New era Sentence Examples
Robertson Smith, on the other hand, a new era was reached, in which the recently recognized existence of Totemism was made the basis of an attempt to give a 1 Scipione de Ricci, bishop of Pistoia from 1780 to 1791, on the ex-Jesuits requesting him to consecrate a bell dedicated to this object, issued a pastoral letter (3rd June 1784) in which he pointed out that the spirit of true religion was "far removed from fetichism," and warned his flock against "cardiolatry."
With this third Moses (the other two being the Biblical lawgiver and Moses Maimonides) a new era opens in the history of the Jewish people.
While the influence of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha is clearly visible, it is instructive to find that the south, too, has its 'share in the inauguration of the new era.
Its ideals culminate in Josiah (§ 16, end), and there is a strong presumption that it is intended to impress upon the new era the lessons drawn from the past.
In the 16th century a new era began with the discovery by the Portuguese of the route to India round the Cape, and the naval powers of Europe started one after another on careers of oriental conquest.
To begin with a comparatively small, though not unimportant, matter, Pasteur's discoveries on fermentation inaugurated a new era in the brewing and wine-making industries.
The year 1512 marks the beginning of a new era.
The people seemed to regard the American flag as the harbinger of a new era.
He stands at the meetingpoint between the old world and the new era which begins with Zoroaster.
But the wars with Russia and other Christian powers, and the different risings of the Greeks and Servians, helped to stimulate the feelings of animosity and contempt entertained towards them by the ruling race; and the promulgation of the Tanzimat undoubtedly heralded for the subject nationalities the dawn of a new era.
AdvertisementThe Treaty of Paris was regarded as opening a new era in the progress of Turkey.
There was no freedom of the press, however, until 1821, when the abolition of the censorship and the constitutional struggle in Portugal gave rise to a politicaldiscussion that marked the opening of a new era in the development of the nation, and aroused an intellectual activity that has been highly productive in journalistic and polemical writings.
In polite literature the heroic poem Zrinyidsz (1651), descriptive of the fall of Sziget, by Nicholas Zrinyi, grandson of the defender of that fortress, marks a new era in Hungarian poetry.
Starting from these men arose a school of physicians who endeavoured to give to the study of symptoms the same precision as belonged to anatomical observations, and by the combination of both methods made a new era in clinical medicine.
Berzelius hailed this discovery as marking the dawn of a new era in organic chemistry, and proposed for benzoyl the names "Proin" or "Orthrin" (from irpcoi and dpOpus).
AdvertisementHis Hebrew Grammar inaugurated a new era in biblical philology.
A new era of power and splendour begins in 1276, when it became the capital of the Habsburg dynasty, after the defeat of Ottacar by Rudolph of Habsburg.
Now the new era begins, and even the heathen do homage to Yahweh by bringing due tribute to the annual feast of tabernacles.
Duff wrote a pamphlet on the question, entitled "A New Era of the English Language and Literature in India."
The palace of the Ashikaga shoguns then replaced the Imperial court as the centre of patronage of art and literature and established a new era in art history.
AdvertisementA new era in art began in the latter half of the 17th century with the establishment of a popular school under an embroiderers draughtsman named Hishigawa Moronobu (c. I64&- Fourth 1713).
It created a new era in periodical criticism, and assumed from the commencement a wider range and more elevated tone than any of its predecessors.
From 1701 commenced a new era for the Journal, which was then acquired by the chancellor de Pontchartrain for the state and placed under the direction of a commission of learned men.
A new era in German periodical literature began when Bertuch brought out at Jena in 1785 the Allgemeine Literaturzeitung, to which the leading writers of the country were contributors.
According to this method of dating the years a new era commences with every reign; and the year corresponding to a Chinese date can only be found when we have before us a catalogue of the Nien-hao, with their relation to the years of our era.
AdvertisementAt the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, David was carried away by the flood of enthusiasm that made all the intellect of France believe in a new era of equality and emancipation from all the ills of life.
Vikramanka's exploits against the Hoysala kings and others, celebrated by the poet Bilhana, were held to justify him in establishing a new era dating from his accession.
A new era in the history of Saxony dates from 1423, the year when the emperor Sigismund bestowed the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg upon Frederick, margrave of Meissen.
A new era dawned on botanical classification with the work of Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (1748-1836).
A new era was opened by the publication in 1857 of the second edition of Ritschl's Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche, in which he broke away from the Tubingen school and introduced new points of view that have revolutionized the interpretation of the early church.
The introduction of the coefficients now called Laplace's, and their application, commence a new era in mathematical physics.
But with the Election of election of Michael Wisniowiecki in 1669 a new era Michael began.
Poland in short shared in the new era of milder rule which began in Russia.
The thoughts of men were still set upon the near approach of the end, the troublous times that would issue in the break-up of the existing order and the return of Christ to introduce a new era.
Bengel, abbot of Alpirspach (a Lutheran community), published in 1734, at Tubingen, an edition of the New Testament which marks the beginning of a new era.
Lachmann, the famous classical scholar, opened a new era in textual criticism in 1842-1850, in his N.T.
The beginning of the new era was marked by the founding of Phillips Exeter Academy (1781), and later several other similar schools were opened.
The first newspaper, the Onondaga Gazette, was established in 1823; and in 1825 the completion of the Erie Canal opened a new era of prosperity.
Pius entered Rome amid great rejoicing on the 24th of May 1814, a day which marks the beginning of a new era in the history of the papacy.
Christianity had lingered in Bavaria from Roman times; but a new era set in when Rupert, bishop of Worms, came to the county at the invitation of Duke Theodo I.
A new era of government set in when, in consequence of Henry being placed under the imperial ban in 1 r80, the duchy was given by Frederick I.
Meanwhile, on the 1st of February 1817, Montgelas had been dismissed; and Bavaria had entered on a new era of constitutional reform.
During the 2nd century the Campagna seems to have entered on a new era of prosperity.
With the assignment of the city to Prussia by the congress of Vienna in 1815 a new era of prosperity began.
The year 1878, which saw the end of a most disastrous famine, may be considered as the commencement of a new era as regards irrigation.
Under these popes a new era began for the church, anc - in thus reforming the Papacy Henry III.
The French Revolution was hailed by many of the best minds of Germany as the opening of a new era.
The foundation of the empire in 1871 begins a new era in the history of Germany.
This is generally spoken of as the beginning of a new era.
A new era dawned after Otto the Great was elected German king in 936, and it is Otto rather than Charlemagne who must be regarded as the real founder of Austria.
The reign of Ismail (q.v.), from 1863 to 1879, was for a while hailed as introducing a new era into modern Egypt.
The overwhelming Liberal and Labour victory at the general election of 1906 began a new era in the fortunes of the party, and Lord Rosebery's individuality once more sank back from any position of prominence in regard to its new programme.
His energetic and at the same time systematic tactics inaugurated a new era of mountain warfare.
From 1840 to 1860 the enterprise made slow progress; but since the latter date it has spread with great rapidity along the whole line of the Western Ghats, clearing away the primeval forest, and opening a new era of prosperity to the labouring classes.
From that date commences a new era of war and conquest, which may be said to have lasted for twenty years.
Under Alphonso, surnamed "the Magnanimous," Sicily was once more united to Naples and a new era was inaugurated, for the king was at once a brilliant ruler, a scholar and a patron of letters.
The note struck first in the Walnut Street penitentiary began a new era in prison treatment, and the methods adopted were destined to extend over the whole world.
At last our time has come, and God has brought you the new era.
That year is really the beginning of the new era.
It was Zeno, the controversialist of the Eleatic school, who was regarded in after times as the " discoverer " of dialectic.3 Zeno's amazing skill in argumentation and his paradoxical conclusions, particular and general, inaugurate a new era.
It is in the logic of judgment that Herbart inaugurates a new era.
Men thought they were witnessing the dawn of a new era in the East; Mehemet Ali was hailed as the most beneficent and enlightened of princes; and political philosophers like Jeremy Bentham, who sent him elaborate letters of good advice, thought to find in him the means for developing their theories in virgin soil.
Western Europe was taken out of the imperial mould and broken up. This is a revolution of sufficient magnitude to be regarded as politically the opening of a new era.
The real change in attitude which marks the dawn of a new era came in the generation of Voltaire.
The voyages of Columbus and Vespucci of to America, the rounding of the Cape by Diaz and the discovery of the sea road to India by Vasco da Gama, Cortes's conquest of Mexico and Pizarro's conquest of Peru, marked a new era for the human race and inaugurated the modern age more decisively than any other series of events has done.
The foundation of Lampeter College was one of the earliest signs of a new era of revived vigour and better government within the Church, although it was not till 1870 that, by Mr Gladstone's appointment of Dr Joshua Hughes to the see of St Asaph, the special claims of the Welsh Church were officially recognized, and the old Elizabethan policy was one more reverted to after a lapse of nearly two hundred years.
The Riksdag which assembled in Stockholm in October 1680 begins a new era of Swedish history.
A new era of scientific exploration began in 1868, while Norwegian seahunters brought in valuable geographical information.
From this date a new era in the history of Delhi began.
His advent marks a new era in English political life, the age of public opinion, created indeed by the circumstances of the time, but powerfully fostered and accelerated by him.
It suited the promoters of that movement to pretend that they started a new era.
His editions of Icelandic classics (1858-68), Biskopa Sogur, Bardar Saga, Forn Sbgur (with Mobius), Eyrbyggia Saga and Flateyar-bok (with Unger) opened a new era of Icelandic scholarship, and can only fitly be compared to the Rolls Series editions of chronicles by Dr Stubbs for the interest and value of their prefaces and texts.
With the beginning of railway construction (about 1847), however, a new era was opened.
St Vincent de Paul is considered to have begun the new era with his institution of " Sisters of Charity " in 1634.
When Sybil was written a long historic day was ending in England, a new era beginning; and no eyes saw so clearly as Disraeli's the death of the old day, the birth of the new, or what and how great their differences would be.
With the recovery of Babylonian independence under Nabopolassar a new era of architectural activity set in, and his son Nebuchadrezzar made Babylon one of the wonders of the ancient world.
When, in the third quarter of the igth century, spectrum analysis was applied to the light coming to us from the heavenly bodies, a new era in astronomical science was opened up of such importance that the body of knowledge revealed by this method has sometimes been termed the "new astronomy."
His arrival in Panama marked a new era in the construction of the canal.
A new era began in 1106 when Lothair, count of Supplinburg, became duke of Saxony.
This brilliant event was milestone marking the Advent of a new era for SGI and a fitting tribute to round out its tenth year.
It looked as if such thinkers were inaugurating a new era.
Afghanistan has entered a new era of hope " .
In this regard, I would like to propose the concept of shared or mutual value-creation as a behavioral norm for the new era.
It uses an industry standard fully perforated drum which signals a new era in the choice of coating machines.
He inherited the English throne in 1603, which opened a new era for Scotland.
But the new era of digital services is proving much more unruly.
Though the battle between the two vessels was indecisive, its effect was to "neutralize" the "Merrimac," which had caused great alarm in Washington, and to prevent the breaking of the Federal blockade at Hampton Roads; in the history of naval warfare it may be regarded as marking the opening of a new era - the era of the armoured warship. On the 3rd of February 1865 near Fortress Monroe on board a steamer occurred the meeting of President Lincoln and Secretary Seward with Confederate commissioners which is known as the Hampton Roads Conference (see Lincoln, Abraham).
The introduction of the coefficients now called Laplace's, and their application, commence a new era in mathematical physics."
The life-style involved partying as much as possible; the music with it 's shimmering guitar based sound, virtually defined the new era.
Gray mesh back with Projekts NYC stencil print on back, embroidered ' New Era ' logo on the side.
Japan is thus ready to usher in a new era with a full Defense Ministry.
Introducing the Muraselector Bought in at the beginning of 2004, the Muraselector is designed to move the wallcovering industry into a new era.
The abolishment of slavery marked the beginning of a new era in American history.
A new era was brought on by the fall of communism.
Video features on baby monitors have brought in a new era of watching over your baby while he or she sleeps.
Visitors loved what they found, and with the opening of Sun City, a new era in retirement living began.
The Sony PlayStation 3 first arrived on the market in the fall of 2006, ushering in a new era of Blu-ray movies and terrific PlayStation 3 games.
Nintendo 64 marked the dawn of a new era in video games.
This opened up a whole new era of video games in the home, including hugely popular titles like Dance Central and Kinect Sports.
Ushering in this new era of Android-based phones is the T-Mobile G1, which will be made available exclusively through T-Mobile.
These Earth changes will precede a new era of peace and enlightenment.
The 1980s signified a new era in more ways than one for Coronation Street, as many actors moved on, were killed off in the show and, in at least one case, passed away in real life.
The plastics explosion of the mid-twentieth century ushered in a new era of radio alarm clocks that relegated the once regal wooden models to storage sheds and flea markets, at least temporarily.
After seven years and copious amounts of research and development, Seiko unveiled the Professional Diver's 600 meter timepiece, which heralded a new era of precision standards in watch manufacturing.
The use of satin for undergarments started to become popular in the 1940s, ushering in a new era of lingerie.
The early 1990s ushered in a new era of music now known a "grunge."
Led Zeppelin's debut, self titled album was released in 1968 and helped usher in a new era of music.
While the highest amount of Mexoryl found in a sunscreen had previously been 20, the arrival of La Roche-Posay's Anthelios 40 signified a new era in the world of sun protection.
The problems of geography had been lightened by the destructive criticism of the French cartographer D'Anville (who had purged the map of the world of the last remnants of traditional fact unverified by modern observations) and rendered richer by the dawn of the new era of scientific travel, when Kant brought his logical powers to bear upon them.
In May 1900, however, very rich deposits of gold and silver were discovered in Nye county, near the summit of the San Antonio Mountains, and a new era began in Nevada's mining industry.