Next Sentence Examples
The kids are in the next room.
Maybe he'd think about it next time.
When the next company of Gargoyles advanced, our adventurers began yelling as if they had gone mad.
It was going to be nice having nothing to do but enjoy their little family for the next two weeks.
I'll see if I can find a deer next time.
The next few days ran together.
I promise to drop in and see you the very next time I'm up this way.
In the next month, her schedule became routine.
Next, imagine that happening every week for one hundred years.
A four wheel ATV was parked next to the porch and Giddon stepped over it, seating himself as he turned the key.
AdvertisementBy the next day she was ready to resume her normal activities, but Sarah insisted it was Saturday and she should take some time to enjoy herself.
From the next stall, Dawn answered.
Before noon the next day the gardener was admitted to the palace.
The next morning, Gautama sat in his carriage and rode out from the palace into one of the streets of the city.
A bird sits on the next bough, life-everlasting grows under the table, and blackberry vines run round its legs; pine cones, chestnut burs, and strawberry leaves are strewn about.
AdvertisementFor the next three days the clinic would be closed.
A chair scraped next to her and Alex swore softly under his breath.
He can pick it up next weekend.
The two spent the next hour playfully enjoying each other.
She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled.
AdvertisementElisabeth perched on the arm of the sofa next to Sarah.
On the twelfth of November, Kutuzov's active army, in camp before Olmutz, was preparing to be reviewed next day by the two Emperors--the Russian and the Austrian.
In the room next their bedroom there was a confusion of sabers, satchels, sabretaches, open portmanteaus, and dirty boots.
The next time she glanced at the table where she had seen the driver, no one was there.
Following that resolution, she was up at five the next morning getting ready for work.
AdvertisementWhere can I find you, my next little friend?
I called Daniel Brennan the next day and related the story to him.
I waved Betsy over next to me.
With a deep breath, she opened the door, uncertain what horror she'd face next.
Early the next morning after taking Jonathan to school, she went back to the house and took care of the animals.
Normally he wouldn't go more than a few hours without thinking about his next meal, but Elisabeth filled his thoughts so completely, there was no room for anything else.
The last time you did that, I didn't much care for what came next.
Well, I thought maybe I would wait until the next full moon, then find Elisabeth and let her rip out what's left of my guts.
They obeyed at once, and next served a fine large turbot on a silver platter, with drawn gravy poured over it.
The next day we went to Plymouth by water.
Next day the French army did not renew their attack, and the remnant of Bagration's detachment was reunited to Kutuzov's army.
She'll be going to college next month.
I'm as curious by nature as the next person, probably even more so, but to answer your question; no.
Martha exclaimed the next morning as I came downstairs.
The next step was informing Mr. Cooms of our willingness to proceed with his offer.
Her killer was pulled over the next day by an observant trooper shortly after dumping the young girl's body.
He's climbing a tree next to the wall... he fell... he's up again... and over.
I was just going to call you for a next of kin name.
He expected her to push him away and slap him, and he was prepared to leave and remain furious at her for the next week or two.
How could she possibly win in the next five?
I'll see you next time.
Next week Sarah and Connor are going to his parent's house in Maine.
Won't you reconsider staying here next month?
The next thing I knew you were talking about marriage.
So they began to ascend the stairs, Dorothy and the Wizard first, Jim next, drawing the buggy, and then Zeb to watch that nothing happened to the harness.
But the Gargoyles were clever enough not to attack the horse the next time.
The two young men got down their bows and arrows, and all were busy making plans for the next day.
In the next eighteen months, we will double that.
She dropped the cloth and moved to the next object, which was obviously a painting.
We trudged through the next few weeks marginally well though the schedule was exhausting to all and, in spite of our efforts, our other lives were suffering.
Her parents, next door at a neighborhood barbeque, were startled by a gun shot.
He was putting up a framed twenty dollar bill on the wall next to a picture of him with the president.
The next day, Ethel Reagan reported in her Boston paper on a personal interview with Youngblood.
She plopped down next to me and buried her head in my shoulder.
He mumbled she was in the next room.
Once aboard my flight I spent the next several hours squeezed between a talkative sailor and a woman with a fussy child.
It took us all the following day and part of next, though our calculations of time were suspect, to finish our ladder.
Next, a head but scattered hay was the only thing in sight.
Next time, you'll answer to me.
Next time, it'll cost you to leave my bed.
He Traveled to the basement lab and perched next to Toni on a stool at a table bearing something that should've made him lose his appetite.
Do I really want that next to my head?
She kept her voice low, in case the room next door was occupied.
If the men around her were predators, the man who entered next was their alpha.
She placed a checkmark next to the first of her ideas for learning to use her power.
Next time I see you, I'll do better—I'll show you, he promised, his whisper sliding into her mind.
He climbed into bed next to his wife but didn't turn off the light.
She snuggled next to him, usually an invitation for love, but tonight he sensed she just wanted to be held.
Nearly impossible to stop, next to impossible to control.
She plopped down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her invitingly.
Gabriel tossed her bag on the floor next to the bed and strode to the doors, opening them.
Deidre had never seen him like this, as a quietly commanding figure, capable of lethal force one moment and gentle kisses the next.
With effort, Deidre hauled herself up onto a branch, wrapped her legs around it in a careful balancing act then stretched upward for the next.
Next time would be different.
The next few minutes happened so fast that she barely had time to think, much less react.
The next, his foot sank into sand.
The sound of squishing drew her attention to the bath mat next to the tub.
She was his next target.
You flipped out when you realized you were shackled to me and tried not to kill me the next time we met.
So I'll just die slowly over the next few months.
The next morning, she lay curled in his arms for awhile before moving.
Doesn't explain why your apartment is next to hers.
He had a shit ton of work to do the next couple of days.
Her life was about to enter its next phase of the nightmare.
He went next door to the conference room and opened it.
I feel what should happen next.
The next thing he knew it was morning.
Valentine Day isn't until next month.
The doctor says the next few hours and days will tell the difference.
He could hear her weeping, so entered and sat next to her on the bed.
I get that, but you have my word you will leave this room unscathed within the next day or two.
He sat on the bar stool next to her.
He thought about the next full moon and wondered how they would deal with it.
Connor arrived, sat next to Sarah and kissed her.
When they had thirty pumpkins, Jackson paid and arranged to have them delivered to Fairhaven the next morning.
Why don't we turn the bedroom next to my music room into a studio for you?
Maybe next time we can be more discreet.
She sat next to him, a little too close.
If so, she didn't give him time to pursue anything else for the next three days.
I never know what you want to do next.
She slept most of that day and the next, and by Friday she was slept out.
I graduate next month, so I'll let her know with an invitation.
Bill and I are getting married - next weekend.
Next time you see her, tell her I'm sorry I got in her way so long.
I graduate next week and I'm going to take a week off and come see you - if you don't mind.
The next morning, he woke before dawn and before she did.
And she wanted more than a kiss next time.
The next hour passed as if in a dream.
If you don't take the time to heal, you won't leave here next time.
He's just taking it to the next level.
He was standing next to me now.
He would leave the next day, after taking care of some business.
He felt her sit on the bed next to him.
There was a small overnight bag next to her.
I left town first thing the next morning.
We were supposed to meet up the next day.
What would it be like to sleep next to him – wake up next to him?
Next time take your phone.
It wasn't a grand place, but it was a mansion next to what she was accustomed to.
Waking up to a cold house wouldn't be near as bad after a night sleeping next to his warm body.
I'm flattered, but next time; hug him if you want to.
She waited breathlessly for his next move.
For the next two days she tried to focus on the wedding plans.
The next few hours were spent getting ready.
Next time she would tell him what time she would be back and stick to it.
The next morning she was up before the alarm went off.
The next day she ran out of anything to do before she ran out of time.
He offered to buy the food if I cooked the next week, I agreed.
The paper cancelled the whole thing the next week.
Betsy plunked down on the sofa next to me.
There was a glass on an end table next to a half full bottle of gin.
Claire's crib, not in her nursery, was in the corner of the master bedroom, next to a large king size bed.
I expect my equipment here in the next hour or two and we'll get going.
I picked up the phone as Betsy closed my office door and sat next to me.
I picked up the phone for my next chore as Betsy, with Molly in hand, peeked in my office.
Next I was shown a photograph of a chubby cheeked man about forty, with short hair and a six o'clock shadow.
There is a fireplace in the living room, with a cozy rocker next to it.
I waved Betsy over and she snuggled next to me on the sofa.
The next morning Molly beat us awake by enough time for her to make oatmeal and toast and hand deliver it to our bed.
The next bridge was on Carlton Road and originally dated back to 1789.
Our next to last stop was Wheelock Park in Keene.
Either way why don't you take a drive down here to headquarters in the next hour or maybe I should send a car up there for you.
You could drop Molly and me off at Logan airport for the ten o'clock flight to California, be in Philadelphia by early evening, and fly out to join us the next morning.
I left the station, not sure what to do next.
It was anything but quiet as an open stairwell was next to me and I could hear shuffling, snoring, farting and grunting throughout the night.
Killing time as I waited, I picked up a discarded newspaper on a vacated seat next to me.
We're next of kin.
Are you next of kin? a doctor asked, knocking on the door.
She didn't move the entire trip back to the condo, as if afraid he'd blow her head off next.
There's a dryer and a stack of towels next to the shower.
I'll update your address list virtually over the next few years.
She sat next to him and propped her chin on one hand, gazing at him.
Despite the pub's standing room only capacity, the table next to her booth was empty.
He blocked it and the next two blows and then snatched a fist headed for his face, twisted her arm, and spun her.
Even if she couldn't kill the next swordsman that came for her, she could buy herself some time.
They watched Jonny like they would their next victim.
Jenn sensed the next vamp charge her and spun, burying her knife in the neck of the nearest before she lashed out with a kick at the next.
She snapped into motion, but he deflected her next strike as easily as he had those of the vamps he killed.
It only seemed natural for them to sit next to each other, and what would feel more natural would probably scare her off.
Yully slept deeply until the next morning and awoke rested.
The first thing she felt was the bond to Jule, who was in the next room.
He stood next to Dusty and another of Dusty's Guardians.
Bianca was gone, and the horse dozed next to the fence.
The next morning, Sofia awoke stiff and cold on the bathroom floor.
One day I'm a boring financial planner, and the next day, I can't go out in sunlight and I see the future.
Visions slammed into her, each one as vivid as the next, the sights, smells, sounds.
He retrieved a jar from the small refrigerator and laid it next to a surgical knife, a large rubber tube, and a huge syringe.
After your leg is broken next week.
Usually when he awoke with a hard-on and a woman in his bed, what happened next was pretty straightforward.
They reached a second foyer where the man in the trench stood next to a caramel-colored man covered in blood.
See you at the next barbecue?
They ran to the next nearest group of rocks, where a handful of four-by-fours waited.
The next morning, the sight of snow falling outside her window drew her gaze as she packed for the evacuation.
We're evac-ing you and Darian next, he ordered.
Something jarred her, a flash of magic, one that made her more nauseous than what she saw happen next.
She'd have to be dead-dead which could happen next week or in a millennium.
Breakfast was on the magic obsidian tray next to the bed.
The next morning, Deidre found herself at the wall overlooking the red deserts of Hell.
I … I guess I keep hoping when I walk out of my apartment next time, things will be normal.
Deidre stopped his next kiss by placing her hand on his heart.
The next one to pass her did as well.
She was almost grateful for the summons then anxious in the next breath.
The glow from the flashlight barely illuminated the next few feet of inky darkness as the two youngsters crept along the dank passageway.
The domestic readjustment stay was for "at least the next few weeks."
They all enjoyed the Main Street eatery, next to the newly renovated Beaumont Hotel, the queen's-castle of the Victorian town.
The party meal was a bust, with everyone aware that the next dinner would be absent one of their number, perhaps for good.
My mother stood next to him.
The next morning—Sunday—Cynthia's mood climbed to somewhere between a blue funk and resigned neutrality.
I spent so much time on the phone talking to the Calvias she wouldn't have gotten through, Cynthia said the next morning, after breakfast was cleared, the wash loaded, and domestic matters reasonably settled—a momentary break.
Mr. Dean wished he felt a modicum of confidence in himself as the three drifted off to sleep—David and Cynthia Dean, with SB, the Bird Song owl, snuggled next to them.
Next to the opening was a blackened fire ring with two large boulders on either side.
Dean sat on the ground next to the vehicle.
All I do is pull the battery and store the old gal together with half my gear and the next summer she's as raring and ready as I am.
The next stop on his list was visiting Ms. Lydia Larkin, deputy sheriff, whose presentation of a speeding ticket and general attitude still pissed him off, just remembering it.
No one had a suggestion for the next step, but Fred was determined to continue to research the ownership of the severed digit.
They'd delayed in Ouray just long enough to attend the auction and planned to leave immediately afterward for their next stop, the Grand Canyon.
The fact that Mrs. Worthington's sister was playing tourist on the road for at least the next two weeks made prospects bleak for catching up with Martha's bones, at least in the near future.
Maybe by the next time Martha calls, we can tell her we know the identity of Mr. Bones.
However, parking was next to impossible, as preparations were underway for the morning parade, and driving by, he noticed the market was closed for the holiday.
The attorney quickly recovered and half slid, half ran down the slope next to his Jeep where they were standing, covering his shiny black shoes with dust in the process and nearly falling on the seat of his creased shorts.
Dean thought about the pictures, especially the one of Dickinson Faust standing next to his Jeep, with the woman's sweater hanging over the seat.
The next eruption, and the one after it, gave insufficient light to help, but then a multiple display hung in the sky like a full moon, giving time for his eyes to search left and right.
He sat on a sofa while she settled into a leather rocker where she'd evidently been sitting, as there was a nearly empty pint of vodka on the table next to her.
Why do you feel you are better equipped to be our next sheriff than your opponent?
Fred volunteered to temporarily move down to Martha's small first-floor room next to the Deans.
Cynthia sat next to Martha and hugged her all the harder.
Exhausted Martha was hustled to her bed and snuggled next to SB, the patiently waiting stuffed owl.
It was near ten o'clock the next morning when Martha awoke in a festive mood with the appetite of a hibernating bear.
But now that he's missing, I'm scared to death, wondering what he'll do next.
It was difficult to feel sorry for the woman next to him.
The Deans scootched down next to him.
Ralph warned me, but when I insisted, he figured if we stuck together Blackie wouldn't get away with doing anything—wouldn't have a chance before we left the next day.
The next day we were supposed to leave to go back home, so we just did.
Aunt Helen invited us back the next summer, but we were still too frightened to come.
Martha suggested an appropriate burial for the tiny remains she dubbed "Pinkie" and services were conducted in the back garden, next to Mrs. Lincoln's last winter mouse-victim.
Cynthia accepted the news well, first on the phone amid post wedding hubbub, and the next day when he met her stepping off the plane.
At a loss as to what to do next, he was about to summon Darkyn when the room shook.
Whatever happened next, Gabriel prayed the underworld didn't throw him out.
For the first time this week, he realized that he, too, wanted to take the next step.
Why don't I watch the kids while you paint on it next weekend?
Later that evening while they were alone, Carmen and Alex decided that the next time Lori came by or called, Carmen would talk to her and tell her that the option to take Destiny back had passed.
The next week they got the restraining order, but as Carmen witnessed one day on her way home, it didn't stop Lori.
The chickens were next on her routine.
Next came the little nose.
He concluded by saying that the next 36 hours would be the most critical.
The next time the man came to visit, they were supposed to tell him he couldn't see Alex unless Carmen was there.
The next morning she came in earlier, hoping to catch the man before he left.
For the next week, Alex continued to wake up more frequently and stay awake for longer periods of time, but he still didn't talk – didn't even try.
That idea was reinforced when she arrived the next morning.
The next morning she brought him a larger tablet and a padded lap desk.
For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own.
Alex continued to improve and Thursday the doctor told him they would release him the next morning.
The next morning when she arrived, Alex was dressed in the clothes she had brought him the day before.
It will be covered with carpet by next weekend.
He drummed his fingers, obviously contemplating his next words.
The next morning she was at the computer as soon as he left.
Reaching her hand into the next nest box, a hen pecked it hard.
The next name up for claiming appeared.
He doubted his night – or his next few thousand years – was going to get any better than this.
He flipped to the next page as he emerged near the palace, agitated at realizing he'd get no privacy, not with the hundreds of assassins loitering.
They entered a dark dining hall, where a pot of tea and two tea cups sat waiting for them next to a carafe of amber alcohol at the table nearest the entrance.
Both compasses lit up as the next name on the list appeared.
Gabe emerged into the garden next to a southern style mansion.
Unsettled by the image of a cheerful demon on a spit, she flipped to the next illustration.
No wonder Gabe hated her one day and tried hard to tolerate her the next.
A notebook lay on the table next to a few scrolls, an ancient manuscript and another block of stone with carvings too faint for Gabe to read.
Mind on Deidre and the fact he still didn't know how to undo what Wynn had done, Gabe went onto the next death-dealer at the lake then the next.
She held her breath, suspecting what might come next.
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
By this time next week, he'd be back in the underworld.
As usual, the next stop filled the train, and she looked with some irritation at a five-year-old who shoved by her legs to stand next to the window beside her.
You fantasized him appearing at the next stop; it's how your psychosis snaps and brings you back to reality.
I'll tell my receptionist to make you an appointment for next week.
Next to Kris's whiskey Andre kept at the wet bar was Tamer's favorite vodka, Kiki's rice wine, and Erik's diet soda.
She moved along, foot-by-foot, focusing on the next stone and on her anger to keep from sobbing and falling to her doom.
She saw his large frame against the night sky outside the small cave, human one moment, then decidedly not the next.
She lay down on her back to watch the sun set and didn't move until he returned early the next morning to toss stinky fish beside her.
My sister is expecting me to call and then to actually show up in DC in the next week.
He'd find her no matter what, and he wasn't going to be swayed by her neck next time.
However, the thought of swan diving off a cliff the next time he called her a damn blood monkey was getting more tempting with each day!
Next Megan took her to what looked like a large drug store, where she plucked a few items from a shelf filled with top of the line skincare products.
She shook from pain and fear of what he'd do next, if he was more like Sasha than Rhyn.
She picked her way through the first few steps, startled when he launched himself at a tree, clawed his way up, and bypassed the muddy section by leaping to the next tree.
Kris was next in size, standing on a mural of North America.
Rhyn watched him go, wondering just what his brother was planning, and how he.d figure it out before Katie was hung on the wall next to his mother.
Next you.ll say kicked me out of your bed.
Next time, you make them dead-dead.
She was struck by his words, feeling as if the one person she relied upon was not only running out on her but would chop her into pieces the next time she saw him.
The next time I visit the human world, I.ll be leaving with two souls.
She.d enjoy this tonight and then do what she must the next day.
I guess it really is Thanksgiving next week.
The healer sank next to her on the bed, large eyes darting around the room as if he expected the furniture to grow fangs and chase him.
He was doing Kris.s next lover a favor.
The next time I visit the human world, I'll be leaving with two souls.
The healer was huddled next to the fireplace, afraid to move with the presence of the newcomer.
I take it going to see Erik next.
Katie trotted to the chamber next to Kris.s, knowing the guest chambers were near but not sure which was which.
She pushed the door open to the next chamber and ducked inside.
Next, how soon can you all have your men to the castle to kill some demons?
He tore apart a demon and stood breathless, seeking his next opponent, only to see the body-strewn park was empty of living demons in the early morning light.
They mature slowest of all Immortals, but when they hit certain points in angel years, they jump to the next human stage of maturity, Helga said.
I.ll bring them back with your toys next time I go there.
One counter was still standing next to the refrigerator tucked in a corner, and he swept the broken glass from the top to create a little work space.
The vial sat on the counter next to his notebook, and she watched him pick up a syringe.
He went to the guestroom next door and closed the door.
I'll have him come in next week to sit down with you and discuss the project.
She flipped on her computer and tossed her shoes next to the couch.
The small man waited next to A'Ran's trusted second-in-command, Ne'Rin, whose sister was one of the three before him.
My neighbors will be fortunate if I don't destroy them next.
Are the warriors ready for the next campaign?
The next two days passed quickly as Kiera helped Evelyn set up her sudden wedding.
She dozed as she drew, caught herself twice, then dropped into sleep, unaware that those who removed the boxes were coming next for her.
She spent the night waiting for the nightmare world to end and dressed the next morning with an undertaker's solemnity.
The two scuffled for a seat next to one of their older brothers across from Kiera before a look from Mison quieted them.
The next few days will be nothing but feasts and parties in celebration of our marriage!
She'd not mated as highly as she might have if she remained with Evelyn and mated with Kisolm, the next ruler of Qatwal.
Refreshed the next morning, she still couldn't fathom the statement.
There were rows of grey chairs and several white benches in the rear, a handful of tables next to yawning windows, and a wall of what looked like constellation maps.
The next morning, she went to the game room after her sparring session and sat the entire day, learning more and more about the game and experimenting with how the symbols on the keyboard interacted with the images before her.
She spent the next day in the game room, and the next.
The next morning, she started her normal daily routine and made her way to the courtyard where she trained with the boys.
The sword implanted next to the downed man's ear, and her small gasp drew the attention of the observers.
She sketched the planet next and fell asleep at her desk.
Though he was physically engaged in swordplay, Kiera sensed A'Ran's distraction the next morning as they sparred.
The battle waged just past the next range.
The next nearest is on the moon and a logistical nightmare.
The next depicted the planet, the next a woman holding a knife, then the fountain, a plant, a river.
Kiera climbed to her feet, barely caught herself from hitting the fountain with the next great tremor of the ground, and bolted for the door.
David Dean asked as he sat down next to her.
It's one of the few times we've been without guests since we opened and we'll practically have a full house next week with the Ice Festival coming up.
She held the shoes next to her feet.
Dean sat on the floor next to the lad.
Edith hesitated, as if embarrassed but then sat next to Cynthia Dean, adjusting the dress behind her.
Her room is right next to Fred's.
One minute she's in fear of her life, the next she's enthralled over Annie Quincy, dreaming about life a century ago.
The next opportunity proved to be the same jeep road cut off where they'd first seen Edith speaking with the man in the second car, which was now nowhere in sight.
If they were going north, I could pick up some duds for next summer....
Are you going in the used clothing business next?
To Dean, she seemed a tad pensive as she sat next to the window.
Effie Quincy sniffed as she pulled her chair next to Dean.
I can scarcely wait until Thursday next when we will again be in one another's company!
Riding in a police car is the next best thing to a fire engine.
Bird Song was now officially at full capacity and would remain so for the next few days.
Then there was only silence and the night sounds of the old building as Cynthia lay awake next to this man she loved.
I fear for his reputation if we be discovered but I have never been happier than next to him, beneath the buffalo robe that covered us.
She didn't seem surprised to find others in the living room and took a seat next to Effie, looking less a nighttime specter than an exhausted victim.
In the next town over, the sun might be shining.
The next fifteen minutes were an embarrassed blur as Dean tried to stem his bleeding face at the kitchen table.
God, he thought, as he laid back his aching head, get me through the next few hours and maybe they'll all be gone!
Dean pitied his wife, knowing the grueling trip that lay before her over the next several hours, not knowing what awaited her landing.
I don't suppose you happen to know how this knife got up in the ice park, next to the cut end of a rope?
Edith claims she never got further than the road next to the bridge.
The pair tramped further to the next closest point where they could see his line of descent to the river far below.
Next to the officer was a stern looking man in a suit and tie, arms crossed, staring straight ahead.
Fred was snuggled up on the sofa, next to the only woman member of the law-folk group.
He sat next to Fred on the sofa.
The police spoke to Fred next, while Dean strolled back toward his quarters, with Corday's question concerning his wife's return echoing in his mind.
Effie Quincy was next in the hot seat, according to Fred.
The big man pulled up a chair next to Dean.
Dean spent the next hour nursing two beers and telephoned again, still without success.
He spotted Dean at once and joined him on the next stool.
He must have reached an arm across the warmth next to him and her nearly soundless mewl began his slow but steady rise to the surface of consciousness.
He remained motionless, wondering if she could possibly have left hers and Ryland's room nearly next to his without hearing them.