None Sentence Examples
None of them listened to orders.
It's none of my business how you run this outfit.
In other words, it's none of my business.
I think what I feel is none of your business.
You see, none of my friends describe things to me so vividly and so beautifully as he does....
None of us believed it was.
None of us has the time to do that—but in the future, with my system, wisdom will operate at processor speeds.
At any rate, it was none of her business.
None of it made sense.
Though I've learned none of you will listen to that advice.
AdvertisementNone of us are gonna survive this!
That might be true, but none of it explained his kiss.
She stared into the flames, wondering why none of the windows had curtains, and why so many things were left to gather dust in the attic.
It's none of your business.
None of us can leave without the others.
AdvertisementNone the less, I was convinced we needed help.
The wreaths were so nearly alike that none of those who were with the king could point out any difference.
Strange though, when I asked if gunshots were common, they answered yes, but it was a quiet weekend; none had been reported for several days.
Just none of them are good.
It wasn't that it was none of her business.
AdvertisementNone of this was any of Giddon's business.
Ethel Reagan found none that fit her pattern being proved wrong.
Your brother's sexual preferences are none of my business.
None of it was real.
He had none, but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others while they were eating!
AdvertisementAlex liked being in control, and he had none in this situation.
And it's none of my business.
None of us admitted to the possibility that the visions were real visits to the past.
None of us felt the excitement of the afternoon.
What Alex did before we became engaged is none of my business.
And it's really none of your business anyway.
None were an issue with either of them, nor were exercise or body weight – too much or too little.
But he none the less held his crown as an English king succeeding according to English law.
It's none of my business what—" "I guess I deserved that.
None of them had ever dared ask this question.
It's none of my business.
It's none of my business anyway.
There should be none now.
It's none of my business, but they can't all be heaped into a pile, you know.
None of these may be sold to any person who is unknown to the seller, unless introduced by a person known to the seller, and not until after an entry is made in a book kept for the purpose, stating, in the prescribed form, the date of sale, name and address of purchaser, the name and quantity of the article sold, and the purpose for which it is stated by the purchaser to be required.
We distinguish between a Siberian, Mongolian, Mediterranean and European province, none of which can be well defined.
Are we sure that there is none of it in our own lives?
He cast down his eyes and hurried out as if it were none of his business, careful as he went not to inflict any accidental injury on the young lady.
What goes on outside those doors is none of their business.
He so insisted on multiple times that none of us either questioned him.
What's more, none seemed bent on murder, a decided improvement over some of Bird Song's earlier guests!
He tactfully withdrew to the kitchen to give her privacy, expecting a summary of the conversation when she finished, but none was forthcoming.
She imagined all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't want her to go - none of them good.
Whatever is going on, it's none of our business.
If it was none of his business, why had she explained - given him proof?
After nine years spent at Laleham he was induced to offer himself as a candidate for the vacant head-mastership of Rugby; and though he entered somewhat late upon the contest, and though none of the electors was personally known to him, he was elected in December 1827.
But the effect of real, though unacknowledged, kindred had none the less an important practical effect.
On the other hand, none were less inclined to submit to encroachments on the part of the ecclesiastical power, the Conqueror himself least of all.
Buchanan on the " Challenger " were vitiated by the incompleteness of the method employed, but they are none the less of value in showing clearly that the waters of the far south of the Indian Ocean are relatively rich in carbonic acid and the tropical areas deficient.
No icebergs occur in the North Pacific, and none has ever.
Satisfied someone got his humor when none of the death-dealers did, Gabe grew thoughtful.
He experienced none of the awkwardness he did with Harmony.
He had no way of knowing how many the demons had claimed during the week his dealers had claimed none.
Deidre sought some flicker of warmth in his dark gaze and saw none.
The translator was dead and picked up none of the men's terse discussion.
None of your savage brothers would properly complement such a beautiful little treasure, Romas, the woman had said with gentle humor.
Romas had made no other conditions, for there were none to be made.
Her room on this planet contained none of her comforts.
A'Ran appeared none the worse for the session, but she was ready for a hot bath and a nap.
He snatched her hand when none of his opponents remained standing and ran with her toward the crevice.
None of their words registered, nothing but the sick feeling at the pit of his stomach.
When she found none, she returned to the living room, where the rest of the boxes has been deposited, and searched them.
None was longer than a page and each asked after Annie's health and wellbeing and then added a few lines that mentioned that all was well in Boston.
Dean and his wife firmly stated, in close harmony, it was none of any of their business.
And don't you worry none about Bird Song.
He admitted none of the mental scenarios circling his tired brain made a lick of sense.
He recalled none of this, nor his damaged body being placed on a litter at the narrow edge of the cascading water and lifted upward from the depth of the inaccessible gorge to the penstock path above.
Jackson began to accept his fate and found comfort in the fact that none of his victims remembered his attacks.
None of this made sense, yet it had to be true for him to be this distraught.
Anyway, none of the guys are interested - and if they were, Josh would see to it that they became uninterested.
If Lori and Alex had been intimate in the past, it was none of her business.
It was bad enough to be reminded that Alex was experienced, without being reminded she had none.
I've thrown many a man down the catacombs, and none have ever returned.
None of that stopped him.
None of the sierras or mountains in Uruguay exceeds (or perhaps even attains) a height of 2000 ft.; but, contrasting in their tawny colour with the grassy undulating plains, they loom high and are often picturesque.
Venice, a city not exactly belonging to any of these classes, essentially a city of the Eastern empire and not of the Western, gives us an example than which none is more instructive.
In none of the existing, and in but few of the extinct types, are collar-bones, or clavicles, developed; and the scaphoid and lunar bones of the carpus are separate.
Usually there are four excretory (Malpighian) tubes; but there are only two in the Coccidae and none in the Aphidae.
Of the various interpretations of this, none is absolutely certain.
The choice of Soderini and Machiavelli fell, at this juncture, upon an extremely ineligible person, none other than Don Micheletto, Cesare Borgia's cutthroat and assassin.
The Central American Sea communicates with the Atlantic through the channels between the Antilles, none of which is quite 1000 fathoms deep, and it sinks to a depth of 2843 fathoms in the Caribbean Basin, 3428 fathoms in the Cayman Trench and 2080 fathoms in the Gulf of Mexico.
It has been variously attributed to metamorphism, consequent upon igneous intrusion, earth movements and other kinds of geothermic action, greater or less loss of volatile constituents during the period of coaly transformation, conditioned by differences of permeability in the enclosing rocks, which is greater for sandstones than for argillaceous strata, and other causes; but none of these appears to be applicable over more than limited areas.
The popularity which he enjoyed in his own time is attested by the fact that at his death, although he had filled none of the offices of state, he received the honour of a public funeral.
Good roads are few; and none of the rivers is navigable.
But to none of them or their fellows did he, so far as it appears, show that jealousy of real merit from which so many great actors have been unable to remain free.
None of Herbert's English poems was published during his lifetime.
He was surrounded with spies who reported, none too accurately, the minister's somewhat sharp criticisms of the emperor's acts; he had even had the supreme presumption to advise Alexander not to take the chief command in the coming campaign.
The Anglicans recognize baptism and the Eucharist alone, under the impression that Christ ordained these and none other.
But none of his spirit is expended in care for his family.
It produces rice, tobacco, coffee, cotton and sugar-cane, none of them important as exports.
The bishop of Rome, who enjoys a unique title, that of " pope," may annul the decrees of all other powers, since he judges all but is judged by none.
The wedding took place some years later (1509), and several children were born, none of whom survived except the princess Mary.
Religious qualifications for suffrage and office-holding were somewhat relaxed, except in the case of 4 The number of representatives from 1832 to 1908 varied from 240 to 635, and the length of session from 58 to 206 days (since 1861 none of under 100 days), with an almost continual increase in both respects.
Townships governed by close corporations, and all embedded in the despotic power of the crown, presented none of the elements out of which a commonwealth could be formed.
It must be admitted, however, that both the tools and the processes have escaped the archaeologist, as they did "the ablest goldsmiths in Spain, for they never could conceive how they had been made, there being no sign of a hammer or an engraver or any other instrument used by them, the Indians having none such" (Herrera).
Powell contends that in a proper sense none of the Indian tribes was nomadic, but that, governed by water-supply, bad seasons and superstition (and discomfort from vermin must be added), even the Pueblo tribes often tore down and rebuilt their domiciles.
None are to partake of it save those who have been "baptized in the name of the Lord" (an expression which is of interest in a document which prescribes the threefold formula).
Murad had none of the qualities of a.
It seems that representations of deities, and indeed any representations at all, were rare upon the polished walls of the great monuments of the fourth dynasty, and Petrie thinks that he can trace a violent religious revolution with confiscation of endowments at this time in the temple remains at Abydos; but none the less the wants of the deities were then attended to by priests selected from the royal family and the highest in the land.
Making it his main object in his "introduction" to set before his readers the previous history of the two nations who were the actors in the great war, he is able in tracing their history to bring into his narrative some account of almost all the nations of the known world, and has room to expatiate freely upon their geography, antiquities, manners and customs and the like, thus giving his work a "universal" character, and securing for it, without trenching upon unity, that variety, richness and fulness which are a principal charm of the best histories, and of none more than his.
None the less, in ancient times they received great respect owing to their intellectual pre-eminence.
Zwingli began to preach "the Gospel" in 1516, but a contemporary says that he did it so cunningly (listiglich) that none could suspect his drift.
He had none of Luther's distrust of "the common man" and fear of popular government, and this fact won for his teaching the favour of the towns of South Germany not less than of Switzerland.
Probably no other census in the world has ever covered so wide a range of subjects, and perhaps none except that of India and the eleventh American census has extended through so many volumes.
None of them is navigable in the mountain valleys; but the Tista, after it debouches on the plains, can be navigated by cargo boats of considerable burthen.
This led in June 1567 to the arrest of some fifteen out of a hundred men and women met in Plumbers' Hall (ostensibly for a wedding), none of whom, to judge from the eight examined, was a minister.
The Methodist movement touched all existing types of English religion, but none more than Congregationalism.
None the less, Congregationalism has through its leading representatives taken an increasingly important part in theological controversy and scholarship generally.
The Swedish, Norwegian, Ontario and Michigan mines yield ores of this kind; and though none of them can be profitably worked as a source of phosphate, yet on reducing the ore it may be retained in the slags, and thus rendered available for agriculture.
In England, however, people cared for none of these things, and were blind to the commercial potentialities of scientific research.
Doorsill there was none, but a perennial passage for the hens under the door board.
And it was not Napoleon who directed the course of the battle, for none of his orders were executed and during the battle he did not know what was going on before him.
From the time they turned onto the Kaluga road to the day their leader fled from the army, none of the movements of the crowd had any sense.
None of my dealers can either, if I can't be directly involved in her death.
That she was a deity, Death, who lived for thousands of years … None of that made sense.
My letters are so small none will ever see my missive, but there it will remain and give me strength for what I am now resigned I must do.
None of us is as young as he used to be.
Bird Song was as quiet as an empty church with none of the remaining guests in evidence, nor was there any sign the police had returned.
But I can't say I miss that Shipton lady none.
When he began pouring the second glass, both guests said, "None for me, thank you."
When none came she continued, I sketched you that day, not because I wanted to.
What goes on between Carmen and me is none of your business.
I always planned to fill this farm with kids, but they're going to be human and I hope none of them are like you!
None of which explained why Alex had stopped to see Lori first.
Whatever their connection, it was none of his business.
None of them were the Horsemen!
Without Tim, none of them would've survived in the first place.
None approached, until one of the PMF soldiers caught his eye.
None of us know enough about the receivers, so we do need your help before you go.
There was none of his animated chatter, and Dean guessed he was anxious for the game to finish.
None could add anything to their earlier stories and none was particularly happy being called in for questioning when they should have been enjoying their time off.
The years of habitation gave the place a thousand smells, none of them pleasant.
None of 'em used.'
First, it's none of his business and second, he's all wet; there is no connection.
None of the names sounded familiar, nor were the addresses in areas where Byrne was thought to have traveled.
None of this answers who in hell is 888?
The odds of that happening were slim to none.
A dozen things crossed her mind — none of them good.
None of them had been able to convince her to wait until the estate was settled.
More words were exchanged, but Jenn heard none of them.
There had been trees and bushes in her time, but none of them remained.
There was none in the beginning.
If her mind wasn't so scattered, she'd have thought it odd he expressed none of the surprise she expected.
He sensed none of the creatures in the mortal world, and he still had Jenn's necklace in his pocket.
She readied herself for a fight, making certain none of them had orders to jump her yet, and then continued to the panoramic window.
But none of the Guardians are.
Of course, none of that mattered if she couldn't get them out of there.
It didn't seem possible that none of them had made it to the mortal world.
You've used everyone to win a war that none of us understood.
None that we know of.
Of all the magic he contained, none of it would bring her back.
I take an oath to none.
We defeated the last of our enemies - -tonight is a feast in my honor, only none save my uncle and I know it was the beast who saved us all!
I swear none to you.
None of them made any move to invite him to their practice, so he moved away, toward the closest group of five.
Before his death, he admitted he didn't know what the curse was, only that none in our line must draw the curse.
He forced her closer and drew her arm between them, so none but the two of them could see.
She responded with none of the reservation she normally displayed, opening to him.
With a quick glance to make sure none of his father's men paid him any heed, Taran stole away to the far side of the beach, trailing the barbarian youth.
When she gave none, he proceeded down a separate hall.
None of her men, not even Hilden, knew the locations of all their warriors.
He wanted to rescue me, but none can.
I don't remember what made me take mercy on you and none of them.
To her, the rifle was a method of defending herself or getting food when there would otherwise be none.
She went online and found some listings, but none were close enough to commute.
Your personal life is none of my business.
The chances are slim to none that a tornado will hit this cabin, as sheltered as it is by the hills.
The laundry was one place she hadn't been yet and her wardrobe had dwindled down to a few clean items - none of them appropriate for a ride around the countryside with a man she hardly knew.
None of them were able to move in stealth mode, like Jessi-the-Natural lying breathless and furious beneath him.
It's none of your damn business!
The two exchanged some short communication before Jule tossed the bo to none other than Gerry.
New rule, it has to be a real secret, none of this bullshit.
It's none of your business, Xander.
Aware of his reputation, none of them suspected the trick.
The last memory she had was of purple lightening, a cold, dark place and the damned Other, none of which explained how she ended up here.
He adopted the economic principles of List, and founded a society, the "Vedegylet," the members of which were to consume none but home produce.
Between the casting of the first and the thirty-third ballot, Garfield, who was the leader of Sherman's adherents in the convention, had sometimes received one or two votes and at other times none.
These monotonous writings, all in Dutch, flowed in a continual stream from 1524 (though none is extant before 1529) and amounted to over 200 in number.
Other parties had previously colonized the islands but none had remained permanently.
Education, in the strict sense of the word, she had none.
Solange, who inherited all her mother's wild blood with none of her genius, on the eve of a marriage that had been arranged with a Berrichon gentleman, ran away with Clesinger, a sculptor to whom she had sat for her bust.
She is a thorough woman, but with none of the pettinesses, subterfuges, and mental reservations of her sex; she loves wide vistas and boundless horizons and instinctively seeks them out; she is concerned for universal happiness and takes thought for the improvement of mankind - thelastinfirmity and most innocent mania of generous souls.
Other elements of the problem there are none, except mere numbers and angles, which do not depend upon the fundamental measurements of space, time and mass.
No female or male under twelve may be employed in mines, and no child under twelve may be employed in a factory, and when school is in session none under fourteen.
It may be assigned to 25 B.C. The dates of the publication of the rest are uncertain, but none of them was published before 24 B.C., and the, last not before 16 B.C. The unusual length of the second one (1402 lines) has led Lachmann and other critics to suppose that it originally consisted of two books, and they have placed the beginning of the third book at ii.
No Englishman ever understood the native character so well as Hastings; none ever devoted himself more heartily to the promotion of every scheme, great and small, that could advance the prosperity of India.
Snow hardly ever falls near the coast, but is abundant in the higher parts of the island, though none remains throughout the summer.
Yet these two societies are none the less in inevitable relation.
He showed indeed none of the avaricious temper so common among the politicians of the time.
None of these canals is serviceable at the present time, and few carry water in any part of their course, even in flood time.
In the extreme south, beyond the basin of the Kalamas, the mountains of Suli and Olyzika form a separate group. The rivers, as a rule, flow from east to west; owing to the rapidity of their descent none are navigable except the Boyana and Arta in their lower courses.
Of the seventy-eight resolutions none is in any sense epoch-making, and their spirit is that of the traditional Anglican via media.
He spent much of his time in practising magic, and it was believed that he had so saturated his body with poisons that none could injure him.
Much the same might be said of a score of cities in the new West, but none is a more striking example than Denver of marvellous growth.
None of the tributaries of the La Plata system thus far mentioned is navigable except the lower Pilcomayo and Bermejo for a few miles.
None of the French possessions is self-governing in the manner of the chief British colonies.
Of discoveries superficially sensational there are few or none to record, and the weight of his work is for the most part to be appreciated only by professed physicists.
Numerous small islands lie off the western coast, but none has any commercial importance.
The southwest coast is watered by a few streams, but none of any size; amongst these is the Swan, upon which Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is built.
Nickel, so abundant in the island of New Caledonia, has up to the present been found in none of the Australian states except Queensland and Tasmania.
It is almost incredible there should be none, if the date of their arrival is to be reckoned as only dating £261,864 2,774,804 949,286 508,887 back some centuries.
None of them has an idea of what the West calls morality, except the simple one of right or wrong arising out of property.
Of sexual morality, in the everyday sense of the word, there is none.
He would lay hold of anything "if it had but the force of authority," rather than have none.
As no one could curse Jesus except under the influence of a devilish afflatus, so none could say "Jesus is Lord" except he was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
If she had no children, he returned her the dowry and paid her a sum equivalent to the bride-price, or a mina of silver, if there had been none.
Within a few years several methods had been proposed by different inventors, but none was at first very successful, not from any fault in the principle, but because the effect of electrostatic capacity of the line was left out of account in the early arrangements.
From the proximity of the mountains to the sea none of the rivers in this part of Italy has a long course, and they are generally mere mountain torrents, rapid and swollen in winter and spring, and almost dry in summer.
None of the rivers of Southern Italy is of any great importance.
After a prolonged struggle of thirty years, they wrested the whole island from tile Saracens; and Reger, dying in 1101, bequeathed to his son Roger a kingdom in Calabria and Sicily second to none in Europe for wealth and magnificence.
The affairs of Europe during the years when Habsburg and Bourbon fought their domestic battles with the blood of noble races may teach grave lessons to all thoughtful men of our days, but none bitterer, none fraught with more insulting recollections, than to the Italian people, who were haggled over like dumb driven cattle in the mart of chaffering kings.
But so long as Piedmont was not completely crushed none of the princes dared to take decisive measures against their subjects; in spite of Custozza, Charles Albert still had an army, and Austria, with revolutions in Vienna, Hungary and Bohemia on her hands, could not intervene.
It was now evident that the federal idea was impossible, for none of the princes except Victor Emmanuel could be trusted, and that unity and freedom could not be achieved under a republic, for nothing could be done without the Piedmontese army, which was royalist to the core.
Though sixty-eight years of age, Crispi possessed an activity, a rapidity of decision and an energy in execution with which none of his contemporaries could vie.
None of Rudinis public utterances justify the supposition that he assumed office with the intention of allowing the alliance to lapse on its expiry in May 1892; indeed, he frankly declared it to form the basis of his foreign policy.
Worse men had been less detested, but Danby had none of the amiable virtues which often counteract the odium incurred by serious faults.
None the less, in the issue, it is the very element which goes beyond an appeal to facts - it is the depth and purity of Butler's moral nature - which fascinates the reader, and wins praise from Matthew Arnold or Goldwin Smith or even Leslie Stephen.
No chapter corresponding to this is found in the Articles and none was inserted in the reissues of Magna Carta.
Marriages rarely produce more than three children and often none at all.
None of the tribes ever ventures out of sight of land, and they have no idea of steering by sun or stars.
The notion that all the kinds of animals and plants may have come into existence by the growth and modification of primordial germs is as old as speculative thought; but the modern scientific form of the doctrine can be traced historically to the influence of several converging lines of philosophical speculation and of physical observation, none of which go further back than the 17th century.
Nevertheless, doubleedged as is the argument from rudimentary organs, there is probably none which has produced a greater effect in promoting the general acceptance of the theory of evolution.
Their importance in the theory of evolution is none the less very great.
None of these acts applies to the trial of bishops, who are left to the old jurisdictions, or whatever may be held to be the old jurisdictions (with that of the Roman See eliminated).
In the members of the typical genus Lemur, as well as in the allied Hapalemur and Lepidolemur, none of the toes or fingers are connected by webs, and all have the hind-limbs of moderate length, and the tail long.
None of the pre-Buddhistic sites have as yet been excavated; and, with one doubtful exception, no inscriptions older than the texts have as yet been found.
The registry of the citizens, the suppression of litigation, the elevation of public morals, the care of minors, the retrenchment of public expenses, the limitation of gladiatorial games and shows, the care of roads, the restoration of senatorial privileges, the appointment of none but worthy magistrates, even the regulation of street traffic, these and numberless other duties so completely absorbed his attention that, in spite of indifferent health, they often kept him at severe labour from early morning till long after midnight.
But none of these stories rests on trustworthy evidence; on the other hand, there can be no doubt that Aurelius trusted her while she lived, and mourned her loss.
Two or three years of apprenticeship is required in most countries, including Great Britain, but none in Belgium, Greece, Italy or Spain.
None of the existing Red Seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) has a unicellular body.
Thus, for example, in a mountain range at right angles to a prevailing sea-wind, it is the land forms which determine that one side of the range shall be richly watered and deeply dissected by a complete system of valleys, while the other side is dry, indefinite in its valley systems, and sends none of its scanty drainage to the sea.
The presence of bustards (Eupodotis) is a curious example of interrupted distribution, since none other of the Otididae are found nearer than India.
Subdivision of the continental portion is beset with great difficulties, and none of the numerous attempts have proved long-lived.
There is none on Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah.
If the later nobilitas of Rome had established an assembly in which every one who had the jus imaginum had a vote and none other, that would have been a real parallel to the shutting of the Venetian Great Council; for it would have come about through the working of causes which are essentially the same.
It will be seen from this statement that Peiper bases his conclusions on grounds far too narrow; and on the whole it is perhaps more probable that Boetius wrote none of the four Christian treatises, particularly as they are not ascribed to him by any of his contemporaries.
They freeze in winter and dry up in summer, and most of them are navigable only during the spring floods; even the Volga becomes so shallow during the hot season that none but boats of light draught can pass over its shoals.
But none of these classifications of expense reaches the root of the matter.
Finally, the legislation of 1888 put into the hands of a reorganized Railway Commission and of the Board of Trade powers none the less important in principle because their action has been less in its practical effect than the advocates of active control demanded.
An investigation into the matter was thought to show that none of the Fox family was concerned in producing the rappings; but the evidence that they were not concerned is insufficient, although similar noises had been noticed occasionally in the house before they lived there.
The Great Basin is not, as its name implies, a topographic cup. Its surface is of varied character, with many independent closed basins draining into lakes or "playas," none of which, however, has outlet to the sea.
Four copies of this work are extant, but in none is the title;page preserved.
Cyprian had none of that character which makes the reading of Tertullian, whom he himself called his magister, so interesting and piquant, but he possessed other qualities which Tertullian lacked, especially the art of presenting his thoughts in simple, smooth and clear language, yet in a style which is not wanting in warmth and persuasive power.
Below this region flow the streams of the Great Basin, none of which reach the sea, but either terminate in lakes having no outlet or else vanish in sloughs or " sinks."
Bishop Roger of Caen (1107-1139) built the castle, described by Henry of Huntingdon as scarcely inferior to that of Devizes, "than which there was none greater within the confines of England."
In Palestine few could command leisure for meditation; as for opportunities of effective intervention in affairs, they had none, it would seem, once Alexander was dead.
There are also Jews in Curacoa, Surinam, Luxemburg, Norway, Peru, Crete and Venezuela; but in none of these does the Jewish population much exceed woo.
Two burgesses had attended parliament in 1343, but none had been summoned since.
Among other species are P. antisianus, P. fulgidus, P. auriceps and P. pavoninus, from various parts of South America, but though all are beautiful birds, none possess the wonderful singularity of the quezal.
He was defeated by a candidate of the National Democratic party in East Ham, and none of the Pacifist Labour men with whom he had made common cause found their way into Parliament.
None the less, on his return from Avignon, he again in the presence of the king enlarged upon the advantages offered by the way which the university commended.
Here, as in the neighbouring Darab district, villages situated in the hills are called madan (mine), and some travellers have in their itineraries indicated a mine in localities where there is none.
In St Theresa (1515-1582) and John of the Cross Other the counter-reformation can boast of saints second Forms of to none in the calendar for the austerity of their Mysticism.
The development of such diversely-formed insects as the offspring of the unmodified females which show none of their peculiarities raises many points of difficulty for students in heredity.
In the south, in Syria, Arabia and the peninsula of India, none but the oldest rocks are folded, and the Upper Palaeozoic, the Mesozoic and the Tertiary beds lie almost horizontally upon them.
The occurrence of mammals of the Marsupial order in the Molucca Islands and Celebes, while none have been found in the adjacent islands of Java and Borneo, lying on the west of Wallace's line, or in the Indian region, shows that the margin of the Australian region has here been reached.
Some of them migrated from districts which belong to eastern Asia, but none of them penetrated into India by eastern passes.
The ganglia are crowded at the posterior end of the body as in leeches, and there is much tendency to the obliteration of the coelom as in that group. Pterodrilus and Cirrodrilus bear a few, or circles of, external processes which may be branchiae; Bdellodrilus and Astacobdella have none.
Of all his English friends none seem to have been so intimate with him as the 1st marquess of Lansdowne, better known as Lord Shelburne, and Mr, afterwards Sir Samuel, Romilly.
Barth's descriptions of the wealth and importance of the city attracted great attention in Europe, and Kano was subsequently visited by several travellers, missionaries, and students of Hausa, but none was permitted to live permanently in the city.
None the less, he gives a more vivid impression of his, age than any other English chronicler; and it is a matter for regret that his great history breaks off in 1259, on the eve of the crowning struggle between Henry III and the baronage.
None of these honours were sinecures.
The Arithmetica, the greatest treatise on which the fame of Diophantus rests, purports to be in thirteen Books, but none of the Greek MSS.
It was the birthplace of the painter Pietro Vannucci (Perugino), and possesses several of his works, but none of the first rank.
None of the rivers is navigable and all are fordable during the dry season.
By feeding the sheep, the land is dunged as if it had been folded; and those turnips, though few or none be carried off for human use, are a very excellent improvement, nay, some reckon it so, though they only plough the turnips in without feeding."
Thus, you see, with my herbarium, my vibratory, and my semi-circumgyratory, I am in clover; and you may imagine with what scorn I think of the House of Commons, which, comfortable club as it is said to be, could offer me none of these comforts, or, more perfectly speaking, these necessaries of life."
The technical training of the factory or the office, the experience of business, the discharge of practical duties, necessary as they are, do not infallibly open the mind to the large issues of the modern business world, and can never confer the detailed acquaintance with facts and principles which lie outside the daily routine of the individual, but are none the less of vital importance."
Make you popes who list, for we will make you none."
Several children not born in wedlock have been traced in the records, but none of them became in any way famous.
Three of the seven poets were drinking in a garden when Firdousi approached, and wishing to get rid of him without rudeness, they informed him who they were, and told him that it was their custom to admit none to their society but such as could give proof of poetical talent.
In the radula there is a single central tooth or none.
The British government, on hearing of his arrival at Plymouth, decided to send him to St Helena, the formation of that island being such as to admit of a certain freedom of movement for the august captive, with none of the perils for the world at large which the tsar's choice, Elba, had involved.
During the excavations on the Acropolis at Athens, terminated in 1888, many potsherds of the Mycenaean style were found; but Olympia had yielded either none, or such as had not been recognized before being thrown away, and the temple site at Delphi produced nothing distinctively Aegean.
These northern "megara" are all of late date, none being prior to Minoan III.
Only by the existence of some "principle which renders all relations possible and is itself determined by none of them"; an eternal self-consciousness which knows in whole what we know in part.
None of the MSS., however, is older than the 16th century.9 The following sketch represents, as far as can be gathered from these heterogeneous sources, the principal features of the Mandaean system.
John Adams had none of the qualities of popular leadership which were so marked a characteristic of his second cousin, Samuel Adams; it was rather as a constitutional lawyer that he influenced the course of events.
But in none of these latter cases have the wings to be changed from a position inside the body to become external and actively functional organs.
None of the groups of existing Endopterygota have been traced with certainty farther back than the Mesozoic epoch, and all the numerous Palaeozoic insect-fossils seem to belong to forms that possessed only imperfect metamorphosis.
The first hypothesis is not negatived by direct evidence, for we do not actually know the ontogeny of any of the Palaeozoic insects; it is, however, rendered highly improbable by the modern views as to the nature and origin of wings in insects, and by the fact that the Endopterygota include none of the lower existing forms of insects.
The work of Aldrovandus was illustrated by copperplates, but none of his figures approach those of his immediate predecessors in character or accuracy.
The good effects of " Faunal " works such as those named in the foregoing rapid survey none can doubt, but important as they are, they do not of themselves constitute ornithology as a science; and an inquiry, no less wide and far more recondite, still remains.
Unfortunately none of these, however, can be compared for singularity with Archaeopteryx or with some American fossil forms next to be noticed, for their particular It is true that from the time of Buffon, though he scorned any regular classification, geographical distribution had been occasionally held to have something to do with systematic arrangement; but the way in which the two were related was never clearly put forth, though people who could read between the lines might have guessed the secret from Darwin's Journal of Researches, as well as from his introduction to the Zoology of the " Beagle" Voyage.
He also displays in this work a considerable knowledge of the Rabbinical writings and a skilful polemical method which was surpassed by none of the later anti-Jewish writers.
None of these writings, not even the Cohortatio, which former critics ascribed to Justin, can be attributed to him.
The facade is a triumph of graceful elegance; so light is the tracery, so rich the decoration, so successful the breach of symmetry which gives us a wing upon the left-hand side but none upon the right.
When discovered by Europeans, late in the first half of the 17th century, the territory included within what is now Ohio was mainly a battle-ground of numerous Indian tribes and the fixed abode of none except the Eries who occupied a strip along the border of Lake Erie.
Zizka none the less took the place, and under Bohemian auspices it awoke to a new period of prosperity.
If there be none the tenant is bound and entitled to deliver fair marketable grain of the same kind."
A Mr Clegg, who afterwards interested himself keenly in the activities of the Cotton Supply Association reported that in the course of a tour in 1855 through the Eastern countries bordering on the Mediterranean he had found none of the gins presented by the British government at work or workable.
Maurice soon showed himself to be a general second in skill to none of his contemporaries.
To the same great rendezvous other leaders also gathered, some of higher rank than Godfrey or Raymund or Bohemund, but none destined to exercise an equal influence on the fate of the Crusade.
The kingdom of Jerusalem consisted of a society of peers, in which the king might be Primus, but in which he was none the less subject to a punctilious law, regulating his position equally with that of every member of the society.
If the king presides in the court, the motive of its action is none the less the preservation of the rights of the nobles, and not, as in England, the extension of the rights of the crown.
Yet it had at any rate saved for the Christians the principality of Antioch, the county of Tripoli, and some of the coast towns of the kingdom; 2 and if it had failed to accomplish its object, it had left behind, none the less, many important results.
But they came round none the less, in spite of Innocent's renewed prohibitions.
Raymund at once submitted to the pope, but the Crusade continued none the less, because, as Luchaire says," the baronage of the north and centre of France had finished their preparations,"and were resolved to annex the rich lands of the south.
None the less the emperor sailed on his Crusade in the summer of 1228, affording to astonished Europe the spectacle of an excommunicated crusader, and leaving his territories to be invaded by papal soldiers, whom Gregory IX.
None came to the aid of St Louis; and in 1254, on the death of his mother Blanche, the regent, he had to return to France.
A few kloofs are wooded, but of forest land there is none.
Communication over the greater part of the Territory is by road; none of the rivers is navigable.
Although not particular in the choice of some of the associates of his pleasures, he admitted none but men of worth to his intimacy, and when once admitted they were treated like equals.
He attached little importance to mere ecclesiastical tradition or authority, and none to the voice of majorities, even when sanctioned by the decree of a pope.
None of the numerous publications which we owe to Buchon can be described as thoroughly scholarly; but they have been of great service to history, and those concerning the East have in especial the value of original research.
Several plans were made to invade South Carolina and Georgia, but none matured until 1778, when an expedition was organized which co-operated with British forces from New York in the siege of Savannah, Georgia.
Nevertheless, of the death of a man, and of a maihem done in great ships, being and hovering in the main stream of great rivers, only beneath the [[[bridges]]] of the same rivers [nigh] to the sea, and in none other places of the same rivers, the admiral shall have cognizance, and also to arrest ships in the great flotes for the great voyages of the king and of the realm; saving always to the king all manner of forfeitures and profits thereof coming; and he shall have also jurisdiction upon the said flotes, during the said voyages only; saving always to the lords, cities, and boroughs, their liberties and franchises."
None of the letters show any doubt that King Charles was the author.
Of remains of the Roman period, however, there are none above ground, though various discoveries have been made from time to time within the city walls, the modern streets corresponding more or less, as it seems, with the ancient lines.
The Malays cannot, strictly speaking, be said to possess a literature, for none of their writings can boast any literary beauty or value.
A synod at Lambeth in 1281 put forth canons none too welcome to Edward I.; they included a detailed scheme for the religious instruction of the faithful.
With the exception of a stretch of the March, none of the rivers are navigable.
Navarre was not reconquered for the couple as Francis had promised, but ample apanages were assigned to Marguerite, and at Nerac and Pau miniature courts were kept up, which yielded to none in Europe in the intellectual brilliancy of their frequenters.
The issue of this conflict was determined less by any intrinsic superiority on the part of her enemies than by the blunders committed by a people unable to carry out a consistent foreign policy on its own initiative, and served since Pericles by none but selfish or short-sighted advisers.
To the Ancient Order of Hibernians none might be admitted but persons of Irish birth or descent, who were Roman Catholics, and whose parents were Roman Catholics; but notwithstanding this requirement, the organization - being a secret society - was under the ban of the Catholic Church.
None of the rivers is navigable for more than a mile or two from the coast.
Railway, street railway, telegraph and telephone franchises can be granted only by the Executive Council with the approval of the governor, and none can be operative until it has been approved by the President of the United States.
The houses are built of chanar stone, and are lofty, none being less than two storeys high, most of them three, and several of five or six storeys.
Of practical instruction there was none other than that to be gained in a few private laboratories and in the shops of apothecaries.
This progress has perhaps no parallel in any art, and certainly none in music, for even Beethoven's progress was purely an increase in range and power.
A true work of art is incomparably greater than the sum of its ideas; apart from the fact that, if its ideas are innumerable and various, prose philosophers are apt to complain that it has none.
So that we are not disposed to accept a recently propounded theory 22 that a certain King Manium of Magan who was overthrown by the Akkadian king Naram-Sin about 2850 B.C., was none other than Merles, the earliest king of Egypt, who is generally identified with Narmerza.
None the less it is true that these men and women endured torments, often unthinkable in their cruelty, and death rather than abandon their faith.
None of the coins with Alexander's own image can be shown to have been issued during his reign; the traditional gods of the Greeks still admitted no living man to share their prerogative in this sphere.
The Orsini still remained very powerful, and Alexander could count on none but his 3000 Spaniards.
His career shows no great political ideas, and none of his actions indicate genius.
None of these maps was graduated, which is all the Mediterranean they embody materials available even in the days before Ptolemy, while the correct delineation of the west seems to be of a later date, and may have been due to Catalan seamen.
None of these charts is graduated, and the horizontal and vertical lines which cross many of them represent neither parallels nor meridians.
None of them are now reserved exclusively for the children of Friends.
Several reasons are given for the change of name but none is at all satisfactory.
During this time the council of Basel, though abandoned by Cesarini and most of its members, persisted none the less, under the presidency of Cardinal Aleman, in affirming its oecumenical character.
There are ten other churches, in part ruined, none of which is used for service.
John Gambold, a member of the Holy Club, who afterwards became a Moravian bishop, says "he was blest with such activity as to be always gaining ground, and such steadiness that he Iost none.
Some of Emmet's bolder proposals, such as a plan for capturing the commander-in-chief, were vetoed by the timidity of his associates, none of whom were men of any ability.
None of these insurgents had any discipline, and many of them were drunk.
He had no knowledge of the world or of men; he trusted every one with child-like simplicity; except personal courage he had none of the qualities essential to leadership in such an enterprise as armed rebellion.
In 1901 there were 55 persons speaking Gaelic and English, none who spoke Gaelic only, and 92 foreigners (almost all Scandinavians).
But that they can have been so used to any large extent is rendered impossible by their limited dimensions, as none of them could hold more than fifty or sixty persons.
Y of finding and applying a criterion of the presence or absence of consciousness, it is none the less desirable, in the interests of psychology, to state that truly instinctive acts (as defined) are accompanied by consciousness.
The instincts of nest-building, incubation and the rearing of young, though they occur later in life than those concerned in locomotion and the obtaining of food, are none the less founded on a hereditary basis, and in some respects are less rather than more liable to modification by the experience gained by the carrying out of hereditarily definite modes of procedure.
But he has to learn to ride none the less.
The " buckshot clays " of the backlands, which are so stiff that they can scarcely be ploughed until flooded and softened, and are remarkably retentive of moisture, are ideal rice soil; but none of the alluvial lands has an underlying hardpan, and they cannot as a rule be drained sufficiently to make the use of heavy harvesting machinery possible.
Snakes are not numerous, and it is said that none is poisonous or vicious.
It has few feeders and none of any size.
Considerable bitterness prevails between the rival confessions, each aiming at political ascendancy, but the government favours none.
None of the above regulations apply to Constantinople, where no military exemption tax is imposed, and where separate official regulations for the collection of taxes are in force.
The old or Persian school flourished from the foundation of the empire down to about 1830, and still continues to drag on a feeble existence, though it is now out of fashion and cultivated by none of the leading men of letters.
There are said to be about thirty khans or caravanserais in Bagdad for the reception of pilgrims and merchants and their goods, none of which is of any importance as a building, with the single exception of the khan el-Aurtmeh adjoining the Marjanieh mosque, to which it formerly belonged.
No other writer of such eminence is so rarely quoted; none is so entirely destitute of the tribute of new and splendid editions.
First-born sons to be redeemed; none to appear before the Lord empty; six days' work, seventh day rest, in the harvest; the sacrifice of the Passover shall not remain until the morning.
It shall be eaten in haste; none of the flesh shall be carried forth, neither shall a bone be broken.
The Passover was kept in the first month on the 14th day of the month at even in the wilderness of Sinai; but certain men, unclean by touching a dead body, asked what they should do; they were to keep it on the second month on the 14th day, eating it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, leaving none of it until the morning, nor breaking a bone.
As a critic he was second to none in his own time, and even yet one can admire the delicacy and the skill with which he handles his subject.
Although there are many indications which may make this probable, none of them can be said to be quite decisive."
Forest there is none in all the country.
Some peaches have globular, others reniform glands, others none at all, and these latter trees are much more subject to mildew than are those provided with glands.
But none of the French posts was permanent, and in 1763 French rule came to an end, the Treaty of November (1762) and the Treaty of Versailles (1763) transferring respectively the western portion of the state to Spain and that part east of the Mississippi river to Great Britain.
Cuesta, during the advance up the valley of the Tagus, was to occupy the pass of Banos on the left flank; the Spanish authorities were to supply provisions, and Venegas was to be at Arganda, near Madrid, by the 22nd or 23rd of July; but none of these arrangements were duly carried out, and it was on this that the remainder of the campaign turned.
Of the numerous other churches, Evangelical, Roman Catholic and Anglican, none are of special interest.
None had anticipated the possibility of such a sudden and brutal attack, and every one knew that the Danish capital was very inadequately fortified and garrisoned.
It became subject to Carthage, but lost none of its prosperity.
The following species, none of which are found in European Russia, are characteristic of the tundras - arbutus (Arctostaphilus alpina), heaths or andomedas (Cassiope tetragona and C. hypnoides), Phyllodoce taxifolia, Loiseleuria procumbens, a species of Latifolium, a Polar azalea (Osmothamnus fragrans) and a Polar willow (Salix arctica).
European civilization made them familiar with all its worst sides and with none of its best.
None of these septa is complete, and the various parts of the central body cavity freely communicate with one another.
In the Testicardines, where no such sliding action of the valves was necessary or possible, no muscles for such an object were required, consequently none took rise from the lateral portions of the valves as in Lingula; but in an extinct group, the Trimerellidae, which seems to be somewhat intermediate in character between the Ecardines and Testicardines, have been found certain scars, which appear to have been produced by rudimentary lateral muscles, but it is doubtful (considering the shells are furnished with teeth, though but rudely developed) whether such muscles enabled the valves, as in Lingula, to move forward and backward upon each other.
None of these alliances has borne close scrutiny.
Each of these three theories 2 encounters difficulties of detail; none can be said to have secured a dominant position.
None of these political changes weakened the independent spirit of the Bearnais.
After making allowance, however, for this deflecting agency, it must be admitted that in the highest quality of the statesman, " aptness to be right," he was surpassed by none of his contemporaries, or - if by anybody - by Sir George Cornewall Lewis alone.
He would have been more at home in a state of things which did not demand from its leading statesman great popular power; he had none of those " isms " and " prisms of fancy " which stood in such good stead some of his rivals.
Diogenes further states that he wrote several treatises, but none have survived.
None of these poems show any very patriotic feeling, though Chartier's prose is evidence that he was not indifferent to the misfortunes of his country.
This is a microscopic point of agreement, but is none the less significant.
Not freeswimming, none of the prosomatic appendages modified to act as paddles; segments of the mesosoma and metasoma (= opisthosoma) not more than ten in number, distinct or coalesced.
In none of them are the appendages known, but in the form of the two carapaces and the presence of free somites they are distinctly intermediate between Limulus and the Trilobitae.
Some of Raphael's earliest works were painted for churches in this town, but none of them remains there.
None of these books relate to law; and the better opinion seems to be that there were two Tribonians, apparently contemporaries, though possibly some of the attributes of the jurist have been, by a mistake of the compilers or transcribers of the Lexicon of Suidas, extended to the man of letters of the same name.
None of the colossal structures hitherto described appears to have been erected by the present Melanesian or Polynesian peoples, while their wide diffusion, extending as far as Easter Island, within 400 m.
These four (none of whom, it will be observed, was of the nationality of either party in difference) chose for their umpire Professor Matzen, of Copenhagen, president of the Landsthing there.
Occasional political outbreaks occurred, but none of very serious nature except in Rio Grande do Sul, where a long guerrilla warfare was carried on against the imperial authority.
In the House he showed an extraordinary, sometimes an excessive zeal for public business, speaking on all subjects with practical sense, but on none with eloquence or spirit.
His defence of The Times newspaper, which had accused Sir John Conroy, equerry to the duchess of Kent, of misappropriation of money (1838), is chiefly remarkable for the confession - "I despair of any definition of libel which shall exclude no publications which ought to be suppressed, and include none which ought to be permitted."
Few memorials of the Roman era 2 or of the first centuries of Christianity have been preserved (except the legend of St Ansanus), and none at all of the interval preceding the Lombard period.
The birds of Natal are of many species; some have beautiful plumage, but none of them, with the exception of the canary, are to be considered as songsters.
In none of the inland districts did the Asiatic inhabitants number 2000.
William of Champeaux (1070-1121), who is reputed the founder of a definitely formulated Realism, much Y as Roscellinus is regarded as the founder of Nominalism, was instructed by Roscellinus himself in dialectic. Unfortunately none of William's philosophical works have survived, and we depend upon the statements of his opponent Abelard, in the Historia calamitatum mearum, and in certain manuscripts discovered by Cousin.
None the less is the position in itself an untenable one and the parent of scepticism.
The Temple of Peace is a building of the Roman period of the 2nd century B.C., with six Doric columns on the front, eight on the sides and none at the back; it was excavated in 1836 and is now entirely covered up. Traces of a Roman theatre and amphitheatre (?) have also been found.
Possessing none of their brilliance, he had, nevertheless, to use the words of John Quincy Adams, " a mind.
None of them possesses an overwhelming majority, but perfect equality is granted to all religious creeds legally recognized.
It enabled the king to curb the lawlessness of the Magyar nobility, and explains why none of the numerous rebellions against him ever succeeded.
The advance of Jellachich as far as Lake Balaton had not been checked, the Magyar troops, though - contrary to his expectation - none joined him, offering no opposition.
As a sonnet writer none stands higher than Paul Szemere, known also for his rendering of Korner's drama Zrinyi (1818), and his contributions to the Elet es Literatura (Life and Literature).
For philological and ethnographical research into the origin and growth of the language none excels Paul Hunfalvy.
Under the influence of the touchstone of strict inquiry set on foot by the Royal Society, the marvels of witchcraft, sympathetic powders and other relics of medieval superstition disappeared like a mist before the sun, whilst accurate observations and demonstrations of a host of new wonders accumulated, amongst which were numerous contributions to the anatomy of animals, and none perhaps more noteworthy than the observations, made by the aid of microscopes constructed by himself, of Leeuwenhoek, the Dutch naturalist (1683), some of whose instruments were presented by him to the society.
Since on the average only two of the young survive in the struggle for existence to take the place of their two parents, there is a selection out of the ten million young, none of which are exactly alike, and the selection is determined in nature by the survival of the congenital variety which is fittest to the conditions of life.
None agrees in every point, but almost every detail finds a close parallel in some tomb or other.
He sent to Jerusalem for reinforcements, but none came.
In a word, the ascription of these two collections to_David has none of the characters of a genuine historical tradition.
The mines are free from gas and fire damp and none is more than 500 ft.
Shepstone was willing to find some way other than simple annexation out of the difficulty, but none appeared to present itself.
Kruger would have none of it, although by so doing he could have obtained permission for a settlement at and railway to Kosi Bay.
It is plainly Gnostic and may perhaps have been composed by Bardaisan or his son Harmonius.0 Among recent editions of Apocrypha in Syriac may be mentioned those of the Apocalypse of Baruch, the Epistle of Baruch, ' For the later Monophysite versions, none of which attained much popularity, see Wright's Syr.
Except Gregory Magistros none of the Armenian sources lays stress on the dualism of the Paulicians.
He was a good palaeographer, and excelled in textual criticism, in examination of authorship, and other such matters, while his vast erudition and retentive memory made him second to none in interpretation and exposition.
The foregoing hypotheses have all sought the origin of new growths in some intrinsic cause which has altered the characters of the cell or cells which gave rise to them, but none of them explain the direct exciting cause.
Among stimuli acting unilaterally, perhaps none has proved more interesting, in late times, than what is known as Chemiotaxis.
Exudates are poured out under inflammatory conditions, while none of the truly dropsical effusions are of inflammatory origin; and hence the class of exudates, as above defined, may be rejected from the category of liquids we are at present considering.
None of them, in man, coagulates spontaneously, although they contain fibrinogen.
Presently other settlers, perhaps not always Greek, gathered round the original Syracusan people; they formed a distinct body, Siiµos or plebs, personally free, but with an inferior political franchise or none at all.
It seemed indeed to the immediate generation so original that tradition has it that the Meditations were refused by a publisher because they were in none of the accepted styles.
Though none of Aristotle's writings are strictly medical, he has by his researches in anatomy and physiology contributed greatly to the progress of medicine.
His works have been much admired for the purity of the Greek style, and his accurate descriptions of disease; but, as he quotes no medical author, and is quoted by none before Alexander of Aphrodisias at the beginning of the 3rd century, it is clear that he belonged to no school and founded none, and thus his position in the chain of medical tradition is quite uncertain.
In the long list of Arabian medical writers none can here be mentioned except the great names of the Hispano-Moorish school, a school both philosophically and medically antagonistic to that of Avicenna.
None of these Salernitan works rise much above the rank of compilations, being founded on Hippocrates, Galen and later Greek writers, with an unmistakable mixture of the doctrines of the methodists.
Towards the end of the 17th century appeared an English medical reformer who sided with none of these schools, but may be said in some respects to have surpassed and dispensed with them.
None of these men founded a school - a result due in part to their intellectual character, in part to the absence in England of medical schools equivalent in position and importance to the universities of the Continent.
Not only so, but the physician, thus fascinated by "types," and impressed by the silent monumentsof the pathological museum, was led to localize disease too much, to isolate the acts of nature, and to forget not only the continuity of the phases which lead up to the exemplary forms, or link them together, but to forget also that even between the types themselves relations of affinity must exist - and these oftentimes none the less intimate for apparent diversities of form, for types of widely different form may be, and indeed often are, more closely allied than types which have more superficial resemblance - and to forget, moreover, how largely negative is the process of abstraction by which types are imagined.
The first of these divisions in order, not the least in bulk, and, though not the first in merit, inferior to none in the amount of congenial labour spent on it, is the theatre.
It is true that there is nothing, or hardly anything, that properly deserves the name of poetry in them - no passion, no sense of the beauty of nature, only a narrow "criticism of life," only a conventional and restricted choice of language, a cramped and monotonous prosody, and none of that indefinite suggestion which has been rightly said to be of the poetic essence.
London south of the Thames has none of the grander characteristics of the wealthy districts to the north.
Among secular buildings, there is none more venerable than the Tower of London (q.v.), the moated fortress which overlooks the Thames at the eastern boundary of the City.
And !Ethelbert gave Mellitus a bishop's see in Lundenevic and from Ludgate toward Westmynstre and lytel or none wher the chief or hart of the citie is now, except (that) in dyvers places were housyng, but they stod without order."
In 1376 an ordinance was made by the mayor and aldermen, with the assent of the whole commons, to the effect that the companies should select men with whom they were content, and none other should come to the elections of mayors and sheriffs; that the greater companies should not elect more than six, the lesser four and the least two.
The weather, as it turned out, was none too favourable on several of the preliminary nights, but, owing to its direction, the wind did not greatly retard the work of removal.
From the confluence of the Lol with the Jur, above which point none of the rivers is called Bahr-el-Ghazal, to the junction with the Nile at Lake No, is a distance of about 200 m.
But in regard to their power of retaining their magnetism none of them comes at all up to the compound metal steel.
The feeling was still strong that none had a right to rule over western Asia until he had been consecrated to the office by Bel and his priests; and from henceforth, accordingly, Cyrus assumed the imperial title of " king of Babylon."
Winckler has adduced evidence from names of local gods to show that there was an Indo-European racial element in Mitanni; but none for a similar element in the Hatti, whose chief god was Teshub.
He was succeeded by his son Piero, who had none of his father's capacity and made a number of political blunders.
Many proposals were made, none of them of practical value, until Savonarola, who had Savon- as a already made a reputation as a moral reformer, began states= his famous series of political sermons.
None of the churches of Vicenza is the work of Palladio.
The owner could call in his land and terminate the relation at any time, for any reason, or for none at all.
Totila's conquest of Italy was marked not only by celerity but also by mercy, and Gibbon says "none were deceived, either friends or enemies, who depended on his faith or his clemency."
Burckhardt had hoped in 1815 that the advance of the Egyptian expedition would have given him the opportunity to see something of Nejd, but he had already left Arabia before the overthrow of the Wahhabi power by Ibrahim Pasha had opened Nejd to travellers from Hejaz, and though several European officers accompanied the expedition, none of them left any record of his experience.
A few small fishing villages or ports are scattered along the coast, but except Nlukalla and Shihr none is of any importance.
Of written literature in those days there was, so far as we know, none.
These were much used by later writers, and we have many extracts from them, but none of the works themselves except a sort of romance based on his account of the death of Hosain (Husain) of which Wiistenfeld has given a translation.
Thus 1593, c. 174, provides that, if any respite or remission happen to be granted before the party grieved be first satisfied, the same is to be null and of none avail.
Among the factors, economic, geographic, political and social, which combined to bring about the decline of the Hanseatic League, none was probably more influential than the absence of a German political power comparable in unity and energy with those of France and England, which could quell particularism at home, and abroad maintain in its vigour the trade which these towns had developed and defended with their imperfect union.
It is to have no walls, that its population may not be limited, and it needs none, for Yahweh is its protection.
This Daedalus must not be confused with Daedalus of Sicyon, a great sculptor of the early part of the 4th century B.C., none of whose works is extant.
The "Monitor" had the advantage of being able to out-manoeuvre her heavier and more unwieldy adversary; but the revolving turret made firing difficult and communications were none too good with the pilot house, the position of which on the forward deck lessened the range of the two turret-guns.
None the less Richard, whom even the French crusaders accepted as their leader, upheld the failing cause of the Frankish Christians with valour and tenacity.
None of the followers of Adrastus perished except his son Aegialeus, and this affected him so greatly that he died of grief at Megara, as he was leading back his victorious army.
None, however, was of equal im- b ortance with the first, and their details are given vaguely by t.
None the less it is easy to find it in embryo in the speculations of the essentially European philosophers of Greece.
He was a robust man, and inherited his father's love of violent exercise; but his character was weak and his intelligence mediocre, and he had none of the superficial and brilliant gifts of Francis I.
None of the above three, however, can be regarded as the earliest settlers in Japan.
Textile Fabrics and Embroider yIn no branch of applied art does the decorative genius of Japan show more attractive results than in that of textile fabrics, and in none has there been more conspicuous progress during recent years.
If in the best specimens exquisite modelling, wonderful accuracy of finish and pates of interesting tints are found, such pieces are, none the less, stamped prominently with the character of utensils rather than with that of works of art.
Extraordinary skill and endurance were shown by the men who carried the norimono and the kago, but none the less these vehicles were both profoundly uncomfortable.
A part, however, of the eastern slope of the Black Forest belongs to the basin of the Danube, which there takes its rise in a number of mountain streams. Among the numerous lakes which belong to the duchy are the Mummel, Wilder, Eichener and Schluch, but none of them is of any size.
The disorders, fomented by republican agitators, none the less continued; and the efforts of the government to suppress them with the aid of federal troops led to an armed insurrection.
Many European travellers have given descriptions of its monuments, though none of them has stayed there more than a few days.
Soluble impurities which are more electro-negative than the metal under treatment must, if present, be removed by a preliminary process, and the voltage and other conditions must be so selected that none of the more electro-positive metals are co-deposited with the metal to be refined.
There are many rivers and streams, notably the Salado, Pesqueria and Presas, but none is navigable within the state, though many furnish good water power.
Pope, with less excuse, put him in the Dunciad towards the end of his life, but he confessed to Spence in private that Defoe had written many things and none bad.
Even then the new league would not fight and allowed Louis to retain his conquests by the truce of Regensburg (1685), but none the less these humiliations gave rise to a more closelyknit and aggressive coalition, which was organized in 1686 and known as the League of Augsburg.
None the less, when the massacre was carried out with circumstances of revolting barbarity, William behaved as he had done after the murder of De Witt.
These characters apply to all snakes, although none are peculiar to them.
They feed chiefly on invertebrate animals, and none are poisonous.
They include terrestrial, semi-aquatic and burrowing types; none of them with any signs of degradation; on the contrary they belong to the most highly organized of snakes.
None of his great orations has survived, a loss regretted by Pitt more than that of the missing books of Livy and Tacitus, and no art perishes more completely with its possessor than that of oratory.
His public life presents none of those acts of devotion and self-sacrifice which often redeem a career characterized by errors, follies and even crimes.
None the less the known facts justify a large number of inferences as to the significance of events which are on the surface merely a part of the individual foreign policy of Athens.
It was noteworthy that none of the proposed plans of campaign considered France as an enemy.
Besides arranging the works, he seems to have written paraphrases and commentaries, none of which is extant.
The latter part of the Perceval is indeed devoted to the recital of his adventures at the Chastel Merveilleus, but of none of Chretien's poems is he the protagonist.
There is a great gap in style, though none in subject, between the really poetical prose of the first historian of the fifth crusade and the Latin empire and the awkward mannerism (so awkward that it has been taken to represent a "disrhymed" verse chronicle) of his follower.
None of his sermons, however, unless we regard his book on the Lord's Prayer as a homily, has come down to us.
It is noticeable that none of the passages cited conveys any rules or information as to the character of the translation to be employed.
None of these pieces seems to have been printed either with his name or his initials.
Although a considerable part of the agora has been excavated, none of the statues which Pausanias saw in it have been discovered.
There are four species of lizard and three snakes, none of which is venomous; a land tortoise, a turtle and a frog.
Salomon Reinach, guided by the analogy of similar practices among the aborigines of Australia, and noticing that these primitive pictures represent none but animals that formed the staple food of the age and place, and that they are usually found in the deepest and darkest recesses of the caves where they could only be drawn and seen by torchlight, has argued that they were not intended for artistic gratification (a late motive in human art), but were magical representations destined to influence and perhaps attract the hunter's quarry.
The shores fall rapidly as a rule, and there is a marked scarcity of islands, none occurring of any size or at a distance from the coast line.
But even were direct evidence of the knowledge of the art of writing in Greece of the early day altogether lacking, none but the hardiest sceptic could doubt, in the light of recent archaeological discoveries elsewhere, that the inhabitants of ancient Hellas of the "Homeric Age" must have shared with their contemporaries the capacity to record their thought in written words.
The task in front of the First Army was thus an extremely difficult one; none the less it had to be tackled, and as early as Sept.
None the less neither side was prepared to give up the struggle.
None of them, in point of fact, has held its ground, and even his proposal to denote unknown quantities by the vowels A, E, I, 0, u, Y - the consonants B, c, &c., being reserved for general known quantities - has not been taken up. In this denotation he followed, perhaps, some older contemporaries, as Ramus, who designated the points in geometrical figures by vowels, making use of consonants, R, S, T, &c., only when these were exhausted.
Though a few may in some circumstances kill living creatures smaller than themselves for food, none are habitually predaceous.
As an administrator Philip had all the vices of his type, that of the laborious, self-righteous man, who thinks he can supervise everything, is capable of endless toil, and jealous of his authority, and who therefore will let none of his servants act without his instructions.
In the next chapter (v.) the seer has a vision of a roll in the hand of Him that sat on the throne which none could open or look upon, till the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the mighty one with seven horns.
The interior of the island is uninhabited and none of the dwellers on the coast are indigenous.
The substitution of machinery for hand labour in cutting coal has long been a favourite problem with inventors, the earliest plan being that of Michael Meinzies, in 1761, who proposed to work a heavy pick underground by power transmitted from an engine at the surface, through the agencies of spear-rods and chains passing over pulleys; but none of the methods suggested proved to be practically successful until the general introduction of compressed air into mines furnished a convenient motive power, susceptible of being carried to considerable distances without any great loss of pressure.
The inflammability of coal dust varies with different coals, but none can be said to be entirely free from risk.
Although excluded by a majority of the House from the list of the managers of that impeachment, Francis was none the less its most energetic promoter, supplying his friends Burke and Sheridan with all the materials for their eloquent orations and burning invectives.
It was desired to secure an exponent of Kantianism, and none seemed so highly qualified as the author of the Critique of Revelation.
Deborah, who was " as much dispos'd to industry and frugality as " her husband, was illiterate and shared none of her husband's tastes for literature and science; 1 Notably in a pamphlet comparing the Jews and the AntiFederalists.
None devoted shall be ransomed, he shall surely be put to death."
In preparation for his work Bengel was able to avail himself of the collations of upwards of twenty MSS., none of them, however, of great importance, twelve of which had been collated by himself.
In 1847 an educational board was established, and there are numerous schools; attendance is compulsory, but none of the schools is free.
Of the other textile industries none except the manufacture of carpets and rugs and silk and silk goods has become very prominent, and yet the total value of all textile products in 1905 was $123,668,177.
None of these was taken but on the 8th of September Major-General William Johnson, in command of the expedition against Crown Point, defeated a French and Indian force under Baron Dieskau in the battle of Lake George.