Nitrogen-dioxide Sentence Examples
A maroon-coloured powder, of composition CuN02, is formed when pure dry nitrogen dioxide is passed over finelydivided copper at 25 0 -30 0.
Ozone may also be negatively correlated with nitrogen dioxide in urban areas.
The data for nitrogen dioxide from 2000 to 2003 can be found in the document box below.
The hi-tech paving slabs have a top layer containing titanium dioxide which helps to break down pollutant nitrogen dioxide gas from car fumes.
Nitric oxide (NO) the main constituent of these emissions, reacts to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ).
In Tameside the review and assessment identified nitrogen dioxide and particulates as the two pollutants unlikely to meet the air quality objectives.
Nitrogen dioxide Monitoring data shows that current nitrogen dioxide concentrations are currently within the National Air Quality Strategy Objective concentrations for nitrogen dioxide Monitoring data shows that current nitrogen dioxide concentrations are currently within the National Air Quality Strategy Objective concentrations for nitrogen dioxide.
Oxygen in the air mixes with these elements to form sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are reduced, therefore causing less pollution from combustion.