Nonfatal Sentence Examples
Even in nonfatal cases, pneumonia is a significant economic burden on the healthcare system.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that there were over 2.2 million nonfatal fall injuries in 2009.
But numerous cases of nonfatal mild bubonic disease (mild plague or pestis minor) occurred both before and after the epidemic, and according to Tholozan similar cases had been observed nearly every year from 1856 to 1865.8 The next severe epidemic of plague in Irak began in December 1873.
Falls (36%) were the leading cause of nonfatal, hospital emergency room-treated childhood injury in 2001.
P Y of risk, it has during recent years come to notice that the number of casualties among railway servants is still unduly great, and in 1899 a Royal Commission was appointed to investigate the causes of the numerous accidents, fatal and nonfatal, to railway men.