Night Sentence Examples
That night... was Dad's birthday.
The night was calm and fresh.
The night air smelled of honeysuckle and pulsed with the sound of crickets.
They are resting there for the night and have no fear of danger from us.
I can pick you up at the hospital after work and we can spend the night up there.
I'm very certain, Oz, that you gave me the best brains in the world, for I can think with them day and night, when all other brains are fast asleep.
Every day the earth heats and cools as night turns into day and back into night.
The night was dark and damp.
I know I'm mostly to blame for last night, but I'm not here to entertain you.
That night Adrienne slept in the guestroom and Brandon slept in his old room.
AdvertisementNight came on before he had finished it.
How many times have I told you not to leave the house at night in your bare feet?
Lamplighters used to light street lamps every night, before the accursed electricity came along.
In her room that night, she wrote a letter to Connie explaining what she had observed.
Howard had insisted on picking up his little sister that night for safety reasons.
AdvertisementThat night, for the first time in more than a week, she tossed and turned in the bed, her sleep interrupted by memories of her family.
Mom always used to want everyone home before dark – as though anything was out there at night that wasn't there during the day.
Its cool year-round creek and rolling hills dotted with wild flowers filled her dreams at night – beckoned.
As she listened to it she saw before her his smooth handsome forehead, his mustache, and his whole face, as she had so often seen it in the stillness of the night when he slept.
That night as they prepared for bed, she approached Alex about it.
AdvertisementIt looks like I'll have to accept your invitation to spend the night, but I'll pay you as soon as I get my things.
Hadn't they covered this the night they showed him the picture?
An infantry regiment which had left Tarutino three thousand strong but now numbered only nine hundred was one of the first to arrive that night at its halting place--a village on the highroad.
Terenty, when he had helped him undress and wished him good night, often lingered with his master's boots in his hands and clothes over his arm, to see whether he would not start a talk.
I told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.
AdvertisementWhen the bed sagged on the other side, she realized the sound was Alex changing into his night clothes.
Roxanne's house was within walking distance and the night was balmy.
The evening was ending, but the night had not yet come.
She did not understand why he spoke with such admiration and delight of the farming of the thrifty and well- to-do peasant Matthew Ermishin, who with his family had carted corn all night; or of the fact that his (Nicholas') sheaves were already stacked before anyone else had his harvest in.
I'll lend you one of my night gowns and find some clothes for you to wear in the morning.
I feel like I had a meltdown last night.
They beat the tattoo, called the roll, had supper, and settled down round the fires for the night--some repairing their footgear, some smoking pipes, and some stripping themselves naked to steam the lice out of their shirts.
She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled.
By that time she was hungry and decided to make a deal with the night shift.
Alex was sitting in their room the last night they were at the hacienda.
Don't you girls know how dangerous it is to be walking at night around here?
Sofia gazed out the window, mulling over the night.
Then, on Christmas morning when everyone is awake, we lounge around in our night clothes while we open presents.
She'll wake up in the middle of the night, wide awake.
The night air was chilly on her bare arms and she shivered involuntarily, annoyed at herself because it looked like an obvious ploy.
We're going to stay here for the night.
Down by the pond, frogs were singing their night songs and the sky was filled with bright stars.
He wanted to lose himself in her warmth and liveliness on his last night.
That was two for one night at McGinchy's tavern.
She is restless at night and has no appetite.
The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.
The Rostov party spent the night at Mytishchi, fourteen miles from Moscow.
Such a pleasant day and evening should have ended with a restful night and happy dreams, but it didn't.
Or maybe he was thinking about their conversation last night.
That night after Jonathan was in bed, Carmen turned to Alex.
Something about the way Felipa was smiling up at him suggested she was anticipating a good night kiss.
When Alex came home that night she had supper ready.
I think you made it clear last night.
She was angry last night and her voice had been too loud.
I know a place where we can hole up for the night.
A whisper soft movement in the night alerted her, and she held her breath, straining her eyes into the darkness.
Russ said you were sick last night.
He nodded and led them into the rainy night.
Yet he couldn't shake the memory of her body against his, the way she'd looked at him last night.
Last night he said he was stuck in Ireland.
Why was his night rough?
She hesitated then exited the car and shivered in the late night breeze.
From there, the night was a blurry fever dream.
He knew Cynthia wanted to update him on her talk with Martha, but both realized time was short as they planned to take Martha to dinner for her last night under Bird Song's wing.
Dean took a pencil and paper from the night stand and handed it to her.
The night had been interminable.
There was this bar called Horton's on the Hill where we'd go on Saturday night.
He noticed something … missing the night before, soon after he left her.
He was able to sense her presence once more without knowing she'd been gone from his reach for an entire night.
He'd promised to spend every night with her.
When night came on he stopped at a pleasant roadside inn and asked for lodging.
But on the night before the algebra examination, while I was struggling over some very complicated examples, I could not tell the combinations of bracket, brace and radical.
The night is the winter, the morning and evening are the spring and fall, and the noon is the summer.
Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction--a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse.
How splendid! said he to himself when a cleanly laid table was moved up to him with savory beef tea, or when he lay down for the night on a soft clean bed, or when he remembered that the French had gone and that his wife was no more.
Good night! said Pierre, giving his hand to the Swiss tutor, and he turned to young Nicholas with a smile.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
He must have changed clothes during the night.
Everyone probably knew about the incident with Dulce last night.
Alex was in a good mood and it was a pleasant trip - until Felipa made a comment about Tessa's visit the night before.
The storm continued most of the night.
Another figure emerged from the night to stand beside Len.
He's going to take me to where we left my car last night.
You've got something planned this weekend, but what about Wednesday night?
Using the extra sand, they made fortifications and bedded down for the night behind them.
The night was quiet, no insects chirping, no water gurgling.
I'll locate your house and your bedroom and snatch you away in the dark of night.
I almost plucked a little beauty from a nearby tent the other night as her parents partied with other campers several yards away.
I mentioned I planned to spend the night on Martha's sofa.
Last night we ran a session on the little boy Betsy texted us about.
He shoved open a door to the dark night and carried her to an awaiting car.
White hair, really big like Talon, these eyes that were darker than night, and when he talked, you could tell he didn't have a soul.
He remembered his cruelty from the night and glanced at the couch.
The dreams got worse, and then I went to Talon's one night.
If he weren't damned to die this night, he could see himself with her forever.
She turned to see the hall in disarray, a mist darker than night slowly creeping through the crowd.
Jule lifted his head to the night sky and closed his eyes.
We may stay there a night or two.
She'd hoped sleep would remove some of her confusion from her night.
She didn't know what to say to her father after last night.
Last night upset me, she said truthfully.
Even the crossbow she'd used the other night was clean and perched where she'd found it, loaded once again.
Her body ached to feel whole again, as she had last night in his arms.
He was dressed for the cold, snowy night.
The hallways were quiet and vacant, and she followed Jonny into the dark night.
Yully stepped from the warm car into the cold night and followed her father into the inn.
He led her into the cold night and back to the car.
Something had happened last night while she slept.
I spent the night defending you against them.
You cannot begin to imagine how long I've waited for this night and what I've done to make sure it happens as it must.
Being surrounded by vamps all day and night made her crazy with the need to kill a few.
His visitor wore a T-shirt and had hair the color of last night's sunset.
He thought he remembered seeing her naked before, maybe when she arrived last night.
Signs of the party the night before still remained, from the garbage bags awaiting pickup to one table with two wine glasses still present.
The window to a balcony was open, allowing in a cool night breeze that made the fire in the hearth dance.
Her courage fled to see him framed in his doorway, as seductive by day as he was by night.
She felt like the morning after a drunk, one night stand.
They were always worse at night, when Damian's draw was overwhelming.
The scents of what looked like pizza night taunted her, and she stood peering through the cracked door at the long dinner table.
The scene played over and over in her thoughts, growing stronger until he was as vivid during daylight as he had been at night.
Damian hadn't returned the night before after their last interaction.
He had a rough night anyway.
Like the night before, he wasn't going to let her sleep.
At least he'd know who the traitors were by the end of the night.
He'd had a dream last night, something he never remembered in the morning, except for this time.
Hurt, she fled into the cold night air, stopping only when she reached the center of the gardens.
Her curtains were open, as they had been every night since she transformed.
Like the night she'd come to visit him upon arriving in Tucson.
The growing night chill had driven Linda into Lon's arms, and she relaxed near the fire.
He spent the night deep in thought, forcing himself to face the dark memories he'd tried so hard to bury.
The desert night was cold and dark.
I thought last night you said we were going to be honest.
You had a bad night.
He braced himself to tell her thanks for the night and farewell.
What happened between last night and tonight?
We left the city last Thursday night, and arrived in Brewster Friday afternoon.
Despite his rapid journey and sleepless night, Prince Andrew when he drove up to the palace felt even more vigorous and alert than he had done the day before.
The night was fresh, bright, and very still.
They were home but still playing love tag at night.
That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the subject up again that night.
Carmen sat in a chair next to the bed and prepared for a long night.
Alex was on the window seat when she returned, gazing out at the night.
And yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the party the next night.
Twice Len came to visit and Howard was there every night.
Maybe he knew something and that was why he picked up Connie that night.
Pushing the thought from her mind, she focused on Allen's visit last night.
Was loneliness the culprit of her decision to spend the night?
I was glad to have you stay the night.
You left it in the car all night?
As she picked up one of his shirts, she smelled the same odor she had smelled last night.
He had spoken earlier of last night.
I couldn't help but hear you two last night.
She shouldn't have blamed him last night.
It would take all night to bury that much stuff.
I'm sorry about last night.
He had a fight with your mother that night and went into town.
She could set her clock by his arrival - eight o'clock every Friday night - in a blue plaid western shirt and battered black cowboy hat.
She rested her elbows on the table and cupped her chin in her hands, staring out into the night.
It was not unlike any night's nocturnal hallucination.
I've got a black and blue mark on my ribs from his version of Saturday night fever.
The authorities were most sympathetic and cautioned me against taking short cuts when parking in the city at night.
I'll stay the night; downstairs.
By the way, someone tried to break into my apartment last night.
Howie was out of town and I couldn't imagine anyone visiting him at that time of night.
So he saves fifty cents 'cause the night light isn't burning?
The home is in town with neighbors close by but the high wooden fence in the back yard allows privacy sufficient to cover my night time visit.
Molly was already bedded down for the night.
No. It's just after last night, I'm still on edge.
You do that, and have an unconcerned night.
I waited until we were in bed for the night before I told her.
Here he was, apologizing on Julie's behalf, in the middle of the night.
Martha was hurting that night, and she turned to me, albeit in an uncommon way.
He's registered but I wouldn't be afraid to spend the night around him.
His parents were out of town and instead of looking out for Annie; Howard was off drinking the entire night with some older buddies.
I have extra because it's a warm night and lots of my regulars like sleeping in the park.
He seemed eager to talk all night.
Alas, The Reverend Willard Humphries was done for the night, and so was I.
She's in a night gown, in bed.
Otto goes to every bar around that has trivia night and drinks for free.
We agreed to stop, eat and bed down for our second night in captivity.
We barely slept that night, in eager anticipation of glimpsing our first rays of sunshine!
We don't even know it was that fateful night, do we?
The night is filled with sounds.
We interrogated the kid we found in the Camaro the other night.
Oh, and the tropical storm will become a hurricane late Saturday night.
He placed the sword in a rack with others and exited into the night.
He was normal, aside from the weird buzz at the base of his skull that'd kept him awake every night since Bianca touched his face.
The memory-- fuzzy for fifteen years-- grew crisp, and surprise and hope went through her as she recalled the night that'd changed everything.
He'd not said anything to her since the other night, when he'd almost destroyed the world.
Aggravated by her second display of defiance in one night, he crossed to her and planted his hands on either side of her chair, demanding her attention.
The night's battle lit up her thoughts, and what she saw made her gasp.
She took his face in her hands the way she had Damian the night he wanted to destroy the world and forced him to meet her gaze.
They passed through two more doors before exiting into a cold desert night on the side of a mountain, overlooking the activity at the elevator's entrance.
The images she'd seen the night of the Quarterly replayed in her mind.
She'd experienced one night with an Immortal mate, and it was the most incredible night of her life.
Her head hurt, and she felt grimy from the night sweats.
If his touch was hard to resist last night, it was crippling today.
She fell into his trance last night; she needed to keep her head clear to deal with him this time.
You did that last night, no matter what you choose to remember.
You see the stars and the moon instead of how dark the night is.
They were the same she'd said to Gabriel on the beach, the night they met.
She'd seen how hungry he was last night.
The soulless, ancient intelligence there was as fathomless as the night sky.
You can try by pleasing me every night.
You were mine the night I let you drink from me.
This minister put me up for the night in Iowa.
When another flash painted the night, he was sure.
He drove directly home, knowing Cynthia would be terrified by his absence and the sound of sirens in the night.
Dean could picture him and the old man breaking into the storage building in the dead of night.
There was a serious accident last night and the sheriff's deputy was unable to raise help when she called from the mountains.
Billy Langstrom died last night with alcohol in his car.
He was plotting the rest of his hike last night.
But after a night of boozing, he'd punch out a nun in a wheelchair for looking at him the wrong way.
And I'm sorry I got so boozy and maudlin on you the other night.
It was a bad night.
Did Fitzgerald give you the pint bottles of vodka you were drinking the other night?
You made that silly speech the other night and I'm still not buying.
You're just as mad at him because you think he hung you out to dry when he didn't answer your call the night Billy was killed.
You didn't answer me the other night when I asked you why the accident freaked you out so much.
While sleep was only partially suspended and Dean's fantasy returned, morning brought the news that the noise had been real—Pumpkin Green had left in the night, bumping his shopping cart down the stairs to a clandestine exit.
Dean volunteered to do supper Sunday night.
He slept little, continuing to regret his lack of action throughout the night.
It was an abridged version, excluding any mention of last night's session at Lydia's apartment but detailing the missing bones and Dean's suspicion concerning Billy Langstrom's death.
He ended up stiffing us—left in the dark of night.
Remaining quiet about Lydia's prior night's involvement with Fitzgerald was looking like a very poor decision.
The trio finally called it a night with the likely hood of restful sleep a pipe dream.
Lydia Larkin was a wreck, as unstable as the night Billy Langstrom died.
Now, eyes open, eyes shut—it was both the same—as black as the inside of a buried coffin on a moonless night.
We went late at night and then we took the boat out and turned it over.
But you're not exactly the same woman I saw here last night.
You didn't seem to mind me holding you for hours last night on the beach.
Last night you were ready to trust me.
The night before, he'd left his dying mate, praying he was able to save her life.
The woman Gabriel touched today wasn't the one he touched last night.
The mating bond present last night formed anew the moment he healed her from the demon attack.
Looks like I'll be conducting mind checks morning and night.
The instincts that warned him the night before were louder this night.
The night air of spring was chilly in the mountains.
You melted for me last night, he reminded her.
The urge almost seemed stronger with her today than when he left her last night.
Disliking the thought, he did what he should've done last night.
You do seem very …different from the other night when we talked.
You're certain there was one in her head the other night, right?
Then again, putting up that barrier was what drove her to Darkyn after their romantic night on the beach.
The difference between her before her Monday night deal with Darkyn and now almost made him reconsider.
She propped her chin on his chest, unable to see his eyes in the night.
He wasn't entirely certain what to think about last night, but he felt like he'd gotten somewhere.
He felt good after the night with his mate, and it was too nice outside to take a portal when he had the energy to walk.
Deidre would trust him in time, and he didn't want to break the thin bridge of trust they'd established last night.
Landon issued orders to the dealers last night to seal the others in the lakes where we found the souls originally.
You would bleed her dry the first night.
It was worse than the morning after he slept with human-Deidre and awoke to discover whom he spent the night with.
She demonstrated that last night.
Just when he thought things were going well and they spent the night making love and talking, he woke up in a new nightmare.
The night he slept with her and condemned her to walk the path that led her to Hell.
He walked back to the fortress, hoping the cold night air cleared his mind.
He last experienced it … … Monday night, when Deidre had gone to Hell.
Then he exited the room as quietly as possible, leaving the door open so they would hear if she woke in the night.
Stepping into the room, he took the book from a limp hand and placed it quietly on the night stand.
In the last week he had been out on night calls three times.
It was a typical night.
No one had remembered to turn the heat on last night.
But then, I never expected you to get up at night and take care of the baby when I was worn out.
Most mares foal at night, but I think it may happen within a few hours.
Bill reluctantly left her at the hospital for the night.
Jonathan would stay with Katie for the night and the Reynolds would keep Destiny.
Carmen slept fitfully in a chair in the waiting room all night.
Throughout the night she checked regularly to see if there was any change.
She pretended he was out on a call and would be back sometime in the night.
One night after chores, Carmen, Jonathan and Destiny were eating supper when Brutus started barking.
Had he come over that stormy night while Alex was away with the intent of making Alex believe they were having an affair?
That night she and Jonathan picked up Destiny and then headed home.
They stayed with Bill and Katie that night, sleeping on pallets on the floor.
Carmen dreamed all night about being chased by a dog with red hair.
That night she went to bed exhausted, but sleep eluded her.
Sometimes at night she still hugged his pillow and cried herself to sleep.
They said his pulse rate has increased over night, which might mean he is trying to wake up.
Oh yes, he started that last night.
By night he was a demanding stranger who knew no bounds.
Sometime in the night Alex came and lifted her off the window seat.
That night she slept on the window seat, and he didn't come get her.
One night he woke her out of a sound sleep by pushing at her.
It was so quiet and peaceful – unlike my night.
That night she woke to hear him moaning.
Alex must have been up sometime in the night.
Nothing looked out of place or like they had been restless in the night.
It wasn't the brightest thing to walk all the way out to that shed without any protection after seeing the bear last night, either.
I thought I saw the bear last night so I was checking to see if it got into the grain.
Why didn't you say something last night?
Carmen invited him to stay the night, but he declined, saying he already had a hotel room in town.
Death was almost seven feet tall, built more solid than a tree trunk with hair and eyes darker than a moonless night.
He doubted his night – or his next few thousand years – was going to get any better than this.
He flat out refused to go out after dark last night.
He was also too grave to appreciate the gorgeous night.
You can't sit here on such a beautiful night and think about the day job.
Life's too short to waste a night like this.
This is the first good night I've had in forever.
Death lets you see the stars and the moon instead of how dark the night is.
You got a one night stand on your bucket list?
Lost to him already, Deidre sank into his world, not caring if it was the last night of her life, if she spent it with him.
The satiny sheets of the bed smelled of the woman he'd made love to for hours last night.
He'd loved her every way he could, knowing the night she was dissatisfied with him, she'd replace him.
Last night was different in too many ways for him to count.
Though he intended to make the night about the dying woman, he found it was as much about him.
It was one night he wanted to enjoy.
He'd fulfilled his end of the bargain and crossed quite a few things off her bucket list last night.
Last night was an oasis, a slip.
It was one night.
Gabe hated her yet couldn't escape the memory of the compassion and spirit that made him take a stranger to bed last night.
Sometimes, a night in the underworld was equal to seconds in the mortal world, sometimes a night and sometimes, a few nights.
He'd watched over Katie every night for months while she and Rhyn struggled to find their paths.
She found herself walking down the beach to where she'd met him the night before.
She deserved it after last night, but still, why didn't he at least answer and tell her he was done with her?
That's what the man, Gabriel, had been doing in this spot last night.
Had she really died last night and entered this strange reality?
There was no sign of the gentle man who made love to her last night, nothing but the cold, stony features of death.
The Atlanta night was muggy and dark; a thin layer of smog trapped the city's light and made the sky glow an eerie yellow-orange.
She hadn't planned on jumping off her building, but the events of this night made the idea more appealing than having her head severed from her body or ending up a pile of bones in a bathtub.
He stopped beside her, gaze on the lake that glowed green in the quiet night.
I'm used to the trees putting me to sleep at night.
Doing the right thing never felt as dissatisfactory as it did this night.
The sounds of the ocean and the sea breeze lulled her to sleep last night and gently drew her awake before sunrise.
She understood why Daniela kept feeding her brandy the night before.
He claimed he was giving her a choice the night before of whether she wanted to be with a sword-wielding maniac.
But if he hadn't killed Logan that night, what was he doing hanging around a dead body?
Worse, who the hell had she slept with Friday night, if not Logan?
Which means, what happened between you and this Gabriel was more than a one night stand.
As she walked up the stairs, she realized that Wynn read her the same way Gabriel had the night they met.
She entered the balmy Caribbean night.
He'd calmed her with a simple touch last night and quenched her body two nights ago.
It was like their talk on the beach the other night never happened.
You weren't so shy the other night.
What happened to Death letting you see the stars and moon instead of how dark the night is?
One night is okay.
She'd likely never speak to Gabe again after this night.
She stepped through into the guest bedroom she'd left the night before.
Deidre crossed her arms as she moved to take the seat she'd been in the night before.
She didn't know what to think about Gabriel after last night.
Had Gabriel visited him last night?
He'd recognized her the morning after their one night stand, flipped out and wanted to kill her since then.
First, can you tell me if your Gabriel is about seven feet tall, with eyes darker than night and no sense of humor?
He was dressed as he had been the night before.
The air was crisp and fresh, the night sky clear.
When I left you last night, I went to see him.
Their one night together made her feel alive, and his dark gaze alone was enough to make her body hot from the inside out.
The idea of waking up to him each morning reminded her of how centered, energized and at peace she'd been after their first night together.
She could have that every night and morning.
It calmed her to recall how beautiful and different nature was at night.
But Death on guard was something else entirely, and she wasn't going to be the second woman to revel in the heat of his arms this night.