Nocturnal Sentence Examples
It was not unlike any night's nocturnal hallucination.
His ears perked up at the mention of Dean's nocturnal adventure.
Bats are social, nocturnal and they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate.
Alytes is nocturnal and slow in its movements.
They are mainly nocturnal, and subsist chiefly on bark and twigs or the roots of water plants.
The nocturnal enuresis or urinary incontinence of children and of adults is frequently relieved by this drug.
They are not nocturnal, but most active in the morning and evening, remaining seated or curled up among the branches during the heat of the day.
The features by which the treesnakes are distinguished are still more developed in the whip-snakes (Dryophis), whose excessively slender body has been compared to the cord of a whip. Although arboreal, like the former, they are nocturnal in their habits, having a horizontal instead of a round pupil of the eye.
Had this woman brought her child on this nocturnal visit, I'd have surely snatched her away.
The dormitory, as a rule, was placed on the east side of the cloister, running over the calefactory and chapter-house, and joined the south transept, where a flight of steps admitted the brethren into the church for nocturnal services.
AdvertisementThe power and grandeur of these nocturnal concerts is inconceivably striking and pleasing to the hunter's ear."
These animals are of nocturnal and burrowing habits, and generally to be found near ant-hills.
His sphere of influence was the nocturnal heavens, thunderstorms at night being attributed to him, those by day to Jupiter.
In the middle ages the nocturnal vigilia were, except in the monasteries, gradually discontinued, matins and vespers on the preceding day, with fasting, taking their place.
So many have come to my bed, but never have I been so unnerved by a nocturnal visitor than when first dear Joshua visited me in the darkest part of the night.
AdvertisementNeither mentioned the late night phone call during Edith's nocturnal visit nor Cynthia's sudden, unannounced return.
Some are nocturnal, some diurnal; some catch their prey by speed of foot, some by cunningly lying hid, some by means of silken nets.
Meanwhile the Russians had not lost a single gun and the moral of their men had been improved by the result of the many minor encounters with the enemy; further, the and then began a series of rearguard actions and nocturnal retreats which completely accomplished their purpose of wearing down the French army.
This insect is gregarious and nocturnal.
Not a few, however, lead a nocturnal life, and many of them have, accordingly, their pupil contracted into a vertical or more rarely a horizontal slit.
AdvertisementThey are solitary, nocturnal, shy and inoffensive, chiefly frequenting the depths of shady forests and the neighbourhood of water, to which they frequently resort for the purpose of bathing, and in which they often take refuge when pursued.
Nearly all geckos are nocturnal and the pupil contracts into a vertical slit, except in a few diurnal kinds, e.g.
Muskdeer are hardy, solitary and retiring animals, chiefly nocturnal in habits, and almost always found alone, rarely in pairs and never in herds.
About the size of a large domestic fowl, they are birds of nocturnal habit, sleeping, or at least inactive, by day, feeding mostly on earth-worms, but occasionally swallowing berries, though in captivity they will eat flesh suitably minced.
In cultivated districts cattle, sheep, and even human inhabitants are never safe from his nocturnal ravages.
AdvertisementIn habits some of the species are nocturnal and others diurnal; but all subsist on a mixed diet, which includes birds, reptiles, eggs, insects and fruits.
Their habits are nocturnal, and during the daytime they cling to the trunks or limbs of trees head downwards in a state of repose.
There are five species of British owls, most of which are usually nocturnal.
The nocturnal expedition across the Hellespont by which Suleiman, the son of Orkhan, won Galipoli and therewith a foothold in Europe for his race, was shared in and celebrated in verse by a Turkish noble or chieftain named Ghazi Fazil.
Some, like the majority of the geckos, are nocturnal.
It would also seem that during the breeding-season many of them are wholly nocturnal in their habits, passing the day in holes of the ground, or in clefts of the rocks, in which they generally nestle, the hen of each pair laying a single white egg, sparsely speckled in a few species with fine reddish dots.
There he sullenly joined his wife Paulette, who was stuffing her face with the excess baked goods now available by virtue of Pumpkin Green's nocturnal departure.
This issue of Bandolier has an example of type I evidence a report of a meta-analysis on quinine in nocturnal leg cramps.
Since dormice are strictly nocturnal and usually forage in the tree canopy, the chance of coming across any is extremely unlikely.
These rare, and shy creatures, tho occasionally active during the day, are mostly nocturnal.
With the exception of parts of the West coast of Scotland, otters are generally nocturnal.
Boar born in the wild quickly become nocturnal to avoid being shot at, which frequently happens.
However, anyone who ever heard the ' Nocturnal Booms ' of 1976 and 1977 will know that they were not sonic booms.
Nocturnal enuresis is more common in males.
Like the gentle lemurs they are nocturnal.
Like so many lemurs, it is completely nocturnal in its habits, living either alone or in pairs, chiefly in the bamboo forests.
The perfect insects are for the most part nocturnal and are believed to be carnivorous.
Another class of nocturnal demons are the incubi and succubi, who are said to consort with human beings in their sleep; in the Antilles these were the ghosts of the dead; in New Zealand likewise ancestral deities formed liaisons with females; in the Samoan Islands the inferior gods were regarded as the fathers of children otherwise unaccounted for; the Hindus have rites prescribed by which a companion nymph may be secured.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
But the routes to be followed were difficult to find in the dark, the ascent was rapid, the ground was much broken, and the enemy opposed a stubborn resistance to the advance, with the result that this was greatly retarded, and that at daybreak the most forward of the columns was not much more than halfway up. The Ottoman staff had, moreover, on the first alarm begun to hurry reinforcements on the Sari Bair from the rear, while the Allied troops were so much exhausted by their nocturnal experiences that all attempts to win the upper ridge failed on the 7th.
The larvae of several nocturnal Lepidoptera feed upon the leaves of the willows, and the trunk of the sallow is often injured by the perforations of the lunar hornet sphinx (Trochilium crabroniforme).
They are malicious gossip, greed of money, giving security, nocturnal robbery, murder, unchastity.
There is no reason to believe that any transfer of air takes place across the Himalayas in a southerly direction, unless indeed in those most elevated regions of the atmosphere which lie beyond the range of observation; but a nocturnal flow of cooled air, from the southern slopes, is felt as a strong wind where the rivers debouch on the plains, more especially in the early morning hours; and this probably contributes in some degree to lower the mean temperature of that belt of the plains which fringes the mountain zone.
The treatise De cursibus ecclesiasticis, discovered in 1853, is a liturgical manual for determining the hour of divers nocturnal offices by the position of the stars.
It has been suggested that the name arose from the cry they used when approaching their nocturnal rendezvous; but it is more probable that it was derived from a nickname applied to their leader Jean Cottereau (1767-1794).
Jackals are nocturnal animals, concealing themselves until dusk in woody jungles and other natural lurking places, and then sallying forth in packs, which sometimes number two hundred individuals, and visiting farmyards, villages and towns in search of food.
In habits the binturong is nocturnal and arboreal, inhabiting forests, and living on small vertebrates, worms, insects and fruits.
Apart from the Tartarides, the Pedipalpi are large or medium-sized Arachnida, nocturnal in habits and spending the day under stones, logs of wood or loosened bark.
All are more or less completely nocturnal.
The tick especially infests old huts and camping grounds and is nocturnal in habit, spending the day hidden in crevices of the walls or floor and coming out at night to feed upon the sleeping inmates.
In their arboreal life, and the habit of sitting up on their hind-legs with their food grasped in the fore-paws, dormice are like squirrels, from which they differ in being completely nocturnal.
It is a nocturnal or crepuscular animal, generally sleeping during the day, but showing considerable activity by night.
The series made in 2000 are mainly nocturnal still lives with gray colors.
Having been largely nocturnal during the winter months, Roe Deer begin to become more visible from March onwards in areas of low disturbance.
Moorish Idols change to a darker color at night, to reduce their chances of being spotted by nocturnal predators.
Hes a big lad (8lb 9 at birth) and is nocturnal as befits a good techie.
Nocturnal, sub-zero temperatures were survived but this was a small price to pay for the glorious day which followed.
They are vital for those nocturnal wanderings around the campsite in search of the toilet block.
Their habits, food, etc., are also very similar to those of the true squirrels, except that they are more nocturnal, and are therefore less often seen.
Denounced to the Legislative Assembly by the directory of the department of Rhone-et-Loire for having made a nocturnal domiciliary perquisition, he was sent to the bar of the Assembly, which approved of his conduct.
In habits bats are social, nocturnal and crepuscular; the insect-eating species feed on the wing, in winter in the temperate regions they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate, as do the British bats.
Some children with the attention disorder have bedwetting problems, or nocturnal enuresis.
It can be nocturnal (occurring at night) or diurnal (occurring during the day).
Nocturnal myopia, another type of myopia sometimes referred to as "night blindness," is blurred vision only in darkness.
Many animals, such as raccoons and skunks, are nocturnal and their activity during the day should be regarded as suspicious.
Try feeding the snake at night since these creatures are nocturnal and many prefer to eat at night.
Taking larger doses of vitamin B12 may be beneficial in certain circumstances, such as when you're suffering from nocturnal leg cramps that affect your ability to get a good night's sleep.
Approximately fifteen percent of five year olds experience nocturnal enuresis, which is the medical term for bedwetting for children ages five and older.
Could it be that these deformities and behaviors brought about by personalities, coupled with nocturnal behavior, lead to sightings of werewolves?
These nocturnal parties are filled with group and individual activities.
They are nocturnal, so they usually feed at night.
Because they are primarily nocturnal, they tend to feed at night while you're sleeping.
In habits agoutis are nocturnal, dwelling in forests, where they conceal themselves during the day in hollow tree-trunks, or in burrows among roots.
Its animal life is in the main distinguished in species only from that of the Upper Sonoran belt, including among birds, the desert sparrow, desert thrasher, mocking-bird, hooded oriole; and among mammals small nocturnal species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, mice and bats.
In habits the guacharo is wholly nocturnal, slumbering by day in deep and dark caverns which it frequents in vast numbers.
Very few of these nocturnal carnivores are now alive to trouble flocks.
The tiger-cat of the colonists, with weasel legs, white spots and nocturnal habits, is a large species of the untameable native cats.
The sound stopped in a minute or so but a three AM recurrence woke them enough to hold a brief conversation on the source of the nocturnal noise, a conversation repeated at four AM, by which time the couple were fully awake.
Most of the vamps were late to wake in the mornings, the effect of their nocturnal lifestyle.
Whilst the scenery is gorgeous, the real reason to visit and camp overnight, is the chance to see the nocturnal aye-aye.
They are generally crepuscular (most active at dusk and dawn) and nocturnal.
Nocturnal intake rates were higher than diurnal intake rates owing to the consumption of more large earthworms at night.
A child who has never been dry at night has ' primary nocturnal enuresis ' .
The dormi- tory, as a rule, was placed on the east side of the cloister, running over the calefactory and chapter-house, and joined the south transept, where a flight of steps admitted the brethren into the church for nocturnal services.
In habits the kakapo is almost wholly nocturnal, 3 hiding in holes (which in some instances it seems to make for itself) under the roots of trees or rocks during the day time, and only issuing forth about sunset to seek its food, which is solely vegetable in kind, and consists of the twigs, leaves, seeds and fruits of trees, grass and fern roots - some observers say mosses also.
He had a passion for building, to which are due numberless kiosques, where nocturnal orgies were carried on by him and his boon companions.
The Persian jerboa (Alactaga indica) is also a nocturnal burrowing animal, feeding chiefly on grain, which it stores up in underground repositories, closing these when full, and only drawing upon them when the supply of food above ground is exhausted (see also Jumping Mouse).
Your pleasant baby, who has slept through the night since she was three months old, has now turned into a crying, nocturnal toddler!
With patience and a few adjustments to night and day sleeping habits, your baby's nap time will soon balance out her nocturnal sleep.
An added benefit to spaying and neutering is cat owners will not have to withstand the pining of toms when neighborhood queens are in heat or the erratic nocturnal behavior of a queen in estrus.
Examples of nocturnal photography in motion include fireworks, amusement rides and traffic patterns.
A panic attack that occurs at night is a nocturnal panic attack.
Currently, the answer to the question of why nocturnal panic attacks occur is not known.
After the sun sets lights mounted in the hull of the vessel illuminate the reef and offer the opportunity to view the island's nocturnal sea life, including Kona's famous manta rays.
Seeing a wild skunk during day is a rare sighting because these animal are known to be nocturnal, but there is the rare occasional that a skunk will come out during the day to get food.
This is a family of spiders that includes the yellow garden spider and the more nocturnal Araneus, or cat-faced spider.
Nocturnal support braces for your wrists and hands can help reduce the tingling sensation that disrupts your sleep.
With night vision, your enjoyment of the outdoors will know no limits and the wonders of the nocturnal world present opportunities for exploration and adventure.
Some children have both nocturnal and diurnal enuresis.
Nocturnal myoclonus-A disorder in which the patient is awakened repeatedly during the night by cramps or twitches in the calf muscles.
Nocturnal leg cramps-Cramps that may be related to exertion and awaken a person during sleep.
Bedwetting is also called "nocturnal enuresis."
Children between the ages of three and five years of age are most likely to experience such nocturnal episodes.
In the later Vedic period he is specially connected with the nocturnal heavens.
It is of nocturnal and burrowing habits, and feeds on decomposed animal substances, larvae and termites.
The abuses connected with nocturnal vigils 1 led to their being attacked, especially by Vigilentius of Barcelona (c. 400), against whom Jerome fulminated in this as in other matters.
Falcons are represented by a score of species, at least, several of them nocturnal.
Unlike the other members of the group, the avahi is nocturnal, and does not associate in small troops, but is met with either alone or in pairs.
This unpopularity is said on uncertain authority to have culminated in a nocturnal attack on his house.
He was present at evening in the church, and when the midnight bell sounded for the nocturnal office early on Sunday morning he again went thither unsupported, but sank down before the altar and passed away as in a gentle sleep.
Many animals of great zoological interest, from their nocturnal habits, or natural disposition, display themselves so seldom that their possession is valueless from the point of view of the public, whilst closely allied species are not distinguished except by trained observers.
They are less strictly nocturnal in their habits; and with one exception live entirely in trees, having in correspondence with this long and powerful prehensile tails.
Conversely, nocturnal cooling produces well-defined descending breezes which issue from the valley mouths, sometimes attaining an unpleasant strength toward midnight.
A very prosaic explanation of this nocturnal noise is given by Judson.
It is nowhere abundant, but is found over the northern parts of Europe and Asia, and is a quiet, inoffensive animal, nocturnal and solitary in its habits, sleeping by day in its burrow, and issuing forth at night to feed on roots, beech-mast, fruits, the eggs of birds, small quadrupeds, frogs and insects.
They are small longsnouted gerbil-like animals, mainly nocturnal, feeding on insects, and characterized by the great length of the metatarsal bones, which have been modified in accordance with their leaping mode of progression.
In habits it is chiefly nocturnal, and by preference carnivorous, feeding on birds and the smaller quadrupeds, in pursuit of which it climbs trees, but it is said also to eat fruits, roots and other vegetable matters.
In the second zone the climate is more temperate and there is considerable variation in temperature owing to nocturnal radiation.
A child who has had a good period of dry nights, but then develops bedwetting has ' secondary nocturnal enuresis ' .
In some areas the night is rendered hideous by the bullfrogs - or the tapping of some nocturnal bird or beast.
The native British dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius is a nocturnal, secretive mammal, with orange-yellow fur and a long furry tail.
This is the first report on these Nature Notes pages of a nocturnal native moth with a short flying time in July.
Chart 1 is a nocturnal nativity so it is ruled by the Moon.
The barghest was essentially a nocturnal spectre, and its appearance was regarded as a portent of death.
At Orchomenus, the three daughters of Minyas refused to join the other women in their nocturnal orgies, and for this were transformed into birds (see Agr10nia).
When Princess Mary returned to her room after her nocturnal talk with Pierre, Natasha met her on the threshold.
Horses ' eyes contain an additional shiny layer behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum, a feature shared by nocturnal animals.
Watch out for nocturnal vine weevil adults that may be emerging to nibble around the edges of leaves in patio pots.
Of children aged five years, 23 percent have nocturnal enuresis.
For instance, the swampy character of malarial areas is explained by their breeding in stagnant water; the effect of drainage, and the general immunity of high-lying, dry localities, by the lack of breeding facilities; the danger of the night air, by their nocturnal habits; the comparative immunity of the upper storeys of houses, by the fact that they fly low; the confinement of malaria to well-marked areas and the diminution of danger with distance, by their habit of clinging to the breeding-grounds and not flying far.
As many of these beetles are nocturnal, this trapping should take place at night.
These demonstrations were of two kinds, one nocturnal, showing the moon and bright stars, the other diurnal, for day scenes.