No-show Sentence Examples
It had been nearly a month of empty Thursday nights since his no-show session with Ethel Rosewater and the beautiful Betty from Boise was offering an effective way to make sure that embarrassment was a temporary happening.
The Government of Ireland Bill gave no protection to landowners, but as the crisis was mainly agrarian, it would have been hardly decent to make no show of considering them.
Pete kept everyone waiting all day then did a no-show.
Kimmel said of the no-show, "She hates America now.
Of course, when Brian was asked why he was a no-show, he made some comment to the effect that it wasn't like she was getting an award, she was only presenting.
On the first day she was to report to the set she was a no show.
As crucially important as the crew members are (after all, there would be no show without them!), it's the cast members who make a lasting impression on the audience.
Victoria's Secret has a wide collection of bikinis, from low-rise, to string, to traditional and even no-show.
You can get a package of plain turn-cuff socks, or "no-show" socks in a variety of fun patterns.