Newspaper Sentence Examples
I got interviewed for a newspaper in Zanesville, Ohio.
He picked up the newspaper she had set out for him and started to read.
Newspaper crinkled and crackled.
She stepped forward and pulled the newspaper down with one hand.
A newspaper with Allen's picture on it lay opened on the coffee table.
This newspaper woman, however, may not suspect she's in danger.
She folded the newspaper to shut the accusing eyes.
She handed me the newspaper.
He picked up the newspaper and settled into his chair while she checked on Destiny.
We didn't get around to the other one; the newspaper lady.
AdvertisementShe held up a newspaper.
Two were reading different sections of a newspaper while Roger was stirring his coffee and chatting, although no one seemed to be listening.
He shook the newspaper and said nothing more until Sarah announced that supper was ready.
I was candid, omitting only the fact Julie had sent an entry to the newspaper contest.
Fred O'Connor, back from his second stint at the library and historical museum, was now poring over the newspaper and circling the Saturday garage sales in the classified ads.
AdvertisementThe headlines of the local newspaper proudly announced, "Under Sheriff Solves Fifty-Year-Old Murder," which Lydia neither confirmed nor denied, nor did the Deans offer public comment.
Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach.
The boy pulled away with a scowl and tapped on the newspaper puzzle, indicating he wasn't finished.
And the puzzles in the newspaper break the words apart.
He rolled up the newspaper and hit her playfully on the backside as she walked away.
AdvertisementHe lowered the newspaper and eyed her sarcastically.
Yancey tossed his newspaper aside and stomped into the hallway, where he gruffly answered the intrusive caller.
The good news is this rag of a newspaper doesn't seem to buy Mr. Youngblood as a certifiable clairvoyant.
Discarded wrappers and soft drink cans littered the floor, a magazine and a folded newspaper lay between the men on the seat.
He was sitting in his chair, everything from the top of his head to his thighs covered with the newspaper he was holding out to read.
AdvertisementI owed a follow up call to both Ethel Reagan at the Boston newspaper and Agnes Delanco, at After.
Wood was stacked beside it, and she turned the book sitting on the coffee table into newspaper to burn.
There must be a newspaper account of the drowning someplace.
The newspaper says someone talked with Byrne—an employee.
He picked up a newspaper and snapped it open, his attention instantly captured by something he found in its crinkled pages.
That's where the newspaper lady is based.
Then this newspaper lady in Boston gave her an out and she jumped on it like Roy Rogers on Trigger.
You don't print up those signs and take out newspaper ads on that short notice.
Each passing year brought the mayhem further northward, causing the old timers and the local newspaper to fret for the good old days when violence was no worse than a dog fight.
Newspaper offices should have typewriters, not those damn computers.
Earlier he'd signed up to take his July vacation in Iowa, biking the 400 miles across that state on a seven-day bike tour known as "RAGBRAI," named for the sponsoring Des Moines Register newspaper.
You heard her talk about the million dollar reward that rag of a newspaper is offering and she's poor as a church mouse on food stamps.
Dean pulled out the photocopies of the old newspaper ads requesting information on Josh published first by Edith Plotke and later by her father.
Dean just smiled and picked up the local newspaper.
Did you read the Philadelphia newspaper this morning?
He served in the New York legislature (1759-1760), but his political influence was long exerted chiefly through pamphlets and newspaper articles.
It was followed by the Vein Shimbun (Pictorial Newspaper), the first to insert illus.
The situation was saved by a newspaper whicl from the outset of its career obeyed the best canons of journalism - Born in 1882, the fiji Shimpo (Times) enjoyed the immense advan tage of having its policy controlled by one of the greatest thinker of modern Japan, Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Ifut it reserved the power of suppressing or suspending a newspaper, and against that reservation a majority of the lower house voted, session after session, only to see the bill rejected by the peers, who shared the governments opinion that to grant a larger measure of liberty would certainly encourage licence.
On the latter's retirement he decided to enter again the newspaper field.
In 1898 he purchased the Dayton News and five years later the Springfield Press-Republic, subsequently named the Daily News, these papers being known thereafter as the Newspaper League of Ohio.
The annual reports, of which he was the chief author, became controversial pamphlets; he published bold replies to criticisms upon the work of the Commission; he explained its purposes to newspaper correspondents; when Congress refused to appropriate the amount which he believed essential for the work, he made the necessary economies by abandoning examinations of candidates for the Civil Service in those districts whose representatives in Congress had voted to reduce the appropriation, thus very shrewdly bringing their adverse vote into disfavour among their own constituents; and during the six years of his commissionership more than twenty thousand positions for government employes were taken out of the realm of merely political appointment and added to the classified service to be obtained and retained for merit only.
The first newspaper, the Green Bay Intelligences, began publication in 1833.
The Warsaw Voice weekly newspaper is a favorite for the city's English-speaking community.
And I am sure that I never read any memorable news in a newspaper.
You know those queasy moments when you suddenly see a photograph of an old flame in the newspaper?
It has been argued that the newspaper pioneered popular journalism with its racy style aimed at an literate working-class.
An original daily newspaper makes a fascinating gift for any occasion and therell be lots of reminiscing when you flick through the pages.
Why get mail at a shack-up place, much less the newspaper?
As a matter of fact, I think I saw one of your listings in the newspaper tonight.
The chief exponent of this temper was the Pesti Hirlap, Hungary's first political newspaper, founded in 1841 by Kossuth, whose articles, advocating armed reprisals if necessary, inflamed the extremists but alienated Szechenyi, who openly attacked Kossuth's opinions.
In the latter year Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar (1798-1859) established here the Columbus Independent, a State's-Rights newspaper.
Here are the central offices of the letter, newspaper and telegraph departments, with the office of the Postmaster General; but the headquarters of the parcels department are at Mount Pleasant, Clerkenwell; those of the Post Office Savings Bank at Blythe Road, West Kensington, and those of the Money Order department in Queen Victoria Street.
Other similar institutions exist primarily for special purposes, as the St Bride Foundation Institute, near Fleet Street, in immediate proximity to the great newspaper offices, for the printing trade, and the Herolds' Institute, a branch of the Borough Polytechnic situated in Bermondsey, for the purposes of the leather trade.
The order, which was instituted in 1886, was responsible for the Stuart exhibition of 1889, and has a newspaper, the Royalist.
Previously to their holding office, Daniel Manning (1831-1887), secretary of the treasury in President Cleveland's cabinet, was president of the Argus company, and Daniel Scott Lamont (1851-1905), secretary of war during President Cleveland's second administration, was managing editor of the newspaper.
Elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 1845, he became one of the extremest of the state rights Democrats of his section, emphasizing his principles in the legislature in the local and national party conventions, and in the columns of a newspaper, the Western Empire, which he edited at Dayton, Ohio, in 1847-49.
The first newspaper, the Gazette, began publication in the same year, and the first church, Trinity (Protestant Episcopal), was built.
A new phase of the art now lives in the pages of the newspaper press.
In modern times the weekly journal has become so much of the nature of a newspaper that it seldom can be called a periodical in this sense.
The newspaper tax enforced in 1712 dealt a hard blow at these.
As from the " pamphlet of news " arose the weekly paper wholly devoted to the circulation of news, so from the general newspaper was specialized the weekly or monthly review of literaModern ture, antigrities and science, which, when it included Magazines.
Complete lists of current British periodicals are included in Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory, Street's Newspaper Directory, and Willing's Press Guide, and a select list and other information are given in the Literary Year Book.
The Rassegna settimanale was a weekly political and literary review, which after eight years of existence gave place to a daily newspaper, the Rassegna.
The Cronica cientifica y literaria (1817-1820) was afterwards transformed into a daily newspaper.
An early expression of reviving Lithuanian national consciousness was the appearance of the newspaper" Ausra,"which, printed in East Prussia, lived for three years, though even in that short period its editor, banished from Germany, had to take refuge at Prague.
On the 3rd of April 1841, Greeley announced that on the following Saturday (April loth) he would begin the publication of a daily newspaper of the same general principles, to be called The Tribune.
He was thus frequently straitened, and, as his necessities pressed, he sold successive interests in his newspaper.
By his speeches and messages, and by his frank use of one of the greatest of modern social engines - the newspaper press - he created a public opinion which heartily supported him.
The first newspaper in Milwaukee, the Advertiser, began publication in 1836.
The first German newspaper was established in 1844.
The first newspaper, the Advertiser, began publication in 1836; the first bank was established in 1837.
After working as a civil engineer on the Dean Forest railway he went (1861) to Italy, where he resided for the next thirty-three years, taking a considerable part in the railway construction of the peninsula, and at the same time keeping alive the Hungarian independence question by a whole series of pamphlets and newspaper articles.
In the summer of 1827, through the persistent efforts of persons most interested in the woollen manufactures of Massachusetts and other New England states to secure legislative aid for that industry, a convention of about loo delegates - manufacturers, newspaper men and politicians - was held in Harrisburg, and the programme adopted by the convention did much to bring about the passage of the famous high tariff act of 1828.
The first newspaper, the Gazette, was established in 1799.
They would not have been tolerated in a newspaper editorial of 1899.
When published for the first time, the eight page newspaper cost only halfpenny.
For instance, South Tyneside Health Care Trust has made newspaper headlines with massive improvements to its A&E service.
Within 48 hours, the printing presses of the newspaper lay in a twisted, tangled heap, destroyed by anti-tank explosives.
On the way I saw a newspaper hoarding which basically said the Scots had drunk the city dry with not a single arrest.
Here are pedlars of Nostradamus, and writers of newspaper horoscopes, and academics preaching the End of History... Hmm.
The panels have high thermal performance, with cellulose insulation (recycled newspaper) well exceeding Building Regulations.
The newspaper which serves a section of the Russian oppositional intelligentsia gave you a forum.
The stove is lit quickly and easily using dry kindling and newspaper.
Newspaper reporter jobs to purchase ledger clerk, insurance jobs London and stock purchase ledger assistant in Knightbridge.
Light damp bonfires with dry kindling such as newspaper, sacking, cardboard and empty wooden boxes or with domestic lighters.
At the end of the 19th century it was owned by the newspaper magnate WH Smith who became Viscount Hambleden.
At the time of his death his family was inundated with tributes from even the likes of American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst.
The Times Newspaper, 3/1/00, Valerie Elliot, Cambridge Don is sent hate mail over hunt ban.
The growing readership of political and economic adult manga stories with contemporary themes, was noted by manga editors and newspaper journalists alike.
There have been a number of improvements to the form of the newspaper, including a new masthead.
Archant is a community media company active in the fields of regional newspaper and magazine publishing, contract printing and internet communications.
At many points in your career you will not be able to rely on the services of librarians, newspaper morgues and so on.
I listened to nightly newscasts and read the local newspaper accounts, even making scrapbooks of the war's progress.
For verbal tests, start reading a good quality newspaper or magazine with editorial articles to improve your command of language.
The Danish government did not tell the newspaper to run them.
Marx and Engels visited Paris before moving to Cologne where they founded a radical newspaper, New Rhenish Gazette.
In Britain every national daily newspaper had follow-up stories.
The text I have written is a letter to a writer in the tabloid newspaper " The Sun " .
In the Irish independent newspaper, Business splashes out to rescue regatta.
During these years, he assisted in making the Daily Express the best selling national newspaper in the world.
Also see the tour operator list compiled by The Scotsman newspaper.
Teachers act as the newspaper editor, setting pupils tasks as tho they were running a proper newsroom.
Mr Y used the newspaper's notepaper to make his initial complaint and in subsequent correspondence.
The Independant newspaper carried an almost full page obituary of Pip on Thursday 31st Aug which you can still read on-line.
It always works in newspaper articles but on this occasion 6 by South is solid and all that happens is you concede the overtrick.
It was acutely painful to Leslie to be photographed in a major Gwent newspaper wearing a traditionally ludicrous hat.
Take your own photos in case the newspaper does not send a photographer.
Occasionally, a newspaper proprietor may step in a kill a story for their own reasons.
Aberdeen Journals Limited is the foremost newspaper publisher in the North of Scotland and employs over 550 staff in the local area.
You know, newspaper publishers take popularity ratings too.
In fact, local newspaper readership keeps on rising.
It is the only regional newspaper for the Pacific.
The newspaper apologized and expressed " profound regret over the unauthorized publication ", in a front page statement on Sunday.
A newspaper report was later written and it sparked an international sensation which sparked off many more sightings.
Convert a piece of newspaper reportage into high art.
Many of my course mates had joined the newspaper and there was an opening for a cub reporter.
Baker, a former newspaper reporter, declined to comment.
So much so that South Florida's leading newspaper, Sun Sentinel, decided to mark this year ' showpiece with a supplement.
Rather, have a nutritious snack, watch a TV show, or read your favorite section of the newspaper.
He has worked both as a weekly newspaper editor and evening newspaper sub-editor.
The current newspaper may have a column reprinting news tidbits from fifty, seventy-five or a hundred years ago.
We assumed that she would drift slightly as punters were sure to overbet Leatherback who was napped by newspaper tipsters.
The Dimbleby Newspaper Group publishes eight local, paid-for newspaper titles.
The Group ranks twelfth in the regional league table of newspaper publishing houses in the UK.
For Kim is married to Todd, son of South African newspaper tycoon Cornelius van Zyl.
The one from the tricky tykes that is in the dog world newspaper looks just like him.
All he does is trot out verbatim reports from a newspaper which will never be considered unbiased.
Do not use newspaper or carpet as a liner underlay, as after time it will rot allowing stones through.
Thanks, everyone, for making varsity much more than a newspaper.
You would roll a newspaper up real tight, then whack someone's knees with all your might.
A newspaper article author said he would rather be attacked by a wild boar than a big dog, would you agree?
A 100-year-old Ugandan witch doctor married a 12-year-old girl after an affair that lasted for months, a newspaper reported.
She threw herself heart and soul into the cause of the extreme republicans, composed manifestos for her friends, addressed letters to the people, and even started a newspaper.
Pop. (1890) 27,839; (Igloo) 27,628, of whom 8485 were foreignborn, including 2413 English-Canadians, 1743 Germans, 1822 Poles - the city has a Polish weekly newspaper - and 1075 FrenchCanadians; (1906, estimate) 40,587.
Lowe soon made his mark in the political world by his clever speeches, particularly on finance and education; and besides obtaining a large legal practice, he was one of the principal writers for the Atlas newspaper.
Noteworthy additions were made to Cleveland architecture in the county court house and the city hall (of the uncompleted " Group " plan); in office buildings like the Engineers, the Illuminating, the Leader-News, and the Hanna buildings; in the " Plain Dealer " newspaper building; in the Cleveland Trust Co.'s bank building; in the Museum of Art; and in churches, the Church of the Covenant (Presbyterian), St.
At an early stage he came to the conclusion that Dreyfus was the innocent victim of a nefarious conspiracy, and on the 13th of January 1898, with his usual intrepidity, he published in the Aurore newspaper, in the form of a letter beginning with the words J'accuse, a terrible denunciation of all those who had had a hand in hounding down that unfortunate officer.
Many years after that, some funny little verses about Mr. Finney's turnip were printed in a newspaper.
Most people keep a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings - especially if any of their family or friends has died in a strange boating accident.
Drying room even has box of scrunched up re-used newspaper to put in boots.
Distribution of the Searchlight newspaper to every home in the three wards did not deter enough voters from supporting the fascists.
So much so that South Florida 's leading newspaper, Sun Sentinel, decided to mark this year ' showpiece with a supplement.
This Lampshade is made from weaved newspaper with chrome snap fastenings around the top and bottom.
Blum 's government seized the Trotskyist newspaper that had carried Trotsky 's call for the establishment of revolutionary French soviets.
I have done lots of different things - my last full-time job was as a sub-editor on a local newspaper.
In 1829 Smith was subpoenaed as a witness in a bankruptcy case, as described below in a newspaper report.
I could not believe that they could be so callous and compare nourishing my baby with milk to someone appearing topless in a newspaper.
Thanks, everyone, for making Varsity much more than a newspaper.
You would roll a newspaper up real tight, Then whack someone 's knees with all your might.
When he grabbed the newspaper the vase wobbled from side to side.
I expect the newspaper to be issuing a mea culpa any day now for the startling inconsistencies in its most recent article.
You may also find valuable coupon's in your Sunday newspaper.
At any given time, you might pick up your local newspaper and read a letter to the editor regarding this issue.
Of course, you can always advertise in your local newspaper, but keep in mind that you may get a few responses that you don't like, and this can be risky!
Check out online auction companies like Ebay and Goodwill, local consignment shops, yard sales, and even the classied section of your local newspaper.
Classifieds. Don't overlook the classified section of your newspaper.
Many people advertise at least some of their merchandise in the classified yard sale section of the daily newspaper.
As newspaper headlines and TV stations continue to scream about toy recalls, parents are becoming more and more concerned about the toys they purchase for their children.
Classified ads-Although you can always check the classified section of your newspaper, you may not find what you seek.
You can also search for baby freebies in your newspaper's classified section.
Keep in mind that responsible breeders don't advertise in the newspaper, or sell their animals in pet stores.
Instead, save a newspaper from the day to put in the baby book.
Because Little Tykes products seem to last forever, you may be able to find a gently used bed at consignment shops, consignment sales or at an online auction site like eBay or in the classified section of your newspaper.
In addition, you can often find gently used baby items at consignment stores, yard sales, and in the classified section of your local newspaper.
Classifieds and yard sales-Finally, don't forget to peruse classified ads in your local newspaper and sift through yard and garage sales for even cheaper deals.
One way to find a good deal on a laptop is to scan the Sunday newspaper advertisements for great deals being offered on laptops at electronics stores near you.
Write down the bike name, year, and model number, then go home and get online to see if you can find it at a cheaper price (also check the classifieds in your local newspaper).
Also check out the classifieds in your newspaper, and do searches online.
Also scan your local newspaper for announcements of garage sales-often times you can find items like baseball bats at garage sales for literally next to nothing as far as price goes.
Traditional real estate agents are the most popular, but properties are also being sold for sale by owner, through newspaper listings and on multiple listing service web sites.
You can look in your local newspaper, drive around the neighborhoods that you like to find for sale by owner signs or pick up For Sale By Owner periodicals at your local grocery store.
You can search in your local newspaper (if you are traveling to a nearby town) or contact a travel agent for help.
In addition, be leery of Mystery Shopper organizations that advertise in the help wanted section of a newspaper or email solicitations.
Entertainment Book and ValPak are national options, but there are numerous local supplements and newspaper ads.
You can find ads for used motorcycles everywhere that you typically find ads for used cars; in local newspaper classifieds and online.
The first place to look is the classifieds of your local newspaper or even your local city page on Craigslist.
Don't rely on the standard Sunday through Saturday advertisements that appear in your Sunday newspaper.
If you're using clay litter now, try switching to a recycled newspaper litter and see if he prefers it.
Instead of being made from clay, newspaper or silica, World's Best is made from whole kernel corn.
Thus, clay litter became a revolutionary improvement over the sand and shredded newspaper bits that were commonly used to fill a cat box during prior eras.
Electronics are often much less expensive during big sales, too - check newspaper ads for the best deals.
Visa holiday gift cards may be an ideal gift for family and friends, business associates or even your newspaper person.
Do not trust advertisements on television, in the phone book, or in the newspaper.
During this time, a notice of the application for a change of name and the date of the hearing will be published once each week in a general circulation newspaper within the judicial district.
A form of constructive services is where an ad is placed in the newspaper for a specific number of days advising the Respondent that legal action is being taken to vary the amount of alimony to be paid.
Your local newspaper can be a resource too.
Depending on your situation and the types of items that you want to sell, you may want to offer items for sale from your home via a classified ad in your local newspaper or online classified advertising web site.
Alternatives to wholesalers include your local newspaper's classified section, Craigslist and furniture auctions.
When she was only nine years old, an ad was posted in the local newspaper in New Zealand looking for a young girl to play a part in an upcoming movie.
If you're interested in media, you can join the staff of Communiqué, the student newspaper, or take part in Kirkwood Student Productions television.
Students participate in campus government, intramural sports, honor societies, student newspaper, and many more clubs.
Backyard breeders are generally pet owners who love their animals and enjoy having a couple of litters of puppies each year, which they sell to locals who come in answer to a newspaper add.
Newspaper advertisements are popular and can often be run for several days for a single fee.
If you are looking for a dog for sale, the first place to look may be newspaper ads.
Most sitters will gladly bring in your mail and newspaper if you haven't put these items on hold while you're gone.
You might have just been browsing the newspaper for fun to see what was available at the time and the thought of getting a dog for free rather than paying hundreds of dollars to a professional breeder can be very attractive.
Probably the best source for finding free puppies in your area is the local newspaper and the free weekly newspapers in your area.
Almost every newspaper in America has a pets section.
I collect different types of containers, old dog books, gift wrap and dog-themed newspaper comics all year long; anything with a dog theme.
Cover your work area with old newspaper, and make sure everything is clean and dry.
Newspaper is always reliable, as are old blankets and towels.
However, newspaper ink rubs off on the pups, and old towels and blankets can produce snags that catch the puppies' nails.
Second Nature - This litter pan can be lined with newspaper, puppy pads or a safe litter material such as CareFresh (recycled newspaper).
Newspaper training is an age-old technique that usually works best on smaller dogs and puppies.
After the dog eats, set him on the newspaper until he eliminates.
Puppy pads follow the same general principal as newspaper.
They usually have a built-in scent that's designed to lure the dog to use the pads, and they do control the mess better because they are much more absorbent than newspaper.
Teaching your puppy to relieve himself on newspaper or puppy pads is a popular housebreaking method.
Look in your local newspaper for meeting times and club locations.
Dry seeds will naturally fall out onto the newspaper.
Make a funnel out of the newspaper and tap the seeds into a jar or container.
Black plastic and wet sheets of newspaper may also be used for this purpose.
Newspaper may be used as a temporary or overnight frost protection.
You can make a sort of newspaper tent over a small plant and tape it into a box-like shape.
After running a small art gallery, Dior began selling his fashion sketches to a local newspaper and haute fashion houses.
Sometimes you'll find such coupons in your Sunday newspaper.
Although you are less likely to encounter coupons for organic foods in the newspaper or in magazines than you would for other types of foods, coupons for organic foods do show up once in a while.
It is a good idea to place a few layers of newspaper on the bottom of the bed before you put the soil in.
Fill the bottom of the basket with crumpled newspaper and place colorful shredded paper over it.
You could also slip into one if you have to grab your newspaper in the morning.
Check out their weekly circular ad in your local newspaper for special deals on coats.
Finally, you can write the editor of your hometown newspaper and comment on any playground safety issues you may be aware of.
Another creative joke is to substitute the morning newspaper with one you've "cut" a message into so that when they flip it open, they see a funny line or joke.
Wander the streets, talk to the locals and read the latest edition of the local newspaper.
Magazine and newspaper reviews have described the program as easy to use and well worth the money.
One of the best ways to find out if there is affordable housing in a particular town is to look at the classified section of the newspaper and pick up a real estate guide from any real estate agency in that town.
Check out magazine stands and the newspaper for information.
You can find community events in the newspaper.
Lift chairs are most frequently offered through private classified ads either in the newspaper or online.
Lund has spent over a decade managing private investment portfolios for his clients and sharing his knowledge on retirement planning with clients and non-clients through his newsletters, podcasts, newspaper articles and speeches.
Don't discount the newspaper either, as a number of fun puzzles are often interspersed.
Sifting through the many senior citizens groups and programs may be an overwhelming endeavor, so to narrow your search you may want to consult your neighborhood newspaper or parks and recreation department.
To promote the event, place a notice in the community section of the newspaper, and see if one of the professionals would be willing to make a small donation to print flyers announcing the event.
So if you haven't peeked at your newspaper's website recently, give it another try to see what it might have updated.
Mostly found on news racks, this release might also be a supplement in the daily or weekend newspaper.
How can someone not notice when you have to extend your arms to their full length in order to read a book or the newspaper?
Subscribe to the local newspaper or read it online.
When you think you may have found an attractive town, visit the areas in person rather than looking only at newspaper advertisements or online listings.
Whether your favorite activities are quiet ones, like reading a morning newspaper at the library, or more adventurous outdoor activities, simply do all of the things you enjoy most.
Many run ads in the newspaper, on the radio or post flyers at community centers.
If you find yourself holding the newspaper at arms length in order to see it, you may have presbyopia and require vision correction.
To do this, take a newspaper or magazine with you to the eyeglass section of your local drugstore (or optical shop if you prefer, but you can get reading glasses over the counter so they're widely sold).
Think newspaper sexy and stylish, and you've got the idea.
To choose the correct strength, go shopping with a newspaper in hand.
Try on various strengths and hold your newspaper a big closer than arm's length from your face.
To shop for your sunglass readers (assuming you're shopping in person and don't know your prescription), you can take a newspaper or book with you into the store or grab one while you're there.
Simply try on a few prescriptions to see which one allows you to best see the pages when you hold the book or newspaper at roughly waist level.
If a representative from the company has participated in a newspaper interview, you'll know that, too.
Tying fishing lures, reading a map and browsing the newspaper are all instances where bifocals may be used.
During the summer months in Ohio, the local newspaper may carry a coupon for money off an admission ticket to Cedar Point.
In addition, check the local advertising inserts in the newspaper on Sunday for specials.
Typically, you can find a wide range of sales and coupons in your local newspaper.
You probably see their fliers every week in your newspaper.
The conventional methods of watching the want ads in local newspaper, perusing eBay and other user's groups or forums can also be productive.
When it is folded up it's only a little bigger than a newspaper.
Crumple dry paper (newspaper is fine) and place it on the bottom of the fire pit.
It's also a good idea to check publications like the RV Trader magazine and the classified ad postings in your local newspaper.
You might get lucky and find the perfect camper listed in your local newspaper, or in a regional RV buying guide publication or website.
Check the classified ads in the newspaper and online.
If you look locally, in the classified section of your newspaper or in a local trading publication, you will find a certain selection of used campers.
Not only can you be put into contact with people in your region (but far enough away that you wouldn't have seen their announcement in the newspaper) who have a trailer to sell, but you can also do pricing work online.
Start with the local newspaper and classified publications in your area, as well as eBay and Craig's List.In addition to perusing local resources, take the time to review classified advertising websites that focus exclusively on RV sales.
To build a wood fire put some crumpled up newspaper in the center of the fire ring.
However, there are plenty of pop up camper parts that are fairly generic, and you could replace them with parts that you may find on online auction sites or in the newspaper classifieds.
Extracurricular activities range from sports to newspaper editing to music and theater.
Many extracurricular activities, such as the school newspaper, photography, and drama, can lead to careers.
Information can also be found in the school's student newspaper.
You can also check Internet message boards and newspaper ads to find out about new teams forming, or those looking for partners to work with and/or train.
If you are looking for old newspaper obituaries for personal use, or a school project, there are several places -- both online and off -- where you can find them.
This practice transcended into modern times with obituaries, and the advent of the newspaper press.
This medium allowed families to have one or two-line death notices printed as part of a single- or double-sheet newspaper.
However, by the mid-19th century, the invention of the rotary newspaper press allowed for longer obituaries to be printed in daily and weekly newspapers.
An obituary is a free announcement, written by a newspaper reporter, with information supplied by the funeral home.
You can then inquire about finding old newspaper obituaries, if the newspaper is still in print.
If the newspaper is no longer in print, or doesn't have editions dating back to when you need, check out the local public library of the town where the individual died.
Long before the Internet and digital technology, each edition of a newspaper was scanned and put on microfilm.
Many larger public libraries still have these available for use, and can be quite useful in finding newspaper obituaries from 20th century (and sometimes even earlier).
There are several websites that can provide, or at least help you search for, an old newspaper obituary.
Newspaper Obituaries is a database for various websites and newspapers that published obituaries.
Newspaper Archive allows you to search millions of newspaper articles and obituaries.
An obituary is a listing or announcement placed in a newspaper for the purpose of letting society know about the death of a person.
After death, the death date would be filled in by someone else before submitting the piece to the newspaper.
The obituary template for standard obituaries placed in a print newspaper is very basic.
In most cases, you or the funeral director fill in the information requested on a data sheet and an obituary writer from the newspaper will write up the information.
These commonly appear in the local newspaper of the community where the deceased once lived.
In September 1729 he bought at a merely nominal price The Pennsylvania Gazette, a weekly newspaper which Keimer had started nine months before to defeat a similar project of Franklin's, and which Franklin conducted until 1765.
It lies between the library and St George's Street, in which are the chief newspaper offices, and premises of the wholesale merchants.
Besides writing paper, book paper and building paper are made in the state, but very little newspaper.
The first regular newspaper of Boston, the Boston Newsletter, was the pioneer of the American newspaper press.
The first newspaper, the Bermuda Gazette, was published in 1784.
His connexion with Ludendorff led to his becoming an influence behind the scenes in German politics, and, after the revolution, to his entering the Reichstag, as well as to his debut as a newspaper proprietor on a grand scale.
The first newspaper of New York, the New York Gazette, was established in 1725 by William Bradford as a semiofficial organ of the administration.
He made no attempt to hide his monarchist sympathies, and this, together with the way in which he reported the trial and death of Louis XVI., brought him in peril of his life; to avoid this danger he enlisted in the army, but after Thermidor he returned to Paris and to his newspaper work.
He drifted in time to San Francisco, and it was a newspaper of that city which in 1867 supplied the money for him to join a party going on a chartered steamboat to the Mediterranean ports.
In 1851 Greeley visited Europe for the first time, serving as a juryman at the Crystal Palace Exhibition, appearing before a committee of the House of Commons on newspaper taxes, and urging the repeal of the stamp duty on advertisements.
In 1837 he established the Northern Star newspaper at Leeds, and became a vehement advocate of the Chartist movement.
More than ioo periodicals have been established in Hartford, of which the oldest is the Hartford Courant (1764), the oldest newspaper in the United States.
In 1877 he went to Paris, where he helped to start the socialist movement, returning to Switzerland in 1878, where he edited for the Jura Federation a revolutionary newspaper, Le Revolte, subsequently also publishing various revolutionary pamphlets.
His sermons attracted wide attention in that community, and he gained a considerable reputation as a theologian and a controversialist by his publication in 1814 of a volume entitled Defence of Christianity, written in answer to a work, The Grounds of Christianity Examined (1813), by George Bethune English (1787-1828), an adventurer, who, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was in turn a student of law and of theology, an editor of a newspaper, and a soldier of fortune in Egypt.
But the accession to power of the Polignac ministry in August 1829 changed his projects, and at the beginning of the next year Thiers, with Armand Carrel, Mignet, and others started the National, a new opposition newspaper.
His histories, in many different editions, and his speeches, as above, are easily accessible; his minor works and newspaper articles have not, we believe, been collected in any form.
The first newspaper, the Onondaga Gazette, was established in 1823; and in 1825 the completion of the Erie Canal opened a new era of prosperity.
He began to practise law in Montreal, but owing to ill-health soon removed to Athabaska, where he opened a law office and undertook also to edit Le Defricheur, a newspaper then on the eve of collapse.
The principal newspaper is the Augusta Chronicle, founded in 1785.
The first newspaper, the Gazette (a weekly), was established in 1811 and became the Commercial, a daily, in 1835.
In 1847 the first English newspaper in New Mexico was established at Santa Fe, and an English school was founded in 1848.
As time went on, his distrust of the national movement grew deeper; and in 1853 he sternly forbade his clergy to take part publicly in politics, and for this he was denounced by the Tablet newspaper.
Among his publications were the well-known quarterly magazine Y Traethodydd (" The Essayist"), Gwyddoniadur Cymreig (" Encyclopaedia Cambrensis"), and Dr Silvan Evans's English-Welsh Dictionary (1868), but his greatest achievement in this field was the newspaper Baner Cymru (" The Banner of Wales"), founded in 1857 and amalgamated with Yr Amserau (" The Times") two years later.
He was an enthusiastic advocate of church disestablishment, and had a historic newspaper duel with Dr John Owen (afterwards bishop of St David's) on this question.
Many of the commercial and private buildings are also worthy of notice, especially the Queensland National Bank, a classic Italian structure, the massive treasury buildings, one of the largest erections in Australia, the Queensland Club with its wide colonnades in Italian Renaissance style, and the great buildings of the Brisbane Newspaper Company.
The whole organization of newspapers, societies and trades unions was at once broken up. Almost every political newspaper supported by the party was suppressed; almost all the pamphlets and books issued by them were forbidden; they were thereby at once deprived of the only legitimate means which they had for spreading their opinions.
After studying in Hebron Academy, he conducted his father's farm for a time, became schoolmaster, and later managed a weekly newspaper at Paris.
The board of trade building, the building of the Star newspaper, and several large office buildings (including the Scarritt, Long, and New York Life Insurance buildings) are worthy of mention.
The Regulations (Regulation 51) gave the Government power in certain cases to seize the plant of a newspaper which had offended, or in others to seize the type on suspicion that an offence was about to be committed (Reg.5r a).
The casualty lists were rigidly and, no doubt, properly suppressed, but owing to the representations of the Newspaper Proprietors' Association they were supplied periodically for the confidential information of editors.
These regulations called forth an angry protest from the Newspaper Proprietors' Association.
It was only after continued protests by the Newspaper Proprietors' Association that publicity was given to the gigantic achievements of the Ministry of Munitions, and the manufacturers and millions of workers associated with it.
In 1856 he took a leading part in organizing the Republican party in Connecticut, and in 1857 became editor of the Hartford Evening Press, a newly established Republican newspaper.
From April 1866 to April 1867 he was governor of Connecticut, and in 1867 he bought the Hartford Courant, with which he combined the Press, and which became under his editorship the most influential newspaper in Connecticut and one of the leading Republican papers in the country.
In 1828 he was elected member of parliament for York, but was expelled on the technical ground that he had published in his newspaper the proceedings of the house without authorization.
The town has long been known as a Welsh publishing centre, the vernacular newspaper, Baner, being edited and printed here.
He was Congregational minister at Ware (1831) and Leicester (1834), and in 1841 founded the Nonconformist, a weekly newspaper in which he advocated the cause of disestablishment.
The'Brooklyn Daily Eagle, which occupies an attractive building near the borough hall, has been a newspaper of strong influence in the community.
The decade 1819-1829 saw the first newspaper (1819), the beginning of steamboating on Arkansas rivers, and the first weekly mail from the east.
Immediately after the accession of Louis Philippe they started their famous newspaper, L' Avenir, hoping thereby to reconcile the Church with democracy, and make the pope the leader of the party of progress.
With Parker Pillsbury (1809-1898) she edited in 1867-1870 The Revolution, a radical newspaper, which in 1870 was consolidated with the Christian Enquirer.
The most unpleasant portions of Jefferson's Anas are those in which, with an air of psychological dissection, he details the storms of passion into which the president was driven by the newspaper attacks upon him.
He induced the proprietor of The Times (London) to take two of these machines, and in 1814 that newspaper was printed with steam power at the rate of i roo impressions per hour, a great advance on the number produced up to that time.
About this period the English stamp duty on printed matter was repealed, and this materially aided the development of the newspaper press.
The quadruple machine is a favourite one and is perhaps most in demand for newspaper work.
This is all important in a newspaper office, where the margin of time between the caseroom and machine department is usually so limited, for it permits several machines being quickly equipped with duplicate sets of the same pages.
Electricity is supplanting both steam and gas, and is being installed in most large printing-houses, including newspaper offices.
After some years of newspaper experience, first as compositor, then as reporter, during which he became an ardent revolutionist and joined the Fenian organization known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood, he enlisted in a British cavalry regiment with the purpose of winning over the troops to the revolutionary cause (1863).
In 1869 he escaped to the United States, and settled in Boston, where he became editor of The Pilot, a Roman Catholic newspaper.
During these years Coleridge wrote many newspaper articles and some poems, among them "Fire, Famine and Slaughter," for the Morning Post (January 8, 1798).
For three years petitions and deputations, public meetings and newspaper articles, the efforts of the enlightened South African party at Johannesburg and Pretoria, were all addressed to the endeavour to induce President Kruger and his government to give some measure of recognition to the steadily increasing Uitlander population.
Among the buildings in the burned section restored since 1906, the Union Trust, Mutual Savings, Merchants Exchange, Crocker, Flood and the Call (newspaper) buildings are notable.
Among business buildings built since the fire are the Phelan building (costing more than $2,000,000), the buildings of the Bank of California, the Alaska Commercial Company, the First National Bank and the San Francisco Savings Union, and the Chronicle (newspaper) building.
Thus the greater liberty which he granted to the press enabled the Bohemians to publish a newspaper in the national language.
Walt Whitman was born near the village of Huntington, and established there in 1836, and for three years edited, the weekly newspaper the Long Islander.
In 1811, being now violently anti-republican, he founded a Sunday newspaper, the Anti-Gallican Monitor and AntiCorsican Chronicle, subsequently known as the British Monitor, in which he denounced the French Revolution.
The Virginia Gazette and Winchester Advertiser, the first newspaper published in the Shenandoah Valley, was established here in 1787.
Before the arrival of Macquarie schools and churches had been erected, a newspaper, the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, had been started, and attempts had been made to acclimatize the drama.
In 1777 the New Jersey Gazette, the first newspaper in New Jersey, was established here; it was published (here and later in Trenton) until 1786, and was an influential paper, especially during the War of Independence.
The living was practically a sinecure, and he devoted himself to political pamphleteering and newspaper correspondence, the result of extensive European travel, a wide acquaintance with the leading personages of the day, strong views on ecclesiastical subjects from a high-church standpoint, and particularly on the politics of the Eastern Question and Mahommedanism.
The Pittsburg Gazette-Times is probably the oldest newspaper west of the Alleghany Mountains; the Gazette was founded in 1786 and in 1 9 06 was consolidated with the Times (1879).
In 1866, discouraged by affairs in Germany, he moved to Winterthur, near Zurich, to become connected with the democratic newspaper, Winterthurer Landbote.
It was not till the next session that he delivered his fiercest attack on Parnell in the debate on the address, denouncing him for his connexion with the Land League, and quoting against him the violent speeches of his supporters and the articles of his newspaper organs.
The first newspaper of the colony, written in Dutch and English, was published in 1824, and its appearance marked an era not only in the literary but in the political history of the colony, since it drew to a crisis the disputes which had arisen between the colonists and the governor, Lord Charles Somerset, who had issued a decree prohibiting all persons from convening or attending public meetings.
Two of the most eminent natives of the burgh were Dr Thomas Somerville (1741-1830), the historian, and James Wilson (1805-1860), founder of the Economist newspaper and the first financial member of the council for India.
The first newspaper published west of the Alleghany Mountains, the Kentucky Gazette, was established here in 1787, to promote the separation of Kentucky from Virginia.
It was partly owing to the reputation which he had acquired by these publications, but still more owing to his connexion with the National newspaper, and with the secret societies hostile to the government of Louis Philippe, that he was raised, by the Revolution of 1848, to the presidency of the Constituent Assembly.
He was admitted to the bar in 1885, but preferred newspaper work, becoming editor of the Raleigh State Chronicle.
On retiring from the secretaryship of the Navy in 1921 he resumed his duties as editor of his newspaper.
Disraeli had not completed his twenty-first year when (in 1825) Murray was possessed by the idea of bringing out a great daily newspaper; and if his young friend did not inspire that idea he keenly urged its execution and was entrusted b Y g, y Murray with the negotiation of all manner of preliminaries, including the attempt to bring Lockhart in as editor.
From 1864 to 1884 he was one of the staff of the Morning Chronicle, the chief Liberal paper of the province, and worked at all departments of newspaper life.
Venizelos spent that winter and spring (1915-6) in endeavouring, through the press (he founded a newspaper called the Keryx), and by public mass meetings, to force the King to see the folly of his course.
He began his journalistic career with the Daily News, of which he became part proprietor just before the Franco-German War, and he was himself the author of the Letters of a Besieged Resident, sent to that newspaper from Paris by balloon post during the siege, addressed to his wife in London.
Not the least ominous symptom was the attitude of the officers, who, irritated by newspaper attacks on their conduct in Catalonia more especiaily, demanded that all crimes against the army should be tried by the councils of war.
A useful general collection is that by Ludwig Hahn, Bismarck, sein politisches Leben, &c. (5 vols., Berlin, 1878-1891), which includes a selection from letters, speeches and newspaper articles.
Without calling a convention, however, the legislature may, by a threefifths vote of all the members of each house, adopt an amendment, which is to come into effect only if approved by a majority of electors voting at the next election of senators and representatives - the publication of the proposed amendment in some newspaper in each county once a week for three months before the election being required.
On the 2nd of June 1864, on opening the newspaper, Renan saw that he had been transferred from the chair of Hebrew at the College of France to the post of sublibrarian at the National Library.
He began his career as a newspaper reporter, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1889.
On graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University (1872) he became a newspaper reporter in Pittsburgh.
But there's no way to prove it—a good attorney would rip those allegations apart like a wet newspaper.
He had a church here for ten years or so and his wife Anne was 'a well-respected lady of social importance,' at least according to a newspaper article I found, and a paragraph in the local history.
Usually, if the working girls either got themselves murdered or committed suicide, all the newspaper gave 'em was a holier-than-thou write-up, pointing out the sad rewards for their sinful life.
The newspaper says someone talked with Byrne—an employee.
The apartment had been rented the following day—the day of the newspaper subscription.
What about the newspaper sent to Scranton and J. Cleary?
They sure don't sell the Parkside Sentinel in Kansas or Durango, Colorado and he didn't have the newspaper forwarded from Scranton.
The newspaper was being forwarded all along.
It was his suggestion about the newspaper subscription that started the whole business rolling— even if it was blind luck.
This newspaper article acknowledges the importance of the place.
Did he buy them from an American newspaper advert?
Logic approach for better newspaper advertisements start looking for want to bitch.
This was followed with radio, direct mail, inserts into key media, newspaper supplements and classified tactical advertising.
Every newspaper and every news bulletin for the last two weeks has reminded us that there is a terrible agony in the world.
Following protests by the strikers, including a visit to the newspaper offices, the paper retracted the allegations.
Last Saturday Belgian newspaper Standaard wrote that the two companies had postponed the merger, but now the move has been completely annulled.
The apostrophe If needed, insert the apostrophe into the following headlines and standfirsts, then check your answers within The Newspaper.
I do not use skimming as a strategy for reading newspaper articles, or novels for that matter.
He emptied the ashtray into a sheet of newspaper, then shoved it under the bed.
The local newspaper reported the case - alerting his wife that he was about to commit bigamy.
This was enough to produce 25,000 broadsheets and newspaper advertising to put the other side of the argument.
The Herald is Scotland's best-selling quality broadsheet newspaper.
We advise lining the caddy with a sheet of newspaper before use.
The Glasgow newspaper found it proper to repeat this canard, without citing its source, as an expression of faith in its accuracy.
The artwork ranged from mosques made out of sugar candy to newspaper architectural structures.
The Danish daily newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, published 12 caricatures of the Prophet.
Click [here] for a newspaper clipping, which shows his marching band, circa 1910.
The Independent (a newspaper published in London) published details of an Irish government document that alleged collusion in the killing of Finucane.
She also writes for a monthly a BBC Ariel newspaper column, Cutting Edge.
Cover the rolled-up newspaper with layers of black crepe or tissue paper, covered with PVA glue.
The Lady's Newspaper of 1863 extolled the virtues of a cage crinoline (probably very similar to the photograph above ).
What makes these crossword puzzles, from New York City's newest newspaper, the best ever?
Stop the seal cull In the last issue of The Newspaper we published an article about the annual cull of young seals in Canada.
Clearly, I only play a curmudgeon in the newspaper.
T he train of course is as packed as our previous commute and the art of metro newspaper folding is an equally deft skill.
Insulation includes recycled newspaper, wood, and cotton denim jeans the latter a de rigueur item of clothing among the student community.
Then reading the newspaper this morning I saw an ad for a sale this weekend only at a local department store.
He was Australia's best known essayist and broadcaster and he was leader writer of a Melbourne newspaper.
Trevor Cooper told OUR DOGS The newspaper reports are somewhat exaggerated.
It may be possible through certain newsagents to order the weekly newspaper expresso.
Like all our long-haul flights, passengers will get personal inflight entertainment, food, a complimentary newspaper and a free bar service.
She currently freelances for the Guardian newspaper and contributes to ' Comment is Free ' the Guardian's blog site.
News is also gleaned from The Extra, a free newspaper. | Media | Sudoku fever grips UK newspaper readers Guardian Unlimited Web.
Demographics How does newspaper readership differ by socio-economic grouping?
Click here to return to the present Guestbook hey guys, saw u in the newspaper - stockport times!
The rhetoric used in the newspaper article made the readers feel like they were a part of the event.
You can also check your local newspaper for listings about stores that are going out of business.
Lawn clippings, vegetable and fruit scraps, even newspaper can be added to create compost.
Newspaper should be shredded before being added.
You can also recycle newspaper and other paper yourself by finding a second purpose before the paper.
Newspaper can double as pet crate liners, packing material or even present wrappings.
This method does tend to cause the plant to lose its green color so if you prefer deeper colored dried basil, you may want to opt for the newspaper method.
Strip the leaves from each stem and lay them flat on a couple of sheets of newspaper.
Fold the newspaper so that the leaves cannot fall out then place the newspaper on a open wire rack.
Turn the newspaper over at least twice each day until the basil is completely dried out.
Remove the leaves and discard the newspaper.
Tap excess paint out by pressing the sponge on a newspaper - this will also give you more even coverage.
Check out classified ads in your local newspaper or online at sites like Craigslist.
Source area rugs best buys locally by watching for sale ads in the local newspaper, checking your local classified ads and looking for area rugs at weekend yard sales.
The lamps were successfully marketed through newspaper and radio ads.
Located in New Jersey, Garcia's designs have been featured in a number of local publications including Design NJ, and she contributes a regular column to The Star Ledger newspaper.
You could place a classified ad in the newspaper or on a site like Craigslist, offering to buy collections of records.
It should come as no surprise then that the newspaper hosts a site specifically for the fantasy sports enthusiast.
Rather, Craigslist is the digital equivalent of the "Help Wanted" section in your local newspaper.
Finding free online crossword puzzles is convenient if you don't have access to a crossword puzzle book or even a newspaper, but you do have the Internet at hand.
The Catholic Liturgical Library is a valuable resource with articles, documents and texts covering topics like theology, magazine and newspaper articles, liturgical documents and much more.
Getting experience may be as easy as volunteering at your local newspaper.
Summer or part-time work for an established photographer or at a local television station, newspaper or magazine is an excellent way to gain experience.
Most newspaper and magazine editors want to see published work, but a student portfolio may get you an internship or entry-level position.
Next, send the link to newspaper editors, TV news assignment editors or magazine editors and ask them to consider you for future freelance opportunities.
Plastic corpses are easy enough to find at any Halloween store and these nifty things - once dressed up with clothing, maybe some latex and newspaper stuff - can become cool looking serving trays.
Place the cooled rosettes on a sheet of parchment paper or newspaper and dust with confectioner's sugar.
Large craft stores such as Michaels Crafts, Hobby Lobby, and JoAnn Fabric & Crafts often place coupons in the local Sunday newspaper.
Incorporate greeting cards, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia into your layouts for free accents that perfectly match the theme of your page.
Flyers and newspaper advertisements are inexpensive ways to promote your business, but you may also want to consider creating a website with samples of your work as a way to gain clients from outside your community.
Even when things don't work out the way you envisioned, such as a puppy that tears up the newspaper or a kitten that claws the couch, remember to take photos.
Football-themed scrapbook paper also serves as a wonderful backdrop for special mementos, such as newspaper clippings, ribbons, certificates, or varsity letters.
Make sure that you get up and apply for jobs every day; look online, check your local newspaper, do some cold calls to potential employers, and tell everyone you know that you are looking for work.
Many communities have support groups for anger management, look in your newspaper, or call a community center.
Search the Internet, your local newspaper, and community centers for more help in finding classes.
However, the term was also recorded in Jamaica's Kingston newspaper, "The Gleaner," on December 18th 1999.
Also, she was a senior writer at LA Youth Student Newspaper.
Look in the newspaper classified section.
Take a look at the coupons in the Sunday newspaper or in your junk mail to see examples of how they should look.
Go ahead and put your flyer in their newspaper box.
Teens should put up advertisements, such as flyers or newspaper advertisements, to get word out about their business.
Put out advertisements online and in your local and school newspaper.
If you'd like, you can announce your engagement by placing the information in the newspaper.
In addition to announcing the engagement and giving any pertinent details regarding the proposal, the newspaper announcements will list the bride and groom's occupation, schooling, and the occupations of their parents, among other things.
Like newspaper announcements, an engagement party is purely optional.
Create a copy of a newspaper front page specially laminated and framed for them or make their wedding front page news by adding their photos and details.
If you previously placed an ad in a newspaper or other form of media, it is most appropriate to follow up with a second ad informing the public of your decision to cancel the wedding.
If you've placed an ad in a local newspaper, forgo the second ad and just call your guests to let them know of the decision to cancel the wedding.
Newspaper Classifieds-Your newspaper should have a miscellaneous classified section for people to advertise items for sale.
Passengers in the limousine can drink champagne, watch television, read the newspaper, listen to music and talk on cell phones without having to worry about causing an accident.
Newspaper wedding announcements are another way of announcing that a marriage has taken place.
Unlike mailed wedding announcement cards, the newspaper announcement is usually printed several weeks after the wedding itself.
You may also wish to send an announcement to the local newspaper.
A picture of the two of you is a good idea, especially for announcements that will go in the local newspaper.
Another option is to search your local area newspaper or Craigslist for similar deals.
The bridal photos are used in newspaper announcements and for the formal portrait on view during the reception.
You can also check your local newspaper for information on support groups in your community.
The latest news comes from Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, reporting on an alleged court document "containing accounts of acrimony and mistreatment during their four-year marriage."
Her spokesman at Outside Organization told The Sun newspaper, "We believe there has been a misunderstanding.
She was quickly discovered by a modeling agency and signed a contract with the London newspaper, The Sun.
Talks of a breast reduction have been heard in the rumor mill, with The Sun newspaper running polls that showed thousands of fans opposed the surgery.
His early interests included writing, and he served as managing editor for his school newspaper.
Her mother is a former newspaper reporter, while her father is a pilot for American Airlines.
While in high school, he performed in plays and wrote for the school newspaper.
Piers Morgan - This newspaper journalist turned editor of Great Britain's Daily Mirror and News of the World left the printed word for television a few years back and is best know in the States as a judge on America's Got Talent.
The couple announced their engagement a month later and Kyla's father confirmed it to a Montreal newspaper shortly after.
This photo appeared in almost every tabloid newspaper and on celebrity websites worldwide.
Garage and yard sales - Check out the classified section in your local newspaper.
Classified ads - Check your local newspaper's classified ads or search online at sites like Craigslist.
Classified ads-Watch your newspaper's classified ads for pageant wear, or take out your own "wanted" ads.
Also, if you know you are going shopping for a specific item, watch your local newspaper.
Public service announcements in the campus newspaper and posters in dorm bathrooms detail the dangers of binge drinking and date rape drugs.
If you want to work off-campus, you'll need to grab a copy of your local newspaper and start pounding the pavement.
If the classes are at the high school, you may also see listings for them in your local newspaper.
Student government, a campus newspaper, and even a club for Glass Art enthusiasts are all on offer.
The college program also includes a diverse liberal arts program with musical ensembles, The Flare newspaper, a high-rated football team and the Kilgore Rangerettes, a nationally-renowned drill team.
The Richland College newspaper, the Richland Chronicle has won numerous awards through the years for content and design.
The newspaper made the transition to an online format from print.
In addition, the school's newspaper, the Voice, has won numerous awards for its hard hitting reporting.
Before sending your obituary off to the newspaper for print, be sure you have taken time to proofread your words.
Send the memorial obituary to family and friends who might not have access to your local newspaper.
If the person died recently, you can check the local newspaper's website.
If you are unable to find the person searching online, you can also contact the newspaper in the town, city or county he or she resided to ask if they have an archived copy of it.
Graveyards and courthouses can be valuable sources of information, as can church records and newspaper archives.