Neutral Sentence Examples
Instead, he gave a more neutral response.
Wishing to remain neutral in the struggle between England and France, he went to fight in Italy.
I guess I was tired of looking for gender neutral pronouns.
The acid salts have a neutral or slightly acid reaction.
It forms glancing prisms of neutral reaction slightly soluble in water.
Some of these have a neutral reaction, others react as feeble acids.
An English army under Lord Grey entered Scotland on the 29th of March 1560, and the regent received an asylum in Edinburgh castle, which was held strictly neutral by John Erskine.
Melanins obtained from tumours form black, shiny masses; they are insoluble in water, neutral salt solutions, dilute acids and in the common organic solvents.
In 1866 Bennigsen used all his influence to keep Hanover neutral in the conflict between Prussia and Austria, but in vain.
The choice of Jerusalem, standing on neutral ground, may be regarded as a stroke of genius, and there is nothing to show that the king exercised that rigour which was to be the cause of his grandson's undoing.
AdvertisementIn neutral, and still more in acid solutions, the dissociation of the indicator is practically nothing, and the liquid is colourless.
Hamilton's impracticable policy of keeping Scotland neutral for long stood in the way of Charles's consent.
It is known commercially as neutral red.
For example, positive iron combined with negative oxygen to form positive ferrous oxide; positive sulphur combined with negative oxygen to form negative sulphuric acid; positive ferrous oxide combined with negative sulphuric acid to form neutral ferrous sulphate.
He was to be neutral in all religious matters.
AdvertisementOf these three types WH thought that the Neutral was decidedly the best.
It seems contrary to common sense that neutral ships should be exposed to being detained, taken out of their course, and overhauled on mere suspicion of carrying contraband, when they are so far from the seat of war that there can be no presumption as to their destination.
German New Guinea was annexed on the 16th of November 1884, when the German flag was raised in Friedrich Wilhelmshafen and a trading company was established on the north-east coast, and in 1885 the two countries agreed to fix their boundaries through the then neutral areas of the country.
The French foreign minister, Delessart, believed that he would checkmate all the efforts of the emigres at the continental courts provided that he could confirm Pitt in his intention of keeping England neutral.
At first Lothair, fully occupied with the affairs of Germany, remained heedless and neutral; but in March 1131 he was visited at Liege by Innocent, to whom he promised his assistance.
AdvertisementThe monometallic salts are strongly acid, the dimetallic are neutral or faintly alkaline, whilst the soluble trimetallic salts are strongly alkaline.
This affair prompted the Ottoman Government to close the Darda nelles and Bosporus against all shipping, a course which caused immense loss and inconvenience to neutral Powers and produced such vigorous protest, particularly from Russia, that the straits were reopened in May.
In spite of the neutral attitude taken by their government a number of the Free State Boers, living in the northern part of the country, went to the Transvaal and joined their brethren then in arms against the British.
Then the deviation y= DE of the neutral axis of the bent beam at any point D from the axis OX is given by the relation d 2 y Ml dx 2 = EI' where M is the bending moment and I the amount of inertia of the beam at D, and E is the coefficient of elasticity.
This factor was the rupture of communications with foreign countries, due in the earlier stages of the war to the limitation, and at one time the prohibition, of exports by neutral countries, the passing over of some of these countries to the enemy, and lastly the blockade by the enemy Powers, which increased in efficiency and made it more and more difficult to import the most essential commodities, until in the end it was almost impossible to obtain from abroad anything, needed either for the soldiers or the civilians.
AdvertisementIt was next necessary to organize the purchase of goods in neutral countries.
The activity of the central boards as purchasers in neutral countries did not last long; it came quickly to an end in 1915, especially after Italy's entry into the war.
After the conclusion of the Civil War in America very large claims were preferred against Great Britain for alleged breaches of her duty as a neutral power; and after long negotiations, England and the United States agreed to arbitration.
It was not timidity or weakness which kept Erasmus neutral, but the reasonableness of his nature.
In return the duke probably agreed to aid Charles in his proposed attack on the league as soon as he could gain the consent of the Saxon estates, or at all events to remain neutral during the impending war.
The mercurous sulphate must be free from acid, and made neutral by trituration with finely divided mercury.
The text is the best example of the so-called Neutral Text, except in the Pauline epistles, where it has a strong " Western " element.
It has, in the main, a Neutral text, less mixed in the Epistles than that of B, but not so pure in the Gospels.
Bezae and in Syr C; (2) the Alexandrine text used by Cyril of Alexandria and found especially in CL 33; and (3) a text which differs from both the above mentioned and is therefore called by WH the Neutral text, found especially in rt B and the quotations of Origen.
The only exception which they allowed to this general rule was in the case of certain passages, especially in the last chapters of Luke, where the " Western " authorities omit words which are found in the Neutral and Alexandrian texts.
Their reason was that omission seems to be contrary to the genius of the Western text, and that it is therefore probable that these passages represent interpolations made in the text on the Neutral side after the division between it and the Western.
Having thus decided that the Neutral text was almost always right, it only remained for WH to choose between the various authorities which preserved this type.
He was struck by the fact that neither the Western can be shown to be derived from the Neutral, nor the Neutral from the Western.
Luke wrote the first edition of the Gospel for Theophilus from Caesarea; this is the Neutral text of the Gospel.
Finally he revised the Acts and sent a copy to Theophilus; this is the Neutral text of the Acts.
It has been approached from two sides, according as critics have considered the Western or the Neutral and Alexandrian texts.
The Old Latin, if we take the African form as the oldest, as compared with the Neutral text has a series of interpolations and a series of omissions.
The Old Syriac, if we take the Sinaitic MS. as the purest form, compared in the same way, has a similar double series of interpolations and omissions, but neither the omissions nor the interpolations are the same in the Old Latin as in the Old Syriac. Such a line of research suggests that instead of being able, as WH thought, to set the Western against the Neutral text (the Alexandrian being merely a development of the latter), we must consider the problem as the comparison of at least three texts, a Western (geographically), an Eastern and the Neutral.
More recent investigations have confirmed their view as to the relation of the Alexandrian to the Neutral text, but have thrown doubt on the age and widespread use of the latter.
Whatever view be taken of the provenance of Codex Vaticanus it is plain that its archetype had the Pauline epistles in a peculiar order which is only found in Egypt, and so far no one has been able to discover any non-Alexandrian writer who used the Neutral text.
Moreover, Barnard's researches into the Biblical text of Clement of Alexandria show that there is reason to doubt whether even in Alexandria the Neutral text was used in the earliest times.
We have no evidence earlier than Clement, and the text of the New Testament which he quotes has more in common with the Old Latin or " geographically Western " text than with the Neutral, though it definitely agrees with no known type preserved in MSS.
This discovery has put the Neutral text in a different light.
It thus seems probable that WH's theory must be modified, both as regards the " Western " text, which is seen not to be a single text at all, and as regards the " Neutral " text, which seems to be nothing more than the second stage of the development of the text in Alexandria.
Protests from other Indian missionaries led the society to determine that it could circulate only such versions as gave neutral renderings for the terms in question.
Destitute of form and idea, it is evil; as capable of form it is neutral.
When the war broke out between Charles and the league of Schmalkalden in 1546 the elector at first remained neutral; but he afterwards sent some troops to serve under the emperor.
The river forms the frontier between Greece and Turkey, and is crossed by a picturesque bridge, which is neutral ground.
In the case of the ship of a neutral power, the passport is a requisition by the government of the neutral state to suffer the vessel tc pass freely with the crew, cargo, passengers, &c., without molestation by the belligerents.
At the general settlement of the affairs of Europe by the great powers in 1815, it was agreed that Cracow and the adjoining territory should be formed into a free state; and, by the Final Act of the congress signed at Vienna in 1815, "the town of Cracow, with its territory, is declared to be for ever a free, independent and strictly neutral city, under the protection of Russia, Austria and Prussia."
It was the profits of this neutral trade, notwithstanding the losses to which it was exposed by the high-handed measures of the British and the French governments, that caused these insults to be more or less patiently endured by the trading interests.
The neutral arbitrators were the baron de Courcel, the marquis Visconti Venosta, and Mr Gregers Gram, appointed respectively by the president of the French Republic, the king of Italy, and the king of Norway and Sweden.
His fear lest Russia should demand a stretch of coast along the Varanger Fjord induced him to remain neutral during the Crimean War, and, subsequently, to conclude an alliance with Great Britain and France (November 2 5th, 1855) for preserving the territorial integrity of Scandinavia.
Neither had civilization anything to fear from them, since they represented a strong neutral power, which made the intimate union of Persian and Arabian elements possible, almost at the expense of the national Turkish - literary monuments in that language being during the whole period of the Seljuk rule exceedingly rare.
Yet secession was opposed by many prominent men, and in North Alabama an attempt was made to organize a neutral state to be called Nickajack; but with President Lincoln's call to arms all opposition to secession ended.
Declared free and neutral in 1691, Leghorn was permanently invested with these privileges by the Quadruple Alliance in 1718; but in 1796 Napoleon seized all the hostile vessels in its port.
At once Prussia requested Hanover to remain unarmed and neutral during the war, and with equal promptness King George refused to assent to these demands.
And now Norway has placed herself under a neutral regime of a similar character.
Thus Belgium, which is a neutralized state, riot only has an army but has fortifications, although by the treaties of 1831 and 1839 she was recognized as a " perpetually neutral state, bound to observe the same neutrality with reference to other states."
The zone between Burma and Siam, established by an agreement between Great Britain and France dated the 15th of January 1896, declared " the portion of Siam which is comprised within the drainage basin of the Menam, and of the coast streams of a corresponding longitude," neutral as between them.
Lord Lansdowne called the attention of the Russian foreign office to the extreme inconvenience to neutral commerce of the Russian search for contraband not only in the proximity of the scene of war, but over all the world, and especially at places at which neutral commerce could be most effectually intercepted.
Government had become aware that a large addition was likely to be made to the number of Russian cruisers employed in this manner, and they had, therefore, to contemplate the possibility that such vessels would shortly be found patrolling the narrow seas which lie on the route from Great Britain to Japan in such a manner as to render it virtually impossible for any neutral vessel to escape their attention.
The effect of such interference with neutral trade, he said, would be disastrous to legitimate commerce passing from a British port in the United Kingdom to a British port in the Far East.
On the other, the complaint is based on the " interference " with neutral trade, which means the stoppage and search of vessels to ascertain whether they have contraband of any kind on board or not.
The belligerent has an unquestioned right to " interfere " with all neutral vessels navigating in the direction of the seat of war, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are carrying any kind of contraband or not.
Berne, being the capital of the most central of the neutral European states, is the administrative centre of most of these unions.
While some of the phenomena seem to indicate that the projection of metallic vapours into the centre of the spark is a process of molecular diffusion independent of the mechanism of the discharge, the different velocities obtained with bismuth, and the probability that the vibrating systems are not electrically neutral, seem to indicate that the projected metallic particles are electrified and play some part in the discharge.
Thompson and others have shown however that they contain both neutral and charged molecules in a relative proportion which adjusts itself continuously, so that even neutral molecules may partake of the translatory motion which they gained while carrying a charge.
He draws a distinction between the lines of the trunk series to which he assigns neutral, and the lines of carriers the two branch series of which are electrically charged.
At the neutral point, when the particles possessed no charge, their stability was destroyed, and they were precipitated.
In practice the theoretical quantity of acid and Chile saltpetre is not used, but the charge is so regulated that the mixture of acid and neutral sodium sulphate formed in the retort remains liquid at the temperature employed, and consequently can be readily removed.
The neutral right to grant asylum to belligerent forces is now governed by articles 57, '58 and 59 of the regulations annexed to the Hague Convention of the 29th of July 1899, relating to the Laws and Customs of War on Land.
American ships were fraudulently transferred to neutral flags.
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
Out of this came the separation into Neutral Brethren, led by Muller, and Exclusive Brethren or Darbyites, who refused to hold communion with the followers of Newton or Muller.
The ketones are of neutral reaction, the lower members of the series being colourless, volatile, pleasant-smelling liquids.
It is, however, certain that nothing would have driven the Provinces to take part in the war but for the overbearing attitude of the British government with regard to the right of neutral shipping upon the seas, and the heavy losses sustained by Dutch commerce at the hands of British privateers.
When war broke out between the French revolutionary government and the coalition of kings, the Provinces remained neutral as long as they could.
But the long liberal ascendancy closed the ranks of the CatholicCalvinist coalition, and united them against the neutral schools, and in 1889 they were able to pass a law enabling not only the unsectarian public schools, but all private schools organized by societies and bodies recognized by the law to receive subventions from the state.
The esters of the aliphatic and aromatic acids are colourless neutral liquids, which are generally insoluble in water, but readily dissolve in alcohol and ether.
The neutral esters are as a rule insoluble in water and distil unchanged; on the other hand, the acid esters are generally soluble in water, are non-volatile, and form salts with bases.
The powers recognized the independence of Belgium, " as a neutral state."
Although he really directed the policy of the various ministries, he evidently thought that the time was not ripe for asserting openly his own claims to direct the policy of the Republic, and seemed inclined to observe a neutral attitude as far as possible; but events hurried him on, and early in 1881 he placed himself at the head of a movement for restoring scrutin de lisle, or the system by which deputies are returned by the entire department which they represent, so that each elector votes for several representatives at once, in place of scrutin d'arrondissement, the system of small constituencies, giving one member to each district and one vote to each elector.
Instead of this the Russian chancellor Nikita Panin proposed an armed league to embrace all the neutral powers, for the purpose of protecting neutral shipping in time of war.
Charles, after trying in vain to remain neutral in the wars between France and the emperor Charles V., had been forced to side with the latter, whereupon his duchy was overrun with foreign soldiery and became the battlefield of the rival armies.
Public opinion in America almost unanimously sustained the act; but Lincoln, convinced that the rights of Great Britain as a neutral ha .d been violated, promptly, upon the demand of England, ordered the liberation of the prisoners (26th of December).
The council of Basel was still sitting, and had elected an anti-pope, Felix V., in opposition to Eugenius IV., while the Frederick electors, adhering to their neutral attitude, sought Ill, and to bring Frederick into line with them on this question, the Some years were occupied in negotiations, but the Pa,oacv.
From 1800 to 1805 it was the sole Mediterranean state remaining neutral, and thus it secured a very large share of the carrying trade.
During Charles V.'s struggles with the German Protestants, Ferdinand preserved a neutral attitude, which contributed to gain Germany a short period of internal peace.
There can, indeed, be no doubt that the Danish and Norwegian merchants at the end of the i 6th century flourished exceedingly, despite the intrusion and competition of the Dutch and the dangers to neutral shipping arising from the frequent wars between England, Spain and the Netherlands.
In these circumstances it was as difficult for Denmark to remain neutral as it was dangerous for her to make a choice.
Great Britain retaliated by laying an embargo on the vessels of the three neutral powers, and by sending a considerable fleet to the Baltic under the command of Parker and Nelson.
Sulphuretted hydrogen, in the presence of free mineral acid, gives no precipitate; sulphide of ammonium, from neutral solutions, precipitates T12S as a dark brown or black precipitate, insoluble in excess of reagent.
Urea may be recognized by its crystalline oxalate and nitrate, which are produced on adding oxalic and nitric acids to concentrated solutions of the base; by the white precipitate formed on adding mercuric nitrate to the neutral aqueous solutions of urea; and by the so-called "biuret" reaction.
They are readily decomposed by mineral acids with the production of benzoic acid, and on addition of ferric chloride to their neutral solutions give a reddish-brown precipitate of ferric benzoate.
Both in and out of office he exercised his influence against an Italo-French alliance and for an immediate advance upon Rome, and in 1870 was sent to London and Vienna by the Lanza-Sella Cabinet to organize a league of neutral powers on the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.
A series of papers written by him in which he controverted some of Thomas Paine's doctrines in the Rights of Man, and later another series in which he ably supported the neutral policy of the administration toward France and England, led to his appointment by Washington as minister to the Netherlands in May 1794.
The mud thus formed is settled out, and the clear liquor, which is now quite neutral and contains both manganese and calcium chlorides, is mixed with cream of lime and treated by a strong current of air, produced by a blowing-engine.
The ethers are neutral volatile liquids (the first member, methyl ether, is a gas at ordinary temperature).
During the early Peloponnesian War Argos remained neutral; after the break-up of the Spartan confederacy consequent upon the peace of Nicias the alliance of this state, with its unimpaired resources and flourishing commerce, was courted on all sides.
He expounded, as a very high authority has said," with remarkable clearness and power the nature and scope of neutral duty,"and gave a" classic "statement of the doctrine of recognitions But the French question had another side in its reaction on American parties.'
Gallium forms colourless salts, which in neutral dilute aqueous solutions are converted on heating into basic salts.
In neutral solutions, zinc gives a precipitate of gallium oxide.
In the case of the annexation of the territories of the Transvaal republic and Orange Free State, a rather complicated situation arose out of the facts, on the one hand, that the ceding states closed their own existence and left no recourse to third parties against the previous ruling authority, and, on the other, that, having no means owing to the de facto British occupation, of raising money by taxation, the dispossessed governments raised money by selling certain securities, more especially a large holding of shares in the South African Railway Company, to neutral purchasers.
When prepared by the precipitation of nickel salts with alkaline sulphide in neutral solution it is a greyish black amorphous compound which readily oxidizes in moist air, forming a basic nickel sulphate.
In 1 7931 79 6 he strongly criticized the administration for maintaining a neutral position between Great Britain and France, writing for the public press five papers (signed "Helvidius"), attacking the "monarchical prerogative of the executive" as exercised in the proclamation of neutrality in 1793 and denying the president's right to recognize foreign states.
During the eight years that he held the portfolio of state, he had con s tinually to defend the neutral rights of the United States against the encroachments of European belligerents; in 1806 he published An Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not open in Time of Peace, a careful argument - with a minute examination of authorities on international law - against the rule of war of 1756 extended by Great Britain in 1 793 and 1803.
In 1836 and 1844 Americans were prominent in the incidents of revolution; divided in opinion in both years they were neutral in the actual " hostilities " of the latter, but some gave active support to the governor in 1836.
The second Hague conference, of 1907, besides revising the convention made by the first conference, of 18 99, as to the laws of war on land, produced new conventions, dealing respectively with the opening of hostilities; neutral rights and duties in land warfare; the status of enemy merchant ships at the outbreak of war; the conversion of merchant ships into ships of war; submarine mines; bombardment by naval forces; the application of the Geneva principles to naval warfare; the rights of maritime capture; the establishment of an international prize court; and neutral rights and duties in maritime warfare.
Krauss also asserts that the manoeuvre would have led to the capture of the King of Italy and of Cadorna and his staff, a statement for which, though furnished by " a neutral crowned head," there are no grounds whatever.
Whiting, soles, bream, bass and other fish are caught in great quantities by the Algeciras steam-trawlers, which visit the Moroccan coast, as well as Spanish and neutral waters.
The neutral fluid could, however, be divided up or separated into its two constituents, and these could be accumulated on separate conductors or non-conductors.
Hence the operation of the positive charge upon the neutral fluid was to draw towards the positive the negative constituent, of the neutral charge and repel to the distant parts of the conductor the positive constituent.
It was then assumed that each of the two constituents of the neutral fluid had an atomic structure and that the so-called particles of one of the electric fluids, say positive, repelled similar particles with a force varying inversely as a square of the distance and attracted those of the opposite fluid according to the same law.
When using iron as the precipitant, it is desirable that the solution should be as neutral as possible, and the quantity of ferric salts present should be reduced to a minimum; otherwise, a certain amount of iron would be used up by the free acid and in reducing the ferric salts.
Neutral solutions are to be avoided because in them silver dissolves from the anode and, being more electro-negative than copper, is deposited at the cathode, while antimony and arsenic are also deposited, imparting a dark colour to the copper.
During the Crimean War Sweden remained neutral, although public opinion was decidedly anti-Russian, and sundry politicians regarded the conjuncture as favourable for regaining Finland.
Its neutral position between Judah and Ephraim gave it an importance which was religious as well as political.
Calcium chloride gives a white precipitate of calcium tartrate in neutral solutions, the precipitate being soluble in cold solutions of caustic potash but re-precipitated on boiling.
In May 1806, with James Monroe, then minister at London, he was commissioned to treat with the British government concerning the capture of neutral ships in time of war; in 1807-1811, after Monroe's return to America, he was resident minister in London.
Boiling alcohol extracts from the root a neutral substance in the form of crystalline prisms, which crystallize in scales from boiling water.
John's father-in-law Charles IV., still remained neutral, a state of war between Portugal and France existed until 1799.
Miguel, who was able to dispose of the vast wealth of Carlota Joaquina; Great Britain and France remained neutral.
The reaction of the media must in every case be carefully attended to, a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction being, as a rule, most suitable; for delicate work it may be necessary to standardize the reaction by titration methods.
If such were the condition there would always be a certain amount both of free toxin and of free antitoxin in the mixture, and in this case also considerably more than a dose of toxin would have to be added to a " neutral mixture " before the amount of free toxin was increased by a dose, that is, before the mixture became lethal.
Under favourable circumstances, and especially if Greece were neutral, these forces, totalling 3 active and 15 first reserve divisions, would be available.
A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties.
But the general view of continental publicists is, that the language of the rules was not sufficiently precise to admit of their being generally accepted as a canon of neutral obligations.
This measure (amended) became law on the 1st of May, and provided for the repeal of the NonIntercourse Act of 1809, authorized the president, "in case either Great Britain or France shall before the 3rd day of March next so revoke or modify her edicts as that they shall cease to violate the neutral commerce of the United States," to revive non-intercourse against the other, and prohibited British and French vessels of war from entering American waters.
He also sketched a theory of chemical affinity on the facts he had discovered, and concluded by suggesting that the electric decomposition of neutral salts might in some cases admit of economical applications and lead to the isolation of the true elements of bodies.
The older view of the position of a protectorate according to international law is contained in the decision of Dr Lushington in the case of the " Leucade " (8 S.T., N.s., 432), to the effect that, the declaration of war by Great Britain against Russia notwithstanding, the Ionian Islands, which were then under the protectorate of Great Britain, remained neutral.
He did not, however, definitely declare for Pompey, but remained neutral, without forfeiting the respect of Caesar.
A little later he sent a protest to England against the commercial blockade and the detention of cargoes bound for neutral ports.
In reply to a note addressed by England to neutrals, asking that all belligerent submarines be excluded from neutral waters, he said that the nature of each submarine must govern the decision.
Quinine of commerce is the neutral sulphate,C20H24N202 H2S04.8H20, which occurs in commerce in the form of very light slender white acicular crystals.
The growth of missionary enterprise in India lent colour to this theory, which was supported by the fact that no precautions had been taken to grease the Indian cartridges with a neutral fat, such as that of sheep and goats.
The great mass of the people in the affected districts either stood neutral, waiting with the immemorial patience of the East to accept the yoke of the conqueror, or helped the natioNot British troops with food and service, in many cases rising.
A similar construction is followed for flat roofs, the grades being generally formed in the girder and beam construction, and a flat ceiling secured by hanging from them, with steel straps, a light tier of ceiling beams. The floor beams are tied laterally by rods in continuous lines placed at or above their neutral axis.
Great Britain immediately demanded their release, and war for a time seemed imminent; but owing mainly to the tactful diplomacy of the prince consort, Lincoln acknowledged that the seizure of Mason and Slidell was a violation of the rights of Great Britain as a neutral, and on the 1st of January 1862 released the commissioners.
They possess an unpleasant odour, fume on exposure to air, show a neutral reaction, but combine with acids to form salts.
For some time previous to 1811 the Kaffirs, however, had taken possession of the neutral ground and committed depredations on the colonists.
It was then arranged that the land between the Fish and Keiskamma rivers should be neutral territory.
During the Civil War the denomination escaped an actual scission by following the neutral views of Campbell, who opposed slavery, war and abolition.
Consistently with his desire to remain neutral, Hale took the engagement to the Commonwealth as he had done to the king, and in 1653, already serjeant, he became a judge in the court of common pleas.
The alcohols are neutral in reaction, and the lower members possess the property of entering into combination with salts, in which the alcohol plays the role of water of crystal O- lization.
Though Portugal was at the time neutral several conflicts occurred between the Portuguese and Germans in the frontier district.
He observed that aldehydes and ketones may suffer reduction in neutral, alkaline, and sometimes acid solution to secondary and tertiary glycols, substances which he named pinacones; and also that certain pinacones when distilled with dilute sulphuric acid gave compounds, which he named pinacolines.
A neutral solution of an arsenite gives a yellow precipitate of silver arsenite, Ag3AsO3, with silver nitrate solution, and a yellowish-green precipitate (Scheele's green) of cupric hydrogen arsenite, CuHAsO3, with copper sulphate solution.
Charles of Orleans being a captive and his father-in-law, the count of Armagnac, highly unpopular, John the Fearless, hitherto prudently neutral, re-entered Paris, amid scenes of carnage, on the invitation of the citizen Perrinet le Clerc.
Meeting with less and less resistance,Napoleon went still further and would tolerate no neutral power.
The name is also given to the neutral carbon dioxide from its power of forming salts with oxides, and on account of the acid nature of its solution; and, although not systematic, this use is very common.
Thus a bar of glass of sufficient thickness, placed in the diagonal position between a crossed polarizer and analyser and bent in a plane perpendicular to that of vision, exhibits two sets of coloured bands separated by a neutral line, the double refraction being positive on the dilated and negative on the compressed side.
On Lyon's refusal to accede to the Secessionists' proposal that the state should be neutral, hostilities opened in earnest, and Lyon, having cleared Missouri of small hostile bands in the central part of the state, turned to the southern districts, where a Confederate army was advancing from the Arkansas border.
The British rock of Gibraltar, in the extreme south of the peninsula, is separated from Spain by a low isthmus known as the Neutral Ground.
Aristarchus of Samos, Martianus Capella (the precursor of Copernicus), Cicero, Favorinus, Sextus Empiricus, Juvenal, and in a later age Savonarola and Pico della Mirandola, and La Fontaine, a contemporary of the neutral La Bruyere, were all pronounced opponents of astrology.
He also underwent much anxiety lest the efforts of Thiers to bring about an interference by the neutral powers might be successful.
It was chiefly owing to the efforts of Tisza and his party that Austria remained neutral during the Franco-German War.
Blaine, when nominated by that party for the presidency in 1884; as since adopted in England it usually means one who stays neutral and votes for no party.
Potassium permanganate in neutral solution oxidizes it to nitrobenzene, in alkaline solution to azobenzene, ammonia and oxalic acid, in acid solution to aniline black.
H represents Westcott and Hort's Neutral and Alexandrian texts between which von Soden does not distinguish.
In the intestine they combine with ammonia and other alkalis present, and are absorbed into the blood as neutral salts, being excreted chiefly in the urine.
The active principles in some of these bitters have been isolated pure, and have been found to be alkaloids or neutral compounds.
The active principles of these vary a good deal in chemical composition, but they are all non-nitrogenous neutral bodies.
As a result the elector remained neutral during the early years of the Thirty Years' War in spite of his relationship with Frederick of the Palatinate, and the obvious danger to his Rhenish lands.
Having returned to Brandenburg in 1643, Frederick William remained neutral during the concluding years of the Thirty Years' War, and set to work to organize an army and to effect financial reforms. About the same time diplomatic methods freed Cleves, Mark and Ravensberg from foreign troops, but the estates of these lands gained a temporary victory when the elector attacked their privileges.
Even after the first French defeats the chivalrous king, in spite of the advice of his more prudent councillors, wished to go to the rescue, and asked Thiers, the French representative who was imploring him for help, if with 10o,000 Italian troops France could be saved, but Thiers could give no such undertaking and Italy remained neutral.
Gum arabic is not precipitated from solution by alum, stannous chloride, sulphate or nitrate of copper, or neutral lead acetate; with basic lead acetate it forms a white jelly, with ferric chloride it yields a stiff clear gelatinoid mass, and its solutions are also precipitated by borax.
Its solution is not thickened by borax, and is precipitated by neutral lead acetate; and dilute sulphuric acid converts it into d-glucose.
Part of it only is soluble in water, and that resembles gummic acid in being precipitated by alcohol and ammonium oxalate, but differs from it in giving a precipitate with neutral lead acetate and none with borax.
Gratitude, in the tsar's opinion, should have made her neutral if not friendly; the revelation of her ingratitude came upon him with the shock of a painful surprise.
All four Sanctuaries are neutral territory, governed by Death, the woman said with a small smile.
They'd trained together on one of the Council's neutral planets and ended up rivals in everything.
It could be a fairly neutral term, but as the editorial proceeds it becomes quite pejorative with many negative overtones.
All tolerate a mildly alkaline soil and partial shade tho they thrive best on a neutral, sandy soil in full sun.
However, it prefers slightly alkaline to neutral soils and does not thrive in acid or highly alkaline soils.
We had thought the archbishop was a neutral arbiter.
To be secular, a school would be neutral on the subject of religion or belief, including atheism.
Ionization The process by which a neutral atom or molecule acquires or loses an electric charge.
One was a new neutral particle called the axion, less than one-millionth of the mass of an electron.
To maintain neutral buoyancy, you use a pattern that results in an average that results in neither an ascent nor a decent.
Any neutral ship not carrying contraband was allowed to go to the port it was sailing for.
Once again, please be strong in your heart and keep a neutral countenance when you talk to the police.
I have already announced our intention to widen differentials on Vehicle Excise Duty in favor of greener vehicles, in a revenue neutral manner.
For example, a simple starch digestion experiment might use a neutral starch suspension in a test tube at room temperature.
Bens demonstrates how to stay neutral, synthesize ideas, summarize content, ask questions and manage digression.
This property benefits from neutral lounge and spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a secluded and very well maintained rear garden.
We will now offset the carbon emissions we produce with an annual tree planting, making us a carbon neutral company.
These were termed Neutral Areas, areas which would neither send or receive any evacuees.
More neutral grassland dominated by tall fescue is found on the more level ground.
For the most popular artifacts such as ceramic color standards and neutral density filters, streamlined procedures give a fast turn-around.
After studying words of positive, neutral, and negative affective valences, subjects produced free associations to various cues.
Carbon neutral Our way of life, transport, production and consumption all need to change if we want to halt global warming.
For this shot, weve used a neutral density grad, a filter which is darker at the top than the bottom.
The three black inks also deliver more neutral gradations in color and black-and-white prints it is claimed, producing more natural-looking skin tones.
These include areas of dry neutral unimproved grassland which are relatively species rich.
Pastels and lively colors were worn, but neutral grays, browns, and blues were more common.
Im a very neutral person and no matter what comments are given it wont turn into an arguement, like the other griffin.
Relaxing neutral colors give a real sense of peace while stylish and creative furnishings give a really homely feel.
Keyhoe's UFOs were always neutral at best, at worst, downright hostile.
It grows well in a good deep humus rich soil with added leaf mold, preferably neutral to acid.
A H I nebula is made of neutral atomic hydrogen.
Neutral red is not only a stain, but also a pH indicator.
Choose a well drained spot; neutral soil is best so add lime if your soil is acid.
Some areas showed accumulation of neutral lipid in fibers that stained positively for succinate dehydrogenase.
The energy levels are set so that the annihilation usually produces neutral B and anti-B mesons.
You may want to low income families be cover futon microfiber in neutral.
Whilst this approach is not fiscally neutral the returns are high.
Unlike the republican ideal of ' civic virtue ' then, ' social capital ' is morally neutral.
Instead we must pursue education as if it is some sort of politically neutral activity.
But at least the Thracians were considered ideologically neutral because they hadn't clashed with anyone in the region.
The predominant attitude among scientists is that science is ethically neutral.
You should remain neutral on the issue of whether or not God exists.
The following summarized findings from the four questions above provide interesting insights into how trade and WTO rules are not gender neutral.
They fear a loss of authority if the state doesn't appear neutral.
The costs of compliance in respect of the threshold is likely to be cost neutral in many respects.
Personally, I think Kev Howitt's past words and actions preclude him from being regarded as a neutral observer.
For organizations reducing emissions voluntarily, carbon offsets provide a means to become carbon neutral.
For example, ACAS mediation may involve the third party neutral issuing a written recommendation.
This forward pelvic tilt also allows more internal rotation than happens when the pelvis is held in neutral alignment.
You are designed to be neutral pH or slightly alkaline, not acid.
The way to use the phantasy is to let it act itself out during reverie whilst trying to be a neutral observer of it.
Because of the lack of charge, the neutral complex isn't soluble in water, and so you get a pale blue precipitate.
The red and black wire either side of the ceiling rose are colored like this for clarity to show live and neutral.
Communists are not sanguine pacifists or neutral on the propagation of such deeply reactionary ideas in our society.
All of these accent colors work well against neutral base shades of creams or shades of brown for your main walls and furniture.
Rather than taking a neutral stance, Thames Valley Police have come down firmly on the side of the university.
For example, a simple starch digestion experiment might use a neutral starch digestion experiment might use a neutral starch suspension in a test tube at room temperature.
The landing and all first floor rooms have been newly carpeted in a stylish neutral tone.
Zinc citrate trihydrate is a white crystalline, odorless powder with a neutral taste.
Cometary Plasma (collisionless at distance from comet) - Outgassing neutral particles are ionized by solar ultraviolet and collisions with the solar wind.
In the absence of an appointed umpire a neutral person, mutually agreed, shall adjudicate.
Where the League does not provide neutral umpires, each club shall provide its own umpire.
If you find such visualizations unnatural or difficult, then your spiritual healing efforts can involve you deliberately holding neutral thoughts about crime.
This compact aroused the bitter enmity of Dr Leandro Alem, who did his utmost to stir up the Union Civica to a campaign against the neutral candidate.
Worked double current - that is, with the tongue set neutral, having no bias either to the spacing or marking side - the relay will give good signals with 12 milliampere of current, though in practice 10 milliamperes are provided.
In Leptolinae the actinula becomes the sessile polyp which has acquired the power of budding and producing individuals either of its own or of a higher rank; it represents a persistent larval stage and remains in a sexually immature condition as a neutral individual, sex being an attribute only of the final stage in the development, namely the medusa.
It had been known long before his time that when solutions of neutral salts were mixed, and no precipitate resulted, the mixed solution was also neutral.
It may be noted that the original sense of "demon" was a benevolent being; but in English the name now connotes malevolence; in German it has a neutral sense, e.g.
So too, many of the spirits especially concerned with the operations of nature are conceived as neutral or even benevolent; the European peasant fears the corn-spirit only when he irritates him by trenching on his domain and taking his property by cutting the corn; similarly, there is no reason why the more insignificant personages of the pantheon should be conceived as malevolent, and we find that the Petara of the Dyaks are far from indiscriminating and malignant, though disease and death are laid at their door.
Rotondi in 1885, however, regarded a neutral soap as hydrolysing to a basic salt, soluble in both hot and cold water, and an acid salt, insoluble in cold and sparingly soluble in hot.
Though Melos inhabitants sent a contingent to the Greek fleet at Salamis, it held aloof from the Attic league, and sought to remain neutral during the Peloponnesian War.
The following year a revolt of the Neapolitan barons against King Ferdinand broke out, actively supported by Pope Innocent VIII.; Lorenzo remained neutral at first, but true to his policy of maintaining the balance of power and not wishing to see Ferdinand completely crushed, he ended by giving him assistance in spite of the king's unpopularity in Florence.
Dalton's idea that elements preferentially combined in equiatomic proportions had as an immediate inference that metallic oxides contained one atom of the metal to one atom of oxygen, and a simple expansion of this conception was that one atom of oxide combined with one atom of acid to form one atom of a neutral salt.
The electrolyte is gold chloride (2.5-3 parts of pure gold per loo of solution) mixed with from 2 to 6% of the strongest hydrochloric acid to render the gold anodes readily soluble, which they are not in the neutral chloride solution.
In addition to regulating the distribution of raw materials these boards exercised other useful functions, such as discovering fresh sources of supply, improving methods of production, etc. They also acted as receiving centres for goods imported from neutral countries, allied states or occupied territories.
Unfortunately, Venice, for her own safety's sake, insisted on the publication of Wladislaus's antiTurkish alliance; the Porte, well informed of the course of Polish affairs, remained strictly neutral despite the most outrageous provocations; and Wladislaus, bound by his coronation oath not to undertake an offensive war, found himself at the mercy of the diet which, full of consternation and rage, assembled at Warsaw on the 2nd of May 1647.
It must not be forgotten in this connexion that restriction of the rights of the belligerent necessarily entails extension of the duties of the neutral.
The elected and still insecure German king at first remained Reforma= neutral; but in the autumn of 1525 the current of tion.
For example, the trypsin of the pancreas (see Nutrition) digests albuminous bodies in neutral or alcoholic solution, and if the whole of that which is secreted in the pancreas for the digestion of meat in the intestine were absorbed unchanged into the circulation, it would digest the body itself and quickly cause death.
Belief in a Supreme Being is vague but universal, but as this Being is good, or at least neutral, he is disregarded, and the native applies himself to the propitiation and coercion, by magical means, of the countless malignant spirits with which he imagines himself to be surrounded, and which are constantly on the watch to catch him tripping.
It has no military and is strictly neutral.
You could, however, help to redress the balance by making all of your flights " carbon neutral ".
Keep the elbow tucked in against body and scapula in the neutral position.
I even pulled to a standstill in fifth gear and then snicked down through the box and readily into neutral.
Both were torpedoed by German U-boats off the west coast of neutral Ireland.
Zinc Citrate trihydrate is a white crystalline, odorless powder with a neutral taste.
Unlike other trivalent chromium compounds, chromium picolinate is soluble in water at neutral pH.
Unimproved grasslands on neutral or acidic soils are likely to contain at least 12 species of vascular plant per meter square.
Story-telling is not an morally neutral, value-free exercise.
If you are having more than one baby, gender neutral may work best.
Paint the walls a neutral color to let the bedding and art stand out.
Choose a pale yellow for the walls to keep the look gender neutral and to help set off the multi-colored accents.
Baby shower block cakes are the perfect choice for boy, girl, or neutral gender themes.
Since these mobiles are so vibrant in design, try to keep the rest of baby's bedding more neutral.
Free gender neutral nursery ideas can help you with your decorating needs.
Our free gender neutral nursery ideas will help you create a baby nursery of your dreams, and you don't have to break the bank to do so!
If you are looking for gender neutral nursery ideas, you may or may not know the gender of your baby.
Some parents actually know the gender, but they still prefer a more gender neutral theme.
In some families, an older child may be sharing a room with the new baby, and thus a gender neutral theme is a necessity.
Whatever your reasons might be for going in a neutral direction, you'll need a starting point.
The following free gender neutral nursery ideas will help you plan a beautiful baby's room perfect for a boy or a girl.
Brown and blue, black and red, blue and black, orange and green, yellow and brown, navy and red, and orange and brown are just a few of the combinations that will work great for a gender neutral nursery.
Finally, there are a variety of gender neutral themes that will work well in a baby's room.
Themed baby showers can revolve around the baby's gender or be gender neutral.
Pacifiers are available in colors for boys, girls as well as neutral colors and glitter designs.
For the top, look for a small pillow with a teddy bear design or choose a neutral pillow and sew or hot glue a small stuffed bear to the top of the pillow.
Whatever your reasons for choosing gender neutral themes, any of these unisex decorating schemes should work for boys and girls, from babyhood to toddler age.
When designing unisex themes for baby and toddler rooms, neutral colors work well, such as yellow, green, cream, tan, taupe and white.
Generally, spend money on a few high quality blouses in classic styles and neutral colors; these will be the basics of your wardrobe.
It should roll smoothly as though it's in neutral.
Play it cool and get neutral carpet if you love redecorating.
As for your own questions, which gender you would bring home first doesn't really matter, although two kittens brought home at the same time will learn to get along much more quickly in a neutral environment.
This clear neutral spirit has no real classification system and may be differentiated by price and alcohol content.
Vodka is an excellent, neutral spirit that pairs beautifully with just about anything.
Divorce Mediation often involves having you and your spouse would sit down with a neutral person known as a mediator.
Don't hesitate to seek out a counselor if you feel that you need a neutral person to talk to about your feelings.
During this process, the two former spouses sit down with a neutral third party to address the issues that need to be resolved during the divorce proceedings.
The mediator will act as a neutral buffer between the spouse and help them to communicate with each other.
A neutral third party may just be the answer.
When a divorcing couple consults with a mediator, they are working with a trained professional who approaches the situation from a neutral position.
A neutral third party mediator helps couples resolve disputes and reach a satisfactory divorce agreement addressing the needs and concerns of both spouses.
The negotiation process occurs in a neutral zone like the mediator's office which ideally helps both of the divorce parties feel more at ease.
The first session gives both parties a neutral platform to discuss why they're seeking peaceful divorce mediation.
If the relationship is too strained for the co-parents to have a meeting in the beginning to discuss all of these matters, try to involve a mediator or some other neutral party.
If you can't deal with his actions and several co-parenting issues are spiraling out of control, you can have a neutral third party intervene to discuss matters concerning your child.
Eventually, you will be co-parenting not with a jerk, but with someone you have a fairly neutral relationship with.
Casual-If a casual look is what you are aiming for, consider using a neutral palette to enhance the look of your Mission furniture.
The deluxe loft is wonderful for a neutral girl's room or excellent for a boy's room.
We can strive to become carbon neutral by reducing our contributions to greenhouse gasses as much as possible and then buying credits (also known as carbon offsets) to make up for the carbon we are putting into the atmosphere.
The liner makes the bottle taste and scent neutral, ensuring that the beverage within the bottle will not pick up any aftertaste from previous drinks.
Finish the room with soft, neutral or earthy wall color and a backsplash made of either natural stone tiles, handmade ceramic tiles or unglazed terracotta tiles.
David made use of neutral colors and outdoor motifs to create an urban oasis in the middle of the park.
Paint the walls a light color or a neutral shade.
You should avoid colors that excite, like bright yellows and reds, and instead go for warmer, deeper reds, cool blues and greens, or neutral colors.
The current trend towards hand-scraped, dark stained wood floors is perfect for this design motif because the rustic textures are a nice complement to neutral stucco or plaster walls.
The best bet is to paint your walls in neutral tones that will go with any future décor changes.
Instead, spend your window budget on solid color blinds or shades in a neutral tone for privacy.
With a neutral tone paint, you can swap out different wall appliqués to suit their changing needs.
Neutral colors and simple, luxurious bathroom decorations are a hallmark of this style.
A set of towels in the newest color can be an easy way to update the space, especially if the rest of your bathroom is neutral.
For this type of bathroom, neutral colors, preferable white, should always be used.
Instead, look for a neutral colored rug available in a natural fiber.
If you have one particular element in your master bedroom that you want to emphasize, consider a neutral color scheme that will complement it.
Choose solid neutral toned draperies and bedding.
Paint three walls in a room a neutral or earth tone and then paint the fourth wall in a deeper hue of the same color.
Or consider using a bold splash of color with a very neutral palette.
Most minimalist houses will follow a strict color palette that is made of primarily neutral colors.
Fabrics should be in a neutral color with very little texture.
Neutral paint, perhaps with a single accent wall painted a different color, is common in minimalist design.
White, off-white or neutral paints are the rule for a modern bathroom.
They are best complemented by neutral color palettes, uncluttered decors and simple, modern furniture.
To create a contemporary look choose neutral colors, lots of natural lighting and modern materials.
Balance the neutral wood furniture in the kitchen with shiny copper pots to create some visual interest.
For homeowners interested in modernisms influence on minimalist home design the neutral wall is ideal.
While a matte white is the most common color, a dark, earthy neutral is also appropriate for a decor that straddles both modernism and minimalism.
Bright colors are also common, although more neutral pieces can also be found.
Distinguished by the reliance on a few neutral colors and well chosen pieces, minimalist interior design is often prized for its clean, uncluttered appearance.
When in doubt, go for something neutral and simple.
Ensure that you invest in neutral colors and shapes then change your accessories every few years to keep yourself out of an interior design rut.
Rugs should be easy to clean and/or a sculpted neutral so that they don't show dirt.
Another fun idea is to use a fairly neutral wall stencil as a border, and then use removable wall stickers to completely change the look of the room every now and again.
Contrary to popular belief, a neutral, safe paper