Nipping Sentence Examples
He lowered his head and nudged hers aside, nipping at her neck.
Of these latter, two grades were further distinguished by Lankester - those which remain possessed of a single archenteric cavity and of two primary cell-layers (the Coelentera or Diploblastica), and those which by nipping off the archenteron give rise to two cavities, the coelom or body-cavity and the metenteron or gut (Coelomata or Triploblastica).
She ran her hands over his chest and leaned forward, nipping him hard enough to draw blood.
How will you handle behavioral problems such as housebreaking, digging, chewing, barking and nipping?
Taran of Landis inched his way down the ancient tree, oblivious to the rough bark nipping at his moist skin.
Basically, it's because society is not going to cut them any slack for nipping a child, or even for defending themselves if attacked.
If your "yelping" doesn't calm the puppy's nipping, physically get up and leave the room for a few minutes.
A well-drained subsoil with a porous surface soil suits them best, and shelter from hard frost and nipping winds is of great service.
In a world of gigantic food portions, nipping the trend in the butt at home is the beginning step to becoming healthier and losing weight.
In the herbivorous modification, as seen in three distinct phases in the horse, the kangaroo, and in ruminants, the incisors are generally well developed in one or both jaws, and have a nipping action, either against one another or against a toothless hard pad in the upper jaw; while the canines are usually small or absent, at least in the upper jaw, but in the lower jaw may be approximated and assimilated to the incisors.
AdvertisementCats have thicker skin than we do, and they often show affection by nipping their litter mates and mothers.
She found herself nipping back at his chest and neck, something she'd never done before.
They caught the man running through the buffalo pasture, with Brutus barking and nipping at his heels.
Your puppy is very young, but you need to establish loving dominance over her now so that she will not even consider nipping you a possibility.