Neutrons Sentence Examples
An atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Control rods are inserted into the reactor core, more neutrons are absorbed.
Germanium-76 can undergo double beta decay in which two neutrons decay into protons, electrons and antineutrinos.
Shields made of water or wax can be used to absorb neutrons.
The repulsion force being caused by the fact that the copper has more neutrons than the water.
The typical helium atom consists of a nucleus of two protons and two neutrons surrounded by two electrons.
Once thermal neutrons have been produced, then nuclear fission may begin to occur.
The number of neutrons and protons is such that the valence nucleons occupy the same orbitals.
Second, it is a potent radioactive carcinogen, emitting a relatively heavy alpha particle composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
These values depend on the density of protons and neutrons, which are collectively called baryons.
AdvertisementSeveral neutrons are also produced which may go on to strike the nuclei of other atoms causing further fission.
This generates high brightness beams of energetic gamma rays, protons, neutrons, and heavy ions.
By 1935 the two men had discovered slow neutrons, which have properties important to the operation of nuclear reactors.
Neutron High energy neutron High energy neutrons can penetrate thick lead shields.
The assumption of charge independence is used to calculate production by cosmic ray neutrons using spallation cross sections for proton induced reactions.