Next-to Sentence Examples
Her room is right next to Fred's.
He was standing next to me now.
Carmen found Alex relaxing in a chair next to the bed in their room.
Betsy plunked down on the sofa next to me.
If it was a tornado, standing next to glass doors wasn't the smartest thing to do.
He's climbing a tree next to the wall... he fell... he's up again... and over.
I picked up the phone as Betsy closed my office door and sat next to me.
Doesn't explain why your apartment is next to hers.
She held the shoes next to her feet.
The big man pulled up a chair next to Dean.
AdvertisementA very picturesque battlemented bridge leads from it to the other shore, sloping down over three arches of different sizes, the fortifica- largest next to the castle and the smallest at the other boas.
The Aramaeans of north Syria were the next to be attacked, and he thrice made his way as far as the sources of the Tigris.
In February parliament discovered that " by divers sundry old authentic histories and chronicles " it was manifest that the realm of England was an empire governed by one supreme head, the king, to whom all sorts and degrees of people - both clergy and laity - ought to bear next to God a natural and humble obedience, and that to him God had given the authority finally to determine all causes and contentions in the realm, " without restraint, or provocation to any foreign princes or potentates of the world."
Neither this instrument nor the next to be described is now used for exact work; they merely serve as illustrations of the law of pitch.
The view was spectacular but neither could appreciate it next to the yawning opening of the Lucky Pup mine.
AdvertisementClaire's crib, not in her nursery, was in the corner of the master bedroom, next to a large king size bed.
There is a fireplace in the living room, with a cozy rocker next to it.
I waved Betsy over and she snuggled next to me on the sofa.
Our next to last stop was Wheelock Park in Keene.
Killing time as I waited, I picked up a discarded newspaper on a vacated seat next to me.
AdvertisementHe Traveled to the basement lab and perched next to Toni on a stool at a table bearing something that should've made him lose his appetite.
She sat next to him and propped her chin on one hand, gazing at him.
Do I really want that next to my head?
Despite the pub's standing room only capacity, the table next to her booth was empty.
It only seemed natural for them to sit next to each other, and what would feel more natural would probably scare her off.
AdvertisementHe stood next to Dusty and another of Dusty's Guardians.
Bianca was gone, and the horse dozed next to the fence.
He retrieved a jar from the small refrigerator and laid it next to a surgical knife, a large rubber tube, and a huge syringe.
She placed a checkmark next to the first of her ideas for learning to use her power.
They reached a second foyer where the man in the trench stood next to a caramel-colored man covered in blood.
Breakfast was on the magic obsidian tray next to the bed.
They all enjoyed the Main Street eatery, next to the newly renovated Beaumont Hotel, the queen's-castle of the Victorian town.
He climbed into bed next to his wife but didn't turn off the light.
She snuggled next to him, usually an invitation for love, but tonight he sensed she just wanted to be held.
Mr. Dean wished he felt a modicum of confidence in himself as the three drifted off to sleep—David and Cynthia Dean, with SB, the Bird Song owl, snuggled next to them.
Dean sat on the ground next to the vehicle.
Nearly impossible to stop, next to impossible to control.
However, parking was next to impossible, as preparations were underway for the morning parade, and driving by, he noticed the market was closed for the holiday.
Paul sat next to me, just like we're sitting now.
The attorney quickly recovered and half slid, half ran down the slope next to his Jeep where they were standing, covering his shiny black shoes with dust in the process and nearly falling on the seat of his creased shorts.
Dean thought about the pictures, especially the one of Dickinson Faust standing next to his Jeep, with the woman's sweater hanging over the seat.
He sat on a sofa while she settled into a leather rocker where she'd evidently been sitting, as there was a nearly empty pint of vodka on the table next to her.
She plopped down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her invitingly.
Fred volunteered to temporarily move down to Martha's small first-floor room next to the Deans.
After giving Fred a hug he sat next to him on the bunk.
Cynthia sat next to Martha and hugged her all the harder.
Exhausted Martha was hustled to her bed and snuggled next to SB, the patiently waiting stuffed owl.
It was difficult to feel sorry for the woman next to him.
The Deans scootched down next to him.
Martha suggested an appropriate burial for the tiny remains she dubbed "Pinkie" and services were conducted in the back garden, next to Mrs. Lincoln's last winter mouse-victim.
Gabriel tossed her bag on the floor next to the bed and strode to the doors, opening them.
The sound of squishing drew her attention to the bath mat next to the tub.
They entered a dark dining hall, where a pot of tea and two tea cups sat waiting for them next to a carafe of amber alcohol at the table nearest the entrance.
Gabe emerged into the garden next to a southern style mansion.
As usual, the next stop filled the train, and she looked with some irritation at a five-year-old who shoved by her legs to stand next to the window beside her.
She sat next to the bars on her cell.
Rhyn watched him go, wondering just what his brother was planning, and how he.d figure it out before Katie was hung on the wall next to his mother.
The healer sank next to her on the bed, large eyes darting around the room as if he expected the furniture to grow fangs and chase him.
The healer was huddled next to the fireplace, afraid to move with the presence of the newcomer.
Katie trotted to the chamber next to Kris.s, knowing the guest chambers were near but not sure which was which.
One counter was still standing next to the refrigerator tucked in a corner, and he swept the broken glass from the top to create a little work space.
The vial sat on the counter next to his notebook, and she watched him pick up a syringe.
She flipped on her computer and tossed her shoes next to the couch.
The small man waited next to A'Ran's trusted second-in-command, Ne'Rin, whose sister was one of the three before him.
The two scuffled for a seat next to one of their older brothers across from Kiera before a look from Mison quieted them.
There were rows of grey chairs and several white benches in the rear, a handful of tables next to yawning windows, and a wall of what looked like constellation maps.
The sword implanted next to the downed man's ear, and her small gasp drew the attention of the observers.
David Dean asked as he sat down next to her.
I don't suppose you happen to know how this knife got up in the ice park, next to the cut end of a rope?
Edith claims she never got further than the road next to the bridge.
Fred was snuggled up on the sofa, next to the only woman member of the law-folk group.
He sat next to Fred on the sofa.
He must have reached an arm across the warmth next to him and her nearly soundless mewl began his slow but steady rise to the surface of consciousness.
He remained motionless, wondering if she could possibly have left hers and Ryland's room nearly next to his without hearing them.
I don't know why she hanged herself when she had a bottle of sleeping pills right next to her bed but wacky people do wacky things.
He carefully put a star next to the unanswered question.
Dean sat down next to him.
Dean vaguely remembered the eternity before voices above called his name and rescuers gracefully dropped down next to him.
He could hear her weeping, so entered and sat next to her on the bed.
He sat on the bar stool next to her.
He motioned to the bench next to her.
Elisabeth sat next to Jackson.
Connor arrived, sat next to Sarah and kissed her.
Elisabeth perched on the arm of the sofa next to Sarah.
Why don't we turn the bedroom next to my music room into a studio for you?
She sat next to him, a little too close.
Sarah stood next to her.
Sarah moved to sit next to Elisabeth.
He sat next to Sarah, planting a kiss on her forehead.
Cassandra stood next to him glaring at Jackson.
Elisabeth laid Jackson's body on the sofa and knelt next to him.
At the table, he slung a long leg over a chair and dropped into it, kicking out the chair next to him for Carmen.
He pulled her next to him, so that her back was leaning against his chest.
The large soldier made her feel tiny hunched next to the wall.
She felt like a flower next to a tree and stared, hoping Elise didn't take his offer seriously.
Still exhausted, he sat next to Dan in the helo that transported them from the medical facility to the lush green foothills of the Rockies.
Katie asked. She settled next to the trapped woman, trying hard to keep her mind off how cold she was. She was grateful for company, even if Deidre seemed as lost as she was.
Katie fought to keep the emotions tumbling within her from leaking out, instead reveling in the sight of her mate. While in the underworld, she'd lost all hope of ever standing next to him again.
A suit jacket and pants were laid out across the bed, and underwear was dropped on the floor next to it, apparently discarded by Byrne when he changed to his bathing suit.
There was a small overnight bag next to her.
When Dean replaced the phone and glanced up, the tall figure of Jonathan Winston was standing next to his desk, smiling down and, as usual, impeccably dressed.
If Cleary didn't want to be located, any chance of Dean doing so now he knew someone was looking for him would be next to impossible.
Randy and Cynthia Byrne were in the front row seated next to a white-haired lady Dean assumed was Cynthia's mother.
Janice Riley's husband Phil was next to speak.
While Cynthia skipping with Jeffrey was next to impossible for Dean to buy, no one could convince him she would abandon her son.
Dean was well aware that when this opportunity, as tenuous as it was, was gone, locating their elusive quarry would be next to impossible.
Dean figured it hadn't rained in Pagosa Springs in months but she began to spread out her sleeping bag in the narrow space next to him, nudging him closer to the side with her hip.
I don't much like getting out foxed by Byrne, whether he's alone or with someone else, but if he's gone, I can't for the life of me think of what to do next to track him down.
Fred caught up and stood next to them.
What would it be like to sleep next to him – wake up next to him?
It wasn't a grand place, but it was a mansion next to what she was accustomed to.
Waking up to a cold house wouldn't be near as bad after a night sleeping next to his warm body.
When his fingers laced through hers and his palms pressed her hands against the wall next to her face, his kisses became ardent.
This time when they went to bed, she snuggled next to him and they slept in each other's arms until the sun awakened them.
Only a person who had spent many of them alone would realize how special it was to have a partner next to them.
She put her shoes and socks on the floor next to the couch and walked over to him hesitantly.
The stranger stepped next to her, surveying the damage.
He landed next to her and was still.
Her pile of blankets was folded next to him.
Bianca turned at the newcomer's voice and hesitated, staring at the seven-foot vamp standing next to the couch.
With a grimace, she dragged herself next to a tree stump and leaned against it, exhausted.
He crouched next to the circle Jenn had drawn around the portal.
The cider he had made nightly for her since she was a child sat next to the meal.
One of the warriors stood in the hall next to a sleepy servant.
She had once told him that children were her greatest dream ... next to a husband, she had amended.
He quietly slid into the seat next to her.
She found Brutus in the stall next to Ed where Alex had put him.
Gerald sat down in the seat next to Carmen, his gaze searching her face.
All this brush right next to the house gives them a place to hide.
Hers was … …sitting on the counter next to the iPad.
The sight of his thick, roped arm next to hers reminded her of their difference in sizes.
She rested her elbows on the railing next to him, gray eyes on the women.
Xander slid into the bed next to her and gathered her in his arms.
Though the bishop's see was removed to Christiansand in 1685, the Romanesque cathedral church of St Swithun, founded by the English bishop Reinald in the end of the 11th century, and rebuilt after being burned down in 1272, remains, and, next to the cathedral of Trondhjem, is the most interesting stone church in Norway.
A salt basin underlies the city, and, next to the lumber industry, the salt industry was the first to be developed, but its importance has dwindled; the product value in 1905 being $20,098 out of $5,620,866 for all factory products.
Devoting himself next to optics, he produced memoirs which entitle him to a high place among the early, searchers after a true dynamical theory of light.
North of Buenos Aires, on the Parana river, is the port of Rosario, the outlet for a rich agricultural district, ranking next to the federal capital in importance.
Aisne, Pas-de-Calais and Somme rank next to Nord.
The cathedral (1150-1499), a Romanesque building with a beautiful south portal and a Gothic choir, is, next to the cathedral of Upsala, the largest church in Sweden.
The cathedral of St Philippe, built on the site of a mosque, is in the place Malakoff, next to the governor-general's palace.
Shakespeare is buried in the chancel of Holy Trinity church, his wife lying next to him.
Aube is an agricultural department; more than one-third of its surface consists of arable land of which the chief products are wheat and oats, and next to them rye, barley and potatoes; vegetables are extensively cultivated in the valleys of the Seine and the Aube.
It will therefore be seen from the above that next to the Nearctic area the Palaearctic has a much greater affinity to any other, a fact which might be expected from geographical considerations.
Having shown this much we have next to deal with the peculiarities of the vast Palaearctic subregion.
When such exclusively " external " arguments are urged, the contents of Christianity go for next to nothing.
As to what the conception of Basilides was of the completion of the process of redemption, the available sources tell us next to nothing.
At the present day when the nebulae that are spiral in form have been shown to be so numerous, next to the fixed stars themselves, our view of the nebular theory has been somewhat modified.
Among elements of unhealthiness is next to be reckoned the proximity of native villages, the inhabitants of which are infected.
Below these came the Eiki or chiefs, and next to them the class called Matapule.
Henderson is one of the greatest men in the history of Scotland and, next to Knox, is certainly the most famous of Scottish ecclesiastics.
Bhopal is the principal Mussulman state in central India, ranking next to Hyderabad among the Mahommedan states of India.
It is next to be well ploughed and harrowed; and about 10 lb of clover seed must be sown on an acre in April or the end of March.
The enlarged glandular structure of the walls of the rectum is frequent in the Pectinibranchia, as is also though not universal the gland marked y, next to the rectum.
He had to be torn from his seat ere he was removed to prison, and as he sat next to Danton in the tumbrel which conveyed them to the guillotine, the calmness of the great leader failed to impress him.
Of the seven days of the week, next to Sunday (habshaba) Thursday has a special sacredness as the day of Hibil Ziva.
Observations on birds form the principal though by no means the whole theme of this book, which may be safely said to have done more to promote a love of ornithology in England than any other work that has been written, nay more than all the other works (except one next to be mentioned) put together.
The few next to be mentioned, being of smaller size (octavo), may be within reach of more persons, and, therefore, can be passed over in a briefer fashion without detriment.
Be that as it may, he declares that characters drawn from the sternum or the pelvis - hitherto deemed to be, next to the bones of the head, the most important portions of the bird's framework - are scarcely worth more, from a classificatory point of view, than characters drawn from the bill or the legs; while pterylological considerations, together with many others to which some systematists had attached more or less importance, can only assist, and apparently must never be taken to control, the force of evidence furnished by this bone of all bones - the anterior palatal.
Unfortunately none of these, however, can be compared for singularity with Archaeopteryx or with some American fossil forms next to be noticed, for their particular It is true that from the time of Buffon, though he scorned any regular classification, geographical distribution had been occasionally held to have something to do with systematic arrangement; but the way in which the two were related was never clearly put forth, though people who could read between the lines might have guessed the secret from Darwin's Journal of Researches, as well as from his introduction to the Zoology of the " Beagle" Voyage.
The city developed with great rapidity, and at the outbreak of the Hussite troubles, early in the 14th century, was next to Prague the most important in Bohemia, having become the favourite residence of several of the Bohemian kings.
If an aperture for ingress and egress, for purposes of feeding, were left in the wall of such a chamber, there would arise in a rudimentary form what is known as the tubular nest or web; and the next important step was possibly the adoption of such a nest as a permanent abode for the spider., Some spiders, like the Drassidae and Salticidae, have not advanced beyond this stage in architectural industry; but next to the cocoon this simple tubular retreat - whether spun in a crevice or burrow or simply attached to the lower side of a stone - is the most constant feature to be observed in the spinning habits of spiders.
The prefect of the praetorian guard was now the most important person in the state next to the emperor, and subsequently became a supreme judge of appeal.
In 1903, according to the statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture, Indian corn ranked next to fruits .(as given in the state reports), but its product as compared with that of various other states is unimportant - in 1907 it amounted to 7,017,000 bushels only; rice is the only other cereal whose yield in 1899 was greater than that of 1889, but the Florida product was surpassed (in 1899) by that of the Carolinas, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas; in 1907 the product of rice in Florida (69,000 bushels) was less than that of Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Arkansas and Georgia severally.
Milwaukee, situated on the shore of Milwaukee Bay, on the western side of the lake, is, next to Chicago, the largest city on the lake, and has a large commerce and a harbour of refuge.
She was not very fortunate in this first marriage, but her brother's accession to the throne made her, next to their mother Louise of Savoy, the most powerful woman of the kingdom.
Nicholas Bobadilla, a poor Spaniard who had finished his studies, was the next to join him.
But when the properties of the elements are carefully contrasted together it is found that no strict line of demarcation can be drawn dividing them into two classes; and if they are arranged in a series, those which are most closely allied in properties being placed next to each other, it is observed that there is a more or less regular alteration in properties from term to term in the series.
The head of the Church (Zara-Shushtrotema) had his seat at Rai in Media and was the first person in the state next to the king.
Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1908 Next to the cathedral, the most interesting building in York is St Mary's Abbey, situated in Museum Gardens, founded for Benedictines by Alan, lord of Richmond, in 1078, its head having the rank of a mitred abbot with a seat in parliament.
The ordinary use of "hustings" at the present day for the platform from which a candidate speaks at a parliamentary or other election, or more widely for a political candidate's election campaign, is derived from the application of the word, first to the platform in the Guildhall on which the London court was held, and next to that from which the public nomination of candidates for a parliamentary election was formerly made, and from which the candidate addressed the electors.
In commercial importance Iloilo ranks next to Manila among Philippine cities; it has manufactures of pina, jusi, coconut oil, lime, vinegar and various articles made from palm wood.
In the Pattinson process the argentiferous lead is melted down in the central cast iron kettle of a series 8-15, placed one next to the other, each having a capacity of 9-15 tons and a separate fire-place.
In the basin of the Lower Amazon the Carboniferous beds lie within the Devonian synclinal and crop out on both sides of the river next to the Devonian bands.
The chief exports, not all products of the province, are coal, wool, mohair, hides and skins, wattle bark, tea, sugar, fruits and jams. The import trade is of a most varied character, and a large proportion of the goods brought into the country are in transit to the Transvaal and Orange Free State, Natal affording, next to Delagoa Bay, the shortest route to the Rand.
During the following seventy years we know next to nothing of the internal history of the Magyars.
A less prolific but more classical writer appeared in Charles Obernyik, whose George Brankovics is, next to Katona's Bank Bdn, one of the best historical tragedies in the language.
In the original integral series each number had a definite number next to it, on each side, except 1, which began the series.
But in the new series there is no first number, and no number can be said to be next to any other number, since, whatever two numbers we take, others can be inserted between them.
We have next to consider the works of Albert Girard, a Flemish mathematician.
That every one who has capacity to understand the law is presumed to know it is a very necessary principle, for otherwise the courts would be continually occupied in endeavouring to solve problems which by their very impracticability would render the administration of justice next to impossible.
During the Civil War the city ranked next to Richmond in the manufacture of supplies for the Confederate army.
The Prussian army, now called the "Army of the Main," of three divisions (one being unusually strong), had next to deal with the 7th (Bavarians) and 8th (other South Germans) Federal corps in the valley of the Main.
For some centuries the methodic school was popular at Rome, and produced one physician, Caelius Aurelianus, who must be pronounced, next to Celsus, the most considerable of the Latin medical writers.
Then on the 21st the French, who were on the right next to the Straits, pushed their line forward as the result of a wellplanned local offensive, and this achievement was followed up on the 28th by a successful operation on the part of the British on the extreme left, by which the line at that end was advanced to nearly abreast of Krithia.
When this is the case the gathering is carried to a block or half-open mould in which it is rolled and blown until it acquires, roughly, the shape of a hemisphere, the flat side being towards the pipe and the convexity away from it; the diameter of this hemisphere is so regulated as to be approximately that of the cylinder which is next to be formed of the viscous mass.
The blower repeatedly heats the lower part of the mass of glass and keeps it distended by blowing while he swings it over a deep trench which is provided next to his working platform.
Tents, baggage-carts and battering-rams were carried on the march, and the tartan or commander-in-chief ranked next to the king.
A native of Apamea in Syria and a pupil of Panaetius, he spent after his teacher's death many years in travel and scientific researches in Spain (particularly at Gades), Africa, Italy, Gaul, Liguria, Sicily and on the eastern shores of the Adriatic. When he settled as a teacher at Rhodes (hence his surname "the Rhodian") his fame attracted numerous scholars; next to Panaetius he did most, by writings and personal intercourse, to spread Stoicism in the Roman world, and he became well known to many leading men, such as Marius, Rutilius Rufus, Pompey and Cicero.
When prolonged heating is required at very high temperatures it is found necessary to line the furnace-cavity with alternate layers of magnesia and carbon, taking care that the lamina next to the lime is of magnesia; if this were not done the lime in contact with the carbon crucible would form calcium carbide and would slag down, but magnesia does not yield a carbide in this way.
For the first quarter century Watertown ranked next to Boston in population and area.
The two greatest masters of Japanese poetry were Hitomaro and Akahito, both of the early 8th century, and next to them stands Tsurayuki, who flourished at the beginning of the 10th century, and is not supposed to have transmitted his mantle to any successor.
His first achievement was the rallying of Cornwall to the royal cause, his next to carry the war from that county into Devonshire.
His three speeches, called by the ancients "the Three Graces," rank next to those of Demosthenes.
We have next to notice three important facts in electrostatics and some consequences flowing therefrom.
We have next to consider the energy storage which takes place when electric charge is created, i.e.
At Ludwigslust he fell in love with a young girl, and followed her to Weimar; but failing in his suit, he went next to Jena.
Iron pyrites, however, is of greater practical importance, being in some districts exceedingly rich, and, next to the native metal, is the most prolific source of gold.
He had public and private audiences with the pope on the 9th of April and the 11th of May 1848, but recorded next to nothing in his diary concerning them, though numerous other entries show an eager interest in everything connected with the Roman Church, and private papers also indicate that he recognized at this time grave defects in the Church of England and a mysterious attractiveness in Roman Catholicism, going so far as to question whether he might not one day be a Roman Catholic himself.
They are often called Epiphyllum, which name is, however, properly restricted to the group next to be mentioned.
Savary expresses preference for this second plan, and makes the pertinent remark that in both these models " the rays of red light in the two solar images will be next to each other, which will render the sun's disk more easy to be observed than the violet ones."
Though Polycarp must have been bishop of Smyrna for nearly half a century we know next to nothing about his career.
Among towns next to the capital, Luxemburg, are Echternach and Diekirch, both worthy of note for their blast furnaces.
This was due first to the difficulties of the navigation, next to the exclusiveness of the Dutch, who, holding the Spice Islands, prevented all access to places east of them, and lastly to the stream of enterprise being latterly diverted to the more temperate regions farther south.
The Gloucester quarries, opened in 1824, were probably the next to be worked regularly.
Unresting in her industry, she turned next to the Bachelor Kings of England, about whom she published a volume in 1861.
In export trade Mariupol ranks next to Taganrog among the ports of the Sea of Azov; but its harbour is open to the south-east and shallow, though it is being gradually deepened by systematic dredging.
British goods, however, are largely carried in French bottoms, and next to France the United Kingdom and Malta take most of the trade of the port.
In the 18th century it ranked next to Leith as a port, but the growth of Grangemouth, higher up the firth, seriously affected its shipping trade, which is, however, yet considerable, coal and pig-iron forming the principal exports, and pit props from the Baltic the leading import.
As AB returns from EF towards CD the layer of air next to it follows it as if it D E F were pulled back by AB.
Let us suppose that he notes the positions of two of these next to each other in the beat of the pendulum one way.
The Red Cross Society provides a certain amount of trained nursing, and next to it the bestorganized work is done by religious orders; but the nursing in the hospitals appears to be still in a neglected state.
In spite of his small stature, he held his own amongst the other heroes before Troy; he was brave, next to Achilles in swiftness of foot and famous for throwing the spear.
Of this infant state, the so-called kingdom of the Piasts (from Piast its supposed founder), we know next to nothing.
He must be considered as, next to Mickiewicz, the greatest poet of the country.
The castle, which stands next to the church, was built by Wallenstein and finished in 1630.
But the authors whom he quotes most frequently are Virgil, and, next to him, Terence, Cicero, Plautus; then Lucan, Horace, Juvenal, Sallust, Statius, Ovid, Livy and Persius.
In the time of Photius the poets usually studied at school were Homer, Hesiod, Pindar; certain select plays of Aeschylus (Prometheus, Septem and Persae), Sophocles (Ajax, Electra and Oedipus Tyrannus), and Euripides (Hecuba, Orestes, Phoenissae, and, next to these, Alcestis, Andromache, Hippolytus, Medea, Rhesus, Troades,) also Aristophanes (beginning with the Plutus), Theocritus, Lycophron, and Dionysius Periegetes.
A water-parting extending from north-east to south-west and close to the Atlantic border separates the East Shore into two drainage systems, though that next to the Atlantic is insignificant.
Marcantonio Raimondi, the famous engraver, is the most renowned of them; next to him Amico Aspertini, and Francia's own son Giacomo, and his cousin Julio.
Gortyna was, next to Cnossus, the largest and most powerful city of Crete.
The rent of land comes next to be considered, as the last of the three elements of price.
The most striking feature of exploration for invertebrates, next to the world-wide extent to which exploration has been carried on and results applied, is the early appearance of life.
General Greene, standing next to Washington as the ablest and most trusted officer of the Revolution, succeeded Gates.
The city was once the handsomest and most flourishing in western India, and it still ranks next to Agra and Delhi for the beauty and extent of its architectural remains.
The buildings devoted to hospitality are divided into three groups, - one for the reception of distinguished guests, another for monks visiting the monastery, a third for poor travellers and pilgrims. The first and third are placed to the right and left of the common entrance of the monastery, - the hospitium for distinguished guests being placed on the north side of the church, not far from the abbot's house; that for the poor on the south side next to the farm buildings.
The next to advance the calculation was Francisco Vieta.
When similar letters or groups of letters stand next to each other, one of these is liable to be omitted.
In 1895 it was demonstrated that Alabama pig-iron could be sent to Liverpool and sold cheaper than the English product, and Birmingham (Alabama) came consequently to rank next to Middlesborough and Glasgow among the world centres of the pig-iron trade.
The forests of Georgia, next to the fields, furnish the largest amount of raw material for manufactures.
As a manufacturing centre Buffalo ranks next to New York among the cities of the state.
It became the capital of Henry the Illustrious, margrave of Meissen, in 1270, but belonged for some time after his death, first to Wenceslaus of Bohemia, and next to the margrave of Brandenburg.
In importance next to visual observation, and in the opinion of some, surpassing it, is the photographic method.
It is fullest as to our first Gospel and, next to this one, as to our third.
In the English Church in cathedrals of the "Old Foundation" the precentor is a member of the cathedral chapter and officially ranks next to the dean.
He had next to repel the invasions of Patzinaks (Petchenegs) and Kumans in Thrace, with whom the Manichaean sects of the Paulicians and Bogomilians made common cause; and thirdly, he had to cope with the fast-growing power of the Turks in Asia Minor.
The accidents of political life suddenly opened out to him a career which made him, next to Lord Salisbury, the most prominent, the most admired and the most attacked Conservative politician of the day.
The Inguaeones again are defined as being " next to the ocean "; but the name can be traced only in Denmark and Sweden, where we find the eponymous hero Ing and the god Yngvi (Frey) respectively.
The Nevada is usually ranked next to the Yosemite among the five main falls of the valley, and is the whitest of all the falls.
Aristotle saw in the temple of Hera at Olympia a bronze disk, recording the traditional laws of the festival, on which the name of Lycurgus stood next to that of Iphitus, king of Elis.
The middle section, next to the east, which was shut off by low screens, contained a table and stelae.
Endeavouring next to expand into Peloponnesus, they allied themselves with Antigonus Gonatas of Macedonia against the Achaean league, and besides becoming protectors of Elis and Messenia won several Arcadian cities.
Rain-water is the best, next to that river or pond water, and last of all that from springs; but a chemical analysis should be made of the last before introducing it, as some spring waters contain mineral ingredients injurious to vegetation.
C. auriculata, 2 to 3 ft., has yellow and brown flowers in July and August; C. lanceolata, 2 to 3 ft., bright yellow, in August; next to the biennial C. grandiflora it is the best garden plant.
It is still called Samothraki, and though of small extent is, next to Mount Athos, by far the most important natural feature ir; this part of the Aegean, from its great elevation - the group of mountains which occupies almost the whole island rising to the height of 5240 ft.
From this time the town remained faithful to the royal cause, and in 1547 was granted by the emperor Ferdinand the privilege of ranking at the diet next to Prague and Pilsen.
Poland, with 193 (domiciled) inhabitants or 213 inhabitants in all to the square mile in 1897, and 240 to the square mile in 1904, has a denser population than any other region in the Russian empire, the next to it being the governments of Moscow, with 189 inhabitants to the square mile, Podolia with 186, and Kiev with 181.
Of the more specialized public arboreta in the United Kingdom the next to Kew are those in the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh and the Glasnevin Garden in Dublin.
The same occurs in the verticillate arrangement, the leaves of each whorl rarely being super- posed on those of the whorl next it, but usually alterna ting so that each leaf in a whorl occupies the space be tween two leaves of the whorl next to it.
Holland, in Europe, comes next to England, and uses principally the product of her dependency Java.
The extensive Russian trade is now largely conducted over the Siberian railroad, and this, next to the transit to London, represents the largest volume of tea traffic passing in one channel.
In respect of its area, the German empire occupied in 1909 the third place among European countries, and in point of population the second, coming in point of area immediately after Russia and Austria-Hungary, and in population next to Russia.
Its ancient bans or military governors were, next to the princes, the chief dignitaries of Walachia, and the district is still styled the banat of Craiova.
Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression.
Lying nearer to the mainland of Europe and nearer to Africa than any other of the great Mediterranean islands, Sicily is, next to Spain, the connecting-link between those two quarters of the world.
Through the time of both tyrants, he was, next to the actual rulers, the first man in Sicily; but of his record of his own times we have only what filters through the recasting of Diodorus.
Coincidences and divergences alike can always be accounted for by oral communications from Jews who knew a little and Christians who knew next to nothing.
Turning next to Syria, Tethmosis carried his arms as far as the Euphrates.
Macon is, next to Atlanta, the most important railway centre in the state, being served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, the Georgia, the Georgia Southern & Florida, the Macon Dublin & Savannah, and the Macon & Birmingham railways.
The Greeks, whose immigration from Asia Minor took place in pre-historic times, are, next to the Albanians, the oldest race in the Peninsula.
The sodium in the latter costs next to nothing, being obtained from natural or artificial brine in which the sodium chloride possesses an extremely slight value.
It was adopted by the Reformed Church not only throughout Switzerland but in Scotland (1566), Hungary (1567), France (1571), Poland (1578), and next to the Heidelberg Catechism is the most generally recognized Confession of the Reformed Church.
In order to complete this sketch of the development of sophistry in the latter half of the 5th century and the earlier half of the 4th, it is necessary next to take account of Socrates and the Socratics.
Prior to the successive reductions of the salt duty in 1903, 1905 and 1907, next to land, salt contributed the largest share to the Indian revenue; and, where salt is locally manu factured, its supervision becomes an important part of salt Admini- administrative duty.
The coco-nut, which loves a sandy soil and a moist climate, is found in greatest perfection along the strip of coast-line that fringes the west of the peninsula, where it ranks next to rice as the staple product.
British dukes rank next to princes and princesses of the blood royal, the two archbishops of Canterbury and York, the lord Chancellor, etc., but beyond this precedence they have no special privileges which are not shared by peers of lower rank.
Finally in 8 B.C. he lost the comrade who next to Agrippa had been the most intimate friend and counsellor of his early manhood, Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, the patron of Virgil and Horace.
The Shen-si opium is much valued by smokers and ranked next to the Shan-si drug, which was second only to that produced in Kan-suh.
Also at Fernando Po there was an annual ceremony where children born within the year were made to touch the skin of a serpent suspended from a tree in the public square.9 We have next to notice the very general belief that the household snake was an agreeable guest, if not a guardian spirit.
The commonest seat is the groin, and next to that the axilla; the cervical, submaxillary and femoral glands are less frequently affected.
We pass next to the Paul of Acts.
In his orchestral pieces Liszt appears - next to Berlioz - as the most conspicuous and most thorough-going representative of programme music, i.e.
At the top of the scale are the prophet and the physician, those who have best learned the secret of life; they are next to the divine.
This was formerly called Himbersyssel or Himmerland, forms which may very well preserve their name, especially as the name Charydes, mentioned next to them in the Monumentum Ancyranum, appears to survive in the modern Hardeland.
The justiciar continued to be the chief officer of state, next to the king, until the fall of Hubert de Burgh (in the reign of King John), described by Stubbs as the last of the great justiciars.
The lord chief justice is, next to the lord chancellor, the highest judicial dignitary in the kingdom.
In Howel's code the prince of Gwynedd with his court at Aberffraw is recognized as the leading monarch in Wales; next to him ranks the prince of Deheubarth, and third in estimation is the prince of Powys.
Associated with the Sky are tablets to the sun and moon, the seven stars of the Great Bear, the five planets, the twenty-eight constellations, and all the stars of heaven; tablets to clouds, rain, wind and thunder being placed next to that of the moon.
The belut or treadle is put into the warp; next to that is the sarsul; a thin piece of wood is laid upon the warp, called chupari or regulator.
The principal finds are sarcophagi, and next to these sculptures and paintings.
It is highly mineralized, next to gold, copper, found near the Limpopo (where is the Messina mine) being the chief metal worked.
Tacitus mentions another tribe, the Sitones, which he places next to the Suiones, but they have not been identified, and it is not clear from his description whether they lived within the peninsula or not.
Berossuss history of Babylon contained much valuable and trustworthy information, but next to nothing has survived.
Of ecclesiastical organizations the most important, next to Catholicism, was the Marcionite community.
His remarkable works include Arnor de Perdirao, Amor de Salvarao, Retrato de Ricardina, and the series entitled Novellas do Minho; moreover some of his essays in history and literary criticism, such as Bohemia do Espirito, rank only next to his romances.
Ancient writers spoke of all these Gauls as Cimbri, and identified them with the Cimmerians of earlier date, who in Homeric times dwelt on the ocean next to the Laestrygones, in a region of wintry gloom, but where the sun set not in summer.
We have next to determine the value of x in terms of the action between one particle and another.
We have next to examine the manner in which he used it, and here we are met at the outset by the difficulty of determining with exactness what authorities he is following at any one time; for of the importance of full and accurate references he has no idea, and often for chapters together he gives us no clue at all.
Sclater in 1880 placed them in a distinct order, Palamedeae, which he, however, placed next to the true Anseres, and they are now generally regarded as forming a suborder of anseriform birds.
Probably, next to the Origin of Species, no single work has done so much to promote clear understanding of natural selection and confidence in its truth; for in addition to these two historic essays, there are others in which the new theory is applied to the interpretation of certain classes of facts.
The largest area of local government is the county; next to that the sanitary district, urban or rural, including under this head municipal boroughs, all of which are urban districts.
The great council of Constantinople, consisting of 150 orthodox and 36 Macedonian bishops, met in the following year, confirmed the Nicene faith, ordered the affairs of the various sees, and declared the bishop of Constantinople to rank next to the bishop of Rome.
The Helmund, which is identical with the ancient Etymander, is the most important river in Afghanistan, next to the Kabul river, which it exceeds both in volume and length.
The alkaloids are contained, according to Howard, chiefly in the cellular tissue next to the liber.
The largest export was to the United States (£864,562), the next to Great Britain (£701,387), while the largest imports were from Great Britain (£1,233,410) and the United States (£807,564).
The limbs are very strong, and the feet short and broad, resembling externally those of an elephant or tortois Glyptodonts constitute a family, the Glyptodontidae, whose position is next to the armadillos (Dasypodidae); the group being represented by a number of generic types.
The Gnetales are a class apart, including three living genera, of which we know next to nothing as regards their past history or line of descent.
A striking feature in the roots of several genera, excluding the Abietineae, is the occurrence of thick and somewhat irregular bands ofthickening on the cell-walls of the cortical layer next to the endodermis.
The milling industry is, next to the docks, the chief feature of Bombay's commercial success.
During the first period of the empire, the " princes " were the whole body of the optimates who took rank next to the emperor.
There he remained through the long hours of that day debating with himself what next to do.
Oats are grown over a wider area than any other crop, and next to mealies are the heaviest crop grown.
The side of the casing which is next to the seller is pierced centrally by two slots, one a vertical slot through which the weight is read on the drum, and the other a horizontal slot, half of it on each side of the vertical slot, through which the money values of the goods, corresponding to the different rates per lb, are read.
On the side of the casing which is next to the buyer there is a vertical slot through which the weight of the goods can be read on the drum.
It is, next to the Kagera, the largest of the lake tributaries.
Gorlitz, next to Breslau, is the largest and most flourishing commercial town of Silesia, and is also regarded as classic ground for the study of German Renaissance architecture.
Stamford was the next to yield, soon followed by Nottingham, and in 920 there was a general submission on the part of the Danes and the reconquest of the Danelagh was now complete.
The Mahrattas are the dominating race next to the Europeans and number (1901) 3, 650,000, composed of 1,900,000 Kunbis, 350,000 Konkanis, and 1, 4 00,000 Mahrattas not otherwise specified.
In the limestone region of the south there are numerous caves, the most notable being Wyandotte Cave in Crawford county, next to Mammoth Cave the largest in the United States.
Other public edifices include the county buildings in the Tudor style, in front of which stands the monument to George, 8th marquess of Tweeddale (1787-1876), who was such an expert and enthusiastic coachman that he once drove the mail from London to Haddington without taking rest; the corn exchange, next to that of Edinburgh the largest in Scotland; the town house, with a spire 150 ft.
Coming next to Chasles, the principle of correspondence is established and used by him in a series of memoirs relating to the conics which satisfy given conditions, and to other geometrical questions, contained in the Comptes rendus, t.
Administrative reform was, next to peace with the colonies, the part of the scheme of the new ministry to which the king most warmly objected.
It is the chief manufacturing town in the kingdom, ranks next to Dresden and Leipzig in point of population, and is one of the principal commercial and industrial centres of Germany.
Hanau is the principal commercial and manufacturing town in the province, and stands next to Cassel in point of population.
Should the summer be very cool and the mosquitoes few, the Lapp finds it next to impossible to bring the creatures together.
We have next to point out the relation of the co-ordinates we have described to the annual motion of the earth around the sun.
We have next to conceive that, as the earth performs its annual revolution round the sun in an orbit whose diameter, as represented on the diagram, is nearly 40 ft., it carries the orbit of the moon with it.
He seems to have gone next to to Paris, staying perhaps with Etienne de la Forge, a Protestant merchant who suffered for his faith in February 1 53 5.
In 1906 there were 257,100 communicants of various churches in Oklahoma and Indian Territory, the Methodist Episcopalians being the most numerous, and next to them the Baptists.
Keeping fast hold of this idea of absolute position, Herbart leads us next to the quality of the real.
Having thus determined what really is and what actually happens, our philosopher proceeds next to explain synthetically the objective semblance (der objective Schein) that results from these.
Among the post-Kantian philosophers Herbart doubtless ranks next to Hegel in importance, and this without taking into account his very great contributions to the science of education.
The anthers are called introrse when they dehisce by the surface next to the centre of the flower; they are extrorse when they dehisce by the outer surface; when they dehisce by the sides, as in Iris and some grasses, they are laterally dehiscent.
At each extremity of the box a bag of oil-meal was placed between two perforated iron plates, next to which were inserted filling-up pieces of wood, two of which were oblique, so that the wedges which exercised the pressure could be readily driven home.
On the establishment of Christianity Damascus became the seat of a bishop who ranked next to the patriarch of Antioch.
The state was, next to Virginia, the chief battleground during the Civil War, and one historian has counted 454 battles and skirmishes which took place within its borders.
I tried to touch a hand rail next to me but I just passed through it!
I can't seem to function without a bottle and a full glass next to me.
This woman lying next to me whom I dearly loved deserved protection and I was ill equipped to provide it.
She felt dwarfed and delicate next to the mass of roped muscle and taut skin.
In Hell, human-Deidre sat next to the hearth hours after she made the deal with the goddess who stranded her.
Darkyn's face hovered next to hers.
Martha sat at her cereal bowl—oatmeal, an unseasonable but favorite treat—eating slowly, red-eyed and sullen, her new suitcase next to her chair.
Mr. Dean wished he felt a modicum of confidence in himself as the three drifted off to sleep—David and Cynthia Dean, with SB, the Bird Song owl, snuggled next to them.
Instead, he sauntered into the dining room and sat next to Edith as she halved a muffin and in tiny motions spread it with butter and marmalade.
However, the children found the soil spring-soft next to the building foundation, thanks to the Dean's fuel-bill contributions and the poor insulation of Bird Song.
A suitcase was open on a rack by the door and an imitation leather briefcase stood next to it.
They picnicked on fresh bread and jam washed down with warm Gatorade and a banana for dessert, sprawled in the grass next to a country stream, in a meadow abloom with spring flowers.
What would it be like to sleep next to him – wake up next to him?
It would have been intimidating if not for Alex at the end of the isle, standing next to Bill.
Hers was … …sitting on the counter next to the iPad.
Calcium sources that simply reduce stomach acidity are next to useless.
The pretend dentist was known to pitch his booth next to a show band; he never used an anesthetic.
A half-empty bottle of Scotch whiskey stood between them on the bar, next to an overflowing ashtray.
Any I find broken I'm putting an asterisk next to.
To judge their size they are standing next to a modern game bantam hen. in the following picture.
A girl stood next to him, holding her purse and trying to get the barman 's attention.
Am I a nosy bastard for wondering what the hell was going on next to me on the train today?
Our final take is a close-up of the digital billboard above the mosque, next to the United Colors of Benetton shop.
At the table next to us were about 20 rather boisterous American tourists.
To the woman who was sat next to the would-be bomber?
It is extremely lightweight but is the third hardest material known to science, next to diamond and cubic boron nitride.
A new hotspot is the micro brewery which is situated just next to the hotel.
However, even next to fresh cliff falls one rarely finds freshly broken material on the beach suggesting that it is quickly rounded.
London open-top tour busses stop next to Marble Arch near to the hotel.
To turn images off, click on the radio button next to ' Do not load any images ' .
We managed to find a spot next to the air cadet 's van to set up camp for the rest of the day.
Sainsbury's underground car park is next to the high level Lombard car park entrance in Princess Way.
Note the life-size SPECTER ring next to the Persian cat.
Located next to the castle, overlooking the cathedral and the Tyne and Millenium Bridges.
Where I'm sitting there's a delicious smell of fresh celery from the veg bed next to me.
This is achieved by a valve arrangement inside the steam chest, which is located next to each cylinder.
Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas crackers Traditionally a christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table.
The old aids seemed quite chunky next to her head compared to her new ones.
At the bottom of the ocean we saw a giant clam next to a box of treasure.
We have a clubhouse next to the running track & meet Tue, Wed, Fri & Sun.
Probably even longer after I've drank this pint of ice cold coke sitting right next to me here.
Sit the warm sponges on the plates with the warm cherry compote and spoon the vanilla ice cream next to them.
Don't put raw meat products next to cooked or partially cooked meat on the barbecue.
The color copier is located on Level 3 of the Library, next to the black and white copiers.
Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas crackers Traditionally a christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table.
Other types of convertible baby cribs allow the crib to be attached next to the parents bedside for co-sleeping arrangements.
The Bill will allow new crofts to be created in or next to existing woodlands on the national forest estate.
Around the fields next to the house we see the odd few curlews.
I sat down next to a man wearing a brass deerstalker, white cricket boots, and a shredded cardboard wig.
Starts at the filling station on the Leominster By-Pass next to the OK diner.
Don't forget to write the words " induced dipole " next to the bromine molecule.
He sat down on the bed, and I sat next to him, feeling distant from my own body.
We were located downtown next to a homeless shelter.
If you put a machine-gun emplacement anywhere in Mosul, for instance, it will be next to antiquities.
In 1928 Rex joined the band on 2nd euphonium next to his brother Alex.
Father in a manong migrant farmworkers sits next to without cracking your.
I am lucky in having local fishmonger Marcus stopping his van next to my house every Wednesday.
Redhill incidentally, boasts the most bizarrely sited stand in the League, next to the corner flag.
Postal Services Post Office is below the mezzanine floor next to the toilets.
It is therefore possible for a Udal title to include the foreshore next to a property.
Drink or dine next to a blazing log fire in winter or 'Al fresco ' on our secluded patio in summer.
I'm almost relieved to see a common pigeon taking a breather next to a stone frieze of a giant heron.
In patients with HD, this protein contains multiple copies of the amino acid glutamine stacked next to another.
We have entertainment on Wed / Thurs / Sat nights and are situated next to playing fields and a 9-hole golf course.
You are sure to have company from the local livestock grazing next to the roadway.
In the bed next to her, a Chechen woman who was also hit by a grenade is taken care of by her daughter.
We saw a flock of 24 slender-billed gulls in a pool on the beach next to the platform.
It is the small cafe next to a laser filled hallway, past a keypad locked door.
I had to weld brackets to the body just next to the rear spring hangers.
We first visited the fish hatchery where the facilities were excellent with good birding right next to the river.
The problem with this is that there is now next to no supporting evidence - only a little family hearsay.
The field next to the Chapel had an overgrown hedge over the pavement which needed cutting back.
There's a small hole next to the rodent's foot hieroglyph.
Sitting next to me were two Russian English teachers who had been on a package holiday in Britain.
I sat next to an old hooker who was eating a piece of Brie, and it made me quite sick.
The picture shows a normal worker wasp next to a queen hornet.
James Cracknell's fashion piece in the Telegraph contains a howler about which airport is next to Milan's regatta course.
I get the slightly incongruous sight of an East German sat next to me screaming " New England " !
In combination with the plain text display of the XT keypad you parameterise the frequency inverter in next to no time.
At an open spot next to the lek Otte tried to attract bronzy jacamar by playing back his call.
The photo lander will be left next to the 14 km long Sula reef for the next three weeks.
The bridge stood next to the Union Inn which was another prominent landmark.
The nerves pass beneath Berry's ligament (a thickened area of fascia next to the trachea) and enter the larynx.
Laundrette A coin operated laundry with ironing facilities is located next to the Village Office.
An estimated delivery lead time is shown next to each product on this website.
Inside of his left forearm is a tiger, next to three initials in Gothic lettering that represent the neighborhood he grew up in.
Worse still, a healthy energy ley from the east side of the house passed through a modern cemetery, next to their garden.
The cairn is referred to as the limekiln Cairn as it is situated next to a disused limekiln.
Instead, the porter took on their instruction in a room next to the porter's lodge in breaks between his other duties.
Right next to the sewer pipe and the water mains!
This site will open up a fresh stretch of the seafront next to the thriving marina in the town.
Boswell is buried in the family Mausoleum next to church.
Every year it was customary for an extremely tall maypole to be erected next to the church.
Yet again, we meet a very meek group, from Salford Univ, who were camping next to us.
Using a special bracket the camera is mounted directly onto the windshield next to or below the rear-view mirror.
Luckily there was this wierd looking pensioner standing next to me with a couple of mangy mutts on a bit of rope.
He is sitting on the chair next to me cleaning himself in preparation for a nice little nap.
Just give you two minutes to maybe have a natter to the person next to you.
You can edit the shipping information and shipping status by clicking a link next to the item information.
Gamelands stone circle lays just off the road near Orton, in a field right next to a dry stone wall.
We've got the Saracens - sitting next to the Jones Street Boys.
The club is situated next to the Tennis Courts at the Sports and Social club ground on the A34 just outside Henley.
A adventure playground is located next to the main building.
When selected, a child stands next to Pandora and puts a hand on her shoulder and speaks the thought or feeling.
All the events are reasonably easy to play, apart from the high jump, which appears next to impossible.
Her 5 month old niece Erin will be next to come along!
More often than not this door will have a rim night latch fitted to it which does not deadlock and is next to glass.
The more northerly of these was the land next to the cemetery of St. Martin which c.
This was followed by a formal dinner to celebrate the occasion where CWO Callan was seated next to the Air Commodore!
As it was speeding up, the tall dorsal fin of a male orca could be seen right next to it.
W. Snape, gents outfitter, occupied the shop with the three windows, next to the main entrance on the right.
Then there was the General Post Office and next to the Grand were some shops, a ladies outfitters and a sweet shop.
Children are splashing around in it, just next to a sewage outflow.
He blew the whistle and Meegan moved onto the side next to the coke ovens.
They also have two palps next to the mouth.
He dozed off earlier, but woke up with a start when a man in bright striped pants sat down next to him.
We have four of them next to the veg plots and we use them to grow tender plants or to extend the growing season.
There is also a smaller sitting room, another dining room and a small kids playroom next to the kitchen.
I might well be sitting next to you in your local pub chatting about the charms of the latest draft ale.
It's a handmade quilt that hangs on the wall next to the bed, beside the mirror.
I found a field of oil-seed rape with a rough path round the edge next to the canal.
The thing next to the scissors is a cut throat razor.
They are planted next to sources of water and have been used to stabilize riverbanks and protect irrigation channels.
Two years ago, the site was just a dusty plain next to a dry riverbed.
Victoria Park next to the Campus serves as an ideal green space to revise and in summer play rounders or football with friends.
Back to map M ash Trees A number of young ash saplings are next to the path here.
It was then that she noticed a woolen scarf hanging up next to hers.
A Pret a Manger soy sauce bottle in the shape of a fish sits comfortably next to a fossilized sea urchin.
We found the trail heavily overgrown, muddy and with mostly secondary scrub next to it.
But all these issues pale into insignificance next to the potentially seismic impact of the Prudential Code.
She was stood next to a flower seller at Liverpool Street Station.
He bribed the sexton to lay him next to Cathy with no casket walls between them when he dies.
Poole has six main accesses to the beach all next to each other along the southern shoreline.
There they should report to the School Office to explain the situation; they can wait in the Mackenzie Room next to the Office.
For beginner skiers the nursery area is located right next to the chalets.
Not soon afterward another pupil came along, and gave the boy I was sitting next to a great big smirk.
Unfortunately, since the dawn of all-seater stadiums, you can't choose who you sit next to at the match either.
Having TV cameras right next to us seemed quite strange!
The Schola Cantorum, directed by Mr Millard and accompanied by a string quartet and the organ were next to appear.
Two MEN sitting at a table next to the stage look very suspicious.
Still the GT sat there nestled up next to a chain link fence, without even a plastic tarp to cover it.
The old coffee tavern next to the Post Office building came down along with the main station building including its Victorian arches.
Helen, who was in the bed next to his, constantly teased him.
The Makoko area is next to a large bridge, giving it easy access to one of Lagos ' main transportation throughways.
She seems so tiny and fragile next to Jen.
On right side, next to corner, 5 tall flat topped windows with reticulated tracery.
It quickly transpires that the pile up has happened next to the discovery of a body by the roadside.
His chief concern was the Quraysh and, next to them, the hostile pagan Bedouin tribes of the Hijaz.
The man who blew the trumpet to warn the people stayed next to me.
There is a small shop situated inside the ground next to the South stand turnstiles.
Many an employer has come unstuck by hiring people they have taken a liking to, only to find they are next to useless.
Green Belt is countryside next to urban areas where there is a risk that the openness will be invaded by urban sprawl.
It had taken up station on a bright purple verbena that grows next to our greenhouse, so was visible some distance away.
The large Victorian vicarage next to the church survived in 1977.
Possibly the Largo Bay lies next to her, but more likely she is one of the unidentified wrecks nearby.
It ranks next to Amazonas in size, its area, which is largely unsettled and unexplored, being 532,370 sq.
The king and the monarchy being now destroyed in England, Cromwell had next to turn his attention to the suppression of Cromwell royalism in Ireland and in Scotland.
But at the same time many of the shortcomings of oology in this respect must be set down to the defective information and observation of its votaries, among whom some have been very lax, not to say incautious, in not ascertaining on due evidence the parentage of their specimens, and the author next to be named is open to this charge.
The most populous island is Lewis-with-Harris (3 2,160), and next to it are Skye (13,883), Islay (6857) and Mull (4334) Of the total area of 1,800,000 acres, or 2812 sq.
British dukes rank next to princes and princesses of the blood royal, the two archbishops of Canterbury and York, the lord Chancellor, &c., but beyond this precedence they have no special privileges which are not shared by peers of lower rank (see Peerage).
Among the natural products of the soil of Spain, in regard to quantity, wines come next to cereals, but the only wines which have Wines, a world-wide reputation are those of the south, those of Alicante, of Malaga, and more particularly those which take the name of sherry, from the town of Jerez, in tile neighborhood of which they are grown (see WINE).
Suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view.
He pulls up next to a farmer and asks the farmer how to get to a certain place.
She got the language from the language itself, and this is, next to hearing the language spoken, the way for any one to get a foreign tongue, more vital and, in the end, easier than our schoolroom method of beginning with the grammar.
Prince Andrew went again to his wife and sat waiting in the room next to hers.
The general sat down by Count Ilya Rostov, who was next to himself the most important guest.
Loaded carts stood at the house next to Ferapontov's and women were wailing and lamenting as they said good-by.
She spent the night of the fourteenth as usual, without undressing, in the room next to the one where the prince lay.
The fifth prisoner, the one next to Pierre, was led away--alone.
Pierre in shamefaced and happy confusion glanced occasionally at her, and tried to think what to say next to introduce a fresh subject.
It 's a handmade quilt that hangs on the wall next to the bed, beside the mirror.
The space cleared will probably be redeveloped for housing purposes -- a prime site next to the station.
The junction of the last two provided us with the opportunity of birding riverine habitats next to an old dam complex.
Back to map M Ash Trees A number of young ash saplings are next to the path here.
These jars now lie next to the mummies ' sarcophagi at the exhibit.