Nil Sentence Examples
The national debt was practically nil until c. 1855, and the debt contracted thereafter owes its existence almost wholly to railway construction.
If the political results of the mission were nil, the value to geographical science was immense; for though no geographer himself, Sadlier's route across Arabia made it possible for the first time to locate the principal places in something like their proper relative positions; incidentally, too, it showed the practicability of a considerable body of regular troops crossing the deserts of Nejd even in the months of July and August.
His confession that he had known only twenty happy days in his long reign is perhaps a moral tale, to be classed with the "omnia fui, et nil expedit" of Septimius Severus.
You also have to remember that the nil rate band takes into account any potentially exempt transfers made during the previous seven years.
The possibility of escape was nil so secure was our twelve foot square cell.
In 1253 he sent a further list of the first words (principia) of the complementary constitutions and decretals; but the result was practically nil and the popes gave up this system of successive additions.
The arts are nil.
Hence Hamilton was at first inclined to think that ij must be treated as nil.
The value of the land, in its arid condition almost nil, when irrigated he placed at some £100,000,000.
Speaking generally, when given in small doses their action on the healthy organism is slight or nil, but in disease some of them are capable of acting as substitutes for deficient secretions.
AdvertisementOn thirty six minutes Brechin went two nil up from the penalty spot.
Many, the less well off would pay nil.
If the iterator has advanced past the last item in the container, a nil pointer will be returned.
The chance of anyone believing the story was practically nil.
Since then the transit trade has been practically nil.
AdvertisementHis knowledge of Greek was practically nil.
The Neapolitan government was undoubtedly within its right in executing the Bandieras, and the material results of this heroic but unpractical attempt were nil.
Its action on the normal temperature is nil.
The radiation from such a body would be practically nil, no matter how hot the centre was.
As the pressure of water is nil at the surface and increases in direct proportion to the depth, the overturning moment is as the cube of the depth; and the only figure which has a moment of resistance due to gravity, varying also as the cube of its depth, is a triangle.
AdvertisementIf, therefore, the centre of that became so far removed to the right as to make j coincident with b, the diagram of stresses would become the triangle j'l'c', and the vertical pressure at the inner face would be nil.
The gas developed by the coal near the mouth of the retort is quickly washed out into the ascension pipe by the push of the gas behind, and the period for which it has been exposed to the radiant heat from the walls of the retort is practically nil; whilst the gas evolved in the portion of the retort farthest from the mouthpiece has only its own rate of evolution to drive it forward, and has to traverse the longest run possible in tile retort, exposed during the whole of that period to radiant heat and to contact with the highly heated surface of the retort itself.
Sieger has traced a series of isobasic lines, or lines of equal rate of elevation, for portions of Sweden and Finland; these indicate that the movement is now almost nil along the axial lines of the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland, but increases in amplitude northwards to the Gulf of Bothnia and in the direction of the main ridge of the massif of southern Sweden.
If a good variety be grown in poor soil, the result will be unprofitable, while, if bad wheat be grown on good soil, the result may be nil.
When the plates are of equal thickness, their combined effect is nil, but by adjusting the second, a rotation in the one or the other direction may be introduced, a scale attached to one prism and a vernier to the other giving the thickness of the resultant quartz plate.
AdvertisementFar from having impressed its own direction on the orientation of the chain at large, this crest is merely the resultant of secondary agencies by which the primitive mass has been eroded and lessened in bulk, and though its importance from a hydrographic point of view is still considerable, its geological significance is practically nil.
In modern times navigation is practically nil.
A great ascetic, St Nil was the founder of several monasteries.
Last season we were winning four nil against Unigate Dairies, I thought I'd pull him off, give Darren a game.
Saints dismal form continues as they lost two nil to Rangers at McDiarmid Park on Wednesday evening.
Many psychology courses have reduced their practical component to virtually nil.
In contexts where a truth value is expected, any non- nil value is considered to be true.
What is the current inheritance tax nil rate band?
If no argument returns nil, then the value returned by the last argument evaluated is returned.
Where faith is so profound as to believe the Divine guidance all, and the individual intelligence nil, a man is able to persuade himself that any course he chooses to take is the one he is directed to take.
Instead, these styles are delightfully unique, which means that the odds of someone showing up in the same look as you are practically nil.
Unfortunately, your options for finding SAS shoes wholesale online are virtually nil.
Below the bifurcation the river of Babylon was again divided into several streams, and indeed the most famous of all the ancient canals was the Arakhat (Archous of the Greeks and Serrat and Nil of the Arabs), which left that river just above Babylon and ran due east to the Tigris, irrigating all the central part of the Jezireh, and sending down a branch through Nippur and Erech to rejoin the Euphrates a little above the modern Nasrieh.
It is of course possible that Map's rise at court may have been due to his having hit the literary taste of the monarch, who, we know, was interested in the Arthurian tradition, but it must be admitted that direct evidence on the subject is practically nil, and that in the present condition of our knowledge we can only advance possible hypotheses.
The price, however, is generally so high that its use is practically nil, except in small doses as a liquid manure for choice pot plants.
Although the Nil, water is abundantly charged with alluvium, the annual deposit b1 the river, except under extraordinary circumstances, is smaller thai might be supposed.
If two masses m1, nil moving in the same straight line impinge, with the result that the velocities are changed from u1, u2, to ui, ui, then, since the impulses on the two bodies must be equal and opposite, the total momentum is unchanged, i.e.
The copper output was of slight importance until 1889 - $ 1, 457,749 in 1905, and $1,544,918 in 1907; and that of zinc was nil until 1902, when discoveries made it possible to rework for this metal enormous dumps of waste material about the mines, and in 1906 the zinc output was valued at $5,304,884.
Pilley took a one nil lead via a tiebreaker in a first game that saw both players concentrating on playing steady error free squash.