North-africa Sentence Examples
The oaks are widely distributed over the temperate parts of Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America.
Amongst Conifers Cedrus is especially noteworthy; it is represented by geographical races in the north-west Himalaya, in Syria, Cyprus and North Africa.
The classic term "camelopard," probably introduced when these animals were brought from North Africa to the Roman amphitheatre, has fallen into complete disuse.
The western emporium known in the scriptures as Tarshish was probably situated in the south of Spain, possibly at Cadiz, although some writers contend that it was Carthage in North Africa.
Concurrently with the claim of Mahommed Ahmed to be the mandi the same title was claimed by, or for, the head of the Senussites, a confraternity powerful in many regions of North Africa.
He became first a postmaster near Lyons, and in 1841 was appointed, through the influence of some of his friends who had risen to posts of power, member of a scientific commission on Algeria, which led him to engage in researches concerning North Africa and colonization in general.
In Spain and North Africa persecution created that strange and significant phenomenon Maranism or crypto-Judaism, a public acceptance of Islam or Christianity combined with a private fidelity to the rites of Judaism.
Persia, including Syria and Arabia, besides extending into North Africa.
The central dome has but a slight elevation outside, but with the numerous cupolas round, and the minarets, it forms a picturesque group which is wanting in the mosques of Kairawan, Cordova, and other examples in North Africa.
The fact that both male and female costume amongst the primitive Aegean peoples is derivable from the simple loin-cloth with additions is rightly used by Mackenzie as a proof that their original home is not to be sought in the colder regions of central Europe, but in a warm climate such as that of North Africa.
AdvertisementThe great sphere of the marabouts is North Africa.
The blackbird is found in every country of Europe, even breeding - although rarely - beyond the arctic circle, and in eastern Asia as well as in North Africa and the Atlantic islands.
The genus Cedrus contains two other species closely allied to C. Libani - Cedrus Deodara, the deodar, or "god tree" of the Himalayas, and Cedrus atlantica, of the Atlas range, North Africa.
There is a second species (Erinaceus deserti) which is common to all North Africa.
The inhabitants of the Cape Bon Peninsula show evident signs of Greek blood arising from Greek invasions, which began in prehistoric times and finished with the downfall of the Byzantine Empire in North Africa.
AdvertisementThe empire of the Fatimites (q.v.) rested on Berber support, and from that time forth till the advent of the Turks the dynasties of North Africa were really native, even when they claimed descent from some illustrious Arab stock.
All North Africa was ravaged by the invaders, who, though unable to found an empire or overthrow the settled government in the towns, forced the agricultural Berbers into the mountains, and, retaining from generation to generation their lawless and predatory habits, made order and prosperity almost impossible in the open parts of the country until its effective occupations by the French.
What is certain is its influence on the development of the Church's policy as to discipline in grave cases, like apostasy and adultery - a burning question for some generations from the end of the 2nd century, particularly in Rome and North Africa.
Eryx jaculus, also a sand-snake, from North Africa to Central Asia, and extending into Greece.
In the addax (Addax nasomaculatus), which is a distinct species common to North Africa and Syria, the ringed horns form an open spiral ascending in the plane of the face, and there is long, shaggy, dark hair on the fore-quarters in winter.
AdvertisementIn the East the metropolitan baptistery at Constantinople still stands at the side of the mosque which was once the patriarchal church of St Sophia; and many others, in Syria, have been made known to us by recent researches, as also have some belonging to the churches of North Africa.
His family were sherifs or descendants of Mahomet, and his father, Mahi-ed-Din, was celebrated throughout North Africa for his piety and charity.
The fauna of Algeria resembles that of the Mediterranean system generally, though many animals once common to South Europe and North Africa - such as the lion, panther, hyena and jackal - are now extinct in Europe.
This double current of immigration notably increased the French population of North Africa.
In North Africa it found its most numerous adherents, gaining secret support even among the clergy.
AdvertisementIn North Africa Manichaeism appears to have been extinguished by the persecution of the Vandals.
Next comes the typical Sciurus, including the great bulk of the entire group, and ranging over Europe, Asia, North Africa and America.
In the typical jerboas, Jaculus (or Dipus), ranging from North Africa to Persia, Russia and Central Asia, there are only three hind toes, the incisors are grooved, and the premolars are generally wanting.
During the next few years he devoted himself to travel in the near East and in North Africa and to the study of the problems concerning those regions.
As a rustic dialect the language lasted on in North Africa till the 5th century A.D.
Under Ethbaal further expansion is recorded; Botrys north of Byblus and Aoza in North Africa are said to have been founded by him; the more famous Carthage owed its origin to the civil discords which followed the death of Metten I.
The South Africa General Mission, the North Africa Mission, and the Congo Balolo Mission come next in importance; but there are several smaller bodies working in different countries.
To-day Islam is supreme, though the North Africa Mission, working largely on medical lines, has penetrated into many cities.
Direct work among Mahommedans is done, though with small result, by the North Africa Mission (non-denominational) and the Church Missionary Society.
Tiaret (Berber for "station") was a town of note at the time of the Arab invasion of North Africa in the 7th century and is stated by Ibn Khaldun to have offered a stubborn resistance to Sidi-Okba.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to North Africa.
The principal Baggara tribes are the Hawazma, Meseria, Kenana, Habbania, and Homr. The Homr are said to have entered Kordofan from Wadai about the end of the 18th century and to have come from North Africa.
Green tea is represented by 28,000,000 lb, and this went chiefly to the United States of America, to Central Asia and to North Africa.
In Morocco and generally throughout North Africa there is a considerable demand for green tea, which is drunk hot out of glasses, the liquor being almost saturated with sugar and strongly flavoured with mint.
The part referring to North Africa was edited by M`G.
North of this point are hills forming the walls of the plateau which extends over the centre of the protectorate and is part of the great plateau of North Africa.
Before his death he was acknowledged as caliph in Mecca and Medina, as, well as Syria, Egypt and North Africa as far as Tangier.
Libytherium is an allied form from North Africa.
With the rest of North Africa Mauretania was overrun by the Arabs in the 7th century.
Whatever these dialects be called, the Kabyle, the Shilha, the Zenati, the Tuareg or Tamashek, the Berber language is still essentially one, and the similarity between the forms current in Morocco, Algeria, the Sahara and the far-distant oasis of Siwa is much more marked than between the Norse and English in the sub-Aryan Teutonic group. The Berbers have, moreover, a writing of their own, peculiar and little used or known, the antiquity of which is proved by monuments and inscriptions ranging over the whole of North Africa.
In North Africa particularly, and in Khorasan the effect of Omar's proclamation was that a great multitude embraced Islam.
From Russia, too, there is a stream of colonization across the Urals into western Siberia, and amongst the western Mediterranean populations there is constant migration to North Africa The greatest drain from Europe, however, has been across the sea to the United States, Canada and Australasia, especially to the first-named.
In the early empire, North Africa (excluding Egypt) was divided into Mauretania, Numidia, Africa Propria and Cyrenaica.
He studied in France at Laon and Tours, and travelled, it is said, through Spain, Italy, North Africa and Asia Minor, during a period of seven years.
While eggs from North Africa present a perfectly smooth surface, those from South Africa are pitted.
After the Arab conquest of North Africa the town fell into decay.
Ammophila arundinacea (or Psamma arenaria) (Marram grass) with its long creeping stems forms a useful sand-binder on the coasts of Europe, North Africa and the Atlantic states of America.
It was the last stronghold in North Africa which held out against the Arabs.
The document was not acceptable, however, to Popes Severinus and John IV., the immediate successors of Honorius; and Maximus, the confessor, succeeded in stirring up such violent opposition in North Africa and Italy that, in 648, Constans II.
Bears are confined to the Atlas region, wolves and foxes to North Africa.
Whilst the later Secondary and Tertiary formations were being laid down in North Africa and around the margins of the rest of the continent, Africa received its last great accumulation of strata and at the same time underwent a consecutive series of earth-movements.
The Arab invasion of North Africa in the 7th century, which turned Egypt into a Mahommedan country, had not the same effect in Nubia, the Moslems, though they frequently raided the country, being unable to hold it.
Trek over wild rugged mountains; through arid gorges; attempt an ascent of Jebel Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa.
Libyans began flooding into the country, not as conquerors but apparently as refugees fleeing famine in north Africa.
Pirates in North Africa continually harass European shipping in Mediterranean.
The striped hyaena is the most widespread ranging from North Africa through the Middle East to India.
Meanwhile, six months passed between Laval's return to power and the allied landings in North Africa.
Europe, Middle East and North Africa Dorset Cereals Ltd Manufacturers of high quality breakfast cereals including muesli and crunchy products.
A martyr venerated from early times in Carthage in North Africa.
Three holy virgins martyred in Carthage in North Africa.
Mahommedan Spain followed the fate of Africa, and in 1170 the Muwahhadis transferred their capital to Seville, a step followed by the founding of the great mosque, now superseded by the cathedral, the tower of which they erected in 1184 to mark the accession of Ya`kub el Mansur, From the time of Yusef II., however, they governed their co-religionists in Spain and Central North Africa through lieutenants, their dominions outside Morocco being treated as provinces.
The seven-day week (see Calendar) originated in West Asia, spread to Europe and later to North Africa (Mahommedan).
The Arabian camel, which is used not only in the country from which it takes its name, but also in North Africa and India, and has been introduced into Australia and North America, is known only as a domesticated animal.
The named Arabian baboon, P. hamadryas of North Africa and Arabia, dedicated by the ancient Egyptians to the god Thoth, and the South Arabian P. arabicus, typify Hamadryas; while the drill and mandrill of the west coast, P. leucophaeus and P. maimon, constitute the subgenus Maimon.
The southern or African province is distinguished chiefly by the abundance of plants which have their true home in North Africa (a fact explained hy the geologically recent land connexiun of Spain with that continent), but is also remarkable for the occurrence within it of numerous Eastern plants (natives of Syria and Asia Minor), and plants belonging to South Africa and the Canaries, as well as natives of tropical America which have become naturalized here (see Agriculture).
Water scarcity in the Middle East or North Africa for example is a high ranking national interest.
Native to North Africa and the Mediterranean area, the aloe vera plant resembles a cactus with its thick succulent leaves and pointed thorny edges.
Silybum marianum, or milk thistle, is a plant from the daisy family that is native to Europe, north Africa and the Middle East.
Its usage dates back to Biblical times and it has been commonly employed by mothers in India, North Africa and the Middle Eastern territories.
It is a native of North Africa and Western and Central Asia, including North-West India.
The activity in North Africa reacted on Spain.