Newer Sentence Examples
Lignites, as a rule, are generally found in strata of a newer geological age, but there are many instances of perfect coals being found in such strata.
Linda says you're newer than me.
During the period of the Reformation some of the rulers of Baden adhered to the older and some adopted the newer faith, and the house was similarly divided during the Thirty Years' War.
The older part of the city and the principal business and manufacturing district occupies the low lands; the newer part, chiefly residential, is built upon the heights.
Where the newer methods were assimilated, the position of economics was strengthened and its practical utility increased.
As the general level of the country is raised by successive alluvial deposits, the more ancient river-beds become buried, but being still connected with the newer rivers at some point or other, they continue to absorb water.
Old types of vessels have been sold or demolished, and replaced by newer types.
The newer rocks, common also to the Nicobars and Sumatra, are in Ritchie's Archipelago chiefly and contain radiolarians and foraminifera.
The latter completely encloses a large area of ground in a semicircle of which Besancon itself is the centre, and the whole of the newer works taken together form an irregular ellipse of which the major axis, lying north-east by south-west, is formed by the Doubs.
Chorin was thus regarded as a leader of the newer Judaism.
AdvertisementThey talked to me of the age of the wine and the fame of the vintage; but I thought of an older, a newer, and purer wine, of a more glorious vintage, which they had not got, and could not buy.
The death-dealer before him was newer, with less than a few decades in the service of Death.
The state is divided into two distinct physiographic provinces; the Alleghany Plateau on the west, comprising perhaps two-thirds of the area of the state, and forming a part of the great Appalachian Plateau Province which extends from New York to Alabama; and the Newer Appalachians or Great Valley Region on the east, being a part of the large province of the same name which extends from Canada to Central Alabama.
In the area of the Newer Appalachian Mountains, the eastern Panhandle region has a forest similar to that of the plateau district; but between these two areas of hardwood there is a long belt where spruce and white pine cover the mountain ridges.
The older town is irregularly built and unattractive, but the newer suburbs are handsome.
AdvertisementThere is coral along the coasts everywhere, and the Sentinel Islands are composed of the newer rocks with a superstructure of coral.
The city consists of the old inner town, the former ramparts of which have been converted into promenades, and the newer outer town and suburbs.
It died out, supplanted by other and newer powers, when it became altogether unsuited to the times.
In both cases the older nobility gives way to a newer; and in both cases the newer nobility was a nobility of office.
Though the cathedral crowns the hillock round which clusters the old part of the town, a large portion of the newer town is built on the alluvial flats on either bank of the Rhone.
AdvertisementThere is an older series, ranging from the Devonian to the Cretaceous, which is folded and faulted and forms all the higher hills, and there is a newer series of Tertiary age, which lies nearly horizontal and rests unconformably upon the older beds.
The starting-point of this newer criticism of the prophets is the clearer practical recognition of the fact that all pre-exilic prophecy has come down to us in the works of post-exilic editors, and that for the old statement of the problem of the prophetic books - What prophecies or elements in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest are later than these prophets ?
The old town, close to the river, forms a nucleus round which a newer and more extensive quarter, bordered by boulevards, has grown 'up; the suburbs of St Christophe and Deols lie on the right bank of the Indre.
The newer scheme aimed at a greater equality of voting power; but it has been differently interpreted.
Another factor common between owners of older and newer MGs is the time, effort and money lavished on the cars.
AdvertisementOne of our newer waterbed mattresses includes the water pillow.
Only Maine and Massachusetts and a few of the newer states live under original constitutions, and only Massachusetts is under a constitution older than the i9th century.
Three of the original thirteen have their judges elected by the legislatures, and in five others, together with Maine and Mississippi among the newer states, they are appointed by the governor, subject to the approval of the executive council, the Senate, or (in Connecticut) the General Assembly.
Georgian Bay and the northern part of Lake Huron with the whole northern margin of Lake Superior bathe the foot of the Laurentian plateau, which rises directly from these lakes; so that the older fertile lands of the country with their numerous cities and largely-developed manufactures are cut off by an elevated, rocky and mostly forest-covered tract of the Archean from the newer and far more extensive farm lands of the west.
In the newer texts, on the other hand, as experience has already shown, it will have from the outset but a very contracted field.
The old town extends in a narrow line along the river Sheppey, while the newer town has for its main street a viaduct across the river valley.
On the whole it appears that the older rocks are found more particularly towards the interior of the curve, and the newer rocks towards the exterior.
As originally defined, argon included small proportions of these gases, but it is now preferable to limit the name to the principal constituent and to regard the newer gases as "companions of argon."
The newer American organizations are, as in England, nondenominational and " free-lance," especially the Christian and Missionary Alliance (1897), developed from the 4.
Lyell concluded that, although no approximation can be given of the age of Etna, "its foundations were laid in the sea in the newer Pliocene period."
Among newer ecclesiastical buildings must be mentioned the handsome Roman Catholic church in Deutz, completed in 1896, and a large synagogue, in the new town west of the Ring, finished in 1899.
The newer buildings, all in the modern west quarter of the city, include law courts, a theatre, and a municipal library with 200,000 volumes.
In Italy the older title of king of Piedmont has been R absorbed in the newer kingdom of Italy; this is not the case in Germany, where the title German emperor iii.
The farming population in the older parts of the province tends to decline in numbers, owing to emigration, partly to the towns, but especially to the newer lands of Manitoba and the west.
In general, the older beds occur along the northern coast, and progressively newer and newer beds are found towards the south.
The newer quarters, situated near the river, are laid out in the fashion of French cities, but the eastern parts of the town retain, almost unimpaired, their Oriental aspect, and in scores of narrow, tortuous streets, and busy bazaars it is easy to forget that there has been any change from the Cairo of medieval times.
It was therefore clearly necessary with regard to both the older and the newer law to take some steps to collect into one or more bodies or masses so much of the law as was to be regarded as binding, reducing it within a reasonable compass, and purging away the contradictions or inconsistencies which it contained.
The congress, of course, had no power to decide or to legislate for the Church, its main value being in drawing its scattered members closer together, in bringing the newer and more isolated branches into consciousness of their contact with the parent stem, and in opening the eyes of the Church of England to the point of view and the peculiar problems of the daughter-churches.
The old town is surrounded by a Moorish wall with six gates; the newer portion is well and regularly built, and planted with numerous orange and other fruit trees.
And so the newer school discard acquired characters and all the Lamarckian factors and leave the board clear for "mutations."
The examinations of the newer universities, the Victoria University of Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Wales, are open only to students at these universities, and are conducted by the teachers in association with one or more external examiners for each subject.
Thus the first two years of the arts curriculum in English and American universities correspond, roughly speaking, to the last two years spent in a secondary school of Germany or' France, and the continental " school-leaving examinations " correspond to the intermediate examinations of the newer English universities and to the pass examinations for the degree at Oxford and Cambridge (Mark Pattison, Suggestions on Academical Organization, 1868, p. 238, and Matthew Arnold, Higher Schools and Universities in Germany, 1892, p. 209).
One of the most important applications of the heliostat is as an adjunct to the newer forms of ' horizontal telescopes (q.v.) and in conjunction with spectroscopic telescopes in observations of eclipses.
Under the newer theory the order was Sorrow, Confession, Absolution, Satisfaction, and both satisfaction and sorrow took new meanings.
On the older theory Sorrow (Contritio) had for its one basis love to God; but on the newer theory the starting-point might be a less worthy king of sorrow (Attritio) which it was held would be changed into the more worthy kind in the Sacrament of Penance.
During what is relatively a very brief period deeper inquiry and newer knowledge have forced a slow, painful but steady readjustment of religious convictions.
The newer kinds of art metal-work have, until recently, reached the purchaser direct from the producer's workshop; but they may now also be seen in the shops of silversmiths, jewellers, and general dealers, who are thus helping to transfer production from large commercial manufactories to smaller ateliers under artistic control.
The series is mainly confined to the area of country between the Nerbudda and the Sone on the north, and the Kistna on the south; but the western part of this region is in great part covered by newer beds.
The primary reason for this retention is that nothing approaching the difference in dispersive power between ordinary crown glass and ordinary dense flint glass (a difference of i to 13) has yet been obtained between any pair of the newer glasses.
The general plan is that of rectangular squares, except at the western extremity of the old city and its union with the newer or extra-mural city, on the line of the old ramparts, known as Calle de la Ciudadela.
It is of course a newer type of psychological logic that is in question, one that is aware of Kant's " answer to Hume."
But in the Newer Appalachians the streams more often follow the trend of the structure until they empty into one of the larger, transverse streams. Thus the Shenandoah flows N.E.
The Blue Ridge and Newer Appalachian regions are covered with pine, hemlock, white oak, cherry and yellow poplar; while that portion of these provinces lying in the S.W.
The greatest variability in temperature conditions in the state occurs in the Blue Ridge, Newer Appalachian Provinces, where the most rugged and variable topography is likewise found.
Abridgments and newer treatises soon drove out the writings of Aristarchus and other founders of the science.
Joseph von Gdrres read the medieval mystics in the light of the newer mysticism of Schelling.
Aho then went to reside in France, where he made a close study of the methods of the leading French novelists of the newer school.
But here also the essential limitations of the newer form are easily perceptible.
In 1897, however, Alexander Robinson of Kilmun was deposed by the presbytery of Dunoon acting under the orders of the Assembly on account of the views contained in his book The Saviour in the Newer Light, in which the results of modern criticism of the Gospels were set forth with some ability.
The older rocks are like those of Bengal, and the newer beds show no sign of either the Himalayan or the Burmese folding - on the top of the plateau they are nearly horizontal, but along the southern margin they are bent sharply downwards in a simple monoclinal fold.
The reaction came and left nothing of it all; for five centuries the dominant tone of the older and the newer schools alike was frankly materialistic. " If," says Aristotle, " there is no other substance but the organic substances of nature, physics will be the highest of the sciences," a conclusion which passed for axiomatic until the rise of Neoplatonism.
He was charged in 1833 with a mission to study German methods of education, and issued a report advocating the necessity of newer methods and of technical instruction.
The distinguishing characteristic of the newer school was the importance which it attached to " Bodhisatship."
As the newer school did not venture so far as to claim as Bodhisats the disciples stated in the older books to have been the contemporaries of Gotama (they being precisely the persons known as Arahats), they attempted to give the appearance of age to the Bodhisat theory by representing the Buddha as being surrounded, not only by his human companions the Arahats, but also by fabulous beings, whom they represented as the Bodhisats existing at that time.
The older and main part of the city lies on the left bank of the Salzach, in a narrow semicircular plain at the base of the M6nchsberg; the newer town is on the right bank at the foot of the Capuzinerberg, which is separated from the river by the narrow suburb of Stein.
The streets in the older quarters are narrow, crooked and gloomy; but the newer parts of the city, especially those laid out since the removal of the fortifications about 1861, are handsome and spacious.
The hills and uplands of ancient rocks do not form regular ranges, but rise like islands in four distinct groups from a plain of New Red Sandstone (Permian and Triassic), which separates them from each other and from the newer rocks of the Eastern Division.
It is true that he published in 1846 his System der Geometrie des Raumes in newer analytischer Behandlungsweise, but this contains merely a more systematic and polished rendering of his earlier results.
As in so many of the newer Western states, the constitution specifies minutely many details which in the older instruments are left to be fixed by statute.
The old Anglo-Norman houses had forgotten the tradition of their origin, and now formed but a small section of the aristocracy; the newer families, sprung from the officials of the first two Henries, had always been English in spirit.
He understood the problem that was before him, the construction of a working constitution from the old ancestral customs of the English monarchy plus the newer ideas that had been embodied in the Great Charter, the Provisions of Oxford, and the-scanty legislation of Simon de Montfort.
The streets in the older part of the town are for the most part crooked and narrow, but the newer portions are spaciously and regularly built.
Even in our own time, popular Protestant evangelicalism joins with the newer emphasis upon conversion the two great early Protestant appeals - to Atonement and to infallible Scripture.
Such a view is almost diametrically opposed to Bentham's conception of normal human existence; the newer utilitarianism of Mill represents an endeavour to find the right middle path between the two extremes.
According to newer investigations, Heraclius only made peace with them, confirming them in the possession of the provinces which they already had occupied, and obtaining from them at the same time the recognition of his suzerainty.
The Alai is a well-defined ridge with steep slopes, and both it and the Terek-tau, which prolongs it towards the Kokshal-tau, are flanked next the Ferghana valley by what appear to be the old uplifted strata both of the old Palaeozoic series of metamorphic limestones and of the newer Tertiary series of softer conglomerates and sandstones.
Along the coastal margins they underlie the newer formations and appear in the deep valleys and kloofs wherever denudation has laid them bare.
The change to this newer type of vegetation was no doubt less sudden than it appears as read from palaeobotanical records, but the transition period between the Palaeozoic type of vegetation and that which flourished in the Lower Mesozoic era, and continued to the close of the Wealden age, was probably characterized by rapid or almost sudden changes.
Notwithstanding this apparent passage-bed, there is a marked difference between the Older and the Newer Potomac floras, very few species passing from the one to the other.
It forms a perfectly gradual transition to the still newer Miocene period, the newer species slowly appearing and increasing in number.
To this epoch, or perhaps to a stage slightly later, and not to the Newer Pliocene period, as is generally supposed, should probably be referred the lignite deposits of the Val d'Arno.
This lignite and the accompanying leaf-bearing clays underlie and are apparently older than the strata with Newer Pliocene mammals and mollusca.
At a glance it appeared the gear was newer than usual and Dean could read the L. L. Bean label on the backpack.
By winning an part history part newer alchemy ' was.
The newer ones (2nd generation antihistamines) are less likely to do this and tend to have less side effects.
In the newer part of town visitors will find the usual seaside attractions including some relaxing gardens.
This meant that newer coaches appeared very pale blue in color, becoming more white or cream with time.
Most newer car seats come with the LATCH (lower anchor and tethers for children) system.
The question of delay in paying valid claims is a newer topic, which, it seems to me, does merit consideration.
The Grange (sleeping 3/5) is newer, has one double bedroom and one single, plus twin divans in the living room.
The idea that they might employ an economist or someone to engage with the community is newer still.
The newer video endoscopes have a tiny, optically sensitive computer chip at the end.
In the even newer model, tricky points of law, interpretation of contracts, promissory estoppel were pinged at the odd QS adjudicator.
Constructive Reals Calculator A newer, somewhat experimental, version of this calculator can be found here.
This being the Special Edition release, the scenes of cloud city Bespin include newer graphics with a far grander perspective.
The bumper is from a newer Series II 306 with the standard radiator grille replaced with mesh.
It runs the same OS but has a lot of fast graphics hardware built in and different, newer ports like USB and FireWire.
The newer heartbreak Stroll, from their Chain Gang of Love album, is also pretty damn good.
A battered leather suitcase and a smarter, newer holdall stood beside them on the path.
The effect of newer, bifocal, intraocular lens implants is uncertain.
As part of the survey in 2000, the girths of the trees in the two avenues were measured, including the newer infills.
The newer intercity (IC) trains are modern, have air conditioning and make only limited stops.
Why not check out our range of newer jaguars in the Prestige & Sports page.
Keep in mind that many of these things are still changing in the form of patches and in the newer 2.1.x kernels.
Here, as so often elsewhere, good surviving examples of old cast iron lampposts at present carry much newer electric light fittings.
Character Of The Newer Attic Comedy The pieces are of tiresome monotony.
Newer technologies such as vacuum packing and mass deacidification are under review to determine their potential for future use.
Bavaria yachts built 2003 or newer have cockpit cushions, chart plotter & toilet waste holding tanks.
The April 24 Wall Street Journal ran a story about some of the newer, more aggressive advertising ploys on the Net.
A few newer studies relax the second restriction, allowing different kinds of aid to have different impacts on growth.
All the newer drugs are thought to be effective in treating schizophrenia.
Common scrapie has never posed a risk to human health and the newer atypical scrapie has never been shown to transfer to humans.
We've changed the chairs, we've introduced banquette seating in the newer ones but essentially it's the same product.
The ground itself is different to most newer stadia too.
We look at the reasons why many football stadia are being exchanged for a newer model.
Hula Networks also accepts trade-ins of legacy equipment toward your purchase of newer equipment.
Many people who use these newer medications have found the side-effects less troublesome than those of the older medications.
The Zodiac has come and gone, yet in my opinion still trumps many newer devices.
Each belly pan is supplied with all necessary fittings Powerbronze have begun to incorporate mesh vents into several of our newer belly pan designs.
Some newer devices deliver lower energy shocks using biphasic waveforms.
This was to protect unproductive labor rather than promoting newer, high productive industries that policies to upskill the workforce would provide.
He adapted in his own interest the theory (constantly recurrent among mystics and innovators, from the time of Abbot Joachim to the present day) of three dispensations, the old, with its revelation of the Father, 'the newer with its revelation of the Son, and the final or era of the Spirit.
In the Newer Appalachian region, the beds which still lie horizontal in the plateau province were long ago thrown into folds and planed off by erosion, alternate belts of hard and soft rock being left exposed.
A newer building is the fine municipal Festhalle with magnificent rooms. The only noteworthy churches are the Jesuit church (1737-1760), the interior of which is lavishly decorated with marble and painting; the Koncordienkirche and the Schlosskirche.
The callingdrop of the magneto system was displaced by a relay and a small electric incandescent lamp, and whereas in the older system the calling-drop and the answering jack with which it was associated were some distance apart, the calling-lamp and the answering jack of the newer system were placed in juxtaposition.
At the same time we may find expressed in figurative language the germs of thoughts which enter into still newer doctrines of evolution.
Save in the newer quarter of the town, the streets are narrow and crooked, several being named after the most distinguished native of the place, Antonio Rosmini-Serbati.
At a later period the fall of angular fragments at the entrance finally closed the cave, and it ceased to be accessible except to a few burrowing animals, whose remains are found above the second and newer stalagmite floor.
The prophecy which Burns put into the mouth of the venerable structure came true in 1877, when the newer bridge yielded to floods and had to be rebuilt (1879); and the older structure itself was closed for public safety in 1904.
The so-called Psalter of Solomon, on the other hand, a collection of Pharisee psalms written in Hebrew soon after the taking of Jerusalem by Pompey, and preserved to us only in a Greek version, has nothing to do with Solomon or the traditional conception of his person, and seems to owe its name to a transcriber who thus distinguished these newer pieces from the older "Psalms of David" (see SOLOMON, PSALMS OF).
It contains a few sepulchral monuments, removed from the cloisters (pulled down in 1721), and a fine modern organ, but the historical old bell La Clemence has been replaced by a newer and larger one which bears the same name.
Between Old Cairo and the newer city are large mounds of debris marking the site of Fostat (see below, History).
Concepcion, Talca, and other provincial capitals developed important milling industries, which were extended to all the chief towns of the newer provinces south of the Bio-Bio.
From these sources they attempted to evolve a philosophy of religion, which would not only refute the views of Hobbes, but would also free theology finally from the errors of scholasticism, without plunging it in the newer dangers of unfettered rationalism (see ETHIcs).
The newer vectors are based on a sub-group of retroviruses known as lentiviruses.
We 've changed the chairs, we 've introduced banquette seating in the newer ones but essentially it 's the same product.
Newer hotels are sprouting up farther from the center.
Newer system All waste water is fed into one large vented drainage pipe which connects to the mains drainage.
Try searching for a newer version on the Internet or copying the file from your Workbench disks.
While many monitors only have one base and one receiver, some of the newer models are now equipped with two monitors, which give parents even more freedom and monitoring capabilities.
Johnny Jump Up or Bouncing Swing-These have been around for a while, but the newer models are designed so much better.
They don't allow a child to really feel what it is like to be soiled (although newer designs do more to give the child a sensation of wetness).
Traditional baby shower games are still welcome, but so are newer ideas, often found with a simple Internet search.
Instead of choosing names that recall thousands of years of African civilization, these parents opt for names that don't have the long history; instead, they prefer names that are newer and very distinctive.
Newer rocking chair designs include upholstered chairs that would not be out of place in a contemporary living room.
Rather than traditional baby colors of blue, pink, yellow and pastels, newer baby nursery designs include bold colors that would not be out of place in the rest of the home.
However, don't discount synthetic fibers entirely as there are some newer synthetics that are incredibly soft and may be even more absorbent than some natural fibers.
If you are merely replacing the sink with a newer version but keeping the cabinetry, the sink will likely need to be the same size and shape.
A newer feature is a toasting element that crisps the top of the food.
Prices will fall as newer and "better" designs appear on the market.
Older machines usually have MB chips and newer ones have larger GB chips installed.
Adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models, cramming more stuff in under the hood.
With newer machines, the SIMMs may be buried under other components.
There may be some empty slots available that you can add to by installing more SIMMs or you can replace the older SIMMs with newer ones that are more powerful.
Older machines usually have megabyte chips and newer ones have larger gigabyte chips installed.
Most RAM available at computer hardware stores and online will be for newer computers made in the last few years.
However, adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models.
If you have an older computer, some newer games will be unplayable on your system.
Iconic mainstays like Ryu and Guile are joined by newer characters like Hakan and Oni.
Everything from classics like Tetris to newer licensed content from SpongeBob SquarePants can be found quickly and easily.
Furthermore, it is important to find the most recent editions of technical books - while older books may be less expensive, their information will not be as up-to-date and valuable as newer titles.
On the other hand, if you prefer to have newer vehicles and do not have a hefty commute, leasing may be a wiser decision for you.
In this section the movies will be 2002 and newer with no duplicates.
Newer toilets in the United States now use just 1.6 litres of water as opposed to the 5.5 and 3.5 litre ones that were popular previously.
Meant to conserve water, the newer ones still get the same flushing success as with the older models.
The easy way to find out if TVs are moving to newer models is to keep watching some of the name brand websites like Sony or Samsung.
While their inventory consists of newer cards, such as the 2010 Topps series, they offer select vintage memorabilia and collectibles.
Another advantage is that you can purchase rare coins that are worth more than newer coins.
For clearance, these older items need to be pushed out for newer models or items, and often, stores take deep discounts just to get rid of them.
Most netbooks contain an Intel Atom processor of some sort, which is a single core, but some of the newer processors as of this writing are dual-core.
One website that compares newer models on a rotating basis is Consumer Search.
There is a newer outlet mall in Kenosha - the Pleasant Prairie Premium Outlets -- which local residents often refer to as the Kenosha Outlet Mall.
The outlet mall was enclosed and slowly fell out of favor with Kenosha shoppers in light of newer outdoor facilities such as Pleasant Prairie Premium Outlets, before it was demolished in 1996.
The newer standard, 802.11ac, is meant to be even faster than 802.11n and offers an even wider coverage area.
All surgeries come with risks, but there are some impressive advantages to using this newer laser method.
Recovery from a declawing is said to be painful for cats, although proponents of the laser surgical method claim that this newer procedure reduces pain and speeds recovery time.
Books for babies range from classics to newer publications.
Many of the titles are classics, while others are newer publications that are certain to have an impact for many years to come.
While proponents for the classic gin Martini may find some of the newer recipes unappealing, these concoctions can yield great cocktails.
Newer machines have zipper and cording feet that make adding these embellishments easy, and even if you have an older machine, just refreshing your memory on the proper threading order and tension settings will make the job go easier.
One of the newer markets in office furnishings is better-than-used, or products that have been cleaned up cosmetically, or repaired mechanically to make them ready to sell.
Newer styles don't have to look like two large padded shelves either.
They have a sense of history and life that newer versions just don't have.
Newer style platform beds are being used for more than just sleeping.
The light generated by the newer CFLs is of a higher quality than it used to be, generating a warmer light.
The initial bulbs gave off a light that many found unpleasant, but newer models are nicer.
A promising alternative for these solar plentiful regions are newer solar arrays made of individual photovoltaic cells.
Many of the newer models have incorporated noise reduction technology that companies claim make the turbines noiseless to operate.
If you are considering a switch to solar power, explore some of the newer innovations and solar systems that allow for cloudy day usage without sacrificing power production.
Some newer choices you may want to consider are companies that lease the solar equipment at a fixed monthly rate.
Technology changes so much from year to year that using newer appliances can save a significant amount of energy.
Newer science studies and experiment have shifted mainstream terminology and many global warming supporters are revising their opinions on CO2 effects, replacing these with natural solar activity and cosmic rays.
While the newer class of medications to treat depression and anxiety disorders, called SSRI drugs, are better tolerated by most people than older medications on the market, many people seek an alternative to costly anti-depressant drugs.
If you love the beadboard look, but have a newer home, don't despair.
Newer pieces of furniture often replicate this aged look through distressing or sanding a painted top coat to expose areas of the wood or underlying paint colors.
In the big cities, like the fashionista center of Milan and busy Rome, it would be very common to find modern kitchens filled with sleek appliances and clean lines, and in newer Italian flats, kitchens can be very basic and plain.
A symmetrical display with a centered piece of art or a plasma television screen may work well for you - or maybe your room needs to try one of the newer approaches for fireplace decorating.
Newer dorm rooms may be equipped to handle higher powered appliances, such as microwaves and big screen TVs, while older dorms may not allow anything stronger than a hair dryer or curling iron.
While newer tin ceilings may require very little care, older embossed ceiling panels may require more work.
Newer construction homes are usually made with storage needs in mind.
You can buy a simple shower and dress it up with an elegant shower curtain or you can invest in one of the newer steam showers.
The modern kitchen has become the hub of the home and a place where multiple family activities take place, especially in newer homes where the kitchen and family room or den occupy the same open space.
The interest and trend of Tuscan colors, especially the terracotta pallet are still strong, but many interior designers are abandoning this trend to embrace a newer pallet of earth colors that reflect a growing interest in green living.
Of course, this works better if you have a neutral color scheme, but even if you don't, picking a throw that has your colors and a couple of newer additions is a way to incorporate the old and the new on a tight budget.
Changing such an expensive fixture for the newer, flush-to-the-wall style wasn't frugal.
While it doesn't last as long as the newer lip plumpers, it is easy to reapply.
As a newer mainstay Cover Girl product, IncrediFULL can be found almost anywhere.
Newer trends allow for more creativity, so have fun with your Mehndi!
Although, the more matte powders do tend to age my skin, as they settle easily into my newer wrinkles.
It is a newer form of brow makeup technology that involves injecting color only into the top layer of the skin.
In such cases, you're best off keeping an eye on eBay, particularly for those newer men's scents that are getting a lot of beauty industry attention.
One way is by using a wireless network to connect to other players with one of the newer Pokemon video games.
The newer releases are available for purchase, but you can also get older editions of the game, which is good if you have an older computer system that can't run the new versions of Mavis Beacon.
Some of the newer games resemble the classics.
The code has been translated into the newer programming so that everyone can enjoy classic games, no matter what system they were on.
For some people, the question refers to the site rhetorically, as Yahoo mail has fallen out of grace with many due to newer rising technologies.
Yahoo Mail is often criticized by users for having an older look and feel to it when compared to other, newer e-mail services like Gmail.
These cameras are a bit higher priced than others, but that is because they are new and utilize newer technologies.
Some are well known brands which have been producing film cameras for years, while others are newer contenders in the digital SLR world.
This professional photo editing program will especially be helpful for Mac users who want to have more powerful versions of iPhoto's features and who have newer computers that can handle the program's resource requirements.
Place newer items towards the back of the shelf in the pantry, refrigerator or freezer, and use the older items first.
Most of the newer models have an option to sterilize.
These machines are generally in very good condition, but simply being sold in order to make room for the crafter's newer purchases.
One newer trend in the world of scrapbooking involves organizing your scrapbook albums into themes.
For a more contemporary look, you can even try adding a touch of purple to your page.Many of the newer winter-themed patterned papers and embellishments include glitter or flocking.
The direct to parallel method is a newer approach.
If you are in the market for a new ski boot and the Salomon Falcon 9 seems like something you are interested in, make certain that you try on one of the newer models before purchasing online.
Historical dance song favorites, like The Electric Slide, are likely to be played as well as newer prom songs from that year.
New prom dresses are released each year as well, but the newer designs may be harder to find than ones from several years ago.
Among the newer antidepressant drugs, only Prozac is approved for use by people under age 18.
A newer drug called varenicline (brand name Chantix) helps prevent the pleasurable effect of smoking.
Hair follicle testing is a newer method of drug screening that has proved to be very accurate.
Chantix is a newer medication that helps people to quit smoking.
The newer studies were conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Associationand showed that four week quit rates for users of Chantix were at 48 percent.
Celebrity Merch - Here you'll find a few newer autographed celebrity photos like Vince Vaughn and a few older favorites like Richard Gere.
Whether you enjoy classic movies and TV shows or newer offerings, here are some more famous actors of African American descent.
Newer on the market is the all-girl clothing store that just radiates purple, pink and plenty of sass.
For newer converts, choose a movie depiction of Max or the Wild Things in black, white or gray.
For additional style and color, check out Fruit of the Loom's newer collections, featuring other colors than white, and stripes.
While obviously the newest merchandise may not appear on the clearance racks, many of the items that are for sale are similar in style to the newer selections.
Streaming video and two-way videophone are among the newer techniques.
Another option is to search for newer titles in e-book format.
Though newer ships have more spacious accommodations, floor space is limited, and most ships offer fewer balcony cabins than found with other cruise lines.
Newer ships have dedicated children's areas and older ships are being renovated to incorporate similar venues.
The newer ships boast many cabins with private balconies, some of the largest such accommodations afloat.
Larger ships are typically newer than smaller vessels and are not undergoing renovations as frequently.
The newer, larger Spirit class ships have very few standard ocean view cabins but a much larger percentage of suites.
Since the Cavachon is a newer hybrid of dog, finding a local breeder may not be easy.
A newer species is the Chinese C. retusus, which is not so pretty, though its flowers are white and fringed.
A newer kind, Champion, is also grown in the States.
P. fenestrata is a newer kind, of similar habit but with white flowers.
Instead of the old styled glass umbrella table, newer materials like plastic laminates, all-weather wickers, resins, tiles and slates are popular for modern lawn furniture.
Newer methods do not use the same harsh chemicals that caused concerns years ago, but still many gardeners prefer to avoid pressure treated wood altogether.
Their newer material can be a little bit trickier to play, so if you're looking for easy, look chronologically early.
The newer version, the EVH Wolfgang is sleeker with new knobs and pickups to differentiate it from its predecessor.
The newer Wolfgang guitars can be purchased from numerous retailers.
Newer issues even go so far as to feature enhanced content on the CD such as videos of the tracks featured in the magazine.
However, newer classical music scores are now coming in tab format (or with tabs included) or are being transcribed into tablature.
However, you may be slightly surprised to see comparatively newer artists like Bruno Mars, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift right alongside such a classic band.
Traditionally, there are only one or two basins, but more and more people are choosing a newer option of having a third, usually much smaller, basin.
Suspended tracks - Another newer development in track lighting are tracks that are suspended from a center box, rather than snug against the ceiling - a sort of track-meets-chandelier approach.
Newer track models allow light placement almost anywhere along the rail, although if you're concerned about energy efficiency, the fewer lights used to cover an expanse, the better.
Newer built in linen cabinets often contain only shelving and are similar in appearance to a small pantry.
The fumes created by the combustion process are vented out through a flue in the roof or through a pipe leading out of the side of the house in newer installations.
Felt is more common, but the newer fiberglass construction offers more of a cushion, giving a softer feel to the floor and some give that can make it easier to stand on the floor for long periods.
Don't forget to take a look at the newer double vessel sinks when evaluating double sink vanities.
Newer sink assemblies are more like works of art than just plumbing fixtures, and they can be priced accordingly.
Where older style kits may have been short on quality, newer packages offer strong, attractive doors and superior hardware.
In a newer home, you may be pretty sure about what you'll find behind the walls, but in an older building, some surprises may require the help of a plumber even after you've burned five or ten hours on the job.
Newer varieties are available as a colored compound, like magenta, that turns white when it's completely dry.
Some small and newer contractor businesses may provide quality work at a more reasonable price than a larger, more well-established company.
While mostly inexpensive, newer ceramic tiles featuring customized mosaic patterns can be ordered at an increase in price.
While windows are generally built to last a long time, eventually they need to be replaced with newer, more energy-efficient windows.
Newer brick homes, like those built in the 70s or 80s, feature aluminum window frames which may have discolored or warped or the panes are finally losing their seals, which ultimately results in higher heating and cooling costs.
Newer, good quality paints have lower levels of VOCs, which depending on the job you're doing, may be the better choice.
Replace all of the cabinet handles, install a newer, brighter light fixture and replace the faucet; you'll be amazed at how different your kitchen will look.
One way to tell a vintage crystal jewelry box from the newer ones, is by the weight.
Vintage pieces tend to be heavier then the newer ones.
Some are heirloom seeds that have been favorites for hundreds of years while others are organic versions of the newer tomato strains.
There are usually not many differences between each years' fashions but just having something newer will make it more expensive.
The Seven7 label began in Europe during the 1960s, while 7FAM is a newer label that originated in the United States in 2000.
You'll find many familiar names listed including Avenue, Catherines, and Jessica London, but you'll be rewarded with a whole list of newer stores catering to the younger plus size crowd including Torrid, Feel Pretty and Fashion Bug.
Amelishan, a newer shop in the Germantown area of Milwaukee, has elegant dresses with a modern edge.
Newer employees feel they are part of the team and that other people in the workplace are looking out for them.
Some seniors are not aware of newer technologies and products that may make it possible for them to enjoy certain pastimes again.
It has a newer senior center and caters to the over-55 population with many senior living choices.
Newer models of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines are able to record the number of sleep apnea episodes or instances of changes in breathing.
It is a newer treatment for snoring performed as an outpatient procedure.
Newer technology is making glass a weaker option.
A wide variety of reading glasses are available from the Shark Eyes online page, from professional-looking foldable specs to newer and more modern shades.
In addition to that, you'll have access to some of the newer, trendier styles.
Leading manufacturers in the eyewear industry took comfort and fit seriously when redesigning newer generations of reading glasses for men.
Future expansion is not out of the question, and whenever it is time to get the public's attention, Disney adds a newer, more cutting edge Eticket attraction for all to come and see.
Many large water parks, as well as newer locations, offer water coasters.
Another newer feature to Disney tickets is the Magic Your Way program.
After all, why would someone want to play GameCube games when newer, more advanced titles are available on other consoles?
You might find some great PS2 classics that you can enjoy on your newer system without worries of backwards compatibility and emulation.
One nice thing about the newer version is you can use any of the controllers that are supported on the Wii, like the Wii Remote and the Gamecube Controller.
The newer version, which is available for both Linux and Mac, overcomes some of the hardware limitations that gamers faced in the mid-90s, expanding the game to allow for more vehicles, more variability, and more options.
For example, newer PS3 systems cannot run Linux, but all versions of the PlayStation 3 can be used as Blu-ray players.
Even the older PlayStation 2 could play DVD movies, whereas the newer PS3 can handle Blu-ray Discs as well.
If you decide to purchase this game, keep in mind that you may need to download the bug patch fixes (unless they release a newer version with it included).
Nintendo owners can get DDR Mario Mix for the GameCube (25 songs that include remixes of classic Nintendo themes), and if you have a Japanese Game Boy Color (or newer), you can import 5 different Game Boy games for your fingers.
Others ask for donations, or hope that you'll upgrade to better version or newer products.
A lot of the newer ones also offer pay membership as well as free membership, with pay members getting more out of the actual game.
They are generally available for both the first Xbox and the newer Xbox 360.
With the threat of newer and better consoles, Atari released the Atari 5200 in 1982.
The original Wi-Fi adapter only worked over an 802.11g Wi-Fi connection, but a newer version was released in late 2009 that upgraded the connection to 802.11n.
The differences between the original Nintendo DS (sometimes called the DS Phat) and the newer Nintendo DS Lite are fairly subtle, so the gameplay experience hasn't changed all that much.
New Super Mario Bros. came out on the Nintendo DS and a newer version was later released on the Wii.
For games like Guitar Freaks and the newer Guitar Hero, the controller is in the shape of a guitar, complete with buttons on the neck and a strum bar.
By contrast, the newer controls make use of both analog sticks on the PS3 controller.
Although it took some time to get used to, I find that the newer control scheme is actually more effective for most in-game situations.
For instance, some gamers have found a great deal of enjoyment from newer titles like Most Wanted.
You can download emulators for newer systems as well as arcade machines.
This is slightly more expensive than the original bundle, but you are getting a newer game.
With the advanced technology and extreme graphics that make newer games shorter and without imagination, some gamers want to relive the glorious video game days of arcade action and addicting gameplay.
As technology improved and memory expanded, newer titles would give gamers more characters to choose from, larger move sets, and more realistic graphics.
The core gameplay may have remained much the same as the original NES game, getting you to learn and predict patterns rather than opting for more of a simulation approach, that's exactly why this newer game is so much fun.
This version is not as full or comprehensive as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, but if you don't own those newer consoles, this is all a moot point anyways.
Some are available only to members, some are in newer versions of the game, and some must be acquired by completing certain tasks.
Some of the most popular games in recent years have been based on newer extreme sports like skateboarding, snowboarding and extreme skiing.
Most newer computer systems should play the game just fine, but cross check your computer's abilities with the system requirement before purchasing the game.
In recent years, newer video games started to hit the market that focused on a wider range of cognitive skills.
Newer studies on video games started to take more than just violent video games into account, and the findings were rather striking in regards to the positive effects of video games.
Let's just say anything newer than the GameBoy Advance.
If the gameplay is largely identical to the original, what's new with the newer game?
There is the newer Mario Kart that makes use of the new Wii Remote motion-sensing controls, but there is also a classic racing game that may bring back some nostalgic memories.
It does not seem to affect the newer "slim" (glossy black) Xbox 360 models that were released in the summer of 2010, but overheating was a common concern among all the Xbox 360 models that preceded that series.
Warren Winiarski's Stag's Leap Wine Cellars was the winning Cabernet Sauvignon in the infamous Paris Wine Tasting of 1976, giving the newer winery instantaneous credibility and fame that would overshadow its neighbor.
In this newer and bigger facility, Judy envisioned a big tasting room with a very modern look.
The newer imported designs now include a more European feel, often with the look of a vintage oil painting.
Push and push your retailer to bring in some of the newer and exciting regional styles.
Just to name a few smaller and very intriguing newer regions to the United States.
This type of clothing may be found at vintage stores as well, but these stores usually carry newer clothing.
An aluminum cutter will look newer and cleaner.