Nicholson Sentence Examples
Through his friendship with Sir William Hicks Strype obtained access to the papers of Sir Michael Hicks, secretary to Lord Burghley, from which he made extensive transcripts; he also carried on an extensive correspondence with Archbishop Wake and Bishops Burnet, Atterbury and Nicholson.
Shield Nicholson's Principles of Political Economy (3 vols.) not only gives a survey of economic principles since Mill's time, but contains much suggestive and original work.
Nicholson in 1889, and had a considerable influence on later writers, especially in the arrangement of the smaller groups.
His second wife, whom he married in November 1793, was Miss Hannah Nicholson, of New York, the daughter of Com.
James Nicholson (1737-1804), an American naval officer, commander-in-chief of the navy from 1 777 until August 1781, when with his ship the "Virginia," he was taken by the British "Iris" and "General Monk."
A collection of the Greek and Latin fragments that have survived, mainly in Origen and Jerome, will be found in Hilgenfeld's NT extra Canonem receptum, Nicholson's Gospel according to the Hebrews (1879), Westcott's lntrod.
Nicholson (Apostolical Succession in the Church of Sweden, 1880) seems to have proved so much from contemporary evidence.
A reply to Mr Nicholson was made in Swedish by a Roman priest, Bern-.
Unfortunately Mr Nicholson gives no detailed account of the form used in consecration, and on this and other points fuller information is needed.
We may say, however, that Mr Nicholson has presented a strong case for the preservation of episcopal succession in the Swedish Church.
AdvertisementThe engagement was disastrous to the British, who had undertaken far too comprehensive an attack, and the Natal Field Force was obliged to fall back upon Ladysmith with the loss of 1500 men, including a large number of prisoners belonging to the left column under Lieut.-Colonel F.R.C. Carleton,who were cut off at Nicholson's Nek and forced to surrender by a mixed force of Transvaalers and Free Staters under Christian de Wet.
Lieutenant-Governor Francis Nicholson sailed for England on the 24th of June, a committee of safety was organized by the popular party, and Leisler was appointed commander-in-chief.
Under authority of a letter from the home government addressed to Nicholson, "or in his absence, to such as for the time being takes care for preserving the peace and administering the laws in His Majesty's province of New York," he assumed the title of lieutenant-governor in December 1689, appointed a council and took charge of the government of the entire province.
In the following month Nicholson deserted his post and sailed.
The butt-end of the island, of poor, rough, wind-beaten hills, is redeemed by the fine harbour of Port Nicholson, which vies with the Waitemata.
AdvertisementMeanwhile, a week after Hobson's arrival, Wakefield's colonists had sailed into Port Nicholson, and proposed to take possession of immense tracts which the New Zealand Company claimed to have bought from the natives, and for which colonists had in good faith paid the company.
In New York his deputy, Francis Nicholson, was soon afterwards deposed by Jacob Leisler; and the inter-colonial union was dissolved.
On the Wealth of Nations, see the prefaces to M'Culloch's, Rogers's, Shield Nicholson's and Cannan's editions of that work; Rogers's Historical Gleanings (1869); the art.
In the subsequent portion of the paper above referred to, Nicholson explains how the instrument may be employed as a.
The above example illustrates how Nicholson's or Fahrenheit's hydrometer may be employed as a weighing machine for small weights.
AdvertisementThis error diminishes as the diameter of the stem is reduced, but is sensible in the case of the thinnest stem which can be employed, and is the chief source of error in the employment of Nicholson's hydrometer, which otherwise would be an instrument of extreme delicacy and precision.
The "Gravimeter," constructed by Citizen Guyton and described in Nicholson's Journal, 4to, i.
Charles's balance areometer is similar to Nicholson's hydrometer, except that the lower basin admits of inversion, thus enabling the instrument to be employed for solids lighter than water, the inverted basin serving the same purpose as the pointed screw in Atkins's modification of the instrument.
Atkins's hydrometer, as originally constructed, is described in Nicholson's Journal, 8vo, 276.
Nicholson described also another apparatus, the "spinning condenser," which worked on the same principle.
AdvertisementAfter Nicholson's Nek he reiterated the resolution of the country "to see this thing through."
An expedition was despatched to India consisting of six companies of infantry and ten ships under Captain Nicholson.
He was knighted in 1786 when he presented a congratulatory address from the wapentake of Wirksworth to George III., on his escape from the attempt on his life by Margaret Nicholson.
William Nicholson (1753-1815) and Sir Anthony Carlisle (1768-1840) in 1800 constructed a pile of silver and zinc plates, and placing the terminal wires in water noticed the evolution from these wires of bubbles of gas, which they proved to be oxygen and hydrogen.
Various schemes had been propounded with a view of increasing the output of the hand-press, and in 1790 William Nicholson (1753-1815) evolved his ideas on the subject, which were suggestions rather than definite Cylinder inventions.
Nicholson was not a printer, but, as he was an author and editor, it is presumed that he had some knowledge of printing.
While Nicholson's schemes did not bear any practical result they certainly helped others later on.
Both Nicholson's and Kijnig's machines printed only one side at a time - the second or backing printing being a separate and distinct operation - but they really embodied the general principles on which all other machines have been constructed or modelled.
It will be understood that Nicholson's theories were to print both from the flat and from type arranged in circular or cylinder form.
In his famous " Nicholson letter " of December 1847 he made what was probably the earliest enunciation of the doctrine of " popular sovereignty," namely, that the people of the territories should decide for themselves whether or not they should have slavery.
Next to the Ridge the point of most interest to every English visitor to Delhi is Nicholson's grave, which lies surrounded by an iron railing in the Kashmir gate cemetery.
Nicholson (1770-1817) of Maryland, he was a leader of the group of about ten independents, called the "Quids," who strongly criticized Jefferson and opposed the presidential candidature of Madison.
Beginning with metaphysics and ethics and passing on to mathematics, he turned to chemistry at the end of 17 9 7, and within a few months of reading Nicholson's and Lavoisier's treatises on that science had produced a new theory of light and heat.
The west parish church in Nicholson Street (1839) is in the Italian Renaissance style and has a campanile.
There is a general agreement that if a man like Gillespie or Nicholson had been in command of the station, the strong force at his disposal would have enabled him to strike such a deadly blow at the fleeing mutineers as might have stamped out the Mutiny.
Lawrence saw that the surest way to prevent the Mutiny from spreading from the sepoy army of Bengal to the recently conquered fighting races of the Punjab was to hurl the Sikh at the Hindu; instead of taking measures for the defence of the Punjab, he acted on the old principle that the best defence is attack, and promptly organized a force for the reduction of Delhi, with the ardent co-operation of born leaders like John Nicholson, Neville Chamberlain and Herbert Edwardes.
Though the nominal commanders of the army which captured Delhi were in turn Barnard, Reed and Wilson, the policy thus stated by Canning and Lawrence was really carried out by their subordinates - Baird Smith, Nicholson and Chamberlain.
On the 14th of September, after three days of artillery preparation, the assault was delivered, under Nicholson's leadership. Two practicable breaches had been made by the siege guns, and a party of engineers under Home and Salkeld blew in the Kashmir gate.
The assault was successful, in so far as a firm lodgment was made in the city, though the loss of Nicholson was a heavy price to pay for this success.
It lies on the southwestern shore of North Island, on the inner shore of Port Nicholson, an inlet of Cook's Strait, the site affording a splendid harbour, walled in by abrupt hills.
For the next twelve years (passed chiefly in London or at Largo, with an occasional visit to the continent of Europe) he continued his physical studies, which resulted in numerous papers contributed by him to Nicholson's Philosophical Journal, and in the publication (1804) of the Experimental Inquiry into the Nature .and Properties of Heat, a work which gained him the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society of London.
Clive Bryant asked how much the Nicholson House sale proceeds were.
I visited the chandlery to replace a worn-out copy of Nicholson and ended up buying several other books.
Designed by the erstwhile chief designer of Camper & Nicholson, this 58 ' gaff ketch is simply stunning.
The figures were revealed by retired traffic policeman Peter Nicholson, who still has contacts in the force.
Of the five fairs which are now held three are ancient, that now held on the 29th of April being granted to Marmaduke de Tweng and William de Rosin 1307, and those on the 8th and 9th of November to Christiana, widow of Ingelram de Gynes, in 1333 See Victoria County History, Westmorland; Cornelius Nicholson, The Annals of Kendal (1861).
Various engagements were fought in the attempt to prevent this movement, including the actions of Farquhar's Farm and Nicholson's Nek on the 30th (see Transvaal).
Before the general introduction of rotary machines which print from curved stereotype plates from an endless web or reel Type of paper (see below), several other presses of a revol- Revolving ving character were made, to some extent based on Nicholson's ideas.
Baird Smith indeed urged an immediate assault upon Delhi, on the ground that audacity is the best policy in Indian warfare; but it was not until the arrival of Nicholson on the 7th of August with the last Punjab reinforcements that the force was strong enough, in the opinion of its commander, to take offensive action.
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Jennifer Nicholson, her talented, vivacious, 24-year-old daughter, was one of 56 people who died in the bombings.
The visitors were weakened by the loss of club captain Shane Nicholson and former Forest centre-back Steve Blatherwick, both still sidelined with injuries.
Unfortunately, she now looks more like Jack Nicholson as "The Joker" than "America's sweetheart".
Jack Nicholson - Though he started acting in the late 1950's, it was in the 1970's when his career really exploded.
In 1987 her career really took off when she played a woman seduced by a devilish Jack Nicholson in the sexy comedy The Witches of Eastwick.
Iconic actors like Robert DeNiro, Jack Nicholson, James Stewart, and Humphrey Bogart will always hold a place in such lists.
Jack Nicholson actually has three awards, however, since he also won a Best Supporting Actor statue in 1983 for Terms of Endearment.
Interestingly, Nicholson also holds the record for longest span of time between Best Actor awards.
Once again, Jack Nicholson leads the way here with a total of 12 career Academy Award nominations, eight for Best Actor.
Of these three only Jack Nicholson is still living.
Crypto sounds and has many of the same expressions as Jack Nicholson.
Ironically, Nicholson played the president in that movie.
Also in the image are rapper Tupac Shakur, actor Jack Nicholson, Naruto character Rock Lee, and the infamous Adolf Hitler.
Expert Answer Perhaps you are thinking of The Terror (1963) starring Jack Nicholson as a French officer in Napolean's army.
She also has a fling with an astronaut (Jack Nicholson).
In this LoveToKnow interview, Nancy Nicholson, Insurance Expert reveals what apartment renters need to know about obtaining the best insurance for their needs.
Nancy Nicholson has spent more than 20 years in the insurance industry.
The 1960 Little Shop of Horrors is notable for an appearance by a very young Jack Nicholson in one of his first movie roles; here he is the sadistic dentist's masochist patient.
Later promotional materials for the video of this version overplay Nicholson's role to make it appear that his character is one of the main ones.