Non Sentence Examples
The rotating slide rule bezel is bi directional and and non ratchet.
This view has the merit of giving the book a practical religious aim - a sine qua non to any theory of an early Christian writing.
In the Liber Sad-der, indeed (Porta xxv.), we read, " Cavendum est tibi a jejunio; nam a mane ad vesperam nihil comedere non est bonum in religione nostra "; but according to the Pere de Chinon (Lyons, 1671) the Parsee religion enjoins, upon the priesthood at least, no fewer than five yearly fasts.
The great outburst of Sentences at a later time has been referred to the consternation produced by Abelard's Sic et Non.
It found its first adherents and its first defenders among the clerics and learned men grouped around Faber (Lefvre) of Etaples at Meaux; while Marguerite of Navarre, des Roynes la non.
As spring merges into summer, sunny days become more frequent; the ever-increasing breadth of beeforage yields still more abundantly, and the excitement among the labourers crowding the hives increases, rendering room in advance, shade and ventilation, a sine qua non.
We have no grounds to declare the Iraqi diplomats personas non grata.
Non Safety A range of mens and ladies wellingtons and shoes to complement our safety footwear range.
The Sententiae show the influence of Abelard, both in method and arrangement, but lack entirely the daring of Sic et Non.
Elected Italian deputy in 1861, he succeeded Cavour in the premiership. As premier he admitted the Garibaldian volunteers to the regular army, revoked the decree of exile against Mazzini, and attempted reconciliation with the Vatican; but his efforts were rendered ineffectual by the non possumus of the pope.
AdvertisementC. Loyseau, in his Traite des seigneuries (3rd ed., 1610, p. 14), explains that there are two kinds of public seigneuries, that is, sovereign seigneurs, possessing summum imperium, and suzerains, " Les suzeraines sont celles qui ont puissance superieure mais non supreme."
On this occasion he insisted on the re-establishment of the constitution in its integrity as a sine qua non.
He finds fault with those who are non exornatores rerum sed tantum narratores.
While, therefore, there is apparently no correspondence between the area of the wing and the animal to be raised, there is, except in the case of sailing insects, birds and bats, an unvarying relation as to the weight and number of oscillations; so that the problem of flight would seem to resolve itself into one of weight, power, velocity and small surfaces, versus buoyancy, debility, diminished speed and extensive surfaces - weight in either case being a sine qua non.
To refute the predestinarian heresy Hincmar composed his De praedestinatione Dei et libero arbitrio, and against certain propositions advanced by Gottschalk on the Trinity he wrote a treatise called De una et non trina deitate.
AdvertisementCousin's collection, besides giving extracts from the theological work Sic et Non (an assemblage of opposite opinions on doctrinal points, culled from the Fathers as a basis for discussion, the main interest in which lies in the fact that there is no attempt to reconcile the different opinions), includes the Dialectica, commentaries on logical works of Aristotle, Porphyry and Boethius, and a fragment, De Generibus et Speciebus.
A part of his compendium of medicine was published in Latin in the 16th century as Liber theoricae nec non practicae Alsaharavii (Augsburg, 1519).
The only ancient writers who mention him are Gennadius, presbyter of Massilia (end of 5th century), in his De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, and Pope Gelasius in De libris recipiendis et non recipiendis, in which his works are classed as Apocryphi, probably on account of certain heterodox statements contained in them.
There is a further distinction between the written law, jus scriptum, laws made by the councils or popes, which are to be found in the collections, and the unwritten law, jus non scriptum, a body of practical rules arising rather from natural equity and from custom than from formal laws; with this is connected the customary law.
Non invideo equidem, miror magis, was Johnson's good-natured remark, when he was taken over his friend's fine house and pleasant gardens.
AdvertisementTheir churches are non -parochial, and they can perform such rites as baptisms, marriages, &c., only by permission of the parish priest, who is entitled to receive all fees due in respect of these ministrations.
In the time of Gregory the Great the Western Church obtained 1 "Placuit picturas in ecclesia esse non debere, ne quod colitur et adoratur in parietibus depingatur."
The ceasefire agreement does not allow any state to punish Iraq's non compliance with force.
Non smoking at four weeks has been shown to be a good predictor of long-term abstinence.
The method is similar in some respects to the treatment of non commutative algebras.
AdvertisementSuch additional amount of non guaranteed final bonus will not constitute a " related bonus " or bonus allotted under the contract " .
The sine qua non is to decide whether treaties require popular approval.
The huge basilica has magnificent stained glass windows which are awe inspiring for both the believer and the non believer.
The natural citric formula is non toxic & completely biodegradable & is safe to use on all metal, plastic & glass components.
They are 3 non blondes, Lenny Henry, Meera Syal and Asian stand-ups Inder Manocha and Russell Peters.
The Radon Council are a non profit making regulatory body for the radon industry.
They come in a rotating carousel with non slip base.
While competitive chess is played, all games are ungraded, and non playing members are available to advise interested bystanders.
Useful in acute cholecystitis showing non filling of GB.
The model was validated by applying to cohorts without lung cancer excess and to cohorts of smokers and non smokers.
There can be no excuses for cold blooded murder of non combatants.
Most common substances which are combustible such as wood dust can become explosive but mineral dusts, being non combustible, cannot.
Carbon dioxide is colorless, non combustible with a faintly acid smell, has a suffocating effect and is heavier than air.
I think some people help because they feel guilty if they dont and some are non committal.
As opposed to being a worldwide brand or tradeable commodity, non league sides exist to serve their communities.
This is not the case if the scheme is non contributory.
Best execution is inappropriate as a concept other than for the smallest corporates and non professional individuals.
The loops which pass through the padlock of your chastity device are fashioned with brass ferrules and are non corrosive.
Could anyone tell me how recognized non degree corse are and if there are any particually good course to go for.
New sailing and non sailing members of all ages are welcome to join (sorry, no motorized craft ).
I first used a non bonded cutoff of 12A for the non-periodic system.
Non feather duvets & non feather pillows, a shower mat & a bath mat are provided.
Counselors, however, are more aware of the disadvantages that mainly spring from the effects on relationship building caused by non face-to-face encounters.
If they are non epileptic they can be exactly the same as epileptic seizures so the tongue biting happens in both forms of seizure.
The ' Lucas ' switch has an integral non detachable escutcheon.
On non organic farms the norm is for four cows to be kept on the same area.
We desperately need the right legislative framework to bring down emissions, rather than non binding targets.
We are especially interested in appointing master franchisees in non English speaking markets, and in regions of North America.
The problem is how best to approximate the non displayable colors, the out of gamut colors, using ones within the device gamut.
It is a soft non abrasive cotton gauze cut into strips about 1/4 inch wide this allows more surface contact area.
This means that a white spotted gerbil bred with a non spotted gerbil bred with a non spotted gerbil will always produce 50% spotted pups.
This means that a white spotted gerbil bred with a non spotted gerbil will always produce 50% spotted pups.
It is wasteful - producing glycerol as a non fuel by product.
We have received a lot of feedback from our non runners in 16 runner handicaps article.
These loans are ideal for tenants and other non homeowners as they have no property to pledge.
Non racing periods procedures This document lists what should be done in order to operate hovercraft at race meetings during the non-racing periods.
Which outside riders (non regular jocks) are on live ones?
De minimis non curat lex, they say - " The law does not concern itself with trifles.
There are several varieties in which the cubic non linearity is common to each.
It reacts by immunoblotting with a component of 30 - 35 kDa in reduced or non - reduced erythrocyte membranes.
I couldn't care less myself - either about the colonial mentality or the non sequiturs it produces.
The process is similar to composting except it is non thermophilic or a cold process utilizing naturally occurring soil dwelling micro organisms.
Non card users in card scheme stores paid considerably more for an average basket 44.
Non Fault Accidents involving an uninsured or untraced motorist.
May 2006 1 The Drift Scott Walker (non mover) The best things come to those who wait.
Pupils say nah / non / nein to foreign languages - where are we going wrong?
The rhinitis was thought to be have been of non allergic origin in view of its lack of response to steroid nasal sprays.
These trees are referred to as non native, or aliens.
Apply Online Now fast non status motgage deals happy to offer these products to borrowers.
The skiing itself was excellent, queues virtually non existent and the skiing area large.
We are strictly non smoking throughout open all year with special prices for longer stays and off season.
Other Information This is a totally non smoking guest house.
A completely non smoking hotel Saturday evening, one night stays will not be accepted at this hotel.
The 9th became thus a dies non in the competition.
This should greatly help non DICE platforms, as Cosign works for all known WWW browsers.
Pataky's laudatory review of The Sound Of Music had a non sequitur at the end.
But this is little more than a logical non sequitur.
Evidently his voice, language and mannerism were consistent with his looks; even the apparent non sequitur.
Ensuring You get paid When Contracting This articles discusses how to mitigate the risk of non payment when contracting.
Our membership now stands at around 470 having written off a large number of non active / non payers during the year.
Ni Resist can exhibit low levels of magnetic permeability i.e. they can be non magnetic.
Non load bearing walls are built in flue gas gypsum plasterboard which is 100% recycled.
It has non corrosive quality polypropylene tubing frame which is easily assembled with pressure joints.
The first section is non primary and begins at a set of traffic lights just to the east of Maidstone on the A20.
Nemo dat quod non habet - no one can give what they do not have.
An increase in non permeable hard surface areas can significantly reduce levels of groundwater recharge.
Yes, if a product is marked with our V symbol, we use only cheese with non animal rennet.
However, the Panel is disappointed that no prosecutions have actually been taken against non responders.
For the pagans, the idea of bodily resurrection was simply a non starter.
Entry Fee - £ 20 I.D. cardholders (£ 25 non cardholders) 64 players will qualify through to Blackpool from these qualifying rounds.
This is a non contact exercise sport which involves learning the basic rudiments of how to box.
They have organic approved seaweed products including milled seaweed products including milled seaweed meal, and seaweed mineral lick buckets, non organic, but approved by SOPA.
Book quotes are in a non serif (plain) typeface.
Hens may be immune, non virus shedders or non immune, non virus shedders.
Belief in natural selection has become the sine qua non of entry to much of polite society.
Such vigilant monitoring is a conditio sine qua non for any physician who wishes to cure the patient of her malady.
Smokers are two to three times more likely to develop bladder cancer than non smokers are two to three times more likely to develop bladder cancer than non smokers.
H 2 antagonists or non particulate antacids (e.g. sodium citrate) should be given if oesophageal reflux is a problem.
All coaches are non smoking, although comfort sops will be made.
Non proportional spacing Fonts in which letter spacing which does not vary for different width of character.
Non absorbable sutures ordinarily remain where they are buried within the tissues.
We also provide a Damage Survey service for both UK and non UK Insurers and Underwriting syndicates.
However, solutions like black holes, have a Euclidean geometry with non trivial topology.
It is a natural product and non toxic to humans and animals but gets rid of the bugs.
As a consequence, the ' non mirror muscles ', lower trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi and rear deltoid are underdeveloped.
Non thermal effects by category These may be divided into at least twelve major categories of effect.
Last season, Crawley Town was one of only twenty-one Non League clubs to achieve average attendances of 1,000 or higher.
Each shape represented either a metal or a non metal with different valences.
My partner - a non veggie also recommends The Gate and re-booked another evening.
Non domestic use of goods may invalidate a warranty or guarantee given by the manufacturer of the Goods.
Work on measuring these quantities for non sinusoidal waveforms is underway.
Non Safety A range of mens and ladies Wellingtons and shoes to complement our safety footwear range.
The most commonly used non EC imported wheat is Canadian Western Red Springs with an average (Dumas) protein of 16.5% .
Files produced by word processors use non alphanumeric characters to indicate formatting information such as the size and shape of text.
The proposed form, first elaborated in the conciliary commission de fide, was the object of long public discussions from the 50th general congregation (May 13th, 1870) to the 85th (July 13th); the constitution as a whole was adopted at a public session, on the r 8th, of the 535 bishops present, two only replied " Non placet "; but about 50 had preferred not to be present.
Since true activity consists in knowing what one does and how one does it, I cannot be the author of any state of which I am unconscious; I am not conscious of the mechanism by which bodily motion is produced, hence I am not the author of bodily motion ("Quod nescis quomodo fiat, id non facis").
Suarez maintains that, though the humanity of Socrates does not differ from that of Plato, yet they do not constitute realiter one and the same humanity; there are as many "formal unities" (in this case, humanities) as there are individuals, and these individuals do not constitute a factual, but only an essential or ideal unity ("ita ut plura individua, quae dicuntur esse ejusdem naturae, non sint unum quid vera entitate quae sit in rebus, sed solum fundamentaliter vel per intellectum").
Jordanes professes to have had the work of Cassiodorus in his hands for but three days, and to reproduce the sense not the words; but his book, short as it is, evidently contains long verbatim extracts from the earlier author, and it may be suspected that the story of the triduana lectio and the apology quamvis verba non recolo, possibly even the friendly invitation of Castalius, are mere blinds to cover his own entire want of originality.
The proposition Deus non factus est aliquid secundum quod est homo was condemned by a synod of Tours in 1163 and again by the Lateran synod of 1179, but Adoptianism continued all through the middle ages to be a source of theological dispute.
There is a real change in the elements - we allow ut panis iam consecratus non sit panis quem natura formavit; sed, quem benedictio consecravit, et consecrando etiam immutavit" (Responsio, p. 263).
He then explains how he verified the canon, and so found that there were no essential errors in it, although there were a few inaccuracies near the beginning of the quadrant, and he proceeds, " Haec to obiter scire volui, ut quibus to methodis incesseris, quas non dubito et plurimas et ingeniosissimas tibi in promptu esse, eas publici juris fieri, mihi saltem (puto et caeteris) scires fore gratissimum; eoque percepto, tua promissa folio 57, in debitum cecidisse intelligeres."
Descartes, the founder of psychological idealism, having proceeded from the conscious fact, cogito ergo sum, to the non sequitur that I am a soul, and all a soul can perceive is its ideas, nevertheless went on to the further illogical conclusion that from these mental ideas I can (by the grace of God) infer things which are extended substances or bodies, as well as thinking substances or souls.
After dividing plants into flowerless and flowering, Ray says, "Floriferas dividemus in Dicotyledones, quarum semina sata binis foliis anomalis, seminal ibus dictis, quae cotyledonorum usum praestant, e terra exeunt, vel in binos saltem lobos dividuntur, quamvis eos supra terrem foliorum specie non efferunt; et Monocotyledones, quae nec folic bina seminalia efferunt nec lobos binos condunt.
Thereupon the Newtonian analysis which preceded this synthesis, became forgotten; until at last Mill in his Logic, neglecting the Principia, had the temerity to distort Newton's discovery, which was really a pure example of analytic deduction, into a mere hypothetical deduction; as if the author of the saying " Hypotheses non lingo" started from the hypothesis of a centripetal force to the sun, and thence deductively explained the facts of planetary motion, which reciprocally verified the hypothesis.
The fundamental principles of his system (see Scholasticism) are that "Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" ("Occam's Razor"), that nouns, like algebraical symbols, are merely denotative terms whose meaning is conventionally agreed upon (suppositio), and that the destructive effect of these principles in theological matters does not in any way destroy faith (see the Centilogium Theologicum, Lyons, 1495, and Tractatus de Sacramento Altaris).
So, too, his great work on penance gave equal offence to the Jesuits and to Port-Royal, and even after his death, in 1659, the polemical vehemence of his Exercitationes biblicae, and the exaggeration of his assertion "apud neotericos Haereticos verba Scripturarum non esse integra, non superficiem, non folia, nedum sensum, medullam et radicem rationis" long led Protestants to treat his valuable contributions to the history of the Hebrew text as a mere utterance of Popish prejudice.
The non latching push button switch must be held to talk.
Otherwise, as a community trust we were advised it will be expensive to get non stock requisition orders.
They believe it is vital for young people to be able to access services that are flexible, non threatening and responsive to need.
All requests should have been made in joined up writing, with a £ 20 non returnable fee attached to the request.
They have organic approved seaweed products including milled seaweed meal, and seaweed mineral lick buckets, non organic, but approved by SOPA.
Screw pin shackles are used mainly for non permanent applications.
This would abolish the distinction which is the sine qua non condition for the existence of the two identities.
The extra size of the fly and its sinuous movement make it a juicy morsel for otherwise non too active fish.
Terry, Belfast on June 24th, 2005 This is also my first non sky digibox and so far so good !
Non slip and easy to clean with a greater resistance to damage by water, oil, solvents and acids.
Based in Essex, Jagmail has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, non surgical face rejuvenation and smile makeovers.
Non smokers working in a smoke filled environment showed elevated DNA damage markers.
Smokers are two to three times more likely to develop bladder cancer than non smokers.
The sorbitol powder, glucose syrup and margarine are all non GM now.
Just do n't encourage them into the garden by hanging out non squirrel proof bird feeders.
He walked away from at least three non survivable accidents.
We also provide a Damage Survey service for both UK and non UK Insurers and Underwriting Syndicates.
Has a tachometer on the black outer bezel (non rotating of course).
The art of writing for non techies, is just that, an art.
The program terminated prematurely, complaining of a non unitary matrix.
This is the view from our window toward the church in this sleepy little non touristy town.
Non toxic, will not cause excema, asthma or allergies and removes toxic residues from chemical cleaners.
Take a break and relax in the tranquil surroundings of an 80 acre non working farm in the heart of the Vale of Clwyd.
Derek Deane, the ENB Director, wanted to tackle a " non tutu ballet " for a change.
But it gets down to what Ged said eventually " una vita e non basta ".
The most commonly used non EC imported wheat is Canadian Western Red Springs with an average (Dumas) protein of 16.5 %.
Non hi-def types can cost up to $4,000, making them relatively affordable for their size.
Have you been searching for non allergenic cats that would allow you to set your allergies aside and share your life with a feline companion?
Allerca claims to have used a gene silencing technique to modify British Shorthairs into the non allergenic dream.
Many cat enthusiasts claim Siberians are actually non allergenic cats, and scientific testing seems to bear this information out, at least to a certain extent.
Anyone can try to sell you on the notion that a particular type of cat is non allergenic, but in the end, only you can decide whether or not these claims are true.
If this doesn't provoke an allergic reaction in you, then perhaps you've finally found those elusive non allergenic cats you've been searching for.
The question of whether or not certain cat breeds are non allergenic or hypoallergenic is the subject of debate among many cat enthusiasts.
If you would like to deter stray cats from trespassing in your garden or backyard, there are several safe, non toxic, and effective ways that you can make cat repellent.
When people think about non pedigree kittens for sale, they think of either kittens that are a mixture of breeds or a specific breed without the paperwork to back up their breed classification.
Non pedigree cats may either have unknown parental lines or unregistered lines.
While a non pedigree kitten cannot be shown for most CFA competitions, it could still be shown in CFA's household pet class.
This is another example of non pedigree kittens for sale.
There are many reasons to purchase a non pedigree kitten.
Breed traits for less money - If you love the traits of a particular breed but the cost of purchasing a registered kitten is out of your budget, a non pedigree kitten can be the perfect solution.
Own an unusual cat - Non pedigree kittens and mixed breeds often have a unique look unlike other cats.
You never know which combination you might find in a non pedigree cat.
If you are considering purchasing a non pedigree kitten, you might want to consider some of the breeds that are currently being considered for inclusion in the CFA's breeds list.
One of the best ways to locate a non pedigree kitten is to ask other cat lovers in your area what is available and which breeders they know.
Also important to note is that both non profit and for-profit organizations are likely to charge a fee for this service.
The for-profit organizations may have a higher fee, whereas the fee charged by the non profit is for administration expenses only.
Non profit debt counseling in just one potential way to help you solve your debt problem.
Americans are clamoring for less reliance on foreign oil, and less dependency on non renewable fuel sources, while also desiring lowered fuel costs.
Nearly everyone uses a form of non renewable energy in some area of their lives.
Whether it's the gasoline that powers your car, or the electricity that powers your home, you are using non renewable energy every day.
With so many energy sources available for consumers today, understanding the definition of non renewable energy can help you make smarter choices about your own energy use.
To understand non renewable energy, you need to first consider what materials are defined as non renewable.
Coal is the most abundant of the non renewable energy sources around, but even it cannot sustain indefinite use.
The definition of non renewable energy refers to these materials because once depleted, more cannot be easily created.
Understanding the definition of non renewable energy can help you make smarter long-term choices about your energy needs.
If you have wondered what the difference is between renewable and non renewable energy sources you are not alone.
Simply put, non renewable energy sources are resources found naturally in the earth that can't be created or recreated by man.
There are four non renewable energy sources that are used most often.
While modern society depends on many non renewable sources, it is important to continue to discover and perfect renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.
Government, hospital, and non profit research councils usually provide better information than supplement manufacturers.
You can also use different colors in your painting to make a design pop out - this technique is especially popular with non abstract designs.
One or two bold non neutrals may be added to emphasize a particular detail or object, but in general the colors will be restricted to tones of white, beige, and gray.
Food here is non greasy and typically roasted or steamed.
Ask your colleagues, in a very discreet and non threatening way, to stop.
This is a great opportunity to let him know how you feel, but in a way that is non threatening.
Many Quorn products, for instance, are derived from eggs and some other brands and products may be seasoned with non vegan seasonings such as cheese powder.
By using non traditional elements, invitations and other wedding stationery add a distinctive flavor to the overall tone of the wedding celebration.
Use your name in a non traditional way to make your wedding favors unique.
I had all but blown off all my drinking and non drinking friends.
Elitists and classists, well, that's all explained with Scott's rant about paying taxes and how they should "…feed, house and provide medical for a few lazy non working people at my expense."
For just this reason, I always have a box of latex-free, non sterile gloves around the house.
That's six or more hours per day of direct, non stop sunshine.
The one exception is corrugated metal roofing, which is only used in non residential buildings.
This unique, non porous material can be poured, shaped and molded into any shape, complete with integral sinks and backsplashes.
Use organic wool which is non allergenic.
Dry milk is available in many forms including whole milk (full fat), reduced fat milk, and non fat versions.
Low and non fat organic milks are ideal for people who watch their fat intake but are looking for a high quality source of calcium, whereas whole milk offers nutritious milk that is full of energy.
It contains organic raspberries and some non organic ingredients, such as pectin, with apple and lemon juice used as sweeteners and flavor enhancers.
Capris and full length pant liners in non binding spandex and stretch nylon eliminates see through worries while providing smooth lines.
The National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, another non profit organization dedicated to quality care for the elderly, offers a comprehensive fact sheet to help you spot signs and symptoms of both neglect and abuse.
Non prescription sleep aids are available for purchase from most drug stores.
While many people resort to non prescription sleep aids, you may also want to consider natural solutions.
Stimulants, including the use of alcohol, nicotine or some types of non prescription drugs, can keep you awake.
Four of the five stages are Non REM stages.
Other masks include vented masks, full face masks, non vented and hospital masks.
When looking for colored contact lenses that are affordable you may encounter websites that sell non FDA-approved contacts.
Although they are non prescription, always consult with your eye doctor first before purchasing the lenses.
Non prescription colored contact lenses for cosmetic use will still require a prescription when you purchase them.
You can get several types of non prescription colored contact lenses.
If you wish to wear non prescription colored contact lenses for cosmetic purposes (as opposed to vision correction), you'll still need to see your eye doctor for a prescription.
Finding non prescription distant vision glasses online is a challenge, because usually only close-up reading glasses are sold online.
Take a look at how to purchase non prescription glasses online without much worry.
Non prescription glasses work well for those of us whose eyesight has begun to get weaker over time.
In fact, you can find non prescription glasses online in standard and UV-protected lenses that will keep your eyes from getting damaged in the sunlight.
Over-the-counter, non prescription distant vision glasses online can vary in price from a few dollars upwards.
Some shoppers get frustrated with the lack of non prescription distant vision eyeglasses, but it's for a good reason.
You can get them clear or tinted, prescription or non.
Non prescription varieties are inexpensive enough for Halloween parties and themed costumes.
Non vintage wine is made from grapes harvested in two or more different years.
It's important to note that you need to become a subscriber to this website to gain access to some of the older reviews, but there's plenty of free information available to non subscribers.
This non hormonal birth control is sometimes called the rhythm method and means a woman keeps track of her "safe" days to have sex and "unsafe" days (i.e. days she can become pregnant).
Finding a non chlorine alternative for swimming pool use is easy once you know what you're looking for.
This non chlorine alternative for swimming pools is highly toxic, but it works in a flash!
There is one more non chlorine alternative for swimming pool use, but switching to it after chlorine use is very tricky.
Price foundation website, a non profit organization that continues Dr. Price's work today.
Other features that make them stand out is that they are self cleaning, have a non drip system and have a handle that is both comfortable and sturdy.
Whether you are interested in finding out how to contribute to your favorite non profit organization or how to organize a benefit event, LoveToKnow Charity has it covered.
The LoveToKnow Charity community is made up of experienced writers with backgrounds in fundraising and non profit work.
If you are looking for a non profit organization that accepts automobile donations, furniture, or even your hair, you will be able to find articles on what you need to know to make it possible.
There is even information on grants for nonprofit organizations, accounting and non profit salaries.
There is even information on grants for nonprofit organizations, accounting, non profit salaries and other information relevant to operating a charitable organization.
This non profit organization provides hair prosthesis to disadvantaged children age 18 and younger.
Oprah's Angel Network is a non profit, volunteer organization that inspires others to make a difference in the lives of others.
It's a great self esteem exercise for any school club or non profit, and teens will be amazed at what a great event they can pull off.
There are endless possiblities when it comes to fundraising ideas for non profit organizations.
Most non profits rely on fundraising for the survival and success of their organization.
Looking for non profit fundraising ideas?
Non profit fundraising provides organizations with the funds to accomplish their goals.
Non profit fundraising ideas are not limited to sales, although sales are among the most popular choices.
These type of events require coordination and effort on the part of the non profit organization.
All the "profits" of the games, the small fee entrants pay will then be put towards the non profit.
Donate a car to a non profit and you may receive a tax break while helping those less fortunate meet their basic needs.
Many types of non profit organizations can benefit from the donation of vehicles, either to give to those who need transportation or to sell as a way of raising money.
The donation of a used vehicle to a non profit can be beneficial to both the donor and to the recipient.
Your tax professional can also help you understand the tax implications when you donate a car to a non profit.
Many non profit organizations do not fall under the IRS rules for tax donations, including many political organizations.
If you have accrued airline miles that you aren't likely to use, consider donating them to a non profit organization that can put them to good use.
There are meditation groups for nearly every major religious group; check with your own religious tradition or seek out a non denominational approach that suits your needs.
Even non bikers appreciate the classic brand logo, and the long history of Triumph, as well as their reputation for quality and style.
Increased for Gain from Empowerment Zone Business Stock Non corporation taxpayers can exclude up to a 60% gain on the sale or trade of qualified small business stock held more than 5 years.
Sample Plans lists business plan examples for non profit organizations, something that's often hard to find online.
It is non toxic for your family as well as the environment.
There are other non heart-related benefits of exercise, as well.
Freeplay Music is a high quality production music library with over 1200 original song titles, geared towards the professional user for broadcast and non broadcast commercial use.
Freeplay also offers "free" use of their music per their Terms Of Use for home, private, non commercial use as well as for student - on school grounds educational use.
These downloaded tracks can only be played on your computer, and you can also share your favorites with other Yahoo Music customers (you cannot share songs with non Yahoo Music customers).
Once a top P2P music downloading site, iMesh now offers copyrighted music to customers on a subscription basis, with the free music and videos all being in the form of non copyright controlled material.
All of the free music that is available on iMesh is of the non copyright controlled variety.
Fall Out Boy songwriter/backup singer/bassist Pete Wentz is also a tabloid staple, thanks to his relationship with Ashlee Simpson, and he has also embarked on several non musical ventures, like modeling and designing his own clothing line.
In Spring of 2008, Sparks was forced to drop out of her opening slot role on what was to be her first major non American Idol related tour, supporting Alicia Keys, because of damage to her vocal chords.
An Easter egg hunt is the perfect way to host a religious Easter celebration or even a non religious Easter celebration for friends and family.
For a non fan, this film should have a little more drawing power, perhaps because this is the first installment of a "darker" Harry Potter experience.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is truly a non fan's Harry Potter because its soul purpose isn't just the pleasing of fans, but is focused more on the telling a great story.
From the first scene to the last, this distinctly new vision of Harry Potter's world is the artistic triumph that non fans have been longing for in the films.
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Looks like we should start running, non?
Dubois brought out a similar work on the " Especes non observees en Belgique," being supplementary to that of his above named.
The Palazzo Dario with its dedication, Urbis genio, the superb Manzoni-Montecuculi-Polignac, with its friezes of spread-eagles in low relief, and the Vendramini-Calergi or Non nobis palace, whose facade is characterized by its roundheaded windows of grouped twin lights between columns, are among the more important; though beautiful specimens, such as the Palazzo Trevisan on the Rio della Paglia, and the Palazzo Corner Reali at the Fava, are to be found all over the city.
Occam's dictum "Entia non multiplicanda sunt praeter necessitatem" was inspired by a spirit similar to that of Bacon.
Against the common view that miracles can attest the truth of a divine revelation Gerhard maintained that " per miracula non possunt probari oracula "; and Hopfner returns to the qualified position of Augustine when he describes them as praeter et supra naturae ordinem."
The fact is that until the 13th century the Franks lived consuetudinibus antiquis et jure non scripto.
The lay basis of the Third Crusade made it, in one sense, the greatest of all Crusades, in which all the three great monarchs of western Europe participated; but it also made it a failure, for the kings of France and England, changing caelum, non animum, carried their political rivalries into the movement, in which it had been agreed that they should be sunk.
Newton's Hypotheses non fingo was a proud boast, but it rests upon an entire misconception of the capacities of the mind of man in dealing with external nature.
The conferences were opened at the close of July in the camp of the grand vizier, who was pressing Belgrade hard and demanded the surrender of the city as a sine qua non.
The ruthless way in which they plundered ancient buildings to adorn their own palaces is the origin of the saying, "Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt.
The improvement of the telescope was justly regarded as a sine qua non for the advancement of astronomical knowledge.
A discussion of the interesting question relating to the non Semitic so-called Sumero-Akkadian language and race will be found in the article Sumer.
The author interprets Boetius's meaning to be " Quod eadem res individuum et species et genus est, et non esse universalia individuis quasi quoddam diversum."
A genus, they said, is essentially something which is predicated of a subject; but a thing cannot be a predicate (res enim non praedicatur).
Remigius is thus a Realist, not so much in the sense of Plato as in the spirit of Parmenides, and Haureau applies to this form of Realism Bayle's description of Realism in general as " le Spinosisme non developpe."
Abelard says, " Sic autem correxit sententiam, ut deinceps rem eamdem non essentialiter sed individualiter diceret."
The intellect collects the universal, which exists but not as a substance (est sed non substat), from the particular things which not merely are (sunt) but also, as subjects of accidents, have substantial existence (substant), by considering only their substantial similarity or conformity.
As against Realism he maintains consistently Res de re non praedicatur; genera and species, therefore, which are predicated of the individual subject, cannot be treated as things or substances.
Abelard's remarkable compilation Sic et Non was not calculated to allay their suspicions.
Non eis sacerdotes offerunt, absit, Deo praestantur.
That it was very largely used in cookery is evidenced by many writers; thus Laurenbergius (Apparatus plantarum, 1632) makes the large assertion "In re familiari vix ullus est telluris habitatus angulus ubi non sit croci quotidiana usurpatio aspersi vel incocti cibis."
To the overtures of Ricasoli in 1861, Pius IX., at Antonelli's suggestion, replied with the famous "Non possumus," but subsequently (1867) accepted, too late, Ricasoli's proposal concerning ecclesiastical property.
It is only from non medical writers that anything is known of the development of medicine in Greece before the age of Hippocrates.
C. 2, § 2, this statute seems to have been frequently evaded by a non obstante clause.
But, since by the Bill of Rights no dispensation by non obstante is allowed, general words contrary to the statute of Richard II.
By means of lighted candles violently dashed to the ground and extinguished the faithful were graphically taught the meaning of the greater excommunication - though in a somewhat misleading way, for it is a fundamental principle of the canon law that disciplina est excommunicatio, non eradicatio.
So Christ instituted confirmation non exhibendo sed promittendo, not by undergoing it and so setting it forth in His own person, but by promising to send the Paraclete.
When the power of the emperor was weakened, and the idea of a universal ruler was gone, a new test of sovereignty was applied - that of external independence; the true sovereign states were universitates superiorem non recognoscentes.
It is more accurate to say that as to certain matters the legislature of the Canadian Dominion is sovereign, and as to certain others that it is not (Lefroy, 244; Quick and Garran, Australian Commonwealth, 328; Dicey, 106); and as to some matters they are in fact, if not in form, universitates superiorem non recognoscentes (Quick and Garran, 319); or that they are states in process of making.
The only two points on which he departed from the orthodox Lutheran faith of his day were the requirement of regeneration as the sine qua non of the true theologian, and the expectation of the conversion of the Jews and the fall of Papacy as the prelude of the triumph of the church.
His day was thus one of incessant mental activity; but hard work was so far from breeding a distaste for his occupation, that reading and writing grew ever more delightful to him (literarum assiduitas non modo mihi fastidium non pant, sed voluptatem; crescit scribendo scribendi studium).
Abelard, too, started from tradition; but he discovered that the statements of the various authorities are very often in the relation of sic et non, yes and no.
An intimate collaboration with England and France was a conditio sine qua non for Czechoslovakia.
Oddly enough, the diet before dissolving had, apparently in order to meet the rokosz half-way, issued the famous edict De non praestanda obedientia, whereby, in case of future malpractices by the king and his subsequent neglect of at least two solemn warnings there-anent by the primate and the senate, he was to be formally deposed by the next succeeding diet.
The commissioners feared that, so long as Greek was a sine qua non at the universities, these schools would be cut off from direct connexion with the universities, while the universities would in some degree lose their control over a portion of the higher culture of the nation.
Ricci replied with the historical answer, Sint ut sunt, aut non sint; and after some further delay, during which much interest was exerted in their favour, the Jesuits were suppressed by an edict in November 1764, but suffered to remain on the footing of secular priests, a grace withdrawn in 1767, when they were expelled from the kingdom.
In the midst of these hopes and difficulties Oecolampadius married, in the beginning of 1528, Wilibrandis Rosenblatt, the widow of Ludwig Keller, who proved to be non rixosa vel garrula vel vaga, he says, and made him a good wife.
Like Leibnitz, he proceeds from the fact that our perceptions are sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious, to the inconsequent conclusion, that there are beings with nothing but unconscious perceptions; and by a similar non sequitur, because there is the idea of an end in will, he argues that there must be an unconscious idea of an end in instinctive, in reflex, in all action.
Not so; like Kant himself, Hodgson supposes something beyond; not, however, an unknown thing in itself causing sensations, but a condition, or sine qua non, of their existence, without being a cause of their nature.
Leonard, and refer only to Protestant missions to non I.-Statistics Of The Great Religions Of The World.
As to the so-called Decretum Gelasii de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis, it also is a compilation of documents anterior to Gelasius, and it is difficult to determine Gelasius's contributions to it.
In Germany it is sometimes designated Stiller Freitag (compare Greek, Ef3bo,u&s t17rpaKro; Latin, hebdomas inoficiosa, non laboriosa), but more commonly Charfreitag.
Moreover, that grain unsown grows there abundantly [fruges ibi non seminatas abundare] ' is not a fabulous fancy, but is based on trustworthy accounts of the Danes."
According to another point of view, an arboretum should be constructed with regard to picturesque beauty rather than systematically, although it is admitted that for scientific purposes a systematic arrangement is a sine qua non.
The common procedure is that in which the cause is prosecuted per viam non cultus.
In this respect progress was made especially The non.
If we set aside the heretical books condemned by the early councils, the earliest known instance of a list of proscribed books being issued with the authority of a bishop of Rome is the Notitia librorum apocryphorum qui non recipiuntur, the first redaction of which, by Pope Gelasius (494), was subsequently amplified on several occasions.
He built Castelfranco on the northern frontier; fortified the port of Civita Vecchia; and strengthened the Castel Sant' Angelo, equipping it with cannon made from the bronze of the Pantheon, an act of vandalism which the Romans punished by the epigram, "Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini."
This last was the collection first known and chiefly used in the West during the middle ages; and of its 134 only 97 have been written on by the glossatores or medieval commentators; these therefore alone have been received as binding in those countries which recognize and obey the Roman law, - according to the maxim Quicquid non agnoscit glossa, nec agnoscit curia.
It has a palace standing in extensive grounds, a gymnasium, a normal seminary, a library, a synagogue, and three churches, one of which has the appropriate inscription, Religionis non structurae exemplum.
The possession of the doctorate is a sine qua non for eligibility to a university chair, and to a lectureship in the university of Paris.
God is the absolute maximum and also the absolute minimum, who can be neither greater nor less than He is, and who comprehends all that is or that can be ("deum esse omnia, ut non possit esse aliud quam est").
He further held that all knowledge is sensation ("non ratione sed sensu") and that intelligence is, therefore, an agglomeration of isolated data, given by the senses.
Days of grace (dies non) are in existence practically among English-speaking peoples only.
The argument was that they correspond too closely with the Latin; Baeda's words, "hic est sensus, non autem ordo ipse verborum," being taken to mean that he had given, not a literal translation, but only a free paraphrase.
In this year he lost his seat in consequence of the popular prejudice aroused against him by his trenchant pamphlet Oui et non (1845) against attacks on religious liberty, and a second entitled Feul Feul (1845), written in reply to those who demanded a retractation of the former.
For while he maintains constantly his favourite maxim "that there is nothing in the intellect which has not been in the senses" (nihil in intellectu quod non pries fuerit in sensu), while he contends that the imaginative faculty (phantasia) is the counterpart of sense - that, as it has to do with material images, it is itself, like sense, material, and essentially the same both in men and brutes; he at the same time admits that the intellect, which he affirms to be immaterial and immortal - the most characteristic distinction of humanity - attains notions and truths of which no effort of sensation or imagination can give us the slightest apprehension (Op. ii..383).
Nam et hoc credo, quia, nisi credidero, non intelligam."
Which does n't augur well for the rest of us Non Americans.
Such schemes are widespread in the film sector, almost non existent for music.
He was the author of several works, the principal of which is entitled Rerum Hispanorum Romanorum imperatorum, summorum pontificum, nec non regum Francorum anacephaleosis.
Under the new act marriages of non Catholics solemnized by diplomatic or consular officers or by ministers of dissenting churches, if properly registered, are valid, and those solemnized before the passing of this act were to be valid if registered before the end of 1899.
It was nevertheless proscribed in the next year at the instance of the Montagnard deputy Albitte, for an anti-anarchical hemistich (Des lois et non du sang!); Fenelon (1793) was suspended after a few representations; and in 1794 his Timoleon, set to Etienne Mehul's music, was also proscribed.
In the first letter of the first book Pliny states that he has collected certain of his letters without regard to chronological order (non servato temporis ordine).
Elsewhere he says that he is "non ita dives" ii.
This process is called conceptual synthesis, the possibility of which is a sine qua non for the exchange of information by speech and writing.
However, even though Mikado eyewear is designed to feel "non oppressive," you wouldn't be able to discern that from its highly durable and quality constructed frame.
At the general parliamentary elections of 1904 a few Catholics had been elected as such, and the encyclical of the 11th of June 1905 On the political organization of the Catholics, practically abolished the non erpedit.