New river Sentence Examples
During these periods other companies had a surplus of water, and in 1899 an act was passed providing for the interconnexion of systems. The Thames and Lea are the principal sources of supply, but the Kent and (partially) the New River Company draw supplies from springs.
By these magnificent works of regulation the new bed was brought nearer to the town, and the new river channel has an average width of 915 ft.
The main watershed follows a tortuous course which crosses the mountainous belt just north of New river in Virginia; south of this the rivers head in the Blue Ridge, cross the higher Unakas, receive important tributaries from the Great Valley, and traversing the Cumberland Plateau in spreading gorges, escape by way of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers to the Ohio and Mississippi, and thus to the Gulf of Mexico; in the central section the rivers, rising in or beyond the Valley Ridges, flow through great gorges (water gaps) to the Great Valley, and by southeasterly courses across the Blue Ridge to tidal estuaries penetrating the coastal plain; in the northern section the water-parting lies on the inland side of the mountainous belt, the main lines of drainage running from north to south.
In the north of the borough are the main waterworks and reservoirs of the New River Company, though the waterway continues to a head in; Finsbury.
The New River flows through the parish, and Sir Hugh Myddleton, its projector, was for some time resident here.
It lies on a deep estuary of the south coast named New River Harbour, which receives several streams famous for trout-fishing.
Adjacent to Rosebery Avenue are reservoirs of the New River Head.
Before he left school his constitutional delicacy of frame, increased by swimming the New River in his clothes, began to give him serious discomfort.
The site of the manor house is surrounded by a narrow moat which is fed by water from the New River.
Other forciers had been set up, and in 1609, on an act of 1605, Sir Hugh Myddelton undertook the task of supplying reservoirs at Clerkenwell through the New river from springs near Ware, Hertfordshire; and these were opened in 1613.