicial district.
Later in the year another convention, to which the proposed constitution had been referred, adopted instead the constitution of North Carolina with a few trifling changes, and William Cocke was chosen to present to Congress a memorial requesting recognition as a state.
Congress, however, ignored the request, and the diplomacy of the North Carolina authorities caused a reaction.
Robertson was sent as a delegate to the North Carolina legislature in 1783 and through his instrumentality the settlements became Davidson county.
On the 25th of February 1790 North Carolina again ceded the territory to the general government, stipulating that all the general provisions of the Ordinance of 1787 should apply except that forbidding slavery.
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She is a volunteer firefighter in her hometown of Siler City, North Carolina.
A study by Duke University in North Carolina discovered that monoculture plantations dried up local water supplies.
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The city was named in honour of Samuel Ashe (1725-1813), chief-justice of North Carolina from 1777 to 1796, and John Ashe (1720-1781), a North Carolina soldier who distinguished himself in the War of Independence, was settled about 1790, and was incorporated in 1835.
The other states with a large Presbyterian population were Illinois (115,602; 86,251 of the Northern Church; 17,208 of the Cumberland Church; 9555 of the United Presbyterian Church); New Jersey (79,912; 78,490 of the Northern Church); Tennessee (79,337; 42,464 being Cumberland Presbyterians, more than one-fifth of the total membership; 6640 of the Colored Cumberland Church, more than one-third of its membership; 21, 39 0 of the Southern Church; and 6786 of the Northern Church); Missouri (71,599; 28,637 of the Cumberland Church; 25,991 of the Northern Church; 14,713 of the Southern Church); Texas (62,090; 31,598 of the Cumberland Church; 2 3,934 of the Southern Church; 4118 of the Northern Church; and 2091 of the Colored Cumberland Church); Iowa (60,081; 48,326 of the Northern Church; 8890 of the United Presbyterian Church); and North Carolina (55,837; 41,322 of the Southern and 10,696 of the Northern Church).
But the new state was weakened by factions, and after a brief and precarious existence it was forced into submission to North Carolina by which in 1790 the territory was again ceded to the national government with the proviso that no regulation made or to be made by Congress should tend to the emancipation of slaves (see Tennessee).
In the middle section, as already stated, the Great Valley is somewhat open on the east, by reason of the small height and broad interruptions of the narrow crystalline belt; on the west it is limited by the complex series of Alleghany ridges and valleys; in the north-east section the valley is strongly enclosed on the east by the New England uplands, and on the west by the Adirondacks and Catskills (see below); in the south-west section the valley broadens from the North Carolina highlands on the south-east almost to the Cumberland plateau on the north-west, for here also the ridge-making formations weaken, although they do not entirely disappear.
The feeble Baptist cause in Virginia and North Carolina had been considerably strengthened by missionaries from the churches of the Philadelphia Association, including Benjamin Griffith, John Gano (1727-1804), John Thomas, Benjamin Miller, Samuel Eaton, John Garrard and David Thomas, and several churches, formed or reformed under their influence, united with the association.
For a time two sets of officials claimed recognition, but when the North Carolina legislature a second time passed an act of oblivion and remitted the taxes unpaid since 1784, the tide was turned.
High-tech firms in North Carolina 's Research Triangle weathered Hurricane Floyd after days of preparation and rerouting of important online traffic.
The freedom fighter gazed into the North Carolina sky, a look of steely determination on his face.
Kelly now resides in North Carolina with her husband, Sam, and their 8 and 5-year-old sons.
The GPS Store - Since 1997, the North Carolina based store specializes in GPS equipment for all vehicle needs.
Also, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper's office has information on a variety of consumer protection issues.
Thomasville furniture is made in the heart of the furniture capital of the United States, North Carolina.
In fact, North Carolina is often referred to as "the furniture capital of the world".
If you're heading to North Carolina to buy furniture, remember to bring paint and fabric swatches from the items that are in your home.
There are many throughout the United States and Canada, particularly in North Carolina.
Hooker furniture is actively involved in supporting the North Carolina and Virginia communities , where the company's 800 or so employees live and work.
Boyles Furniture and Rugs - Furniture Outlet and Clearance Center carries leather furniture on their website with a contact telephone number for the North Carolina store location that has the furniture piece.
Next to tobacco and cotton, North Carolina generates the most profit from soybeans.
As evidence, FEMA cites the Cape Hatteras lighthouse in North Carolina.
Interestingly, North Carolina State University suggests eating ginger can help guard against cancer and even destroy cancerous cells in some cases.
Furniture Outlet Stores -- Highpoint, North Carolina is the furniture capital of the United States.
Beautiful weather, beautiful beaches, and Southern hospitality - Wilmington, North Carolina has it all, and interior design in Wilmington, North Carolina incorporates all of the wonderful elements that give this place its charm.
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington's thriving campus makes this a college town, and along the riverwalk in downtown Wilmington, there is a surprising mix of big business and upscale eateries.
Kinetic Fountains is based in Asheville, North Carolina which is known for its stunning natural vistas.
Modern interior design ideas trickle down from design shows like Maison et Objet, Salone de Mobile in Italy, and High Point Furniture Market in North Carolina.
I have a friend that lives in North Carolina and he wants me to come and live with him when I get out of foster care.
I don't have enough background to really advise you, other than please don't go to North Carolina.
But in North Carolina we started to have fun again.
After graduation, Michael attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a basketball scholarship.
In March 2007, Wahler was arrested for underage drinking and resisting arrest in Greenville, North Carolina.
Fantasia Barrino purchased the Charlotte, North Carolina home for an estimated $1.3 million in March of 2007.
Authorities are continuing to investigate a fatal accident involving a tour bus transporting Miley Cyrus' lighting and production crews on their way to her upcoming show in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Davidson County Community College (DCCC) is a public two-year college that is part of the North Carolina Community Colleges Association.
In a Kiplinger compilation of the "100 Best Values in Public Colleges 2009-10", The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill topped the list.
University of North Carolina Online - This online program has a concentration in health leadership designed for mid-career and advanced professionals.
Interceptor® is made for and distributed by Novartis Animal Health US, Inc., of Greensboro, North Carolina.
Famous mansions such as Biltmore in North Carolina and Old Westbury Gardens on Long Island, New York, showcase flowers and vegetables in raised beds.
For more information about flowering quince, visit Arkansas Home and Garden or North Carolina State's Cooperative Extension website.
Tabernacle Granite and Marble, Inc. has over 24 years in the industry and their residential service area extends all the way to North Carolina.
The company is committed to American made goods from start to finish.The cotton is grown on small, family farms in California, Texas, and North Carolina and then milled in North and South Carolina.
One group, the Carolina Stewardship Association in North Carolina, partnered with the USDA, NCDA and the North Carolina State University in the latter's project, North Carolina Organic Bread Flour Project.
One leading brand of natural bee products is Burt's Bees, based out of North Carolina.
Asheville is located along the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain range in western North Carolina and is listed as the number one retirement town on
Winding River, Southport, North Carolina - designed by Fred Couples.
Even more importantly, North Carolina offers something for everyone.
Clearly, the landscape of North Carolina is diverse, and so are the retirement communities available.
Choices in North Carolina are abundant, but here are a few of our favories.
Yet CNN Money lists college towns like Durham, North Carolina and Hanover, New Hampshire as some of the best cities to retire.
Durham, North Carolina offers a nice blend for retirees with numerous retirement communities and over-55 housing locations, as well as a college campus with many courses open to seniors.
If you are driving to Greenville, the city is located along interstate eighty-five and is about a two-hour drive from Charlotte, North Carolina.
He served his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and completed a fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
Hall had a dream of building a park that would bring North Carolina and South Carolina closer together while honoring the unique culture of the Carolinas.
Standing Indian Campground is a popular North Carolina campground known for its many fabulous hiking trails, including several that connect to the Appalachian Trail.
The nearest town is Franklin, North Carolina.
Indian Basin is a popular trout fishing area that requires an in-state or out-of-state North Carolina fishing license.
This outdoor campground in North Carolina features 81 total sites.
There are many outstanding camping sites in North Carolina.
There are several places to look for camping sites in North Carolina that meet your needs.
Go Campin' Directory of North Carolina RV Campgrounds - Visit the NC specific Go Campin' page to find listings for many independently owned and operated RV campgrounds located in every part of the state.
North Carolina State Parks - North Carolina is home to an extensive network of state parks, many of which offer top notch camping facilities.
Outer Banks Vacation Guide - See the campsites directory on for information about places to enjoy ocean front camping in North Carolina. - See the official tourism website for North Carolina for details about camping throughout the state, as well as information about things to enjoy doing and seeing during your stay.
There are several ways to approach finding places to camp in North Carolina.
Once you find a desirable camping site and make a reservation, you'll be one step closer to enjoying a wonderful outdoor getaway in the lovely state of North Carolina.
Many of the state park campgrounds in North Carolina are designed for RV and tent camping.
The following general facts pertain to the majority of the state park campsites within North Carolina.
The above campgrounds certainly aren't the only campsites in NC state parks, for more information contact North Carolina State Parks.
For example, the state of New York has a link to the Department of Civil Service and the state of North Carolina has a link to the Department of Commerce Employment Security Commission.
Veterans and other potentially eligible individuals may request a certificate of eligibility by submitting Form 26-1880 along with proof of military service to the VA eligibility center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
The state of North Carolina offers the American Dream Downpayment Initiative.
Residents of North Carolina and Washington state must pay sales tax.
My parents owned and operated an Inn in Edenton, North Carolina -where a lot of people honeymooned to take advantage of the nearby Outer Banks.
Deering - This schooner left Barbados on January 9, 1921 and was last seen off the coast of North Carolina by lighthouse keeper Thomas Jacobson.
The ship was eventually discovered run aground at Diamond Shoals, North Carolina.
Western North Carolina EastEnders Fans created their own 20 question EastEnders games with a trivia test.
Several versions of the song are available in .wav and MP3 formats on the North Carolina EastEnders Fan Club website.
Walker eventually retired from her career as an actress and began working full time as a Children's Ministry Director in North Carolina.
The series, set in the fictional North Carolina town of Tree Hill, focused on the contentious relationship between half-brothers Lucas and Nathan.
Bermuda is a picturesque island located roughly 650 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
Another very successful method has been the development of the "Structured Teaching" model, developed by the University of North Carolina.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill runs the TEACCH program.
Jacksonville, North Carolina - This reviewer gave the Odyssey five stars in all categories for the EX model.
Cheerleaders in North Carolina can get excited about all the fun overnight cheerleading camps in NC.
Here are some guidelines as recommended by the doctors at Wake Surgical Specialists in North Carolina.
New research from the University of North Carolina reveals that the most effective way to sculpt your rear is to combine a series of butt exercises with 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic activity four to five times a week.
Over the next few years, Farm Bureau Mutual expanded to serve West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, and North Carolina.
For North Carolina and Massachusetts residents, only comprehensive and collision is available.
All aspects of insurance within the state of North Carolina - health insurance or otherwise - are regulated through the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
Assists seniors who reside in North Carolina with Medicare and Medicaid issues through the Seniors Health Insurance Information Program.
This agency can be a valuable resource when searching for affordable health insurance in North Carolina.
The North Carolina Health Insurance Risk Pool (NCHIRP) is designed to provide affordable health insurance to eligible residents who cannot find reasonably priced coverage elsewhere due to a preexisting health condition.
Officials announced plans to add the New York Majesty to the league and Mitchell Mortaza announced that he will be bringing the LFL to North Carolina in 2010 with his expansion team, the Charlotte Crush.
Taylor was a dean at the medical school of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - the medical school at the university is now called the James Taylor School of Medicine.
Olympic gold medalist Crystal Cox, 29, of Durham, North Carolina is still in top form, and should be an obvious threat to competitors in lesser shape.
At last report, she is married with two children and works as a bank teller in North Carolina.
Kate Gosselin's stomach surgery was deemed a success and in May 2009 the reality TV mom flaunted her tight abs during a highly publicized vacation to Bald Head Island, North Carolina.
The first season included team members from Charleston, North Carolina and the company Trademark Properties.
Sandra Diaz-Twine - Sandra is 35, from Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Burt's Bees is a company based in North Carolina that produces earth-friendly, all natural products.
There was a Smith and a Jones, each with local addresses that sounded fake, and Zeke Ambrowski of Raleigh, North Carolina.
A'Court Ashe, History of North Carolina (2 vols., Greensboro, 1908) are general surveys.
The Canadian zone crosses from Canada into northern and northwestern Maine, northern and central New Hampshire, northern Michigan, and north-eastern Minnesota and North Dakota, covers the Green Mountains, most of the Adirondacks and Catskills, the higher slopes of the mountains in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, the lower slopes of the northern Rocky and Cascade Mountains, the upper slopes of the southern Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains, and a strip along the Pacific coast as far south as Cape Mendocino, interrupted, however, by the Columbia Valley.
Carissa Loughhead St. Aubin - Carissa is from North Carolina and considers cooking a hobby.