New-lease-on-life Sentence Examples
Many items that might otherwise go into the waste can find a new lease on life somewhere.
Change your bathroom tile to give your bathroom a new lease on life.
From lip glosses to flattering blushes, pink has a new lease on life when it comes to its role in the cosmetic world.
Such a new outlet for emotion can ease the symptoms of geriatric depression and give the senior a new lease on life.
For many it's the beginning of a new lease on life.
Finding a new love makes the cheater feel as if he has a new lease on life without any comparison to past failures.
Jason gets a new lease on life from a religious zealot.
While many people opt for a direct replacement for their watch strap, it is possible to change the color or design of the watch strap and this is an excellent way to give a watch a new lease on life.
Replacement Swiss Army watch bands help to give watches a new lease on life.
Replacement Wenger watch bands will give your watch a new lease on life.
AdvertisementIn the 1980s, however, Think helped give Franklin's career a new lease on life.