New-year-s-resolution Sentence Examples
If you want your New Year's resolution to treat alcohol addiction to work out it will take having plenty of supports in place, along with the will to make it happen; but it truly is a reachable (and worthy) goal.
Monica's New Year's resolution is to eradicate all negativity from her life.
My New Year's Resolution is to take more risks and live adventurously.
If your New Year's resolution to quit smoking failed last year (or even the year before that) don't give up; with support this can be the year you succeed in quitting smoking.
Your New Year's resolution to quit smoking is such an amazing step in the right direction.
Quitting smoking is a great New Year's resolution and if you follow the plans above this can be the year you succeed.
Thus, a New Year's resolution to treat alcohol addiction (before it results in many of the above issues) is a smart and healthy resolution to make and keep.
The real first step is realizing you have a problem but if you've made a New Year's Resolution to treat alcohol addiction then you likely already know you have a problem and can move on to setting up supports.
As each guest arrives, he should write down his New Year's resolution and place it in a designated jar.
Each year plenty of people make a New Year's resolution to quit smoking.