Ng Sentence Examples
In this way between he built up for himself a personal following within the Warwick Yorkist party; but the relative strength of this faction and the and of that which still looked upon Warwick as the ng.
Ng's arrangement of an anonymous harpsichord chaconne is especially striking.
The NG tube is placed through the other nostril.
So during development I'd prefer to do my own validation based on a tighter Relax NG schema and perhaps other semantic processing.
The succession of Mary of Burgundy led to the grant- Mar i ng to Holland as to the other provinces of the Nether lands, of the Great Privilege of March 1477, which restored the most important of their ancient rights and liberties (see Netherlands).
So during development I 'd prefer to do my own validation based on a tighter Relax NG schema and perhaps other semantic processing.
I also got a good kick out of playing against real WPT personalities -- or their likenesses, at the very least -- including Erick Lindgren, Evelyn Ng, Antonio Esfandiari, and even the Unabomber, Phil Laak.
Freelance Writing Jobs was started by Deb Ng in May 2005 as a way to help writers, especially work at home moms, find good paying online job opportunities.
Treat?ng this as a vote of want of confidence Aberdeen at once res'gned office, and the queen bestowed upon him the order of the Garter.
Its consonants are k, g, ng, ch, j, n, t, d, n, p, b, m, y, r, l, w, s, h.
AdvertisementA number of British subjects resident in Comman- the Transvaal, in spite of their having no political status, were commandeered to suppress a native r i s i ng.
The manufacturer having prepared his mixture of leaves, proceeds to damp them, pure water alone being used in the United Kingdom, whereas on the Continent and in America certain S mo ki ng sauces are employed, which consist of mixtures of mixtures.
Cost of piers (n-1) P. Cost of main girders nG.
A hard-and-fast rule of pronunciation is that only vowel or diphthong sounds, or the letters" m," n," ng," k," t "and" p "are permissible at the end of words, and hence the final letter of all words ending in anything else is simply suppressed or is pronounced as though it were a letter naturally producing one or other of those sounds.
In the case of non-intersecting circles, it is seen that the minimum circles of the coaxal system are a pair of points I and I', where the orthogonal circle to the system intersects the line of centres; these points are named the " limiti,ng points."
AdvertisementWhen Horus grew ie set out to avenge his fathers murder, and after terrible ggles finally conquered and dispossessed his wicked uncle; is another version relates, the combatants were separated by th, and Egypt divided between them, the northern part ng to Horus and the southern to Seth.
The combined dioxin and PCB concentrations were in the range 2.5 - 6.1 ng TEQ/kg milk fat.
Connect NG tube to the pump and collect four samples of gastric juice, each over 15 min into polystyrene cups.
They are oviparous; and the eggs after being laid are carried about by the mother, attached to the lower surface of her body, the young re^^» r;ng with their parent until they have acquired their definite form and are able to shift for themselves.
As in the last family, the post-glenoid process of the skull is broad; the whole skull be i ng depressed with a shortened facial portion.
AdvertisementIf for important walls, or for small scantlings such as steel concrete generally involves, the concrete should be deposited in quite small quantities and very carefully rammed ng osit- into position.
Farther up, within the velar area, the rudiments of the cerebral nerve-ganglion ng are seen separating from the ectoderm.