Never Sentence Examples
I've never thought about it before.
I never saw such small pigs before.
I've never heard him.
They had never been anywhere else overnight together.
He might never say anything to Jonathan about it, but Jonathan would know in other ways how he felt.
I never would have guessed.
I never thought I could do it.
Still, as a child she had never thought about it.
He spoke of the birds as his little brothers of the air, and he could never bear to see them harmed.
Twenty-five years ago, I had never seen a mobile phone.
AdvertisementI wish we had never come here.
But never had she felt so grieved for him or so much afraid of losing him.
Never have I found in the greenhouses of the North such heart-satisfying roses as the climbing roses of my southern home.
Alex had never mentioned him.
That last evening was so delightful that the boy will never forget it as long as he lives.
AdvertisementThat is never bad.
I doubt that... but you never know.
She went quickly over uninteresting details, and never nagged me with questions to see if I remembered the day-before-yesterday's lesson.
He had never gone beyond the beautiful gardens that surrounded his father's palace.
They admired the book very much, for they had never seen anything like it.
AdvertisementI never thought of him as being anything else but a salesman until I saw him tonight, but he seems so... comfortable now.
It was the middle of the day, and Alex never took a nap.
He never even said goodbye.
She is never still a moment.
Princess Mary could not quite make out what he had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender caressing word such as he had never used to her before.
AdvertisementHis father died shortly after Alex was born, so I never met either of them.
Alex would never cheat - not on someone he respected and admired more than anyone he knew.
Other than the one time he had lost his temper with her, she had never known him to be anything but gentle.
I never meant to hurt you.
They had never heard of Chilon, for his name was hardly known outside of his own country.
She would never have considered back-talking her parents.
You never see it coming.
I never realized what a wonderful people the Japanese are until I saw their most interesting exhibit.
Miss Keller will never be able, I believe, to speak loud without destroying the pleasant quality and the distinctness of her words, but she can do much to make her speech clearer.
Alex was uneasy because he and his biological father had never seen eye to eye.
Our greatest Champion, Overman-Anu, once climbed the spiral stairway and fought nine days with the Gargoyles before he could escape them and come back; but he could never be induced to describe the dreadful creatures, and soon afterward a bear caught him and ate him up.
It was a good place for a fly, and I never thought of spoiling your picture.
They will take time to write a great big forum post just for you, a total stranger they will never meet.
Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow.
He's never done that before.
Say you never saw him...
Those things were never necessary for prosperity and even less so in the Internet age.
Never would she have guessed such a lavish home existed in these rustic mountains.
I never realized how lonely my mother was until you came.
I've never had a maid.
A body could get lost out here and never be found.
If there had been discord between her parents, she had never seen any indication.
I never asked you to.
I'm doing this once but never again.
This aunt I never met... or maybe I did but don't know it... she thinks I'm like practically a priest and she wants me to do all this stuff at the memorial service, for our side of the family!
Yes, I've sinned as I'm sure you know but I never ever harmed any young lady the way poor Annie was mutilated.
While I followed them shopping I never imagined I'd be allotted the opportunity accomplish a daring strike so successfully and leave without a trace!
I wish I'd never started it!
A realization he'd never touch them again didn't dispel the feeling I was prying into his world.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
That level of agony was something she never wanted to go through again.
But it was never noticed that they became very warm friends, for all of that.
I can never tell you how much pleasure they have given us.
Perhaps you never got that letter.
Maybe they thought she never knew.
Strange, it had never seemed lonely here before.
Never in her life had she done anything so brazen.
While she would never have described her parents as over-protective, their devotion to their children was never in doubt.
But then so was the scream of a mountain lion, and she had never seen one of those, either.
It never occurred to her that he might be embarrassed when he found out.
You always liked living on the edge, but you've never been so impulsive.
I keep telling him that as long as he gives her money, she'll never get out of trouble, but he just says she's the only sister he has and he has the money.
In fact, they held a tenderness she had never seen.
No wonder they never got mail.
I never meant to make you feel that way.
Reason said if she left now, there would never be a solid relationship.
I knew he and Lisa had dated for a long time, and I knew they had a falling out, but I never thought he'd try to hurt her physically.
He never even looked up.
Last time we talked, you sounded like you never wanted to see me again.
That wasn't the point she was trying to make, but maybe a man would never understand what she was talking about.
There was something familiar about that face, yet she was certain she had never met him before.
Now there's a sight I thought I'd never live to see - someone hitching up your wagon while you're fixin' breakfast.
After that she would never see him again.
The confusion was partly due to the fact that everything was happening so fast and partly because she had never responded to a man that way before.
Marriage should be based on trust, and I'll never trust a man.
Would he never give up?
Everyone was supposed to ride out in a different direction, but Bordeaux never left her side.
We waved but he never stopped to say good bye.
If she hadn't been there in his arms only minutes ago, she never would have guessed he had been so aroused.
Anyway, he had never indicated any special feeling for her.
I was never interested in the ranch itself.
I always swore I'd never...
I never meant to push myself on you in the first place.
He wasn't the first man she had kissed and she had never considered herself promiscuous with other men.
Never the less, it was bizarre.
I've seen a lot of places and people in these visions but never anyone I knew.
I'd never experienced my wife being so upset.
I'd never noticed the camping area the rear when I'd come down to watch some serious softball.
I was still skating with Brennan and never came out and said Howie, whom I referred to by name, was the tipster.
We never saw them.
I'd never stop crying if I had to leave.
I never did find out what Howie told Detective Jackson but whatever was said, it put Jackson in a tizzy.
I had opted not to call ahead but according to Daniel Brennan, Humphries lived at his mission and almost never left.
They say in all the manuals I never should do this on the phone but you deserve to be the first to know.
She never got out of bed.
Perhaps most were unsuccessful but the settings were never the less still recorded.
We never had much luck going back to a specific time that long ago.
Calling names never accomplished a thing, sir.
Never the less, I forewarned Molly and she accepted the situation bravely.
Frequent breaks were absolutely necessary and exhaustion was a never ending condition.
You must also never harm another.
She'd never seen him so upset in all the years she'd known him.
He'd never thought twice of his mortality-- he had none.
Czerno would never let her go.
Never can tell where.
He never offered financial support, and though he claimed to want to see his daughter, visits never came to fruition.
Jennifer never saw her natural father face-to-face and gave the impression she didn't give a flip.
The people of Corinth never grew tired of praising his sweet music.
And Robert the Bruce was never again obliged to hide in the woods or to run from savage hounds.
I thought of the big fire in the queen's kitchen, and knew that the cook would never allow a half-drowned child to be carried into that fine place.
We never count our fish before they are caught.
When Jenner did variolations on milkmaids who had had cowpox, they never came down with smallpox.
I might enjoy that kind of banter with a real person I will never meet, talking to me from a distant state.
Frictionless coatings that never wear out in machines that last for centuries.
Imagine if all the people with boring, dead-end machine jobs were told they never had to work another day in their life at a job they did not like.
While the right thing to do is never to drive drunk, be a smoker, or be a racist, occasionally war is the right thing to do.
In Othello is a character named Iago, an evil man who never does anything illegal himself but is always planting ideas in other people's minds, to get them to do his dirty work.
If they had not, lengthy epics would never have survived oral transmission for centuries.
I never had patience to arrange more than five or six groups at a time.
I could never stay long enough on the shore.
I never knew even the names of the members of the "court" who did not speak to me.
Whether it comes from the trees which have been heated by the sun, or from the water, I can never discover.
I have a picture of old Rip in my fingers which they will never lose.
I have many far-off friends whom I have never seen.
This wonderful world with all its sunlight and beauty was hidden from me, and I had never dreamed of its loveliness.
Indeed, you can never know all the comfort you have given us.
They look down pityingly on the country-folk, who have never had an opportunity "to see the great world."
I had used it all through my school work, and never any other system.
She has never been taught; but they say she can sew and likes to help others in this sort of work.
There is never the least false sententiousness in what she says.
Both Mr. Gilman and Mr. Keith, the teachers who prepared her for college, were struck by her power of constructive reasoning; and she was excellent in pure mathematics, though she seems never to have enjoyed it much.
He had never heard of "talking-gloves"; but I explained that she had seen a glove on which the alphabet was printed, and evidently thought they could be bought.
She is never fretful or irritable, and I have never seen her impatient with her playmates because they failed to understand her.
It is never necessary to urge her to study.
As we had never seen or heard of any such story as this before, we inquired of her where she read it; she replied, "I did not read it; it is my story for Mr. Anagnos's birthday."
Ah, well, never mind, here you are.
Even Alex never held her so close.
In any case, she would never be a social fit.
She had accepted the idea that she would never know this moment.
If he lived to be a hundred he'd never understand women.
He'd like to believe in good and the happy-ever-after, but that innocence could never be retrieved.
Even so, she had never suspected the truth – the drugs.
It was something she had been told often, but never expected to be asked.
It was something her parents never understood... which was probably why they moved to Fayetteville.
He is handsome, but I've never met anyone with such moods!
There for a while I thought you never would again.
Of course it never crossed your mind.
Yancey had never mentioned the meeting with Allen.
You never pay any attention to anything I tell you to do, so what would be the point?
That might be never.
If she had asked about the building when we passed it, I might have figured she had never seen it, but she pretended she didn't notice.
I would never stop you from going to college or doing anything else you wanted to do.
His eyes held a glint of humor that never crossed his lips.
I've never met anyone who could evade a question as well as he can.
You never have said.
Anyway, I've never ridden a horse before.
Where was the sweet, gentle Brandon who never seemed to be upset by anything?
My father lived to be ninety years old, and he never went on no fat diet.
I never would have figured...
Julia and Rachel never missed a chance to tease her about her nonexistent relationship with Brandon.
He nodded and she waited, but he never took his eyes off the coffee cup, and remained silent.
I never know when to believe you.
Adrienne didn't suspect anything because I never said anything.
Only we really never broke the rules.
You never seem to study.
He'll never suffer again.
I never said you were.
I love you, Brandon, and I'll never find another you.
That way we'll never get lost from each other again.
Even at a distance it was obvious that the man was much taller and he rode with a proud kind of grace that her father never possessed.
He simply went into town one day and never returned.
I guess I never thought about that.
A month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux.
She had thought she could never be coerced, but the truth was, she had never been tempted.
Bordeaux said nothing was going on and he had never given her reason to think he was anything but truthful.
In spite of ample opportunity to talk to him about the twins, she never brought it up.
It'll never work out.
Why had it never occurred to her that the twins might not want to go with her?
Your Aunt was always talking about you, but she never mentioned a sister.
I never would have believed a woman could be so kind hearted and so suspicious at the same time.
I never would have believed he would run off and leave us like that.
I never met your mother, but if she was anything like you, I reckon he thought she'd do just that.
Yeah, well she probably never took a whip to your father, but there's always a first time, Anyway, I guess she was pretty worked up.
I can't promise you we'll never fight, or that I'll never take a drink.
But I will promise you that I'll never run off and leave you stranded.
Maybe it was the fact that he never smiled, or the loneliness in those green eyes.
He never wore a coat and she wondered if he even felt the cold west Texas wind.
Hey, you'll never guess what happened tonight.
Adrena never minced words.
You know, I've never seen Russie look so fit.
Oh, we disagree now and then, but we never come to blows.
I never did understand why Dad married her.
Locked herself in her room for days working on layette sets for the grand children Russie would never provide.
I want to apologize for forcing myself on you and I want to assure you that it will never happen again.
I never knew you thought of me as anything but a housekeeper - an opinionated one at that.
Mary had never been the jealous type, but then, where love was concerned, people changed.
It was a risky thing, lying down on the couch with a man, but this was Cade - half asleep and asking her to stay - Cade, who never asked for anything.
She could leave and he would never know the difference.
How many times had she sworn she would never do that with anyone but her husband?
She had been so sure it would never happen with her consent.
I should have thought about it before, but it's never too late to stop doing something you know is wrong.
Sure. Chet never did hire anyone else.
Otherwise, it's just as well we never see each other again.
Cade never came to visit - a fact that sent her into a down spiraling depression.
He was a reasonable man and she had never known him to shirk his responsibilities.
Until now she would have sworn that he was the one who never expressed his feelings.
I swear, I never intended for things to go that far.
I never said that.
That's why I never finished the form.
I never told anyone, but I avoided getting involved with any woman because of what happened to Mom.
Cade and Claudette might never be close, but they had certainly reduced the gap.
Throughout a difficult pregnancy, he had never raised his voice once.
I've pondered the events of those few months so often and so deeply I know if I don't at least commit the experience to paper I'll never move forward.
It would allow my future wife, who was from Iowa, to view a part of the country she'd never seen.
Why Quinn wasn't voted the least likely to land the school's prom queen beauty, I'll never know.
Never the less he and Martha have four married years under their belts and are expecting their first child.
Oblivious as we were at the time, this meeting of the five of us was the beginning of a relationship that fused our lives together in a way we never would have imagined.
They plead for me, their master, to stop but I never will now that I know what I'm capable of accomplishing.
God, he's probably never heard anyone doing that!
I'll never get to sleep worrying about him.
We never travelled much except to come up here to New Hampshire a few times.
I asked my mother about visiting the country or a farm and she insisted I'd never travelled anywhere but here in New Hampshire until I left for the seminary.
I can sense it and I'm never wrong.
My aunt never said it out loud or even admitted it, but she blamed her son.
How come I never heard about this?
You never sowed any wild oats in my field, damn it!
No, and I've never really cheated on Quinn, so don't bother to ask.
You were hopping in bed with everyone back then and you never gave me a second look.
I never discovered the name of the town.
He's never out more than ten to twenty minutes at a time and three or four sessions make a heavy day.
I've never been so frightened in my life.
I have this gift I never asked for but it's like I have an obligation to utilize it.
Two for three was never the less remarkable.
She recognized this trait and would accept rules she herself would never be able to make.
Nightmares persist with the dogs of the law in never ending pursuit.
These Carolina country fools never lock their doors making it so easy it's scarcely a challenge.
Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.
I never considered staying home and raising my child.
I'd never killed an adult before tonight but he deserved to die.
I'd never drive with my own plates when I'm on the prowl for little people.
We knew some of our tips never came to fruition simply because authorities lacked the probable cause to arrest the perpetrator.
Previously, he'd carefully planned his abductions and never came close to getting caught.
Our new life in Keene produced a comfortable level of contentment we'd never previously experienced.
I'm too nervous to stop in this horrid state where it never ceases raining.
A curse on the lot of them, especially the state of Texas where the roads never end.
New local acquaintances never questioned us about work and we displayed no interest in anything pertaining to crime or mayhem.
I'll never tell her that.
She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha's candor though the two continued to be best of friends.
The line had never been used.
He never mastered the ability to run.
She began to cry; something my wife almost never does.
Howie would never ask Quinn himself; as always seeking one of us as a go-between.
He never questioned if Julie knowledge presented any kind of threat.
I've never flown before.
As she'd never even visited an airport much less flown, frequent traveler Betsy carefully told her the dos and don'ts while she printed her boarding pass.
You never did understand, Ben.
You don't want to do this; you never cheated on Quinn; you told me so.
She told me one time; she'd never cheated on Quinn.
He never got around to the guy who tried to enter Ethel Reagan's apartment.
I never shot a gun in my life.
Did I trust this man I'd never met, enough to hand over all our identities?
He claims he never hurt anyone seriously and the case file seems to bear him out.
Naw. He said Julie never talks about that old stuff and my guess is he doesn't want to open a can that might be messy.
I never made a speech or a sermon... at least one I remember.
Half the services I've been to, the presiding reverend never met the deceased and still managed to say something nice.
The house sits on a slight rise, at the end of a long driveway and I had never visited at night.
Never in my twenty-nine years of white bread life had I encountered anything remotely similar to the fear I felt as that knife pressed in me.
I've never been to Missouri and I don't know anyone from there.
I never got the chance to pick up his.
The best I can figure, he never left California before his arrest so that's where I'm concentration.
God, I knew all this would end someday but I never dreamed it would feel so empty.
It would be our secret; how we started, how we were a party to something that never happened before in history, and probably never will again; what we did and why; just the five of us.
While he never owned up to it, Betsy and I knew he retained records of ventures into the deeper past, where Howie refused to go.
We told stories, sang songs, laughed and almost never tolerated silence.
Or I'll never leave Hell.
He's never hurt me.
That path lies in a direction I never would've expected.
If Darkyn didn't want you, he never would've let that mark form on you.
You never said it was this far.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
She never wanted children.
He never glanced back.
I never thought it would go this far.
Why had she never considered how difficult it had been for Lori?
And yet, he had never been vindictive toward Alex.
She never mentioned Lori or the man who had stabbed him – or anything else unpleasant.
He might never wake up, and if he did, he might be a vegetable the rest of his life.
Apparently the man had never entered the house and no damage was done.
What if Alex never woke up?
Some people never knew what they had until they lost it.
I've never given him any reason to think anything like that, and I don't think I have any reason to apologize for having morals.
Of course, she had never been able to read the expressions on his face.
What will you do if he never gets better?
It was no big deal for her, and Alex would probably never know.
Yet it had never happened before.
In the time that he had been home, he never asked about the man who stabbed him, nor the situation with Lori.
He never had a problem with it before, She defended.
I've never worn a bikini in my life.
I've never teased him.
Well, he's never been stabbed before.
It had never been necessary to tease him to get him aroused.
When she modeled them in front of the mirror, they did things to her figure she never would have guessed.
Never would she have thought that a push up bra was necessary with ample firm breasts, but they swelled from the bra in a way that was smooth and attractive.
I've never seen you like that before.
If she hadn't humiliated him that day as they stood before the mirror, maybe this conversation would never have been necessary.
He might wish he had never asked her to write her thoughts down.
As Carmen's legs took off, she was saying to herself; "never run from a bear."
You never know if it's only stunned.
Never mind... and don't go after the cubs!
Alex might not respond, or he might abruptly end the conversation, but he never dominated it.
We've never taken a vacation.
And I never feel a break or a splinter in the least.
I hope that I shall never do anything to make them careless of their duties.
I don't think she has any special tenderness for them--I have never seen her caress them; but she dresses and undresses them many times during the day and handles them exactly as she has seen her mother and the nurse handle her baby sister.
Doesn't it seem strange that Mr. Anagnos never referred to this interview?
Indeed, I feel as if I had never seen anything until now, Helen finds so much to ask about along the way.
But it hardly seems possible that any mere words should convey to one who has never seen a mountain the faintest idea of its grandeur; and I don't see how any one is ever to know what impression she did receive, or the cause of her pleasure in what was told her about it.
Day after day she moved her pencil in the same tracks along the grooved paper, never for a moment expressing the least impatience or sense of fatigue.
Why, for instance, does he take the trouble to ascribe motives to me that I never dreamed of?
But even then I can never have a quiet half hour to myself.
I believe every child has hidden away somewhere in his being noble capacities which may be quickened and developed if we go about it in the right way; but we shall never properly develop the higher natures of our little ones while we continue to fill their minds with the so-called rudiments.
Miss Sullivan never needlessly belittled her ideas or expressions to suit the supposed state of the child's intelligence.
She at once resolved to learn to speak, and from that day to this she has never wavered in that resolution.
One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.
As I had never heard it, I inquired of several of my friends if they recalled the words; no one seemed to remember it.
As I had never read this story, or even heard of the book, I inquired of Helen if she knew anything about the matter, and found she did not.
I am sure I never heard it.
I was never angry after that because I understood what my friends said to me, and I was very busy learning many wonderful things.
I was never still during the first glad days of my freedom.
Tantalus, too, great as he was above all mortals, went down to the kingdom of the dead, never to return.
I shall never forget how the fury of battle throbbed in my veins--it seemed as if the tumultuous beating of my heart would stop my breath.
It is true, I never assisted the sun materially in his rising, but, doubt not, it was of the last importance only to be present at it.
My accounts, which I can swear to have kept faithfully, I have, indeed, never got audited, still less accepted, still less paid and settled.
Beside, clothes introduced sewing, a kind of work which you may call endless; a woman's dress, at least, is never done.
The sides were left shelving, and not stoned; but the sun having never shone on them, the sand still keeps its place.
Those things for which the most money is demanded are never the things which the student most wants.
This never costs anything to speak of, unless you plant more than enough.
However, I should never have broken a horse or bull and taken him to board for any work he might do for me, for fear I should become a horseman or a herdsman merely; and if society seems to be the gainer by so doing, are we certain that what is one man's gain is not another's loss, and that the stable-boy has equal cause with his master to be satisfied?
But perchance it would be wisest never to put one's paw into it.
I never dreamed of any enormity greater than I have committed.
I never knew, and never shall know, a worse man than myself.
My imagination carried me so far that I even had the refusal of several farms--the refusal was all I wanted--but I never got my fingers burned by actual possession.
I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.
To speak critically, I never received more than one or two letters in my life--I wrote this some years ago--that were worth the postage.