Norm Sentence Examples
The royal norm was heavier than the common norm.
The more he stepped out of the norm to please her, the more uneasy she became.
Courts of law are now the norm in the world, with laws being democratically established and widely published.
John Ratzenberger - ' Cliff Clavin ' Cliff is Norm's partner in crime and fellow barfly.
Deep blood red lipstick is the norm for Gothic makeup.
Good walking boots are more the norm rather than rubber boots for most Brazil tours.
For example, the norm of a one-act ballet was established, as well as the introduction of musical interludes to avoid long intervals.
These imposed deadlines have become the norm both for the public sector and commercial business.
It is suffused with " magic realism " a folk surrealism in which people fly and mysterious juxtapositions are the norm.
As is the norm with this series, you play the commander, collect weapons, and complete missions.
AdvertisementThis is a Tuesday, as is the norm with musical CD releases.
This theme was fortunately soon exhausted and more lively extra-terrestrial interactions became the norm.
Norm and Lily Goldman are a unique husband and wife team, writer and water colorist, who write and paint about romantic destinations.
The system which has seen cavalier disregard of immigration rules become the norm in the Home office.
In highland Britain a pattern of scattered farmsteads remained the norm.
AdvertisementKen You're getting finicky in your old age, Norm.
Guillemots are extremely gregarious, colonial breeding is the norm and colonies can contain many tens of thousands of individuals.
Norm were ready to climb on ' is cart an ' depart When he heard a loud grunt from a bush.
In the absence of such systems, inefficiency creates work and manually intensive work-arounds and rechecks become the norm.
The aim here is to provide a feedback loop to enable a process of continual improvement to become the norm.
AdvertisementIt was the mid 30's before the all metal monoplane became the norm.
Indeed, networks are still the exception in this market, where the norm is to deliver nationwide from a single base.
We need more teachers in training to avoid the four-day week becoming the norm.
This established a norm for the pacing of the activity.
In this regard, I would like to propose the concept of shared or mutual value-creation as a behavioral norm for the new era.
AdvertisementThis is more akin to a moral norm or a code of conduct among a group of pile owners.
The global non-proliferation norm has been firmly established - and it has been reaffirmed in your last two review conferences.
Norm builds one out of poplar and birch plywood for a painted finish.
Long sonnets by Shakespeare or romantic poems by Browning and Lord Byron are the norm for love poetry.
The Steyn piece which Norm, after further preamble, went on to consider, merely shows his strengths and weakness.
Indeed, this is a norm on f q (t ).
In 1977 tho when the norm was Elton John and Abba The Sex Pistols sounded very scary to the average public.
Indeed since 1828 this has more or less been the norm, health and environmental issues effectively stymieing alternative options.
Thank you very much, Senator Norm Coleman, who is chairing the subcommittee investigating the oil-for-food program.
By the time she turned 30, two bottles of dry white wine were her daily norm.
Years ago it was unheard of to stray from the norm.
Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, however, mechanized, mass production techniques for furniture production became the norm.
Looking your best is the norm for modern society, and even non-conformist modes of personal expression are increasingly accepted.
The ever-growing interest in greener living means that products like these may soon become the norm.
While a brown smoky eye is not the norm (blacks, greys, and purples ar more common), this can be a lovely and lighter smoky eye look.
Not only will you score a wealth of tips and application tricks, you're bound to break out of the norm and try a few new techniques that can really change up your beauty routine.
But why stick to the norm when the world is full of interesting breads that are just begging to be turned into a burger bun?
Long, slow cooking is the norm rather than the exception.
Minimum portions of foods cooked lightly to retain their crunch and nutritional value was the norm.
While we may occasionally know we are heading into an encounter with someone or something that will make us angry, this is certainly not the norm.
In the past you always knew what to buy; crayons pencils, paper and the like were the norm.
One important step is to encourage girls to step out of the cultural norm and explore what truly interests them - rather than follow in the path of what they might think to be expected of them.
If you find that tuxedos are the norm, then you will need to know the style you would like to wear, what accessories you need, and how much it will all cost.
Surfing the Internet and chatting on sites is the norm for many teenagers.
Text message acronyms have become the norm when texting.
Different colored wedding dresses are becoming more popular, thanks to celebrities who have gone outside the norm for their big day as well as designers that haven't been afraid to take risks for runway shows and magazine spreads.
Inner and outer envelopes, while once the norm with wedding invitations, are no longer necessary.
Some of the classiest wedding cakes differ from the norm in simple, subtle ways, so using only small bursts of a bright color like turquoise is very effective.
Though large, lavish weddings are often depicted as the norm in film and television programs, many couples opt to have small ceremonies.
Just because sexual behavior deviates from what is considered the "norm" in society does not mean that it is an addiction.
However, if you're having a more casual affair, your wedding has a fun-loving theme to it, or your guests expect you to make different choices than the norm, go ahead and do it.
The waistlines of starlets is always a point of discussion on gossip blogs and celeb magazines, and many actresses have complained about the lack of roles for body types that vary from the super-skinny movie industry norm.
Jenni Pulos has been busy, promoting a new season of Flipping Out and wrapping up work on a new animated movie called The Outback, which also stars Tim Curry, Alan Cumming, and Norm MacDonald.
Custom girls' dresses used to be the norm - all children's clothes were made by hand by either parents or servants for centuries.
Small classes are not exclusive to community colleges--some universities have them--but they're more of a norm there.
In the past, the norm for entrance into the field was a master's degree.
Passenger talent shows, enrichment lectures, and unique demonstrations are more the norm on Celebrity ships.
Instead, a library stocked with relevant books and a lecture hall for educational discussions is the norm.
Overcrowding is the norm, not the exception, and the quality and quantity of food and water available is dubious at best.
The average heat cycle lasts about 21 days, but many bitches experience heat cycles that differ from the norm.
The following manufacturers are producing brand new lap steel guitars that are a bit out of the norm.
To borrow a phrase from "This Old House" star and master carpenter Norm Abrams, make sure to accurately measure the hanging distance and span dimension before purchasing ceiling lights.
This look used to be the laid-back standard in places of business; however, it is now the norm for companies where employees regularly interact with clients or are making daily sales with their office life in plain view.
Yes, they are worn for business when the environment is casual, but this is still the exception, not the norm.
However, as loyalty to one company, outsourcing, and quick wealth (much of it via the real estate market and investment banking) become the new norm, so too did "causal Friday's".
Eventually the look became something of a norm even in popular culture; singer Adam Ant embraced them wholeheartedly and wore them much like a personal uniform of sorts.
Plaid was in during the early part of the decade, and button-up shirts were the norm.
Anything that deviated from the norm was cool in the 1960s.
Through most eras, the fitted look was the norm, and men are embracing it again because they realize it makes them look taller and slimmer - who doesn't like that?
The growth of organic consumption in Alberta appears to be well outside the norm, having the highest growth rate in the industry at 44 percent between 2005 and 2006.
However, you don't have to stick to the norm when choosing your plus size wedding gown.
For people brave enough to wear what they want to wear and be who they want to be, plus size gothic clothing lets you make a fashion statement that defies the norm.
Gone are the days when ill-fitting and unflattering clothes were the norm for women who had curves.
Fortunately, the plus size clothing industry is finally boundless, no longer limited to the handful of shapeless, less-than-flattering pieces that were once the norm.
While there is a long way to go before women of more average size are depicted in the regular pages of all the glossies, the positive responses Glamour has received help guarantee that this will, eventually, be the norm.
While shapeless, boxy coats and poorly cut sweaters were once the norm for plus size women, today the sweater coat - and plenty of other tops - offer consumers the kind of variety they have long craved.
A study done by the Kauffman Foundation found that as life expectancy and better health become the norm for mature adults, Baby Boomers are more and more likely to start their own businesses or mentor younger adults.
In addition, as older adults tend to move between employers more often, new companies and new experiences become the norm.
Customer service - Telephone customer service, store greeters, and in-store customer service may be good jobs for seniors who were raised in an era where good manners and excellent customer service were the norm.
Special effect, or wicked, lenses are almost never the norm, so you'll be able to get a few startled gasps and second glances from anyone with whom you come in contact while you're wearing them.
It has been argued that kids who play violent video games early, like seven or eight years old, that they think scenes like those in Grand Theft Auto are the norm and act similar in school, at home, and at Grandma's.
Over two and a half years in the making and with a budget of $700,000 (more than seven times the norm), Bookworm Adventures is the result of countless hours of brainstorming, tweaking and refining.
It's possible that they think what goes on in video games is the norm, that what happens in the games is fine to do in the real world, and that since they have control in a virtual world, they can have the same control in reality.
The arcade-style racer offered fun graphics, interesting and dynamic routes, and a sense of having three dimensions during an era when 2D was the norm.
Not only was the tasting procedure at J against the norm, the bottles themselves are too.
Smartphones have largely become the norm today, both for business users and regular consumers, but that wasn't the case when the Nokia N95 first debuted on the scene in March 2007.
Acquiring trachoma does not provide immunity against re-infection, so repeat infections are the norm in many communities where the disease circulates continuously among family members.
The standard deviation indicates how far above or below the norm the subject's score is.
A language delay is language development that is significantly below the norm for a child of a specified age.
Throughout much of the world, bilingualism is the norm for both children and adults.
This child's score would be one standard deviation below that norm.
Other regions might have wanted more sunlight than was the norm for the region, in which case the rain dance may have actually been more of a sun dance.
While counting is certainly the norm, experienced tap dancers (like experienced dancers of all genres) often do not count out the beats to the music.
Little bows, big bows, tiny sparkles, and other additives are the norm.
There are a variety of punk haircuts for women if you want to step out of the norm with an extreme and individual style.
If you want to create any of these unique looks, keep in mind that punk styles were inspired by people's desire for drastic rebellion from the norm.
When you look at the history of medieval hairstyles, braids, adornments and lavish updos were the norm.
Get inspired by celebs like Victoria Beckham or Natalie Portman and be willing to go against the norm.
To keep with the norm, you'll be expected to wear "dressy" attire, so skip the polo and khakis idea.
If you are interviewing with a company that has an informal dress code as the norm, you may wish to choose neat, conservative pressed slacks and a button down shirt or sweater to complete the look.
Flip-flips. While flip-flops are the norm now for running errands or attending classes, they are inappropriate footwear for office buildings.
Custom-fitted gowns and dresses are the norm for pregnant celebs at award shows and stylists make dressing even easier for the pregnant mama.
She whipped herself back into shape as is the Hollywood norm, of course.
Here and there you will be able to find a "sheer" style that is less sheer in comparison to the norm.
European and South American beaches are also often far less inhibited about beachside exposure, and your suit will likely be the norm, rather than the exception, in Rio or sunny St. Tropez.
Miami summers are steamy, the city is cosmopolitan, and the norm is to dress accordingly.
Dresses were still the norm, but gone were a lot of the frilly embellishments; part of the reason was rationing of materials, but another part was the impracticality of such showy garments when working in factories.
Countertop models are the norm for most households that desire functionality at a modest price point.
When bathrobe nights have become the norm, this may simply be because you and your partner have truly stopped caring about impressing one another.
Behaviors that would not be acceptable anywhere else in the public world - such as using explicitly sexual language without knowing whether it's welcome - are the norm for many online daters.
I don't know what is the best time frame and the norm for people engaged in a long distance relationship to meet in person.
In your question you ask what is the best time frame and the norm for people engaged in long distance relationship to meet in person?
Look at the gestures and movements that are normal, and then when you see a deviation from the norm, you can observe connections between emotional state and behavior.
Online dating is quickly becoming the norm rather than the exception for most singles, as more people spend time in online communities.
They can be a great choice for someone looking for an engagement ring that is a little different than the norm.
When You Want to Grow - Writing prompts are also used to help writers grow out of their comfort zones and to expand their creativity beyond what is the norm for them.
Although the following item hardly qualifies as "wild", the Case Logic Lifestyle Messenger Bag is just a prime example of one designer's divergence from the black nylon norm.
Customized bags are obviously not the norm in a world where designer handbags are so deeply coveted.
In fact, she tried very hard to show that being "special" is the norm rather than the exception.
Something with the depth of Susan Miller's free horoscope reading is not the norm in terms of free astrological readings on any level.
Although not the norm yet throughout the United States, a growing number of public schools are implementing dress codes similar to uniforms for this same reason.
It took another 300 years for uniforms to become the norm in England.
Another reason is that these movies are fast becoming the norm and being marketed to mainstream audiences.
Of course, you can't forget the calf named Norm either.
Frugal homemaking makes it possible for families to survive on one income in a world where a two-income household is the norm.
Golfers will love the deviation from the norm.
If you're inkling to make a public testament of your rebelliousness, it would follow that your attire must be as shockingly against the norm as possible.
You won't find standard black pumps in the Rebel line; instead, you'll find a range of colors and materials in styles from dressy to casual that are anything but the norm.
Reilly wanted to create a show where he could write storylines outside of the daytime box norm without alienating fans.
Will online soap operas become more the norm going forward?
For anyone who wishes to memorialize a lost love or a dear friend that has passed, there are options outside of the norm.
Depending on the person getting the tattoo, black roses and hearts may still be indicative of love and romance, but the dark color can point toward a preference for straying from the norm.
Those that do exist in flash or books hold, due to their presentation, a significance that differs from the norm.
The best are located south of town, where smooth wider beaches are the norm.
Novelty watches, by their very definition, are watches that are a little bit different than the norm.
The Ikepod wristwatch range features watches that are a little different from the norm.
For the millions of ladies who prefer to accessorize out of the norm, Accurist offers a glittering array of alternately-colored gold watches.
Until then, the small private yoga lesson was the norm.
Outsourcing and temps will remain the norm as companies struggle to stay competitive and deal with bloated benefit programs not designed to compensate for longer-lived American workers.
Once employees experience the benefits of this new way of doing business, their mindsets will shift and high performance can become the norm for standard business practices.
When counting french numbers, the cases of seventy (70) and ninety (90) divert from the norm.
Buying insurance online has become the norm.
Whereas in Europe, particularly France and Italy, it's been the norm for women to continue to wear beautiful, sexy lingerie even into dotage, in America it's considered almost distasteful.
Norm Thomson carries comfortable men's pajamas that are both stylish and plush.
When you are looking for something out of your norm, check out Priscilla McCall's and try something racy or erotic.
Wacoal offers a pretty lace bra in hot pink, sapphire blue and mocha, so you will be able to find a color that is a break from the norm.
With broadband internet connections rapidly becoming the norm, buying and downloading music files is increasingly popular.
After the Combat Rock tour in 82-83, he left the band, saying he could not longer deal with the infighting that had become the norm for the band.
Some karaoke files also end with the extension .kar; however, MP3 is becoming the norm.
A family reunion is a bit trickier because it is not the norm.
Practical jokes are the norm here among the crew.
It soon became the norm for fairies to be pictured as the size of buttercups and daisies, flitting about on gossamer wings and hidding under toadstools.
In a market where the norm was a half cent to two cents per word, Galaxy paid five and six cents a word.
Window screens can keep mosquitoes out of the home, and in some societies where window screens are not the norm, people are advised to sleep with mosquito netting, because some diseases, like Malaria, are transmitted by mosquito bites.
If, in any case, all present had eaten in their homes beforehand, the giving of the cup would immediately follow on the breaking and eating of the one loaf, but Paul's words indicate that the common meal within the church was the norm.
Nonstandard dialects are language varieties that deviate from a commonly accepted language norm.
With sovereignty came the norm against interference in the internal affairs of other states.
Outside the South East of Britain, a very gradual assimilation of Roman material culture was the norm.
Had ham and cheese baguettes for lunch, which became the norm for the rest of the week and did some more sun bathing.
Several fields have now been harvested and the straw baled into the large round bales that are now the norm.
These are totally extraneous from that which is the norm in the rest of the decoration.
On non organic farms the norm is for four cows to be kept on the same area.
Violence has become gendered as male and as a result has become a ' norm ' .
As the levels become higher than the norm it would make me uncomfortable but would hopefully kick-start my own breathing mechanisms.
It is often forgotten that "extreme" ritual is no longer an "innovation" in the English Church; it has become the norm in a large number of parishes, and whole generations of Church people have grown up to whom it is the only familiar type of Christian worship. To attempt to "enforce the law" (whatever the law may be) would, therefore, seriously wound the consciences of a large number of people who are quite unconscious of having broken it.
Indeed, this is a norm on F q (t).
Spontaneous recall was above the norm, increasing by 36% when the six sheets were including in the mix.
Our main courses of spinach and ricotta ravioli, home made cannelloni and risotto of langoustines were all a cut above the norm.
It was the norm to see fields with these little weed piles smoldering away.
A recycling facility would improve sorbent utilization and disposal of the by-product is the norm.
There are some species that do not conform to the norm and may take up to 6 months to go through the tadpole stage.
It does not preach tolerance for gays; instead, it stands for the destruction of the very notion that heterosexuality is the norm.
It takes time to unlearn the patterns of behavior we have been brought up to accept as the norm.
Phone calls or e-vites are becoming more accepted ways of announcing a shower, but the printed or hand-written invitation is still the norm.
While the traditional shower might offer cake, cookies, punch, tea, and mints, creative planners often steer away from the norm.
At one time 15-inch CRT models were the norm.
Apple computers are gaining in popularity, but Windows-based PCs are still by and large the "norm" when it comes to personal computing.
Buying stock without a broker is not the norm, but it can have advantages.
The "norm" is that the couple's marital property is divided 50/50, but in some cases the Court may determine that a different way of dividing the assets is considered equitable.
This child's score would be one standard deviation above that norm.
Outdoor dining is the local norm and visitors will find themselves eating amid koi ponds, an old fashioned plantation lanai and even along the edge of a spring-fed river.
Gourmet food is apparently the norm here and international cuisine a given in this town.
Custom in this respect was, however, exceedingly varied for a long time, numerous important Churches having their own "uses," and it was not until the time of the Reformation that the Roman use was fixed and became the norm of the Churches of the Roman obedience.
Of much greater importance was the importation of Basilian monachism into Russia, for it thereby became the norm of monachism for all the Slavonic lands.
According to Norm Hunter, the fisherwoman was so frightened she'd fainted dead away, while her 12-year-old son thought towing Willie two miles to port was super cool.
The bishops, individually and collectively, are thus the essential ties of Catholic unity; they alone, as the depositories of the apostolic traditions, establish the norm of Catholic orthodoxy in the general councils of the Church.
I understand how difficult it is to fall for someone so outside the norm, you feel like you're going crazy.
In the Western Church, though from the 9th century onwards the Roman use had been the norm, considerable alterations continued to be made in the shape and decoration of the liturgical vestments.
Taking disease to be a deflexion from the line of health, the first requisite of medicine is an extensive and intimate acquaintance with the norm of the body.
In the modern theory of complex numbers this is expressed by saying that the Norm of a product is equal to the product of the norms of the factors.
By the rule of St Benedict, which, until the reform of Cluny, was the norm in the West, the abbot has jurisdiction over only one community.
If we put qo= Sq' - Vq', then qo is called the conjugate of q', and the scalar q'qo = qoq' is called the norm of q' and written Nq'.
The only halfway pleasant phone call came from Norm Hunter in Norfolk.