Norris Sentence Examples
Rohault's version of the Cartesian physics was translated into English; and Malebranche found an ardent follower in John Norris (1667-171 I).
On the 12th Sir Francis Weston, Henry Norris, William Brereton and Mark Smeaton were declared guilty of high treason, while Anne herself and Lord Rochford were condemned unanimously by an assembly of twenty-six peers on the 15th.
Norris, according to one account,' also confessed, but subsequently declared that he had been betrayed into making his statement.
Sir John Norris was accordingly ordered to Ireland with a considerable force to subdue him in 1595, but Tyrone succeeded in taking the Blackwater Fort and Sligo Castle before Norris was prepared; and he was thereupon proclaimed a traitor of Dundalk.
P. Norris (Journal of Philology) wished to transpose chapters v.
Norristown was founded in 1785, and was named in honour of Isaac Norris (c. 1671-1735), a friend of William Penn and a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, who had owned the land on which the borough is built.
In the summer of 1570 he was, in spite of his protestations, designated to succeed Norris as ambassador at Paris.
There is no sign of any intimate knowledge of ancient or scholastic thought; to the doctrines of Spinoza, Leibnitz, Malebranche, Norris, the attitude is one of indifference or lack of appreciation, but the influence of Descartes and specially of Locke is evident throughout.
After preparing a small volume of miscellanies, which was published by subscription, he studied dentistry with Anthony Norris Groves in Exeter.
It occupies a hilly site at the junction of the rivers Tame and Mersey; the larger part of the town lying on the south (left) bank, while the suburb of Heaton Norris is on the Lancashire bank.
AdvertisementIn the Norris basin are the Black Growler and the Hurricane, which consist of small apertures through which steam rushes with such tremendous force that it may be heard for miles.
Lord Derby left Colonel Edward Norris in command and in May the parliamentarians again attacked the town, which was forced to surrender after a six days' siege owing to lack of provisions.
In 1589 an English fleet was sent to aid the prior in a projected invasion of Portugal, but owing to a quarrel between its commanders, Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Norris, the expedition was abandoned.
The founder was Benjamin Whichcote and the chief members were Ralph Cudworth, Richard Cumberland, Joseph Glanvill, Henry More and John Norris (see separate articles).
Their chief contributions to thought were Cudworth's theory of the "plastic nature" of God, More's elaborate mysticism, Norris's appreciation of Malebranche, Glanvill's conception of scepticism as an aid to Faith, and, in a less degree, the harmony of Faith and Reason elaborated by Culverwel.
AdvertisementJohn Norris, the metaphysical rector of Bemerton and English disciple of Malebranche,, criticized it in 1690.
Sir John Norris, famed in the Netherland wars, was president of Munster, and so impressed the Irish that they averred him to be in league with the devil.
In 1589, the year after the Armada, he accompanied an English expedition under the command of Drake and Norris to the coast of Spain and Portugal.
The subject of the letter received from him is very grievous, in respect of Lord [Norris's] danger.
The bravery of 19-year-old army medic Private Michelle Norris from Stourbridge in rescuing her shot commander is an inspiring moment of great heroism.
AdvertisementFor menstrual and menopause symptoms motherwort is good for the nervous and endocrine system and may help with hormonal problems says Trudy Norris.
Good professionals like Wotton, Norris and Nalis should ensure that they stay afloat, but they could get involved in the relegation scrap.
Locke took no notice at the time, but his second winter at Otes was partly employed in An Examination of Malebranche's Opinion of Seeing all Things in God, and in Remarks upon some of Mr Norris's Books, tracts which throw light upon his own ambiguous theory of perception through the senses.
In 1770 he married Mary Norris, daughter of a wealthy merchant.
It was designed by New York architect John Norris for Charles Green and completed in the early 1850s.
AdvertisementChuck Norris – There's no doubt that this actor and well-known martial artist is a conservative.
The mullet was sported in the 1970s and 1980s by celebrities such as Billy Ray Cyrus, Chuck Norris, David Bowie, John Stamos, and Patrick Swayze.
Malcolm Hepden - Played the role of Norris Cole from 1994-1997.
It was also during the third season that Jason met Crystal Norris.
Tae Bo - Billy Blanks' workout provides a combination of strength training and cardiovascular fitness with fun martial arts moves that will have you feeling like Chuck Norris in no time.