No-good Sentence Examples
There was no good way to say it, so she might as well get to the facts.
Maybe he knew it would do no good.
I'm afraid I have no good news on the other front.
There seems no good reason why in modern performances the pianoforte should not be used for the purpose; if only accompanists can be trained to acquire the necessary delicacy of touch, and can be made to understand that, if they cannot extemporize the necessary polyphony, and so have to play something definitely written for them, it is not a mass of interesting detail which they are to bring to the public ear.
Apologizing would do no good.
It would do no good to ask him why.
Allen was no good.
Thinking about Cade in that way could lead to no good.
She set the alarm and fluffed the pillows, but it did no good to close her eyes.
Self-pity is no good.
AdvertisementBut it definitely isn't hunting season, and there's no good reason for anyone to be shooting.
But there was no good way.
There were no good relationships with past-Deidre.
It.ll do you no good.
If he is here, he has no good news.
AdvertisementThere was no good time for Katie's brother to visit, but this had to be the worst.
This was no good.
I'm no good at it.
It did no good to protest.
After the exchange in the immortal world, she knew Sofi was on no good terms with Xander.
AdvertisementAs to the library of Peisistratus, we have no good evidence; it may perhaps be a fiction of an Alexandrian writer.
There are no good ports on the coast because of the bars at the mouths of the rivers.
There is no good modern biography of Maecenas.
There is no good authority for the renderings "collectors of maxims," "collections of maxims."
In support of this decision it was urged that it was no good pursuing people whom it was impossible to catch, that the isolated posts in the interior had not been able to protect the friendly tribes; and that the semi-desert nature of the country did not justify any attempt at economic development.
AdvertisementBut common-sense and conscience are quite as definite guides as logic or authority; and there seems no good reason for refusing to give the name of casuistry to their operations.
But they were guerillas, not regulars; they had no good officers, no serviceable artillery, and very little money; and all the foreign powers to whom Rakoczy turned for assistance (excepting France, who fed them occasionally with paltry subsidies) would not commit themselves to a formal alliance with rebels who were defeated in every pitched battle they fought.
There is a story - based, however, on no good evidence - that Walaf rid devoted himself so closely to letters as to neglect the duties of his office, owing to which he was expelled from his house; but, from his own verses, it seems that the real cause of his flight to Spires was that, notwithstanding the fact that he had been tutor to Charles the Bald, he espoused the side of his elder brother Lothair on the death cf Louis the Pious in 840.
It is not to be inferred, however, though it is a favorite assertion of collectors, that no good netsuke have been made in modern times.
In place of an intense moral earnestness, we find in Tertullian a legal casuistry, a finical morality, from which no good could ever come.
There is no good history of Agenais; that published by Jules Andrieu in 1893 (Histoire de l'Agenais, 2 vols.) being quite inadequate.
Johannis de Beverlae, which is attributed to Alured, but on no good authority.
He represented Lincolnshire in the parliament of 1559, and Northamptonshire in that of 1563, and he took an active part in the proceedings of the House of Commons until his elevation to the peerage; but there seems no good evidence for the story that he was proposed as speaker in 1563.
There is no good modern book on the fairy belief in general.
There is no good drinking water.
There are no good harbours, and the only anchorage for large vessels is Tai-chung, or Yung-su, at the east end, with 9 to 13 fathoms of water.
For in the first place there seems to be no good reason for thinking that the Tupaias feed to any considerable extent upon prey of that kind, and in the second place the resemblance is due to characters which may be merely adaptations to a similar mode of life.
Its governing conception is that noble character may be associated with the most diverse creeds, and that there can, therefore, be no good reason why the holders of one sect of religious principles should not tolerate those who maintain wholly different doctrines.
But there is no good evidence for an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - an assumption founded on the luxuriance of the vegetation, coupled with the fact that volcanicity was active and wide-ranging.
This is then kept for three days; if no good fortune results it is concluded either that the spirit did not enter the object selected, or that it is disinclined to extend its protection.
Virtue is at least a means of happiness, though apart from that it is no good in itself, any more than mere sensual enjoyments, which are good only because they may sometimes serve to secure health of body and tranquillity of mind.
From the gulf to the beginning of the Delta the coast is rock-bound, but slightly indented, and possesses no good harbourage.
The coast has no good natural harbour, and landing is difficult.
As long as a hundred Scots are left alive, they will continue the war for freedom, " which no good man loses save with his life."
On the 24th of November Mary was at Craigmillar castle, near Edinburgh, where undoubtedly she held a conference with her chief advisers that boded no good to Darnley; and there were rumours of Darnley's design to seize the infant prince and rule in his name.
In spite of its long coast-line, Messenia has no good harbours except the Bay of Pylos (Navarino), and has never played an important part in Greek naval history.
On the north, excepting the deltas formed by the Kizil and Yeshil Irmaks, there are no considerable coast plains, no good harbours except Sinope and Vona, and no islands.
As an orthodox Christian, he had no good word for the Arians.
Up to 1851 there was practically no good carriage road in the country except the highway between Lisbon and Cintra.
There are no railways and no good roads, and these rivers and the navigable channels of the Cuxcuchopa, Soledad, Cocohital, Tular, and Tortuguero, are the principal practical thoroughfares in the state.
There is no good monograph on Occam.
There are no good harbours on the Atlantic coast.
Because of the cold climate, the large areas in which there is little or no good arable land, the growing demand for timber land, and the large and constant supply of waterpower afforded by the principal rivers, agriculture in Maine, as in all the other New England states except Vermont, is a smaller industry than manufacturing; in 1900 there were 87,932 people engaged in manufacturing and only 76,932 engaged in agriculture.
It has a very sinuous channel which is navigable for small steamers for some distance, but there is no good port at its outlet, and a considerable part of the region through which it flows is malarial and sparsely settled.
There was no good reason for treating him so harshly, and his state was much pitied.
Such successes, if they were not embraced in the spirit of moderation, boded no good to the Whigs.
He could give no satisfactory account of Good in the abstract, and evaded all questions on this point by saying that he knew " no good that was not good for something in particular," but that good is consistent with itself.
A telegram sent by Gladstone a little later, ending with the words " remember Mitchelstown," created a good deal of feeling, but it did the Home Rulers no good.
Parnell's subsequent marriage with the respondent before a registrar did him no good with his Roman Catholic supporters.
There is no good anchorage in rough weather.
St Mary is the southernmost and easternmost of the Azores, lying south of the larger island .of St Michael's, through the medium of which its trade is conducted, as it has no good harbours of its own.
The cry of " British Hamilton " had no good excuse whatever.
Anywhere was better than living with that no-good woman chasing, land grabbing thing that called himself a father.
There were no good men in Landis's barbaric armies, not even Vara!
Damian thought there was no good to Xander at all, while Sofi grudgingly admitted there might be something more to him.
Apologize today, remorse will do you no good.
He gave verbal abuse to people for no good reason.
In general, there is no good reason for thinking that reports of mystical experience must imply logical absurdity.
It is no good waving an arbitrator's award in the air in victory.
Such slanders do the neocons no good but only add to their isolation and the burgeoning detestation of their tactics.
Fitting flywheel weights helped to cure the problem, showing that too small a flywheel weights helped to cure the problem, showing that too small a flywheel was no good.
If you are not six sigma trained then this book is no good for you unless you are a maths genius.
There is no good evidence of effectiveness and no evidence of long-term safety for any herbal preparation used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia.
There's no good evidence, however, that soy isoflavone supplements help lower cholesterol, Reynolds said.
So bidding no-trumps shows no good suit - quite likely if you have clubs well stopped.
If no good you could always get Scooby to do a pooh in the corner - they're attracted to the stuff!
There is no good evidence that immunosuppressive drug regimens are effective.
Be realistic It's no good promising a wonderful reward or dreadful punishment if you are not going to see it through.
To damage these views for no good reason would be quite shameful.
Please bear in mind if downloading from the internet that the map is usually for A4 size and is no good for a book.
No, it's no good fighting this, ' she informed her entirely uninterested cat.
It's no good being able to work the windscreen wipers if you don't know where the clutch is.
If you think a wiz is after you for no good reason, then better ask us to log you.
However it is no good simply jamming wodges of old-fashioned classroom training together with blocks of online learning and expecting the thing to scale.
There is no good life of Lord Hood, but a biographical notice of him by M'Arthur, his secretary during the Mediterranean command, is in the Naval Chronicle, vol.
This view rests almost entirely on conjecture; there is no good evidence to show that there was any organic connexion between gilds and municipal government in England before the coming of the Normans.
Truth is the unity and substance which underlies all things; Prudence or Providence is the regulating power of truth, and comprehends both liberty and necessity; Wisdom is providence itself in its supersensible aspect - in man it is reason which grasps the truth of things; Law results from wisdom, for no good law is irrational, and its sole end and aim is the good of mankind; Universal Judgment is the principle whereby men are judged according to their deeds, and not according to their belief in this or that catechism.
We all know the stories of people who win the lottery—and let's face it, far too often no good comes of it.
It's no good making excuses now!
Then I see he's no good and think I'll go and fetch a likelier one.
Blomberg argues that there is no good reason to think that the revisionist interpretations of modern liberal thinkers are preferable to traditional scholarship.
It 's no good talking about personal responsibility when more and more of our people are being driven into means-tested dependency.
It 's no good praying for people dying in a third-world country - there 's no God to help them, only people.
No, it 's no good fighting this, ' she informed her entirely uninterested cat.
It is no good waiting for someone else to act or decide for us.
It 's no good being able to work the windscreen wipers if you do n't know where the clutch is.
Actions done with malice have no good intention.
If it bends over easily, the boot is no good.
However, keep in mind that all the talking in the world does no good if no one is listening.
It does no good to say that your interests lie in Monet and Proust when they're really Married...
However, you have the right to choose whatever type of dessert you want, and there's no good reason why you should refrain from expressing your personality and creativity with an unusual wedding cake design.
Even though Western-inspired cakes are unconventional, there's no good reason for engaged couples not to go for one if their budgets will allow.
Plus, top down storage areas can get pretty messy as there is no good way to install shelves for organization.
It's no good hoping to find the perfect dress for this season's series of parties - you have to think about next year.
It does no good to burn bridges, and it is much better to leave with a lasting good impression.
Just because there are not many online coupons does not mean that there are no good deals available for Cedar Point.
Your head is filled with trivia and other useless facts that will serve you no good when you're out trying to pay your bills.
There is no good evidence either for or against the use of over-the-counter products for treatment of coughs.
Although there are no good statistics on how many children suffer from the condition, an estimated 1 to 2 million Americans of all ages are binge eaters.
Lefthanders usually prefer using their left hand for delicate tasks; however, there is no good method for predicting which hand a lefthander will choose for a specific task.
It will do you no good to become a home inspector if you can't find any clients or a company to pay you for your services.
Some women can pinpoint the day their period is due whereas others live through the month unsure when their period will begin, which is no good when planning a pregnancy.
Remember, vitamin C cannot be stored in your body, so taking more than 1000 mg at once will do you no good and will probably just upset your digestive system.
I think it's important to empower women to get out of these relationships and realize that this guy is no good.
Read the return policy - Saving your receipt does absolutely no good if the store from which you are purchasing your backpack purse has an "all sales are final" rule.
Many manufacturers and computer stores try to convince unwary consumers that they actually require better technology than what will work for them, and the only result is a higher price tag for no good reason.
With all the styles and colors out there to choose from now, there's no good reason not to.
Comes in four colors each for girls and boys, although there's no good reason to limit your choice based on that sort of criteria at this age, just choose the one that best suits your child's personality.
After all, a dental cost-savings plan will do you no good if there is no local dentist willing to accept it.
Remember that the lowest cost does you no good if the policy does not provide you with adequate coverage.
Knickers used to be what all women wore under their skirts and, since they can be healthier and make you feel sexier, there is no good reason not to integrate them more completely into your regular wardrobe.
You Know I'm No Good by Amy Winehouse, featuring Ghostface Killer.
While the original lyrics talked about a man potentially cheating on his girlfriend, Rahzel turns it into a girl interested in a no-good guy and what her mother would do if she were to find out.
With her songs like Rehab and You Know I'm No Good burning up the charts in almost every country on Earth, everyone wants to see Amy Winehouse on tour.
When he returns to Gotham, Bruce has it in his head to give his home city a symbol, a hero that will strike fear into the hearts of those that wish to do no good.
However, since they can be unpleasant to have to look at every day, there's no good reason to live with them either.
Obviously, survival is the most important factor and everything else can be dealt with after that has been assured, but there is no good reason to suffer too many side effects during treatment if you don't have to.
Simply put, if people can't find your website - no matter how great the content - it does no good at all.
Frustrating as it was - as he was - it would do no good to question him further.
One look told her he'd been up to no good.
She had no good memories of Paris and crossed her arms.
She was stalling and it would do no good.
Desire sharpened her senses, which did her no good with the pain radiating down her arm.
He emphasized the opinion that yeast derived from one cell was of no good for top fermentation, and advocated Pasteur's method of purification.
Hatcher believes that "there is no good evidence in favour of a great antiquity for man in Patagonia."
But we hear no good news of that kind, and gather small comfort from the mere fact that Congregational churches are holding their own as well as any of their neighbours."
In 1834 1 There seems to be no good authority for the statement often made that the first settlement in North Dakota was made by French Canadians in 1780.
This attitude of indifference to real knowledge passed in the younger and less reputable generation into a corroding moral scepticism which recognized no good but pleasure and no right but might.
Is it just about time to replace that old, ugly, leaking, no-good roof that's hanging over your head?