Normally Sentence Examples
We don't normally use them.
We normally expel the Ancient Ones.
It wasn't something she would normally do - buying clothes specifically for a trip.
I'm normally much more patient.
She'd never thought desire could conquer her normally rigid self-control.
Normally it was Josh who showered her with wisdom, and it was somehow unseemly for this newcomer to take up where Josh had left off.
Normally it was a raised area, dark pink, but now it looked red and angry.
She was helpless in his world, and the helpless didn't normally last long.
She stopped and closed her eyes, seeking the home videos that normally streamed.
Is it normally this … exciting around here?
AdvertisementHannah peeked from the bathroom door, her normally neat hair mussed and her eyes red from crying.
Today was difficult, but normally I do much better.
No, she was not at all the type of person Tim normally surrounded himself with.
She wouldn't normally have rented on that basis but he sent her three months payment, in cash, and she left a key in an agreed location.
Normally, Guardians were supposed to ease the transition of Naturals into their organization.
AdvertisementKris's normally iced features clouded, his violet eyes going green as he thought.
Daniela just inside the entrance, and her normally calm face took on an expression of sudden irritation.
She rolled her eyes at his twisted sense of humor, which normally teetered on lethal.
He wasn't sure what it was about this woman that made him think thoughts he normally didn't in the middle of a warzone.
With the tear between worlds, he was able to use more of the power normally restricted to Hell.
AdvertisementShe was normally good at covering emotions she didn't want to display, but he read them all and threw them back in her face.
Rhyn was content to let them fight when he thought she was winning, like she normally did.
Normally Dean wouldn't have considered for a minute betraying a confidence, but somehow he felt this young girl deserved to know.
Such a beautiful day would normally have put her in good spirits, but she did the chores without interest.
Still, it wasn't something he normally did.
AdvertisementThe acting justice sits normally alone to hear causes in his canton of the peace (uchastok), but, at the request of both parties to a suit, he may call in an honorary justice as assessor or substitute.
Not the shitty side of you I normally get.
Guardians normally are assigned where we need them.
Normally, Jessi would groan at the mess in the teen's room.
Adjectives normally precede the noun they are modifying.
The normally placid Folding Society was being rocked by cut throat competition.
She was reticent to join in as much as she normally does.
The most common abbreviation for the area name is normally used.
This is normally a matter for hut custodians to deal with.
A crash cymbal is a single cymbal, normally 14 to 18 inches.
Normally he wouldn't mind having the attention of a room full of females, but this was different.
She normally clammed up when they discussed her father, and today was no different.
She'd stood close to him before, normally when he had her in a headlock.
Normally, she was a master at hiding her feelings.
He was wild, unlike the men she normally seduced, and that thrilled her.
Everyone around him held secrets, even the normally open Bianca.
Someone had food in their pantry at one point, but it was stale and consisted of canned food she wouldn't normally eat.
Changes undergone in the immortal world normally weren't permanent, once they returned to their world for twenty-four hours.
She responded with none of the reservation she normally displayed, opening to him.
Normally. I then take it to Sirian or Bastion.
Normally she would have welcomed the attention, but his expression was not pleased.
Actually, there was nothing wrong with the route and normally she would have accepted his request without comment.
When his friend knocked on the door, he waited for Carmen to answer it and when Gerald made the introductions, Alex said nothing – not even when Rob made a comment that would normally have raised an eyebrow.
Brutus didn't normally hang around the house, and he always barked at strangers.
It wasn't something she would normally say to a stranger, let alone a customer.
She started to say no, but he didn't normally ask.
Normally, he loved the feel of a woman's soft hands.
The normally upbeat girl with raven-colored hair and gray eyes appeared tired and worn down.
Her cheeks were flushed, her body unlike those of the models he normally took to bed.
She was dressed much more normally than Ingrid in dark jeans and a simple, fitted blue t-shirt with bright coral nail polish.
He was normally blunt, but he hadn't put his foot down with her.
His normally strict control was thin; he hated the feeling.
The flow within him felt so good after the control he normally exerted to rein it in.
The faithful talking with tongues were taken by bystanders for drunken men, but intoxicated men do not talk in languages of which they are normally ignorant.2 Paul on the whole discouraged glossolaly.
The armature of the electromagnet is normally attracted by the effect of the permanent magnet, but it is furnished with two antagonistic springs tending to throw it upwards.
An axle carrying four cams is normally at rest, but it is thrown into gear with the mechanism when the armature rises, makes one complete revolution, and comes to rest ready for the next signal.
Normally the medusae are liberated in quite an immature state; they swim away, feed, grow and become adult mature el individuals.
The root differs from the shoot in the characters of its surface tissues, in the absence of the green assimilative pigment chlorophyll, in the arrangement of its vascular system and in the mode of growth at the apex, all features which are in direct relation to its normally subterranean life and its fixative and absorptive functions.
The epithem is penetrated by a network of fine intercellular spaces, which are normally filled with water and debouch on one or more intercellular cavities below the epidermis.
The natural source of the water is in all cases the soil, and few plants normally obtain any from elsewhere.
Helophytes.These are marsh plants which normally have ii, leir roots in soaking soil but whose branches and foliage are more less aerial.
The word metamorphosis cannot, in fact, be used any longer in its original sense, for the change which it implied does not normally occur in ontogeny, and in phylogeny the idea is more accurately expressed by the term differentiation.
The distal half of the fibula is very slender and normally does not reach the ankle-joint; it is attached to the peroneal ridge of the tibia.
Normally the four toes have two, three, four and five phalanges respectively, but in Cypselus the number is reduced to three in the front toes.
By the law of the 20th of February 1906 the Council of the Empire was associated with the Duma as a legislative Upper House; and from this time the legislative power has been exercised normally by the emperor only in concert with the two chambers.
In 1886 there was a serious volcanic eruption in the outlying island of Nivafoou, and at the same time Falcon Reef, normally awash at high water, discharged sufficient scoriae and pumice to form a new island 50 ft.
This variety, which seems to have been originally bred in Silesia, is not less well-flavoured than the normally coloured tench, and grows to the same size, viz., to 6 and even 8 lb.
Triforis, Physa, Clausilia are examples of sinistral Gastropods, but reversal also occurs as an individual variation among forms normally dextral.
This second duct has normally no spermathecal gland at its termination, which is simple and blunt.
The position of the osphradium corresponds more or less closely with that of the vanished right ctenidium, with which it is normally associated.
As in other Gastropoda Anisopleura, this shell-sac may abnormally develop a plug of chitinous matter, but normally it flattens out and disappears, whilst the cap-like rudiment of the permanent shell is shed out from the dome-like surface of the visceral hump, in the centre of which the shell-sac existed for a brief period.
The dentition normally comprises the typical series of 44 teeth, although in some instances the first premolar is wanting.
The offspring of the virgin females are in most of these instances females; but among the bees and wasps parthenogenesis occurs normally and always results in the development of males, the " queen " insect laying either a fertilized or unfertilized egg at will.
Clamatores, being a majority of that division of the Picariae of Nitzsch, so called by Andreas Wagner, in 1841, 1 which have their feet normally constructed; 3.
In the trap-door species of Lycosidae, like, for instance, Lycosa opifex of the Russian steppes, the hinge is weak and the lid of the burrow is kept normally shut by being very much thicker and heavier at its free margin opposite the hinge so that it readily falls by its own weight.
Picking takes place normally during September and October, and during these months dry weather is essential.
If a current is passed through the fixed coil and movable coil in series with one another, the movable coil tends to displace itself so as to bring the axes of the coils, which are normally at right angles, more into the same direction.
Fruits normally form the principal crop; the total value for 1907-8 of the fruit crops of the state (including oranges, lemons, limes, grape-fruit, bananas, guavas, pears, peaches, grapes, figs, pecans, &c.) was $6,160,299, according to the report of the State Department of Agriculture.
A diagnosis covering all the Ratitae (struthio, rhea, casuarius, dromaeus, apteryx and the allied fossils dinornis and aepyornis) would be as follows - (i) terrestrial birds without keel to the sternum, absolutely flightless; (ii) quadrate bone with a single proximal articulating knob; (iii) coracoid and scapula fused together and forming an open angle; (iv) normally without a pygostyle; (v) with an incisura ischiadica; (vi) rhamphotheca compound; (vii) without apteria or bare spaces in the plumage; (viii) with a complete copulatory organ, moved by skeletal muscles.
They were normally drawn up in more open order than the heavy Greek phalanx, and possessed thereby a mobility and elasticity in which the latter was fatally deficient.
From 1891 to 1895 he represented the First Congressional District of Nebraska, normally Republican, in the national House of Representatives, and received the unusual honour of being placed on the important Committee on Ways and Means during his first term.
Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than normally, though with extreme irregularity, and in the lower animals the auricles may be observed occasionally to miss a beat, as in poisoning by veratrine and colchicum.
A thin sheet of magnetic matter magnetized normally to its surface in such a manner that the magnetization at any place is inversely proportional to the thickness h of the sheet at that place is called a magnetic shell; the constant product hI is the strength of the shell and is generally denoted by 4, or 4.
Electro-Thermal Relations.-The Hall electromotive force is only one of several so-called " galvano-magnetic effects " which are observed when a magnetic field acts normally upon a thin plate of metal traversed by an electric current.
The most instructive classification of the " variations " exhibited by fully formed organisms consists in the separation in the first place of those which arise from antecedent congenital, innate, constitutional or germinal variations from those which arise merely from the operation of variation of the environment or the food-supply upon normally constituted individuals.
The,ideal surface of resolution may be there regarded as a flexible lamina; and we know that, if by forces locally applied every element of the lamina be made to move normally to itself exactly as the air at that place does, the external aerial motion is fully determined.
By mucoid is understood a soft gelatinous substance containing mucin, or pseudomucin, which is normally secreted by the epithelial cells of both the mucous membranes and glands.
The connective tissue is supplied normally with a certain amount of these mucinoid substances, no doubt acting as a lubricant.
The coloured fats, or lipochromes, are found normally in some of the cells of the internal organs, and under certain pathological conditions.
Starling does not accept this view, and cannot regard as an article of faith Heidenhain's dictum that normally filtration plays no part in the formation of lymph.
But the evidence in favour of the view that tapeworms normally excrete toxin into the body of their host in such amount as to occasion disease is not generally accepted as conclusive.
The fact of this increased leucocytic activity during the early stages, or the whole course of infection by Cestodes, is indirect proof that these parasites do normally discharge toxic substances into their hosts.
The protection which normally it is the business of government to furnish he could no longer obtain.
The word riding was originally written as thrithing or thriding, but the initial th has been absorbed in the final th or t of the words north, south, east and west, by which it was normally preceded.
It must, however, be borne in mind that a Trematode may develop in an "aberrant" manner in one host and "normally" in another; and unless we knew the initial stock, the two forms would be regarded as distinct species,.
In its least differentiated form the avicularium occupies the place of an ordinary zooecium ("vicarious avicularium"), from which it is distinguished by the greater development of the operculum and its muscles, while the polypide is normally not functional.
They are - normally hard and remain so, even at a faint red heat; much deeper cuts can therefore be taken at a high speed without blunting the tool.
The army in 1921 was organized in 4 divisions, each division normally containing 3 regiments of infantry, 3 field batteries and .1 squadron of cavalry.
Since there is no example of the archbishop of York exercising or being reputed to have such disciplinary jurisdiction over his suffragans,' and this right could, according to the canon law cited above, in the middle ages only be exercised normally in concert with the provincial synod, it would seem to be a survival of the special jurisdiction enjoyed by the pre-Reformation archbishop as legatus natus of the pope.
Thus the contribution to the total impulsive pressure exerted on the area dS in time dt from this cause is mu X udtdS X (11 3 m 3 /,r 3)e hm (u2+v2+w2 )dudvdw (I o) The total pressure exerted in bringing the centres of gravity of all the colliding molecules to rest normally to the boundary is obtained by first integrating this expression with respect to u, v, w, the limits being all values for which collisions are possible (namely from - co too for u, and from - oo to + oo for v and w), and then summing for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
It is obtained by making incisions in the bark of the trees, and appears to be formed as the result of the wound, not to be secreted normally.
The first serious conflict that arose between the developing modern state and the papacy centred about the pope's claim that the property of the clergy was normally exempt from royal taxation.
The revenue of the islands shows a fairly regular increase during the last years of the 19th century and the first of the loth, as from £37,830 in 1895 to £63,457 in 1904; expenditure is normally rather less than revenue.
In 1869 Cleveland was nominated by the Democratic party for the office of sheriff, and, despite the fact that Erie county was normally Republican by a decisive majority, was elected.
Perhaps, however, such states as permit, permanently or normally, of interference by others on behalf of certain classes of subjects may be so described.
Their formation from buds which normally would have yielded leaves and shoots is explained by Parfitt as the outcome of an effort at fructification induced by oviposition, such as has been found to result in several plants from injury by insect-agency or otherwise.
As an alternative to the second cycle, which normally ends in the examination for the baccalaureat, there is a shorter course, mainly founded on modern languages or applied science and ending in a public examination without the baccalaureat.
The Ostracoda have the body enclosed in a bivalve shell-covering, and normally unsegmented.
The Branchiopoda have a very variable number of body-segments, with or without a shield, simple or bivalved, and some of the postoral appendages normally branchial.
The Copepoda have normally a segmented body, not enclosed in a bivalved shell-covering, the segments not exceeding eleven, the limbs not branchial.
The mandibles are normally five-jointed, with remnants of an outer branch on the second joint, the biting edge varying from strong development to evanescence, the terminal joints or " palp " giving the organ a leg-like appearance and function, which disappears in suctorial genera such as Paracytherois.
Perfectly black leopards, which in certain lights show the characteristic markings on the fur, are not uncommon, and are examples of melanism, occurring as individual variations, sometimes in one cub out of a litter of which the rest are normally coloured, and therefore not indicating a distinct race, much less a species.
Leger (32, 33) and others, that leeches are true alternate hosts for these forms, in which certain phases of the life-cycle are normally undergone.
Various exhibitions and prizes are awarded both in connexion with the entrance of students and at subsequent stages of the course of instruction, which normally lasts four years.
The prophets who normally preside over the Suppers are called " your high-priests," and receive from the faithful the first-fruits of the winepress and threshingfloor, of oxen and sheep, and of each batch of new-made bread, and of oil.
The rivers of the mountain belt, normally dividing and subdividing in apparently fnsequent fashion between the hills and spurs, generally follow open valleys; there are few waterfalls, the streams being as a rule fairly well graded, though their current is rapid and their channels are set with coarse waste.
The valley floors always join at accordant levels, as is the habit among normally subdued mountains; they thus contrast with glaciated mountains such as the Alps and the Canadian Rockies, where the laterals habitually open as hanging valleys in the side slope of the main valleys.
On account of the rapid deposition of sediment near the main channel at times of overflow, the flood plain, as is normally the case on mature valley floors, has a lateral slope of as much as 5, 10, or even 12 ft.
Every year there are, normally, two distinct periods of high water; one an early freshet due mainly to the heavy winter rainfall on the lower river, when the upper river is still frozen hard; the other in the late spring, due to the setting in of rains along the upper courses also, and to the melting of the snow in the mountains.
The humerus has no supra-condylar foramen, and the forearm bones are distinct; and in most species the fore foot has five digits with the phalanges normally developed, the first toe being but rarely rudimentary or absent.
This action, at first sight somewhat obscure, is due to the extreme pupillary contraction which removes the mass of the iris from pressing upon the spaces of Fontana, through which the intraocular fluids normally make a very slow escape from the eye into its efferent lymphatics.
But it must not be supposed that all these kingdoms were always, or even normally, independent.
If the lord was a king this provision took the form of a grant, perhaps normally ten hides, from the royal lands.
Further, that the tribes were not normally of a migratory character, as Strabo seems to imply, is shown by the existence of sanctuaries of immemorial age and by frontier ramparts such as that raised by the Angrivarii against the Cherusci.
In a complete albino not only is all pigment absent in the skin, but also that which is normally present in deeper organs, such as the sympathetic nervous system and in the substantia nigra of the brain.
With birds and mammals, however, there is no doubt that complete albino individuals do occur; and among species which, like the jackdaw, certain deer and rabbits, are normally deeply pigmented.
Miss Durham interprets her results as indicating that the skin of these pigmented animals normally secretes one or more tyrosinases.
Within the Alps, when normally developed, we may trace the individual folds for long distances and observe how they arise, increase and die out, to be replaced by others of similar direction.
The sexual reproduction shows all transitions between forms which are normally sexual, like the Peronosporaceae, to forms in which no antheridium is developed and the oospheres develop parthenogenetically.
The matter is complicated by the apogamous transition from gametophyte to sporophyte in the absence of the ascogonium; also by the fact that there are normally two fusions in the life-history as mentioned earlier.
The effect of the abnormal conditions is probably to stop the production of, or weaken or destroy the protective enzymes or antitoxins, the presence of which normally confers immunity on the leaf.
Austenite, gamma ('y) iron.-Austenite is the name of the solid solution of an iron carbide in allotropic y-iron of which the metal normally consists when in region 4.
On cooling into region 6 or 8 austenite should normally split up into ferrite and cementite, after passing through the successive stages of martensite, troostite and sorbite, Fe 0 C= Fe 3 C +Fe(i 3).
These steels then normally consist of y-iron, modified by the large amount of nickel or manganese with which it is alloyed.
In the case of metamerism we can imagine that the atoms are differently linked, say in the case of butylene that the atoms of carbon are joined together as a continuous chain, expressed by CC C C, normally as it is called, whereas in isobutylene the fourth atom of carbon is not attached to the third but to the second carbon atom, i.e.
The monk, or the canon, normally exercises his influence on the world in and through his community, not as an individual but as a member of a corporate body.
The friar's sphere of work is normally outside his convent, and he works and influences directly and as an individual.
The upper angle formed between the leaf and the stem is called its axil; it is there that leaf-buds are normally developed.
African troops, entirely European and normally consisting of 606 officers time when it would have been impolitic to ask openly for more cavalry, they were little by little trained in real cavalry work, then combined in provisional regiments for disciplinary purposes and at last frankly classed as cavalry.
Alexandria, Antioch and Pergamum, were normally controlled altogether by royal nominees.
Egypt normally included the whole of the Nile valley from the First Cataract to the sea; pure Egyptians, however, formed the population of Lower Nubia above the Cataract in prehistori.c times; at some periods also the land was divided into separate kingdoms, while at others Egypt stretched southward into Nubia, and it generally claimed the neighboring Libyan deserts and oases on the west and the Arabian deserts on the east to the shore of the Red Sea, with Sinai and the Mediterranean coast as far as Rhinocorura (El Arish).
Each nome had its metropolis, normally the seat of a governor or nomarch and the centre of its religious observances.
Hieroglyphic is normally written from right youth to left, the signs facing to the commencement of the line; hieratic and demotic follow the same direction.
This trophic influence which one neuron exerts upon others, or upon the cells of an extrinsic tissue, such as muscle, is exerted in that direction which is the one normally taken by the natural nerve impulses.
Thus the tonus of the motor neurons of the spinal cord is much lessened by rupture of the great afferent root cells which normally play upon them.
If this is so, and the endosperm like the embryo is normally the product of a sexual act, hybridization will give a hybrid endosperm as it does a hybrid embryo, and herein (it is suggested) we may have the explanation of the phenomenon of xenia observed in the mixed endosperms of hybrid races of maize and other plants, regarding which it has only been possible hitherto to assert that they were indications of the extension of the influence of the pollen beyond the egg and its product.
During the greater part of the year this sea is frozen, but, while hardly ever free of ice, there are normally navigable channels along the coasts from the beginning of June to the end of September connected by transverse channels.
How far the normally conciliatory spirit of Melanchthon was here biased by Luther's intolerance is evident from the exaggerated accounts of the conference written by the former to the elector of Saxony.
If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected.
Now, as an inductive combination of premises does not necessarily involve the inductive conclusion, induction normally leads, not to a necessary, but to a probable conclusion; and whenever its probable conclusions become deductive premises, the deduction only involves a probable conclusion.
It takes form as a body of doctrine drawing its premises from authority, sometimes in secular matters from that of Aristotle, but normally from that of the documents and traditions of systematic theology, while its method it draws from Aristotle, as known in the Latin versions,' mainly by Boethius, of some few treatises of the Organon together with the Isagoge of Porphyry.
Normally he thinks of what he calls phenomena no longer as psychological groupings of sensations, as " states of mind," but as things and events in a physical world howsoever constituted and apprehended.
The reference to the rule is not one which may be made and normally is made as a safeguard, but one which must be made, if thought is engaged in a forward and constructive movement at all.
Mill may well have himself conceived his methods as practically fruitful and normally convincing with the limiting formula in each case more cogent in form but therewith merely the skeleton of the process that but now pulsed with life.
As Domesday normally records only the Christian name of an under-tenant, it is vain to seek for the surnames of families claiming a Norman origin; but much has been and is still being done to identify the under-tenants, the great bulk of whom bear foreign names.
In San Diego, Imperial and Riverside counties a number of creeks or so-called rivers, with beds that are normally dry, flow centrally toward the desert of Salton Sink or " Sea "; this is the lowest part of a large area that is depressed below the level of the sea, - at Salton 263 ft., and 275 ft.
Many places in northern, southern, central, mountain and southern coastal California normally have more than 200 perfectly clear days in a year; and many in the mountains and in the south, even on the coast, have more than 250.
This river, of volume varying with the tide and the amount of rainfall, is normally navigable by small steamers and native prahus, of a draught of 4 to 5 ft., for 300 to 400 m., that is to say, from Pontianak up to Sintang, and thence as far as Benut.
The larvae swim normally like the adult or suspend themselves by their flagella (not shown in the figures) vertically in mid-water.
Normally the pleon carries six pairs of two-branched appendages, of which the first three are much articulated flexible swimming feet, the last three few-jointed comparatively indurated uropods.
In the companion tribes these appendages have normally seven joints, and always more than three.
It has been found by experience also that wines which are normally constituted as regards the relative proportions of their various constituents, provided that the quantities of these do not fall below certain limits, are likely to develop well, whereas wines which, although perfectly sound, show an abnormal constitution, will rarely turn out successful.
The maximum number of "rainy" days (with a rainfall of more than o oi in.) rarely approaches ioo at the most unfortunate locality; for the whole state the average of perfectly "clear" days is normally above 50%, of "partly cloudy" above 30, of "cloudy" under 20, of "rainy" still less.
Maxwell never committed himself to a precise definition of the physical nature of electric displacement, but considered it as defining that which Faraday had called the polarization in the insulator, or, what is equivalent, the number of lines of electrostatic force passing normally through a unit of area in the dielectric. A second fundamental conception of Maxwell was that the electric displacement whilst it is changing is in effect an electric current, and creates, therefore, magnetic force.
A short stream with a fall normally so slight as to be sometimes reversed by the tide, drains the great lake Molar into the Saltsjo.
South of the Thames the tithings were districts normally identical with the township which discharged the duties of the frankpledge.
From considering the nature of diabetes, he had come to the conclusion that many cases were due to imperfect oxidation of sugar in the body; that this oxidation was normally carried out by a ferment in the muscles, and that probably the disease was in some cases dependent upon absence of the ferment.
Its policy had been moulded to suit France or Great Britain, while its internal administration had normally been directed by the Church.
This having been effected, let us now suppose that each of the units of area of free surface of fluid (I) is allowed to approach normally a unit area of (2) until contact is established.
Many streams that are turned in spring or by summer cloud-bursts into torrents are normally mere water films or dry gulches.
Owing to the necessity of garrisoning Epirus, the Turks had normally maintained two divisions in this theatre.
The average barometric pressure over England is about 2 9.94 in., and normally diminishes from south-west to north-east at all seasons, the mean pressure on the south coast being 29.97 and that on the northern border 29.88.
The pressure at any given latitude is normally highest in the centre of the country and on the east coast, and lowest on the west coast.
Normally no cup is developed at the summit of the antler.
But each or any of the usually missing organs are to be found normally in differO ent genera, or as occasional developments.
The frequent occurrence of more than two pollen-sacs and the equally common occurrence of additional ovules have been regarded by some authors as evidence in favour of the view that ancestral types normally possessed a greater number of these organs than are usually found in the recent species.
This public title of imperator was normally conferred by the senate; and an emperor normally dates his reign from the day of his salutation by the senate.
This margin is normally furnished with a perpendicular spine (virgella) and occasionally with two shorter lateral spines or lobes.
Normally the first year's exercise for male students is military drill under the direction of a U.S. army officer detailed as commandant.
The result of the election was doubtful until a full count had been made, and eventually hinged upon Minnesota and California, normally Republican states.
The number of these processes is primitively and normally five, but may become less by atrophy.
With the aid of these instances of paired caeca, coupled with the frequent existence of a rudiment of its missing fellow when only one is functional, the author has been enabled to demonstrate conclusively that these double organs in birds correspond in relations with their normally single representative in mammals.
Every variety of philosophical and theological opinion was represented there; most of my colleagues were -ists of one sort or another; and I, the man without a rag of a belief to cover himself with, could not fail to have some of the uneasy feelings which must have beset the historical fox when, after leaving the trap in which his tail remained, he presented himself to his normally elongated companions.
It consists of a parallelopiped glass so constructed that light falling normally on one end emerges at the other after two internal reflections at such an angle as to introduce a relative retardation of phase of 4r/4 between the components polarized in the principal azimuths.
Thus constructed, the ' prism produces no lateral shift of the transmitted pencil; a conical pencil, incident directly, has nearly constant polarization over its extent, and consequently the error in determining the polarization of a parallel pencil, incident not quite normally, is a minimum.
These last possess ovaries like the queen, but shrunken and aborted so as to render the insect normally incapable of eggproduction.
In the spring freshets it is a magnificent stream, but in summer its volume greatly shrinks, and it is normally a broad, shallow, sluggish, stream, flowing through interlacing channels among the sand-bars it heaps athwart its course.
Of these, Indian corn is by far the most important, representing normally about two-thirds of the total crop value; while wheat and oats each represented in 1906 about oneseventh of the total crop, and rye, barley, kafir-corn and buckwheat make up the small remainder.
In fact the yield of this section relatively to cultivated acreage is normally fully equal to that of the eastern section; a result quite consistent with the scientifically proven fertility of semi-arid lands.
The real handicap of the western counties would be shown in comparing aggregate yields per given area; for much land is normally inarable.
Except in Omaha there is no great field for social economic legislation; but the record of the state has been normally good in this respect.
It has lately been stated that some of the Australian species are normally oviparous, but this has not been fully proved.
The Australasian species come nearest to laying eggs, inasmuch as the eggs are large, full of yolk, and enclosed in a shell; but development normally takes place in the uterus, though abnormally, incompletely developed eggs are extruded.
There appears to be evidence that some species are occasionally or normally oviparous, and in the supposed oviparous species the oviduct opens at the end of a papilla called from its supposed function an ovipositor, but the oviparity has not yet been certainly proved as a normal occurrence.
The petals are usually showy, and normally alternate with the sepals.
Normally, the parts of successive whorls alternate; but in some cases we find the parts of one whorl opposite or superposed to those of the next whorl.
It is probable that the flowers of Bennettites were normally hermaphrodite, and they may have been markedly protandrous.
It wasn't something Carmen would normally discuss, especially in front of hostiles, but Felipa should know there was a difference between excitement and love.
Pete said a freight wagon the size of theirs would normally only travel ten to twelve miles a day, but the seats he had put in for the riders reduced the weight they could carry.
White Gods inherit their title, but Black Gods normally get hacked to pieces by their successors.
Even the Black God didn't normally act so brashly.
The Watchers would be enjoying this, and so would his brothers, whom he normally beat the shit out of when they sparred.
Normally, she felt privileged that he still gave her the time of day, what with the way he'd turned out—formed like a Greek god with hazel eyes so pretty their boss swooned every time she spoke to him.
A sense of uneasiness ran through her at the gravity in his normally light tone.
Darkyn normally simmered with restless energy that emerged in sudden, unpredictable violence.
Normally, it was as far as they got before Sasha flew off the handle, had him tortured, and threw him back into his cell.
A red flush rose in the normally unflappable Council leader's face.
Demons don.t normally attack them, unless they were trying to draw you outside the sacred grounds, Katie, he said.
Is it normally this … exciting around here?
He found himself on the Caribbean Sanctuary, in the small chamber with the Oracle book. Sea breeze swept through the small windows of the room, and he took a step towards the lectern on which the open book rested. The pages displayed had a few words written on them rather than the constantly shifting writing that normally scrawled itself across the pages. He felt himself compelled towards the book even as his fight-or-flight instinct reared up.
Jenn tried not to smile, recalling how frazzled the normally cold, organized assassin had been for months as he tried to juggle fighting the Black God with a teenage god.
When his friend knocked on the door, he waited for Carmen to answer it and when Gerald made the introductions, Alex said nothing – not even when Rob made a comment that would normally have raised an eyebrow.
Normally, he didn't dampen the pain for the Guardians, who felt the full length of his four inch incisors enter their necks.
She didn't melt when their bodies brushed, and she appeared completely immune – or ignorant – of the affect he normally had on women.
Normally, I'd assign you a Guardian like Gerry, and we'd pull you into our organization, where you can meet others like you.
Many types of smooth muscle also contain gap junctions and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, but here acetylcholine normally leads to contraction.
It is normally presented to a UK acoustician in even numbered years and an overseas acoustician in odd numbered years.
These MEMs are normally electrically activated, but by using this polymer brush technology they would be actuated by chemical signals instead.
She had been born with a defective version of the gene that normally makes the essential enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA ).
We do not normally carry advertisements for home workers.
When it jams, a red warning light normally comes on in the cockpit and the rear active aero also refuses to operate.
A further low point was seeing the reliable and normally affable Herbie Williams sent off after exchanging punches with a Lincoln player.
These events normally take place in our seminar room every Friday afternoon at 4pm.
Normally, the largest aftershock is about one magnitude unit smaller than the main shock.
Travel should normally be second class rail fare or economy apex airfare.
The system contains only algebraic equations and o.d.e.s with a single independent variable (normally time ).
The exception are some free-living amoebae that normally live and replicate in the environment but under certain circumstances can infect man.
The amphibious Ready Group is normally based around specialist amphibious shipping, most notably HMS OCEAN, the largest ship in the fleet.
Normally they will be merely ancillary to the strictly religious activities.
Healthy women normally produce androgens as well as cortisol.
In case of mastitis, a cow will normally be administered an antibiotic.
All suitable short-listed applicants will normally be invited to attend for interview.
The independent members are intended to bring experience and expertise to the House beyond that normally secured by party appointees.
Pregnant women will normally do this at the ' history-taking ' antenatal appointment with a midwife, at around the 12th week of pregnancy.
Normally, you would expect the height of the capital letters to be at least that of the longest ascenders.
You could be fooled into thinking there was a normally aspirated 2 liter engine under the bonnet.
People seeking asylum are not normally allowed to work in the UK.
The phrase penal substitutionary atonement is normally applied to the restatement of this by John Calvin.
Derek said the auctioneer normally sold cattle and he brought something of the cattle market to his style of delivery.
Unlike many of his fellow actors, Wood spoke normally and without any strange emphases, and yet was still perfectly audible.
Studies of the domain architecture imply that the gene normally functions as a negative regulator in auxin signaling by damping the positive auxin signals.
In addition, you should normally have 160 points from at least two 6-unit awards or one 12-unit award.
Nearly 170 years ago the normally peaceful backwater of South West Wales was rocked by a series of disturbances.
Crossing of the species barriers in the wild is normally very rare.
Execution Delay Time Normally, the batch request is scheduled by the batch scheduler immediately after submitting to an execution queue.
This normally involves foreshore erosion and, less frequently, the creation of a high backshore storm berm.
We meet bi monthly, normally on a Wednesday morning.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
They draw the animation onto the specified bitmap, which should normally be the screen.
Researchers were surprised to see even blackbirds, normally strict ground feeders, tucking in.
I am not normally rude, check any thread to check, but that article is total bollocks.
Patients with stable ankle fractures should normally be treated in ankle braces.
Breast-Feeding If you normally breast-feeding If you normally breast-feed and have been given Zonegran, you should not breast-feed for one month after you had the last dose.
We will normally prepare a conservation brief which will be made available to you so the scope and costs of adaptation can be considered.
The division commander normally places at least one FA battalion in direct support of each committed maneuver brigade.
During the outburst event, the normally faint star suddenly brightened, becoming 600,000 times more luminous than our Sun.
Normally, a ship of the line would have been able to sink a frigate with a very few broadsides.
ProSport bunker sand This offers an ideal solution to problems normally associated with conventional bunker sands.
In the offense of aggravated burglary, the words will normally mean " carrying " .
The replacement battalion cadre was normally commanded by an Oberstleutnant or Major with a relatively small staff.
The doctor is normally the person responsible for inserting an intravenous cannula.
These are not the arid canyons you normally associate with Arizona.
This process is normally complete by the time the blood has passed about one third of the way along the pulmonary capillary.
This in itself was not surprising, since plants normally fix CO2 in the dark using PEP carboxylase as part of their respiratory pathway.
They grow very rapidly and will be full size within a about a week, and then they will normally leave the carrion.
Normally, when investigating a case, they would send the local " UFO officer " from the nearest airbase.
Direct Case Work When you have a complex case we will normally work on it with you through supported casework.
The employment of a legal cashier / book keeper would normally be expected.
A supported heterogeneous catalyst prepared by traditional methods will not normally have this tightly-controlled a particle size distribution.
For division cavalry, he normally comes from the division engineer brigade.
Steel folding picnic chairs cost £ 7. Standard delivery is £ 5, and items normally arrive within two working days.
The parent birds are normally in attendance to the fledged chicks at all times.
I'm normally a very chirpy person, but when I fall, I do so quickly and go quite a long way.
Water Tap water is normally chlorinated, and whilst relatively safe, may cause stomach upsets.
For those members who do not normally attend church we would encourage you to take part too.
Normally thought of as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, pi keeps turning up in odd places.
Normally this is the benefit claimant or the person to whom the benefit is paid.
Dexamethasone A steroid drug Enterobacter cloacae An organism that is normally found in the digestive tract.
Choose a register which is normally saved and restored by function calls on your machine, so that library routines will not clobber it.
It also has a contact to allow you to add an extra wired sensor (NC - normally closed type ).
The garlic cloves, bought normally for cooking purposes, will produce roots at any time of year.
Just send your Media Message as you would normally, making sure you use the international dialing code +44 before the number.
Normally, a pipe character is put between a codon and an amino acid when the translated codon is identical to the amino acid.
The coding region begins with the initiation codon, which is normally ATG.
Both operate through the rear command post, normally collocated with or in close proximity to the support command's command post.
Troop and squadron PLLs are often collocated in the field trains but are normally not consolidated.
This is observational comedy, Do you ever notice that most roads are gray, and that normally cars drive on them.
So now whenever she hears anyone coming, she justs carries on doing whatever she was doing, normally cleaning herself.
The squadron XO normally tasks a staff officer in the TOC to perform the duties of the headquarters commandant.
Hong Kong company incorporation normally takes 7 to 10 working days. Search name availability for your Hong Kong company incorporation normally takes 7 to 10 working days. Search name availability for your Hong Kong company.
In such cases the Ombudsman would normally advise the complainant to pursue his complaint further with the local NHS body.
Music Scholars normally perform a complete concerto with orchestra in the Sixth Form.
Some anti sickness drugs are drugs normally used to treat other conditions.
Such a mutation could for example be in one of the DNA-binding helices introducing a kink in a normally straight and rigid helical conformation.
Otherwise bare copper or silver are rare in electronic systems and are not normally considered to be at risk.
The wing nut action is for removing the cork from the bottle once the helix has been twisted into the cork from the bottle once the helix has been twisted into the cork normally.
The gorge opens out into farmland, normally a mixture of golden cornfields with the bright colored poppies that are in large abundance.
Total solar eclipses let us see the Sun's atmosphere, called the corona, which is normally hidden from our view.
When returning unwanted goods, please note that we will not normally refund the return postage costs.
The boiler suits normally worn by University tradesmen may not be suitable and they should be encouraged to wear impermeable disposable coveralls.
The reason is because such an enterprise normally requires more planning and thus is deemed more credible.
Flowers are normally self-pollinated but there is a short period when insects can effect cross-pollination.
Normally, you could not give a tinker's cuss about minority party debates.
This is normally commented out since most hosts default to loading a sendmail daemon.
Normally I would be the first to do that, but from what I saw he seemed pretty decent to me.
It is normally shallow on the path side, gradually deepening across the river to the far side.
Infection with the dengue virus is not normally life-threatening, but in a minority of cases the potentially deadly dengue haemorrhagic fever ensues.
Your Eurostar departure will normally be between 8am and 9am, although on some holidays an earlier start of around 6am is necessary.
It is unlikely that patients with a history of benzodiazepine dependence will respond normally to these drugs ' .
You may also have to pay a deposit which is normally refunded at the end of your stay.
For straight line depreciation, we would normally expect your items to be depreciated over a minimum period of three years.
I would normally use either golden ratio or simplex optimization for functions where analytic derivatives are not available.
Normally audio descriptions should fit within periods of silence, or over quiet inconsequential; sound.
It is however normally necessary to follow the route descriptions provided together with the maps.
Normally I would not see cutting LEA staff as a problem - indeed I would see it as eminently desirable!
These escorts, normally destroyers, were relieved by ships from Portland Command.
Normally, you might say that it's a virtual call, so Square ' s destructor will be called.
The Caddis larvae normally live on river-beds, and make cocoons for themselves from bark, gravel and other river detritus.
Normally, writing more data than an output device will accept causes an error.
The process also reduced the environmental impacts normally associated with coal combustion, such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and mercury.
Together with their families, they have been granted diplomatic immunity normally reserved for high-ranking foreign envoys.
You can examine whether or not variables are normally distributed with histograms of frequency distributions.
Where the proposed numbers are not easily divisible the lower number of double rooms will normally be acceptable " .
Wild animals are those that are not normally domesticated in Great Britain.
The student may be either normally UK domiciled or permanently domiciled overseas.
Even Frank seemed somewhat downcast â a bad sign, as heâs normally a cheery soul, despite the anger raging inside him.
Barton's first race day started out quite normally, but got much more dramatic.
Interested parties should note that rehearsals normally begin approximately 6 weeks before the first dress rehearsal.
This medicine may cause some people to become drowsy, dizzy, or less alert than they are normally.
Shepard's normally have Hip dysphasia / Arthritis, Boxers have a lot of heart problems.
And when we do, we normally spend our time fiddling with our foam earplugs.
The stark effect from the applied electric field permits access to normally forbidden energy levels.
A transient association with owners, lodgers or tenants, however eminent, will not normally be considered important.
In contrast the bottle cells, which form anterior endoderm, behave normally.