New Sentence Examples
She helped Carmen into the new dress.
Is it something new for the trip?
Emerging from the bathroom an hour later half asleep, she put the new nightgown on and climbed into bed.
The Internet has allowed for the creation of thousands of new ways to give, both time and money.
Do you think Jonathan might feel left out when the new baby comes?
Today she had seen a new side of him.
It didn't take long for Lisa to adjust to her new job.
Scarcity was the new watchword as the focus turned to all the problems of the future, not all the possibilities.
I can hardly wait for the new baby.
Now there's a new word.
AdvertisementHer life was on a new course now, and the future looked brighter than it ever had.
I became impatient at her repeated attempts and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor.
You have much room for this new baby?
Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought.
This was a new side to Brandon.
AdvertisementSome of the money she had saved would have to go into new clothing - and soon.
So, we are told, the New Hollander goes naked with impunity, while the European shivers in his clothes.
Boris was telling his new friend Pierre who the guests were and exchanging glances with Natasha, who was sitting opposite.
The children thought the new game was very funny.
Protect and Serve took on a new perspective.
AdvertisementThe mother sat down in the shade of a tree and began to read in a new book which she had bought the day before.
He still has his labor to sell and can go get a new job.
She launched into an explanation of the truckload of supplies and a description of her new room.
Sammy has a dear new brother.
First I'd have to find a man before I could find a new one.
AdvertisementIt came from New York.
This new baby... it will not be too much?
Sure, he said her lifestyle appealed to him, but was that because it was something new?
It's not new equipment.
The Internet has no central planning agency deciding what new, cool websites should be made.
Both are better off than they were, even though nothing new has been created.
Now, if you acquire an ox, a new source of energy, you can plow more.
A competing company decides to make an up-front investment and build a new factory in a distant land, high in the mountains where residents who choose to live there have less economic opportunity.
Prince Andrew gaily bore with his father's ridicule of the new men, and drew him on and listened to him with evident pleasure.
An American originally from New Orleans, Jim Haynes lives in Paris.
That means that as you get more of them, you value each new one less.
And then technology opens up completely new ideas and methods for us.
Being able to discuss such things with him was as comforting as it was new.
That seemed to be something new.
Both of us were new to New York City, and had few or no friends.
We never travelled much except to come up here to New Hampshire a few times.
Finally, I invented a new Adjustable Post-hole, which I thought would make my fortune.
However, new and improved cows are now able to make milk with more of these enzymes.
You figure out how to make your widget from this new plastic.
The business looks at this new country and decides to move there because, from their standpoint, they can save costs and be more efficient.
What I describe above is using a new technology to solve an existing problem.
Climbing the unfinished stairs she opened the door to the new room and looked around.
From now on I'm going to get a new map every time there's a change.
I assume you're the one responsible for the new look.
For all you gadabouts and tourists used to driving hither and yon, a weekend trip to New England is a piece of cake.
I filled Betsy in on our hosts as we maneuvered the country roads of New England.
Neither of us mentioned the subject since we left New Hampshire.
I think I shall keep this Wizard until a new Sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us.
At present, there are about one hundred new cases reported per month around the world, infecting about the same number of people as die from lightning strikes.
Sometimes they became infected with other illnesses, and variolation seemed to start entirely new epidemics.
Each of those new cells has a new copy of your DNA.
Technology is simply the combining of other economic products in new ways.
She studied her new boss, for the first time completely aware of his features.
She noted the worn but relatively new clothes that clung to his lean frame.
I tried to ask you more than once, but someone was always interrupting and throwing a new kink in my plans.
We were rolling in euphoria when an old friend from my Amherst, Massachusetts childhood telephoned with an invitation to visit her family cabin in New Hampshire.
It pleased me doubly; to show off my fiancée and escape the rush of August in New York.
Betsy and I faced a six hour return trip to New York.
Howie only came to New Hampshire a couple of times.
Now at least Betsy and I had time together before I returned to New York Sunday afternoon.
Now I must invest in a new vehicle.
My wife and I had promised each other to remain constantly in phone contact after the close calls in New Hampshire.
I have a new phone for you, too.
Yully left the gym, feeling as if she'd entered a new world.
Once the promise of this world comes to be, new ways will be created to measure even more data.
In 1902, an American named Walter Sutton noticed that chromosomes duplicated themselves before cells divided so that each new cell had a full copy of the chromosomes.
The power of the Internet and associated technologies we have so far described, combined with our new understanding of the genome, dooms disease to eventual extinction.
So even if no new goods were created tomorrow, we could still vastly increase the wealth of the world by allocating existing goods differently.
This will bring vast amounts of new wealth onto the planet.
The minute we do, the people doing those jobs should become operators of the new machines—and get big raises because their productivity just shot way up.
Some people will have a hard time adjusting to the new reality.
Well, wealth would expand dramatically, and the people who had those jobs before could get new and better jobs, such as managing the army of manure-toting robots.
People are highly versatile, great at learning new things, naturally curious, and naturally enjoy new things.
When I was about five years old we moved from the little vine-covered house to a large new one.
Well, go on," he continued, returning to his hobby; "tell me how the Germans have taught you to fight Bonaparte by this new science you call 'strategy.'"
There were stars in the sky and the new moon shone out amid the smoke that screened it.
We imagine that when we are thrown out of our usual ruts all is lost, but it is only then that what is new and good begins.
What was he disappointed about - the new baby?
Every child feels displaced to some degree when a new sibling arrives.
They admired the new foal and a few other horses.
Come in, Connie, and meet my new boss, Yancey Giddon.
Mom, meet the new sitter.
I recently put a new inner spring mattress on the bed, but the rest of it is exactly as she left it.
The grass around the creek was new, giving it a velvety look.
The goal of our offered summer sojourn was described as a seasonal cabin on a small lake in near Wolfboro, New Hampshire.
His mother pushed him off on us because he stayed up here in New Hampshire because he stayed here a couple of summers growing and she thought visiting might jar something loose.
I asked my mother about visiting the country or a farm and she insisted I'd never travelled anywhere but here in New Hampshire until I left for the seminary.
The vamps we've captured for interrogation have a new technique.
You have a new Natural, ikir?
She stood before the window, feeling very much like a prisoner in her new world.
She wiped her eyes before turning to face whatever new challenge Damian brought with him.
Her eyes had been shadowed since he met her, her own struggle with her new world taking a visible toll on her.
Yet she tried to learn her new role with a selflessness that struck him now as incredible.
She wanted Gabriel to be happy but couldn't bear to see it, not when her own world was still so new and frightening.
He was attending Bucknell University on a baseball scholarship and working in a New Jersey camp for the summer.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
She crossed to the pantry again, suddenly curious about what kind of new, intense flavors awaited her in the assortment of boxes and cans.
Intrigued by the new scents, she began opening bottles to smell them.
Her heart was racing and something new fluttered through her, warmth that pooled at the base of her belly.
Though he always sounded quietly confident, the new note in his voice was one of calm self-assurance.
If anything, his anger melted into the contemplation of a man who had a new problem he intended to solve.
It's a new day.
The new necklace she wore that matched the one she bought for Evelyn glimmered in the mirror.
Meeting his parents, them accepting me, fitting in with the new place, you know.
He spent a few hours setting up the explosive mechanisms and issuing new battle plans for the space war and ordered his ground troops to evacuate the planet.
After dinner Sarah said, I'm going into town to buy a new clutch for tomorrow.
He replaced the necklace around his neck and strode back to the fortress, his new home for eternity.
Being the new kid at school wasn't new to me.
Any new happening outside the mundane assortment of drug cases, burglaries, domestic disturbances or a semi-annual Saturday night passion killing came as a welcome change.
I've a bet with Leland—a night of unforgettable pleasure for him against a new golf outfit for me.
There was nothing new on the Byrne case—just a comment to that effect.
The detectives kidded that the last time she had made an error, she wore stockings and her dress was new.
Norfolk called to confirm Dean's flight, adding there was nothing much new on the case from their end.
Harrigan, smiling as usual, was anxious to get home to his new wife and turned down Dean's offer of a beer.
I'm getting a whole new identity!
It's not a new picture—ten or fifteen years old.
Is it possible to replace all our organs with freshly grown new ones created from our own cells?
In 1916, the number of cases just in New York City was reported to be nine thousand.
These new methods are considered advances if what they produce is worth more than the cost of their parts.
But realize, no new net efficiencies are gained from this move.
But more than that, nanotechnology will create new opportunities that we cannot now see.
The farmers had to learn what it meant to be paid by the hour and to take instructions from supervisors; how to do a task and then the next day, learn a completely new task and do it instead.
In the future, massive new amounts of information will begin to resolve the debate, instead of just adding noise to it as too often occurs today.
He's worrying very much about the new building.
But he was kind and gentle only to those of his regiment, to Timokhin and the like--people quite new to him, belonging to a different world and who could not know and understand his past.
Prince Vasili, who having obtained a new post and some fresh decorations was particularly proud at this time, seemed to him a pathetic, kindly old man much to be pitied.
The struggle between the old views and the new was long and stubbornly fought out in physical philosophy.
I've set up the same old power sources as New Hampshire and I managed to gather up about a third of the same plants.
I drive the country roads, humming my tune, my new little pet safely in my hands.
I set both similar to my New Hampshire test but frankly; I didn't pay much attention to precise accuracy.
We stole one weekend together, remaining in New York, before answering a summons to join the others in Massachusetts.
I changed the subject and opened one of the bottles of wine we'd brought from New York.
I've finished my business in New England and must be moving on.
Betsy and I live in New York.
We would, as Betsy suggested, telephone the tip on our way back to New York.
Somehow, between her and Martha, Quinn and Howie agreed to run a trip back while we remained in New York in phone contact.
We crammed in five sessions with three positive achievements, a new record.
It was nearing Christmas and while New York was aglow, my wife and I were just the opposite; out of sync with the mood of the city.
I was alone, back in New York, on a totally secure line.
I want to get out of New York, or any city.
I'm not sure anyone else in our group was in shape to drive home after our champagne celebration of the scary new life each of us agreed to embrace.
Only Betsy was raised outside of New England and she easily bowed to our collective desires to remain within its six state bounds.
We all liked New England but Quinn in particular, despised the high taxes of his home state.
Connecticut and Rhode Island were ruled out and we began to concentrate on New Hampshire.
Betsy's loving boss presented the most difficulty but she used the excuse her new husband was transferred to New Hampshire.
When we were shown a 1792 restored Inn in the nearby village of Surry, New Hampshire, it was love at first sight.
Martha and Betsy chatted constantly over decorating ideas and their new hobby, scouring the area for antiques.
The new canine member of our family was a happy little feller with a fair dose of Cocker Spaniel in his genealogy.
Our new life in Keene produced a comfortable level of contentment we'd never previously experienced.
Not only were we rewarded by the success of Howie's activities but our new personal situations were blissful.
We were presented corn production figures from Columbia or hafnium levels from New South Wales.
New Mexico and Arizona are no better.
New local acquaintances never questioned us about work and we displayed no interest in anything pertaining to crime or mayhem.
Claire Elizabeth LeBlanc, all seven pounds, six ounces of her, came into the world at Dartmouth-Hitchcok Medical Center, in Keene, New Hampshire on June third.
Howie remained obsessed that he'd failed to nail the culprit and when he heard of this later case, he begged Quinn to take enough time away from his wife and new daughter for a single session.
Betsy suggested we each assign our new identities without telling each other except our spouses.
But I must be ever cautious with my new means of touring about the land.
Merrill Cooms new project, After, got off to a start the week we first met Julie.
This new person was there for the entire week.
New, disease resistant trees are bringing back the splendor of what has been called one of the prettiest towns in New England.
There's less time between his killings and he seems to have used his new found knowledge down the road in Arkansas.
I think I'll mosey up to New England.
They are pleased as a kid with a new toy just to get our tips.
It was summer, a wonderful time of year in New Hampshire and on Friday, three weeks after her first visit, Julie returned to Keene.
Frost, not uncommon in New Hampshire as late as June, was considered by Howie a villain to reckon with.
The child was shy, but seemed excited in a subdued way by the new surroundings.
After all, you're miles away in Keene, New Hampshire.
While he yearned to return to New Hampshire I sensed he possessed a strong guilt, locking him to his mother's bedside.
Yes, Howie was pleased as a kid with a new toy.
Let's go to our house and I'll show you your new bed room.
It looks like he's moving east and maybe will drop down in the states in New York or New England.
All of us are feeling the pressure plus you have a new baby and a cranky husband who isn't helping you a bit.
Lake Erie sits north of Ohio for a long stretch so to get into Canada going east; he'd enter in New York State, around Niagara Falls.
Two kids plotting against a bully, exploring new haunts, exchanging secrets, making up games and building a club house together.
Coming out was a totally new step and one I shouldn't be taking alone.
My name is Ben Gustefson and I'm living in Keene, New Hampshire with my wife Betsy.
Molly joined us, dressed in a new outfit Betsy purchased for her the prior day.
She smiled at Molly who had just finished relating the highlights of her first day at her new school.
He probably thought we'd have talked her out of leaving, or at least into leaving their new identities with us.
Come on back to New Hampshire and get on with your life and forget about history.
The pretty young girl materialized, hair wet and smiling, dressed in a new bathrobe Betsy had purchased.
I used to use Amtrak when I was working out of New York and had to travel the east coast.
There's a new term floating around; crystal ball search warrant.
Our new quarters were in The Pacific Crest Inn on the east side of town.
I arranged to ship Quinn's equipment back to New Hampshire tomorrow so that's out of the way.
I didn't at first recognize the New Hampshire number but remembered I'd given mine to Detective Jackson.
This is all a new fishing hole and that's all these government guys are doing.
There is on one to connect me to New Hampshire though this little group who thought they were so clever hiding in that silly business in Keene might suspect that the one they hunted is now hunting them!
In New Hampshire, I watched as another tried to mimic me and failed while no one even knew I was nearby.
While my new vehicle is far less accommodating to my needs as my precious motor home, now resting in an airport parking lot, this van is satisfying my temporary needs.
The three of us were outside and secure in my new van without further incident.
He's been stalking us all the way from New Hampshire where he killed two friends of ours.
I'll get the New Hampshire detective.
The only ones west of the Mississippi are Kansas and Oklahoma, and Arizona and New Mexico in the west.
All pertained to the earlier tests Howie and Quinn had undertaken together while Betsy and I were still in New York.
My dear, do I have the honor of finally meeting the famous psychic tipster or were you but the helper of the young mother who died so suddenly in that delightful New Hampshire town?
Tears come to my eyes these months later as I pen these words, sitting in the comfort of our Surry, New Hampshire home with Betsy by my side.
The entire business of the psychic tipster has faded rapidly without new news to feed the sharks.
She jumped at the new voice.
Bianca's new world was tiny and white, the porcelain toilet the only chair and the tub the only place long enough for her to lie down.
It was Sofi's whisper in his mind, a new trick she'd picked up from Darian.
Welcome to your new life.
I dug this out of a box of electronics upstairs and programmed it to be your new phone.
Toni grinned, took his phone, and swapped SIM cards with the new one.
He tested his new phone by sending Damian and Jule a text. 911.
Tell him I got a new tattoo.
He said there's a new Black God.
The kid was hard to read, and she guessed his anger had more to do with his struggle to understand his new role than the vamps who clearly had no respect for him.
It'll take a while for you to adjust and for them to adjust to someone new.
He'd gone away for a few months and returned to an entirely new world.
The energies of the things in the house were replaced by new energies coming from the ground.
At the far end of the main floor of Jonny's new home glowed a panoramic window fitted into the mountainside.
She indicated the new bruises on her face and neck.
It will be a new start for us.
He recalled agony, and the darkness of his thoughts amplified the pain of the new magic in his blood.
C'mon. Let's meet your new family.
The accent says otherwise, but I was born in New York.
Fixed him up, and he's good as new.
I'm rebuilding as fast as I can, but it ain't easy finding new Guardians, let alone those who make good agents.
Damian glanced at the new text message from Han before his gaze returned to the small base camp tucked between two ridges in the Tucson Mountains.
We didn't catch on until one of the new Naturals we just discovered was able to track them.
He was losing established Guardians—mostly in Europe—and an entire class of new recruits.
What if you get a new job someday and stop selling drugs?
Damian caught his eye and looked pointedly at Dusty, silently asking if the Guardian had done as he asked and told his boss that the Natural was more than a new recruit.
I'm … new to Damian's organization.
One week new, to be exact.
But you have a new family now, and it doesn't sound crazy to me at all.
Enjoying your new assignment?
It'd been only a week and a half since she ventured into this new world, but she felt strangely exposed without Pierre with her.
She saw Damian watch the new king get his tattoo as a rite of passage, saw it again as Claire made love to the man meant to be her husband, saw it in Isac's vision as he hacked the tattooed man apart.
While she didn't yet understand the depths of her new world, she found peace in knowing this was indeed her world, too.
Truly thrilled about the start to her new life, she folded the phone and dropped it into her pocket.
The new voice in her mind was the same as the voice she'd heard during the chopper ride with Darian.
She hadn't seen her new mate, Darkyn – the Dark One – since he drank his fill of her hours before and left.
She was trying hard to keep her fear away so she could figure out this new world.
You must be new.
She found herself poking the new teeth with her tongue to confirm they really were there.
All conscience effort to think fled and was replaced by a new instinct, the primal need to feed.
Gabriel's biggest mistake was not forcing you to accept your new world from the start.
Letting go of Gabriel was much harder than accepting her new mate.
Take time to learn the new things and try not be so frustrated with yourself.
Deidre asked, her new instincts warning her of an attempt at deception.
The Dean's ages—both forty—and the financial limitations of their new business would make obtaining court approval difficult.
The Deans retreated to the front porch, allowing Fred and Martha time alone, and Maria to her new chores.
When the show was over, Dean carefully laid out his new slacks over the back of his chair and reluctantly went to shower—and shave.
He stepped into his new trousers, inhaling deeply before buttoning them.
His new pa would whip him good, he said.
We're going to forget about spankings and I'm going to show the town my new cool pants while we all go to dinner.
Fred O'Connor, dressed to the nines in a dapper suit, pink shirt, bow tie and sporting a boutonniere, asked Dean if his iron was broken when he took one look at his stepson's new but wrinkled slacks.
The time is two hours later in New Jersey.
Cynthia would attend the New Jersey wedding—thank God for Visa—while Fred and Dean would hold down Bird Song.
Bucknell was in Pennsylvania, and Ryder College, where Jen attended, in New Jersey.
He wanted to stay in New Jersey this fall.
While the entire program was new to him, Dean realized that if he was running for public office, certain obligations were mandatory.
Monday was transition day at Bird Song, with the arrival of six new guests to fill three vacated rooms, with only the four Dawkins, Brandon Westlake, and Pumpkin Green staying on.
Some powers to be thought that seeing as I'm not standing for reelection, they might as well get the office in shape for the new guy.
Dean was introduced—as the new sheriff— while Fred winked and the ladies laughed and clapped.
Before they could get out of sight, Joseph Dawkins' rental Jeep pulled up below them, cutting new destruction through the flowers.
Bertha and I are a team, and she's a lot cheaper than renting one of those pricey new Jeeps.
Cynthia was on the office phone to New Jersey, doing "wedding things," as she described them.
Fred explained that the New York sister was staying in her motor home at a local campground.
I had enough trouble in New York.
New arrivals and departures at Bird Song were nonexistent as all present guests were staying at least through the weekend.
The entire town wouldn't have been more excited if the New Year's Rose Parade had come to little Ouray.
I'm turning over a new leaf.
Faust wore new hiking shorts that exposed bowed legs as white as winter.
The mine was sealed, a new metal door and padlock in place where the gaping opening had welcomed the Deans two days before.
He wondered if it was Lydia Larkin, the new deputy, hot on the trail of a speeder.
It wasn't a new sight—he'd spent far too many years as a police officer not to have seen it, uncounted but never forgotten times.
Claudia called for order as Fred's friends chatted with a pair of women in the last row, no doubt bringing the new arrivals up to speed.
Dean thought about Lydia Larkin, the new redhead in town.
The telephone lines between New Jersey and Colorado continued to burn about the confirmed August wedding date.
I guess Ginger counted the new eggs in the family basket and skipped back to the hubby's bed.
Before leaving, Jennifer Radisson explained that Josh had learned of Edith's new address in California—perhaps through some common friend—and had written his teenage sweetheart.
A Chicago update—nothing new—followed a New Jersey wedding plans update.
Fred returned early and was informed of the new developments.
Martha, dressed exactly as she had been when she'd left, clutched her new suitcase while the barest hint of a smile graced her pretty face.
Did you learn anything new at the library?
Fred O'Connor and David Dean kept close tabs on the New Jersey nuptials via telephone.
Besides, it would mess up your nice new uniform.
You forget your new place.
A new emotion formed.
It was a new one, recently made by the Ancient Immortal that Gabriel hired to help, indicating another of his dealers had defected.
An understanding was not worth acknowledging and definitely not binding to the new Dark One.
He looked around, furious at Darkyn for earning the trust of people who didn't trust him in his new role as Death.
If he does, I guess they've got to create a new plan.
Muscular and dark-skinned, Tamer was hunched over the table in the center of the room, putting the final magic touches on a new compass.
Of course, it was possible that Darkyn combined the souls into Deidre's new body, after raising her from the dead-dead.
If souls can get out, maybe we found a new way in.
He shook his head and pulled out a new sweater.
Sometimes, he thought there was none of the human left at all, just an incarnated goddess whose fascination with her new world extended to him.
The changes in his mate were new enough to startle him sometimes, but she was without a doubt his mate.
Just when he thought things were going well and they spent the night making love and talking, he woke up in a new nightmare.
It was a new kind of sense, one he'd never experienced before.
Yet Jonathan had adjusted quickly to his new family.
While her car was in the shop getting a new back window, Carmen drove a rental car.
Maybe this new Alex was the one she would spend the rest of her life with.
Was that something new, or had he been that way all along – even before he opened his eyes?
This new method was like being intimate with a stranger.
His new schedule often sent him to bed early and kept him there until the last moment.
Brushing her hair until it shined, she put her clothes on over the new underwear and headed for the kitchen to start supper.
In fact, the entire design of the living area was more open and roomy than the new log home where they now lived.
Was something bothering him or was this new sleep pattern now the normal for him?
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
Maybe you need a new surgeon.
They were in the middle of the desert in New Mexico.
His gaze took in the new wall they'd installed after the last one was destroyed by his best friend, Rhyn.
The strange energy hummed through her again, and she became aware of new sensations she'd never noticed with anyone else.
His next kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to new heights of awareness.
He looked around in disapproval at the disaster that remained of the new gym.
When you ignored my second summons, you forced me to make a choice and start off a new chain of events.
The original was put together with magic, and I managed to do the same with the new one.
There might be some sort of … Gabe grabbed the new one, and the face flared to life.
The new world seemed less scary in daylight.
She did a few more breathing exercises until she felt ready to step outside her room to face the new world.
Why am I … stuck in this new reality?
He carried her things inside without hesitation, lugging everything to her new room.
Rhyn is supposed to find the basement angels new homes.
You'd have to find them a new home in a few months anyway, when I die.
I guess at least he'll be able to get a new mate in a few months.
Gabriel stripped out of his pants and pulled on the new ones before striding back to the pile of the rest of his things.
I wasn't prepared for what that meant, just like I wasn't prepared for my new duties.
I'm liking this new Gabe.
Every time she learned a new one, her life went to shit.
What if I made you a new deal?
The idea of this being my new reality terrifies me.
Landon appeared at once, and Gabriel waited for his new second-in-command to join him.
Deidre accepted his hand and let him take her into a new part of the Immortal world.
You let me see my Gabriel in a whole new light.
Gabriel dwelled on this new information.
He would stay in this holding cell on the outskirts of Hell until Sasha figured out some new grueling punishment.
You get a new one every eighty years or something?
Buy assassinations, like he was ordering a new couch for his study.
And you randomly assign him new moms every few dozen years and then send Gabriel to pick them off at the end.
A new terror filled her.
New clothes had never felt so nice, even if they were used!
She considered the new possibility.
I'm showing a new member to her room.
She selected a few items, enough to get her through a few days in the new world.
You're that new, aren't you?
Hot pain slid through him as his body contorted into the new form.
Suddenly, she feared a new fate.
In Hell, the Immortal Jade, formerly the most trusted lieutenant to the leader of the Council That Was Seven, looked around his new bedchamber with a shiver.