Nit Sentence Examples
The Word verification is a little nit picky with blogspot.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Nex to Nit.
You have termed the claim of influence by " The Bellero Shield " a " mere nit " elsewhere.
Simply apply a nit treatment such as nit treatment such as Nitty Gritty nit solution and comb through.
Enough " nit picking ", I shall leave others to make comments on other differences.
Pediculicides do not kill nits, so nit removal and a second application in seven to 10 days are required.
Regular lice checks in schools and "no nit" reentry policies have not been shown to be effective.
In fact, the expression, "nit picking" comes from the struggle to free a person's hair from these parasites.
After the nit has hatched, the young louse is a pale yellow color.
When rinsing in the shower, take a nit comb with metal teeth and slowly come through all the hair to remove eggs.
AdvertisementIt then proceeds to fix the point of difference in the fact that no agreement had been reached on the question "whether the true body and blood of Christ are corporeally present in the bread and wine" ("Nit vergleicht haben wir uns, ob der war leib and plut Christi leiblich im brot and wein sey").
Nits also can be manually removed with any fine-toothed comb, including pet flea combs, a specialized nit comb (LiceMeister, LiceOut), a battery-powered vibrating or anti-static comb, tweezers, baby safety scissors, and fingernails.